<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Tmplt opened pull request #39514 → geant4: v10.0.2 -> v10.4.1, download all non-optional data files → https://git.io/vpCRX
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer opened pull request #39515 → Default overrides → https://git.io/vpCuO
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @copumpkin pushed to master « boto{3,core}: {1.6.0,1.9.3} -> {1.7.9,1.10.9} »: https://git.io/vpCzX
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed commit from @ngortheone to nixpkgs-17.09-darwin « Fix root volume resizing on EC2 KVM instances (M5, C5, etc) (#39488) »: https://git.io/vpCWn
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-17.09-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/7aee0dac1f0 (from 4 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-17.09-darwin)
<{^_^}> [ofborg] @Ekleog opened pull request #164 → Make ofborg able to (un)label issues and PRs → https://git.io/vpC2M
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #39516 → cpython: don't use lchmod() on Linux, fix w/musl → https://git.io/vpC2D
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill closed pull request #39516 → cpython: don't use lchmod() on Linux, fix w/musl → https://git.io/vpC2D
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #39517 → cpython: don't use lchmod() on Linux, fix w/musl → https://git.io/vpC2d
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39518 → xmrig: 2.5.2 -> 2.5.3 → https://git.io/vpCVi
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39519 → yubikey-personalization: 1.18.1 -> 1.19.0 → https://git.io/vpCVH
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #39448 → nfs-utils, tcp_wrappers, libnfsidmap: cleanup, fix w/musl → https://git.io/vpnUW
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 5 commits to staging: https://git.io/vpCV7
<{^_^}> → 092a4fff by @dtzWill: tcp-wrappers: rename conflicting variable instead of clearing it
<{^_^}> → 40be5dd2 by @dtzWill: tcp-wrappers: patch up crufty code, fix w/musl
<{^_^}> → d6a6dcc1 by @dtzWill: libnfsidmap: add missing include, fix w/musl
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed 36 commits to nixos-unstable-small: https://git.io/vpCoc
<{^_^}> → 7654f8fa by @xurei: yarssr: init at git-2017-12-01
<{^_^}> → c26bf1cb by @markus1189: logkeys: 2017-10-10 -> 2018-01-22
<{^_^}> → 844c468b by @xurei: postman : 5.5.2 -> 5.5.3
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/ca52152a919 (from 3 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39520 → thefuck: 3.25 -> 3.26 → https://git.io/vpCoK
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39521 → tini: 0.17.0 -> 0.18.0 → https://git.io/vpCoi
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39522 → smplayer: 18.3.0 -> 18.4.0 → https://git.io/vpCKi
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jwiegley pushed to master « perlPackages.ListMoreUtilsXS: Fix build on Darwin »: https://git.io/vpCPi
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39525 → radicale: 2.1.8 -> 2.1.9 → https://git.io/vpCPh
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @aszlig opened pull request #39526 → nixos/dhparams: Introduce a 'stateful' option → https://git.io/vpCPj
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed 2 commits to python-unstable: https://git.io/vpCXy
<{^_^}> → b0720188 by @dotlambda: python: docker-pycreds: 0.2.2 -> 0.2.3
<{^_^}> → df7efec9 by @dotlambda: python: docker: 3.2.1 -> 3.3.0
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39527 → poppler_data: 0.4.8 -> 0.4.9 → https://git.io/vpCX7
<{^_^}> → 143cae17 by @peti: hackage2nix: replace deprecated Aeson.decodeFile with decodeFileEither
<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/vpCMo
<{^_^}> → 9ecb1e75 by @peti: Avoid compiler warnings about unused Semigroup import.
