
<ottidmes> lejonet: `systemctl status nix-daemon` should give you that info, right? Or did you mean something else?
<lejonet> "error cloning builder process no space left on device", almost seems like it isn't allowed to fork or something
<lejonet> and the rootfs is 31%, just did a huuuge gc, because I thought it was whining at me having 97% on /, but it seems to not like something else
<Mic92> TweyII: I will happily review a nixpkgs pr, if you build something for fpm, that does this
<Mic92> LnL: well nsenter does not apply anything but namespaces, but if something fundamental like libdl.so fails too load, you also do not get a shell?
<ottidmes> Myrl-saki: I distinctly remember someone having trouble with NIX_PATH and seeing a issue stating that something about how NIX_PATH is resolved changed, but if I do <lib> it still resolved to "<nixpkgs>/lib", have to look that up again
<Mic92> in which case you can replace it with something of your own tast
<jluttine> is there some correct way of creating temporary mount directories for a user? when i plug a usb stick, it is mounted automatically somewhere. i'd like to write similar magic in my script. a safe way to mount something for a user
<makefu> bgamari: it seems to be related to something else i guess.. maybe the nixpkgs default.nix is not supposed to yield the package anymore? idk i am confused as well :D
<srhb> At least, not unless you explicitly do something
<zarkone> actually, I think that it is possible to make my own package without this EPMD as systemd service, probably, ut I want to make something that could be easily be dropped after upgrade with this PR's code
<infinisil> makefu: awesome! I'm not in a position to review it, but something about the formatting: I don't like the Definition boxes, because i need to use the horizontal scroll bar to see it fully
<makefu> i've finished my writeup of the nixos hydra article for the wiki which should give a quick overview about how to use hydra. can anybody have a quick look if i've missed something obvious which would be important for newcomers? https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Hydra
<kreisys> Hey all I have a question about fixed point. I'm having a not-so-important issue that's just making me curious... for some reason, if I do something like 'self: super: { packageJson = importJSON "${self.src}/package.json"; }' everything works great. but if I change 'self' to a destructuring assignment like '{src}: super: { packageJson = importJSON "${src}/package.json"; }' I get an infinite recursion. I just want to understand why and what's the
<sphalerite> pbogdan: I had to change sourceRoot=source/core to sourceRoot=$sourceRoot/core in ghc-mod-core.nix, and it's still not building for me… do you have an overlay or something that might be making a difference?
<ottidmes> manveru: Not really, I just know there exist programs that do expect them not to be symlinks. I really want to have something more general than what home-manager limits to $HOME and environment.etc to /etc
<manveru> ottidmes: do you need something to be not a symlink?
<TweyII> And how can I get one into my environment? (I'm trying to build a FHS environment to build rust, which wants to link using something on the path called ‘cc’)
<srhb> I only nix-env stuff for something I need for like an evening, and then periodically wipe it
<Xyoff> And then different again to install something like a browser
<srhb> Something specific?
<srhb> The dream situation is something where the service layer is abstracted away.
<nick_l> srhb: yes, something related to it. Might be a NixOS module doing it.
<ij> I tried to make a little patch in my local fork, but something didn't work.
<boomshroom> Hackapepper: Nix managed to build and it tried to make sure it actually built correctly. It claims that something went wrong that would prevent it from working, but we'll see how well it actually works after moving it over.
<kandinski> I'm pretty sure when I cloned nix, nixpkgs and nixos, I just did something like "for repo in nix nixpkg nixos; do git clone git@github.com:NixOS/$repo.git; done
<boomshroom> Lisanna: I don't actually know how to disable building on the local machine. What I did was spoof the local system into claiming it was something that it wasn't.
<boomshroom> Lisanna: For something like kvm, the kernel keeps track of that kind of stuff and can probe the CPU itself for info on what it supports.
<boomshroom> Lisanna: I think that has something to do with your machine knowing what it has, but can't tell what others have. Don't quote me though. Intel x86 has a register called cpuid that encodes various capabilities your computer has. Odds are the CPU knows better than you what the CPU can do.
<boomshroom> Lisanna: I think that has something to do with your machine knowing what it has, but can't tell what others have. Don't quote me though.
