
<catern> is there any built-in way in Nix or Nixpkgs to build a tarball containing the closure of something, plus the necessary information to load it into the store? (its references graph)
<dcol> I'm compiling for armv7l so I don't have the pkgsCross sugar, I suspect I've missed something there. very valuable, thanks!
<jomik> zurdo: Yeah - but I also want to be able to finalize a configuration in a generation, so that I can rollback if I fuck something up :D
<srhb> Anyway it sounds like something from somewhere in trivial builders...
<dramforever> And configurePhase failed with something about not being able to use ncurses
<Dedalo> Guys, I'm having a problem installing NixOS on VMware. I have partitioned, launched the configuration.nix generation script, modified the /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix, but when I launch nixos-install I get this "the fileSystems option doesn't specify your root filesystem. I have checked, and in fact, there is only swap. Maybe I missed a step or I did something wrong. Any idea?


<iqubic> gchristensen: I have something important to tell you.
<Ericson2314> gchristensen: when vaibhavsagar wants to ask me something, he tends to swivel his chair 180 rather than use IRC :)
<clever> nix-env will merge everything together as it scans .nix-defexpr, and doesnt really care if something "non-standard" like test/foo/default.nix turns up
<Growpotkin> I have something similar now with a really gross zsh script haha
<inf> note: this is my second NixOS system, and I've only started playing with it less than a month ago, so I might be missing something obvious. I installed this system following the manual (like i did with the first one), just running of nixos instead of "live" nixos install system.
<djahandarie> Not planning on using upgrade-nix, just saying that I'll hopefully never need to do this weird channel and schema hacking since there's something which does it for me now!
<elvishjerricco> Personally I'd like to see NixOps's model changed to something more Nix-driven. I like the idea of a NixOps expression just being a derivation that builds scripts that perform the deployment. That'd be much easier to work with
<{^_^}> nix-mode#58 (by grahamc, 15 hours ago, open): Support find-file-at-point or something like it, to open a file referenced by your nix expression
<averell> i thought it was bing or something like that underneath?
<psy3497> stackage2nix looks promising but I can not use it as when I'm trying to install it with `nix-env` I get "error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at stackage2nix/nix/stackage2nix/default.nix:1:13"
<hedning> fusion809: you should do an overlay: https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#sec-overlays-definition . and do something like `python3.pkgs.hypothesis.override { doCheck = false; }` I belive
<ottidmes> psy3497: you probably have something causing mass rebuilds on nixos-18.09, that cache should work fine with nixos-18.09
<gchristensen> colemickens: it is something I built like a year ago as a hack
<colemickens> wait is that something new you're building gchristensen ? does it boot in <some cloud>, output imgs?
<colemickens> arianvp: If you get something that works well for DNS resolutions, please let me know. This current NSCD setup is extremely unfortunate IMO.
<ottidmes> iqubic: I suppose you did something along the lines of boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest; and you probably used the default setting before, so just comment that line and you should be back
<ottidmes> ldlework: I reading about it in an issue, but the rationale behind it is pretty sound, `with` tends to be used with big attrsets defined outside the file's scope, so if you define something with a let, it should not get its meaning changed after something in the with attrset gets added at a future point
<ottidmes> Just learned something new about Nix. I always assumed `with` to shadow what was in scope, but its not doing that (only to other outer scoped `with`s)
<psy3497> I prefer that over channels as it keeps everything inside the nix expression itself. Without depending on something in the environment.
<ottidmes> simpson: its something I have t o look into at some point, right now I dont really need containers yet, I am just keeping a lookout of news regarding the tech
<ottidmes> that is not too big of a problem, just name it something else, but if I do that, you still have the problem that all imports will have to be used to determine config._module.args, and so you cannot have with mylib; anywhere above any imports
<Dedalo> I read that a restart in necessary every time you install something using OSTree rpm-ostree. I would like to use NixOS, but I'm dealing with a lo of containers. What is your opinions guys?
<ottidmes> clever: I would love your input on the second paragraph of my comment here: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/51797#issuecomment-446016704 am I missing something and is what I propose there already feasible right now?
<ottidmes> clever: but it would work though with something like: import file-that-alters-nix-path.nix; with those definitions before any import call?