<{^_^}> → b04ea569 by @peti: hackage2nix: drop unnecessary import of Data.Monoid
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39528 → php: 7.2.4 -> 7.2.5 → https://git.io/vpCMD
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed 3 commits to python-unstable: https://git.io/vpCMS
<{^_^}> → e04a4d3c by @dotlambda: python.pkgs.tweepy: move expression
<{^_^}> → 4d0989fe by @dotlambda: python: tweepy: 3.5.0 -> 3.6.0
<{^_^}> → c63a3235 by @dotlambda: python.pkgs.tweepy: fix build with pip 10
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis merged pull request #39519 → yubikey-personalization: 1.18.1 -> 1.19.0 → https://git.io/vpCVH
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vpCSf
<{^_^}> → 3a8fb119 by R. RyanTM: yubikey-personalization: 1.18.1 -> 1.19.0
<{^_^}> → 3e6558a4 by @adisbladis: Merge pull request #39519 from r-ryantm/auto-update/yubikey-personalization
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis merged pull request #39521 → tini: 0.17.0 -> 0.18.0 → https://git.io/vpCoi
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vpCSc
<{^_^}> → 518eca82 by R. RyanTM: tini: 0.17.0 -> 0.18.0
<{^_^}> → d479f3aa by @adisbladis: Merge pull request #39521 from r-ryantm/auto-update/tini
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39529 → ott: 0.27 -> 0.28 → https://git.io/vpC9N
<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti pushed to master « hackage2nix: drop unnecessary import of Data.Monoid with base-4.9 or later »: https://git.io/vpC9j
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #39518 → xmrig: 2.5.2 -> 2.5.3 → https://git.io/vpCVi
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vpCHU
<{^_^}> → 7e1db6b4 by R. RyanTM: xmrig: 2.5.2 -> 2.5.3
<{^_^}> → a21334ef by @Mic92: Merge pull request #39518 from r-ryantm/auto-update/xmrig
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #39520 → thefuck: 3.25 -> 3.26 → https://git.io/vpCoK
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vpCHa
<{^_^}> → 7cbf0084 by R. RyanTM: thefuck: 3.25 -> 3.26
<{^_^}> → 5c6f8455 by @Mic92: Merge pull request #39520 from r-ryantm/auto-update/thefuck
<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti pushed to master « hackage2nix: drop unnecessary import of Data.Monoid with base-4.11 or later »: https://git.io/vpCHh
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39530 → nwjs: 0.23.6 -> 0.30.1 → https://git.io/vpCQc
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #39529 → ott: 0.27 -> 0.28 → https://git.io/vpC9N
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vpCQ7
<{^_^}> → 769093b8 by R. RyanTM: ott: 0.27 -> 0.28
<{^_^}> → 838db3b8 by @Mic92: Merge pull request #39529 from r-ryantm/auto-update/ott
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39531 → openvpn: 2.4.5 -> 2.4.6 → https://git.io/vpC78
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39532 → packagekit: 1.1.9 -> 1.1.10 → https://git.io/vpC7V
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #39477 → Add new fonts → https://git.io/vpnbX
<{^_^}> → 42ecb0dd by @ChengCat: inziu-iosevka: init at 1.13.2
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 5 commits to master: https://git.io/vpCNb
<{^_^}> → cbbcd292 by @ChengCat: sarasa-gothic: init at 0.5.2
<{^_^}> → 8440100b by @Mic92: inziu-iosevka: disable hydra build due its size
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39533 → libwps: 0.4.8 -> 0.4.9 → https://git.io/vpChV
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko opened pull request #39534 → tracker-miners: switch to meson, some tweaks → https://git.io/vpChw
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39535 → libmwaw: 0.3.13 -> 0.3.14 → https://git.io/vpCjc
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @teto opened pull request #39536 → iproute: copy files in /etc → https://git.io/vpWfB
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39537 → libraw: 0.18.8 -> 0.18.9 → https://git.io/vpWfy
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peterhoeg pushed to master « wp-cli: 1.5.0 -> 1.5.1 »: https://git.io/vpWJk
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed 8 commits to nixpkgs-unstable: https://git.io/vpWJV
<{^_^}> → a037b574 by R. RyanTM: osinfo-db: 20180325 -> 20180416
<{^_^}> → 8b13023a by R. RyanTM: gdcm: 2.8.5 -> 2.8.6
<{^_^}> → 6ccc17f2 by @pSub: cyrus-sasl: use cve tag in patchname for vulnix auto-detection
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39539 → libsass: 3.5.2 -> 3.5.3 → https://git.io/vpWJw
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/6fa31bc49c7 (from 5 days ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-unstable)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39540 → jruby: -> → https://git.io/vpWUX
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @abbradar merged pull request #39006 → Add userdb support to PAM → https://git.io/vpfLw
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @abbradar pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/vpWUM
<{^_^}> → 4b063839 by @abbradar: db: split outputs
<{^_^}> → 8460769e by @abbradar: pam: build with userdb support
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peterhoeg pushed to master « dbus-broker: 11 -> 13 »: https://git.io/vpWUS
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @abbradar merged pull request #38769 → Swap incorrect TheanoWithoutCuda with TheanoWithCuda → https://git.io/vxN0Y
