
<das-g[m]> I'm going through [Nix Pills, Chapter 3](https://nixos.org/nixos/nix-pills/enter-environment.html) on NixOS and noticed at [section 3.9](https://nixos.org/nixos/nix-pills/enter-environment.html#idm140737316642112) that I don't have any `~./nix-channels` file in my user home. Is that normal on NixOS or did I miss something during the NixOS installation/configuration?
<pcarrier> any takers for my problem with nix-env and overlays? it's possibly something stupid. https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/oEywH2fq/
<gchristensen> you should be able to mount over it even if there is something there
<snajpa> guys, how do I find what's creating entries in /var/lib/libvirt? I want to mount ZFS dataset there, but can't, something always populates it well before even libvirtd service starts
<infinisil> sphalerite: Yeah i got something similar
<sphalerite> so you might have something like self: super: { randomApplication = super.callPackage ({stdenv, zlib, pkgconfig}: {name = "foo"; buildInputs = with self; [ zlib pkgconfig ]; }); }
<pcarrier> I mean something chose that `<nixpkgs>` would be imported and passed as an argument to that function
<chrishill> Dezgeg: dd didn’t work, some missing binary or something. Maybe the Clonezilla ISO can’t be dded or something
<joko> Hello, is the nixos option in NixOS configuration deprecated? I'm trying to do something like this: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/8932#issuecomment-157640495
<rsa> something broke when the power was cut
<adisbladis> vaibhavsagar: "Update xyz" doesnt tell me anything about why something was updated. I'll happily accept something like "rust is an attribute set, not a package" or "rustc and cargo are separate packages".
<pcarrier> this is definitely a case where I want to use buildFHSUserEnv because this project expects something akin to FHS
<pcarrier> AFAICT all I need at this point is a /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 and commands like `which gcc` to return something
<pcarrier> can I declare it as something to passthrough?
<pcarrier> OK sorry but before I copy-paste something bugs me


<clever> Cypi: you could put something like (python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [jupyter beautifulsoup4])) into systemPackages
<Cypi> Can't I just put something in the global configuration.nix so that I can just get Tkinter when I run `python3` from any shell?
<clever> Cypi: something like this: nix-shell -p 'python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [jupyter beautifulsoup4])'
<pcarrier> sphalerite: any chance I could write something in my configuration.nix to create a /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 and /bin/bash in /run/current-system/activate I guess?
<Ankhers> Then I misunderstood something when someone else told me how it worked. Thanks!
<samueldr> nix-env -i 'something' will install by searching for the name
<chrishill> I realize that I probably have a lot to learn (or that I could learn on this subject). I am mainly asking if I might have missed something, or what to read up on when it comes to this stuff.
<chrishill> I am probably going to be buying more RAM. But the use seems so… excessive that it feels like I am missing something, or have done something wrong.
<chrishill> Am I missing something here? I know very little on the differences between 32 bit and 64 bit.
<dan_b_> one small step towards being able to run something not openwrt on my home routers
<makefu> i think there nixos has an edge towards all the other distros. plus it is something people easily understand
<knedlsepp> Hi! Is there by any chance a way to "antiquote" nix expressions inside of a regular text file? Currently I am going with an approach that uses substituteInPlace MYFILE --replace "{{GDB}}" "${gdb}/bin/gdb". Where file is something that I ship with the nix expression. What I would like to do is just antiquote the entire MYFILE as if it were a string.
<bkchr> makefu: yeah, I would like to build something on my host and push that into the machine ^^
<makefu> bkchr: hopefully :D i just saw something similar in my shell history
<bkchr> Hi, I got a question regarding nixops. Is it possible to simulate a network with nixops? I want something like PC1 <--> Router <--> PC2
<Rovanion> So has anyone tried sway on nixos 17.09? I've never used a wayland WM before but am sort of guessing that you don't have to start something like xorg before starting the WM in wayland-land, or am I wrong? When trying to start sway from the terminal I get the error: Not running from X11 and no access to /dev/input/event0 or logind unavailable. logind.service doesn't seem to be a thing on my machine though.
<srhb> adamt: We could also parameterize this properly with types.listOf types.path or something, of course.
<srhb> adamt: I was thinking something like this: http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/wyycd51G?nix
<hodapp> hmmm. maybe my TensorFlow problems will go away if I switch to MXNet or something, bleh


