
<mkaito> Acou_Bass: try executing via terminal. at least, it'll give you something more useful to work with.


<mdedetrich> Hmm I may have found something
<sphalerite_> LnL's overlay gives you something like that
<BlessJah> sphalerite_: I'd love to see something like environment.nix where I could manage env like I manage system-wide packages in /etc/nixos/
<ottidmes> BlessJah: Thinking about it some more, you could create something in Nix, but it will not be much different than making a shell alias, because like you said, you basically ask for the evaluated config to build it as an iso, so in that sense it cannot be a standalone package (or that package would have to do a similar "build system as iso" call itself)
<ottidmes> BlessJah: Let me try something
<Guanin> did the shutdown took a long time (1m30s or something like that)?
<BlessJah> gchristensen: I has something resembling nix for maintaining virtualenvs as well: install some packages, create wrapper scripts and put them in $PATH
<Fare> what about 0.12-0 or something? Oh, it's still considered older than 0.12-DEV-...
<Fare> Hi. Gerbil 0.12 is out. Previous version was called 0.12-DEV-1404-g0a266db. Doesn't nix consider 0.12 as older? Should I then call the nix package 0.12-RELEASE or something?
<mkaito> any way I can exclude something from the 'source' passed to mkDerivation?
<chaker> Did anyone try to do something like this before?
<sphalerite_> ij: yes, although there is a setting for it (auto-optimise-store or something). Check man nix.conf. I think there's also a nixos option to have it run periodically
<sphalerite_> ij: so something to install or shell into?
<jonge> symphorien: wow i see. that does something. :) thank you
<hyper_ch2> kandinski: why that trouble? do you fear something won't work?
<adisbladis> Something like https://ptpb.pw/bGpj/nix might work
<clever> mfiano: then, to pull in the .vim directory, you would do something like source ${./vim_configs}/something, or set plugin_search_path=${./vim_configs}/plugins, inside that string from 7-24 in my vim.nix
<clever> mfiano: to start with, make it something simple like all the config in ~/.vim/ and ~/.vimrc is just 1 line to load something like ~/.vim/root.config
<mfiano> I'm still debating on whether or not it's better to add a keybinding in vim to do something like what adisbladis[m] suggested, or to install my crazy config globally. The latter approach would mean I can't easily share my config in my dotfiles repo for non-Nix people I think.
<adisbladis[m]> Doesn't vim have something similar to tramp?
<abathur> is there a norm or a pattern regarding something like a database's storage path with nix-shell? it looks like the default is in /var/lib/postgres, but I assume with nix-shell I should be moving it into ~/ somewheres
<abathur> but it seems like I would want to set it to something distinct per-project?
<ryantm> 45 somethings?
<vaibhavsagar> jgt: basically if you override something, all bets are off
<ryantm> gchristensen: ut oh did I greak something...
<abathur> I have something along those lines, though including pip, virtualenv, and then with a shellHook to actually run 'pip install -r requirements.txt', start up postgres, etc.
<abathur> on a related note, I read something about nix-shell that I couldn't find any more elaboration on... https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#temporary-python-environment-with-nix-shell
<abathur> getting my bearings to set up development environments, and I got something that "works", but it seems like cheating, and after having some trouble with a few of the commonly-recommended tools
<sphalerite_> I'm guessing that something in the bootstrap/configure/make process does nasty impure stuff like downloading tarballs


<sphalerite_> sanscoeur: I think in principle you could use chroot on but I don't know of something like user namespaces on osx which would allow that without root access, which breaks your sudo requirement
<clever> catern: oh, i think i have something like what you want
<mfiano> clever: so i use packageOverrides or something to install that?
<elvishjerricco> shlevy: So `hail` is basically just doing something akin to `nixos-rebuild test` in this case, right?
<sphalerite_> I don't think it's something that really needs an option, it can just be enabled in all cases
<i-am-the-slime> sphalerite_: Something happened. The file exists
<tnks> something is not right.