<adisbladis[m]> boomshroom: You could do it FSM-style and use pasta water or something :)
<infinisil> kerrhau-: But if you're packaging something you probably don't want do do that


<ThatPako> Is this something I should blame on me using Nix(os) wrongly or emojicode? https://gist.github.com/MagnificentPako/dfcf70c2917162adca26c94b60291fb6
<Myrl-saki> Something like copying path '/nix/store/w9fpn2ggscfg4m9l6b2bw3741j30ga0d-glibc-2.26-131' from 'https://cache.nixos.org'... (0/5.0MiB)
<pie_> d-fish, maybe sddm has an environment variable you can set or a dotfile or something
<infinisil> srhb: I never want to have anything to do with something like cmake
<ThatPako> damn, it cut something off
<Meizikyn> Found something odd, derivation attribute-path for "nixos.linuxPackages.kernel.dev" , "*.dev" is called an "output". looking at its meta section (in xml) it shows <meta name="outputsToInstall" type="strings">\n\t<string value="out" /> is there another way via. a cli-tool to show possible outputs of a derivation?
<d-fish> I think so. I'm missing something conceptual. On ubuntu I downloaded self contained binary+folder to /opt and ran them.
<ThatPako> iMatejC: something like that exists? damn. I should really learn how to search for stuf
<clever> try removing ninja from the inputs, i suspect something has changed with ninja, and its likely optional
<ThatPako> Okay, now it build but the result folder is empty... Did I do something wrong? :/
<coconnor> llhart: the "-b" was "since last boot" or something.
<srhb> Or whatever. Something simpler :)
<anixos> it must have something to do with how NixOS adds users, because useradd(1) works perfectly
<anixos> clever: unfortunately, GDM still asks for username and password, and when I type it in still says something went wrong
<anixos> hello, I'm having problems logging in with gdm. My user was created with configuration.nix (hashed password and all that), but gdm prompts me to enter my username and password, and when I do that it doesn't let me in (says something went wrong)
<nick_l> cransom: I did something in that area:
<WhittlesJr> So... is it "Nix Oh Es," "Nix Ahs," "Nix Ohs," or something else?
<srhb> I'm inclined to believe we're missing something obvious...
<palo> YegorTimoshenko[: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/33132 < this pr is getting old. Maybe you forget it ? or is there something wrong with it ?
<ottidmes> fearlessKim[m]: Why not do something like this: https://pastebin.com/mDEUpitQ
<cx405> I'd hate to make direct edit to the main page and something also tells me if I add proposal on the talk page - nobody would read it for years.
<monotux> so is cache.nixos.org down or something?
<ij> sphalerite, Hey, last time you told me your nixos-rebuild was fast(~30s). Was that a rerun from a compiled configuration or on a changed conf with added package or something?
<goibhniu> oh, didn't someone replace the pulseaudio library recently with something else?
<garbas> hmm maybe is soundcloud, tries something locally
<krey> vaibhavsagar: so I tried to do something clever with pypi2nix, but couldn't figure out what to do wit it
<infinisil> That is you override the package to use a different source instead, giving it something that fetches an url and checks for the hash of it
<clever> neonfuz: if you have never installed something with nix-env as root, then that wont exist
<neonfuz> so I messed something up and now the root .nix-profile points to /nix/var/nix/profiles/default which doesn't exist
<infinisil> Hackapepper: You need a custom build of the nix package manager that uses something like /home/<youruser>/nix as the store directory
<adisbladis[m]> rosa: Or you know let nix deal with all the build steps and then use something like `nix-shell --run` to invoke your program.
<rosa> Hackapepper: you would probably need to do something like this: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./application/ ./application /bin/application $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/ system_application, tho that is ASSUMING application does not fork and exec* anything, wich applies to all other applications aswell
<_null_> I know in theory I can fix it but that's not really something I'd like to deal with
<yorick> Lears: you could try to set mpd.startWhenNeeded. that's sure to do something different.


<infinisil> elvishjerricco: I think I saw something along those lines
<clever> android has something similar, no chroot, but there is one uid per application
<infinisil> zybell_: I haven't read that paper, but does it suggest something like "adding all the time, never delete anything, changes are just a different object"?
<infinisil> MichaelRaskin: Yeah i know, don't really care about official branding, it's just something a lot of new users confuses because they didn't install nightly
<ThatPako> Is there any sane way I can use Emojicode and develop packages for it on NixOS? Usually one copies them to `/usr/local/EmojicodePackages` which sounds like something I won't be able to do with Nix(OS) :/
<infinisil> ThatPako: you need something to server files on the other machine, samba or nfs are common choices
<chisui> When running "nix-shell -p haskell.packages.ghc841.either" get the error "error: attribute 'either_5' missing, at /nix/store/iz5znibqjvvzplsdg6fcyivcjcw9z5hn-nixos/nixos/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.4.x.nix:72:12" am I doing something wrong?