<snajpa> apparently I'm doing something wrong
<aszlig> nordkap: alternatively you can also do it without overlays and just use something like _module.args.mypkgs = import ...;
<snajpa> I guess I could debootstrap something minimal just to dd the nixos live system from there
<socksy> yeah, but something else will break in my nixconfig and i won't be able to update for ages
<dhess`> gchristensen: This is something I've encountered a few times. If you need to use an setuid ping in a derivation, should one hard-code "/run/wrappers/bin/ping" in the derivation, or is there a symbolic name that should be used?
<alphor> I'm sure I'm misunderstanding something.
<aminechikhaoui> clever: am I missing something ?
<Rovanion> Now this is a little weird language theory question: But why does the nix config format have semicolons everywhere? It seems like everything that is followed by a semicolon is already something which belongs to a pair and thus in no need of a terminating character.
<clever> steveeJ: there is something special about having access to a filehandle of an FS outside the container
<maxpayne> nix-env -i nodejs works but is slow. How can I just make nix-env -iA nodejs or something similar work?
<LnL> could be something else
<joko> Is it possible to catch undefined variables? I've tried something like this: networking.nameservers = let try = builtins.tryEval networking.interfaces.eth0; in if try.success then [ "" ] else [];
<dhess`> otherwise you could be streaming from Australia or something
<Lisanna> I'm noticing that if I restart the nginx nixos service it will sometimes fail to unbind from the port or something, causing the restarted instance to fail to bind with "address already in use". Anyone ever have to solve this before?


<ma27> gerschtli: I'll give it another try, maybe there's something I could do :)
<dhess```> Lisanna: Huh. Is it not able to open a socket or something?
<dhess```> better to be safe and explcit when it comes to something as critical to DNS, in my opinion.
<dhess```> Lisanna: They must not have triggered that warning. In my case it was happening because of mismatched versions of bundler creating lockfiles, or something like that.
<jmc_fr> Hello. I have in my conf the following : `defaultLocale = "fr_FR.UTF-8";' which I want to kep, except for LC_MESSAGES which I want to be set to "en_US.UTF-8" or something like that. Looking at https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#locale has not helped.
<Sonarpulse> unfortunately I got to help someone at work with something
<Guanin> __monty__, yes, probably - when I first setup the server, I was throwing xen on every of my personal devices. But now I've learned my lesson and want something more reproducible
<steveeJ> bgamari: checking whether python bindings are enabled... no <-- this explains something :-D
<__monty__> The next to last comment in that thread seems to offer something up but I don't see how it solves the issues jwiegley had with buildEnv and his nix-config still uses myEnvFun so it seems like he either didn't check it out or found that it didn't satisfy.
<Unode> I'm trying to build something which depends on gnutls. I'm getting "error: cannot download gnutls-3.5.15.tar.xz from any mirror" even after running "nix-prefetch-url https://src.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs/gnutls/gnutls-3.5.15.tar.xz" successfully. Is there any way to go around this?
<pcarrier> I don't assume there's a way for `nixos-rebuild switch` to kexec straight into the new environment or something along those lines?
<Lisanna> well, you can do something similar to what I posted at least
<Lisanna> rosa: wait, nevermind, you're asking about something different
<Lisanna> rosa: I put this in the preFixup for something which is already built and that I want to "nix-ify":
<Lisanna> rosa: I have an example of something like this