<ottidmes> clever: What helps unlock my internet again is to ping the router/gateway and then it works again, so network manager probably does something similar for me
<thoughtpolice> (Arch is generally very vanilla but almost every distro ends up in that situation, esp when you wait for an upstream fix for something, etc)
<srhb> mfiano: Is Xft.dpi set to something else?
<Dezgeg> right, then journalctl --directory=/mnt/var/log/journal -b or something should display them from the mounted SD
<ottidmes> rgc: You will have to trigger a rebuild of the bootloader entries, which can be done with: nixos-rebuild boot (but of course if something changed, you might end up with a new generation which you might wanted to prevent)
<ottidmes> i-am-the-slime: You probably build your xmonad with root instead of your user, so just do: chmod -R mark:mark /home/mark/.xmonad or something similar
<i-am-the-slime> So did I maybe compile xmonad as root or something?
<i-am-the-slime> maybe it is something else
<i-am-the-slime> I thought I could also do something like ctrl-alt-f2 to login into a terminal session
<LnL> gchristensen: possibly requiring something like multiple people to do it :)
<LnL> if the PR checks disallow merges then we probably need something like @GrahamcOfBorg UNSAFE-merge-anyway
<dtz> something like https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/35415 ? or something else?
<ottidmes> genesis: Not sure, I noticed this too with openssl, probably to prevent overlapping libraries or something similar
<chisui> srhb: Maybe I mixed something up while switching to unstable. I set the channel for the current user and for root. Is that a problem?
<dtz> or something
<dtz> err not so much that it happened, AFAICT it's something subtle (I'm working on adding nixos test for it now :P)
<cmcdragonkai1> genesis: Do you have something published about this?
<LnL> yeah I'd suggest something like that
<mbrock> it seems that Nix 2 demands that something is at the $channelurl location
<LnL> adisbladis[m]: nix supports something similar if you want
<sophiag> i really would like something light with a fancy screen like the mbps
<mfiano> I learned something new though. I didn't know that the -h flag of both can be used like that to sort by size. I usually do du without -h and sort -n
<samueldr> looks like there's something to make the nixos one build as an epub in the `default.nix` under nixos/doc/manual
<Havvy> Is Hydra failing on something? nixpkgs-nightly hasn't updated in two days.
<mfiano> clever: Your package works! However I still don't think something is correct with env vars...
<clever> mfiano: i believe i3 is doing something wonky
<clever> mfiano: something is probably setting it again
<clever> so its something to do with how i3 got launched


<mfiano> Then something strange specific to PATH
<clever> mfiano: build-vm forces the driver to something
<clever> mfiano: something fishy is going on
<hask_bee_3> something basic
<hask_bee_3> gchristensen is it possible to run postgres in a more "standard" way? i was thinking something like nix-shell --run or something
<clever> hask_bee_3: gchristensen actually did something just like that about 3 days ago
<clever> ottidmes: ah, that sounds like something that should be fixed, grub is far better then systemd-boot
<macslayer> Hmmm, this is an odd issue. I'm on 17.09 NixOS, and for some reason, `cargo` and `rustup` aren't working. I try to do something simple like `cargo --version`, and it says "error: no default toolchain configured." If I try to do something like `rustup default stable`, it says "error: missing key: 'url'"
<clever> Mic92: i think the vm leaves a special script in its build dir, and if you -K the build, you can nix-shell into it or something, and re-launch the vm
<pie__> clever, your command throws this: error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a path, at (string):1:99
<lejonet> Mic92: so that I can troubleshoot why something doesn't work?
<phry> btw.: I just finished writing an overlay to use the passb firefox addon in nix - if anyone is interested in something like that. it's my first attempt at writing a derivation, so I'd be happy about feedback as well.
<phry> if you add --pure it won't and you will see errors if you missed something
<clever> mfiano: check what the demnu process has for an env, its probably missing something key
<clever> disasm: so you will want to do something like installing writeScriptBin "vi" ''
<disasm> clever: that is genius :) never doing sudo nvim again, lol -- do you alias it to something shorter?
<disasm> It seems like something is killing my tmux sessions on my desktop if it's at a login screen. Remote sessions don't die at all if I'm logged in on the desktop.
