
<dhess> But given how slow those are relative to my Hydra builds, I'd like to set up the Hydra so that only after a build is successful does it kick off a Travis build. Anyone doing something like that?
<taohansen> or something like an enterprise deployments channel


<adelbertc> it seems to not.. but maybe something else is going on
<simpson> Something like that, probably.
<throwboy> tilpner: ok, but I do have one (possibly stupid) question: isn't the whole idea of NixOS that "switching" essentially reinstalls the whole system? Or did I misunderstand something?
<lejonet> Just added a (cfg.<daemon>.enable -> cfg.<daemon>.extraConfig != {}) to the optionalAttrs merging, but it would seem like I actually want && there (What I want the optionalAttrs to do is that if the daemon is enabled AND there is something in the extraConfig set, to create that section in the config)
<srhb> __Sander__: I see, patched yesterday. Yes, it does look like something changed upstream then. :/
<__Sander__> does the imagemagick maintainer publish silent updates or something?
<srhb> Though honestly without a crash something more subtle is probably going on.
<symphorien> or one of the startup files of your shell contains "exit 1" or something like that
<TimePath> Oh, further down something is
<chisui> followup question is there something like an online searchengine for nix packages like any other package manager has?
<sphalerite> you could of course do something like let compose = f: g: x: f (g x); in map (compose builtins.fromJson builtins.readFile) [ file1 file2 ]
<joko> I think I need something like the $ operator in Haskell
<joko> Hey, I would like to do something like: map (builtins.fromJson builtins.readFile) [ file1 file2 ]
<Lisanna> or something
<Lisanna> if you need an exact version of something and nixpkgs doesn't offer it, usually you can download the .nix file for it and build it yourself
<winem_> hi, quick question. would something like nix-env -i xxx --arg-str version 3.2.1 work to install version 3.2.1 of xxx?
<etu> vaibhavsagar: I don't think jluttine[m] were looking for the ones in use then, the one that was current on his/her partition or something like that.
<dhess> Possibly has something to do with cabal.projectfiles
<grantwu> Oh, I didn't try nix-env -q without something after it
<`_> Could be different for something along the lines of GNOME or KDE, but I'm in xmonad.
<qwebirc763350> but before it did run and it said something along the lines of it "is not a directory"
<tilpner> Is there something mounted to /mnt?


<chisui> Am I missing something?
<boomshroom> If you need something done 2 billion times a second, you're spending half of your time doing that thing. It's unlikely you'll ever write that extreme, but it's very common to only have 16 milliseconds to perform all your logic in time to render.
<__monty__> boomshroom: Why is it a thing though? Is it because rust attracts a huge number of hipsters or something? Why is this not a thing (or hardly a thing) in languages like haskell, clojure, other languages that have ~recently gained popularity?
<gchristensen> boomshroom: if you'd like to try porting something, I can suggest one in #nixos-borg
<MichaelRaskin> I think something like noChroot allows you to switch off the sandboxing for a single derivation (source fetching — don't forget to depend on current time, though)
<MichaelRaskin> You need to add something writeable by all the build users to the directories accessible by builds. Then you write a fetcher that creates an empty file (m-m-m, hash known in advance!) with the name derived from builtins.currentTime (m-m-m, always new output path!), but actually updates the shared-storage clone. Then you need to write a derivation that is not fixed-output, that looks at the shared-storage clone and checks out the master branch.
<lexsomething> defau1t , look here https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/#sec-customising-packages and https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#sec-overrides , try with some smaller package like emacs or something, and after getting familiar, go bigget to kernel
<samueldr> you're seeding it with something that's loaded from the cache
<chisui> I'm currently looking at https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/master/src/libutil/archive.cc unfortunatly it's an uncommented blob of spaghetti. Can someone tell me what this `caseHackSuffix` String is used for? It seems to be messing something up in `ncurses`
<lexsomething> meanwhile, let's say I have a list of strings in format : libatk-1.0.so.0 => not found , libatk-1.0.so.0 => not found , libatk-1.0.so.0 => not found , etc, and so on. What will be the best way to generate a list of NIX packages based on required file names??? I would like to query something like https://rpmfind.net but for nixpkgs
<boomshroom> simpson: Probably. I want to write a compiler for a haskell-like language. I've already made something that mostly works in Rust, but the parser is broken and the type checker was incredibly difficult to write and unreadable.
<GiGa|Laptop> If I take the checkout I've already worked on, do a "git checkout -b update-keepass238" can I work on the files to make a further change and then do another push and PR for something else?