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @abbradar pushed commit from @smatting to master « Swap incorrect TheanoWithoutCuda with TheanoWithCuda »: https://git.io/vpWUQ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @abbradar merged pull request #39005 → Dante improvements → https://git.io/vpfLc
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @abbradar pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/vpWU7
<{^_^}> → 1f112485 by @abbradar: dante: add extra build inputs
<{^_^}> → bd140fb4 by @abbradar: dante service: restart only on failure
<{^_^}> → b827307c by @abbradar: dante service: default for logoutput
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @teto opened pull request #39541 → linux-mptcp: enable advanced schedulers → https://git.io/vpWTc
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39542 → insomnia: 5.15.0 -> 5.16.0 → https://git.io/vpWk5
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39543 → jdupes: 1.9 -> 1.10.1 → https://git.io/vpWkh
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39544 → kid3: 3.6.0 -> 3.6.1 → https://git.io/vpWIz
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed 17 commits to nixos-unstable-small: https://git.io/vpWI5
<{^_^}> → 42ecb0dd by @ChengCat: inziu-iosevka: init at 1.13.2
<{^_^}> → cbbcd292 by @ChengCat: sarasa-gothic: init at 0.5.2
<{^_^}> → 7e1db6b4 by R. RyanTM: xmrig: 2.5.2 -> 2.5.3
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/96fddac6912 (from 63 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39546 → hwinfo: 21.52 -> 21.53 → https://git.io/vpWLa
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to master « docker: 18.03.0 -> 18.03.1 »: https://git.io/vpWqn
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « docker: 18.03.0 -> 18.03.1 »: https://git.io/vpWqC
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to master « oh-my-zsh: 2018-04-06 -> 2018-04-25 »: https://git.io/vpWq9
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « oh-my-zsh: 2018-04-06 -> 2018-04-25 »: https://git.io/vpWqQ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda merged pull request #39525 → radicale: 2.1.8 -> 2.1.9 → https://git.io/vpCPh
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vpWOi
<{^_^}> → 566d7531 by R. RyanTM: radicale: 2.1.8 -> 2.1.9
<{^_^}> → 17e5dcd3 by @dotlambda: Merge pull request #39525 from r-ryantm/auto-update/radicale
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39548 → fastjet: 3.3.0 -> 3.3.1 → https://git.io/vpW3h
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39549 → containerd: 1.0.3 -> 1.1.0 → https://git.io/vpWG7
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed 2 commits to nixos-18.03-small: https://git.io/vpWcZ
<{^_^}> → ded54d4c by @NeQuissimus: docker: 18.03.0 -> 18.03.1
<{^_^}> → db2ebc7b by @NeQuissimus: oh-my-zsh: 2018-04-06 -> 2018-04-25
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/db2ebc7bd64 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed 2 commits to nixpkgs-18.03-darwin: https://git.io/vpWcZ
<{^_^}> → ded54d4c by @NeQuissimus: docker: 18.03.0 -> 18.03.1
<{^_^}> → db2ebc7b by @NeQuissimus: oh-my-zsh: 2018-04-06 -> 2018-04-25
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/db2ebc7bd64 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-18.03-darwin)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #39517 → cpython: don't use lchmod() on Linux, fix w/musl → https://git.io/vpC2d
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/vpWC6
<{^_^}> → b11f3bc8 by @dtzWill: cpython: don't use lchmod() on Linux, fix w/musl
<{^_^}> → bdf390f9 by @dtzWill: Merge pull request #39517 from dtzWill/fix/python3.x-musl-lchmod
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #39461 → git: 2.16.3 -> 2.17.0, again, installCheck → https://git.io/vpnZJ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 3 commits to staging: https://git.io/vpWCN
<{^_^}> → 97372a11 by @dtzWill: git: 2.16.3 -> 2.17.0... again!
<{^_^}> → 6dda53ad by @layus: git: add install checks
<{^_^}> → 6e623fb0 by @dtzWill: Merge pull request #39461 from dtzWill/update/git-2.17.0-again
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39552 → checkbashism: 2.18.1 -> 2.18.2 → https://git.io/vpWCx
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill closed pull request #38924 → git: add install checks → https://git.io/vxjFH
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39553 → darktable: 2.4.2 -> 2.4.3 → https://git.io/vpWWF
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @abbradar pushed to master « haskellPackages.encoding: fix build with Cabal 2.0 »: https://git.io/vpWlu
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39554 → cgal: 4.11.1 -> 4.12 → https://git.io/vpW80
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau opened pull request #39555 → python-2.7.14: Fix #27177 and #25750 → https://git.io/vpW4n
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #39556 → procps-ng: Use official release tarballs, fix version. → https://git.io/vpWBo
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39557 → bdf2psf: 1.178 -> 1.184 → https://git.io/vpWB6
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39559 → accountsservice: 0.6.46 -> 0.6.47 → https://git.io/vpWEh
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #39556 → procps-ng: Use official release tarballs, fix version. → https://git.io/vpWBo
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/vpWue
<{^_^}> → 38ef327a by @dtzWill: procps-ng: Use official release tarballs, fix version.