<Mic92> lejonet: something that goes a little bit above the services is not just crashing. Something like that here: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/tests/tomcat.nix#L28
<Mic92> lejonet: I have never deployed a ceph cluster, but should it not be possible to do something like ceph-post-file and see if it works? http://docs.ceph.com/docs/kraken/man/8/ceph-post-file/
<MichaelRaskin> Eelco says that maybe the options should be renamed back or something instead of merging dtz's PR into NixOps…
<MichaelRaskin> I mean, in general at some point you remember enough out of the Nix and Nixpkgs manuals to use buildEnv and separate expressions for separate activities or something
<i-am-the-slime> I wonder if I'm doing something wrong in general. I always search for the packages, then manually look at the options on github and then go into configuration.nix add the name there and do sudo nixos-rebuild switch
<KABA> What determines what nix-env -iA something will use as nixpkgs source? I changed in my configuration.nix the nixpath variable so nixos-rebuild uses that, but nix-env still want to use some channel and I would like to not use -f '<nixpkgs>' all the time
<mfiano> btw, is there a reason all the dm's take over 10 seconds after you login for you to see something?
<Guanin_> so i guess I can do something like services.nginx.package = pkgs.nginxMainline.override { modules = [ foo ] };
<mfiano> Something is completely messed up anyway
<mfiano> Am I missing something? :)
<sphalerite_> it only goes to /run/user/$UID if you set it to using a wrapper or something. Although I think programs.tmux.enable does it too
<sphalerite_> I think I had something like export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR:-/run/user/$(id -u)}/ssh ; ssh-add -l &>/dev/null ; [[ "$?" = 2 ]] && ssh-agent -a "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK"
<hyper_ch> and I always thought tofu is something to eat
<mfiano> something is strange
<clever> mfiano: rollbacks only really work for something you have installed via nixos, so you will need an override instead, one min
<mfiano> chromium uses 100% of all my cores to play videos and to browse certain websites because it is not compatibile with my nvidia gpu or something....but not on all distros: https://i.imgur.com/YwYEckZl.png
<samueldr> by... this day... well... after one sleep cycle, I should have *something* with the manpages, I at least have the full nar archives + restored roots :)
<mfiano> something seems very wrong
<clever> BlessJah: the /var/lib/nixos/uid-map file inside of nixos-something.qcow2 got corrupted by an improper shutdown of the VM
<clever> BlessJah: nixos-rebuild build-vm generates a bash script that launches nixos inside a vm, with nixos-something.qcow2 as the root hdd
<clever> BlessJah: you can also just delete the entire nixos-something.qcow2 in the directory you launched qemu from, to wipe the virtual hdd
<samueldr> though there's no negotiation with that standard cable, or something akin to that
<clever> samueldr: i tried something like that earlier and it just hung, i'll need ot try it again
<samueldr> not sure if grub.efi is a "real" efi program or something internal to grub
<mfiano> Ok I have to reboot into something usable first. brb
<mfiano> Something is strange with my motherboard, not letting me boot at all in EFI mode
<clever> something in the pam library then deals with gaining root, and confirming the name/pw
<MichaelRaskin> There are Nix expressions. They can be evaluated to something, that might include derivations (objects representing stuff that needs building). nix-instantiate primarily writes the derivations to store
<clever> MichaelRaskin: i think there might have also been something about KPTI ruins performance, but the microcode can fix it faster
<MichaelRaskin> The fact that I was trying to get something similar by manipulating unionfs in a A/B LFS system did play a role…
<clever> simpson: i once tried to resize an lvm volume, while an xfs one was mounted, something borked, and it overwrite a decent chunk of an ext3 volume in lvm
<mfiano> clever: Give me a few. I can't paste from screen to a remote irc instance inside tmux. I'll have to figure something out
<pie__> (i knew it had something like wm in the name but i just couldnt remember it)
<MichaelRaskin> (Something very lightweight by capable to switch)
<MichaelRaskin> I am awake, but my advice would be to got to console ant install icewm or something
<pie__> my plasmashell or something died again and i keep forgetting the executable names to restart this stuff so now i cant switch out of irc but i can run programs


<ajgrf> I packaged an executable from source, but it can't find the shared objects it needs at runtime. Do I reach straight for patchelf, or is there something else to look into first?
