<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @romildo opened pull request #38883 → onestepback: init at 0.98 → https://git.io/vxpAe
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed commit from @7c6f434c to nixos-18.03 « Merge pull request #38765 from taku0/flashplayer- »: https://git.io/vxNRN
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03 advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/2569e482904 (from 2 days ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed 15 commits to nixos-18.03-small: https://git.io/vxppr
<{^_^}> → 03975258 by @Ma27: commandergenius: 1822release -> 2.2.0
<{^_^}> → 6c29a6c9 by @coreyoconnor: opendylan: 2013.1 -> 2016.1pre
<{^_^}> → afee8711 by @jensbin: openshift: 3.6.0 -> 3.9.0
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/f26d8904035 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace opened pull request #38884 → papirus-icon-theme: 20180214 -> 20180401 → https://git.io/vxpjO
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 0 commits to nixos/hardened: https://git.io/vxhvp
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 0 commits to odroid-xu4: https://git.io/vxhfJ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 0 commits to no-requireFile: https://git.io/vxhfU
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 0 commits to openssl-1.1: https://git.io/vxhfk
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 0 commits to pam-ssh-security: https://git.io/vxhfL
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer closed pull request #36937 → ssh: drop DSA support, fixes #33381 → https://git.io/vxT85
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer closed pull request #22357 → [WIP] Use openssl 1.1 by default → https://git.io/vDOGw
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 0 commits to openssh-drop-dsa: https://git.io/vxhft
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 0 commits to purity-test: https://git.io/vxhfq
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 0 commits to python-wip: https://git.io/vxhfm
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer closed pull request #32178 → pam-sshagent: only allow managed SSH keys → https://git.io/vbkD5
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 0 commits to python3: https://git.io/vxhfY
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lopsided98 opened pull request #38885 → grafana: support socket protocol → https://git.io/vxhJK
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peterhoeg opened pull request #38886 → freerdp: 2.0.0-rc1 -> 2.0.0-rc2 → https://git.io/vxhTq
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed 1000 commits to nixos-unstable-small: https://git.io/vxhkd
<{^_^}> → c4fa3b0c by @volth: [cpan2nix] perlPackages.NetSMTPSSL: 1.03 -> 1.04
<{^_^}> → 07d31929 by @volth: [cpan2nix] perlPackages.PerlIOutf8_strict: 0.006 -> 0.007
<{^_^}> → 86e7925a by @volth: [cpan2nix] perlPackages.RSSParserLite: 0.10 -> 0.12
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/6b796a9c23d (from 5 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed commit from @wmertens to pam-ssh-security « pam-sshagent: only allow managed SSH keys »: https://git.io/vbkDi
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer reopened pull request #32178 → pam-sshagent: only allow managed SSH keys → https://git.io/vbkD5
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm closed pull request #38068 → papirus-icon-theme: 20180214 -> 20180311 → https://git.io/vxw9P
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #38880 → Add Darwin devdisk commands and put them in unixtools → https://git.io/vxpdy
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 8 commits to master: https://git.io/vxhLH
<{^_^}> → 63987917 by @matthewbauer: unixtools: get rid of modprobe
<{^_^}> → 5c491ab5 by @matthewbauer: diskdev_cmds: init at 593
<{^_^}> → ddbaa2dd by @matthewbauer: libutil-new: fix with newest xcbuild stuff
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #38888 → yaws: 2.0.4 -> 2.0.5 → https://git.io/vxhtI
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @DerTim1 opened pull request #38889 → asterisk: 14.6.1 -> 15.3.0, 13.17.1 -> 13.20.0 → https://git.io/vxhqp