<GlennS> Anyone know how to use Nginx modules in NixOS? I'm guessing I need to make an override of the Nginx package and put something into the `modules` parameter, then pass the overriden package to `services.nginx.package`?
<samueldr> something like: boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest; # in your configuration.nix
<samueldr> and iqubic, do you have something similar to the following in your configuration.nix? imports = [ <nixpkgs/nixos/modules/installer/scan/not-detected.nix> ];
<iqubic> It says that something or other failed.
<asymmetric> cransom: i'd need something like fromINI
<techieAgno2tic> i have a shell.nix that does some image magick stuff. when i run it on my laptop with --pure, i get one image, and on my server with --pure i get a slightly different one. i thought it might be that it didn't have the font, so i added that to the overrides and it installed fine, but im still getting a different image. is there something special i have to do to install fonts?
<jomik> I have written this services now... https://gist.github.com/Jomik/1922d039c61ab8d64e9dc6971be677b5 but it gives an error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set. It seems to be `overrideAttrs` ?
<bbarker> Is there a way to add user-level environment info to configuration.nix? sorry if I missed it in the appendix - didn't see anything likely under users.users.<name?> - end goal is to have something like environment.loginShellInit at user-level granularity
<__monty__> jomik: No. Turns out ghc doesn't produce a binary unless Main.main exists. I'm in the habit of naming my modules something else (and not exporting main) and that works fine when I use the nix-shell shebang but not when compiling apparently. Also a little surprised ghc doesn't complain about the #! lines.
<pie_> ok i commented out my change, its something else i did :)
<pie_> srhb: has anyone thought of changing things so something like that *can* work? xD
<tazjin> clever: it definitely used to, though, so I suppose something was fixed (depending on perspective)
<tazjin> did something change in 18.09 with how/when build envs are constructed? Specifically I used to be able to do builds requiring pkgconfig+openssl in my normal user env in 18.03, in .09 it only works in derivations or nix-shell
<vdemeester> Hum something is weird… https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/51627 <- I can build it as-is on my system…
<eyjhb> `/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs/svn-revision` should tell you something uesefull
<eyjhb> rhalff: from 1 to 10, how hacky is it, to do something like that in a `.bashrc` to get the path?
<rhalff> eyjhb, something like "${pkgs.<packagname>}" ? I see it being used everywhere, not sure though. e.g. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/programs/nano.nix#L38
<ldlework> Is there a way to get nix-build to print out a phrase of a derivation or something
<emily> you might also be able to hack something up with virgl
<rhalff> I want to have X access to my nixos containers, currently using xrdp which works ok. But is there a way to get the host's X performance? or should I use something like virtualbox for that (I prefer not).
<Rusty1> would dmesg | grep bluetooth show something?


<samueldr> I don't really know how those platform things work, but I probably need to for something; can you share notes when you solve this bgamari?
<bgamari> it feels like I must be doing something wrong
<ottidmes> __monty__: is that not just described on the man page, or do you mean something else?
<samueldr> this is something many other distros face if you search this online, always close to something grub or something lvm (and I think the reason it's close to grub is since it supports lvm)
<samueldr> AFAIK this is a warning from LVM or something close, which shouldn't be an issue in the end
<jomik> Curious; this may be mentioned somewhere. When we install something, it happens from a channel, I assume it reflects this branch https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/tree/release-18.09 . What if I want to add and use my own repository? Should that only be done by forking/cloning nixpkgs and then installing from a local folder?
<eliasp> what's the correct way to write "foo = [ bar ] ++ mkIf blah.option [ something ];"? this just gives me "error: value is a set while a list was expected, …", while omitting "mkIf" makes it work perfectly fine
<eyjhb> avn: is there something I can change in my config, so I don't need to speicfy -I nixpkgs=xxxx ?
<eyjhb> Hmm... I learn something new each day then :D - I really just ... feel like there must be a cleaner solution........ But I guess not.....
<Laalf> tilpner: what? i am kinda new to nix. i didnt think i was suggesting something
<eyjhb> Laalf: Was just a quick thought, if the user-agent that home-amanger/nix uses to DL the files is blocked, or something.... Happens sometimes, but ... yeah...
<Mic92> It seems php56 is not a package but something else in your case
<jackdk_> because of https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/2393 , I've just bootstrapped a version of nix on my rpi 3, but whenever it tries to download anything I get curl error 35, which is something ssl-related. how do I debug this?
<ottidmes> probably something taken from nice values of Linux processes, which also have lower the number, higher the priority
<ldlework> gchristensen: i feel like we should organize a "Nix Reproducability Challenge" or something
<Ralith> are you trying to make nixops install home-manager or something
<Ralith> if you have something against channels, just reference the path directly
<Ralith> if you have something against channels, just reference the path directly