<glines> for a lot of development tasks, I use something like "pkgs = import <nixpkgs>" and then "pkgs.callPackage ./default.nix {}"
<GiGa|Laptop> symphorien: not seeing it in CUPS management, I'm expecting a universal driver or something I presume?
<gchristensen> one day I'll replace these last two pieces with something other than PHP...
<sphalerite_> something like `echo {} > /tmp/configuration.nix ; nix-env -f '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -I nixos-config=/tmp/configuration.nix -iA config.system.build.nixos-{install,generate-config}`
<sphalerite_> why I would want to remember it: one of these days I'm going to think "didn't MichaelRaskin have a cool boot setup?" and won't just be able to go to github.com/michaelraskin to find it. I'll have to grep the IRC logs or something instead, which is obviously an earth-shattering inconvenience ;)
<MichaelRaskin> I am currently refactoring it into something that can be submitted as a ELS talk.
<KingOfThePirates> when you say "You're booted into some system. Once you run the installer..." what exactly do you mean by "system"? the machine? the os desktop? the bootloader? or something else?
<srhb> KingOfThePirates: Where usbdevice is something like sdc. You can get the actual name by plugging in the stick and taking a look in the bottom of dmesg or something :)
<dhess> you can always switch back if something breaks. I find that nixos-unstable is pretty good.
<dhess> typetetris: so the root channel will be something like nixos-17.09 and when you run `nixos-rebuild switch` it will use that channel; and then in your user account you can use the nixos-unstable channel , so that when you use nix-build or nix-env from that account, you'll get the Haskell packages etc. from that channel
<dhess> typetetris: I would recommend that you run something stable as your system-level channel, something like nixos-17.09 or nixos-17.09-small, and then use the nixpkgs-unstable (or nixos-unstable) channel for your Haskell development
<erlandsona> Alright I need to check out for the night, but if anyone get's passed that gdk_init_check issue, please please please hit me up with a github issue or ping me on slack @erlandsona or something.
<erlandsona> licebmi: looks like gst-python relates to GStreamer and pygobject has something to do with gtk3? I know gnome installs gtk3 so maybe you're getting conflicts trying to install GStreamer if it's already installed by the gnome3 stuff?
<licebmi> am I doing something absurd by checking this out?
<erlandsona> So chances are either of those dependencies are being installed by something else in your config... like gnome or kde or a language pack or something. So once you figure out which 'parent' packages are installing the conflicting deps you can uninstall the parent.
<petersjt014[m]> one of the imports has something I'm looking for
<sphalerite_> samueldr: or I could do something ;)
<samueldr> yeah, the point being *I need to do something* :)
<petersjt014[m]> because there is some useful driver or something in the virtualbox-demo file and I want to figure out what it is
<petersjt014[m]> IS there any way with the repl or something to show the result of evaluating/refactoring a nix file?
<Dezgeg> are they all zeroes or something?
<samueldr> Dezgeg / sphalerite_: mmcblkXbootY, is it related to all this? or is it storing something else? https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/mmc/mmc-dev-parts.txt
<erlandsona> I figured I should be able to utilize buildFHSUserEnv for the derivation and be able to accomplish something similar.
<erlandsona> should be able to just pull it down and run something like nix-build -A reaper in the directory?


<boomshroom> I'm here, trying to do something that I probably shouldn't.
<hyper_ch> Mic92: attribute ‘zfsCryptoStability’ missing, at /root/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/tasks/filesystems/zfs.nix:33:11 --> not sure where I need to also add that... I thought adding another entry batch there like this https://paste.simplylinux.ch/view/raw/86fd0c66 will then make use of the "zfsCryptoStability" entry in the zfs/default.nix but it seems I am mistaken. No idea where else I need to add something
<clever> something is broken
<clever> CapsAdmin: -z accepts another argument, that tells ld to do something
<samueldr> maybe something's buggy and unexpected for me
<ottidmes> mlin: There are many different approaches taken, there are a few projects out there that try to use Nix to manage your home folder, but I believe home-manager is the most active. Then there is using a dotfiles git repo with something like Stow, and yesterday I read https://blog.jeaye.com/2017/07/30/nixos-revisited/ and saw yet another approach
<ottidmes> Does nix have something like zipWithIndex? I checked lib/lists.nix and all I could find is doing it with: zipListsWith xs (range 0 (builtins.length xs - 1))
<deltasquared> sooner or later something is going to give
<deltasquared> also wrt opengl one can imagine the amount of linux apps that do something like #ifdef _PLATFORM_LINUX /* use core openGL API in mesa specific way */ #endif
<adisbladis[m]> po11ux: Pretty much any keyboard nowadays should be HID so drivers are not really an issue unless you are lacking drivers for your USB hub or something like that
<eqyiel> oh, it actually does have something to do with org mode, it's a time tracking kind of thing
<benley> coconnor: I guess 25.x is "stable" and 26 is dev or something?
