
<tanonym> would it be possible to have nixos use something like squashfs to comprsave space similar to what distros like slitaz, puppy linux or porteus do?
<manveru> i guess it needs some gnome daemon or something
<typetetris> ij: like that https://gist.github.com/typetetris/312d014c19ed9e0fd0748dd352e64e5b or is there something more idiomatic?
<hyper_ch2> I thought the enp-something should make things more predictable
<clever> without it, you get something starting with enp, that refers to its exact bus position
<clever> fearlessKim[m]: but if your using something like network manager, it probably wont be
<Lisanna> OK, so you use unsafeDiscardStringContext when you need the path to something without any of its contents, possibly with the intention that you will use its contents *later*, and that something will cause it to become valid later
<vaibhavsagar> I thought nix-prefetch-url --unpack does something different to curl archive.tar.gz anyway
<fearlessKim[m]> abathur: I had something similar when (forgetting to) mounting the wrong /boot
<abathur> I've been having trouble wrapping my head around profiles and efi boot entries, but I'm mostly convinced now that the trouble is because something isn't working right with my efi entries
<clever> ldlework: add something to the url, like ?1
<ldlework> I am doing something like:
<abathur> but I'm just kinda bashing my head against the wall beyond that; not sure if it just won't work or if I'm missing something


<LnL> please make an issue if you have something that's kind of reproducable
<Neo--> when i was experimenting with a python project the other day i accidentally created like 30 or something result-X folders :D
<hyper_ch> and who'd have thought there is something like: swapDevices.*.randomEncryption
<samueldr> hyper_ch: prepare something, anyway there's many bits in the wiki that aren't categorized, like those, if/when it's moved, it'll alway redirect to the proper location
<gchristensen> but something like builtins.pathExists readDir / readFile exists :) and you could act on those in ways
<sphalerite> Does anyone else get graphical glitches in wireshark? Rendered text is sometimes a little bit garbled. I'd send a screenshot, but starting scrot seems to trigger a redraw or something which fixes it
<ertes-w> gchristensen: huh? did i delete something by accident?
<LnL> there are small channels if you want something that updates faster
<sphalerite> ertes-w: not that I know of. There's no guarantee that whatever path you choose won't break something in the future of course, but I'm not aware of anything that doing so would currently break
<hyper_ch> rational: I setup kimsufi server with nixos and normal zfs... once that runs, I make encrypted container yadda, yadda, yadda and put stuff in there... now I want to reboot and if there goes something wrong I can't access it
<makefu> simpson: no no, parameter are like the next level of ugly. just think about trying to find one parameter in a 1000 characters single-line process call. lists and key-value stores also not really something easy to work with
<adisbladis> etu: Meh. They are all relatively OK. Just choose something people can already parse.
<makefu> simpson: what would you prefare, something like a registry instead, or a database even? not sure what are real good alternatives for config files. of course sane defaults would be fantastic but the world is difficult
<iqubic> Isn't there something like systemd-inhibit? To prevent the screen from randomly going black when running an X application?
<Ndrei2> where I'm expecting something like 190+
<Ndrei2> hmm something's wrong with the calculation, or somewhere, when I convert the offset to a size in GB I get 40
<Ndrei2> can the fact that I've dd'd with a block size of 1G have something to do with this?... I guess I need to make a different calculation now


<ndrei> so I ran it again on the odd case that it found an older header..., or maybe something else is off
<dhess> I recall something like that
<ndrei2__> clever: thanks, I'm piping it to strings and it's all garbadge, which makes me wonder if there's something wrong as my windows partition isn't encrypted
<mpickering> If there is an env var you can set to configure it then set it to something like $out/local
<infinisil> mpickering: i think it's something weird with the paths of this app package, because it works with e.g. cp -r ${glibc}/lib/* $out
<jadu> infinisil: it is only firefox, and I get https://hastebin.com/ekebinazoq.pas as output when I try to play something with sound
<clever> gchristensen: thats something i always forget to do, let me see...
<srhb> mojjo: Does it not exist, or is it something else?
<Lisanna> clever OK, so I could get something like what I wanted if I strung each layer of arguments along with a nested attrset
<gchristensen> Lisanna: you could maybe do something fancy with builtins.functionArgs?