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #38890 → signal-desktop: 1.6.1 -> 1.7.0 → https://git.io/vxhqh
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #38891 → simgear: 2017.3.1 -> 2018.1.1 → https://git.io/vxhYc
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nlewo merged pull request #38423 → heptio-ark: init at 0.7.1 → https://git.io/vx1My
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nlewo pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxhYQ
<{^_^}> → 2e1c5c00 by @mbode: heptio-ark: init at 0.7.1
<{^_^}> → 4043fff3 by @nlewo: Merge pull request #38423 from mbode/heptio-ark_0_7_1
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gebner pushed to master « elan: 0.3.0 -> 0.3.2 »: https://git.io/vxh3b
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to master « vcsh: update to latest version and add missing Perl test suite dependencies to fix the build »: https://git.io/vxhGb
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xvapx opened pull request #38892 → pythonPackages.apsw: 3.9.2-r1 -> 3.22.0-r1 → https://git.io/vxhGj
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb opened pull request #38893 → Backport #38874: spotify: -> → https://git.io/vxhCS
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb merged pull request #38874 → spotify: -> → https://git.io/vxpXX
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxhCp
<{^_^}> → e9e823c1 by @utdemir: spotify: ->
<{^_^}> → 94d68a9e by @srhb: Merge pull request #38874 from utdemir/update-spotify-1.0.77
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb merged pull request #38893 → Backport #38874: spotify: -> → https://git.io/vxhCS
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb pushed 2 commits to release-18.03: https://git.io/vxhW3
<{^_^}> → 198d7161 by @utdemir: spotify: ->
<{^_^}> → 324874a6 by @srhb: Merge pull request #38893 from srhb/backports/38874-spotify-
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @thorerik closed pull request #38842 → Add mopidy-mpris → https://git.io/vxxu2
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda closed pull request #38166 → pipenv: 10.1.2 -> 11.9.0 → https://git.io/vxoxi
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #38877 → radare2-cutter: 1.1 -> 1.3 → https://git.io/vxpSL
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/vxhBD
<{^_^}> → f6c48829 by @Mic92: radare2-cutter: 1.1 -> 1.3
<{^_^}> → abefb010 by @Mic92: radare2: remove dependency on .git
<{^_^}> → f204bdf9 by @Mic92: Merge pull request #38877 from Mic92/radare2
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #38894 → log4cplus: 1.2.0 -> 2.0.0 → https://git.io/vxhRT
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 opened pull request #38895 → mergerfs: 2.24.0 -> 2.24.2 → https://git.io/vxh0k
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko pushed to openssh-drop-dsa « ssh: drop DSA support, fixes #33381 »: https://git.io/vxTWo
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko reopened pull request #36937 → ssh: drop DSA support, fixes #33381 → https://git.io/vxT85
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/vxhEq
<{^_^}> → d260e95c by @brainrape: nixos/prosody: add user, group options
<{^_^}> → ec1419ba by @brainrape: nixos/prosody: fix pidfile path
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda merged pull request #38820 → nixos/prosody: add user/group options, fix pidfile path → https://git.io/vxA7I
<{^_^}> → 3ea1f1dd by @dotlambda: Merge pull request #38820 from brainrape/nixos-prosody-add-user-group
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko merged pull request #38890 → signal-desktop: 1.6.1 -> 1.7.0 → https://git.io/vxhqh
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxhE4
<{^_^}> → 50c6900f by R. RyanTM: signal-desktop: 1.6.1 -> 1.7.0
<{^_^}> → ae131804 by @yegortimoshenko: Merge pull request #38890 from r-ryantm/auto-update/signal-desktop
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed 12 commits to nixpkgs-18.03-darwin: https://git.io/vxhED
<{^_^}> → 03975258 by @Ma27: commandergenius: 1822release -> 2.2.0
<{^_^}> → 6c29a6c9 by @coreyoconnor: opendylan: 2013.1 -> 2016.1pre
<{^_^}> → afee8711 by @jensbin: openshift: 3.6.0 -> 3.9.0