<taohansen> lopsided98: it appears there's something else at work, even reducing it to a single with import results in the same error.
<samueldr> I'm not an expert, but looking at *something* may trigger a dormant memory :)
<tilpner> sphalerite_ - I want something like "delete everything built from a file at this path"


<ssj71> magnetophon: does that mean you've got something?
<sphalerite_> MichaelRaskin: but it does work fine with the same kernel without an initramfs. I don't know what's going on exactly in here but somehow something along the boot chain (AFAIU it's u-boot -> depthcharge -> linux) isn't liking the initramfs
<LnL> dtz: if you also noticed something that would be more concerning
<clever> iqubic: create a 2nd nix file, that does something like this
<catern> github question: how, once I've updated something to address a comment, do I indicate that to the user who made the comment?
<joko> iqubic: in that case use something like "nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> { }; callPackage /path/to/default.nix { }'"
<taohansen> is this correct practice for building up Nix things? using the REPL? i don't like that it makes me start over from bottom-up when i type something incorrectly. also there's no colorized output, linting or pretty-printing of any kind.
<iqubic> sphalerite: I thought there was a way to do "sourceDir = /unix" or something like that.
<sphalerite> iqubic: I'd do something like preConfigure = "cd unix"; I think
<sphalerite> tilpner: that's a shame. Seems like something that might fit with nbp's SOS as well
<ndrei> okay, just thinking that with patchelf I would have to run it again whenever I upgrade something and the nix store paths change
<ndrei> I'm guessing it's something that's mutable in the system that got corrupted somehow.. but what could that be? and how could that involve libstdc++?
<chisui> I'm running a fresh NixOS installation (for the first time, wuhuu!). Unfortunately the terminal seems to be broken to the point where I can't edit files with nano. Which is kind of a showstopper. Whenever I run something like clear of reset I get the message "'linux': unkown terminal type". The reason seems to be that in the terminfo database there are entries for lowercase letters there are "*~nix~case~hack~1" entries which seem too n
<winem_> I guess there is a way to get rid of the absolute path in the -i command?! would love to see something like "versioning". let's say ourapplication 2.0 uses path xyz and we can install it by nix-env ourapplication-2.0 or somethine like that
<gg> I can't install on macOS: "Something went wrong, and I didn't find Nix installed at /nix/store/hwpp7kia2f0in5ns2hiw41q38k30jpj2-nix-1.11.16." - should I report to github?
<texasmynsted> no something like a haskell version of giter8 that targets "any" templated directory structure and set of files.
<tilpner> i-am-the-slime - pkgs is an argument supplied to modules. At the top of your module, you should have something like { pkgs, ... }: { ... }
<tilpner> Would it be a good idea to add a way to configure stage-1-init to discard the old root? Probably something simple like checking for the existence of /etc/NIXOS_LUSTRATE_DISCARD_ROOT
<LnL> dtz: yeah on darwin, didn't check linux yet was just wondering if you also noticed something
<infinisil> ineff: just describe what your problem is instead of trying to get someone specific to help you, if people know something useful to help you they will answer automatically
<tilpner> pietranera - You can pin a package like this: (import (fetchFromGitHub { owner = "nixos"; repo = "nixpkgs"; rev = "something"; sha256 = "somethingelse"; }) {}).hello
<CapsAdmin> oh, is attrs something i can define? for instance SDL2.override {alsaSupport = false; attrs = {"--disable-haptic", "--disable-render"}}
<CapsAdmin> ah okay, there was something else that was the problem. it works now
<manveru> i think there was _module.args or something
<grantwu> When trying to generate helptags, I get something like this: E152: Cannot open /nix/store/n0acazjklircjbryw3p9mxqjrgszpg21-vim_configurable-8.0.1257/share/vim/vim80/doc/tags for writing
<bulldog_> clever: ok I think I know what I have to change in this file. Is there a way I can just replace some substrings from the file downloaded with .fetchFromGithub? something like `blabla.fetchFromGithub.replace('gpg', 'gpg2')`?
<catern> you may be able to hack something dynamic up, depending on how your scheme finds libraries
<FareTower> probably something that involves stdenv = makeStaticLibraries stdenv; somewhere
<bulldog_> clever: do I only need to set nixpkgs.overlays, and then the packages in environment.systemPackages will be overlaid? or do I need something else?
<bulldog_> actually, I think something is wrong, this overlay thinks I should get at least 58 without beta.
