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<makefu> flokli: i just found out about it and was hoping someone already played around with it
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<kahiru> hey, I have odroid-c2, anyone tried running nixos on it?
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<samueldr> there were some talk earlier this year about it https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-aarch64/search?q=odroid but no clear "it works"
<samueldr> (about the odroid-c2)
<flokli> makefu: powered it up yesterday and built a uboot for it (didn't boot it yet). there's a uboot in the internal flash spi which doesn't support extlinux, and wants ext fs as /boot on first partition. didn't setenv my way around that, will investigate the boot jumpers about whether it's possible to boot from external sdcard
<flokli> docs are a bit sparse
<flokli> however, will have to wait until mid of next week. visiting paris without the espressobin this weekend :-)
<makefu> flokli: still, already sounds quite promising. if you got it working i will also get one :D
<flokli> makefu: will let you know :-)
<samueldr> I have terrible upload speeds, when using the community box to `nix-build`, is it possible to prefer the nixos cache before copying?
<samueldr> well, I'm assuming that's what "copying path '...' to 'ssh://...'..." means
<Dezgeg> maybe nix-copy-closure --use-substitutes does it?
<samueldr> rockpro64 is available (preview batch) https://www.pine64.org/?product_cat=rockpro64
<samueldr> explains details for that batch
<samueldr> interestingly, it has PCI-E
<makefu> wow even with pcie, that is pretty neat
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<samueldr> hey, just wanted to be sure it's normal, not used to distributed build and nix
<samueldr> with the community box configured I currently have "waiting for locks or build slots..."
<samueldr> I'm assuming that it's a distant message and not local
<sphalerite> samueldr: may be that all the build users are currently in use. Not sure how many there are
<samueldr> any way to verify, there was activity and still is activity since a while ago on the box
<samueldr> (checking using htop)
<sphalerite> hm yeah there's not that much going on
<sphalerite> so either it's trying to build a derivation which is already in progress on that machine, or… idk
<samueldr> I restarted my nix-daemon earlier, checking it was local, didn't change anything
<samueldr> now I'm rebooting my board
<samueldr> I need to figure out the black box that the nix daemon is :)
<samueldr> rebooting didn't change much, so I'm assuming it's the box (which I don't really care if it's loaded, it's still awesome to have it around)
<sphalerite> it seems to be building a kernel, so if whatever you happen to be building is a kernel or has it in its closure that would explain it
<sphalerite> nothing else though
<samueldr> hmm, I was
<samueldr> oh, d'oh! I think I see why
<samueldr> I assumed the job wasn't mine since I assumed mine would be parallelized, but I *commented* the value instead of resetting it back to true
<sphalerite> and... it's only building on one core..?
<samueldr> yean :/
<samueldr> yeah*
<samueldr> had an issue where 96 -j made the error message fly away in the scrollback
<samueldr> I just got a popular AArch64 platform I'm trying to build the kernel for
<sphalerite> can't you just use nix log to find it?
<samueldr> maybe!
<samueldr> but that was yesterday, I let the *other* intended non-parallel build run during the night
<samueldr> now that one was intended to be parallel :)
<sphalerite> but yeah according to ps -f $(pgrep -a nix-daemon | grep -Eo '[0-9]+') you're the only one using the nix daemon on the machine currently
<samueldr> (I just launched a new one with parallelism)
<samueldr> though, thanks, that's a useful command to know!
<samueldr> is there a way to cancel the build?
<sphalerite> kill the process talking to nix-daemon
<samueldr> ah, I was rephrasing to see if killing that process I own would work
<samueldr> thanks
<samueldr> yes, I, at least, don't want to hog one build user if I don't need it!
<sphalerite> well there's 192 of them so no acute shortage :p
<sphalerite> oh right, I wanted to sleep, heh
<sphalerite> gnight!
<samueldr> 'night
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<samueldr> (and thanks! nix log did allow checking back far enough)