<BlessJah> huh, in tty they are gone, I'm onto something
<cstrahan> ixxie: I don't think we have any hard and fast rules for indentation, but there's definitely a pervasive pattern throughout, with some minor inconsistencies in some corner cases. For example, in something like a `let [...bindings...] in [...expr...]`, do you indent both the bindings and the body expression? Generally yes... but it's not uncommon to find a package definition where there's a top level let, and then it
<cstrahan> ixxie: Also, a solid next step would be setting up a NixOS module. If that's something you'd like to do, I can provide some help there, too.
<cstrahan> qmm: if you want to install tinc in your user profile, something like: nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -i -A haskellPackages.tinc
<cstrahan> ixxie: at any rate, I doubt you'll be able to get that python-auth2 test working, as it's generally unworkable to get databases/servers running appropriately in the build env. so a quick fix would be to do something like `doCheck = false;` to skip the tests entirely (or you could find a way skip just the troublesome ones)
<cstrahan> ixxie: remind me to circle back to that last question of yours. first, to address your last gist: python-auth2 looks like it needs (at least for that test; don't know about runtime) something like mysql-connector-python, rather than pymysql (I could be wrong here, though; I'm judging by e.g. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24272223/import-mysql-connector-python)
<cstrahan> ixxie: I see several ways around this -- 1) see if you can build the npm stuff as a separate derivation (while preventing jupyterhub's build script from trying to do that work), and then you can symlink the pre-built nodejs/npm lib as necessary, or 2) do something like preBuild="mkdir .home; HOME=$PWD/.home", so that when jupyterhub's build script tries to invoke npm, npm doesn't explode due to the nonexistent path.
<clever> steveeJ: it sounds a lot more like you ran nix-build on something
<steveeJ> clever: and why wouldn't it be able to find something that's in the trash? and how does it even remember it was there before? this is confusing
<steveeJ> did you spot my error I posted earlier? nix-store --gc throws an error it can't find something in the trash
<srk> looks like I need something like pkgs.linuxPackagesFor.override?
<myrl> Something happened
<Li[m]> i pulled in the new strongswan service PR, and it adds so many nixos options that building the manpage felt like something was stuck in a loop
<adisbladis> myrl: That could just be down to hardware fuses or something like that..
<myrl> adisbladis: Something something, "if it's free, you can load your own firmware and use other freqs". I wonder if it's possible to use GPLv2, since that doesn't disallow Tivoization.
<sphalerite> myrl: of course. I don't have any sort of fixed procedure for how I update the cache so it's mostly a matter of luck if you do find something you want on it :p but yeah it could be useful especially for LLVM since that takes so long to build
<sphalerite> how do I get bash to word-split something ffs. Usually you're trying to avoid it, now I want it and I can't get it
<sphalerite> yeeeeah but what I want is something that can build my ARMv7 stuff for me x)
<clever> knedlsepp: what about something like proot and mount namespacing to put nix back at /nix/ ?
<knedlsepp> Could someone give me some more insights on how exactly the prefix of the nix store is involved in the computation of the hash? I think this is something that is currently biting me with the dns-root-data issue that I just opened.
<srhb> I wonder if the unit is missing some env var or something, but the location of the failure is just weird.
<petersjt014[m]> i can use another live cd to burn w/ gparted or something
<petersjt014[m]> also is iso the other one or am i thinking of something else?
<petersjt014[m]> has anybody gotten the latest iso to burn and successfully boot via flash drive? I get something like ' PXE-E61: media test failure, check cable' with rufus, yumi and etcher
<gchristensen> well like the software is linked to _something_ and we don't handle the nixos vs. non-nixos cases nicely here
<samueldr> iirc, nixos does something "weird" (unconventional) to make the right libGL.so available to apps
<gfixler> something is different - the .nix is pulling the latest executable (the URL is right), but the fonts are screwy, and it crashes on Play
<bulldog> I know this has probably been asked a billion times, but: How do I run something that is linked against libQt5Widgets.so.5 et al.?
<dhess> Debian has an "apt-file search" function which tells you which packages (whether installed or not) contain a string; so you can do something like "apt-file search vainfo" to find all packages that have a "vainfo" binary. Does Nix have something similar?


<ekleog> joepie91: just something I came up with
<joepie91> ekleog: is upgradeEnv a magical service name or is it just something you came up with as essentially an alias?
<ekleog> maybe it'd need something like environments referenced from configuration.nix, for which rebuild jobs are executed after the end of the activation scripts
<joepie91> obadz: I'm looking for something that integrates with nixos-rebuild, though, ie. based on a configuration.nix
<andrewrk> does that mean something is wrong with my /etc/nixos/configuration.nix?
<hodapp> if I could find a way to make Jupyter run a kernel that is isolated in its own environment (nix-shell or something) it probably wouldn't be a problem
<hodapp> it appears that one html5lib version is a transitive dependency of one thing I'm using, and something else pulls a conflicting version - and pip cannot handle this
<trikl[m]> Every time I try to build something it fails with `error: getting status of '/nix/store/ijrxfh0bq3ssldkrcgkm8asqffkwqnpn-python3-3.5.3/bin/pip': No such file or directory`
<myrl> I never saw something get bottlenecked so badly
<aanderse> i have a laptop running nixos+kde and when i put the laptop into suspend mode the fan never turns off and the keyboard backlight remains on. if i press any keys the laptop does not wake up, even if i press the power button the laptop does not wake up. i have to hard reboot the laptop. after a hard reboot i check journalctl from the prior boot and the last thing the log says is something about the system about to suspend. gone through a bunch of
<Dezgeg> IIRC the LXC setup is something like this: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/9735#issuecomment-301272113
<hyper_ch> doesn't TO already have LXC or something containers?
<hyper_ch> I wanted to ask you something but I forgot :)
<samueldr> node2nix seemed more targetted towards building tools, and not products, I mean, building something using node and using it via CLI
<samueldr> anyone has experience with building a react app using nix, using *something* to track dependencies through nix?
<tilpner> Alling - FWIW, something like mitmproxy.override { python3 = python36; } should have worked too