<bulldog> clever: question, still not very familiar with nix. Why is this part necessary: `(import "${(import <nixpkgs> { config={}; overlays=[]; })`? Isn't there a way to express something like `nixpkgs.overlay += (import fetchFromGithub{...}/firefox-overlay.nix)`?
<bulldog> clever: ooo okay, was thinking something like that. Might use a local clone of the repo for security. Let me see if I can get it to work. Thanks!
<iqubic> If I put something into my build inputs, I also need them in derivation function's inputs?
<CapsAdmin> judson, i think my goal is just to refactor my build system. use something that's proven to work
<sphalerite> CapsAdmin: if you use something like nix-bundle you're redistributing the libraries your application depends on — along with any bugs in them — and making it harder to replace them. And it increases the size significantly
<sphalerite> so what you'll want is probably something like nix-bundle, or using nix to build docker images, or something


<TimePath> I think there's something like unsafeDiscardStringContext too
<CapsAdmin> oh this is something i didn't think about. i want to use nix to fetch or build binaries, but those binaries will depend on other binaries within nix
<sphalerite> oooh yeah, saw something about that on twitter
<clever> LnL: that should probably go into one of the nix pills or something
<CapsAdmin> like on macos i think gcc is just a link to clang or something
<LnL> I seem to remember you doing something that parses x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
<LnL> something like that should work
<infinisil> something like `(import <nixpkgs> { somePlatform/SystemAttribute = ...; }).hello` ?
<clever> chisui: its only configured to boot something on USB, which doesnt sound right
<clever> chisui: so it is configured to boot something, try again with efibootmgr -v
<clever> chisui: and "dmesg | grep EFI" finds something?
<infinisil> CapsAdmin: installing something with nix-env does something similar, it adds stuff to your profile, which is also not garbage-collected
<clever> until result is deleted or pointed at something else
<infinisil> CapsAdmin: if you can build something with `nix-build`, you can install it with `nix-env -if .`
<grantwu> It wants something to be writable that isn't
<chisui> I still seem to be missing something in my partion setup. I updated the gist https://gist.github.com/chisui/cf5f72c8f32f267c1e642a7260a94b40
<CapsAdmin> but i think maybe it's unimportant or at least something to think about after i get things working more properly
<chisui> maybe I am missing something. Can I see anywhere if my machine is capable of booting this way or if I have to go the MBR way?
<Yaniel> fiatjaf: are you using a lot of less common packages? and do you mind having to potentially package something yourself?
<Baughn> But something like that may still have happened. I've been experimenting with putting ssh in initrd, and I was adding a host key using nixops' secret system.
<steveeJ> maurer: thanks, that's my understanding too. something like ansible-vault for nix would be a good start for managing secrets, but I know that there's an RFC for this topic
<nahamu> joko: yeah, I never found the time to try to heavily trim down the image. It's possible clever use of squashfs or something might be able to shrink the memory requirements.
<the-kenny> You could generate the ssh-key deterministically somehow from the cpuid or something. Or maybe just disable hostkeychecking on the connecting party? (security issues aside here))
<i-am-the-slime> I am using kde. Do I need something like kdewallet?
<sphalerite> Tucky: in that case I think something like `systemPackages = with pkgs; [ foo bar baz ] ++ builtins.attrValues pkgs.kdeApplications;` should do the trick
<gilligan_> can someone tell me if there is a way to have nixos-rebuild-switch tell me why it builds something? i am watching rustc packages getting compiled which takes forever and I have no idea why anything has to be compiled or where the rustc dependency comes from
<psychon_> hi, quick question that Google couldn't answer: How often is staging merged into master? Assuming I want to submit a PR based on something that was merged into staging today, does it make sense to wait for it to appear on master or should my PR go to staging? (May I even submit PRs to staging that do not cause mass rebuilds?)
<jsgrant_> Drakeson: You know, that sounds vaguely familar; Like a zfs.ko or something?
<jsgrant_> Something about the 'Common Development & Whatever License' not being compatible with the GPLv2? Maybe it's just not a real legal worry that Oracle will act on it for these community projects; But ones sponsored by companies are more caustious?
<Drakeson> I don't have super high hopes for wasm yet. It hasn't landed yet (where is the sudo apt-get install something-wasm?)
<jsgrant_> Don't like the idea of something as arguably critical to a gui security-wise as a "desktop manager" not being touched for a long-while.
<Drakeson> A friend of mine was working on something like that, a few years ago, when kubernetes was new. I wasn't using nixos (only a little bit of nix) at that time, so I don't recall the details.
<Drakeson> So, someone was saying something is like direnv (which I just learned about) for emacs. What was that? I can't brush that off my mind...
