<dtz> llvm 6 hype hype
<dtz> xD
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<peel[m]> LnL: nice. Mind sharing your take on the derivation? Wonder what I am missing
<peel[m]> LnL: have you tested it in battle? it seems to die for me on the default config
<LnL> no, still have to make a config an play with it
<LnL> but it started without segfaulting
<peel[m]> yeah, I guess segfault was related to specific version and flags I set
<peel[m]> the current issue is it's crashing
<peel[m]> here's a module for it i put together: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/peel/dotfiles/master/nix/.config/nixpkgs/overlays/darwin-modules/services/skhd.nix and the default config that crashes it: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/koekeishiya/skhd/master/examples/skhdrc also it's kinda cool that it is snappier than khd
<LnL> that's why I wanted to try it
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<LnL> peel[m]: hardeningDisable = [ "all" ]; fixes that so it really can't handle one of those flags
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<_rvl> LnL: we are going to use nix-darwin to manage our small farm of mac build machines. these are hydra build slaves and buildkite agents
<_rvl> the first one works well. this is the script to deploy configuration: https://github.com/input-output-hk/iohk-ops/tree/develop/nix-darwin
<_rvl> so thanks very much nix-darwin contributors!
<LnL> whaa! that's really cool
<LnL> to answer https://github.com/input-output-hk/iohk-ops/blob/develop/nix-darwin/buildkite-agent-module.nix#L44, the users.known* options indicate what users are owned by nix-darwin
<LnL> if you add those to you config without enabling the buildkite module those users would get deleted
<_rvl> ok i see, thanks!
<LnL> I should clarify that in the description
<_rvl> it is a more challenging problem when nix-darwin needs to co-exist with the host OS
<_rvl> anyway, hopefully no more messing with brew and manual setup. :)
<LnL> yeah exactly, I didn't want to accidentally have it delete somebody's user
<peel[m]> LnL: cool, looking good. shall we abstract over khd/skhd or keep separate modules for that?
<LnL> hmm, they are pretty similar but I'd just keep it separate for now
<periklis> _rvl: do you really have hydra running on macos?
<_rvl> periklis: just build slaves. there is an example in the nix-darwin repo for this, although we aren't using nix-darwin for darwin build slaves yet
<periklis> _rvl: oh ok, i've misunderstood you then above, because i've started a wip for hydra on darwin: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/33985 (however i am stuck with the queue runner)
<_rvl> ok, well good luck with that!
<periklis> i guess the task is a dead end, queue runner is not simple to grasp
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