
<rawtaz> hmm i dont think so actually. i have used this config before. i think it's something with unstable/master
<clever> roflik: that is similar to justdoit, the current version of justdoit has a minimal configuration.nix baked into it, and then the whole justdoit is baked into the iso you dd to something
<Myrl-saki> gchristensen: The basic idea was to do something like `''${ ... }''` where ... is a string with a literal ${}
<Taneb> Is this a bug, or just something I don't understand?
<samueldr> tilpner: using something like powertop?
<tilpner> Has anyone experienced something similar? Any ideas on how to debug?
<colemickens> I can imagine how to hack something together if I knew a scripty way to modify a value in a nix file.
<c15ade4> I think i found something 'libguestfs' - though under the hood that actually just starts a vm and talks to it lol.
<colemickens> Any python experts around? It seems like something is clobbering python package metadata? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/46318
<kyren> okay, I think I've broken something on one of my machines, I somehow made this happen:


<Jarcode> symphorien: should I make that install location configurable or something?
<jabranham> If I copy/paste the overlay example from the nixpkgs manual (in "defining overlays") to ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays.nix any nix-env command results in "error: value is a function while a list was expected, at <long path to nixos/pkgs/top-level/stage.nix>". Am I missing something obvious?
<elvishjerricco> greymalkin: "No uhc found" is one of several unimportant messages that Setup.hs spits out. It can be ignored. The issue is something else. Can you pastebin the whole log?
<greymalkin> I'm running into a "No uhc found" while building a derivation on the default haskell packages (with the only change being transformers = transformers_0_5_5_0) am I missing something? 'transformers' doesn't even seem to be included in the derivation.
<manveru> if you copy something that doesn't belong to you the new user/group will be your own
<manveru> lorilan: sounds like something an overlay fs could do?
<d1rewolf> I'm curious if snaps will become pervasive and make creating something like nixos, with guarantees on versions etc, a little easier
<NickHu> I did a nix-store --verify --check-contents --repair and it ran for a while and presumably did something
<kyren> I mean, this is all small potatoes so it's not like if I don't have automatic security updates I'm gonna get you know immediately destroyed or something, it's just something I've always done
<kyren> variable that tells nixos-rebuild to look there and not something more magical
<kyren> oh maybe you can't and I misunderstood something
<kyren> it's not a big deal I can just remove it myself, I'm not asking to like narrow down the precise exact behavior of nixops as much as I am to get a sense of what is best practice and what is and isn't necessary, like if removing /etc/nixos/configuration.nix causes something to fail if it's missing, but yeah I understand now that it doesn't and it's just really the "default" system configuration location
<Myrl-saki> srhb: Had to do something like that, but the file must be touched in order to not shut down the system. The file is also part of nixops keys, so it's effectively a shutdown countdown. :)
<srhb> I personally use something similar to Bas Van Dijks/Lumiguide's automatic rollback service
<jasongrossman> kyren: That's a great question because it lets us boast about the most fantastic thing about NixOS, which is that its deployments are always reproducible, so having cruft lying around can never be a problem. (Unless something's broken, admittedly.)
<srhb> adamt: Right, I totally get your point and I agree that we could/should improve this. I'm just a little leery about calling something that clearly works for many people outright broken, also because it's a bit of a demotivating exclamation, when it could be put better and more accurately. :-P That said, sorry you had upgrade woes. I'll consider making a PR to at least adjust the release notes, if that's even
<kyren> there's also the question of auto-updating, if I ever make large configuration changes and do remote deploys, I would be worried about turning on auto update and having it revert something, I guess the two are just not compatible
<kyren> okay, I have one more vague question, but this time it's more asking for advice, suppose I had a small number of physical machines and I wanted to manage their configuration together with version control, and possibly have the option of doing nixos-rebuild on the vastly more powerful of the three, is this setup something that I should be considering e.g. nixops for or is that too heavyweight and is there an easier way?
<jasongrossman> Yeah, it's a very nice list, and I use it already. There's some problem with gnome3.corePackages specifically. Like maybe it doesn't exist? It's not something I need fixed for my own use, but I think adamt has a good point about this being a problem.
<colemickens> I got something similar working
<Shados> It's more that it was one of three things I was working on over a weekend, and by the time I had something working it was 2am Monday... didn't even get around to committing the changes for a day or two :p. And then the next weekend I was distracted by something new and shiny, thus beginning the cycle anew.
<jackdk> I just upgraded to 18.09 and my nm-applet now shows "no entry" sorta-signs instead of its icons. Is there a missing icon package I need to add to configuration.nix or something?


