
<joepie91> deltasquared: pandoc may be what you're looking for btw, if you want a just-works docbook-to-something-else converter
<deltasquared> there are some xslt stylesheets available that can supposedly spit out xhtml (i.e. something I could shove into a browser), though it's giving me warnings I'm not sure how to interpret.
<deltasquared> anyone here who can help me get something useful out of the docbook sources that comes with nixpkgs?
<MichaelRaskin> Age of architecture. Speculative MMIO on x86 would have already broken something by accident.
<MichaelRaskin> And? I mean, if someone else finds something worth the name Skyfall, they can just call it ArmageddonAttack.
<MichaelRaskin> Unclear what one can win out of creating these two websites without revealing something that is considered interesting.
<MichaelRaskin> Just the first idea I have when I hear a claim that something worse than Meltdown is yet unfixed.
<gchristensen> deltasquared: sounds good, let us know if you need help with something. Nix was my first functional language
<ixxie> FRidh2: would that be acceptable? I could call the commit something like `node-packages: added various jupyterhub dependencies.` this would also help clarify why they were added...
<gchristensen> joko: I've heard of something ... let me see if I can find it
<joko> Somewhat related, I have never found an application-level firewall for Linux, something like Little Snitch for macOS. Is anyone aware of something relevant?
<deltasquared> though then again I guess I would assume so anyway until someone started whining that I broke something for them ;)
<deltasquared> (incidentally the whole reason I'm on here today, to try and grok how to throw them into something I can get on an nixos system)
<lejonet> tilpner: then I'm not really getting how I should apply the transformations, should I do mapAttrs (name: value: nameValuePair (something to apply transformation to name) (value)) attrSet?
<tilpner> lejonet - While "->" is part of Nix syntax, it does something completely different
<typetetris> joko: Thanks. Are they deprecated or something like that or will they be support for the time being?
<typetetris> gchristensen: Will there be sandboxing for linux too? For example with a chroot environment or something like that? That would be really grea.
<typetetris> gchristensen: Maybe I misunderstood something, but how can https://github.com/NixOS/nix-pills/issues/40 be possible then? Clearly that build used my systems libexpat, even if expat wasn't mentioned in buildInputs or anything like that?
<yarny> I remember having read somewhere that the number after "17.09" (here 2799) is the number of commits from the initial 17.09 release and therefore like a increasing version number. So I'm surprised that this number actually decreased, and I suspect it has something to do with my update-failures.
<tilpner> Something is weird about the channel currently, I can't explain it though
<yarny> Hi, my machine is observing something strange going on in the release-17.09 channel. Two hours ago, my cronjob did "nixos-rebuild --upgrade boot", which fetched "nixos-17.09.2826.5141f28405e", then tried to locally build libreoffice (this usually comes from the binary cache for me).
<psychon> fun fact: that PR was merged and yet awesome still fails to find its libraries without $LD_LIBRARY_PATH; something is fishy here O.o
<psychon> well, my first thought was something like "perhaps gobject-introspection can be patched to embed absolute paths in its .typelib files"; your idea is a lot better
<Aleksejs> is there any option like gtk.config or something to modify .gtkrc file?
<Ralith> tilpner: yep, there was something scribbling away in a dark corner in my source tree
<simpson> krey: You expected something like { ab = "3"; }?
<joepie91> pie__: may be something similar to this: https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=664520
<azdle> Is there something I need to install to give java (openjdk-9) its set of CA certs?


<LnL> what I also sometimes do if I make changes for something I wanted a few commits back is create a WIP commit, run git rebase -i and put it after the commit I want it in with a f (fixup)
<ixxie> so the workflow is something like: package X, Y, Z, then git add -p <X stuff>, git commit X, git add -p <Y stuff>, git commit Y, etc.