<simukis> hey, I’m trying to do something like `systemd-run --user --scope screen`, but I get "Failed to add PIDs to scope's control group: Permission denied"
<infinisil> netixx: But you need to put this in the nix files of your nixos build or something, your own nixos system won't work
<infinisil> Agreeing with zybell, but sometimes you just need a start to something, you probably don't want to use insecure stuff for your actual system
<infinisil> netixx: The errors are kinda important when trying to debug something.. So we can't help much if you don't tell us what they are
<Dezgeg> lopsided98: interesting, something goes wrong when copying that path from the ARM builder to the hydra machine... sounds like a Nix bug
<MichaelRaskin> And as it is not the cleanest package to build, it may be that something additional is needed to build the IDE.
<justanotheruser> I moved to unstable to try something
<kerrhau> so, I'm trying to do something like this: https://paste.pound-python.org/show/2b9BBHsi6zTBApoXyk8x/ but whenever I try to rebuild nixos it errors with: https://paste.pound-python.org/show/HVAqhpJ00P4myi9yO5PT/
<leotaku> ottidmes: Maybe I was unclear about what I want to do: I want to run a command to specify if the laptop should suspend when the lid is closed. This should certainly be possible using a custom script, however I feel like there has to be something more straightforward.
<ottidmes> leotaku: I guess you would keep it on ignore and listen for the event that is created when the lid is being closed (not sure about the actual event, but the should be something like that)


<symphorien> so put in your configuration.nix something like:
<infinisil> gchristensen: Can anybody ask borg to build something now?
<gchristensen> Profpatsch: because it is too heavy for nixos releases or something, but it can be used at dev time :)
<typetetris> The package `watch` provides the tool with the same name from the procps package (last updated 2008 or something). There also is the `watch` tool in procps-ng, which is actively maintained. nox-review tells me, nothing changes, if i simply delete watch. Is there some reason why there is stiff this very old package lying around?
<ottidmes> jmc_fr: home-manager probably provides you with something that does what you want
<vcunat> there's probably something special installed in your nix-env
<Guest87673> Does anyone have pointers about producing a reproduction (or something...) for Nix 2 problems
<rycee> phry: But with NIX_REMOTE I'm not certain. Seems like something that still would be set.
<rycee> phry: Hmm again. I think there is something screwy going on with the zsh configuration on NixOS but I've never actually gone to the bottom of it ( mainly since it doesn't affect me as bash user ;-) ).
<rycee> phry: Hmm, I can't help much with zsh but I assume NIX_REMOTE is something that should be set by the system zsh configuration.
<GiGa|Laptop^> phry, Interestingly, if I trigger from Gnome terminal in an X environment it's doing something
<phry> rycee: okay, please keep me in the loop if you learn something new.
<rycee> phry: Sorry. Something like `hmConfig = import [path to home manager]/modules { configuration = import [path to home.nix]; pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}; }` should work.
<phry> I'm just debugging something in home-manager... I have a config option of type.loaOf that I'm passing an array. They are calling builtins.attrValues on that. That seems to reorder the list in some way. Can you tell me what the right method would be for it NOT to reorder the list?
<krey> TonyTheLion: is there something from the package in your path?
<typetetris> If I use fetchFromGitLab do I still have to provide meta.homepage ? (I see in the source of fetchFromGitLab, that it does something with meta.homepage, but I don't get, how it could possibly alter an attribute of a set, where it is just a value expression to the key "src".)
<etu[m]> or something
<typetetris> What is the preferred why to download from gitlab.com ? fetchgit, fetchFromGithub, <something I don't know> ?
<Dirt[m]> Anyone here have experience deploying to Google Cloud with nixops? Something weird with SSH keys is going on...
<clever> it should use something other then errorf
<abathur> my favorite is googling something that brings back 1-3 pages of results, with all of the non-spam links already clicked
<abathur> ok, so something mysql does more so than the one I'm trying to build
<abathur> probably just a simple gap in my understanding, but it looks like both lib and include are properly getting passed along as flags, so it might just be that the software's method of searching for mysql isn't compatible with the way nix is doing it, or I need to be specifying something specific
<abathur> I'm having a little trouble figuring out why something I'm trying to build is having trouble identifying a dependency (specifically, mysql)


<fresheyeball> something is still wrong here
<krey> how do I environment.${nixpkgs-config-path}.source = something ?