<dhess> unless it's your company's Hydra or something and this is for company work
<dhess> thanks for the pointer to the repo. I'll take a look at it. I think I'll need something kind of aarch64 auto-provisioner in the next couple of months.
<dhess> gchristensen: sorry, couldn't parse that. You mean you've got something like that working for the Packet aarch64 boxes?
<dhess> (I think there is something to do that with EC2 instances)
<elvishjerricco> No I think there might be something else at play here... I am able to build that derivation exactly...
<clever> elvishjerricco: if your TH is touching ios objects, your probably doing something wrong
<dhess> elvishjerricco: I think I saw a GitHub issue somewhere that you've been cross-compiling Haskell for android or something like that?
<typetetris> clever: Hmm, having the private key around on the same machine opens up that attack vector again. Even if it was encrypted, the virus infecting my system could keylog the password or something. Maybe its better to live with the inconvenience.
<Acou_Bass> BUT i will say... back then, i dont think i had to build anything (and if i did, it was something small that built fast on the pi3 anyway), my usage isnt ridiculously complex, just standard home server stuff
<sphalerit> You can just do something like `installPhase = ''make install PREFIX=$out'';` in the nix expression
<sphalerit> Why would you need something nix-specific?
<sphalerite> Is there some way to reset a USB device? Like unplugging and replugging it, except something that works for a device that's built in to the machine…
<elvishjerricco> or something
<clever> elvishjerricco: you could, but then its not really secureboot anymore, and something custom
<sphalerite> I don't want to take that sort of risk with something as fundamental as the filesystem
<arianvp_> okay it works. but something phishy is going on /dev/sda and /dev/sdb exist
<kandinski> So something I've noticed and I'll make an issue out of if you tell me I should is the following: I get an error regarding vboxnet0 if the network doesn't exist. That means I have to start any VirtualBox container before running a nixos-rebuild --switch.
<hyper_ch> sphalerite: gitlab doesn't offer something like master.tar.gz for download or latest release?
<hyper_ch> oh wait, there's something else
<hyper_ch> well, I just try with sendmail from the cli.... next is setting up a cron that will output something :)


<nekroze> I am trying to update from 18.03 to 18.09 via `sudo nixos-rebuild boot` but it fails towards the end with "perl: warning: Setting locale failed." I have found some stuff with that error on google but nothing pans out, am I missing something from the update process?
<wpcarro> I wrote a shell script to integrate my window movement and closing between i3 and Emacs using a shell script. I'd like a way to package the shell script in a way that allows users to whitelist it in the `systemPackages` as something like `i3-and-emacs`. Once they have this, I'm hoping to have an executable named `i3-and-emacs` available on that user's `$PATH`. I imagine this involved making a derivation.
<zduch4c> wasn't 18.03 ~300MB or something?
* nDuff plays around with the syntax a bit, and eventually gets something kludgy but working: nix-build -E 'let pkgs = import '"$PWD"' { }; in pkgs.gnupg1compat.override { gnupg = pkgs.gnupg20.override { guiSupport = false; }; }'
<Mateon1> I'm probably misunderstanding something, tensorflow has some optionals for CPU feature flags that I'd like to set. Is .override not the correct way to do this?
<Mateon1> Hi, I may be misunderstanding something, but why doesn't this work?: nix-shell -p 'python3.withPackages (p: [p.tensorflow.override { sse42Support = true; }])' - on import Python throws a ModuleNotFoundError
<obadz> hi all, has anyone connected a printer to nixos recently? something maybe wifi based via google cloud print or the like
<kiloreux> In "overrideAttrs", how can I add new requirements to the package (specific library or something like that)?
<srhb> rfold: Regarding building and running something: In short, it doesn't matter whether you or the malicious person builds the malware that is run on your computer. :-)
<Purple-mx> has anyone ever tried to compose multiple trees (nixpkgs & overlays) into a single one? I guess nix could do it, or something like dhall, although I still havent played with dhall so my opinion on that isnt well researched