<the> Guest82411: this is something I've done in the past
<MichaelRaskin> Well, the store format is the same, so it is possible to install something from Nixpkgs
<Ralith> I feel like I should be able to set `crossSystem` or just override part of stdenv or something
<bind> something like that ? "$ nix-env -f https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/nixos-14.12.tar.gz -iA firefox"
<hyper_ch> bind: the proper route would be something like this: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Packaging_Binaries
<bind> one more thing ... how about installing something "foreign" such as ... something with a .deb file
<bind> about sharing configurations (using git or something), how does that work with device uuids and things like that? excluding the hardware nix file?
<infinisil> bind: well you can just rollback if something does :
<taohansen> Gentoo emerge commands pull fine so it’s not my network. i’ll try and curl something else, one moment
<deltasquared> well something had to be anchored so the rest could go elsewhere... yeah I'm beginning to feel this is in need of cleaning up
<radvendii> oh I guess I always assume it's something going wrong with nixos, since often it is something misplaced in the nixos system
<infinisil> Guest82411: no idea what the problem might be, i really suggest #openssh instead, and only ask here if it's something nixos specific
<radvendii> it still reports something about /dev/loop0
<mattme> magnetophon: unless, again, someone else broke something.
<mattme> magnetophon: unless I am missing something else, which is entirely possible.
<infinisil> magnetophon: can you give some nix expressions to work with? It's hard to debug something if you have nothing\
<magnetophon> When I compile something (a faust program) from within a NixOS pkg it works, but when I do the same thing manually, it complains about missing the boost libs. boost is included in the pkg that does the compiling: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/audio/faust/faust2lv2.nix#L1 what could be the issue here?
<LnL> something like config.systemd.services.foo.script IIRC
<infinisil> But it can put a script in /nix/store that outputs to something outside the store which you can then call
<infinisil> `x: x` is a function that takes something and returns it. `let id = x: x; in id 1` names it "id" and uses it on the argument 1
<infinisil> yeah something like that
<hoverbear> infinisil: Ok thank you. :) I wanted something like how I can override neovim but apparently not. :(
<infinisil> rauno: If you call `genericBuild` in a nix-shell, it should build it correctly, but the install step will fail (unless you set $out to something maybe)
<gchristensen> there is an option like leaveDotGit or something
<rauno> something like this:
<rauno> ah okay, seems like something is happening
<elvishjerricco> MichaelRaskin: Why would it do that? I dont think I've ever seen a derivation with `NIX_BUILD_CORES` set to something less than `--cores`
<dramforever> I thought must be missing something
<MichaelRaskin> 35 or something
<dramforever> How do I tell nix-shell to give me something in haskellPackages?
<elvishjerricco> Most C derivations would say "as many as possible" and most Haskell derivations would say something like 4


<srhb> bind: Normally you'd install something either into environment.systemPackages (if on NixOS) or in your user profile, and it will be on your PATH.
<samueldr> (I meant that it may have been a systemd service named dhcp*something*)
<copumpkin> gchristensen: if I just did a fresh multi-user install and nix-env -iA something, it seems like I should be able to roll back to nothingness
<copumpkin> gchristensen: is that something weird with how the user env gets created on darwin?
<gchristensen> is that something wayland is looking to fix? do we support wayland? :P
<srhb> TonyTheLion: Something like that, yes :)
<filwisher> What is the recommended approach for declaratively managing my system binaries (vim/firefox/...) in Arch using nix? Would it be something like a default.nix in $HOME?
<dtz> err to be clear I'm suggesting that's the attribute you want-- so if you pass it into whatever expression you're working on (add as an argument) you can get the path with something like: "${glibcLocales}/lib/locale"
<dtz> if you have new-ish nixpkgs with 'mkShell' helper, else you can use runCommandNoCC or something like I did therer
<cinimod> basis linear algebra something
<avn> btw folks -- tell something about nixos-infect vs nixos-in-place?
<Mic92> gchristensen: let me know, if you get to managed something working.
<gchristensen> as a "1hr hack" might be able to accomplish something basic with https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/local/r/file.html though, emitting { servername.deployment.targetIP = "theip"; }
<gchristensen> I use nixops and if I can't get support for whwat I need in nixops, I'll fall back to something else and that works fine for me
<Mic92> To enable selinux to I need to do something else but boot.kernelParams = ["security=selinux" "selinux=1"]; with the default kernel?