<ottidmes> krey: So in that snippet cfg.nixpkgsConfig is something I defined myself, which contains a path to my nixpkgs config
<ottidmes> krey: probably again an issue with the env variable not being set properly and the not doing what you expect because it is looking elsewhere, or something like that
<shlevy> dtz: Yeah, I'm hoping to wrap up the release discussion on nix-core soon so we can get something out
<MichaelRaskin> Doesn't fetchgit do something based on git revision?
<krey> builtins.readDir can't tell me if something's a file or a directory if it's a symlink
<abbradar> I vaguely remember some quite hacky stuff related to gtk pixbuf caches or something
<abbradar> Mic92: btw on gajim -- I think I've seen mentions of something something could not load a pixbuf GTK3 errors on our tracker before
<mpickering> something is wrong there
<LnL> hmm then there's something wrong with my recent hydra libs change
<aminechikhaoui> Anyone knows if I'm doing something wrong by modifying configurePhase of a derivation then doing nix-shell/ configurePhase always results in running the stdenv configurePhase
<krey> ottidmes: something like this? http://lpaste.net/363991
<joepie91> ie. not something I'd generally advice people to jump straight into, if they /need/ a working system right away
<stphrolland> krey: managing one system as a text file is something you should try before judging it. Take a VM and play with NixOs. I don't consider coming back to Ubuntu or any Linux alike now.
<abbradar> fendor: you use something from Intel, that's for sure
<aminechikhaoui> oh I can reproduce, so should be something obvious
<nick_l> At least, I assume that robstr_ is interested in solving something for himself or his employer.
<nick_l> The end goal is that I can run something like: ssh remote-host "tcpdump -s0 -w - 'port 8080'" | wireshark -k -i -
<srhb> silver_hook: Unless you use something like home-manager
<ij> Something might not work with it, because it sources some script in the original shell, but you could try that.
<typetetris> For all packages, which model manpages with a separate ouput thingy (forgot the terminology), they are not placed in my user environment by nix-env, even if I do something like `nix-env -iA tmux.man` :( Is there a reason for this?
<LnL> if you want something declarative to manage the nix install take a look at https://github.com/LnL7/nix-darwin
<abathur> has anyone successfully compiled something that depends on mysql/mariadb?
<s2mitrov> like if i'm writing a systemd thing myself? or just whether or not there are other users on the machine or something
<s2mitrov> i feel like maybe it has something to do with that
<ottidmes> alhariel: you would use something like preConfigure and do that like you would in bash there
<ottidmes> alhariel: Try changing your resolv.conf to something like


<abbradar> gchristensen: yeah, I see it too. Seems to be something unrelated and in something core
<abbradar> ah, I see! I searched for something at https://nix.ci/status instead
<monotux> I must be missing something obvious here as the suggestion above doesn't work either. I have no issues with the very same setting on my laptop
<ottidmes> NickHu_: You probably want to use different checkouts of nixpkgs then, and not develop on your system nixpkgs checkout. I have a nixpkgs (checkout of nixos-17.09), nixpkgs-unstable (checkout of nixos-unstable), and nixpkgs-dev (checkout of master, when I am creating something new for which I want to make a PR)
<NickHu_> ottidmes: But the thing is, I don't want to build from my local checkout *all* the time; just when I'm developing some package or something is broken etc.
<Wizek> Is it called something else perhaps? IIRC it is called that with pip
<lejonet> ottidmes: erh, I must've missed something, where did mkIf and friends enter the discussion? I was just commenting on import and its function in the language :)
<ottidmes> phry: There is: imports = [ ./a.nix ./b.nix ]; for this purpose, or do you mean something else?
<phry> I am thinking that I have to do something like `{pkgs, ...}: { stuff in this file } // import ./a.nix // import ./b.nix` - is there a better syntax for that?
<cx405> symphorien: are they building channel index? if yes, why are they not part of nix? I am asking, because I have implemented something like this via "nix -qasP"-ing everything then packing into gzip and finally grepping, using bash script.
<shlevy> abbradar: Is it just the typical patches on top of v238, or do you have something new there?
<robstr> I'm trying to deploy something to aws, I Receive: `error: no AMI defined for EC2 machine` , I havent seen it in the documentation :-/
<NickHu_> Did something change with acpid recently?