<markus1189> yes I think that's the one grahamofborg or something like that?
<srhb> mojjo: Sounds like something is bugged in that module.
<srhb> I suppose something from your environment _might_ still be leaking into that python somehow, but I'm not sure how...
<alp> or maybe this comes from something I installed with nix-env (which I do rarely but still)
<srhb> Something else in your environment must be the culprit, but I'm not sure where it could leak.
<srhb> alp: Yes, something like that :)
<gchristensen> (that is literally its output) whereas I was expecting it to deploy something to my host
<dtz> dunno, can't repro the max_sects thing. strange. will poke at later. I'll note that the nix used uses boehmgc 7.6.0 and seems to want to use a bit more memory in the eval (8219028 kbytes vs 7802832 kbytes w/1.12); ulimit'ing to 8000000 kbytes causes an error but it's a OOM not MAX_HEAP_SECTS. I am probably missing something, but blargh :P.
<dtz> oh, right, I haven't worried about that since ... using non-NixOS. nix 1.12 probably drops that var or something. good call, will try that when switch back--it's convenient to be able to nix-shell into using nix 1.11 tools (not daemon, but), would be great to not lose that.
<dtz> but yes "nix-store -r" FTW. 1 sec, appears recent-ish nixos change or something (maybe?) makes it no longer easy to run nix 1.11 on a 1.12 system QQ
<dtz> gchristensen: great, ty. So I'm doing something wrong then :D. I'll investigate, just wanted to bug ya to make sure I understood the borg side of things :D.
<pie_> Mic92, something about rust dependencies but i didnt get any farther than that
<dtz> LnL: yeah, which isn't cheap! Or are you saying it can do so successfully so if a PR causes it to OOM something is wrong/ the PR might be bad?
<dhess> I don't see the difference, other than the ugly string template substitution, but maybe I'm missing something about the efficiency of this approach or something like that.
<tilpner> I can reproduce it. I changed something about my config, which might be related
<tilpner> jluttine - Something like that. It's not necessarily pointing to your "currently installed system", you could have old <nixpkgs> in your NIX_PATH
<tilpner> I remember that working fine for me, it must be something else
<vaibhavsagar> dhess: something very screwy is going on
<dhess> well without seeing your nixpkgs it's hard to tell whether you've missed something
<vaibhavsagar> could be that something else is failing
<alp> rnhmjoj[m], yes, that's in fact more or less the only somewhat relevant link that I could find =) but I'm seeing those errors when trying to run say nixops or virt-manager (python programs). I suppose something's not right with my environment, but not sure what. my PYTHONPATH seems quite crowded in a normal shell session right from the start, but I don't know what to look for really


<abathur> so that's confusion 1; is the loader only showing me alternatives? or is it truncated? or is its absence indicating that something isn't working?
<abathur> probably something obvious
<mog> yup something like that youd want to build in a nix-shell first and then turn into a normal derivation
<brodavi> hey folks quick question... does nixos have something like ubuntu's 'build-essential'? also related, where can I find the 'ar' program? :)
<judson> Is there a way to get a backtrace or something?
<Unode> /nix/channels/nixos1709/pkgs/build-support/buildenv/default.nix:7:1 called without required argument _name_. Seems like I'm now missing something else.
<Unode> Profpatsch: though I think I'm still missing something. From what I gather of the nix language, "with context; {} " defines context for what follows. So if I simply want the defined list to be passed in as-is I need another argument no?
<Unode> Profpatsch: I'm still missing something... http://dpaste.com/27TE6JC if you can spare a few moments. Tried checked the manual but I don't find a clear explanation of what <> stands for. You also suggested "with <packages>;" but doesn't this lead to another level of nesting?. Sorry I'm confused.
<jluttine> teozkr: i didn't understand why iso.nix can't decide the version.. i would have expected that i could do something like this: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/How_to_fetch_Nixpkgs_with_an_empty_NIX_PATH
<srhb> Profpatsch: No, but if something like that package specific deriver idea could at least *expose* the packagesets as if they were top level, we could at least work on that.
<srhb> It's interesting re. callPackage. Before reading it, I was imagining something like having each package instead taking all of pkgs as argument. I think that would be way more problematic though.