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/f26d8904035 (from 11 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-18.03-darwin)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #38885 → grafana: support socket protocol → https://git.io/vxhJK
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxhuw
<{^_^}> → ed6f1761 by @lopsided98: grafana: support socket protocol
<{^_^}> → 0cb8413b by @Mic92: Merge pull request #38885 from lopsided98/grafana-unix-socket
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed commit from @lopsided98 to release-18.03 « grafana: support socket protocol »: https://git.io/vxhuM
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxhgU
<{^_^}> → ca6a4bf0 by @Mic92: mergerfs: 2.24.0 -> 2.24.2
<{^_^}> → 1cbbe204 by @Mic92: Merge pull request #38895 from Mic92/mergerfs
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #38895 → mergerfs: 2.24.0 -> 2.24.2 → https://git.io/vxh0k
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #38879 → vscode: 1.22.1 -> 1.22.2 → https://git.io/vxp7l
<{^_^}> → 6fd4462f by @smashedtoatoms: vscode: 1.22.1 -> 1.22.2
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxhgq
<{^_^}> → 89af125a by @Mic92: Merge pull request #38879 from smashedtoatoms/vscode-to-1.22.2
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda merged pull request #38892 → pythonPackages.apsw: 3.9.2-r1 -> 3.22.0-r1 → https://git.io/vxhGj
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxhg4
<{^_^}> → a49cb860 by @xvapx: pythonPackages.apsw: 3.9.2-r1 -> 3.22.0-r1
<{^_^}> → eb76a6a4 by @dotlambda: Merge pull request #38892 from xvapx/upd/apsw
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #38844 → libsForQt5.qtstyleplugin-kvantum: 0.10.4 -> 0.10.6 → https://git.io/vxxgl
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxhgB
<{^_^}> → 35049f9e by @bandresen: libsForQt5.qtstyleplugin-kvantum: 0.10.4 -> 0.10.6
<{^_^}> → c81e1724 by @Mic92: Merge pull request #38844 from bandresen/qtstyleplugin-kvantum
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed commit from @bandresen to release-18.03 « libsForQt5.qtstyleplugin-kvantum: 0.10.4 -> 0.10.6 »: https://git.io/vxhg2
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @abbradar opened pull request #38896 → Update shadowsocks-libuv and add shadowsocks service → https://git.io/vxhgh
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed commit from @Moredread to release-18.03 « josm: 13500 -> 13576 »: https://git.io/vxh2e
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed 2 commits to nixos-18.03-small: https://git.io/vxh2n
<{^_^}> → 198d7161 by @utdemir: spotify: ->
<{^_^}> → 324874a6 by @srhb: Merge pull request #38893 from srhb/backports/38874-spotify-
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/324874a6e5a (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @suvash opened pull request #38897 → iamy: init at 2.1.1 → https://git.io/vxhaZ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed 3 commits to nixpkgs-18.03-darwin: https://git.io/vxhaW
<{^_^}> → 198d7161 by @utdemir: spotify: ->
<{^_^}> → 324874a6 by @srhb: Merge pull request #38893 from srhb/backports/38874-spotify-
<{^_^}> → f956b4fa by @lopsided98: grafana: support socket protocol
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/f956b4fa6c5 (from 46 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-18.03-darwin)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed commit from @lopsided98 to nixos-18.03-small « grafana: support socket protocol »: https://git.io/vxhr0
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/f956b4fa6c5 (from 81 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed 14 commits to nixos-unstable-small: https://git.io/vxhoR
<{^_^}> → 2e1c5c00 by @mbode: heptio-ark: init at 0.7.1
<{^_^}> → 63987917 by @matthewbauer: unixtools: get rid of modprobe
<{^_^}> → e9e823c1 by @utdemir: spotify: ->
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/94d68a9e59c (from 3 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #38898 → gutenprint: 5.2.13 -> 5.2.14 → https://git.io/vxhKx
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mguentner opened pull request #38899 → backintime-qt4: package is broken → https://git.io/vxh67