<sphalerite> glasserc: I'm not sure about all this stuff though, maybe restarting gnome-shell (alt-f2, r, enter, unless this has changed in the past 8 years or something) will make it find the new applications?
<samueldr> (sorry if I missed something you said earlier)
<clever> start something up
<symphorien> you may be installing something else, unwillingly
<MrFrog> is there something that makes it obvious it doesn't support macOS? patchelf specifically?
<MrFrog> sphalerite: oh perfect thanks! good to know. just really wasn't sure why something that felt simple was failing
<MrFrog> i'm new to nix and on a mac and having issues installing a package (elasticsearch). it looks like i'm missing a command "patchelf". i'm unsure if something is wrong with the package, my environment, or how i'm writing my `shell.nix` file: https://pastebin.com/chGfuenp
<jasongrossman> wpcarro: Many things (e.g. key bindings) can be configured at more than one level. Which is a real pain compared to something more unified like MacOS.
<boothead> Looking around it seems this might also be a problem with older versions of something being used?
<aramiscd> Hey, I'm looking for something like
<bemeurer> Does anyone have directions on how to do something like that?


<samueldr> kalbasit[m]: while doing something else I had a lightbulb moment, understood what was going on
<samueldr> hmm, I believe so, let me test something
<sevanspowell> That's a lot of good information, I'll give it a go and come back if I have any issues. Thank you everyone. Hopefully I'll know enough to actually contribute something at some point.
<sevanspowell> ldlework: Ah so, I would like my team to be able to do something like this: https://gist.github.com/sevanspowell/2a1dc0382074f4c7cfc3d2f204037b8c
<catern> A feature request that I think makes a lot of sense! It would be nice if when using --store or something, you could have sharing of disk space between multiple stores
<catern> I dunno, I was just thinking that something as fundamental as this would have an equally fundamental reason why, but this just seems like a relatively minor efficiency concern
<__red__> and work on something else instead
<trevthedev> something broke everything is okay
<catern> gchristensen: hmm, yes, but you wouldn't build something again if it's already built
<cransom> a hash is reproducible too. everywhere i've seen a uuid, it's randomly generated. you could stuff a hash into something that looks like a uuid, but why?
<infinisil> uuid's are per definition unique, which would mean unique amongst different machines, so everybody would have to rebuild everything for their own uuids, or something like that
<trevthedev> i tried doing something similar
<trevthedev> like, exwm.config = ./exwm.el or something
<rawtaz> i thought that "in XML" meant something like "in XML too", as if they were already documented in a format that was e.g. available on the website. i understand now what you mean. good idea!
<magnetophon> sphalerite: almost 500 corrupted now. maybe something else is wrong?
<sphalerite> magnetophon: yeah that won't help, nix-store -r won't redownload something if it's already there. Try nix-store --repair-path /nix/store/plwp97zfj51hgr3rv80jkqmwa8mdxv79-nixos-rebuild
<sphalerite> sgraf: I don't know much about home-manager, but I'm guessing there's some equivalent of nixos's systemPackages and nixpkgs.overlays. I presume you're modifying your SSH in an overlay or something — just move whatever you're defining openssh as into the systemPackages equivalent
<sphalerite> well then! nixos-rebuild is supposed to be a shell script iirc, try opening it in less or something to see what it's looking like :D
<Myrl-saki> Is there something that's like assert+throw?
<Myrl-saki> It's pretty much a plugin or something.
<Myrl-saki> It would actually also be pretty nice to write this in Prolog or something.
<Myrl-saki> Starting to get something working. :)
<Myrl-saki> Give me a few, like 30 mins to write this out. I kinda need something like this.
<infinisil> sevanspowell: (But then you need something like mkDerivation in it with buildInputs as the -p's)
<CMCDragonkai> If I want to use something like `sudo mount -t nfs4 ...` what kind of Nix packages do I need?
<infinisil> Ah yeah, i suspected something like this