<warbo> but it would be nice if I could do something like '(pkgs.withSomeOverrides { perlPackages = ...; }).hydra'
<warbo> Hello, is there a way I can override something in pkgs but only for one expression?
<Unode> let me paste something
<Unode> ok, trying out a different approach based on https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/doc/languages-frameworks/python.md#how-to-consume-python-modules-using-pip-in-a-virtualenv-like-i-am-used-to-on-other-operating-systems- I now have: http://dpaste.com/28NGKFC which fails with: variable $src or $srcs should point to the source. Am I doing something wrong?
<acowley> There must be something going wrong in there. Need to dig it out during compile downtime.
<pie_> i mean an anchored derivation or something
<pie_> yeah i mean the package, i have something that uses it
<y0no[m]> Unode: you can do something like "disabled = !(isPy3k);"
<freeman42x[NixOS> the error I am getting is: error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /home/neo/Forks/nixpkgs/lib/customisation.nix:74:12
<srhb> Or something like it.
<pie_> is caching all f***ed up or something?
<pie_> thats something i cant deal with right now though
<pie_> something something separate libbass package....?
<rauno> something really weird like:
<freeman42x[NixOS> in nix-repl is there any way to query the type of something? I'd like to get more information on `mkDerivation`
<Leo`> all the service config myself? Something along the liens of just overriding the PYTHONPATH of the service defined by service.radicale.
<pie_> I get error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a path, at (string):1:99
<mkaito> for example say I want to add something to environment.variables.NIX_PATH
<mkaito> does this apply to something like environment.variables.foo?
<mkaito> can I do something like `users.johndoe.groups += [ "foo" "bar" ];`?
<pie__> doesnt that leave it in the store though or something?
<samueldr> anyone with a hidpi device wants to test something? (I'm burning on USB to test on a non-hidpi device)
<nahamu> Does this tweak to ipxe look like something that would be acceptable upstream? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/master...nshalman:ceranaos-nahum#diff-35cfd6db3b3d151c532beb6fef19a925
<dhess> I think I'll start with Docker. If I'm running these builds on EC2 instances, I'll want something less heavy than qemu
<dhess> gchristensen: well it's an interesting thought anyway. I will take a look at debBuild and maybe I can construct something for cabal/Stack jobs
<dhess> nahamu: hmm maybe I could figure out a way to add jobs to my release.nix that did something like that.
<dhess> It's all open source Haskell projects. My Hydra is awesome, but it can't test builds in a non-Nix environment, so I need to supplement with something "standard" like Travis-CI or Jenkins
<dhess> I'd like to make each build job faster, basically. I was hoping they had a plan that would put you on less loaded hosts or something


<pie__> i expected ghci to be part of ghc but something didnt work so i added it to the package list
<srhb> Or maybe ghcid or something :)
<Unode> hi all, how can I run an interactive nix-build in a stepwise fashion? I need to debug something I'm having a hard time reproducing outside the build environment/sandbox.
<sphalerite> gchristensen: clever : I think you could also do something like `ssh "root@$1" /bin/sh -c "'cd /; ( ./kexec_nixos & ) &'"` to make it exit normally (although it's a tiny bit race-condition-y)
<gchristensen> domenkozar: based on your recent activity, can you take a gander at something for me? :)
<dhess> chisui: if the Haskell package called "base" in Nixpkgs is not the right version for your package, you can either a) re-define "base" in an overlay to be the version you want, or b) create a new Nix package named "base_4_10" that points to the version you want, and then when you call 'callPackage' from Nix on your package, you can do something like 'callPackage { base = base_4_10 }'
<hyper_ch> so something needs to listen
<srhb> Hm, remind me, is there something similar to nix-build -E in nix 2.0? 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; hello' does not appear to be interpreted as an installable
<simpson> It could be that maybe there's some Paramiko-like extension module, or something like that. Or it could be that this package is just not Python 2-compatible.
<fearlessKim[m]> more specifically I was thinking of my l2tp VPN PR. Since this kind of VPN is related to work, the lack of it is not something you can ignore. Typically I didn't want to do it but had to. Thus I think I am the only l2tp user on nixos (or maybe there exists other solutions than networkmanager I didn't know of)
<joko> Something about VT-x? Look for other virtualization settings
<srhb> infinisil: Something like that possibly. Eelcos slides from friday actually had a great point (I want to be able to created two postgresses just because it's just a function that creates some services)
<infinisil> but isn't there something we can do to get nixpkgs to a more manageable state?