<eyjhb> Well well well... Finally something that makes displaylink work somewhat
<ramirez7> I'm having trouble getting acme certs working w/nginx. It looks like the acme sceript itself runs before Kernel CRNG is initialized ('osrandom_init:getrandom() initialization failed with EAGAIN. Most likely Kernel CPRNG is not seeded yet.'). In journalctl, I confirmed that "kernel: random: crng init done" occurs well after the acme script fails. Is there any way to get systemd to wait for crng init or something?
<gchristensen> eyjhb: "main" is not a nix instruction, so it has to be something else here
<tilpner> Good idea, I should eat something too
<Izorkin> maybe something to do with PR https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/44343
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at (string):210:1
<Synthetica> siraben: Mostly, you'll probably want to set your hostname to something else tho
<ottidmes> CodeKiwi: not sure what you mean with "a ghc" but if you mean an archive, that should not be normal, no, if you can get something reproducable, maybe create an issue?
<CodeKiwi> Is nix always unbearably slow to do anything or is there something wrong with my computer
<ottidmes> fusion809: I would suggest searching for other Java graphical apps in nixpkgs and see if you can see something that might help, I have never packaged a Java app for Nix, so not sure about the gotchas
<fusion809> Hello good folks, I'm doing something I wouldn't have had the guts to a mere week ago, creating my own package. It is for a Java-based chemistry package I am quite acquainted with, the Marvin Suite. This is what I have so far: https://gist.github.com/d214aaaeb64bb441c99bf11e1c3fda7f. The problem facing me atm is that ~/.nix-profile/opt/chemaxon/marvinsuite/MarvinSketch is returning a Java error I have no idea how to solve:
<ottidmes> while with a lib, you tend to do: with lib; and thus if you than define something like nixpkgs.overlays in that config with that with lib; at the top, nixpkgs.overlays will have it as a dependency
<gchristensen> shlevy and niksnut have been hacking on require.nix for something like that
<ottidmes> infinisil: feature request for the bot (well... related to it), would be nice if I could query the definitions in it outside of IRC as well, maybe something like options.html/packages.html on nixos.org, it could reach more people that way (although I guess not all definitions are like mini-FAQs)
<ottidmes> iqubic: sure, but that is not something I know on the top of my head, would need to google it myself too
<aszlig> we're having an overlayfs regression (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/48828#issuecomment-445208626) and i'd like to test that before submitting something to the kernel maintainers which only reproduces the problem on nixos