<freepotion> Mic92: https://github.com/projectatomic/rpm-ostree they did something wired
<freepotion> Mic92: redhat did something similar, rpm-ostree
<dhess> clever: yeah if I were doing something from scratch I think I'd start with not-os
<dhess> sphalerite: yeah I know about NixWRT. It sounds promising but I need something that works now, which is why I'm looking into how to build OpenWRT using the Nix ecosystem.
<dhess> clever: ok I'll check that out, although I'm already running NixOS on my router :) Here I'm specifically interested in something I can run on WAPs with very small amounts of flash and RAM
<samueldr> because there *is* something strange happening here, don't know if it's related to the serious problems you had
<nico202> nope, NixOS. I recently had serious problems and I just re-installed it so maybe there's something strange happening
<clever> teser: oh right, and since your doing something diff now you have to undo the improvement i gave
<philippD> Is there a function in lib or something that extracts the name of a nix-store path?
<sphalerite> sure, but that's nixos modules. You still have the guarantee that if you add something to systemPackages or install it with nix-env, you can go right back to where you were before
<d1rewolf> anyone here used something like chef before? could you comment on your experience vs nix?
<d1rewolf> samueldr: sounds like it might be easier to just test in an debian vm or something
<d1rewolf> this raises a general nixos question for me. as a user, i would expect to search for phabricator, and, if found, would probably expect it to be a fairly recent version. is there something in the nixos workflow which tracks aging packages? are they eventually marked for removal?
<sphalerite> pmade: right… it should be extra-substituters. People seem to run into this quite a bit, I'm not really sure why (if cachix does this wrong or something..?)
<sphalerite> teto: emily: my earlier statements about iwd working pretty well may be disregarded. It works well at first, but then seems to spontaneously disconnect, or dhcpcd suddenly gives up on the addresses and doens't get them back, or something…
<MrAngel> So I can only conclude there's something you need to do to enable powerline for tmux specifically that I've just plain missed
<sphalerite> in which case you can just do programs.awesome.package = pkgs.callPackage ./awesome.nix {}; or something
<sphalerite> the overlay might not really be necessary if the awesome module allows setting the package, maybe there's a programs.awesome.package option or something
<sphalerite> teser: there are various ways to do this. You can probably add it back by grabbing the package definition from a verison that had 3.5, and doing something like nixpkgs.overlays = [(self: super: {awesome = super.callPackage ./awesome.nix {};})]; in your configuration.nix to have awesome replaced with awesome 3.5
<Taneb> That's not really something I want to ename
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at (string):196:31
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at (string):196:34
<mvnetbiz> jackdk, yeah I did read through that. I thought it was some nix idiosyncrasy but I believe I just misunderstood cmake manual, it appears only relative paths get that appended or something, because an install command for destination "bin" works but it is the install for destination "/usr/lib" that fails
<teto> the error when you try to access a set member starting by a number is less than stellar "attempt to call something which is not a function but a set" (triggered by a = { "56" = 5; b = 4;} a.56)
<sphalerit> Or something like that
<boomshroom> Looks like Dwarf Fortress failed to update because it couldn't rm something.
<slack1256> Is there something like `git reflog` for nix generations?


<colemickens> Or you could send upstream patches that make those paths a build-time configuration option, so that you could just set a Make flag or something, rather than having to write/maintain a patch, etc.
<ottidmes> exactly and learned something new today :)
<samueldr> probably something like adding boot.debug1 and then doing the right things :/ https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/#ch-troubleshooting
<ottidmes> prio.) So my question is, is there a default root password for root, before you set it to something else yourself?
<symphorien> but if you pin your overlay to something which is known to be in cachix
<jonge> symphorien: ok this way i get the list of derivations and patches etc. etc. needed to build this, but from here, would i have to translate the derivation paths back to the result paths and count their sizes or something like that?
<selfsymmetric-pa> FRidh: Why am I doing `let nixpkgs` when `nixpkgs` isn't part of any other subexpression. Is that hidden? Am I overriding something global?
<d1rewolf> even though it's there and executable. In the past, iirc, this occurs when the exe is looking for something like /lib that's not there
<wpcarro> So to get something like this: I'd do `(impot (fetchTarball SHA).pkgs.applications.misc.1password)`?
<Myrl-saki> wpcarro: You can still do it that way, with `(import (fetchTarball https://github.com/...) {}).foo` or something of the like.
<rcherrueau> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/1af8f3a980bb8ac92f5c09ac23cca4781571bcd1/pkgs/applications/graphics/ImageMagick/default.nix#L47? Is the `include' sub-directory of `imagemagick.dev' is also searched by the C compiler if I go with something like `buildInputs = [pkgs.imagemagick ];'?
<gchristensen> tnks: same? :) manveru: my desktop here is from ~'09, not great for building. I rent big builders hourly when I have something which is longer than 30min
<tnks> I'm double-checking something that's annoyed me before. I know with configuration arguments coming into an import of nixpkgs you can specify overlays, and you can have many of these. But once I've got the instance of nixpkgs, can I layer on more overlays?
<Myrl-saki> I'm guessing they're doing real-time something here.
<Myrl-saki> manveru: Try cross or something.
<Myrl-saki> Friedem: I may have done something wrong, but I cross compiled a static i686 binary and it didn't run on jslinux.
<fendor> i think something like that would make sense to ease the entry barrier for beginners learning the language.
<fendor> clever, then i can read the file, but i can not generate some kind of documentation nor in the repl read the signature or something like that
<clever> tcpdump the lan and wan interfaces of the desktop, and ping something it should forward
<Mic92> shreyansh_k: something like `config.firefox.enableAdobeFlash = true;` in ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix
<kreetx> so I would guess something it uses from macOS is not available there
<srhb> Right, it's just something we're using internally. search for pythonModule in the same file for instance
<srhb> Myrl-saki: I don't think it has anything to do with a "module" in the python sense. It's a python module in the sense that nixpkgs views a python module (apparently) as something that has those attributes.
<aminechikhaoui> philippD: you mean something like nix-locate ?
<b1000101> clever: hmmm, there's actually something going on when I disconnect/connect the DVI ...
<adisbladis> But maybe something that just does "mechanical work" would not be too hard
<sevanspowell> Likely will use something like `nixpkgs.haskellPackages.override`
<elvishjerricco> sevanspowell: Are you using `haskell.lib.packageSourceOverrides` or something?
<sevanspowell> Usually I'd do something like this: https://gist.github.com/sevanspowell/2a8c68e1ce12c145565e510f8840cd3b
<ivan> sometimes strace can point to something useful, or maybe it'll work better if you clear its download cache, or maybe this is a new issue you need to file
<cransom> you want to remember something new and different that a tool you already use can do?
<CMCDragonkai> Just something first-class so I don't have to remember how to write a trap.
<elvishjerricco> wpcarro: I tried to find something for that a while ago and came to the conclusion that we're just never gonna have iMessage on Linux. There used to be some CLI iMessage clients for macOS, which would have been great since I could just use those over ssh in Linux. But they don't seem to work anymore