<Dezgeg> also you're going to have fun when you need to atomically commit something to two different repositories
<LnL> if you're the only person working on a project that's pretty easy, but something like nixpkgs is a lot harder
<Baughn> Here's something that properly explains it: http://eagain.net/articles/git-for-computer-scientists/
<genesis> oki i doubt something like that
<srhb> Unless you're doing something chrooty I don't know how that would happen.
<srhb> markus1189: The one I have hasn't been open sourced, but I based it on something in nixpkgs. let me have a look...
<srhb> There's something icky about each method :P
<srhb> markus1189: Yeah. To something user writable in the homedir.
<rardiol1> markus1189: I have another idea, try running "strace -f ./game", maybe that will show something?
<rardiol1> markus1189: Exactly, patchelf will fix dynamic linking, but dynamic loading is something else
<aminechikhaoui> joko: I think you could setup something like a cron or systemd timer from the deploy machine and deploy with e.g -I nixpkgs=channel:nixos-17.09
<infinisil> well not everything, but I can't ever update anything without something breaking too
<srhb> I think the devil might in in "something similar to"
<joko> srhb: I am using still packageOverrides :S , but something similar to that: http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/wqq0c3Lf?nix + the previous link as drbd-module.nix
<srhb> Hydra is particularly unhelpful if you get something wrong in this phase. :-P
<srhb> joko: Yeah, something like that.
<adisbladis> i-am-the-slime: It's usually done in patchPhase. Either by providing a list `patches` or by using something like sed or substituteInPlace
<srhb> You probably want --delete-older-than 60d or something (to not lose the ability to rollback completely)
<freeman42x[NixOS> johnw, no, probably because they are forks or something like that
<elvishjerricco> dhess: It's definitely not something I would want to ask users to depend on if I were writing something for beginners though :/
<freeman42x[NixOS> how can I figure out if something is on Hackage or not? for example: https://github.com/lamdu/Algorithm-W-Step-By-Step
<dhess> elvishjerricco: you mean in an overlay or something?
<elvishjerricco> Really? Hm lemme try something
<dhess> (strictly speaking it's not really useable as an overlay since it's NixOS config, but you can do something similar)
<vaibhavsagar> I often wish we had per-user private stores or something like that
<pie_> doesnt nix-shell want a function though or something
<pie_> does nix hash the file contents or something else?
<pie_> are uhh...things closures so they carry their scope or something?


<MichaelRaskin> This exchange is more of an association chain than something that can be fully explained.
<Yaniel> I mean it could trip over something as trivial as starting with #!/bin/bash
<MichaelRaskin> I think it was the first attempt by Asus to implement something looking like UEFI
<MichaelRaskin> Basically, it puts into the attribute set you are writing something that is in scope.
<samueldr> yeah, something like that, thanks!
<Dezgeg> you might need to pass something like -bios ${pkgs.OVMF.fd}/FV/OVMF.fd
<samueldr> I seem to remember that there is something special to do to use qemu with OVMF in nixos, am I wrong?
<michaelpj> is there something like writeTextBin I can use in a derivation? I would use writeTextBin itself but I think I can't set meta on that?
<samueldr> MichaelRaskin: working on something for the installer iso, and yes, I can boot the installer image without issue on all machines
<srhb> nahamu: (where you'd replace that silly overlay with a real import or something)
<srhb> nahamu: Short version is something like nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> { overlays = [ (self: super: { hello = super.sl; }) ]; }; pkgs.hello'
<infinisil> But at least you can always easily find out what broke something (and return to the last working version) with git bisect
<MichaelRaskin> Nixpkgs is at the size where «PR breaks something less-used» implies that a full nox-review pr will take more than 4 hours wall-clock time
<ottidmes> I have the following situation, I have an encrypted hard drive and I want to be able to unlock it in stage 1 and boot to the unlocked drive in stage 2. In this case I am using sedutil (hardware encryption) instead of LUKS. And since it is full disk encryption, I will have to use something else to unlock this. It could be another drive, USB stick, or the little unencrypted partition available on the otherwise
<MichaelRaskin> Isn't there extraActivationCommands or something?