<jeaye> Mic92: Right, that comment just _said_ something, rather than dictating something needed to be done. Is his point that anyone should be able to jump back to 15.07 and thus we should leave that setting in?
<steveeJ> oh, apparently I can, I must've done something wrong earlier
<forgetful> I guess I can, I just did not want to do something I was not sure about. Shall I do it?
<tomster> not sure if this is nixos related but since i've switched to it my i3 setup is behaving a bit wonky, in particular *sometimes* using $mod-h/j/k/l to move focus stops working (usually with terminal windows) has anyone here had something simlar?
<tomster> thanks, i was afraid something was wrong with my setup but this seems to just be regular business
<chreekat> samueldr: cool, so it's definitely something wrong on my machine
<samueldr> (I'll try using the exact same checkout to see if something weird is going on)
<cnu-> is it possible to make NixOS generate service passwords instead of hardcoding something in the config files?
<chreekat> Now I'm looking at `mount` and I see something is mounted at /nix/store, though I think that's normal, yeah?
<chreekat> Ok, the one thing I can think of is that I was experimenting with chroot, and I made a bind mount of /nix into the chroot dir. I got as far as running bash in the chroot successfully, then shut it down and (tried?) to unmount the binding. I wonder if something happened during that process?
<chreekat> hyper_ch: nix-channel says the same, 17.03. (I though stateVersion was something else, but wasn't sure)
<hyper_ch> system.stateVersion is something different
<hodapp> what did it have, 4 or 8 MB or something}
<hodapp> something about Raspberry Pi thermostat? https://github.com/Hodapp87/raspi_thermostat is what I just threw together for my fermentation endeavors
<clever> run this, then plug something in
<gchristensen> wait, no, I'm confusing udev with something else
<clever> seccus: and if you do something like: export PATH=${firefox}/bin/:$PATH in the script, then it can just run firefox, but firefox wont be installed for the user
<phg> Hey guys, something is wrong with my mandb.
<etu> Hmm, I've added nixpkgs-unstable as a channel named as nixpkgs-unstable on my system as root. Then I tried to install a package from it by having something like this (import <nixpkgs-unstable> {}).firefox-bin in my systemPackages
<neonfuz> the comments made me think it was something like a package database version that I wasn't supposed to change
<neonfuz> something is more deeply messed up with my system I think
<jeaye> I've made a package to put some files into /etc. It builds, I have it installed, but the files don't get symlinked. I must be missing something. https://gist.github.com/jeaye/775b1dca7c71b730504e959a5b497aa5
<ison[m]> neonfuz: Actually now that I think about it nix probably doesn't need you to run fc-cache -fv like on other distros. So your issue must be something else. Would you be able to put all the lines in your nix config relevant to fonts in a pastebin?
<neonfuz> something is really messed up with my fonts