<abbradar> also maybe we don't have something cgroups-related enabled in kernel
<abbradar> most likely something related to cgroups
<abbradar> it's triggered by our filesystem hierarchy somehow, we mount or don't mount something that it expects
<abbradar> whom can I ping to push something to NixOS/systemd?
<shlevy> (something was wonky with the overrides I had previously and I decided to table it until 2.30 was merged)
<TweyII> Do I need to do something special so that setuptools sees the distribution?
<pie_> does anyone have a few minutes to help me try to get something running? im trying to get a driver-ish usb server thing working for a piece of hardware and i think i just need to get it to find some .so -s , at the moment i have the following shell.nix file https://bpaste.net/show/51c51650ca03 , but running ldd on one of the dependency .so files it shows: : libusb-1.0.so.0 => not found
<wilornel> the installation bash script for IB Trader Workstation that you get from the website was doing something weird. It would check its own contents and not execute if it was modified. I wanted to change unzip2000's location in that script. It tried to use /usr/bin/unzip2000 exactly
<woffs> the curl output in 18.03 (nix-2) is fucked up and behaves like COLUMNS=1 or something
<tejing> I've installed the mpd service and set it up in configuration.nix, but when I try to play something I get a permission denied error on the default alsa device, which is particularly odd since it worked before I rebooted.
<ashgillman> I am running on a HPC cluster, so that is almost definitely breaking something, but should have 32GB allocated
<unlmtd> makefu: yep, why bother getting something only marginally better
<sphalerite> oh yeah, what about multiple pointers and focuses? Would be really useful so multiple users could use a single machine. I think that's something wayland allows?
<unlmtd> sphalerite: im more worried about paying for something I dont get
<unlmtd> maybe Im misunderstanding something obvious
<srhb> It goes something like.. default.nix -> pkgs/top-level/impure.nix -> pkgs/top-level/default.nix -> lib/default.nix
<Shados> I'm trying to run tests for something I'm packaging, and some of the tests involve starting an openssh sshd and connecting to it. This is a problem, as inside the build environment the build user (nixbld) has their shell configured as "/noshell", which of course does not exist, so openssh disallows the user from authenticating. openssh doesn't provide a way to ignore the shadow-provided per-user shell and use something else, and I can't just change nixbld's
<rotaerk> (or something; I'm setting this up to START learning it)
<rotaerk> (and howso? worse in the sense of tedious or something?)
<rotaerk> I think hackage-packages.nix only resolves non-haskell dependencies explicitly, and it sets the vulkan attribute to null, not to something from pkgs
<acowley> rotaerk: You probably want something like this in your config.nix: https://gist.github.com/acowley/4af78d98dcc0c31eae92976fa3a06717


<dhess> so it seems like something changed in Nix 2.0 and basically it's not really possible to pin dependencies for Hydra builds anymore?
<kuznero> dtz: There is something here https://github.com/nilcons/ghc-musl/ not sure if that might help somehow
<dtz> not sure I understand the question, but I'm just saying the approach in the PR is to use a cross-compiling GHC... something that has only limited support in Nix-- although that's likely to change rather soon ^_^
<coconnor> dhess: I have a vague recollection something changed recently regarding /bin/sh dependency
<kuznero> Is it possible to patchelf or something like that a binary such that it starts using musl instead of glibc?
<WilliamHamilton> so adding something wouldn't be a conflict in this case?
<WilliamHamilton> Orbstheorem: I got the insight of seeing in one command line though, thanks. Now, here's something that I don't understand: let's say that I install first a package via nix-env -iA and then the "same" package with another option using one of these methods
<infinisil> Although I found something it can't do that i'd wish for
<srhb> lejonet: Yes, something gated by the existence of /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-${id} should be fine
<LnL> something weird during the rust build itself, don't remember exactly
<mck> Did something happen with nixos-unstable channel? I haven't had any updates in a while, and it seems to have not been updated since the 5th of this month
<kreisys> coconnor: yeah I whipped something up. definitely works as advertised! thanks for your help!
<coconnor> anyways, consider something like a compiler
<kreisys> Hey I feel like I'm missing something. It doesn't look like Nix is building anything in parallel
<alanz> If something special has to happen for nix, please make a PR on that repo
<LnL> I would think something like glibc but that's a different error IIRC
<bennofs> anyone ever seen something like this before: http://ix.io/10su
<LnL> BlessJah: you can do something like this, but within the overlay https://gist.github.com/LnL7/e645b9075933417e7fd8f93207787581
<BlessJah> LnL: the userPackages in your overlay, it's your invention, not something that has any meaning for nixos, right?