<akavel> @Lisanna but IIUC, it registers a "setup hook", and I have to create full mkDerivation to use it, right? I'd really prefer something akin to writeShellScriptBin
<colemickens> If I launch sway from TTY1, it seems like pinentry is still trying to prompt on TTY1 or something.
<charleshd> it just seems like a standard issue for me, I was hoping somebody though of something before me, but I'll investigate how to do that later tonight.
<wpcarro> Does anyone know if NixOS supports KDE and i3 together out of the box? Or is it something that needs to be configured ad-hoc in both the i3 config and KDE config?
<infinisil> Ah yeah something like that, nice!
<kreetx> alright, I have another problem :) does nix require xcode? I might have been too trigger happy just recently and removed it to save space, and now get something like this: dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/lib/system/libsystem_network.dylib
<jonge> so i was not sure if there is something else i forgot
<samueldr> jonge: can't actively help, but a user yesterday had the same issue, so it seems that there is something to fix
<manveru> if you want something other than executables, there's https://github.com/bennofs/nix-index
<jasongrossman> d1rewolf: I'm just guessing really, but since nobody else answered your question I thought I'd give them something to correct.
<d1rewolf> gchristensen: are you using zfs or something else? I currently have a freenas box, but am considering switching away....still...I like zfs
<betaboon> zimbatm: going back to b27e9e7 the package builds with my old derivation but something still goes weird, as the resulting dist contains errors.
<wpcarro> One interesting difference I had with the manual was that the `a` option with fdisk wasn't available (to make something bootable) is what it was advertised as doing
<samueldr> it's likely that there's something wrong with the hardware-configuration.nix and the partition identifiers
<camsbury> usually the installer is good about telling you that it expects something mounted that isn't


<__red__> You asked me to do something a certain way, but it isn't going to work because unstream hard-coded the compiler, ignoring the environment vars
<wpcarro> I've tried resizing my partition table multiple times to accomodate space, but I think I'm missing something key here
<Ralith> I'm not sure; perhaps something transitive? I'd review your compiler commands and play around with readelf -d
<Unode> when running inside nix-shell, shouldn't including a package be sufficient for a binary to find a lib provided by the package? Trying to run something compiled manually against X11. Compilation works in the same environment ldd reports libX11.so.6 => not found
<MrAngel> Do I need to designate a default channel or something?
<rawtaz> then again there are multiple of those projects. nixos-infect or something as well i think.
<MrAngel> Hence my assumption that something was out of date
<Unode> though I can't really tell if this is a mistake on nix-index or if something weird happened to that file in the cache.
<Diagon> Could nix pkg manager be used by a non-root user? Eg, something like homebrew/linuxbrew?
<Zajcev> I think I need something else?