<ottidmes> cyounkins: it had to be something simple like that, such things happen, like not understanding why something is not working and finding out you have been editing a copy of the file
<locallycompact> I want to just do something like
<Synthetica> Is there something about nix-shell that makes it recompile the kernel when I try to build my system from a nix-shell?
<ottidmes> I have to do some more tests but it seems I finally solved my issue with _module.args and infinite recursion, the problem being pkgs was also defined via _module.args, so I could not use any _module.args in a config defining something that affected pkgs (i.e. an overlay), making _module.args pretty useless to me
<gchristensen> narinfo queries cost about $0.0004 per thousand, and there is no specified policy w.r.t. burst / daily limits. it sounds like you have a Big Project in mind, maybe you could share some info privately? the nixos foundation does, of course, appreciate support to help cover costs, something we can talk about too
<jabranham> gchristensen: awesome. I'll keep that in mind for the future. For now, nix-diff.sh seems to have done the job. In that it told me enough that the issue I'm running into is of my own making, not because something updated and broke stuff. :-/
<qyliss^work> Something called nix-diff
<srhb> fendor: --no-out-link or something :-)
<fendor> i am trying to unset fish as my default shell, maybe I messed something up there
<fendor> it might still be something with fish i Think
<fendor> srhb, can KDE set something?
<srhb> Glorious. Well, since altering your configuration changed _something_ I guess you did already have _something_ there touching locales.
<srhb> fendor: Then you probably have something else overriding it locally somewhere.
<bkchr> Hey. Since a long time I having problems with rust's cargo and git dependencies, sometimes they just timeout with a ssl error. Does someone else observed something similar on Nixos?
<dramforever> I mean 'keeping track of the N last users that said something'
<ottidmes> infinisil: ah ok, minimal as it is, it should be enough to implement such a feature, keeping track of the N last users that said something
<ottidmes> infinisil: its also not possible to track say the last N user names that said something, and just check if its in that list?
<dramforever> I'm not actually sure what happened, but I think it's got something to do with shared libraries
<dramforever> bobnormal: Can you try 'file -L $(which avr-g++)' or something like that?
<nDuff> ...if there's compiling happening, presumably something about your box is changing the derivations in such a way that the upstream cached versions can't be used.
<iqubic> Oh, there it goes, working on something else.
<ottidmes> ik3123: if you have another local machine with NixOS, you could probably do something with substituters
<ik3123> are there faster mirrors or something that speed up the initial install time?


<ottidmes> gchristensen: I really ought to know this, but if I build something, I see /build mentioned, any way for me too access that /build dir?
<rhalff> Hi, I'm trying to understand this code part: https://github.com/garbas/dotfiles/blob/master/config/default.nix#L35-L44 is it required to use 'inherit' when passing declared values to a function? Also not sure why all packages are hand picked and then passed into the function. Trying to determine whether it's coding style or something nix specific.
<pie_> maybe something broke because im on unstable?
<cyris212_> Are buildInputs = runtime dependencies in the case of interpreted languages or do I understand something wrong?
<ottidmes> tilpner: I could only see something about adding builtins when searching for it, but you could always create a kind of wrapper yourself and point nix.package to it, I guess
<ik3123> I thought maybe I'd try the zfs unstable, just running the nixos-install. Just thought maybe there was something obvious the wiki wasn't mentioning that I should know
<gchristensen> I don't know, maybe if you explicitly say nix copy or something?
<pie_> can the channels be downloaded from hydra or something
<pie_> im not sure why rebuild switch didnt error or something
<{^_^}> elgoosy: If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<Yaniel> maybe something about connection reuse?