<dhess> overlays aren't tedious, they're just something new to learn
<MP2E> if you'd like to then expose your module as something that can be enabled via /etc/nixos/configuration.nix, https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/tree/master/nixos/modules has some examples


<mirlur[m]> Is there any way to get a full list a list of packages, including nested ones? `nix-env -f "<nixpkgs>" -qaP` shows only non-nested packages, but I want something that would include packages found in `nix-env -f "<nixpkgs>" -qaP -A haskellPackages` and all other collections
<stphrolland> I run xcomp something let me check
<mirlur[m]> stphrolland: do you have a compositing manager running? Compton or something like that?
<jack[m]> Hrm. No new microcode for Broadwell-EP, or did I bust something with the microcode loader?
<phdoerfler> of course I could just use types.string instead of types.path but I wanted to ask if there is like a types.pathThatNeedntExist or something
<samae> Is there something wrong with the instructions on: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Install_NixOS_on_Online.Net
<phdoerfler> Does nix have something like Optional or Maybe?
<phdoerfler> Hi! In some nix file I have `a = mkOption …` and at some other place I would like to add a line in a ''multi line string'' depending on whether the user has set a to something or not.
<srhb> If you were installing something into that, you missed a step somewhere.
<bpa> there is something I don't quite understand about the NixOS instalation process, I tried to install from scratch NixOS on my laptop by using the minimal instalation CD and my old configuration file but the install process failed because there wasn't any space left in /nix/store
<dtz> i guess maybe somehow it wasn't registered or something? but o.o;;
<ixxie> I don't understand why I should be resolving these other merge conflicts, it makes me suspicious I am doing something wrong
<dash> is that something i'd do in 'preRebuild'?
<Aleksejs> however I just tried to add it as generic PCL something, and looks like it works!
<alexteves_> hmmm are nix 'upgrades' as safe as the rest? I'm imagining a scenario where the new one has broken rollback functionality or something
<alexteves_> say, how can I test nix 1.12? switch to unstable and then nix-env -u nix? would something like that work?
<joshuaks> Ok I'm back. I got something kinda working?
<Myrl-sak1> What's something like nix-repl, but isn't a repl?
<evangeline> srhb: Mic92 yeah I see, the module's using preLVMCommands to run the commands upon booting, but I would like a different setting, basically to mount a LUN when I get the network IP - is there something like network.<eth0>.postIPObtainCommand option, which would be better fitted?
<LnL> something like { stdenv = overrideCC stdenv gcc7; }
<mpickering> something like "ghcWithPackages"
<vegai> especially something that would cover all the serverside/devops stuff as well
<srhb> dhess: Any idea why the metrics jobs stays queued forever in the nixpkgs evaluation? Something you're seeing as well?
<srhb> fearlessKim[m]: Or just for things that will cause mass rebuilds (eg. something far down the dependency chain)
<sphalerite> ryantrinkle: I use nixUnstable (better refer to it as unstable or 1.12pre or something, otherwise people think it's already released and there's a problem with their system that stops it from upgrading or something) and I seem to recall using --indirect successfully just the other day
<dtz> tomberek: something like $ nix-build --arg crossSystem '(import ./lib).systems.examples.raspberryPi' -A bash
<pie_> they just updated it sometime recently to actually have something you can dl
<pie_> whats messed up is when you're bad at nixos so you just run something in wine
<andi-> adisbladis: hah, sorry. I usually try to give people a heads up in #nixos-security before I start working on something ;-)
<concatime> Something like `unfree.vscode`?


<ocharles> awesome! I'm doing something similar to Guix I think, but trying to use Dhall as my source language. Do you generate .drv's from scratch in Guix, without calling into libnix or forking nix binaries?
<srhb> Right, I was pretty blown away when I did something like this the first time. :-)
<srhb> If outside the store, I think we need more information on the desired destination or use-case. In general, there's no tools [that I know of] that do this, but you could hack something up with a systemd unit that links it in place.
