How do I reload things in the nix repl? Imports aren't redone when the file changes on disk.
Currently I have to exit the shell then recall all the relevant parts from history.
__monty__: i dont know of a way but that doesnt mean there isnt one
__monty__: tell me if you find something because its really annoying for me too and i havent thought to look into it more than what little i did at some point
pie_: Managed to transform most of the relevant history to an invocation of nix repl. Not a great solution for actually complex sessions though.
he was on about how they first made some experiments "interactive" at a cyclotron back in the day but hooking up a computer to it and how that feedback loop made experiments at least twice as effective
because you could abort badly set up experiments early, etc
and that had me wishing again that we could improve the interactions with nix more
plenty of ways to go it just needs to be done...
and fixing repl bugs and junk :P
i mean this is obvious stuff you just get used to everything being broken after a while.... :(