
<ShalokShalom2> By installing something with npm, for example
<ShalokShalom2> When some package tries to edit something in /nix/store?
<ShalokShalom2> Nix breaks when any other package manager does something in /nix
<Alling> How do I make my AirPods work on NixOS with Gnome? I get this error in the journal when I try to connect to them: "a2dp-sink profile connect failed for 24:F6:77:E3:5E:B3: Protocol not available". Seems to have something to do with Pulseaudio. :D
<telent[m]> Assuming you have something that speaks serial @ 3.3v, anyway.
<hodapp> I feel like I ran into something very similar when upgrading
<hodapp> though... would this PR be applicable mostly just to 18.03 since most likely in master someone's going to upgrade MXNet to something newer than 1.1.0?
<srhb> ShalokShalom2: That's the kind of arguments that should weigh something in the PR. :-)
<gchristensen> nicl_l: something like https://gist.github.com/grahamc/181d5a0c8189b0a69ac9aeb7fecadcb2 might work
<hodapp> makefu: did it create something like /nix/store/.....-mxnet-1.1.0 for you?
<clever> bachp: something like this
<hodapp> okay, a bit confused... I just updated to NixOS 18.03, and it looks like mxnet was updated to 1.1.0 back in February or something, but 'mxnet.__version__' in Python is telling me 0.11.0
<ShalokShalom> so, once something breaks, nobody cares?
<symphorien> apparently something broke it a month ago
<tilpner> Not if the hashes stay the same. Nix ignores the URL after it downloaded something matching the provided hash once
<typetetris> Hi there, how do I force nix-build to really compile something and not just download its store path content from the cache?
<ihar> mahalel_: if there is something custom to your setup that nix doesn't know about (for example, I have custom vpn system connections for NetworkManager specific to my work), you can set environment.etc."file/path.conf".text and dump desired file contents in the same configuration.nix file
<dhess> gchristensen: ok thanks. Is the number in the 2nd column an epoch time or something?


<petersjt014[m]> (or something else)
<petersjt014[m]> Yeah, I got thru like 1/3 or something of the nix katas, so can't really say much :|
<tilpner> akfp - In fact, clevers original has something like that
<sehqlr> hey all, I've been trying to install 18.03 on a PC for two days and I'm stuck. The partition that I mounted to /mnt/boot is not recognized as an EFI partition even though I've set it as a FAT32 and set the boot flag. Am I missing something?
<disasm> akfp: nixops has hetzner support. You can also use something like nixos-in-place
<Myrl-saki> clever: I have something that can potentially make mmap faster.
<sphalerite> nek0: strange, git add -p works for me. Do you maybe have something in your git config that might affect it?
<sphalerite> adelbertc: apparently it has something to do with FORTIFY_SOURCE. I don't know any details though
<acowley> Is putting an `overlays = [ (import ./blah.nix) ];` in config.nix something that is expected to work? As in, the overlay definitions become part of nixpkgs.
<sphalerite> but that's something completely different, isn't it? That's qemu-system?
<dtz> hmm, might be hidden due to using callPackage instead of callPackages or something, at least the ones I'm looking at seem different enough in terms of organization that maybe they're not found
<dtz> (although having something test everything with check-meta enabled does seem like a good idea...?)
<vaibhavsagar> is there something else I should be doing instead?
<Myrl-saki> There's really something wrong.
<unacceptable> magnetophon: did you recently delete something big?
<seanparsons> Does anyone here work on projects using npm with bundled binary dependencies? I've got something that in this case bundles 7za, tries to run it and it pops instantly because patchelf hasn't been run on it. I'm wondering if there's a sensible way to handle these cases.
<manveru> we definitely could use something a bit... more usable for normal users :)
<Myrl-saki> ottidmes: Of course, I get proven wrong once again. I'm guessing something went wrong with the nix copy.
<Myrl-saki> ottidmes: -p requires loading everything into memory or something of that sort. "Dumping very large path..."
<pirateking> to make it easier to come to an answer here, i'll change my question. does anyone know of any discussions on package fields and data, or if it's not a job for nix, then what might be used that i can take output from nix to query something that has this extra meta data?