<GlennS> And I don't understand whether I should be using `config.packageOverrides` or overlays or `pkgs.overridePackages` or something else.
<jonaswouters> I copied the default config for now. I'd like to have something up and running and fine tune later. Thanks
<ottidmes> jonaswouters: but the priority of mkOptionDefault is that used when you define an module option and give it a default value, which has the least priority (if you do not explicity define something with mkOverride and give it a number higher than 1500, that is), next is mkDefault, and then there is mkForce.
<jonaswouters> I've come a long way with my nix config, but today the option "keybindings = lib.mkOptionDefault { "name" = "value"; };" started complaining that the unique option is defined multiple times. Am I missing something? It is defined in the source module, and in my nix configuration (as mentioned in the error). I thought mkOptionDefault takes the default, and overrides whatever you define.
<WhittlesJr> Hey friends. Does anyone use NixOS for PAAS? I love NixOS dearly but I need to run something Dokku-ish. I see that you have deis packaged but deis workflow looks pretty shaky right now.
<thefloweringash> eyjbh: to do nixos-rebuild from a checkout, you'd run something like `nixos-rebuild -I nixpkgs=$HOME/src/nixpkgs boot`
<thefloweringash> for overriding evdi, something like this should work: https://gist.github.com/thefloweringash/90e99a7391823a360e82c815c452360a
<thefloweringash> you can use something like `for i in /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels-*-link; do grep -H . $i/nixos/.git-revision; done` to inspect your local channel generations
<samueldr> I wonder if there's something else going on with those timeouts, where it looks like it times out, but in actuality the build finishes and copies properly, but hydra doesn't see it?
<Twey> Since sandboxing forbids access to /etc/resolv.conf, how can something like fetchurl work inside a sandboxed build?
<dhess> anyone seen something similar? There are a few issues on GitHub that turn up the "mount: mounting /dev/vda on /mnt-root/ failed: No such file or directory" search string, but it's not clear what the fix was
<tilpner> And if you something like environment.systemPackages = filter yourFilter config.environment.systemPackages; it will loop
<ejpcmac> With a bare minimum install NixOS takes something like 1,5Go
<srhb> porrifolius: It'll be something like... URxvt*font: xft:Font Name:Fontproperty1=foo:fontproperty2=bar...
<sphalerite> yeah that's something I don't like, there's no real convention for "package function file" and "composition file"
<srhb> sphalerite: I guess I mostly work with projects where the intention of the shell.nix is to provide something _different_ than the default.nix :)
<ottidmes> if its not painful switching, are you sure you really gained something in the switch
<ottidmes> I am curious, that INPUT DROP line you had, is that something I might be interested in as well to further safeguard my system?
<ottidmes> dsx: it should indeed generate something like: ip46tables -A nixos-fw -p tcp --dport <TCP_PORT> -j nixos-fw-accept in firewall-start
<dsx> I have this https://pastebin.com/fVhLucgP as my firewall config, however I don't see tcp/22222 to be opened. Am I missing something?


<catern> I thought Conway's Law was something about second system effect :)
<tilpner> I don't really know. Something seems to be limiting the framerate to a suspiciously exact 1.000 fps
<xantoz> Church_: my guess is that somehow something with the initrd generation got confused or systemd got confused
<Church_> Something like nixpkgs.python36Package.NAME
<Laalf> to enable pulseaudio support in applications i use nixpkgs.config.pulseaudio = true; if i reinstall this application via nix-env it still doesnt support pulseaudio. is there something i still have to do?
<nyanloutre[m]> I will also try to find something
<sphalerite> any logs or something from the application
<Taneb> Ugh, there's something I want to package but I can't find a permanent link for its source
<sphalerite> nyanloutre[m]: huh, maybe it's a steam packaging issue then. Missing libinput, libev or something potentially
<goibhniu> the arch wiki probably has something nice
<iqubic> goibhniu: I'm trying to do something like this: http://dpaste.com/3B8GT45
<schopp0r> it was NIXPKGS something something, iirc
<ottidmes> any way to solve: Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file, when building something? am I missing a dependency?
<ottidmes> ah, found it, had to change the sha, otherwise it just assumes since something with the sha exist in the store its all good
<bahamas> I think it did that. now something else breaks
<dramforever> or something like that


