infinisil: are we getting a flake of nixus soon? :)
lovesegfault: Other than declaring the single nixpkgs that's used as a dependency as an input, I don't see anything else it would do
Maybe I just don't understand flakes, I thought if I want to make my system drvs a flake all of my dependencies needed to be flakes (i.e. contain a flake.nix file)
(which would mean I need nixus to have a flake.nix AIUI)
lovesegfault: No flakes also works with projects that don't have a flake.nix
I think that's described in at least the RFC
Thanks infinisil :)
infinisil: next time I go to geneva I have to get you a beer or something :P
Hehe, though I'm not anywhere near geneva (and I don't drink either lol)
Dammit, I thought you lived nearby :P
you can have one of those disgusting 0%ABV beers, lol