<marek> I could use a cronjob or something, but I'm sure there is a nicer way with nixos :)
<srhb> marek: When you say "a folder" did you mean something out of the nix store?
<samueldr> I mean, that's something that can't be fixed
<srhb> Oh! No, that was something else :)
<__monty__> gchristensen: Don't know any deets, saw something about the hydra evaluator using 250GiBs of memory. srhb was looking into it I think?
<iqubic> is there something in the repos I can use?
<fpletz> woffs: if you want to know something, just ask :)
<symphorien> azazel: and coming from debian, there is something it took me too long to understand is that a nixpkgs is only a bunch of binaries put in the PATH, it never adds functionnality like services on its own
<azazel> also, with nixos packages i'm really missing something equivalent to README.Debian that maybe explains how to use the package or gives a reason for certain "design" choices regarding the package
<tilpner> I have not developed in Go with Nix yet, and I never heard of GOROOT. You could try just setting GOPATH=$HOME/dev/go or something, but I'm just guessing
<srhb> I'm probably missing something obvious.
<cinimod> Did I mis-post something in the ticket?
<fenton> is there a place to search peoples configs? would love to browse them or something... i've been just searching github up to now mostly.
<fenton> be lovely to just put nodejs into my configuration.nix or something...
<catern> a combination. a protocol dissector is just something that looks at a dump of a client and server speaking a protocol to each other, and figures out what was going on
<infinisil> dissector sounds like separating something, but you said you want to combine them


<sphalerite> yeah if you can bind-mount something in the home dir to /nix that would also work
<sphalerite> plakband: yeah, depending on the specific model you may need to put some fancy incantations in the GRUB menu or something. Are you booting in BIOS mode?
<ocharles> I see something about caches in /nix/var/nix
<ocharles> Does Nix cache which outputs are available at substitutes? For some reason one machine is insisting on building something, even though a binary cache has it
<LnL> ah you can use something like { config, lib, pkgs, ... }: { ... }
<LnL> you could do something with buildEnv + a symlink
<dtz> sounds like I have something silly going on
<andromeda-galaxy> Is there some way to get essentially a lazy version of the // operator? I would like to be able to use something like 'fix (self: (self.doSomeThing) // { doSomeThing = ...; })'
<disasm> hakujin: this is not my expertise at all, but what I'd do is do something like let bundler_env = bundlerEnv rec { ... }; haskellPackages = something; in stdenv.mkDerivation { buildInputs = [ bundler_env.foo haskellPackages.bar ]; };
<andi-> the inherent problem with the microcode updates is: you do not know what they actually do. When intel says those fix/change/alter the meltdown/spetrce/$issue stuff they might as well do something that nobody expects to mitigate yet unknown issues... closed source is just not fun :/
<makefu> playX: for pcmanfm there is lxmenu-data ,maybe you need something similar to actually find the applications for plasma5?
<Mic92> You can probably take a look at /proc/<pid>/environ where <pid> is the builder trying to download something.
<wilornel> wait trying something else


<dtz> still checking them after to make sure it doesn't do something strange, but...
<samueldr> no, but this is something I remember having seen
<wilornel> WOOT!!!! I was able to achieve something great! Every user in the OS can have their own declaration of packages! :)
<Lisanna> I'm not liking the sound of your messages... does it mean that something wrapped with buildFHSUserEnv just can't be run in a nix sandbox?
<srhb> I think we need to play around with a delay and forced focus or something.
<infinisil> alright, I mean something will only get built if invoked with nix-build /or/ a dependency of something invoked with nix-build. And A is a dependency of B when the outPath of A occurs somewhere in the derivation of B. So "${someDerivation}" should be the same as "${someDerivation.outPath}"
<gchristensen> is it secretly PCI or something over that USB-C? I've seen all sorts of problems with devices doing that
<deltasquared> oh yeah? not detecting properly or something?
<deltasquared> (I assume the n is channel select or something.)