<{^_^}> → 5e1603f1 by @dtzWill: Merge pull request #39556 from dtzWill/fix/procps-ng-version
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #39560 → batctl: 2018.0 -> 2018.1 → https://git.io/vpWuB
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed to master « release-combined: don't include tests.chromium »: https://git.io/vpWa5
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #39562 → linux bootstrap: remove assertion failure from dev, fixes 'nix eval' → https://git.io/vpWr2
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed to master « Revert "checkbashism: -> 2.18.1" »: https://git.io/vpWrM
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda closed pull request #39552 → checkbashism: 2.18.1 -> 2.18.2 → https://git.io/vpWCx
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vpWos
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda merged pull request #39522 → smplayer: 18.3.0 -> 18.4.0 → https://git.io/vpCKi
<{^_^}> → 28440ed2 by R. RyanTM: smplayer: 18.3.0 -> 18.4.0
<{^_^}> → 42bf1d5d by @dotlambda: Merge pull request #39522 from r-ryantm/auto-update/smplayer
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed to master « inkscape: don't patch share/filters »: https://git.io/vpWoZ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 merged pull request #39458 → stdenv: better names for cc and bintools → https://git.io/vpn3Q
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 pushed 4 commits to staging: https://git.io/vpWoA
<{^_^}> → 2afd3c90 by @oxij: gcc: prepend `crossNameAddon` instead of appending it (like binutils does)
<{^_^}> → 82dd4501 by @oxij: bintools-wrapper, cc-wrapper: don't add `targetPrefix` the second time
<{^_^}> → 43dbc268 by @oxij: gccCrossStageStatic: don't override name
<{^_^}> → f31b147f by @dtzWill: linux bootstrap: remove assertion failure from dev, fixes 'nix eval'
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/vpWKR
<{^_^}> → 893bf70a by @Ericson2314: Merge pull request #39562 from dtzWill/fix/bootstrap-assert-eval
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 merged pull request #39562 → linux bootstrap: remove assertion failure from dev, fixes 'nix eval' → https://git.io/vpWr2
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti merged pull request #39199 → Merge pull request #39062 from vaibhavsagar/bump-all-cabal-hashes → https://git.io/vpq6l
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed 2 commits to release-18.03: https://git.io/vpWKi
<{^_^}> → 4a73c1fa by @peti: Merge pull request #39062 from vaibhavsagar/bump-all-cabal-hashes
<{^_^}> → 04d9a46d by @peti: Merge pull request #39199 from vaibhavsagar/release-18.03
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @SergeL opened pull request #39564 → nodejs: init at v10.0.0 → https://git.io/vpWit
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda merged pull request #39454 → armadillo: 8.400.0 -> 8.500.0 → https://git.io/vpnkF
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vpWic
<{^_^}> → 1e0d2306 by R. RyanTM: armadillo: 8.400.0 -> 8.500.0
<{^_^}> → 36aba096 by @dotlambda: Merge pull request #39454 from r-ryantm/auto-update/armadillo
<{^_^}> [ofborg] @gilligan opened pull request #165 → Add gilligan to trusted users → https://git.io/vpWP0
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @WilliButz opened pull request #39565 → grafana: 5.0.4 -> 5.1.0 → https://git.io/vpWXm
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #39498 → pytaglib: init at 1.4.3 → https://git.io/vpcQ2
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed commit from @mrkkrp to master « pytaglib: init at 1.4.3 (#39498) »: https://git.io/vpWX6
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #39560 → batctl: 2018.0 -> 2018.1 → https://git.io/vpWuB
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vpWX9
<{^_^}> → c7a56731 by R. RyanTM: batctl: 2018.0 -> 2018.1
<{^_^}> → 555c51b0 by @Mic92: Merge pull request #39560 from r-ryantm/auto-update/batctl
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed 99 commits to nixpkgs-unstable: https://git.io/vpW1b
<{^_^}> → 3fc83370 by @hectorj: zipkin-server: init at 1.28.1
<{^_^}> → 6e9f0f6d by @hectorj: remove extra-line
<{^_^}> → 8317144e by @hectorj: zipkin-server => zipkin in all-packages
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/355d39c02c5 (from 5 days ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-unstable)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed to release-18.03 « release-combined: don't include tests.chromium »: https://git.io/vpWMf