<pirateking> there's a concept in business that's been bugging me about searching for packages in linux - "performance based hiring". when there are so many options, you don't want to spend forever trying everything out if you need to have a job done by someone else (in this case, software and tools). databases can make this process a breeze to query and get a good decision and start on something instantly for any problem you need to solve
<srhb> WilliamHamilton: Something like this? http://lpaste.net/4076259757332103168
<hodapp> srhb: yeah, somehow I wasn't going to wait for an hour for it to do something while it gave no indication whatsoever
<ottidmes> LnL: You mean the JDK? I assumed as much, something to do with licensing. I don't mind it, my biggest annoyance with the current workaround though, is that it will error the whole build. Would be better to ask at the end when the rest has been built, even better if it was interactive, so it could just continue once I have done adding it to the store
<hodapp> ottidmes: thus far though I've only done this on packages that explicitly asked for it, not with something that just wouldn't download
<srhb> hodapp: Or they changed something recently. We can check on Hydra.
<ottidmes> octe: What tilpner said would do what you want (I was trying something with nix-instantiate for you)
<srhb> hodapp: Yeah, nvidia is doing something weird...
<domenkozar> or something magic like that :)
<jophish> I'm debugging something with nix-shell, however I can't remember the incantation to get runHook in scope
<etu[m]> Not sure if it's your wordpress since it looks like a shared domain/host something :)
<etu[m]> This does load something that looks like wordpress:
<achambe> are the database paths hardcoded or something?
<hodapp> ran into this because I had to use a newer nixpkgs master in order to get something to build...


<kini> builtins.fetchurl will affect the hash of the derivation if it downloads something different the next time, right?
<infinisil> pirateking: If you want to fetch something impurely without a hash you can use `builtins.fetchurl "https://.."`
<sphalerite> keith_analog: that's something that we try hard to prevent completely in nix derivations.
<pirateking> Akii: import var sets a variable to something. whenever it's used it'll have those packages
<infinisil> Akii: You can replace `pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { inherit config; }` with something like `nixpkgs = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "NixOS"; repo = "nixpkgs"; rev = "..."; sha256 = "..."; }; pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit config; };`
<jmc_fr> any idea for usbmuxd, question above ? I surely miss something simple ...
<Akii> just something I found
<kini> nick_l: so you don't have anything installed long-term that you might want to use outside of nix-shells, like, say, firefox, or something? Or do you just put all of those packages as systemwide?
<bkchr[m]> Sonarpulse: can you help me on cross compilation? Is there something like mkDerivation with targetPlatform?
<Akii> Something something ssh-agent mixed with writing a certain file somewhere would do the trick I guess..
<adamt> Should we just use uid=399, uid=398, uid=397 and so on, and hope not to get a conflict with something from upstream, or can 400-999 be used freely?
<nick_l> I want to see something like "Welcome to $network... <NixOS logo>. Misuse is punishable by law...".
<angerman> gchristensen: and maybe I’ve been misunderstanding something, but I though the remote build would try to build the full expression before copying the build artifacts back. If the expression ends up building multiple packages, wouldn’t that mean that I loose the already built packages in case the spot instance is shut down?
<angerman> gchristensen: usually I run them through a nix-docker, but with my current MacBook (late 2012), that is not very feasible, and I’m looking for something that would allow me to build, while not rendering my system unusable.
<gchristensen> I've sometimes thought about if it could be done that when doing cross compilation, something generate an overlay which emits "emacs = /nix/store/cross-compiled-emacs; gnumake = /nix/store/cross-compiled-gnumake" so it would be less compilation
<infinisil> That would definitely be something worthwhile
<angerman> gchristensen: the machines nix store? maybe I’m not understanding something with the spot instances… but it seems like they could go down at any point in time.
<ottidmes> infinisil: Thanks for looking into it :) I managed to reduce it the snippet I posted, and if I use something like: options = [ "uid=${toString config.boot.loader.timeout}" ]; no loops, but I am not sure if it actually is specific to config.users, or that others might also cause similar loops
<lebel> infinisil, you have have more than one allowedTCPPortRange = [ ]; or can you do something like: [ { from = 1714; to = 1764; } { from = 10000; to = 10050; } ];
<infinisil> lebel: Yeah, you can with something like `networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = lib.range 1 10;` I guess
<adamt> is nixos-rebuild --target-host something new? Didn't notice it before.