<hyphon81> Pherhaps, I wrong something. But, it was starting sync in this morning in JST.
<simpson> Alling: srhb means to use something like Kali Linux on a live USB stick, and do the firmware update from there.
<infinisil> A big advantage of packaging something for Nix(OS) is that it will work forever and on all linux distros. That cannot be said for most others
<dhess> something like this in your darwin-configuration.nix: https://gist.github.com/dhess/1f53439181223e12db6535ad45a74689
<dhess> Keep a root shell active on the host the first couple of times you deploy, in case you do something silly like forget to add your user account to sudoers or something like that :)
<angerman> dhess: but in principle I'm not trying something Impossbile, am I?
<wilornel> I guess I want to do something like https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/libraries/libffi/default.nix but for libffi-devel?
<dtz> I bet folks have some ideas and if they don't, it's something a bunch of people would be interested in trying to solve
<dtz> there's that aarch64 push to see if they can't get it working /supported for 18.03 or something
<dtz> i've found /installing/ qt things makes them work, as opposed to running from an output link or something
<angerman> dhess: yea, the remote-builder is actually something I'd rather prefer than building on the crappy VPS.
<angerman> wilornel: well, I'd like to migrate my nixOS running server into something that I can provision with nixops from the outside, so yea I'll need to get the configuration off of the server prior to building and re-deploying.
<dtz> chessai: I think you can? But you need to be "trusted" or it needs to have been whitelisted in configuration.nix by a trusted user (or something). I'm not sure about all the trusted stuff O:)
<wilornel_> disasm: did you say something when I was not on?
<disasm> something like this: checkPhase = "cd tests; ${python.interpreter} run.py --ignore py35 -k 'not test_defaults and not test_anchors_ignored'"
<LnL> you might also run into trouble when something breaks in the global environment, since opening a new shell will try to update everything
<Dezgeg> yeah, I think something like --option build-hook $(which false) is needed


<Unode> this error message is clearly coming from nix... I tried grepping for 'ghc822' and I see a package definition in my channel. Is there something else missing for this to work?
<infinisil> lopsided98: i mean yeah when you just nix-build crosscompile something and then use nixos-rebuild which doesn't do cross-compilation automatically, sure. You'll probably have to override packages with their cross-compiled version for it to work
<gchristensen> Ankhers: you could do something with like listToAttrs or something
<Ankhers> Or is there something else I am missing?
<deltasquared> (something which I may have to wean from in nixos...)
<etu> And then I felt, "I don't want a 'Good luck' when I look at something related to a distro"
<deltasquared> something like that
* bgamari can't help but think he's missing something crucial
<Mic92> manoj1: if you have constraints not being able to run nixos, you would need something like a home-manager module.
<cinimod> Oh I see something strange: I am picking up blas-0.7.6 which is a Haskell package rather than the blas library itself
<azazel> gchristensen: yesterday I was starting right away, but then I said to myself "wait a moment, that's something to discuss"
<azazel> gchristensen: I can immagine that it's something that needs to be concerted
<va1entin> something like "hello = ./default.nix;"?
<flox> LnL: so is there something that can substitute at evaluation time?
<flox> I am trying to figure out how to combine builtins.readFile with something like substituteAll() but I am unsure how to correctly do this. Has anyone done anything similar?
<glenn_> cool, ok then thanks.. so the sentence 'from this repo'.. had me sniffiing about looking for something special to do within that repo.. but all that means is doing a bog standard `nix-env -iA bundix` will install your fork
<wilornel> I think that I am missing something. How does nix know about that file
<dtz> if it's rejecting it because it needs to be fixed, you should see that in your dmesg or something
<disasm> oh, it's a symlink to your home dir :) I was thinking something a lot more complicated
<disasm> tomberek: a nixos chroot, or something like debootstrap?
<dhess> I imagine almost everyone using NixOps to deploy to something like vultr isn't going to be particular about the filesystem... as long as it's something common like ext3 or ext4
<concatime> I have something like this (not finished): https://github.com/concatime/dotfiles/blob/luks/nixos/desktop.nix
<aanderse> am i doing something wrong?