<ottidmes> avn: of course! I am packaging something right now, after I am done with that, I will see if I can update ckan and see what kind of hell will break lose and what we can do about it :P
<avn> ottidmes: well, I'd like to do something with (and for) opensource stuff.
<ottidmes> avn: it would be cool if it could be something like: nugetWithPackages [ dep1 dep2 ]
<avn> ottidmes: so.. we need something to simulate `nuget push`, and setup-hook crawling buildInputs make make /build/.fake_nuget_repo with symlinks
<avn> fusion809: you need to do something with fetch-thirdparty deps as well ;)
<__red__> maybe it's something I can have a go at after this one gets committed
<timokau[m]> fusion809: You could just do something like `engine = fetchFromGitHub ...`. Then `${engine}` will be a variable that points to the downloaded engine
<timokau[m]> So you won't be able to download something in postFetch
<fusion809> The dir /run/current-system/sw/bin doesn't have it, although $HOME/.nix-profile/bin does. But I'm not sure if I should point it to something that is only on my local system.
<Phillemann> Well, something condensed. "Some MacOS tests fail" or "There's this extremely tricky kernel integration test bug". :)
<sphalerite> avn: pdftk does seem to have something though, thanks!
<symphorien> you must pull the file with feturl or something like that and then patch the makefile to use this instead of downloading
<Graf_Blutwurst> @simpson no I'm not working on a existing package. rather I'm trying to get something to run that requires quicklisp etc
<nikivi> and Nix is immutable and now it can't install packages or something
<arianvp> Or is something else giving the error
<schopp0r> symphorien: I think I did. hm. ok, then something else failed, I cannot remember :\ (should probably have written it down)
<fendor> welp, maybe I fucked something up. Has someone experience on how long the linux kernel takes to compile on a raspberry pi?
<tobiasBora> anothertest: I know you are not connect anymore, but if by any chance you are interested by the answer to your question about iso mounting, I think to remember I managed to do something like that with the help of clever. If my memory is good, I ended up building a new iso with everything included directly in the loaded kernel/initramfs (it's only a problem when you have not enough RAM to load it in once). If
<sphalerite> ninja just executes the build, but the ninja files are generated by something else like meson or cmake
<tdeo> do i need to make a wrapper or something?
<tdeo> but i think it might have something to do with the package and not the code
<tejing> ok, that took quite a while but it's finally doing something again. guess I jumped the gun a little bit.
<tejing> I just tried switching channels, but when I try to 'nixos-rebuild --upgrade switch', it seems to hang after the downloads (specifically after 'building the system configuration...') I also get some warnings about about an unknown setting 'signed-binary-caches'. Am I doing somethign wrong or is something broken?


<nyanloutre[m]> but maybe it's missing something else
<infinisil> Well, if we could get some better support for reusable options (e.g. something like systemd.services.<name>.openFirewall) then every service wouldn't need to add such options itself
<timokau[m]> Does anyone have this working? Am I doing something wrong or is that a bug?
<clever> schmittlauch[m]: if somebody doesnt restart it manually, it will get ran again when something in nixpkgs changes, because most tests include a full copy of nixpkgs
<feep> strace shows up something like
<clever> you may have also deleted something in /nix/store by accident
<eyjhb> ptotter[m]: I would guess making a custom .nix file for each service, or something :)
<ptotter[m]> but OTOH people usually have something in their vimrc
<samueldr> growpotkin: let me check something
<betaboon> hello when using something like `pkgs-unstable = import <nixpkgs-unstable> {};` how do i set allowUnfree for those ?
<ldlework> I'm not really finding any good guides on doing golang development in nix-shell. Anyone know something I don't?
<s2mitrov> it's an x1 carbon from like last year or something
<scoates> how far down the rathole will I need to go? (hoping it's something simple that I just don't quite understand yet)


<Mic92> mojjoo: something is wrong.
<c0bw3b_> avn: yes something like that would be better :)
<c0bw3b_> maybe in the Build Results parag? Something like:
<lucus16> By that time it has apparently already decided that go is not a dependency and then at the end it detects a reference to something that's not in the dependencies and it complains
<Ralith> if you're running 200 curls you're doing something wrong anyway
<angerman> nh2: packaging and distribution; everyone running their very own custom setup. I can hardly package something up, provide you with a compressed archive and expect it to work after unpacking.
<clever> all process management utils claim its one thing, but its something entirely different
<angerman> I've also entertained the idea of moving the linker from ghc into something like `liblink`, as I suspect other projects could make use of a non-system linker.
<angerman> nh2: if you ask GHC to "evaluate" something (e.g. ghci), you can compile some haskell code into an object file, and then you need some way to get that compiled symbol from the object file to actually go and execute it. So you load the objet file, map it into memory, mark that memory as executable (resolve references to external symbols, ...) and jump to the memory location.
<ottidmes> ok, cool, thanks for all the explanation! definitely something I am going to try when I have a device for which it is useful
<ottidmes> clever: yeah OK, so its possible, but I basically need to install something first, to then install netboot as a possibilty, to then netboot and install the real OS, then its no contender for the tarball approach
<ottidmes> clever: I was wondering about that too, I have 4 new VPSes, if I want to netboot them, from my understanding so far, they need to have a bootloader installed that supports it and I need a special tftp server to provide an image from, correct? its not something basic VPS providers provide, right?