<Akii> maybe I need to do something else?
<boomshroom> It's been 5 minutes. Something might have happened to pirateking
<v0latil3> https://nixos.org/nixos/nix-pills/working-derivation.html these articles always start with "source ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/nix.sh" but I don't have that I think because I'm just using the system profile by default? Do I want to nix-env -i nix or something?
<rotaerk> wonder if nixpkgs is doing something funky with the spaces
<rotaerk> also, try using a pastebin or something rather than pasting all that here
<cheater> it's something i've seen at some point. now it's running the compile with the right rts opts
<cheater> so i don't want something like configureFlags = drv.configureFlags ++ [ "-j1", "--ghc-options='...'" ] ?
<infinisil> Ralith: Ah yeah I think clever said something about closure contents being loaded into C++ strings
<cheater> mpickering: so i have something like freer = fetchFromGitHub { ... } -- do i change that to freer = dontCheck fetchFromGitHub { ... } ?
<infinisil> jackdk: Hmm.. that might be something
<infinisil> samueldr: It does indeed, but optimally I'd like to use something well known and installed on machines already


<infinisil> Oh and ssh requires all these directories to be set up, but I need something that can run in a script ephemerally
<mpickering> Something like "happy = if (pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.isArm || pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64) then dontCheck super.happy else super.happy;"
<mpickering> yes just change the first character to something else
<mpickering> It checks the store to see if something with the sha is in there first
<kisik21> zybell: oh, right, dependencies, but that's not important, I need the file to at least be a valid nix expression that will at least do something
<kini> ah, I see zybell already said something similar.
<kini> Hmm, good ideas. Thanks :) Also, I didn't realize we had nightly firefox/rust builds via an overlay. That's cool, and shows that it's feasible to package something that changes daily, at least.
<LnL> elvishjerricco: I was trying to do something similar today, my idea was to use impureEnvVars to make a dummy build fail if it's built locally instead of substituted
<kreisys> wait is outPath a special parameter or something? why would "${src}" work if it's now an attrset?
<kreisys> well I guess there's no harm in pulling it from the original source dir... it's just a bit wonky because now I have to keep passing around filteredSrc and origSrc or something like that
<sphalerite> I think it's just OSX's setup being weird and starting all the shells as login shells or something
<nick_l> sphalerite: whether or not something can be exploited is probably undecidable in general.
<tokudan[m]> xCuri0: i guess no, as that would have to be an additional architecture or system type or something like that. and you'd pretty much have to recompile the whole world...
<WilliamHamilton> clever: is patchelf my only hope? Isn't there something like steam-run to create an environment with the libraries I want?
<Myrl-saki> gchristensen: Yep, something like that.
<clever> pls-help: and also, xmonad isnt a desktop manager, so something else is being selected for that
<kisik21> I know about ;, && is just better for this purpose because if something fails, everything fails gracefully without bugs
<kisik21> because [] is more binding than pkgs.runCommand or something like that, right?
<kisik21> something like pkgs.runCommand "ln -s <..>"?
<angerman> For any cross Linux you could probably try QEMU or something similar.
<Myrl-saki> clever: Right, but how about something I can nix-build, say, using a custom `<nixpkgs> override`, maybe `import <nixpkgs> { host = ...; target = ...; }`?
<Myrl-saki> clever: Right, but how about something that Nix can work with?b
<Alling> I'm trying to override the cabal version in GHC. Let's say I have something like: let modifiedGhc = pkgs.haskell.packages.ghc802.override (oldAttrs: rec { }); in
<sphalerite> Synthetica: there's an RFC that involves introducing something like that https://github.com/nbp/rfcs/blob/ee9bf0d7139870fa60a437fbd2a9705660d1e355/rfcs/0000-simple-override-strategy.md
<gmarmstrong> Hi! I have a question about something in the configuration.nix man page. Is the first sentence of the description for `services.xserver.libinput.horizontalScrolling` worded correctly? Does enabling that option really *disable* horizontal scrolling? That seems counter intuitive, so I just want to make sure.
<kisik21> Is it something I could control?