<samueldr> hah, though the 20 biggest packages account for 15GiB of the 50 :) there's porbably something to be done there
<samueldr> ah, I thought you were going to say something along "haskell packages are big"
<clever> gchristensen: i think its something along the lines of download all the docs!
<Fare> I'm just saying, if you want more contributors, you have to work to lower the barrier to entry --- something that the PHP community is good at (maybe the only thing)
<chisui> whenever I try to run something wine says that several drivers are missing: r600_dri.so, swrast_dri.so
<catern> MichaelRaskin: actually, wait a second, I don't believe that it's good to have dynamic partial code replacement; a piece of code should be a closure over all the other code it depends on; it should all be static. if you want to replace something dynamically, I think you need to also replace everything that depends on it. that maybe means converting data to new formats, which in a powerful language you could do
<Fare> is 18.03 automatically cut from unstable on March 1st at midnight, or something?
<Fare> When is the last call to get something in the 18.03 release ?
<lejonet> catern: it highly depends on what you define as plugins tho, plugins in the context I'm using, means something that actually adds new functionality to a program, i.e. the way claws-mail uses plugins
<lejonet> robstr: you running something other than nixos? If so, /usr/bin/env most likely does exist :P
<robstr> I created that package on my own, I'm really unsure if i did something wrong... ` nix-shell -p bash --run 'wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/mozilla-games/emscripten/packages/llvm/tag/osx_64bit/index.txt'` this works
<lejonet> otherwise sounds like something odd is happening in that package
* ryantm Is there an easy way to do something like "nix-prefetch-url -A blah.src" where it doesn't look for it in the local store? My current strategy is to make the hash wrong before running the command.
<MichaelRaskin> I wouldn't say it is ready before there has been a succesful roundtrip of «@borg merge-if-x86_64-ok nmap» or something like that
<gchristensen> shlevy: weren't you just saying something about disabling pushing directly to master? :)
<Mic92> something like a breakpoint for nix builds
<Mic92> zimbatm: I have build something for the latter one
<manveru> yeah, i still fall back to nix-build for convenience if something needs debugging, it's still got all the 2.0 features :)
<manveru> lejonet: i guess it's now a combination of something like `pkg=nixpkgs.hello; nix build $pkg; nix log $pkg`
<Mic92> lejonet: pythonPath should be there without this hack. There is something else wrong. I will take a look
<Mic92> lejonet: was ceph-python-env using for something else?
<ixxie> how do I package something like this jupyterlab extension: https://github.com/jupyterhub/jupyterlab-hub
<lejonet> Mic92: ah I see, that is why you said to use propgatedBuildInputs for the extra deps... you learn something everyday :D
<sphalerite_> ixxie: personally I wouldn't recommend it, the more names you have for something the more confusing it gets. And we do have tab completion for that sort of thing ;) but I don't make the rules, I don't know if there is a rule that swings either way on this, and stuff
<ixxie> but I am missing something right?
<sphalerite_> obadz: right… so probably not :/ you could do something like export PATH=$(nix-build --no-out-link '<nixpkgs>' -A nixUnstable):$PATH which will give you something similar
<MichaelRaskin> Well, something weird Gecko-based, like Conkeror.
<nixer101> I want to clear something up. My inquery about alternative was not designed to be a flamebait or to derail this channel!.. I am really asking for possible alternative.
<sphalerite_> clever: this seems like something you might know
<ottidmes> sphalerite_: Like I would not like it to start building samba or something else that is somewhat big, on 1.3 Ghz laptop...
<clever> maybe tomorrow i could try throwing something together where it will persist the store long-term, to fix that "i dont have root" issue forever, lol
<yorick> the symlink solution fails horribly because it doesn't have permission to change stuff while unpacking or something
<clever> you may need to tether then, to install something that can render the anoying login page
<dimensionless> or something like that
<lejonet> clever: interesting, the 14 generations before the last one used the same dhcpcd, but something changed with the latest one (yet dhcpcd is the same version)


<ldlework> is there something special about nix-shell and networking...?