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @globin pushed 7 commits to release-18.03: https://git.io/vpWy3
<{^_^}> → c37bedd7 by @globin: gitaly: 0.81.0 -> 0.95.0
<{^_^}> → 92ba0f71 by @globin: gitlab-shell: 6.0.3 -> 7.1.2
<{^_^}> → 922fd39e by @globin: gitlab-workhorse: 3.6.0 -> 4.1.0
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 closed pull request #30881 → bundler: 1.14.6 -> 1.16.1 → https://git.io/vFkyD
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bfortz opened pull request #39566 → owncloud-client: 2.3.4 -> 2.4.1 → https://git.io/vpWHg
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed 3 commits to nixos-18.03-small: https://git.io/vpW72
<{^_^}> → 4a73c1fa by @peti: Merge pull request #39062 from vaibhavsagar/bump-all-cabal-hashes
<{^_^}> → f7c8e08c by @matthewbauer: release-combined: don't include tests.chromium
<{^_^}> → 04d9a46d by @peti: Merge pull request #39199 from vaibhavsagar/release-18.03
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/f7c8e08c7f2 (from 72 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed 10 commits to nixpkgs-18.03-darwin: https://git.io/vpWFJ
<{^_^}> → 4a73c1fa by @peti: Merge pull request #39062 from vaibhavsagar/bump-all-cabal-hashes
<{^_^}> → 04d9a46d by @peti: Merge pull request #39199 from vaibhavsagar/release-18.03
<{^_^}> → f7c8e08c by @matthewbauer: release-combined: don't include tests.chromium
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/ac364d82a8d (from 77 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-18.03-darwin)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed to master « python.pkgs.pyhomematic: 0.1.41 -> 0.1.42 »: https://git.io/vpWNQ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @globin merged pull request #39565 → grafana: 5.0.4 -> 5.1.0 → https://git.io/vpWXm
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @globin pushed commit from @WilliButz to master « grafana: 5.0.4 -> 5.1.0 »: https://git.io/vpWNd
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jlesquembre opened pull request #39568 → pspg: 1.0.0 -> 1.1.0 → https://git.io/vpWA9
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar pushed to master « gst_all_1: fix botched merge »: https://git.io/vpWxS
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed 7 commits to nixos-18.03-small: https://git.io/vpWhe
<{^_^}> → c37bedd7 by @globin: gitaly: 0.81.0 -> 0.95.0
<{^_^}> → 922fd39e by @globin: gitlab-workhorse: 3.6.0 -> 4.1.0
<{^_^}> → 92ba0f71 by @globin: gitlab-shell: 6.0.3 -> 7.1.2
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/ac364d82a8d (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c merged pull request #39535 → libmwaw: 0.3.13 -> 0.3.14 → https://git.io/vpCjc
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vplJS
<{^_^}> → 7ebebcb3 by R. RyanTM: libmwaw: 0.3.13 -> 0.3.14
<{^_^}> → 5c5f5749 by @7c6f434c: Merge pull request #39535 from r-ryantm/auto-update/libmwaw
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @woffs opened pull request #39569 → shotcut: 17.11 -> 18.03.06 → https://git.io/vplUD
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb opened pull request #39570 → chromium: See if Hydra obeys a 24h meta.timeout → https://git.io/vplTY
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb merged pull request #39570 → chromium: See if Hydra obeys a 24h meta.timeout → https://git.io/vplTY
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vplTa
<{^_^}> → 537d14f4 by Sarah Brofeldt: chromium: See if Hydra obeys a 24h meta.timeout
<{^_^}> → 2248f98d by @srhb: Merge pull request #39570 from srhb/chromium-24h-timeout
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb pushed commit from Sarah Brofeldt to release-18.03 « chromium: See if Hydra obeys a 24h meta.timeout »: https://git.io/vplTr
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c merged pull request #39554 → cgal: 4.11.1 -> 4.12 → https://git.io/vpW80
<{^_^}> → 94c6dbba by R. RyanTM: cgal: 4.11.1 -> 4.12
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vplk8
<{^_^}> → be3c4cfa by @7c6f434c: Merge pull request #39554 from r-ryantm/auto-update/cgal
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed 133 commits to nixpkgs-unstable: https://git.io/vplIp
<{^_^}> → e4afe8fc by @ilya-kolpakov: glibc: comments on bin not being the first output
<{^_^}> → da3658f1 by @ilya-kolpakov: docs: multiple outputs: now mentions glibc as not having executables in the first output contrary to the convention
<{^_^}> → 87cbb862 by Giumo X. Clanjor (哆啦比猫/兰威举): systemd.nspawn: fix missing suffix