<disasm> I can't picture ever leaving nixos :) Every other OS I ever had I was always looking for something better, but with nix, if it's broke, I make an effort to fix it :)
<catern> is there a stock algorithm in Python or something that matches Nix's base32 calculation?
<disasm> iqubic: option b is nix the hard way (how I learned). Find something similar in nixpkgs, copy it, change some stuff and see if it works :)


<tilpner> I've overridden <nixpkgs> and <nixpkgs/nixos>, but now I can't get <nixpksg/nixos/modules/profiles/qemu-guest.nix> to work. I'll try something horrible
<hoverbear> catern: Going from nixos -> nix for something things I've been quite disappointed. Eg no way to configure zsh via override
<maurer> Though, tbh I'm not convinced that styx is any better than just writing your own default.nix script around e.g. hakyll inovcation on your source dir or something
<magnetophon> MichaelRaskin: Thanks, but there was also another one, not related to nixos, with a name that's a variation on repo or pkg or something
<hodapp> weird... keep running into issues because something wants to link against boost_python-py34 (which is missing as I'm on Python 3.6). I applied a patch from a PR to make that boost_python-py36 - but that too is not present, however, libboost_python is; can I rely on this being present and being the correct version?
<nextos> which disables tcl/tk, so i must be missing something
<hoverbear> nextos: Are you using gpg signing or something maybe?
<hodapp> "cannot find -lboost_python-py34" bluuuuuuugh, why is something insisting on... python 3.4 bindings for boost?
<d4g> It is probably more likely if you have more than one USB stick inserted or something like that
<infinisil> i actually had trouble with something very similar: 3 partitions containing a luks key all with the same label (so i could use any of the three). But when trying to unlock the disk, i got an error that the password was wrong, but only if more than 1 such key partition was connected
<sudoreboot[m]> I could leave it null or something and wait for the error?
<tilpner> sudoreboot[m] - You need to change the hash, otherwise Nix will look into the store, say "Oh, I already have something that fits your hash", and give you that
<Mic92> (might be wrong page, but there was something that could create local files from templates)
<jmorriss[m]> srhb: I can't write C++, so probably nixpkgs or something like that
<iqubic> infinisil: I'm building a thing for myself. I'm not trying to add something t othe nix store.
<infinisil> if you want it to be in the nix store (as you'd want if you want to package something for nixpkgs), you'll have to either use haskell.lib.buildStackProject (which is super simple, but dead slow and a single change rebuilds every single dependency), or stack2nix (which is fast after initial setup, but generates a huge nix expression)
<rnhmjoj[m]> so firefox is not the issue, something else was failing in the rebuild
<samueldr> that means that it's something else in your nixos-rebuild that's taking time and failing
* samueldr just updated a nixpkgs checkout to channels/nixos-17.09 to verify whether firefox-bin does something weird
<samueldr> if something else in nixos-rebuild fails it could look like it was firefox
<rnhmjoj[m]> maybe something is wrong with the cache
<Acou_Bass> sould that be as simple as adding 'boot' to system.autoUpgrade.flags or would i have to do something else to edit the unit file, any idea? :P
<rnhmjoj[m]> something like `export PS1="$USER@$HOSTNAME"` to .profile should work


<LnL> try something like this
<lejonet> infinisil: is there a convenient attribute for systemd services where you just tell it to point to another service? Either like source or something similar or .symlink or something
<infinisil> DIzFer[m]: Why environment.<channel>SnapPackages and not something like services.snap.packages ?
<srhb> But yes, let's figure out the issue. You may want a list of something instead of types.commas though and just render it as whatever, but we'll find out :)
<lejonet> Maybe it was just another issue masking this or something? lets just re add types.commas and hope for the best
<srhb> Unless I'm doing something I don't understand myself :P
<hyper_ch> it's just like OOP.... it's something I've tried to understand dozens of times of the years... and it just won't click
<hyper_ch> it's just something that won't stick
<azazel> srhb: the other thing is debugging ... just having something printed seems difficult to me ... ;-) time for dinner, see you later
<srhb> lejonet: Well, having something that builds makes it so much easier to refactor and rejigger :)
<infinisil> oh and srhb, lejonet: My example nixos module file wouldn't work I'm pretty sure, just found out today. mkMerge can't merge top-level config stuff that depends on something from the config, like the map there. So the way you ended up doing is the only way (only use mkMerge at a suboption).
<symphorien> you may want to use something like https://github.com/rycee/home-manager
<petersjt014[m]> it's reflected changes for fonts colors etc when I restart X so far, I just wanted to find a way to use something tidier than path = /nix/store/ohgodsomuchhash.../executable
<gchristensen> pmeunier: is it possible to override the src of something in carnix's output?