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @abbradar pushed to master « dnscache service: fix bug with several assigned DNS servers »: https://git.io/vxhXk
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @abbradar pushed to release-18.03 « dnscache service: fix bug with several assigned DNS servers »: https://git.io/vxhXO
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @abbradar pushed to master « dnscache service: cleanup and add forwardOnly »: https://git.io/vxhXz
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed 2 commits to nixpkgs-18.03-darwin: https://git.io/vxh1e
<{^_^}> → bcaf2aeb by @bandresen: libsForQt5.qtstyleplugin-kvantum: 0.10.4 -> 0.10.6
<{^_^}> → bc0bcf32 by @Moredread: josm: 13500 -> 13576
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/bc0bcf326ab (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-18.03-darwin)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #38900 → emby: -> → https://git.io/vxh1O
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #38899 → backintime-qt4: package is broken → https://git.io/vxh67
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxh1z
<{^_^}> → 119570cd by @mguentner: backintime-qt4: package is broken
<{^_^}> → cdf06556 by @Mic92: Merge pull request #38899 from mguentner/backintimeqt4_is_broken
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @abbradar merged pull request #38896 → Update shadowsocks-libuv and add shadowsocks service → https://git.io/vxhgh
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @abbradar pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/vxhMG
<{^_^}> → ee7351d8 by @abbradar: shadowsocks-libev: 2.5.5 -> 3.1.3
<{^_^}> → f7651b35 by @abbradar: shadowsocks service: init
<{^_^}> → 803dca34 by @abbradar: Merge pull request #38896 from abbradar/shadowsocks
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mguentner closed pull request #38738 → i3pystatus: 3.35 -> unstable → https://git.io/vxbFc
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @abbradar merged pull request #38815 → avidemux: fix build with glibc 2.27 → https://git.io/vxAwn
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @abbradar pushed commit from @pbogdan to master « avidemux: fix build with glibc 2.27 »: https://git.io/vxhM8
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mguentner reopened pull request #38738 → i3pystatus: 3.35 -> unstable → https://git.io/vxbFc
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxhDt
<{^_^}> → 0625f772 by @NeQuissimus: Fix kernel-copperhead test
<{^_^}> → f8e25030 by @NeQuissimus: linux-copperhead: 4.15.16.a -> 4.15.17.a
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « Fix kernel-copperhead test »: https://git.io/vxhDY
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « linux-copperhead: 4.15.16.a -> 4.15.17.a »: https://git.io/vxhDn
<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra pushed to master « Fix broken DocBook »: https://git.io/vxhyE
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @juliendehos opened pull request #38901 → julia-vim: init at 2018-03-27 → https://git.io/vxh9N
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to master « hipchat: -> »: https://git.io/vxhHC
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « hipchat: -> »: https://git.io/vxhH8
<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra pushed to master « Fix #1921 »: https://git.io/vxhHp
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #38901 → julia-vim: init at 2018-03-27 → https://git.io/vxh9N
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxh73
<{^_^}> → 25edf5ad by @juliendehos: julia-vim: init at 2018-03-27
<{^_^}> → d55ebcf6 by @Mic92: Merge pull request #38901 from juliendehos/julia-vim
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to master « ostree: 2017.12 -> 2018.4 »: https://git.io/vxh7W
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « ostree: 2017.12 -> 2018.4 »: https://git.io/vxh74
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ekleog opened pull request #38902 → nheko: 0.3.0 -> 0.3.1 → https://git.io/vxh7a
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @shlevy pushed to master « qemu-riscv: Mark lowPrio »: https://git.io/vxhhU
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @shlevy pushed to release-18.03 « qemu-riscv: Mark lowPrio »: https://git.io/vxhhM