<mkaito> something something hammer and nail
<shikiryogy> Hi guys, I am not sure how to install imperatively something from here: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/editors/jetbrains/default.nix
<jgt> boomshroom: would be good if nixops had some verbose output so I could ensure it's not copying over something it definitely doesn't need
<jgt> vaibhavsagar: I think if this huge upload is a one-time thing, then it's ok. If it happens on subsequent runs, then something is definitely wrong
<vaibhavsagar> jgt: is riskbook something you're building?
<boomshroom> jgt: I was confused when first using stack2nix. In that case, it would be something like let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {crossSystem = ...;}; in (import /path/haskell-packages.nix {pkg = pkgs;}).haskellPackage
<daveo> boomshroom: I must have missed something
<v0latil3> " or something?
<v0latil3> ahh nix is weird haha. you do "concat = x: y: x + y;" instead of doing concat x y = x + y or something.
<boomshroom> v0latil3: more like `nixpkgs.home-assistant.override { extraComponents = ["whatever goes here"]; }` Override is a function that takes a set and extraComponents happens to be a list in this case. Since home-assistant is probably something you'd want available system wide, you'd add the result of the call to systemPackages, or something else if you're being more fancy.
<boomshroom> foldingcookie: If you're looking to build something that uses it, you'd need to to write a nix expression to build it with iproute as a buildInput. There's no actual way to install a library globally on NixOS.
<kini> The NixOS manual says I should create user accounts with `useradd`, but the generated /etc/nixos/configuration.nix has a section for defining user accounts there. Which is the recommended method? Or is what I see in configuration.nix something else?
<daveo> boomshroom: also I want to send you something for your help if you have a crypto currency address


<nick_l> Now, if *all* gcc compilers were to be broken or unavailable, that would be something to be concerned about, but if gcc-bleededge-edition would not be there, who cares? Nobody?
<nick_l> Something like "You just switched to 18.03. you were using the following expressions which are now not available anymore, but those are no longer supported". Currently, the setup is that it takes minutes to compute that something is not available and then I can try again.
<nick_l> samueldr: Something matching generic*math*.
<samueldr> nick_l: could you name one, I want to check something
<htafdwes> other than git cloning that repo, I'm assuming there is a command for it or something.
<toby1851> i have seen that; it's not something that i want to use though :)
<Lisanna> sphalerite CERN or something has something like that I think
<avn> or use something like stack2nix
<MarcWeber> Despite adding reiserfs to availableKernelModules and kernelModules its not includeded in the initrd image so booting fails - is there something trivial I missed?
<symphorien> you can still overrideAttr to prepend something to postUnpack
<adisbladis[m]> Aleksejs: I do something like this: https://ptpb.pw/4-nT
<nick_l> LnL: after 8 minutes it started to do something.
<nick_l> There is nothing to indicate it is doing something.
<nick_l> With every other upgrade it at least outputs something.
<Dezgeg> you could probably use something like device mapper thin provisioning to be able to dynamically allocate disk space for a build (or kill it when it goes over the limit), but that would be pretty complicated
<htafdwes> I have no idea how to install this thing. said something about a configuration.nix but I don't know where that is.
<htafdwes> is the graphical install kinda like an inside joke or something?
<sphalerite> Something something intensional store
<jtojnar> btw, regarding wine, is there an example of something like mkDerivation that would run msi installer and wrap the installed executables to run them with wine?
<Myrl-saki> Something something not FOSS.
<vaibhavsagar> so I could do something like (builtins.fetchurl https://github.com/vaibhavsagar.keys)
<htafdwes> do I have to run like nix update or something? this is on a fresh install, I tried to do a nix-build
<dmj`> samueldr: thought this would be something with the le module
<samueldr> AFAIK forceSSL shouldn't be an issue, fuzzy memory, but something about ACME not caring for invalid certs on https, thus a forced 80 → 443 is not an issue
<zybell_> I wanted only to try something beginning with /


<srhb> Or something like that :)
<WilliButz> foldingcookie: you could do something like this: `nix show-derivation -f '<nixpkgs>' acpi | jq '.[].env.out'` This gives you the outpath, but does not tell you if it is actually present in the nix store
<day|flip> foldingcookie: find something that will show the date
<foldingcookie> yeah, is there something less "more or less" and more robust?