<petersjt014[m]> if I'm managing a dotfile and don't want to use abs paths (for the obvious reasons), can I just do something like `program[lock] = $(which xlock)`?
<stphrolland> Hi. I don't use Windows that much, less than once a week, so I can dual boot with UEFI bios. However, I'm wondering why even though I have boot.loader.grub.useOSProber = true, GRUB is updated if it sees a partition where Ubuntu is installed, but GRUB is not updating any entry for partition with Windows installed. Is it normal ? Is there something I can do about it ?
<fgaz> Or am I missing something?
<spacefrogg> typetetris: Hm, the nix-env manual states otherwise... It points to meta.outputsToInstall. Maybe that is set to something restrictive by default.
<ij> gchristensen: So something's breaking reproducibility and everyone's getting cache miss?
<srhb> lejonet: What you want to express is something like if enable then mons != [] else true
<Dezgeg> well s/mon/whatever/ in the "But I think something odd is happening because its even triggering on a daemon type I haven't even enabled" part
<lejonet> But I think something odd is happening because its even triggering on a daemon type I haven't even enabled (which should shortcircuit the assertion already in the first part)
<srhb> Or something like systemd.services.sshd.wantedBy = lib.mkForce [ "multi-user.target" "networking.target" ];
<typetetris> hyper_ch2: More like: Wife asks: What are you doing. I responding: nix! Wife comes looking if I do something, she needs to know about, like surfing to dating sites or something.
<srhb> Hm. shame. :/ Should be one of those things where you actually discovered NixOS just by searching for linux and rollback or something. :)
<srhb> typetetris: I recommend breaking something immediately to maintain balance in the force.
<hyper_ch2> also need to remove mirrored drives first in case something goes wrong :)
<srhb> hyper_ch2: It's quite flexible, I mean. You can also let foo = fetchurl { ... } in ... something using foo
<rauno> just wonder if something like boot.kernelModules = boot.kernelModules // [ "another_module" ]; work :)
<__red__> umm, So something _something_ installed /nix/store/6jffcc1ybxm7iyv2fy4i7fwc5b417qw5-SDL2-2.0.7-dev/ - .... --> but it's not SDL2 as that just installs /nix/store/ympq25vyf2zdyshfwndy54d4fvj1dbfj-SDL2-2.0.7
<azazel> superN00b: then generally you enable it and then set services.nginx.virtualHosts."your_server_name" to something like {root= "A path"; extraConfig='' your exta directives on more than one line'';}
<spear2> so your file should be something like { ... }: { services.nginx.enable = true; }
<__red__> Philosophical Question. I'm porting something to NixOS which I want to pass upstream at some point. They don't use configure but a bastard incantation of make, ldconfig, and other type things to idenify platform / installed libraries etc.
<MP2E> the entirety of /nix/store is read-only except for nix itself, yes. The package management model is immutable, if you want to change a config file or something in the store, you need to find the .nix file that creates that store file, modify that, and evaluate it
<__red__> Philosophical Question. I'm porting something to NixOS which I want to pass upstream at some point. They don't use configure but a bastard incantation of make, ldconfig, and other type things to idenify platform / installed libraries etc.
<manveru> it'll show you something like `/nix/store/dqcgp3xdwkhv1p8wdidkmq288kyapwfr-openssh-7.5p1/bin/sshd -f /nix/store/fkd50vjkb8cdc4h483axkv85b5s5wf8d-sshd_config`
<petersjt014[m]> but I do wanna try and see if I can get a tiling window manager or something woking
<petersjt014[m]> time to find something stupid to do with nix on windows


<samueldr> petersjt014[m]: at the end of the script, is it printed to add a "source .nix-something/some/path" to .bashrc?
<lejonet> infinisil: just a quick question before I disappear for real xD "attempt to call something which is not a function but a set" at line 35, char 28, which is "type = with types; nullOr listOf str;" and char 28 is the n of nullOr, did I screw up the with types; ?