<Unode> Recently got a "kernel too old" when trying to run something from nixpkgs.
<raving> Should I compile it myself; and is there something nix specific to watch out for?
<joko> something like import (myPackage.outPath + /nix/myfun.nix)
<fusion809> sphalerite: If it's just ya mentioning something interesting I've got no problems with that, it's just I'm confused.
<steveeJ> knedlsepp: would something similar to https://github.com/htwg-syslab/nix-expressions/blob/master/default.nix#L71-L77 work for you? just put more overlays in the list
<knedlsepp> steveej: You mean something along the lines: "self: super: { (import ./overlay1.nix { self; super;}) (import ./overlay2.nix {self; super;} )}"
<knedlsepp> overlay.nix should contain something along the lines: "self: super: { import ./overlay1.nix; import ./overlay2.nix; }". but won't work when overlay1.nix and overlay2.nix also contain the "self: super: ..." structure
<gchristensen> the rollbacks assume the bootloader installation process doesn't ruin your bootloader, something we test for, but is untested if you use master directly
<gchristensen> reverse dependencies are a critical part of nix, to check if something can be GCd
<icetan> gchristensen: yeah, it's super weird, it must be something outside /nix that got changed, it compiles my derivations but some don't work properly
<v0lZy> adisbladis: what are the NIXOS best practices for something like asterisk where you have a dialplan etc
<steveeJ> I can just use the name of the dictionary within the dictionary, that works too, but something more nameless would still be nice
<steveeJ> is there something like 'self' in a dictionary when I need 'rec' functionality but want to avoid ambiguities?
<v0lZy> adisbladis: yeah, i imagine thats what it does. users i assume i have to add myself, and enable the system is also something i have to do myself... i was thinking that i have to write systemd unit files for it etc... but i guess thats handled by modules?
<adisbladis> v0lZy: Adding something to systemPackages only sets up some environment things, it doesnt make it run on startup, does not create users etc etc
<copumpkin> so I'm seeing something weird
<axel_parolta> Does anyone have expecience with nvidia propriatary driver? My graphic card has issue with the nouveau driver (video glitches), so I installed the nvidia proprietary driver. Since then I have an issue with the size of the icons and the menus.. It look like the size of the screen is not detected or something like that. Anyone has an idea on how to fix that issue?
<ryantrinkle> well, the only time i ever use it is when i suspect something is impure and i'm trying to debug it
<dhess> however in this case possibly actually useful, if infact it is something in /proc that's holding on to it.
<gchristensen> ryantrinkle: something in /proc might be referring to it
<ryantrinkle> how can I diagnose why something would be impossible to delete with nix-store --delete, while nix-store -q --roots returns nothing?
<gchristensen> disasm: one of the options is like --delete or something
<dhess> gchristensen: seems you were trying to do something similar-ish in https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/issues/649
<dhess> ok let me try my question more directly: how do I use something like this: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/How_to_fetch_Nixpkgs_with_an_empty_NIX_PATH or this: https://github.com/input-output-hk/iohk-ops/blob/develop/fetch-nixpkgs.nix with a NixOps deployment?


<clever> steveeJ: an example of something i did that was fully static: https://github.com/cleverca22/nix-misc/blob/master/qemu-user.nix
<Sonarpulse> vcunat: maybe the cross jobset could be musl static only or something
<Sonarpulse> so you still need zlib.dev or something
<vcunat> pie_: you probably mean let python = something; in [ python ];
<balsoft> Do I need to write something similar, but for my scanner?
<Turion> hyper_ch: Yes and no. I'm not used to gpg actually messing something up. That's a new experience brought to me by nixos... I coincidentally do have my keys on my phone. But gpg doesn't even manage to import them from there. I'll just have to hope for the update.
<sphalerite> I think it was trying to load the file recursively or something
<sphalerite> I appreciate an autosave feature that lets me recover my work if something goes wrong… not so much if it doesn't actually work xD
<mbrock> I'm playing with multiple output derivations to store some ancillary scripts, but I'm confused about how to programmatically find a non-default output of something I build e.g. via nix-build
<pie_> do i need to use some other kind of buildinputs or something?
<steveeJ> mh, well that's actually talking about something else. but a global /etc/xml/catalog seems undesired on NixOS
<pie_> ffmpeg/avenc or whatever its calle probably also has something for getting info but i have no idea how to use it :P
<sphalerite> Anyone know stuff about videos? I've recorded something using gstreamer with vp8enc and webmmux, and the length on the resulting video file seems to be all wrong and kdenlive doesn't like it. Any ideas what to do about this? (sorry OT)
<pie_> domenkozar, nvm sorry for the ping, turns out i did something wrong while saving the fix yesterday, and i was in fact correct; the cmake files mangled pythonpath by replacing instead of appending
<steveeJ> hyper_ch: is msmtp something that could help?
<kuznero> sphalerite: it is something I downloaded from internet.
<clever> so installing something old like skype on darwin, gives you the 32bit linux binaries!
<dhess> Whenever I have to do something like {config={};} in a derivation I know I'm in trouble. My nix-foo isn't that strong yet.