<peuv> But I'm hoping there's something better
<LnL> mpickering: when you link a library with -lfoo -L./foo/lib the linker will resolve that to something like ./foo/lib/libfoo.dylib
<infinisil> Something like { pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }: (pkgs.callPackage ./default.nix {}).overrideAttrs (old: { buildInputs = with pkgs; [ hello ]; })
<boxscape> ideally I'd just do something like nix-shell default.nix -p <programname>, but alas, that doesn't work
<infinisil> I think the point is to just have something like nix-shell default.nix but with an additional development binary
<LnL> simplest is probably a shell.nix with something like this
<boxscape> as in, add a buildInput or something?
<monokrome> Yeah, you're def onto something
<LnL> yeah something like -Wl,-install_name,$out/lib/liblas.3.dylib
<arianvp2> but gnome-software is a bit of a weird one anyway I guess. as it doesnt work with the nix package manager (But probably with flatpak or something?)
<arianvp2> so it evaluates somehting that should not be evaluated or something
<Narigo> ben: yes, a different file where the "real" configuration is stored is a lot better than putting everything in the configuration.nix file. The only problem was that the configuration.nix already has something depending on the installation medium / architecture, so that might change for me
<Narigo> I guess getting "$platform_specific_import" is still something I'd need to find out before being able to automate this...
<Narigo> ben: I just see that when I filled the SD card, there already is something in configuration.nix - namely "imports = [ <nixpkgs/nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/sd-image-aarch64.nix> ];"
<Narigo> sphalerite: So my only hope is sed or similar then? :( Is there something "in progress" so I can follow its development?
<sondr3> sphalerite: oh, right, forgot about that, well, I might just open an issue regardless since it's something I want and need, I'll tinker around and see what I end up with
<ij> clever, True. I was looking for something different. filterSource vs string differs when I pass it in "bundlerEnv { gemdir = HERE; }".
<jgt> I was thinking of something just in the shell.nix, like fetchFromGithub and callCabal2nix
<psychic1> If so, how does one go about defining that? I'd like to do something as standard as possible that other people use and endorse.


<nur0n0> Is there a preferred way of porting python packages to nix? I am trying to do one by hand, but I keep getting stuck. Will pypi2nix work, or is there something better?
<neonfuz> (I know how to do things better like pinning a gcc version), but yeah something's broken
<dbe> Dezgeg, yeah, I think so too, and I see now that rngd is running on this environment too. so something else is up I guess.
<dbe> My laptop does not boot info nixos-unstable. The last emssage I get is something about seeding random. Is this a known bug?
<tnks> Turion: hmm... part of me is unsure about that... I kind of feel like it's something set with X.
<monokrome> (probably for a rollback or something)
<MichaelRaskin> Or something
<ben> or is /mnt/nix a mount or a symlink or something
<joepie91> I feel like maybe stateVersion should be renamed to something that more clearly describes you shouldn't change it, like originalStateVersion or so
<tilpner> Add something like tx0.co/p to your config
<tilpner> lejonet - Just make sure to keep previous generations to boot if something goes wrong. Either way is risky
<lejonet> tilpner: what do I need to take care with? Because honestly, hosing my system because I want to change something because both nixos-unstable and nixos-18.03 pulls in 237 and crashes shit
<fusion809> Hi, I've found something odd. My ~/XTerm file doesn't seem to be used to configure xterm on NixOS, on other distros this exact XTerm file works fine
<achambe> It must gain them something more than what they spend doing it


<ottidmes> zybell_: I think you misunderstood my simple request. I just want the install/target files for both (the lib data). The NixOS installer already does something like you suggest (or exactly like that, not sure, have not looked at it) and it works great
<Akii> I assume I overlook something trivial
<ThatPako> Any idea why a derivation built with `buildPythonApplication` fails to import something from __itself__?
<LnL> already used it for something slightly evil :p
<benny> also don't use /dev/ zvol paths to mount something. It takes 20 seconds for them to show up after unlocking the pool :P
<Turion> htop shows "N/A" for my battery level although acpi shows 100%. Can that be because acpi is not in htop's path or something like this(
<krey> if so, do you launch it from nix-shell? or do you do something smarter than that?