<ashgillman> might be memory issues on the system though, something weird
<hyper_ch2> nico202: [08:30] <wervenyt[m]> seems like something is up with the test system wrt downloading
<wervenyt[m]> seems like something is up with the test system wrt downloading
<shikiryogy> OK, I am on the 17.09 version, this package: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/release-17.09/pkgs/applications/audio/spotify/default.nix is updated with the newest spotify version, but when i try to install it, it always tries to install the old version. I tried with nixos-rebuild swtich --upgrade, but to no avail. Is there something additional I should do?
<vaibhavsagar> so either you put an `install` rule in there that puts everything in the right place, or you override it with something like `installPhase = "true";` which is a no-op
<vaibhavsagar> justanotheruser: so mkDerivation essentially runs different `make` commands in a sequence unless you tell it to do something different
<dhess> Did something change with the boot.initrd.availableKernelModules recently, say in the last 2 or 3 months?
<pjan> Wizek: something along these lines (http://vaibhavsagar.com/blog/2018/01/03/static-haskell-nix/)? i.e. statically linking
<pjan> I recently started experimenting with nixos (after having used nixpkgs for sometime). I probably did something wrong, and now I get "nixos database not writable: permission denied" whenever I want to `nix-shell` with my user. nixos-rebuild also doesn't work. Both do work if I sudo, but that's not what I expect (or want). Anyway to fix this (and to prevent this from happening again)?


<MichaelRaskin> patchShebangs on something, something like that
<pxc> MichaelRaskin: I wasn't thinking of it as something for us to do. Just wondering about whether Nix could also be a useful tool to people who are interested in making more traditional enterprise-y operating systems, and what sort of impact it could make if they also perceived that usefulness and ran with it
<MichaelRaskin> pxc: re: maintenance: we don't do that good of a job doing something sane with stable
<freeman42x> duckwho: what I'm looking for is something like Foxit / Adobe
<pxc> I was picturing this as a less annoying way to achieve something similar
<pxc> and then vendors who want something stable and consistent to target can keep targeting it
<pxc> you could have stable releases of a small system also get linked into something like /StaleOS/1.0/lib /StaleOS/1.0/bin, etc.
<freeman42x> pxc: I installed mupdf but it won't even launch, the executable does something then... nothing happens
<clever> that feels like something easier to manage
<quez> I can see Nix building the missing file at one point. It seems like it gets cleaned up prematurely or something
<Dezgeg> but given it is one of those ec2 machines or something, I blame /bin/sh on that
<infinisil> Because I just wanted to try fix something, but then it worked no problem
<disasm> zimbatm: yeah, the error is output in readShebang before it starts parsing the rest of the file. So it checks if line 1 is a valid shebang (which isn't quite accurate, it checks that line 1 has a the form of #!something), if it doesn't (e.g. comment or blank line) it skips any comment or whitespace lines looking for a shebang, it finds one it use the shell listed there but throws a different warning that first
<zimbatm> disasm: it should just stop complaining if shell=something is passed
<dtz> fetchGit is the builtin, uhh interesting fetchgit handles this--maybe it's something fetchGit can handle after all?
<ashgillman> srhb: I don't know? I was hoping someone might say something like that
<etu[m]> srhb: But if a person don't want to make a package, just want to run something. It can ;)
<katona> Does anyone have trouble with plasma 5 on NixOS 18.03? For some reason there is no keyboard shortcut set for changing windows and if I set alt-Tab it won't save it. I could likely change it from command line, haven't tried it yet but still it's on 18.03 not unstable.. Do I have something strange in my configs (although I removed most of my config files)?
<etu[m]> joepie91: If you try to read out your data, and know what data to expect (by hash and size or something), and you can successfully read your data. Then *someone* is storing it.
<etu[m]> But if a client say it store something but actually doesn't, nobody can prove that that client actually don't store it until you try to fetch that data from that client.
<infinisil> joepie91: Filecoin something something
<etu[m]> commitId's ftw or something....
<infinisil> How do i build something hydra did myself? E.g. https://hydra.nixos.org/build/71517583#tabs-details
<srhb> The build has a 20 minutes turnaround time, so I might just need something stronger than coffee...