<pingveno> I have a default.nix put together for nix-shell. It works fine, but the files that it depends on keep getting garbage collected. That includes some Oracle files that have to be manually added to the store. Is there a way to add the environment as a root or something of that nature?
<thoughtpolice> When you say '-p foo', nix-shell evaluates something like
<M-bbigras> I'm also wondering if there's something like Arch's AUR to have packages that are not included in the main packages repository. Like community packages.
<tokudan[m]> Bruno: short answer: no. long answer: it's something you'd have to write yourself
<sphalerite_> brachiel: alternatively you can disable the hiding (although it makes nix-env -qa significantly slower) by putting something like self: super: {haskellPackages = super.recurseIntoAttrs super.haskellPackages; nodePackages = super.recurseIntoAttrs super.nodePackages; } in ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays/unhide.nix
<LnL> switching the daemon is also fine, 1.11.6+ or something like that are forward compatible
<throwup> wervenyt[m]: ok, so there should be no chance that I am doing/have done something wrong, right?
<ottidmes> archaeron: What do you mean exactly? If your question is whether extensions work with the prebuilt vscode, they do, I am using it right now, but you might be talking about something else
<aminechikhaoui> alanz: I guess that's something that it gets from the nixpkgs specified in the search path
<cinimod`> Is there some magic that nix does to build gsl? I think I would normally do something like autoconf, configure, make but there is nothing in the default.nix to suggest that this is actually happening
<hodapp> it's not exactly a build, more like a dev environment at this point, but for something that is pulling in other stuff
<infinisil> elvishjerricco: I'm pretty sure the suspend target is meant for actually suspending it, not something else
<ottidmes> Huh? I have a different .drv hash compared to hydra, but the out hash is the same, so it downloads from the cache. Is this normal? I created a clean checkout checkout the exact same nixpkgs commit, yet got a different hash for the .drv, so I thought something was still amiss
<genesis> need help , write something like that http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/Mgrrwswx?nix
<sud0x3> LnL: Will look into it once i am able to build with what i have. was building earlier but failed on python-dbus so i changed some stuff and broke something and i cant seem to figure out what
<LnL> sud0x3: using fetchzip for dynamic archives like from github is safer, otherwise if github changes something the hash breaks
<Lisanna> or something
<elvishjerricco> Lisanna: Was hoping for something just in configuration.nix, without any separate tool.
<zimbatm> we could do something smart but it's not required
<Lisanna> just need to figure out what button to push in hydra to get me something that I can subscribe to and build from
<sphalerite_> hask_bee_3: something like let configFile = pkgs.writeText "nginx.conf" ''server {listen 80; foo bar baz;}''; in pkgs.writeScriptBin "run-app" ''${pkgs.nginx}/bin/nginx -c ${configFile}''
<sphalerite_> Lisanna: typically it has a timeout on that sort of thing of 1m30s or 3m or something
<hodapp> elixir_1_5 = lib.callElixir ../interpreters/elixir/1.5.nix { inherit rebar erlang; debugInfo = true; }; but doing something like 'erlang = pkgs.erlangR20;' and removing 'erlang' from inherit is complaining that 'erlang' is an unexpected argument...
<catern> but something easier...


<clever> gillmanash: i prefer having something like a release.nix, that loads nixpkgs and blocks all overlays/overrides, and provides its own
<gillmanash> Is there something wrong with this dependency chain, or is it expected that this would occur?
<jonge> ottidmes: oh that is something i have not tried yet. one moment, thx
<clever> jonge: and you then need to connect with something like blueman
<clever> jonge: then something else running as the gdm user might be trying to use audio?
<BlessJah> are zfs-managed mounts mounted automatically, or do I need to tweak something? I had zpool imported (boot.zfs.extraPool) that didn't seem to get mounted by zfs
<lejonet> I'm guessing filecontent being some helper function that fetches something from the variable releaseFile, and maybe that has gone missing or something?