<warbo> if you care about that, you could have it built via a git commit hook or something, but that's probably overkill ;)
<bgamari> it is possible to essentially brick nixos by introducing something that isn't a key into nix.binaryCachePublicKeys
<steveeJ> offlinehacker[m]: can we do something about the "pause" container image not really being persistent? AFAICT it's possible that it gets cleaned up by any docker user
<TweyII> So now that we have libglvnd working, is there something I can do to get a better OpenGL experience on non-NixOS?
<ThatPako> Any idea why a derivation built with `buildPythonApplication` fails to import something from _itself_?
<benny> nix-env not preferred on NixOS? adding a missing application requires a rebuild and at least a re-login or am I missing something?
<LnL> ottidmes: so it looks like it's used incorrectly or something in that build changed resulting in an incorrect reference
<ottidmes> LnL: Thanks for the pointer, I do not have that anywhere in my config, but I might be using something that in turn uses that
<jgt> ok so you mean this approach works, but the code in the repo itself doesn't work? Because I have to disable tests or something?
<srhb> jgt: I'd do something like this: http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/vij9RZpJ?nix -- but it doesn't build with current haskellPackages it seems
<crooksey> its really intuitive, and makes you wonder why something like nixos hasn't come about before
<achambe> nix hash-file returns something different
<semilattice> Do I need to do something else for that?
<nur0n0> sorry, maybe I'm misunderstanding something. wouldn't adding 'with import <nixpkgs> {};' to the top of my 'default.nix' resolve my issue? if I understand corrrectly, it should bring 'stdenv' into the namespace for the nix expression and I should be all good right?
<day|flip> so something like wget or curl might help you out with
<vaibhavsagar> IIUC, this is something that was possible in Nix 1.11 and is now not possible in Nix 2.0


<mpickering> woop! I fixed the problem I was having with QGIS and GRASS. Feels amazing to package something.
<Arianvp2_> So there is this new nix command or something
<pstn> sometimes they do. Also it's just generally hard to c-f for stuff in something like the nix docs.
<electrocat> on nixos, when i do `nix-copy-closure` i get "zsh:1: command not found: nix-store" it seems something goes wrong with the path
<ThatPako> TweyII: is the `NIX_` prefix necessary or just something used for cc?
<tilpner> I'm not trying to package something, I want to use oasis interactively. The compiled setup wants to use ./setup.data, which doesn't exist
<petersjt014[m]> trying to start the daemon gives me "error backing up resolv.conf ". the suggested solution involves doing something with symlinks, but nix's not following the FHS seems to make that not work
<elvishjerricco> I feel like `sudo` does something different on every OS :/
<TweyII> benny: If you're doing something like nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> { }).callPackage ./package.nix { }' you can also just do nix-build -E '(import /home/benny/nixpkgs { }).callPackage ./package.nix { }'
<benny> I thought I had a handle on nixpkgs but apparently I do not. I want to nix-env -iA something that is only in my copy of nixpkgs so I exported NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=$HOME/nixpkgs but it's not using the latest version in my nixpkg repo
<cx405> srhb: hmm, I remember there was a certain case, where PA would disable "monitors" of output,- but the only way to see their status or to enable them was via pavucontrol. This results in inability to record any sound, whats played on the system. They are listed on "input devices". Thats something to remember and check if there is pavucontrol alternative. I use what KDE offers plus pavucontrol (just for this case).
<goibhniu> shikiryogy: hrm ... in pavucontrol ... are applications using the right device? (they might be defaulting to HDMI or something)
<shikiryogy> Hi guys, after upgrading to 18.03, I don't have sound. I read the release notes and added "sound.enable", I enabled pulseadio, but still no sound whatsoever, is there something else I should enable? Sound was working fine on 17.09
<cx405> something like this: let func2 = "hello"; func3 = " everyone."; func1 = ( func2 && func3 ); in func1
<boomshroom> I guess I'm kind of going the route of putting both together. PID1 needs something to execute, so I figured I would tell it what by way of the service scripts.
<MichaelRaskin> Well, my lang-os runs sinit as init, and has only rudimentary service management that is done by the Lisp daemon. You could easily write a config that removes the Lisp/Scheme daemons and run something like runit under sinit.
