gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-borg to: https://www.patreon.com/ofborg https://monitoring.nix.ci/dashboard/db/ofborg?refresh=10s&orgId=1&from=now-1h&to=now "I get to skip reviewing the PHP code and just wait until it is rewritten in something sane, like POSIX shell. || https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-borg
<samueldr> wondering here, is it from the re-opening, or from the push event with -> that ofborg re-built (in addition to my explicit request) https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/44209#issuecomment-408727446
<samueldr> n/m
<samueldr> » If a PR is opened with many commits, it will create a single build job for all of the detected packages. If a PR is opened and many commits are pushed one by one to the open PR, many build jobs will be created.
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<LnL> gchristensen: do you know what happened with the builders?
<gchristensen> the macs?
<LnL> ^ that's mine, no idea how long it's been like that
<gchristensen> seems like maybe a high latency thing
<gchristensen> causing nothing to xmit for several seconds
<LnL> but shouldn't it have died?
<gchristensen> yours didn't die?
<LnL> nope it's 'running' and that's the last part of the logs
<gchristensen> ouch
<gchristensen> ok I'll have to check
<gchristensen> it should definitely scuttle the whole thing if that dies :)
<gchristensen> LnL: I could write some tests which spawn an actuall rabbitmq instance, that could be cool
<infinisil> Just received like 5 messages from ofborg in like a minute on the same merged PR, all on darwin.. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/44209
<{^_^}> #44209 (by samueldr, merged): nix-top: init at 0.1.0 -> 0.2.0
<gchristensen> yeah
<infinisil> Oh
<samueldr> :)
<infinisil> Was already mentioned before :)
<infinisil> Really needs something to regulate these messages on a central controlling machine imo, the amount of superfluous ofborg messages is too high
<samueldr> infinisil: IIRC the reasoning is that ofborg is as stateless as possible, and mapping comments to attemps is *hard*
<samueldr> (correct me if I'm wrong y'all)
<gchristensen> hard but fixable
<gchristensen> I have loads of stuff I'd like to do
<gchristensen> sort of blocked atm though
<infinisil> Yeah, but this sends so many messages to a lot of users, and my mailbox is pretty overflown all the time already :(
<gchristensen> yeah
<gchristensen> I know
<infinisil> And because of that I think this really should have higher precedence, it's borderline spam
<gchristensen> well
<gchristensen> you can filter out the ofborg emails
<gchristensen> many people do
<infinisil> I can?
<gchristensen> sure
<infinisil> Oh just a mail filter from that sender
<gchristensen> suree
<gchristensen> improving ofborg is a high priority for me
<gchristensen> unfortunately the amount of typing I can do right now is limited, so I have to reserve almost all of it for things which pay the bills
<gchristensen> and ofborg doesn't, and isn't a project priority for my employer or clients
<gchristensen> however, I am 25% repaired and scheduling the other elbow soon
<gchristensen> so I recommend an email filter for now
<infinisil> Alright, is there nobody else that could do work on ofborg?
<gchristensen> I mean, sure, there are people who can do some
<gchristensen> I could shut down ofborg
<gchristensen> (not really)
<gchristensen> but its a lot of work
<gchristensen> and complicated
<gchristensen> I hear it isn't maximally optimal
<gchristensen> also I think it probably isn't the end of the world
<infinisil> I'll survive, probably :)
<samueldr> don't shut it down!
<gchristensen> I won't
<samueldr> builds are cool, especially since they merge with master and don't blindly only build HEAD of $branch
<gchristensen> it isn't healthy to make even jokey "taking my ball and going home" comments, even if I don't mean them
<infinisil> Damnit, just found out I can't filter mail senders in my mail client
<samueldr> you know, though, what grinds my gears with ofborg?
<samueldr> how I can't yet contribute to its core infrastructure due to my lack of time :(
<gchristensen> <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
<andi-> If everyone just get paid one week each month to work on the common good (read: ofborg) this world would be awesome :)
<LnL> I always feel bad for not working more on ofborg :/
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<gchristensen> nobody should feel bad for anything
<samueldr> no regrets, doing other worthwhile stuff
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