<lejonet> and from what I've been able to find, nixosVersion seems to be built from something called filecontent releaseFile
<lejonet> nope, samething there, it almost feels like I've broken something in the nixops state db or something xD
<lejonet> gchristensen: I had a hunch that something might get borked if I change the path :P
<gchristensen> lejonet: nixosVersion is set by nixops automatically when instances are created, if the variable is missing it is because something went wrong with the state
<aristid> gchristensen: ok, if there is a syntax error, i did something wrong in my attempt to build it *embarrassed*
<ocharles> I have something that locally generates derivations, but I can't actually add them to the store. Really don't want to have to link to libnix just for this
<troydm> am I missing something?
<Ke> sphalerite_: there seems to be strict 32M size limit or something
<Yaniel> something like ENOHEAD maybe?
<sphalerite_> yeah was going to say, that sounds like something systemd would do
<sphalerite_> yes! and the keyboard isn't even as terrible as I'd expect from something this cheap
<samueldr> sphalerite_: using gbb *something* (in chromeos) it's possible to change the default boot to usb IIRC
<cement> what is that... nix-env -e or something?
<LnL> running a basic binary that just links against libc or something basic...
<manveru> depends on what fetchcode does... that's not something i know
<hodapp> something went around the mailing list about it a year or two ago
<TweyII> guibou: We're trying to have it so that nix-shell provides everything that's required to build and run the application, and indeed a pure nix-shell can still depend on a driver package (choosing the right driver package is a bit tricky, but not something I have to worry about yet)
<manveru> alright, thought i missed something :)
<alp> TweyII, a friend of mine has been working something related, maybe that'll help https://github.com/guibou/nixGL
<srhb> gfvgfvgfv: No, as far as I can see patch is a path to a patch file. However, you can just use pkgs.writeText or something to write it to the store.
<Lisanna> could someone try that in their nix-repl and verify that it's not just something weird with me
<Ke> you mean, I could make higher leve solution that keeps the references and kills them with LRU or something
<Lisanna> Ke there used to be something like that, but it depended on the "last accessed" filesystem attribute and it was removed
<Lisanna> in my nixops configuration, when I try to deploy it, I'm getting "error: attribute ‘nixosVersion’ missing, at /nix/store/l2a5g79gsyzx6rji3z082hdqgj4393n2-nixops-1.5.2/share/nix/nixops/eval-machine-info.nix:284:107" - am I doing something silly?
<Lisanna> I've been trying something like that actually... a nix docker build slave
<samueldr> ah, or something like that
<samueldr> clever: I've got a bunch of files in my $HOME, is it in something .nix-*anything* ?


<gchristensen> ack, so it is something about the host for sure then?
<Mic92> ah it does something like that
<wervenyt[m]> Firefox requires pulseaudio because something like <2% of users use bare alsa and nobody is volunteering to maintain the interface
<toogley> did i miss something? i have " nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = super: config: { openssl = super.libressl; };" in my configuration.nix and after building it, an error "set expected, function given" or so arises. i'm confused, because that part is not much different than my model https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42697444/override-python27packages-bepasty-server#42698839
* aristid mumbles something about firefox requiring pulseaudio now but my PR to enable pulseaudio in nixos by default being whined to death
<jtojnar> gchristensen: did you manage to find something out?
<johnw> is '_' doing something bizarrely special here?
<Myrl-saki> I think I did something wrong. /nix/store/v8a36bqymwlysbsi5nq5n15b2ivqi6qr-pocl/nix/store/v8a36bqymwlysbsi5nq5n15b2ivqi6qr-pocl/include/CL
<clever> seequ: the only thing stateVersion does, is adjust what version of something like postgresql you get, to make sure you dont break the on-disk state
<jtojnar> gchristensen: should I just ignore the failure, or report it upstream to see if they can guess something?
<Ke> at least if it's something you directly pass to mount, "ntfs" is not what you want
<Ke> should it be ntfs3g or something
<Lisanna> HOW TO FIX "path X does not exist and cannot be created" error: check if you're using builtins.storePath, or something else strange like that.