<devoid> Or perhaps a more specific question: assuming I figure out how to have a standalone nix file that does the right things, how should I package something like https://github.com/thebigmunch/gmusicapi-scripts which contains multiple separate cli commands: gmupload gmdelete gmsearch, etc. ?
<joepie91> okay, something is definitely broken here
<Unode> infinisil: your examples cover a few of the things I mentioned. nix-index covers something which gentoo doesn't (didn't?). You need to have it on the system to find what package owns it.
<gchristensen> if you require +v to speak, people without +v can still message iirc, and +o's can see their messages. an idea was to have {^_^} (or something) be +o to hand out +v to registered people, and reply to people who tried to speak without being registered
<stick`> i read something about crossSystem but i cannot figure that out :-/


<__monty__> No way to get a shell from something that was nix-copy-closure'd?
<samueldr> something about a curtain, a wizard and "oz"
<cypher4> DrJ: well, +z makes sense, +m is something we are discussing.
<gchristensen> (nequissmess or something, I can't remember exactly either :D )
<d1rewolf> gchristensen: how does one tell if something wants to restart? ;)
<gchristensen> I do it if systemd or the kernel updated, but it is just something I look for and then decide to reboot.
<d1rewolf> how would one evaluation something like "(python.withPackages ((ps: with ps; [ dbus-python requests ])))" with nix-shell? I have this in my systemPackages, but knowing how to with nix-shell for one offs would be very nice
<octe> maybe it's something else
<octe> infinisil, i'm confused.. there is something like that in /etc/bashrc
<infinisil> octe: Do you have something like the following in your bashrc:
<d1rewolf> adamt: I didn't but I will...my immediate assumption was it was something related to nix's structure, but perhaps it is not. THank you!
<Ashy> yeap, i'm doing something similar now
<srhb> yurb: Normally, something like this: pkgs/applications/audio/chuck/default.nix
<Taneb> symphorien: I've got something that works with -p 2 on blah.src but doesn't work with stripLen = 2
<lrvick> I was honestly not trying to troll and was hoping I missed something, but... holy fuck.
<yurb> ...it seems it doesn't include alsa midi support, because I don't see libalsa (or something like that) in the dependencies
<sphalerite> and because I've practically never lived in Germany even though I'm German, so I figured it's something I could catch up on
<pie_> callwithkde or something
<colemickens> Is Konqueror intentionally unavailable, or am I doing something wrong?
<nekroze> I am trying to update my machine from 18.03 to 18.09 but I am getting a handful of perl errors because "Setting locale failed" but I have it defined in my nixos configuration. Is there something else I need to do for this upgrade?


<YaZko> Hi everyone. A naive question: I just updated my OS X to Mojave, and the nix commands seems to no longer be in my path, my beloved nix-shell in particular. Is it expected and is there a script I should re-run, or did something go south? My /nix seems to be intact
<kiloreux_> cransom, I checked the docs for it but it's still not clear how I could override something like fetchurl in this specific example ?
<catid> Hello! Doing some C++ development, and CMake is saying "cannot find -lx264" though the package is installed system-wide. I must be missing something basic - How do I make installed libraries available to CMake?
<Myrl-saki> I'm thinking of doing something like `f (trace ./.)` to found out where f is declared.
<judson> Yeah. For purposes of experiement I'll need to merge something into the gem-config, but that should be easy.
<manveru> something like `gemConfig = defaultGemConfig // { uglifier = attrs: { buildInputs = [ nodejs ]; }; };` in your bundlerEnv should work
<judson> Should I a) have the module add nodejs to systemPackages? b) add node to the systemd PATH argument? c) do something with the Rails app package to put node always in its env?
<pi3r> Or something in rust would be less big ?
<adamt> I'm planning on wasting this 1.9TB of disk place on something
<Myrl-saki> How to know somethings is broken.
<xok> something like this in a normal system: cpan App::cpanminus
<Phlogistique> something like 'find result -type f | while read f; do mkdir -p fhs/usr/local/$(dirname $f); ln -s $(realpath $f) fhs/usr/local/$f; done; tar caf portable-install.tar.gz -C fhs . $(nix-store -qR result)'
<Purple-mx> we could also setup something for different people to compare their builds
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: I have something embarrassing in the source code I made profesionally..
<Purple-mx> not really something youde wanna builtin
<kandinski> (I thought only speaking up when something doesn't work and I require help was churlish, so here's to everything working perfectly :champagne_glass:)