<tA63> Ok so I think I'm doing something dumb. But if I have a shell script to install something, first thing I want to do is replace all he hardlinked things with where they are in nix right? I still havent found the path to my rm in actuality, I tried to evaluate ${coreutils}/bin/rm and it was blank
<clacke[m]> is there some bootstrap step and a haskell-minimal or something like that?
<gchristensen> infinisil: it is something that seems like a good idea until you accidentally your server


<Dezgeg> i.e. something I probably don't want to know about :P
<clever> gchristensen: i'm trying to nix-build --repeat 1 something, and ive found a file that differs, but it doesnt have a single \n in it, so all the normal diff utils just fail horribly
<makefu> gemishhood: they try to build something that is essentially a shell script with scheme https://github.com/alezost/guix-config/blob/master/misc/shell-script-example/guix.scm#L43-L50
<makefu> however now it says something about gtk namespace
<infinisil> "Could be" because most don't update the xml docs anyways when something changes
<srhb> Any nodePackages maintainers that could look at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/37179 ? The diff is scary large, but I'm guessing that's something specific to the node ecosystem. It's also a first time contribution :)
<ThatPako> That sounds like something I would be too stupid for lol
<clefru> srhb: I probably need to understand what those 10.rebuild* tags are for and when to merge something to staging
<clever> makefu: something more along the lines of just building 32bit stuff
<guillaum1> I have a new package (gcompris, an educational game). Is it better to do my pull request on top of nixpkgs/master or something else ? (release-18.03 for example?)
<ottidmes> clever: yeah, that was my main problem, kexec would no longer allow me to SSH in the system, not that it really matters in my case, but still, something I'd rather fix
<fl3> garbas: probably I need something more than nix-shell -p 'python.withPackages(ps: with ps; [neovim])' to get fresh python-neovim?
<woffs> Something different: how to run local nixos tests? I try to fix and debug quagga with "nix-build nixos/tests/quagga.nix" but it fails and "nixos/tests/networking.nix" also fails and I guess I do something wrong or an i3 is not enough to run those tests even with prolonged timeouts
<woffs> tfc[m]: no idea yet. Just added nixos-17.09 as channel and run nix-serve with that channel with something like nix-shell -I nixpkgs=$HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixos1709 -p nix-serve
<adisbladis[m]> Set it to something huge like 10G :P
<elvishjerricco> fearlessKim[m]: That sounds like something else. There's no way it needs more than 6Gb
<krey> infinisil: and security... something something https?
<tnks> part of me is grateful for the work done... but another part of me feels that it's not good to "release" something without at least finishing documentation.
<tnks> I think the --help message might point to something that doesn't exist yet.
<tnks> ottidmes: hmm... I think for my Debian+Nix setup, it's something else.
<_null_> It's just for fun, but someone on an older version managed to make a 1.2MB docker image with redis, and I can't reproduce it, since there's a glibc depedency sneaking in. I thought it was from the lua buildInput since that's the only new thing since that version of nixpkgs besides redis changes. So it's due to something different in redis
<_null_> maybe I'm just wrong and screwed something up with my build before cause it's certainly not hitting the cache


<[Leary]> Does anyone have a usage example for nix-prefetch-git? Can't find any documentation for it. I'm using fetchgit in packageOverrides to pull source for something from a repo, but it's a pain to have to grab the hash from the error every time.
<ottidmes> srid: If you can configure i3 to look for its config in /etc then you could, or if you use something like home-manager, or you could even just write your own systemd service / activation script linking your /nix/store located config to the needed location, so there are plenty of ways
<[Leary]> urxvtc starts working if I manually start a second urxvtd instance from terminal, but that really shouldn't be necessary. Is there something else I need to do in my config?
<clever> NickHu_: why do you think nixpkgs-unstable has something newer then 2.0.6?
<NickHu_> I understand that clever; I am trying to install something from nixpkgs-unstable
<shout-user93> ah, and then I did that, and I'm seeing something...
<leotaku> Or is there something more complicated I have to be aware of?
<guillaum1> can I replace `nix-shell -A something` with `nix run ??? something`?
<symphorien> sasoiliev: does nixos rebuild says it will build network manager or something related ?
<boomshroom> sasoiliev: Correct. That said there are somethings which are difficult to swap post-boot which is why current-system and booted-system are both used.
<michas__> now runs, but it now complains because it is not able to write to some temporyary directory it creates. Did I miss something obvious?
<ottidmes> clever: I am using a gitignore with a set of secret files, how do you deal with files? secrets folder or something?