<Lisanna> I bet it's doing something screwy
<Lisanna> from reading the Nix source code, I'm starting to get the impression that "path X does not exist and cannot be created" is Nix's "something went wrong, we're not sure what" error :(
<tanonym> there is no /var/setuid-wrappers directory that's defined as the default. so either something is glitchy in the derivation for e22 or something is glitched with my build when i did the upgrade to unstable from 17.09 (i had to replace the enlightenment filemanager with something else because it would segv the de each time i tried to open a file from it.)
<tanonym> okay, i see what's going on in lines 100-104, but my current issue is that i don't seem to find the directory for the wrappers where i am expecting them by looking at setuid-wrappers.nix and clearly something isn't where my system is thinking it should be or i wouldn't be having the issues.
<ij> There's ./bootstrap that I just found in INSTALL. I was looking for a HACKING or something.
<fragamus> something happened when I did nixos-rebuild switch
<dhess> as in, something that doesn't go into the Nix store


<infinisil> Was thinking of something like `buildEnv { paths = (import folderA/shell.nix).buildInputs ++ (import folderB/shell.nix).buildInputs; ... }` but that won't work because they're derivation
<infinisil> theNerd247: You can however do something like propagate each buildInput from both shell.nix's to a top-level shell.nix
<gchristensen> or something
<mkaito> say I want to mess with something in nixpkgs. how do I go about testing it? some sort of overlay? point nix at a "channel" local git clone?
<nflores> sphalerite_: no worries at all! I figured you were busy or something.
<infinisil> vitiral-lap: alright, then the problem i have with dig is probably something else, that command just looks up google's ip address, so that's just fine
<infinisil> vitiral-lap: Alright so maybe to start off, i have a dns related problem, just to make sure it's not related. Does the command `dig +short google.com` return something for you with vpn turned off?
<BlessJah> coconnor: I guess I'll need something in front of libvirt? Would you mind recommending something (either virsh or ovirt I presume)?
<thoughtpolice> manveru: You'll be able to do something close in Nix 2.0 -- 'channel:nixos-17.09' will work
<thoughtpolice> (I have a VFIO-capable setup myself now, so something like that is interesting...)
<manveru> well, i didn't find racer to be as good as what go-mode offers... but it's something at least
<infinisil> I want something like stack2nix for emacs packages, where it builds the stuff with exactly the version used in melpa
<jluttine> uh, how can i make cmake a build input without it suddenly trying to make some funny stuff.. :o the make file needs cmake, that's it, but adding cmake to nativeBuildInputs adds some new steps or something weird
<infinisil> acowley: you can do something like `epkgs.melpaPackages.foo or epkgs.foo` to always prefer melpa
<infinisil> Hmm, maybe something interesting would turn up if one were to sort commits by commit message length
<clever> chreekat: any time you do something like import "${foo}" where foo was a derivation
<Dezgeg> I saw it earlier running out of memory when compiling GCC 7 for the kernel concurrently with something else
<freeman42x]NixOS> clever, that is what I don't get, I thought that if something works on Nix once it will forever work
<clever> freeman42x]NixOS: theres probably something wrong with the 784 package set
<__monty__> *something I installed using nix-env -iA attr.bute into a buildEnv defined in config.nix without uninstalling the attribute.
<__monty__> So, my only remaining question how do I move something I installed into a buildEnv defined in config.nix?
<jluttine> how do i know if something goes to kernelModules or availableKernelModules?
<throwup> When building a custom python (meaning python + packages) all packages seem to be built from source. Is there something I can do to get them to use binary caches, like when I install packages via configuration.nix
<manveru> no worries, i'll figure something out :)
<zimbatm> I mean override the HOME to $PWD/home or something
<jluttine> makefu: your snippet gave error: error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /nix/store/bh1c23b7wcc6zfy7nia1mmjjbmcdaa06-nixos-18.03pre127302.e860b651d6e/nixos/lib/customisation.nix:38:45
<freeman42x]NixOS> is there a package for something similar to this? https://github.com/phw/peek
<ij> sphalerite_, Have you ever seen something like: "configure: error: Cannot find native C99 compiler: please define BUILDCC."?