<i-am-the-slime> Audio? I don't know, I could try to find something else, why?
<ambro718> Can someone explain to me how exactly I am supposed to use overlays? Suppose I put something like this into configuration.nix: nixpkgs.overlays = [ (import ./overlay) ]; Woldn't that only take effect for the system configuration - what about if I want to install a package from an overlay with nix-env?
<i-am-the-slime> I probably have a wrong channel for nixpkgs or something.
<Svarog> do i need to do something more than just copying .desktop files to $out/share/application
<ertes> i seem to be causing these bot failures every single time… is there something wrong with my PRs?


<MichaelRaskin> mpickering: could you answer something to my question about setting a narrower meta.platforms first?
<genesis> my package has C++=clang++ in his makefile, i wonder if there something like in gentoo that override such mistake
<ottidmes> Any factorio players here on the channel? I have the problem that the game cannot convert games to newer versions of the game because it gives a permission denied due it wanting to change something in the read only nix store.
<infinisil> mpickering: i mean it's a nix error, so it should really be something wrong with the nixpkgs files
<mpickering> perhaps there is something in your configuration forcing the platforms attribute which isn't in mine
<ottidmes> dbe_: You would call a package with conf set, nixpkgs/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix has ton of examples of this. Or did you mean something else?
<infinisil> bsima: Just putting something in the store doesn't install it
<stphrolland> Hi! I cannot find the acpid.log file on my system. I thought it was there by defualt to record acpi messages in my system. Do I have to do something explicetly in nixos so as to have it ?
<vidbina> symphorien: aha... that's why I can't find anything of use in the logs :P. Is there something I can do when the system freezes to get more intel. ottimdes: what do you mean with a serial tty conn?!? I'm booting my laptop and I have no clue what a serial tty connection to my laptop would look like, even less how to get access to it.
<FRidh> grahamc: you did something similar before with docs, right? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/34558
<infinisil> e.g. with configuration.nix something like `let myPkg = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { ... }; in { environment.systemPackages = [ myPkg ]; }`
<FRidh> guess something with 1.12pre
<infinisil> FRidh: do you have something special in nix.conf?
<ijsicle> Something like that, sure.
<srhb> Huh, okay, something else is fishy on 17.09
<etu> freeman42x[NixOS: Pick a commit and set a date as version or something I think
<genesis> to get libcapsule from https://github.com/dezgeg/nixpkgs/tree/libcapsule i'd to git clone 800Mo of data, is there something lighter in nix, as overlay for gentoo ? or the idea is smarter use of git branch ?
<sphalerite> something like with import <nixpkgs> {}; runCommand "shell" {buildInputs = mesa pkgconfig cmake freetype glew doxygen glfw3 fontconfig imagemagick (callPackage ../anttweakbar {}) ];} ":"
<leotaku> If I want to define arbitrary variables in configuration.nix, eg. for defining my custom Vim, how should I go about doing that? Should I use lib.option, {config pkgs lib ...}: at the top or something else entirely?
<freeman42x[NixOS> nope, it seems to not work correctly, I changed the src URL to something invalid and it still builds
<samueldr> if it fails with that, *something else* is going on, and that's something that I won't be able to help you with as I'm soon going AFK to sleep...
<samueldr> so, something with pango / pango modules isn't as expected even in the FHS chroot environment
<samueldr> looking at your error a bit, tried loading the demo, which has a .run installer too, it may be the compiled-in pango that looks for something that isn't there in the chroot environment created by steam-run, iqubic
<samueldr> it may also be a bug or something else, but a quick google search makes it look like a hardware issue
<clever> kini: you have to tell nix that its in multi-user mode now, and how to contact something that does have write
<dhess> after you rebuild, your /etc/nix/machines line for that host should have something like this in it: x86_64-linux,i686-linux
<srid> Is something broken on the server with the nvidiaBeta package?