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/d0b24f28fa3 (from 3 days ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-unstable)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @etu closed pull request #38196 → matrix-appservice-irc: init at 0.8.0 → https://git.io/vxKTX
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 pushed to master « sympow: don't use placeholder »: https://git.io/vpltc
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed 23 commits to nixos-unstable-small: https://git.io/vplOL
<{^_^}> → 1e0d2306 by R. RyanTM: armadillo: 8.400.0 -> 8.500.0
<{^_^}> → 28440ed2 by R. RyanTM: smplayer: 18.3.0 -> 18.4.0
<{^_^}> → 566d7531 by R. RyanTM: radicale: 2.1.8 -> 2.1.9
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/6c5d860c8b3 (from 3 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @cawilliamson opened pull request #39574 → #39225 - added fix for zfs dracut support → https://git.io/vpls2
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c pushed to release-18.03 « check-meta.nix: specify meta.timeout (used by Hydra) »: https://git.io/vplGG
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed commit from Sarah Brofeldt to nixpkgs-18.03-darwin « chromium: See if Hydra obeys a 24h meta.timeout »: https://git.io/vplnJ
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/4d0e9b9000f (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-18.03-darwin)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @veprbl opened pull request #39576 → python3: add C++ compiler support for distutils → https://git.io/vplc1
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #39557 → bdf2psf: 1.178 -> 1.184 → https://git.io/vpWB6
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vplC3
<{^_^}> → 1cbbf308 by R. RyanTM: bdf2psf: 1.178 -> 1.184
<{^_^}> → 29d726ba by @Mic92: Merge pull request #39557 from r-ryantm/auto-update/bdf2psf
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @veprbl opened pull request #39577 → Pr/pythia 8.235 → https://git.io/vplCG
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau opened pull request #39578 → ggMpfr update → https://git.io/vplCP
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c pushed to master « check-meta.nix: specify meta.timeout »: https://git.io/vplWq
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed commit from Sarah Brofeldt to nixos-18.03-small « chromium: See if Hydra obeys a 24h meta.timeout »: https://git.io/vplnJ
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/4d0e9b9000f (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @cawilliamson closed pull request #39574 → #39225 - added fix for zfs dracut support → https://git.io/vpls2
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed commit from @7c6f434c to nixos-18.03-small « check-meta.nix: specify meta.timeout (used by Hydra) »: https://git.io/vpl8a
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/b50443b5c4a (from 58 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji opened pull request #39579 → teamviewer: 12.0.90041 -> 13.1.3026 → https://git.io/vpl4T
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer opened pull request #39580 → Implement standardized "use flags" for Nixpkgs → https://git.io/vpl4u
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vcunat pushed to release-18.03 « Revert "release-combined: don't include tests.chromium" »: https://git.io/vpl0q
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed 5 commits to master: https://git.io/vplEZ
<{^_^}> → dc62e850 by @fpletz: nixos/caddy: fix ca api endpoint, now uses v2
<{^_^}> → 1ae220b6 by @fpletz: pssh: add explicit references to openssh and rsync
<{^_^}> → c208823e by @fpletz: youtubeDL: 2018.04.16 -> 2018.04.25
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed 4 commits to release-18.03: https://git.io/vplE8
<{^_^}> → 33762873 by @WilliButz: grafana: 5.0.4 -> 5.1.0
<{^_^}> → 87f64fb0 by @fpletz: nixos/caddy: fix ca api endpoint, now uses v2
<{^_^}> → d12f6e48 by @fpletz: pssh: add explicit references to openssh and rsync
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub merged pull request #39559 → accountsservice: 0.6.46 -> 0.6.47 → https://git.io/vpWEh
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vplEM
<{^_^}> → 5164104e by R. RyanTM: accountsservice: 0.6.46 -> 0.6.47
<{^_^}> → 835ac006 by @pSub: Merge pull request #39559 from r-ryantm/auto-update/accountsservice
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed to master « accountsservice: change url to https »: https://git.io/vpluJ