anyone have experience using nixops to deploy from macos to a virtualbox VM with support from a LAN nixos build slave?
(I'll be in/out several times this morning, but I'll read the chat backlog to catch up each time)
I use distributed builds quite a bit, but know very little about nixops
that might be fine, I'm not certain which side the hole in my knowledge falls in
also, pre-apology, this MBA keyboard inserts a lot of extra keypresses, and I am low on energy to carefully edit myself
so, I've got an existing shell.nix that I use to build a shell for a python project on macos; the shell.nix imports requirements.nix for python dependencies (which itself imports requirements_overrides.nix) and shell.nix also adds a few non-python dependencies like postgres
trying to set up a nixops config for building a VM containing essentially the same; I got the build slave set up and working correctly with the command-line nix-buuilld "hello" example
existing examples/discussions indicate adding `nixpkgs.localSystem.system = "x86_64-linux";` to the "physical" .nix config passed to nixops, which I've done
but I think I may be doing something that overrides or circumvents that; I'm still ending up with binaries that won't run in the VM
hmm, first off something like this builds file using the remote host?
in the "logical" config, I let `pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};` and `python = import ./requirements.nix { inherit pkgs; };` and then later set `environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.postgresql pkgs.python36Packages.pip ] ++ (builtins.attrValues python.packages);`
yeah, that's what I meant by the nix-build hello example
that part is setup properly then, it's just the expressions
but I don't see anything during the nixops deploy using that slave
evaluating pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {} on darwin results in a darwin package set, you don't want that in the vm
use an explicit system like with the hello example
or preferably use pkgs form the configuration.nix
ok, that was my suspicion
unless you want to explicitly mix 2 different versions of nixpkgs avoid referencing <nixpkgs> in your expressions
that makes sense; made the edit but have to duck oout for a bit before I can ruun it