<dhess> clever: much traffic in there? That's something I would be interested in
<lord|> could I just delete /nix or something


<lejonet> Hmm, something is really odd here, I'm still getting the "error: value is a string while a set was expected" even when not using my own checkout O.o
<maurer> Only if your root is either encrypted or something grub can't speak
<phdoerfler> infinisil: sorry to bother you again, but in my mighty bash script (the reboot check) I use `file` and `perl` and when I have systemd run it it can't find neither of them. I'm assuming it "just" takes some #!${stdenv.bash.withPkgs [ file perl ]} or something. But what exactly?
<iqubic> What shell do you use? bash, zsh, fish, something else?
<kini> so I guess the existing shell.nix isn't really incorrect, just something weird is going on
<phdoerfler> or something like this
<NinjaTrappeur> Hello, quick noob question here. Is there any way to install all the packages prepended by gnome3? Something like gnome3.*?
<ottidmes> leotaku: Would then integrating it as a NixOS module not make it a disadvantage of sorts, a complete system rebuild seems more heavy weight then building it separately? Just like the only time I use nix-env is to try something out quickly or temporarily
<samueldr> infinisil: lovely, I was thinking of doing something similar
<phdoerfler> and gchristensen answers another 20% or something like that
<leotaku> ottidmes: I actually like having all of my configuration in one place (configuration.nix) instead of also using other files (eg. ~/.config/nixpkgs/home.nix) for this I use the currently WIP home-manager NixOS module. Would you be interested in looking at something that utilizes this approch?
<infinisil> phdoerfler: you'll want to set something like `systemd.services.postUpgrade = { description = "..."; partOf = [ "nixos-upgrade.service" ]; after = [ "nixos-upgrade.service" ]; script = "echo hi"; };
<freeman42x> ottidmes: cheers, I had something similar for building Haskell packages, only a small difference
<infinisil> you'd have to do something like 'with import ../../.. {}; ...` instead
<pmahoney> leotaku: you can replace something like '[ python36Packages.a python36Packages.b ]' with 'with python36Packages; [ a b ]'
<thoughtpolice> vidbina: Maybe you could something like 'let myPackage = pkgs.callPackage /absolute/path/to/your/pkgs/default.nix { };' then use myPackage inside of udev.packages inside your configuration -- in other words, simply evaluate the expression using your NixOS's copy of nixpkgs.
<yegle> Hmm strace show something interesting, running `strace date` in nix-shell shows that it was trying to read /nix/.../share/zoneinfo
<samueldr> probably something about packages purity, using /share makes it easier to make packages depend on /share instead of the actual paths of the dependencies used...
<thoughtpolice> Rust or something was updated.
<dtz> nvidia should just publish an overlay or something
<Orbstheorem[m]> chance that sh can't see 'en_US.UTF-8'?, do you think something else might be wrong?
<aminechikhaoui> fearlessKim[m]: use import <custom/secrets.nix> if custom is something in the nix path
<dhess> hyper_ch2: can I do something like "zfs set encryption=on tank/foo" to enable it on tank/foo if tank/foo already exists but is unencrypted?
<bhipple[m]> If I want to build another gmake target in a pkg, is there something like `makeTargets = []`?
<dhess> clever: yes and as soon as you try to cleanSource something it starts complaining that the store is not writable, or that bash isn't in there, etc.
<Lisanna> do something like that, and then yeah, just pass the result of that drv to the thing you were trying to run
<nixy> Pretty sure something like that is used to make steam work too
<nixy> Yeah if you're just looking to layer packages on top of system ones you can do `nix-shell -p nmap` or something


<lexshouldbehappy> can we have something like https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html but for <nixpkgs> ??? where I can see API documentation how to use those functions, what arguments they do accept and what do they perform\output?
<eacameron> Wizek: Maybe you can use `\` or something to just spread that line over multiple
<eacameron> My new install has an issue in the terminal where the "END" key does something odd...definitely not take my cursor to the end
<adelbertc> i know something does it for the standard builder
<adelbertc> is there something that takes a bash script and patches the beginning shebang
<Ralith> however, if you use precompiled binaries, they won't have the right RUNPATH, since they're typically intended for something like ubuntu where everything's in one great big heap in /usr/lib
<Ralith> when you compile something with nix, the compiler wrapper scripts inject the proper flags to set up the RUNPATH to match your declared dependencies
<Ralith> best guess I can give for anything that could possibly have to do with Nix is that it's trying to dlopen libxcb or something
<m0rphism> I can give it a shot and report back if I find something or nothing that works
<maurer> Basically open an issue if something is wrong and you can't/won't fix it yourself. A PR is generally preferred, esp. if you know the fix.