<steveeJ> something in my expressions is pulling in uboot and I have no clue what it is. how can I find out?
<greymalkin> gah... something is wrong with nixops on my install... trying the vbox example from the manual is resulting in "error: string index out of range" and I can't delete the resource afterwards.
<disasm> neonfuz: I'd setup a default.nix in your project directory, something like this skeleton: https://gist.github.com/6ece4211ecf326c5a48c7ed2047810e6 and put any dependencies in buildInputs
<clever> the only thing you have to manualy handle, is provisioning new machines, and possibly installing nixos on them (if you cant clone something)
<gchristensen> if you really need to fix something `git revert` the offending changes then push corrected diffs
<orivej> err, depend on something another scheduled job has an explanation for
<clever> pmeunier: in something like that, it might be better to use .override, which operates at a much sooner level
<clever> pmeunier: you can use // to just merge a set onto something, or .passthru
<martinb> When creating a FHSUserEnv, is there a way to get the path of e.g. the /share directory of a package which has been included in targetPkgs? Specifically, I want to recreate the XDG_DATA_DIRS variable inside the env with a path to something like /usr/share/..., where "..." depends on the specific packages in targetPkgs...
<clever> steveeJ: i believe nix-daemon does something similar, for its sandboxes
<steveeJ> this is something I experimented with in nix2aci, generating mounts for each dependency. the project was targeted at rkt though instead of Docker
<sphalerite> AliasSpider: are you trying to say something?
<pie_> i guess something needs to be passed along
<makefu> something like this: with import <nixpkgs> { }; callPackage default.nix { }
<pie_> whats the proper way to turn something like https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/master/pkgs/applications/graphics/krita/default.nix into a default.nit that nix-shell can run?
<Lisanna> is there something inhernetly wrong with having the sourceRoot be inside $out?


<kuznero> I am trying to create a package now that has one bash script that need to know where it installed. So, I have something like `echo ${mdslider}` in that bash script. What can I do to make this path resolved on the install/build phase of mdslider derivation?
<magnetophon> srhb: then again, it looks like I'm missing something dumb, therwise it would just work, so I really appreciate you thinking with me! :)
<magnetophon> Same when I change the .nix file in that line to something non-existing. TBH, I'm baffled. Any ideas?
<infinisil> Is there a reason that the extraFlagsArray argument is always present even without --run (which can supply something that populates extraFlagsArray)?
<ikwildrpepper> something like file(...)
<gchristensen> sorry were you saying something about engineering?
<Mic92> I would prefer something like gem-config
<gchristensen> Mic92: is there any possible future of nix + cargo where we can like pre-build dependencies so any time something changes a teensy bit we don't have to recompile all 9,000 deps?
<srhb> clever: Is a watchdog service something more specific than cobbling a systemd service together that looks for some file to abandon a timer?
<adisbladis> jluttine: I was thinking of something like that for work
<clever> Lisanna: something in that area, cant remember which one
<jluttine> if anyone here happens to be interested on cryptocurrencies, i started sketching something similar to BitKey but based on NixOS: https://github.com/jluttine/CryptOS
<clever> yeah, something like that
<Lisanna> Okay, but what about the other symlinks in the user environment? After running the installer and setting up the user env with a bare-bones /nix, if I blow that away with something else, it might have different paths to /nix?
<clever> jluttine: kvm is just a kernel feature, that has to be used by something else like qemu
<clever> Lisanna: wait, somethings not right
<gchristensen> and cross your fingers or something


<MoreTea> miko__: nix-shell -p ghci --command ghci, or something similar
<Sonarpulse> in bash, something like
<Mic92> I thought I have seen something scripts doing this, but I cannot find them
<Dezgeg> I guess it's something with sshd then
<phI||Ip> hyper_ch yeah except that is more UI based. I was thinking of something that either writes out reports or writes logs that I can total etc. At end of day I'd like some automated way of knowing how much data a given network port has moved over a given period of time
<Dezgeg> usually you can add patchFlags = "-p2" or something
<sphalerite> I'm getting "substituter xyz does not have a valid signature for path foo" even though I've added xyz to trustedBinaryCaches. Is there something else I need to do?
<kermitas> so I guess I need to wait until he will write something here :)
<dannyg> I am wondering about caching in a simple nixos derivation that downloads a jenkins war file. When i change version to something else (which changes the url since it has a ${verson}), there is a rebuild, but the new war file is not downloaded, it just uses the one it already had. If I actually change the url, e.g. add a bogus ?a=1 query string, only then the war file is downloaded and hash check is performed. Is this intended behavior? package file:
<hyper_ch> I still think you did something worng... can you retry?
<hyper_ch> I don't run ipv6 yet despite having a /48 subnet or something available
<larsvm> i mean, in my university, one can specialize on algorithms, databases, web technologies, and probably something else too
<jeaye> I could do an activation script, but something in Nix would be ideal.
<FreakingOut1987> i'm probably doing something wrong, can someone enlighten me?
<Golden_Skittle> clever: I just found something similar and copied, on an aside, I got nix-env -i to work if I go root, I think I am missing user priviliges
<disasm> I'm not too afraid of breaking stuff with a rebuild switch --upgrade (I rebase almost daily), mainly because I can always just rollback if something happens.