<boomshroom> Alternatively I can be boring and just use something like JSON.


<pie__> or something
<boxscape> something?
<krey> is there any documentation on packaging something that uses CMake?
<hihello> The link to https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#sec-standard-meta-attributes "you may want to add yourself to **nixpkgs/lib/maintainers.nix**(broken link) and write something like [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.alice stdenv.lib.maintainers.bob ]" is broken.
<srhb> It's probably being caught by something else
<unacceptable> srhb: unless you have a one button mouse or something weird
<fendor> srhb, but is there something better than to manually invoke ghc, including manually resolving dependencies of modules?
<fendor> i just hoped,there is something better than invoking ghc manually
<Mic92> if something does it sometimes a bug.
<kuri0> is there a compile time option or something to disable including those ?
<kuri0> sphalerite, that seems to be for stuff like proprietary software.Has anyone done something like Debian where you build a package and then users can install it from your repo ?
<sphalerite> I can use setterm --blank to change the timeout for the screen to blank on ttys. Is there any more elegant way to do this automatically on boot than just making a systemd service for it? I feel like this is something that systemd-vconsole-setup should actually do, but by the looks of it it doesn't
<Mic92> I know qt loads a lot of plugins from there. I had the intention gtk does not, but maybe gimp finds something there.
<Mic92> Does somebody know how far are we away from native browser support on wayland? Is it something planned in the next three month or will it take longer?
<mkaito> I've found the problem. A binary that Plex appears to download from somewhere (obviously) hasn't been patched to have the correct interpreter. Can `patchelf` be run in a service preStart or something?
<seafood> Who knows something about GC here?
<achambe> in a pastebin or something if its long?
<achambe> vaibhavsagar: I thought it was something like that, though not sure exactly what i need to set
<MichaelRaskin> Functions are something that we still pretend doesn't happen too often in the leaf packages. Which is a naive lie, but oh well
<card[m]> something about cabal not understanding the profiling-detail flag it's passed,,, not really sure how to fix it unfortunately
<infinisil> krey: use something like pkgs.writeText instead


<zybell_> cript0nauta: Sorry for delay. sth is something (I tried sth=* to explain) .pth are python path files. On start python check all dirs that are on sys.path (not PATH,that has nothing to do with it) for files that end in .pth. python extends sys.path from the content and looks for .pth files in the new dirs. You should construct .pth file(s) that extend sys.path to include your module.
<krey> clever: ah, ok. I'm doing something similar with overlays
<rizary> So if I'm not mistaken, something that will be call with callPackage should be function style?
<nkaretnikov> there was a wiki page/blogpost showing how to add a dependency on a local haskell package while developing another one. could have been a post by ocharles or something on the wiki
<wilornel> Hi #nixos! In nixos 17, I was able to use buildEnv in ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix to declare a set of packages for different users. Is there something like that in nixos 18? I
<phry> heyo :) I'm building a derivation right now and something is failing in the installPhase. How do I get a manual shell where everything up until the installPhase is already executed? I'm building using `nix-shell -E 'with import ~/tmp/nixpkgs { }; callPackage ./default.nix {}'` right now.
<acowley> Suppose you build something in a buildFHSUserEnv, is it possible to refer to paths in that chroot from another nix expression? E.g. foo = buildFHSUserEnv {...}; ${foo}/usr/include
<sphalerite> gchristensen: that sort of script is something I'd probably make a script for in nix
<ottidmes> sphalerite: nix-env is my temp installer, I clean it out when I do a full garbage collect since I only use it when I want to test something out quick
<kolb> kolb: yeah I tried the former, it doesn’t work / I am doing something wrong
<kolb> I am using nixops to deploy hetzner server and it appears creating the admin account fails (hetzner.WebRobotError), any way I can get details about why exactly? I don’t have 2-factor auth so either I mistyped credentials or something else... I don’t think its the former
<arjen-jonathan> Hmm, apparently it has something to do with XDG_DATA_DIRS
<srhb> Yeah, that's really not something I feel good about leaving in stable... :P
<sphalerite> fearlessKim[m]: you need to use mkfs to actually put something on it
<clever> then you can use something like nix 2.0's copy command to put it into an sdcard
<puffnfresh> think I did a repair path or something on it, got fixed


<Dezgeg> in my experince it's usually some weirdly named volume control out of those 20 available that has it's volume at 0% or something
<boomshroom> GHC has been building for so long that I'm beginning to suspect that something is actually wrong.