<Ralith> m0rphism: you don't happen to be on wayland or something do you?
<elvishjerricco> Something like builtins.toJSON except I want the format to be Nix literals
<elvishjerricco> Baughn: No I just meant something like Haskell's `show` that I can use in a Nix expression to serialize e.g. an attrset to a file
* tilpner needs to fix something, will be back afterwards
<infinisil> you can use nix to generate a script that does something else, but not nix itself
<infinisil> you'll want to add something like "#!${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash" at the top if you're not calling it from your shell
<clefru> infinisil: wow. that's nice and small. something in my setup sucks coreutils into initrd which alone is 10mb
<infinisil> not asking to pretend it's not something you wanna do, but rather show a more nixy way if possible
<vaibhavsagar> is there something I need to do differently?
<vaibhavsagar> I'm trying the newest Nix 1.12pre and I'm getting a confusing error when I try to `nix build` something other than `default.nix`
<ij> I found out why — because I had only one path, so bin was a symlink to something that was built already instead of a new dir.
<dtz> (to follow-up on comment about URL's, something like: nix-shell -I unstable=https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/nixos-unstable.tar.gz)
<vaibhavsagar> is something wrong with the hydra job?
<jack[m]> eacameron: I think I saw something flying by on github/mailing lists about terminfo not installing properly, but vt100 is usually hardcoded.


<joepie91> viric: it particularly manifested when something was initialized on or uploaded to the GPU; a new OpenGL context, a new texture, etc.
<joepie91> something ending in "Power Management" that suggests it changing
<joepie91> viric: DPM, Dynamic Power Management, it may also be called APM or something like that
<viric> that was something like a wrong map of physical ram
<michaelpj> righto, probably something like that
<philipwhite> When I customize it so the executable is named something else, like `test-vim`, they do show up.
<clever> pie_: something else you have is silently adding it
<pie_> clever, this is after restarting xorg. is this something a reboot might fix?
<pie_> clever, something's fucky with my libraries, i get this from plasmashell and then it crashes: Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0x50902) with this library (version 0x50901)
<clever> mbrock: only issue, would be the interuption of something that was in-progress at reboot
<CrazedProgrammer> coconnor: shameless plug for my config https://github.com/CrazedProgrammer/nix hope you learn something new from it :)
<pie_> is there any way to make this work? something = [with pkgs; lyx texmaker texlive.combined.scheme-full]
<gilligan_> How can I configure a "oneshot" system service to only *ever* run once on a system? By using some sort of lockfile or something? I'm not that good with systemd stuff - any input appreciated ;-)
<ottidmes> clever: Mine all have different ports that seem valid as far as I can tell (zero experience, but they are not just 0 or something), only difference is that 2 have an irq of 3 and the other 2 an irq of 4
<ottidmes> tokudan[m]: That is something I will have to look into than, because last time I had to come up with a very elaborate scheme to write data to the server and get the backup out (encoding the data as color coded console-like pixels and creating many automated screenshots that decoded it all)
<pie_> wtf does trying to install texlive tarbomb my system or something
<pie_> ah thanks, i was wondering if there would be something that takes the size of dependencies as well
<raph_ael> avn: I understand, well for now I have something of an answer, thanks all :)
<ottidmes> raph_ael: Concrete as in, something actualized, not just something in theory.
<raph_ael> ottidmes: well I don't like the design of systemd, and almost each time I tried I got problems, so I prefer using something else :)
<bennofs[m]> gchristensen: would it be possible to have something like the aarch64 build box for x86_64 as well? it would allow me to run some large builds while at university without draining my laptop battery so much 😅 not sure how quickly that would become overloaded though...