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yrashk opened pull request #38904 → sit: 0.2.1 -> 0.3.0 → https://git.io/vxhh9
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed 5 commits to nixos-18.03-small: https://git.io/vxhjo
<{^_^}> → bcaf2aeb by @bandresen: libsForQt5.qtstyleplugin-kvantum: 0.10.4 -> 0.10.6
<{^_^}> → 4f5b9016 by @abbradar: dnscache service: fix bug with several assigned DNS servers
<{^_^}> → bc0bcf32 by @Moredread: josm: 13500 -> 13576
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @apeyroux opened pull request #38905 → c14: rev:97f437e -> tag:0.3 → https://git.io/vxhji
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed 5 commits to nixpkgs-18.03-darwin: https://git.io/vxhj1
<{^_^}> → 4f5b9016 by @abbradar: dnscache service: fix bug with several assigned DNS servers
<{^_^}> → e3fa856c by @NeQuissimus: Fix kernel-copperhead test
<{^_^}> → aab37450 by @NeQuissimus: linux-copperhead: 4.15.16.a -> 4.15.17.a
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/aab374503bd (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/94bdeac70b3 (from 68 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-18.03-darwin)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xvapx opened pull request #38906 → tribler: 7.0.1 -> 7.0.2 → https://git.io/vxjej
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda closed pull request #38690 → tribler: 7.0.1 -> 7.0.2 → https://git.io/vxFMR
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 45 commits to openssl-1.1: https://git.io/vxjvF
<{^_^}> → ecf3bc78 by @globin: openssl: default to openssl_1_1_0
<{^_^}> → a8ab22fd by @globin: postgresql: build < 9.5 with openssl 1.0.2
<{^_^}> → 76c69781 by @globin: uwimap: add patch to build with openssl 1.1.0
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer reopened pull request #22357 → [WIP] Use openssl 1.1 by default → https://git.io/vDOGw
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed 2 commits to nixos-18.03-small: https://git.io/vxjJt
<{^_^}> → 1889b8ad by @NeQuissimus: hipchat: ->
<{^_^}> → 94bdeac7 by @NeQuissimus: ostree: 2017.12 -> 2018.4
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/94bdeac70b3 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/vxjk0
<{^_^}> → 62315cf5 by @matthewbauer: quota: rename to linuxquota
<{^_^}> → 47fdc26c by @matthewbauer: unixtools: quota is not in utillinux
<{^_^}> → f1fb3651 by @matthewbauer: quota: get from unixtools
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed to master « unixtools: fixup hexdump issue »: https://git.io/vxjL9
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau opened pull request #38907 → eli: init at 4.8.1 → https://git.io/vxjtG
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed commit from @shlevy to nixos-18.03-small « qemu-riscv: Mark lowPrio »: https://git.io/vxjqT
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/c1dc24b8cac (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @shlevy pushed to master « pythonPackages.buildSetupcfg: Allow disabling tests. »: https://git.io/vxjqg
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @shlevy pushed to release-18.03 « pythonPackages.buildSetupcfg: Allow disabling tests. »: https://git.io/vxjmU
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji opened pull request #38908 → [18.03]: haskellPackages: disable some failing hydra builds → https://git.io/vxjmw
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bjornfor pushed to master « nixos: enable bash command completion by default »: https://git.io/vxjmb
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jb55 closed pull request #32773 → Trezor GPG Agent → https://git.io/vb6ZH
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bjornfor closed pull request #38038 → nixos: enable bash command completion by default → https://git.io/vxV5O
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli opened pull request #38910 → masterpdfeditor: 4.3.82 -> 4.3.89 → https://git.io/vxjOt
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed 2 commits to nixpkgs-18.03-darwin: https://git.io/vxj3T
<{^_^}> → c1dc24b8 by @shlevy: qemu-riscv: Mark lowPrio
<{^_^}> → 9ec5ff26 by @shlevy: pythonPackages.buildSetupcfg: Allow disabling tests.