<sudoreboot[m]> I could do `[ ! -z $(nixos-version) ]` or something but that's very NixOS-specific
<sphalerite_> this seems more like something to just do one-off
<Dirt[m]> Anyone know if there's a built-in way to set the group of a folder using NixOS (or home-manager)? As far as I can see there isn't, but it's possible I'm missing something...
<Lisanna> *sigh* I figured something like this was going to come up...
<Lisanna> OK, so it has something in its closure that didn't get built for some reason
<meyermagic> I'm having an issue moving / copying my EFI NixOS installation from one disk to a new one. I have a feeling I'm missing something obvious, but I'm not sure what it could be. What I've done is: formatted the new drive to GPT, copy my root partition from my old drive to the new one, leaving space before the partition for the boot partition, boot to my (old) NixOS, using gdisk add an EFI partition before the root partition, and a swap partition
<pie_> did i basically inject an attribute into the enclosing derivation or something?
<pie_> did i end up accidentally recursively disable tests in the ghc environment or something?
<pie_> ok so im guessing .override isnt something that overrides attributes it overrides something else
<MP2E> if I open up tmux, type something in the session like 'ls' then close the window and try to reattach in a new terminal it's just gone


<angerman> clever: feel free to ping me around here as well if you want to highlight something :-)
<clever> Guanin_: but luks isnt auto-detected, youll need to add something like this to configuration.nix: ....
<throwup> gchristensen: sorry if I'm being annoying , but have you found out something?
<throwup> gchristensen: did I mess up something there?
<infinisil> genesis: wait, from reading a bit, is gentoo's portage a 100% stateful package manager? As in you run commands to add dependencies and instructions or something like that?
<throwup> so I've just been trying to install python (+ packages) with "nix-env -if default.nix". This is taking unexpectedly long (everything is compiled). Is this expected or am I doing something wrong?
<symphorien> throwup: from configuration.nix, something like systemd.services.nix-daemon.serviceConfig.CPUQuota="20%"
<clever> niksnut: and also something to actually return, just: systems
<infinisil> Would it be alright to have a `latest` passthru for packages that uses IFD to build from master or something like this?
<Dezgeg> because it works like "./foo --help | help2man > man.1" or something
<srhb> throwboy: I would suggest trying out something like that shell.nix first though, it's very fast to get a feel of how it works
<genesis> what they promess could only be reach with something like nix, that's why i'm interested in nix in first place
<lexcomplains> simpson , you right, but I don't have time to contribute new package and build it. I just want quickly get this particular binary to run, right now. Maybe in long term someone (or I) will contribute vlc 3.0 to nixpkgs, but in long term. and I need fix now. do we have short straightforward fix? should I execute patchelf with particular arguments or something?
<infinisil> ottidmes: it is indeed! Everytime I use it I'm amazed by it yet again. It's especially powerful with nixpkgs, since the git hash determines all dependencies for building something.
<fearlessKim[m]> please add a "disable-overlay" to nox-review. I exported NIX_PATH=nixpkgs-overlays=''" but seems like it still took something from my overlay.
<Profpatsch> How do you people ensure that a sed/substitute command actually replaces something?
<genesis> oki something stills using it.
<genesis> nix env "waiting for locks or build slots..." , need to clean something :)
<sphalerite_> gchristensen is actively developing rust stuff and uses something called carnix I believe, which I haven't looked into at all
<sphalerite_> sw is something (a buildEnv? I'm not sure exactly) that combines all the systemPackages
<ixxie> clever mentioned something about recursion but I don't understand it
<bhipple[m]> overlays help when you want to reach in and change something like boost, but then re-use all the othe rpkgs that depend on boost and have them use your modifiedBoost
<samueldr> but if it's a simple script, let me check something, there may be an even easier way (though it would be installed to the system and not the user)
<samueldr> sure, it's the "new" way to add something to the packages
<dgpratt> samueldr: (or anyone) supposing I did want to make my own derivation(s) and nix-env them or whatever, is an "overlay" a good way to manage them? one of these tabs has something about overlays...
<tokudan[m]> palo: something like builtins.<tab> should give you a list
<dgpratt> another easy noob question: how do I add something to $PATH permanently for the current user? I tried adding e.g. "export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin" to ~/.profile but that didn't seem to work