<infinisil> pmeunier: use runCommand, or writeText or something like that
<sphalerite> As for managing a server with multiple back end servers changing on a regular basis: point it to them through DNS or something, unless you're managing them through nixops as well in which case you just configure them appropriately
<sphalerite> I don't actually know how 😅 I think there's a "none" back end or something
<sphalerite> So they don't get gc'd because there's still something depending on them
<gleber_> infinisil: but I do this all the time (or at least something seemingly the same) in my NixOS configuration
<manveru> lexappreciate: but what you could do is try binding to nixUnstable using swig or something... and call that from python
<bennofs[m]> i agree, vendoring large dependencies is something I don't like but it seems that there is no pratical other way as lots of projects do it (and not vendoring it often leads to subtle, hard to debug issues later)
<bennofs[m]> LnL: thanks, already started the build on my laptop, I hope it's not going to take tooo long (llvm is done) :) In general though it would be nice to have something like https://github.com/nix-community/aarch64-build-box for x86_64 is as well
<hyper_ch2> tom did say something like that on sunday or monday I think
<infinisil> Lisanna: i think a good rule is: if your config depends something from the config itself, you need to wrap it in a mkIf or such
<Lisanna> okay, so I can get infinite recursion encountered if I accidentally put something in my config = ...; which forces the evaluation of cfg to happen right now
<bhipple[m]> I see a handful of blog posts showing how to just use NIX_PATH and a git clone entirely instead of channels. I'm setting up Nix for a bunch of people at work and I'm considering just going down that route and dumping channels entirely to keep things simpler and reduce the number of things to teach. Aside from having something that updates consistently with the binary cache, is there any real need for channels or are they
<__red__> I have a strange situation where I set my documentRoot in my httpd service, but of course I need something to create the directory
<aswanson> hi all, what's the 'nix' method for editing `GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX` parameters? I need to add something there to hopefully fix some problems with my graphics chip
<Lisanna> I'm starting to suspect that I might be trying to do something impossible
<Lisanna> the strange thing is, if I trace something that I use elsewhere (like cfg.user), it still fails


<Lisanna> Hey guys, for some reason my NixOS module is failing with infinite recursion if I reference "config" from inside config at all. I have something like this: { config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let cfgBase = config; in { options.services.blah = ...; config = ... lib.traceSeqN 1 cfgBase ...; }
<dtz> magnetophon: changing the default has greatest impact on Darwin, which also is rather under-powered re:builders so understandably such big changes can take time unless motivated by a bug or something
<joepie91> Ralith: presumably because it's a self-extracting archive that needs to extract first or something?
<lexwho> i'f i'm in nix-repl, how I can see something line in python> help(object.function) to see documentation, API, possible artguments and return value?
<infinisil> import-from-derivation, essentially something like `import (pkgs.runCommand "foo" {} "echo 10 > $out")` which will evaluate to 10
<lejonet> lol, I think my most common commit message so far is something involving adding/removing ; xD
<lejonet> haha, no worries ^^ I appreciate the input regardless, you can just yell at me in the PR if something goes horribly wrong
<__monty__> lejonet: Yeah {var}: "something about ${var}"
<hodapp> maybe something like x2x will work.
<hodapp> is there something else magical I must do to actually have synergy answer?
<symphorien> Can't remember exactly but something like disableHardening=all
<samueldr> ♥ nix, nixos and y'all devs, if you didn't know; again nix saves the day at work by making something hard much more trivial (sorry I can't be more specific)
<TweyII> Note that AFAIK NixOS adheres to the FHS, so anything that doesn't build on NixOS because it assumes the path of something is technically violating that standard
<TweyII> If there are paths in source it sure helps if they're only mentioned in one place in a variable or something
<LnL> something like --arg config '{}' will make the current command ignore your local config.nix for example
<TweyII> __monty__: So nix-env has no say in what happens here, conventionally (you *could* have something in all-packages.nix that takes an argument and then use --arg with nix-env, but nobody does that AFAIK)
<Biappi> ij: knowing nothing of ruby, but something of other similar runtimes, you might have ruby libraries that wrap c libraries
<rauno> seems like something useful
<sphalerite> Might look something like systemd.mounts."/mnt/disk" = {requires = ["ceph"]; after=["ceph"];}
<sphalerite> fearlessKim: in that case I'd probably go with only using explicitly when you need it. Something like nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' --arg overlays '[ ~/hacky-overlay.nix ]' -iA hackyoverlaystuff