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/9ec5ff26ba6 (from 40 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-18.03-darwin)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gebner pushed to master « python2Packages.python-wifi: 0.6.0 -> 0.6.1 »: https://git.io/vxjGG
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed commit from @shlevy to nixos-18.03-small « pythonPackages.buildSetupcfg: Allow disabling tests. »: https://git.io/vxjG1
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/9ec5ff26ba6 (from 65 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
<{^_^}> [nixops] @mbrgm opened pull request #922 → [WIP] Improve networking options for libvirtd target → https://git.io/vxjZG
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gebner pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxjZz
<{^_^}> → 67dbfd3f by @gebner: pythonPackages.rlp: init at 0.6.0
<{^_^}> → 5d9bd57c by @gebner: pythonPackages.trezor: add required rlp dependency, fix build
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti merged pull request #38908 → [18.03]: haskellPackages: disable some failing hydra builds → https://git.io/vxjmw
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed 2 commits to release-18.03: https://git.io/vxjCj
<{^_^}> → 8945d596 by @xeji: haskellPackages: disable some hydra builds
<{^_^}> → c920ba02 by @peti: Merge pull request #38908 from xeji/haskell-disable-hydra
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 merged pull request #38881 → cc-wrapper: More intelligent sierra hack → https://git.io/vxpFg
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 pushed 4 commits to master: https://git.io/vxj8F
<{^_^}> → 01e1722e by @Ericson2314: cctools: Make assert meta.broken instead
<{^_^}> → 10013112 by @Ericson2314: cctools: Add alternative source for sierra hack
<{^_^}> → 1a72330a by @Ericson2314: cc-wrapper: Utilize patched cctools ld for more robust macOS Sierra hack
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 opened pull request #38911 → Sierra hack → https://git.io/vxj46
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bjornfor pushed commit from @unode to master « mailutils: fix path to sendmail for local mail delivery »: https://git.io/vxj4j
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bjornfor closed pull request #38708 → mailutils couldn't find sendmail for local mail delivery → https://git.io/vxbuk
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed 19 commits to nixpkgs-unstable: https://git.io/vxjBC
<{^_^}> → 2c81bc11 by @ryantm: pigz: 2.3.4 -> 2.4
<{^_^}> → d1dfe27a by @knedlsepp: darwin.opencflite: fix build
<{^_^}> → cd9b6a56 by @mbode: prometheus: 2.1.0 -> 2.2.1
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @wizeman opened pull request #38912 → luaPackages.mpack: fix hash → https://git.io/vxjBo
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/e4fd05449ed (from 2 days ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-unstable)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @wizeman opened pull request #38913 → nixos/transmission: fix AppArmor profile to include libkrb5 → https://git.io/vxjBF
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @wizeman opened pull request #38914 → sgtpuzzles: 20171029.69773d8 -> 20180409.d95f476 → https://git.io/vxjBp
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 merged pull request #38911 → Sierra hack → https://git.io/vxj46
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 pushed 4 commits to release-18.03: https://git.io/vxjRU
<{^_^}> → 01e1722e by @Ericson2314: cctools: Make assert meta.broken instead
<{^_^}> → 10013112 by @Ericson2314: cctools: Add alternative source for sierra hack
<{^_^}> → 1a72330a by @Ericson2314: cc-wrapper: Utilize patched cctools ld for more robust macOS Sierra hack
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bjornfor pushed commit from @unode to release-18.03 « mailutils: fix path to sendmail for local mail delivery »: https://git.io/vxjRD
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @andir pushed to master « caf: 0.15.3 -> 0.15.7 »: https://git.io/vxjue
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dywedir opened pull request #38915 → sway: 0.15.1 -> 0.15.2 → https://git.io/vxjgZ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mpickering opened pull request #38916 → QGIS and GRASS fixes → https://git.io/vxjgd
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bendlas opened pull request #38917 → xen-4.8: fix qemu-xen build error in memfd.c → https://git.io/vxj2m
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c merged pull request #38914 → sgtpuzzles: 20171029.69773d8 -> 20180409.d95f476 → https://git.io/vxjBp