<garbas> s2mitrov: i would do something similar for every project https://github.com/maurer/holmes/blob/master/shell.nix
<clever> sphalerite: that sounds good, maybe replace the 8 with something based on free -g
<sphalerite> right now I'm thinking something like preCheck = ''min() { echo $(( $1<$2 ? $1 : $2)) ; } ; export NIX_BUILD_CORES=$(min $NIX_BUILD_CORES 8)'';
<jtojnar> cool, LnL, I would just run `env XDG_DATA_DIRS= $(nix-build -A spaceFM)/bin/spacefm` or something
<unlmtd> were even working on something to ditch SSL
<clever> let me demo something that will be handy
<clever> something that can sometimes help
<_null_> but I fixed that much, it seems I need to do something about the hash?
<_null_> okay, hm I was screwing up something else and it was giving me "attribute ‘callPackage’ missing," as the error
<s2mitrov> https://i.imgur.com/syGc0wb.png is there a, uh, like nixpath->normalpath function or something i could use on RUST_SRC_PATH?
<hyper_ch> hmmm, something is blocking nixos-unstable and nixos-unstable-small
<s2mitrov> https://i.imgur.com/i7IqFcE.png seems like it maybe does have something to do with lightdm/xserver?
<coconnor> I'd expect something specific to lightdm (which I presume is the primary thing failing)
<s2mitrov> is messing with user groups stateful or something?


<clever> ottidmes: yeah, that does seem like something that could be split out
<CrazedProgrammer> i have found something that i think is a little strange. i was optimising my boot times and one thing i did is not letting network.target wait for network-manager.service. i noticed that it still took 3 seconds to get from getty to actual login, and upon inspecting `systemd-analyze plot > /tmp/plot.svg`, i found that systemd-logind.service was taki
<hyper_ch> and defaultCount should be renamed to defaultWordCount or something
<hyper_ch> like a hardware token or something?
<qknight> that is for the emscripten toolchain which is a requirement since emscripten writes something to ~/.emscripten, a cache like feature for compile artefacts which i don't care for but can't be disabled
<Xal> well, something seems to have worked now
<fl3> Probably I dont know something very basic about default.nix or something, so any tips or google keywords will be very welcome!
<clever> ottidmes: if you want something custom you could do _module.args.mylib = ...
<infinisil> You could look in the xkb directory to find something that defines them
<ottidmes> infinisil: I guess I have to extend xkb_keycodes with something to allow those keys
<ertes> looks like it's something like 'evaluate' in haskell
<octe> am i missing something?
<ottidmes> infinisil: Maybe adding a module to it would have helped I guess. One that added programs.zfs.grml.enable or something
<das_j> So I'll probably end up with something like "ssh machine 'cd /var/src/myrepo; git pull; nixos-rebuild switch'"...
<clever> fendor: yeah, thats wrong, try just `rm ~/.nix-profile` and then install something with nix-env again
<freeman42x]NixOS> should ghc-8.4.1 appear when querying: nix-env -f "<nixpkgs>" -qaP -A haskell.compiler on nixos stable + nixpkgs unstable ? (did a a nix-channel update) wondering if it was not packaged yet or I am just doing something wrong
<thblt> (to avoid rebooting the Emacs running in a project's build shell whenever I need to add or remove a lib or something))
<aminechi1haoui> Dezgeg: hm ok so there is no other workaround, btw I wonder why the default is to disable that for unpreviliged users. It makes me feel I'm doing something wrong :D
<hyper_ch> hmmmm, something is blocking nixos-unstable
<Lisanna> pxc that is not something I have seen before! although I don't quite understand it...
<pxc> Lisanna: I hope I'm not referring you to something you've already seen. Is this at all helpful? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/3956435d0a2197709e475c6fd3adab4a4217dc2d/nixos/lib/eval-config.nix#L40
<sphalerite> something something importing nixpkgs with the args specified by config.nixpkgs
<s2mitrov> pxc: so it seems to have worked-ish? how would i go about adding something from the overlay into my nixconf?
<sphalerite> it could be something like nixpkgs config or an overlay which isn't included in the systemd service's environment
<pxc> how come? I saw your earlier message but wasn't sure of the context. Sounds like you've hit something really weird. Is that right?
<Lisanna> anyone have any other suggestions for making build-remote not use so much memory? the recent patches to NixOS/nix master didn't seem to help at all. I looked at the systemd resource management options but there's no way to force something to fallback to swap if it passes its threshold :/
<pxc> anyway we have something for that