<schmittlauch[m]> (if someone knows Gentoo: I'm looking for something like equery)
<gchristensen> ok ok here comes something cool
<ixxie> I don't know for sure, I am just speculating - but if it encrypts something and knows microservice X owns it, it can send the private key to X through a networking service like Consul and then X can open the resource but Vault can't
<vaibhavsagar> ideally something like nixStable21
<LnL> treating secrets as something persistent inherently means that you loose access control
<elvishjerricco> gchristensen: deployment.keys could do with some improvements though; preferably something like the `static` thing we do for `/etc`, so that keys can be removed automatically when they're no longer in the deployment.
<gchristensen> if you pass buildEnv a single path it will optimize itself and create symlinks to directories, instead of making a directory and a symlink for every file inside. is there something like buildEnv which doesn't make that optimisation?
<__monty__> philippD: I think there's something in the nixpkgs manual for that? You could bookmark the appropriate section.
<samueldr> I recall something along the lines
<symphorien> I am building something with pandoc as nativeBuildInput. It pulls ghc-doc and all sorts of doc outputs. isn't it wasteful ?
<manveru> something is still referencing nix 2.0.4 on that system
<adamt> srhb: It is. But I think the next step is reproducing with something less than all software required for 43 hosts.
<srhb> adamt: If you're producing nars not-on-the-fly I imagine you may be doing something needlessly complex.
<LnL> gchristensen: yeah, that looks like it's substituting something from the cache and libcurl got stuck?
<infinisil> elitak: However iirc i think johnw_ has been experimenting with something to flatten Nix expressions using hnix, not sure how far that is
<elitak> it's going to give me this internal representation {_module = {... rather than something you'd see in configuration.nix
<elitak> because it's going to spit out something like {_module=...}
<elitak> my real goal is to dump something into /etc/nixos/configuration.nix format
<Dezgeg> via /proc you can find the symlinks like 0 -> 'pipe:[62487671]' where you can presumably locate the other end of the pipe by looking for something with the same number in the brackets
<azazel> It would be nice to build something on it (a friend of mine developed a scaffolding generation application https://pypi.org/project/metapensiero.tool.tinject/ ), unfortunately I will not be attending the conference...
<clever> it sounds like you ran something with sudo, and darwin was nice enough to leave $HOME unchanged


<lostman> hi all. i have some issues with nixops. maybe someone can help? 1) it complains that system.nixos.stateVersion is not set. Where do I set it? and 2) when it copies closure from my host OS it is using the uid of my host OS user (single user nix install on Ubuntu). So everything ends up horribly broken. How can I make it copy and chown to root or nixbld or something?
<elvishjerricco> judson: I don't see a reason that line would cause that error. Are you sure it's not something else?
<wpcarro> infinisil: I'm thinking something like `TOKEN = subShell "trousseau get secret_token"`
<elvishjerricco> wpcarro, worldofpeace: Yea that article has been working well for me for a while now. I still want something nicer, I just haven't figured anything better out yet
<nDuff> Hmm -- I think I'm misunderstanding something here. I was under the impression that if I defined, say, config_template=./foobar inside my default.nix, I could refer to ${config_template} to get a fully-qualified path to foobar inside a '' ''-quoted string with a build step.
<Mic92> would be a good execuse to ditch my irc client + bitlbee and replace it with something modern.
<halfbit> so is ubuntu trying to do something like nix with its whole snap system?
<buckley310> I'm attempting to get the VMware Horizon client running as a nix package, but its not quite working. Something seems to be still hardcoded looking for "/usr/lib/...". Is anyone here good at these? :) https://gist.github.com/buckley310/6a5f77461a91cd5918ffdfe0f8a02b03
<wpcarro> is there a way to define a command in `shell.nix` that gets run as soon as the shell boots up? Like if I wanted to jump into a REPL or something?
<domenkozar> err, something broke :)
<zduch4c> maybe I could change the toplevel `epkgs` thing to something that encompasses all emacs packages
<manveru> will have to think of something else then... can't make this privileged
<elvishjerricco> srhb: I don't think so, but I've often wanted such a thing. Let me know if you find something / add something to nixpkgs :P
<betaboon> symphorien: yeah something like that seems to be usefull :D
<srhb> kandinski: So as long as you dont override libc or something, you'll be fine most of the time. ;)
<kandinski> srhb: nothing to aplogise for, you are awesome. For a while I was also maintaining my own backported tree, so I thought it was normal that I was compiling so much. It's only when I moved to stock derivation trees that I started to wonder whether something was wrong.
<srhb> So that everything can just be nix-shell expr -- "pkgs: ... " or something similar
<Taneb> Is there a way to have a path to something in the nix store without using builtins.toPath? I'm currently doing "${caffe.src}/src/proto"
<clever> if you do want to use nixpkgs-unstable, you can add it to root, but name it something other then nixpkgs, since that name is a bit special
<adetokunbo> clever: I got something like rror: string '/nix/store/jxgbxfzi68bakp2g33yv4rz01f6v1pvl-xxx' cannot refer to other paths
<adetokunbo> I am using nixpkgs on Ubuntu. I'm installing something I built locally into the nix-store, and I'm trying to use it in another nix-build without rebuilding it.
<clever> but as you have seen, a machine without secureboot can just run something like uboot, and then uboot is free to lie and claim secureboot is "on"


