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<ikwildrpepper> gchristensen: do you remember why build-cores = 1 on the macs?
<domenkozar[m]> ikwildrpepper: awesome work with M1s!
<gchristensen> ikwildrpepper: they didn't work well with higher job counts due to resource contention
<ikwildrpepper> gchristensen: thnx
<ikwildrpepper> domenkozar[m]: bit slow, but happy everything is done now. also happy that we now don't have all the macmini's on some wooden shelves with a gazillion cables around, now it is a nice 18U rack with shelves and internal power, so only 2 external cables (power+network)
<ikwildrpepper> also, bit unfortunate that we can't run nixos on the M1s yet to do the provisioning :D
<domenkozar[m]> what's the total power usage?
<ikwildrpepper> 290W last I checked
<ikwildrpepper> but it building more stuff now, so will check once all mac are full with builds
<domenkozar[m]> ouch :D
<ikwildrpepper> domenkozar[m]: that includes the intel's right
<domenkozar[m]> yeah
<ikwildrpepper> still ouch (according to my wife)
<ikwildrpepper> hehe
<domenkozar[m]> that's about 30 eur / mo
<domenkozar[m]> per Slovenian prices
<domenkozar[m]> oh wow seems like in NL it's double
<ikwildrpepper> yeah
<ikwildrpepper> shall I ship them to slovenia? :D
<domenkozar[m]> I immediately saw that coming :D
* domenkozar[m] looks up excuses
<ikwildrpepper> the 18U cabinet isn't so big :D
<domenkozar[m]> oh I can run it in basement with shared billing :P
<ikwildrpepper> see
<ikwildrpepper> solutions!
<domenkozar[m]> oh but no internet there
<ikwildrpepper> I assume you have 1gbit internet ?
<ikwildrpepper> mehhh
<ikwildrpepper> lame!
<domenkozar[m]> I have 500/100
<domenkozar[m]> mbit/s
<ikwildrpepper> 500/500 here
<domenkozar[m]> oh, it's 500/200
<ikwildrpepper> \o/
<ikwildrpepper> getting ther
<domenkozar[m]> :D
<domenkozar[m]> 1gbit/s is quite hard to handle
<domenkozar[m]> just having all equipment at home handle that is expensive
<ikwildrpepper> 1gbit is doable I think
<ikwildrpepper> if only the provider offered it
<domenkozar[m]> hehe
<domenkozar[m]> well if I could ask our janitor if there's a way to get cables from my apartment to basement
<domenkozar[m]> s/if//
<ikwildrpepper> I'll bring the cabinet over asap
<domenkozar[m]> ;D
<ikwildrpepper> it really should be plug and play
<ikwildrpepper> thanks to wireguard
<domenkozar[m]> nice
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