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxja9
<{^_^}> → f7447888 by @wizeman: sgtpuzzles: 20171029.69773d8 -> 20180409.d95f476
<{^_^}> → 8cbd2fa9 by @7c6f434c: Merge pull request #38914 from wizeman/u/upd-sgtpuzzles
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gnidorah opened pull request #38918 → nixos/gitweb: add gitwebTheme option → https://git.io/vxjVI
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Moredread opened pull request #38920 → Dosage → https://git.io/vxjwN
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Moredread closed pull request #38920 → Dosage → https://git.io/vxjwN
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Moredread reopened pull request #38920 → Dosage → https://git.io/vxjwN
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Moredread closed pull request #38920 → Dosage → https://git.io/vxjwN
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Moredread reopened pull request #38920 → Dosage → https://git.io/vxjwN
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #38920 → dosage: 2016.03.17 -> 2018.04.08 → https://git.io/vxjwN
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxjo9
<{^_^}> → 8d61dd8c by @Moredread: dosage: 2016.03.17 -> 2018.04.08
<{^_^}> → ca7b7490 by @Mic92: Merge pull request #38920 from Moredread/dosage
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed 7 commits to nixpkgs-18.03-darwin: https://git.io/vxjKJ
<{^_^}> → 01e1722e by @Ericson2314: cctools: Make assert meta.broken instead
<{^_^}> → 10013112 by @Ericson2314: cctools: Add alternative source for sierra hack
<{^_^}> → 8945d596 by @xeji: haskellPackages: disable some hydra builds
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #38915 → sway: 0.15.1 -> 0.15.2 → https://git.io/vxjgZ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxjKT
<{^_^}> → 8cd25c50 by @dywedir: sway: 0.15.1 -> 0.15.2
<{^_^}> → 29fea827 by @Mic92: Merge pull request #38915 from dywedir/sway
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed commit from @dywedir to release-18.03 « sway: 0.15.1 -> 0.15.2 »: https://git.io/vxjKZ
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/24212520942 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-18.03-darwin)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #38913 → nixos/transmission: fix AppArmor profile to include libkrb5 → https://git.io/vxjBF
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxjK8
<{^_^}> → 0f3a6284 by @wizeman: nixos/transmission: fix AppArmor profile to include libkrb5
<{^_^}> → 35b07390 by @Mic92: Merge pull request #38913 from wizeman/u/fix-transmission-mod
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Moredread opened pull request #38921 → dosage: Fix tests → https://git.io/vxj68
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed 7 commits to nixos-18.03-small: https://git.io/vxjKJ
<{^_^}> → 01e1722e by @Ericson2314: cctools: Make assert meta.broken instead
<{^_^}> → 10013112 by @Ericson2314: cctools: Add alternative source for sierra hack
<{^_^}> → 8945d596 by @xeji: haskellPackages: disable some hydra builds
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/24212520942 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bkchr closed pull request #31978 → copyFileFromHost: Adds support for binary files → https://git.io/vFxnu
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c pushed to master « libreoffice-still, libreoffice-fresh: use fresh bluez, not the oldest ICU, comment about GCC version, use the fontconfig… »: https://git.io/vxj16
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar opened pull request #38923 → gnome3: 3.28.0 → 3.28.1 → https://git.io/vxjDW
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c merged pull request #26665 → bluez5_28: remove expression for bluez5_28, as it is no longer needed → https://git.io/vHhU5
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/vxjDi
<{^_^}> → 6c3068ad by @armijnhemel: remove expression for bluez5_28, as it is no longer needed
<{^_^}> → 267b90a4 by @7c6f434c: Merge pull request #26665 from armijnhemel/bluez5_28_removal
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed commit from @dywedir to nixos-18.03-small « sway: 0.15.1 -> 0.15.2 »: https://git.io/vxjDp
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/1c22feb9b0a (from 84 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed to master « wesnoth-dev: 1.13.11 -> 1.13.13 »: https://git.io/vxjyB
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs-channels] @edolstra pushed commit from @dywedir to nixpkgs-18.03-darwin « sway: 0.15.1 -> 0.15.2 »: https://git.io/vxjDp
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/1c22feb9b0a (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-18.03-darwin)