x-post: Is it possible to delete everything EXCEPT the things thas are refferenced in current profile + needed to build a specific Nix file? Ie. I want to delet everything except my currenty profile + what my Nixus setup requires, to remove previous genererations of my servers, etc. from my laptop
infinisil: Am I screwed if I run nixus and want to reinstall the bootloader to a new device?
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eyJhb: try `NIXOS_INSTALL_BOOTLOADER=1 /run/current-system/bin/switch-to-configuration boot` on the device after deploying
ashkitten: I just changed my /boot and did a build + ./result, and it worked. My biggest issue was zfs not wanting to play 100% along
(changed /boot as in, updated hardware-configuration.nix), so basically the same as you suggested in the end