<Lisanna> abcrawf if you already have something checked out locally, you can do something like src = ./path/to/repo;
<Lisanna> By the way, since this was something I was struggling with, here's a nice and simple way to switch into a Nix environment that you have built with e.g. buildEnv from the command line when all you have is the store path: https://gist.github.com/ledettwy/416d7a4154acfadfdefbf6999f2b1da9


<rnhmjoj[m]> did something recently change about `toPythonPath`? mpv uses it to load vapoursynth modules but since last week or so it switched from setting /lib/python3.6/site-packages to lib/python2.7/site-packages and vapoursynth can't be loaded anymore.
<vidbina> infinisil: I'm eternally grateful, oh wise one. Has it not been used since because there is something better. If so, what is it?!?
<dhess> Dezgeg ok so is there a way to get nixos-install to use the target /nix/store instead of the SD card /nix/store, or something like that which will get around this running-ou-of-space issue?
<dhess> Dezgeg: I'm using an armv7l installer from about a week ago and nothing is hitting the cache. It's basically rebuilding everything. I assume this is because gcc was broken for a few weeks. Have you got an earlier installer image around by any chance, something that will hit the cache mostly?
<catern> is there some Nix-specific stuff I need to know, like how to set MYPYPATH or something?
<das_j_> Is it possible that something went wrong when linking? ldd still doesn't give any output
<infinisil> maybe it's optional, giving you the opportunity to preload something if you wish to
<infinisil> das_j_: Hmm i thought i saw something related, but turns out it's something else
<Yaniel> IIRC there was something about android studio fhs
<gchristensen> something else must be wrong then, because Nix won't make the mistake you're referring to
<LnL> it's something I'm writing
<TweyII> zarkone: You could also do it recursively with a set update operator or something
<zarkone> something like `for domain in domains: do security.acme.certs."${domain}" = {...}`
<jkemet> Hi! Have any of you ever encountered hydra not being able to build something even though nix-build can? I'm getting weird errors sent via mail: "
<jack[m]> ... and something in the bootstrap tools is using bash to execve another shell script.
<LnL> n/m must have mistyped or something


<thoughtpolice> Is there a standardized situation for handling packages that just have upstream Nix expression? In particular, I have been adding/working on bcachefs in my spare time and added some nice expressions there -- is there a precedent in Nixpkgs already for just replacing *our* bcachefs-tools with something like, `import "${fetchFromGitHub { ... }}/default.nix"` or something?
<marek> toppler: well, I hoped for something easy :)
<marek> I'm really trying hard to contribute to nixpkgs, but almost everywhere is already there! :) is there any kind of WishList or something, somewhere?
<jabranham> the output of nix-env -q contains "python3-3.6.4" and "python3.6-numpy-1.13.3", but starting python and doing "import numpy as np" can't find the numpy module. Am I doing something wrong?
<dtz> maybe it's using ... runCommand instead of runCommandNoCC or something?
<jabranham> so if I install something with sudo nix-env -i foo then user alice won't be able to use it unless she installs it with nix-env -i foo?
<Yaniel> IIRC the manual has something about that
<Lisanna> something something overlays I think
<catern> dang I was hoping for something different from that
<srhb> saurabhnanda: The application nix expression is just the package, while the deployment has the module. Of course, if you share that module, you might want to do something else.
<catern> do what automatically? :) surely it's possible that there's something that is useful to do automatically
<gchristensen> well and the immutability of it, once something is, it will be unchanged
<saurabhnanda> okay, so at core it's still a bunch of bash scripts and config files and string manipulation of config files, but the inventive step is the ability to detect that something is change and rebuild everything in the dependency chain.
<srhb> saurabhnanda: Think normalized nix expression or something like that (I don't know the actual approach)
<catern> gchristensen: (automatically in nix-daemon.cc or nix-store --init or something, I mean)
<srhb> saurabhnanda: But if it did, it would be something like /nix/store/HASH-xmonad.hs
<alp> saurabhnanda, the gist of it is that the "options" section is the "public API" for the module, because those are the options that you'll be enabling and setting to something in your system config.