<lejonet> infinisil: because I had that and gave it [ "something" ] and it said "is not null or a string" which kindof threw me off, I wanted to assign a list, that gets converted into a comma separated list
<infinisil> bind: which would potentially fetch it every hour, or you could probably do something with a separate channel with nix-channel, call it foo and use `(import <foo> {}).your-package` (not sure though, never did this)
<infinisil> bind: you could just do something like `(import (builtins.fetchTarball "github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/17.09.tar.gz") {}).your-package`
<lejonet> That gives me "[ error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at (string):1:20" instead :P
<lejonet> infinisil: what am I doing wrong in nix-repl if I get "error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set" when trying to use lib.mkMerge in it? I'm fairly certain I'm giving it the value wrongly xD
<bind> infinisil: I know xmonad isn't moving into wayland direction and actually was wondering about that too... would be nice to have something extensible (in a safe-enough programming language) ... there is way cooler, which you can extend in lua or via dbus I guess but from "shallow" searching in the last few days I didn't see that much movement
<infinisil> bind: I'd love some xmonad similar thing for wayland (there is actually something like that, don't know the state of it though: https://github.com/Ongy/waymonad)
<bind> is it also possible to use something like asdf for some software packages? (i would guess so)
<lejonet> it seems to be with something that is merged, so my guess is I've screwed up somewhere around 187-192
<lejonet> uhm okay, its whining at something else arbitrarily and pointing to where in the /etc/nixos/nixpkgs/lib/attrsets.nix it whines at O.o
<bind> lejonet: the gentoo wiki has something about it too of course .. https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Custom_Initramfs/Examples :D
<lejonet> ofc there is a rescue_shell function that installs busybox sh, with tools, incase something fails, so I can troubleshoot, but an initramfs isn't anything more magical than that :P
<srhb> lejonet: Something something :P
<infinisil> well, if somebody was to create a systemd.service."ceph-<daemon>@" himself, has <daemon>.enable = false, and <daemon>.daemons != [], then something unexpected would happe
<srhb> bind: I mean I want to be able to generate, at runtime, an encrypted store path (or *something* that is protected enough that only root can read it) and then have it unlocked at runtime (when the systemd unit needs it, and only for that unit)
<srhb> lejonet: Right, my idea involved joining the systemd.services definition using something like // listToAttrs (map (mon: { name = mon; value = { enable = true; }; } mons)
<srhb> lejonet: Something like that. :)
<srhb> lejonet: May I just suggest a simpler approach (and infinisil can correct me if I say something wrong)
* lejonet throws something soft, light and fussy in infinisil direction
<infinisil> lejonet: you'll need to do something like `options = ...; config = mkMerge ([ { <some common options, used all the time } ] ++ map (mon: { systemd.services."... = true; }) cfg.mons)
<srhb> lejonet: Why not something simpler like...
<infinisil> sphalerite: i mean, if there were something that automatically calculates the hash of a fixed output derivation, then you'd have no way to verify that the output is indeed the hash it should have. There would be no hashes in nixpkgs to verify e.g. that fetchFromGitHub did actuall fetch the right thing
<srhb> lejonet: If you meant to add them to the set, you probably want something like //
<lejonet> I'm probably doing something simple wrong, so I'm going to go and hunt for the docs for mkMerge... :P
* lejonet facedesks and goes and gets something to drink
<lejonet> but moving them outside of it doesn't work either, so I'm thinking that its not supposed to be possible to do something like that with a service definition, which kindof sucks even tho I understand
<lejonet> It seems to bark at me for not assigning those maps to something, if I try to do it inside the config = {}, which I can understand, as that is just a set
<fgaz> actually I just discovered that one of the debian patches already does something like that (02_data_dir)
<fgaz> i'm tryiing to patch it, but I'd need something like
<mog> thanks FRidh https://github.com/Mic92/pythonix this looks like something i can get started with
<infinisil> to ping something from there would mean to actually keep all of the resulting outputs of the derivation (the closure)
<infinisil> layus: how about something like that: https://git.io/vNaaa
<i-am-the-slime> that's why I usually was too lazy to install something without nix-env -i
<goibhniu> something like `nix-store -q --referrers /nix/store/*-qt*` should help
<Phillemann> gchristensen: Hm, then maybe I'm doing something stupid by using mkDerivation, but defining a buildCommand in there?
<i-am-the-slime> Also how can I add something to my PATH in that nix-shell?
<ixxie> Phillemann: its easy enough to do something similar with any other tex engine / wrapper
<ixxie> Phillemann: I did something like this to build my CV with pandoc https://github.com/ixxie/cv/blob/master/default.nix
<burgdorfer> Is it even supposed to copy closure at that point or is something terribly wrong?
<infinisil> burgdorfer: nix shouldn't download something it has already downloaded, so if you run nixops deploy again, all these fetches shouldn't be present
<infinisil> gchristensen: huh? did i miss something?
<infinisil> fetchFromGitHub { ... } is a derivation, and putting it in a string like "${fetchFromGitHub { ... }}" makes it expand to the derivations outPath, something like /nix/store/...