<clever> it was probably started by something that has since quit
<clever> zybell_: fourth, deal with nix deadlocking because its building something on localhost but has to wait for itself to finish before it can start
<kreisys> LnL: let me try your sleep builder test. I wonder if it's happening because of something my builder is doing
<kreisys> I think I'm looking for something more general because for each of my working nixbldN users it spawns mdworker, lsd, distnoted and trustd. I'm pretty sure none of which are needed
<cbarrett> kreisys: maybe mdutil has something
<kreisys> LnL: do you have any idea whether it's possible to prevent macos starting mdworker (and a bunch of other daemons.. including /usr/libexec lsd *eyeroll*) for each and every nixbld user being used? I'm pretty sure that's what's making my laptop melt whenever I try to build something...
<cbarrett> something seems to have put this in bashrc
<Myrl-saki> It's something!
<cbarrett> I'm sure it's something obvious that I'm missing
<zybell_> fendor:Probably not. What is stack for? Is it a script or binary? How is the *full* command you give? What is the meaning of flags you give? Why is there a second DISPLAY in the picture? Obviously you are doing something not right, please take care to give helpers as much and *accurate* info as you can. Your helper may be behind a small bw connection(as I am), that prevents him to download your sw to play with it. Maybe he doesn't want to
<Myrl-saki> I'm trying to figure out why my system depends on something.
<pacmeister> like will it break something?
<telent_[m]> (sudden thought: I hope the matrix->irc gateway does something sensle with markdown formatting)
<samueldr> I personally hardcoded a path to something like /etc/secrets/some_file in the compiled package, and manage it without nix, kreisys, though I too would like to see what others are doing
<yorick> WhittlesJr: put something in /etc/os-release :P
<hihello> Hi, can anyone point me to something that can help me to accomplish this -> I want to be able have the latest gnome3(everything) while being on 18.03?
<warbo> tazjin: you could put something like { cacheBuster = with builtins; toString currentTime; }
<tazjin> Is there something that can be set in a derivation to tell Nix that the build output is uncacheable?
<achambe> perhaps adding @nix-users or something in the hardened profile would be decent
<makefu> musicmatze[m]: i think because of the agenda of the nixos meetup where i guessed that you had something to do with that :D
<TimePath> I think you'd have to set a dummy attribute or something based on what native arch is
<adamt> Maybe it's because my types are defined like...: a = types.submodule ({ ... }: { options = { foo = mkOption .... and nix just sees everything as a submodule or something, instead of a proper type. Not sure
<Asmadeus> Anyway sorry for the rant, I love nix and have had no problems with it whatsoever until I tried building a kernel, which is something stupidely simple to do manually - the nix framework is supposed to make builds simpler not harder :/
<Alling> adamt: I would also expect that to mean something like Haskell's [Either a b].
<LnL> Asmadeus: possibly, I guess something else is depending on the kernel without those config changes
<Guest25108> When defining an option, is something like this allowed? types.listOf (types.either A B)
<Mic92> Myrl-saki: something in cc-wrapper
<vaibhavsagar> or something like that
<LnL> nice, I tried to get rid of git:// before once but must have missed something because the next update added them all back :/
<vaibhavsagar> Aleksejs: you can import .nix files from wherever you want, do you have an example of something you want changed?
<joepie91> npm's policy now is to only allow deletion within 24 hours of publication if there's no evidence of the package being used by anybody, or something like that
<joepie91> in fact, code should generally have few comments; comments are for describing *why* the code does something, not *what* it does, and if you have to write a lot of explanations about why your code does something then that probably hints at a design issue :)
<joepie91> Myrl-saki: not something I've particularly closely tracked, but my experience is that a standardization process that isn't open in some way isn't really worth a damn, and that if you can't *find* the discussions on API design or standardization, then for all practical purposes they don't exist :P
<b5509cd> where are PGP sigs of nixos devs or something?
<kreisys> boomshroom: oh sorry lol I was referring to something else. it would've been rude of me to say that in this context! :>