<saurabhnanda> does this mean I have to use the underlying nix config language to write something for my own app?
<ryantrinkle> it's something we need quite badly
<ryantrinkle> i think i'd (much) prefer if it were in something like git
<ryantrinkle> has anyone tried storing nixops's state in something more distributed than sqlite?
<LnL> srhb: something like this will be ordered mapAttrsToList (n: v: n) { a = 42; b = 42; } # => [ "a" "b" ]
<catern> that is something I can do


<ma27> samueldr: you're right, I'll try to find that URL to avoid any breackage, otherwise I'll have to evaluate if their "license" complies with redistribution using something like web.archive.org
<Xorkle> yeah the fact nix-env -e doesnt do anything suggests ive corrupted something somehow
<Xorkle> i must have broken something
<makefu> Xorkle: you could do something like this:
<Xorkle> i say "accepted" i guess im doing something wrong
<srhb> Or well, something like that.
<rnhmjoj[m]> do you know why the keymap.colemak test is almost always failing? something must have changed since the last month.
<srhb> nix_newb: I don't think any of the writeText functions can do that. You'll need to back up to at least runCommand or something.
<srhb> nix_newb: Problem is likely elsewhere or compounded by something else :)
<nix_newb> ${package} inside string gives error "attempt to call something which is not a function but a set"
<hodapp> 7https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/27431/Linux-Processor-Microcode-Data-File - is there a configuration option in NixOS to have something like this applied?
<buovjaga> just something I had in my notes, you should be able to adapt it
<bongsun> aminechikhaoui: oh alright. never thought of that. im assuming something like git checkouts would fail since there is no /etc/resolv.conf?
<samueldr> for rEFInd, rEFInd itsel only supports monospaced text :( that's something that grub should allow, variable width fonts
<Unode> adisbladis: I'd be happy with something of the sorts: 'linux-compat ./binary'
<Unode> lexsomething: nope. it's case insensitive. Something else ... but oh well, all fine and functional now so... just waiting for downloads to finish.
<lexsomething> something like determine my timezone automatically and set appropriate time
<samae> Yotam: something like this https://github.com/RcppCore/RcppArmadillo/issues/15?
<srhb> Add the unstable channel calling it nixos-unstable or something and nix-env -iA nixos-unstable.teamviewer
<samueldr> there is something that could be confused to a "host guest additions", the "guest additions disk" is often a separate package in distributions
<arkad> so I may be mistaken when I assume that "guest additions" refer to something installed on the host rather than the guest


<makefu> dhess: it is always nice seeing people from this channel creating accounts on the wiki :D (/me is totally not stalking or something)
<LnL> yeah also I have maxJobs 4 in nix.conf that way I can still build something when hydra is busy
<sphalerite> hoverbear: you said you fixed an X error with some game by changing the script which was doing something wrong with LD_LIBRARY_PATH
<sphalerite> I presume that has something along those lines, since that's what it does :)
<roconnor> Hi, I need a little help because something has changed recently with extraUtils in NixOS.
<kim0> something like `nix-env -u && echo UPGRADED` but that does not seem to work .. any tips ?
<hodapp> excape: I dunno. Every other time I've had usb issues there's been something in dmesg explaining why (for instance) a port was shut off
<srhb> taohansen: If foo = import SOMETHING, then in ${foo.bar}, bar is the bar attribute of SOMETHING.
<joko> "journalctl -f -u hydra-queue-runner" shows '"nrUnfinishedSteps":6,"nrRunnableSteps":1', any way something is wrong? I remember LibreOffice needs something special
<dpc> How do I convert `set` to `string`? I just want to dump something through trace ...
