I was waiting for you to come back, good editing in the wiki :)
(I'm sorry though, cannot answer your question, only wanted to thank you for getting it documented)
samueldr: I'm still trying to package it up in a Nix-friendly way. but it's a start
oh, btw, tomberek, the kernel will spit out which dtb file it reads from early in dmesg
well, I say that, go to verify and don't see it :/
samueldr: yep, i just updated that part. Asus does an odd renaming of their DTB and I was unsure what to call my own. At the moment I am using a Nix-produced DTB and a mainline u-boot.
samueldr: the dtb read is earlier than dmesg... i have a serial console watching u-boot.
for allwinner chips, u-boot compiles in the dtb name to give to the kernel, so at least for that family it's not hardware-derived
Do you have any experience with Bluetooth? I think i'm dealing with a Bluetooth-over-UART.
almost none, only as a user, though I did wrangle a specific bluetooth chip on a computer
it *may* be relevant to you
(iirc it's also used in som ARM boards)
can't tell for sure, but I think it is rtl8723bs on tinker boards
there is a systemd service in their repo, too
I should probably look into that
with udev rules also
(though they hardcode the /dev/ttyS1 path)
samueldr: you are right, PCI is a "PC/x86" thing. I'm not sure which tty this should be on. I see places that mention UART0 (and some patches that change it to UART3). I don't know how to map from that to a specific /dev/ttyS*
that's where my knowledge fails :/
this helped: ls /sys/devices/platform/*.serial/tty -al
That will help me map from address to tty. then the DTS has an alias mapping from uart to address.
I suspect we'll need some tweaks to the channel-updating script to have this next to usual ISOs.
Ideally we would fix that by 18.03 announcement time, but we'll see.
I need to beat the tested jobset into shape on aarch64 first though
Ah, yes, it doesn't evaluate :-)
Then it seems probable that 18.03 announcement will come later for aarch64, as I don't want to delay x86_64-linux significantly longer than necessary.
I hope that today we solve the remaining blocker by systemd "downgrade".
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I pushed those patches to master now, will cherry-pick soon if they don't break other stuff
its necessary to rebuild kernel dtbs to enable symbols, takes a long time due to checking out kernel source
not sure what the interface should look like- if overlay should (attempt) to be applied to every dtb, or user must specify a specific one
ah, is there a .config option to build the kernel DTBs with symbols? maybe the first step is to enable that by default on the architectures using DTB
I guess in the worst case we cas pass 'DTC="dtc -@"' or something to the kernel build
true. presumably symbols increase size of dtb too, are we ok with enabling this even if no overlay was specified?
it's in the range of kilobytes, I doubt it matters
if it matters to the end-user, they'll probably do their own customized full kernel build anyway to shave more there, I'd think
i suppose we could strip symbols again after apply overlay if it really mattered
any ideas for getting extlinux-conf-builder to use new dtbs?
it contains: # XXX UGLY: maybe the system config should have a top-level "dtbs" entry?
perhaps this must be addressed first
as in, be a seperate derivation from kernel?
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I'm noticing large gcc rebuild right now due to a difference in what seems to be rooted in "stdenv-linux-boot" vs "bootstrap-stage3-stdenv-linux" and I'm not sure where that difference came from. Any ideas or ways to track down the source of the difference?
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i think i got it.. slight differences in nixpkgs... still had an impure one