<bhipple[m]> I'm a little confused on how I could do something like this without creating circular dependencies. Essentially, coreutils needs sssd to function, so I'd like to pull sssd into stdenv or a coreutils dependency (?)
<alphor> in particular if there is ambiguity what happens? I imagine with something like a package in both python2 and python3
<yegortimoshenko> when something changes, it usually goes in there
<c0bw3b> i remember postFetch = "do something ; then rm"
<symphorien> something like that
<infinisil> something like that
<srhb> So something like...
<flokli> rycee: next question, wanted to fix something in home-manager, but it seems like I don't understand the docs correctly about specifying a custom checkout of the home-manager repo
<srhb> Something is trying to write to /boot (which I don't have. I do have /boot1 and /boot2 though)
<clever> sounds like something didnt work right when building


<srhb> Maybe you're doing something that doesn't make sense.
<kaba> srhb: O, I see, thank you. But for some reason it's still compiling something huge right now :/
<the-kenny> mbrgm: also note that you can also reference stuff from a nixos module directly. Just do something like `${pkgs.foo}/bin/your-program` in your ExecStart or whereever
<mbrgm> is there a way to inject something into /run/current-system/sw/bin from a nixos module?
<srhb> Not sure if that will help, but get general performance problems when running compton and primusrun something at the same time
<mekeor> hyper_ch: did you try `nix-env -i zfsUnstable` or something like that? i don't know if that should even work
<hyper_ch> mekeor: error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /nix/store/bz5b8zlvpj5qlvxz5ki0rjwc4ig6l7xv-nixos-18.03pre120118.4d4e70d071/nixos/pkgs/stdenv/generic/make-derivation.nix:176:56
<mekeor> doesn't it say something like "x has sha256 hash ‘y’ when ‘z’ was expected"? hyper_ch
<mekeor> hyper_ch: i never tried it myself but i guess you have to insert something like this in your /etc/nixos/configuraion.nix: http://sprunge.us/ihjX
<joepie91> Dr81281: for future reference, you can also do something like `-b -1` to get the logs for a past boot :)
<pie_> but i havent gotten around to doing something about it
<pie_> manveru, i think there was actually something moderately helpful somewhere in the nixpkgs tools tree for that
<__monty__> vcunat: Unless you're getting the code from github. I believe they default to a form of open license, probably doesn't qualify as free but it's something.
<c0bw3b> *oh noes I broke something*
<Unode> is there any way to prevent nix-build from cleaning up the build directory? I'd like to inspect why something is failing
<joehh> looks like something I'll be putting into our deploys asap
<srhb> How do I make /urlselect and co work in the new weechat again? Looks like the split has all plugins enabled per default, but still, something broke
<Unode> manveru: hum... maybe I'm think about something else. I once encountered a page that listed most of the functions you can call in a build expression with descriptions of what they do
<codygman> Is something like this wordpress example (https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Wordpress) meant to be run with nix-shell, built with nix-build and nix-installed,or something else? My goal is just having a working local development wordpress.


<clever> tanonym: if you had a copy of the enlightenment directory in /etc/nixos/, you could so something like this to recreate the right value
<tanonym> Would it apply to the DE if I log out and log-back in or do I need to do something to the DE to get it to use the later version?
<sphalerite> so `strace -e open dwarf-fortress` or something
<manveru> or am i getting something wrong here
<Twey> disasm: That's reasonable. It's unfortunately not something I can spend time on right now ;( I just thought the asymmetry was amusing. Multi-user surely is the expected default (given that we create /nix for all users).
<disasm> Twey: we also welcome pull requests if it's something you want to tackle :)
<Unode> I have other glibc-2.26 in the store already so I'm guessing something was enabled/disabled and it's now triggering this error.
<woffs> jad340: and do other things in .xprofile get started? Does .xsession-errors or the systemd journal show something?
<gchristensen> not sure it'll do something sane if your bug is _in_ a mass-rebuild, probably not:)
<srhb> Will bisect skip do something sane if I run out of candidates by skipping?
<hyper_ch> ok, must have done something wrong then before :)
<Lisanna> I was using it to add some kind of ssh auth socket or something
<clever> gfixler: this is something i had thrown together for using my normal vim config on a shared machine
<clever> Lisanna: lets try something simpler, nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A system --option binary-caches ""
<jtojnar> or something