<infinisil> Phillemann: it's a nixpkgs checkout, the same as <nixpkgs> (which expands to something like /path/to/nixpkgs)
<ixxie> If a commit includes work by multiple people, is there a convention for appending something to commit like: co-authored with: Jane Doe <jane.doe@example.org>
<burgdorfer> Hi all, I'm trying to use nix-ops to import my default.nix and deploy to EC2, but the following error is thrown: "error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set". What does this error mean? My default.nix uses (...).project(...), can it not be imported then by other scripts?
<adisbladis[m]> rauno: You get automatic patching of shebangs. wrapProgram is used when something is required in $PATH
<srhb> silver_hook: I'm unsure if a backport of something was missed, I can check laster.
<jeromelanteri> i tryed zfs... this file system like to use CPU a lot. i feel this fs like something for big data speciale case storage.
<MichaelRaskin> master is for when you love idle CPU cores and what to give them something interesting to do!


<infinisil> that seems definitely something nixos could be improved on
<nschoe> MichaelRaskin, because what I tried next in my interactive shell is to change the ¨sda5¨ to ¨sda6¨ in the /init script. So that it would try to unlock the LUKS device on the proper partition. Then I executed the /init script manually. And it works: it does ask for the LUKS passphrase and manages to unlock it, which is good. But then it fails with ¨swithc_root¨. And since I saw something like ¨delete everything in /¨ I
<MichaelRaskin> People recommend something more advanced. debug1devices and i there.
<MichaelRaskin> You have built something and have a result (or whatever was passed to -o) symlink, right?
<MichaelRaskin> You delete symlinks, there is a series of symlinks gcroots → your symlink → actual something, if Nix cannot find the target of indirect gcroot, it just removes the root
<hyper_ch> kitty wants something... she patroling around my legs
<hyper_ch> but if you can get me to the 24th century I can brng back something much bette - a replicator and awesome borg algorithms :)
<LnL> sda5? if something changed in the partition scheme that might be the wrong device name
<hyper_ch> infinisil: that's something else
<ixxie> infinisil: I think something is still missing
<deltasquared> MichaelRaskin: ok, I'll use the proper way now, I was just curious how something could evade rm -rf like that
<MichaelRaskin> NIX_PATH can be used to set nixpkgs-overlays to something different
<MichaelRaskin> I mean, couldn't they run a user service that spawned all the unmanageable processes, and then spawn the user processes from something outside that cgroup?
<deltasquared> I might just throw it in a shell function or something
<infinisil> oh, it's in untracked files, i must've messed something up with git, and it probably got removed from there
<deltasquared> (I think <> did something special, damnit where's that gone)
<ma27> ixxie: normally a few days unless there's something blocking the channel
<infinisil> maybe just something to get to the PR's head
<ixxie> srhb: oh, I guess it used to be on the program but no more; I saw in the past something about containers / Nix in relation to Docker
<srhb> Er, it's probably eval-config or something like that
<LnL> something like this might work environment.systemPackages = mkBefore [ pkgs.nixUnstable ];
<srhb> I feel like infinisil is doing something secret :-)
<srhb> avn: Something like that..
<hyper_ch> but using zfs master broke mic92s patch since some stuff seems to have been moved around or something... so I applied that manually :)
<samueldr> the page is (temporarily) hosted on my own server, but the websocket is on gchristensen's infra, so right there that's something content blockers love to block :)
<samueldr> so it's not simply a white page with a silent error in the browser console, but something a bit more noisy
<Guest82411> Unrelated, but I must be missing something: error: selector ‘make’ matches no derivations
<__red__> I'm perhaps missing something fundamental - but is there any reason I can't nix-env -iA virt-manager


<MichaelRaskin> (Asus actually ships something sensible, it is just that UEFI was in flux back then)
<neonfuz> is there a way to compile with a different gcc version or something to fix this?
<Kim> So browsing around I saw something mention `lib.getBin`, but I can't seem to find it in the various manuals on the site. Is this a feature that was pulled out?
<ixxie> Also, relatedly: how can I tell if something needs to be a propogatedBuildInput or a mere buildInput?
<FRidh2> ixxie: you forgot something :)
<MichaelRaskin> I am trying to get purely read-only /etc/ (with symlinks to writeable targets where needed) on something nix-based but not NixOS; this is already a pain
<ison111> FRidh2: I see, thanks. Also, do you know if it's possible to make an environment that installs something from pip?
<joepie91> possibly something else that cloned that design though, good catch
<joepie91> so I'm looking at https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DT_U7yDX4AUhRNF.jpg:large and the packaging design really strongly reminds me of something from my childhood
<MichaelRaskin> There is something with FS snapshots on top of yum and BtrFS, I think.