<vaibhavsagar> as compared to something that would take a .nix file and evaluate it to a .drv
<matklad> srhb: not really, more like putting something to /etc/nixos/configuration.nix, so that I can build my project *without* nix-shell
<dpc> I was able to succesfuly deploy something to production with nixops, but I feel that anytime something will break, I'll be stuck.
<Fare> I have NixOS running in a chroot of GalliumOS, but trying to build anything results in its complaining that it can't find some build daemon through some path in /run or something
<Fare> Rooting Chromebooks is easy. Getting NixOS to work properly is something else.
<rardiol1> someone else having problem with update due to dblatex being broken? Something to do with "Error: not found: stmaryrd" ? But stmaryrd is on the tex input list...
<nixy> So adding something to NIX_PATH that would create a channel from a URL containing an overlay?
<radvendii> for something that thinks it needs to install in a system directory, is there a way to fool it into installing elsewhere?
<sirkha> tilpner, i had to make some changes to goocanvas to get it to work, it *is* wrapping it on further inspection, so something else is wrong, but i can work it now, thanks (I added quotes after my first issue, that seemed to fix it, but i didn't notice because i didn't look hard enough)
<tilpner> sirkha - Doesn't build here, something about waf is wrong


<catern> hey #nixos, is there a way to do something like nix-store --export, but get a tarball out?
<gchristensen> bennofs[m], LnL, dhess I'm about to go and do something that is going to ruin my night. please ping me again and we can talk about these things tomorrow, or a few days from now. this goes for basically anything you'd need me for.
<srhb> Phew. managed to strip down nixops' evaluator. That's something of a learning experience.
<matrium> chreekat: I've created a "hie.nix" with my overlay expression. Would I just add something like "pkgs.haskellPackages.haskell-ide-engine = import ./hie.nix;" to my shell.nix?
<Neo--> but if you can you should use something like pypi2nix
<val_> Neo--, alright I thought I missed something :D anyway thanks a lot!
<efx[m]> true. In my case, I won't care about what else lives in /nix/ so could probably run nix-collect-garbage -d or something
<hoverbear> I can't for example import nixos-unstable channel inside of the configuration.nix itself with an import or something
<LnL> there's a default ttl of something like 10min IIRC
<LnL> the disadvantage is that you loose some reproducibility, you can’t rollback the unstable part when something breaks
<pie_> manveru, dont i need to update or something?
<hyper_ch> something strange has changed and I don't know where or how
<LnL> but instead of pkgs.linuxPackages you can use something like let stablePkgs = import <nixos-17.09> {}; in stablePkgs.linuxPackages;


<infinisil> It took me really long to get ghc-mod working though, I kinda don't have motivation to get so deep into something agian
<infinisil> Here is the code if somebody is interested in doing this or something similar: https://github.com/Infinisil/system/blob/master/nixops/default.nix#L9-L15
<infinisil> which means that any time i change something there, it gets a new hash, although that seems rather pointless now that i think about it
<LnL> something like /nix/var/nix/profiles/system-XXX-link/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
<dhess> srhb: and then in the overlay you can even do something like this to override it at the global level: https://github.com/dhess/nixpkgs-dhess/blob/4e814fab7e2eb58ed5353b19c87f5221c7c56d9e/overlays/cacert.nix
<dhess> dimly remember something like, it worked in some cases but not others
<dhess> I whipped something up to do that but it involves overriding the installPhase attribute. It works, but it would be nice if it were less fragile.
<dhess> I hate when commits don't mention something that was changed/removed/added
<LnL> perhaps we could do something similar in a nixos-* command, since there's currently nothing for that except for nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/system
<mpickering> vaibhavsagar: So you need to do something like "stdenv = overrideGCC stdenv gcc34;"
<Mic92> I suppose its seabios or something?
<jluttine[m]> One of my disks isn't found at boot time. I made that disk an LV with LUKS inside it. I updated hardware configuration automatically. Is there something else I need to do. Seems like a bug?
<jluttine> is there something like `optional` and `optionalString` but for an attribute set?
<yegortimoshenko> erlandsona: could you please send logs? it's unlikely that it is something trivial, but i'll try.