<schoppenhauer> well, apparently not, but is there something similar, some possibility to install coq with packages?
<guillaum3> I'm just watching the video about the future features of nix 1.12. nix run --store local/path/foo appears to be a really nice way of packaging something and distributing it to a system where nix cannot be installed with root access. Does this feature needs userspace chroot or something similar?
<ldlework> assuming I never do something like foo = getEnv "foo"
<ldlework> I assume it has something to do with the quotes in the glidePhase definition
<Henson> I'm probably missing something simple, as I just started using the Nix package manager today, but this has been a very difficult problem to find the solution to using Google.
<Henson> Hi everyone, I'm trying to use the Nix package manager as a tool for making reproducible build environments. I'm trying to install OpenCV and have discovered that it's only installing libraries and not headers. This seems to be related to the "out" or "dev" output that is being installed. But even when doing something like "nix-env -iA nixpkgs.opencv.dev", it doesn't install the headers...
<adelbertc> clever: just FYI, poking into `/var/log/nix-daemon.log` shows that it attempts the distributed build only when I use /etc/nix/machines so that gives me something to work with :)
<adelbertc> can i do an overlay or something to patch that plist?
<hyper_ch> iqubic: yes.... people often show tank or something related to aquariums.... fishtank fishbowl....
<clever> michaelpj: i usually make something like a release.nix that handles that
<srhb> Maybe something about the stack configuration.
<infinisil> you don't need callPackage really, it's just something that makes overriding stuff easier
<contrapumpkin> betaboon: it shouldn't hurt you to do that, but was it official on site or something? want to make sure our instructions are up to date and recommending stuff that we actually test :)
<hyper_ch> sphalerite: I found something from Mic92 in an issue from 2016 and added this now to my config https://paste.simplylinux.ch/view/raw/7632c57a - in virt-manager I just select now the "br0" interface and the VMs and Host all can talk to one another :)
<quchen> Hi! I’m using nix-the-package-manager (on Ubuntu), and I recently ran `nix-channel --update` to, well, update. However, I now get an error whenever I try to do something with nix-env (e.g. nix-env -u) – a syntax error in some default.nix of a package that I don’t recognize. nix-info: http://lpaste.net/359916
<dhess> or maybe it had something to do with making it arch-dependent. Now I can't recall.
<tempeh> infinisil: i see there's something called NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE, that looks like what I should use, but I'm not sure how to use it..
<dhess> Even Cabal and Hackage are better, and that is saying something!
<dhess> Unless, like I said, I'm missing something and there is some tool that makes this really easy and I just can't find it.


<dhess> I appreciate that part of the problem here is that requirements.txt isn't really sufficient, but is it really this much work to package something up?
<rycee> Would something like nscd be a possible workaround?
<clever> rycee: using a "real" domain in the dns is going to work better, something that dig can resolve
<bigvalen> Yeah, but it's bitching that I'm not setting a subnet for my interface. So I've messed something up
<MP2E> I've thought about this too. The drag and drop block nature of visual editors makes me wonder how well it'd work with something like Haskell, or basically any purely functional language with strong static types
<manveru> obadz: i tried making something similar to http://people.ubuntu.com/~jr/ubiquity-nm.png
<bigvalen> clever: Nice. I miss the days when I had low-urgency ops jobs, and could spend days pricking around with something like that, to get it working
<betaboon> srhb: do you have something that you can share ?
<sphalerite> srhb: oooh I think there's actually something called envsubst
<romildo> clever, this error "suspicious source archive" has not appeared before. The file is the same. Something changed internally in nix, I think.
<rycee> __monty__: I think you have to find the nginx error log. I would be very surprised if it doesn't contain something relevant.
<vaibhavsagar> but what I like about the x250 is that they're cheap enough that I could just replace mine if something bad happens to it