<_d0t> should I change the group in bladeRF for something that already exists in NixOS?
<typetetris> sphalerite: It is a kernel bug. Something used `proc_mkdir` in the kernel instead of `proc_create_mount_point` or some such. Installing a newer kernel made it work.
<devhell> is networking.interfaces.eth0.ipv4.routes = [ { address = ""; prefixLength = 24; via = ""; } ]; not correct or am I missing something?
<wpcarro> is there a way to get nix to evaluate the `shellAliases` after something like the `zsh.interactiveShellInit`? It seems like some of my aliases are being overwritten
<typetetris> I did set 'sandbox = true' for a multiuser nix install on a debian 8. nix-daemon is running as root. When I try to build something I get errors, because the mounting of /proc in the sandbox seems to be not permitted. What am I doing wrong?
<makefu> just like every time something bad happens to an otherwise open community ...
<sphalerite> jackdk: also re. FON bitmap fonts, it looks like it's possible but not trivial to fiddle them into something that will work on linux
<jackdk> Thanks sphalerite. #45969 is the PR. Does request-review mention a specific command or bot-trigger or something? I can't find anything obvious on a web search
<clever> i can see that 3 days ago, something stopped building
<kandinski> so if I had added unstable with `nix-add https:...unstable nixos`, then I would be guaranteeing that every time I install or update something as the user, I'd be doing it from unstable
<clever> if you try to install something you already have, it will instead upgrade it
<kandinski> my thoughts, as a n00b, were "run the system on something stable, and have latest packages on my user"
<kandinski> Do you mind taking a look at this? I think I've done something to my system in such a way that I'm building the world: https://pastebin.com/VDWPqtwV
<kandinski> I just want to know whether I'm doing something wrong here
<samueldr> this lists everything keeping something "alive"


<sphalerite> but in each of the cases, at some point you're calling into nixpkgs, the nix package collection, which contains several thousand packages, and selecting something within it
<steveeJ> something even NixOS sticks to :D
<alex``> I think because it source the xsession or something like that
<nDuff> *nod*, thanks -- I'll see what it takes to get something together, and can go from there.
<emily> nDuff: maybe ask on the discourse or something
<nh2> what's the way to clear that cache, so that nix will check again whether something exists at a substituter?
<Myrl-saki> d1rewolf: Something might be putting python in your PATH.
<Streetwalrus> srhb: it's something custom, we're moving some things from another distro where we had multiple scripts using a shared environment, so systemd templates allowed us to enable them all with a single unit file
<srhb> Right, but that error message looks like the error you'd get from something that interprets it as a unix path, not a URL.
<srhb> alex``: Maybe something to do with the file:// prefix?


<infinisil> haslersn: Does it work when you select a boot device manually? via F12 or something while booting
<infinisil> Yeah, seems like something worth fixing
<JonReed> pointfourone: When you build something, it's stored in `/nix/store`. A binary for that package will be in `/nix/store/<package-hash>/bin`. You can launch it from there manually.
<clever> steveeJ: you may need to run something like udev trigger or settle to update /dev/
<EternalZenith> Unless that means something else
<zduch4c> to perhaps something in /run/?