yeah, dunno what we should do with darwin builds...
I feel slightly uncomfortable with allowing recent contributers, but on the other hand it's very useful to people and I'm probably being a bit paranoid
I feel the same way
apparently it's a holiday tomorrow
anything specific I should give a shot while waiting for stdenv builds?
how about a macos qemu image running ofborg + a nixos service to start it and destroy it? :)
heh, at this rate I might aswell start using a hackintosh again
hopefully a qemu image is easier to get running than actual hardware
and it only has to run for a while, it doesn't even need to shutdown successfully!
well, I don't install the beta for testing on my physical machine :D
what!!! ghc is still building...
I started a build this morning, I wake display after dinner and see QuickCheck compiling
oh I didn't change the settings, this thing has no resources
:) zimbatm and I were talking about that today
I have a macOS VM with that already at home
but I didn't take the time yet to prepare something more streamlined to *actually* use it
though it worked quite well
I find it a bit amusing that it's pretty tricky to get that working on darwin, and useless if you do
samueldr: did you look into making the boot unattended?
I had notes from a previous try (before I was a nixos user)
the chameleon boot loaded requires a user input the boot at the moment
(I had a port of pacman going nicely for a small while)
zimbatm: though IIRC I'm lagging one macOS version in my fun times with that
but I *really* wanted to look into it since __there's so much blocked stuff due to darwin regressions__
I have a highsierra image working at the moment
I just need a machine to upload all of this
there is 26GB of data with the iso and qemu disk image
I also started a VirtualBox + Packer version but got tired of re-building my kernel
I also did a bunch of research to automate the installation but each macOS release is getting worse and worse
the latest version has broken all the unattended methods
(I found the same thing)
I know how important the darwin feature is, but wow would it be easier on the contributors if it went away :(
(at the cost of risking even more linuxification if nixpkgs)
there is a workaround with packer, it's possible to emulate user inputs but it's going to be very timining-sensitive
yeah, I think the darwin support is good in general
apple should just stop being stupid
recently I saw pkgs/os-specific/bsd appearing, it's cool
eg. free up the weird eula for headless installs
yes, I want to love darwin, but apple makes it hard :/
also love macOS/iOS re: web development is a pain (but that's neither ofborg nor nixpkgs related)
and stop closing the door on unix, it's one of the biggest selling points of the platform IMHO
it's certified unix!
and hasn't changed since!
* samueldr
certified unix in the same way Windows NT has an official POSIX certification?
malicious compliance almost (imho)
More like checkbox-driven compliance, as far as I know
I thought it was the same (jk)
No-no, if MS was maliciously compliant, the implementation would look almost normal, but things debugged there would never work on any other implementation for weird reasons