<selfsymmetric-mu> It's installing something...
<makefu> asymmetric: in your place i'd call bats in the checkPhase instead of relying on make to do the right thing(tm). like this: http://paste.krebsco.de/TVYEwTzD/+inline . or maybe there is some magic makeFlags or something which helps you adding $out/bin/ to the path
<asymmetric> makefu: i was trying something like https://paste.krebsco.de/aeVcjzRb but it didn't work
<ottidmes> samueldr: good point, it does not have to be, I just want to be able to SSH into it from the desktop, and not having to change my IP settings everytime I do something to cause it to change on my laptop
<ottidmes> I have a laptop with NixOS installed running NetworkManager for wireless, it works, but I cannot get manual ip addresses to work, so no static ip address, I do have a local server running, so I could maybe setup a DHCP server on it to work around that (my router is too basic), or would you just suggest using something other than NetworkManager?
<selfsymmetric-mu> asymmetric: Whoops, got hidden on my client. I see it now. Unfortunately this seems like a _different_ package that provides something called mmdc.
<selfsymmetric-mu> Isn't there normally a bot that helps out with ,locate commands or something? I'm not sure.
<ottidmes> eyjhb: no, just setting it to a list value should work I think: [ "${pkgs.writeFile "my-key" ''... ... ...''}" ]; or something
<eyjhb> Is there any good way, to include a certificate to connect to a wifi in a nix file or something?
<eyjhb> I also see that I need something to manage multiple displays.. The joys
<kenogo> I'm struggling with something
<colemickens> oh well, I got something that works, and a working Chromium Wayland build. I think I can call it a night.
<colemickens> basically my chromium build is ttrigger something that produces a path that can be `nix copy`'d to a local store, but not from one. :)
<sphalerite> bbarker_home: installing something into a profile generally won't do anything other than making the relevant symlinks in the env path
<Ralith> or inject it into `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` or something
<Ralith> or there is something entirely different going on
<colemickens> hm, I guess I also would've expected other things to be broken if my GL setup is fundamentally missing something?
<colemickens> I am not sure if there's some additional patching that I need to do or something else?


<avn> clever: 1 min or so. But it something, what I like to do if I wait very-important-video-call etc.
<clever> maybe it was something else, cant remember exactly
<tilpner> colemickens - I don't recall the details, but there was something about "nix copy" using fewer (1) download threads? Maybe?
<hodapp> 250 or something
<WhittlesJr> Well, I *am* on a very obnoxious corporate network, so maybe something changed on our end... All I know is that this did work at one time.
<gchristensen> tathougies: can you clarify your question? Nix will automatically substitute prebuilt binaries when the cache has them available. binary cache substitution working is not dependent upon fully reproducible builds, so something else is going on if it isn't working.
<infinisil> azazel: Something like `submodule { options.virtualHosts = mkOption { ... }; }`, then `services.nginx.virtualHosts = cfg.virtualHosts` where you have the submodule
<azazel> infinisil: yes, I know..and so? Am I setting up this configuration tree in the wrong way, or there's a way for such sumodules to set something (an adhoc generated function maybe) so that a more global configuration module can set those "outside options"?
<azazel> i mean, for a function handling configuration in mycompany.sites.<name> (a submodule) to add something to services.nginx.virtualHosts or containers or, if that is impossible, to produce a function that is then attached to mycompany.sites.<name> tree for later use by a global mycompany.sites module
<qyliss^work> What do you mean by 'a submodule to add something in another "branch"'?`
<azazel> I'm currently struggling with the design of a configuration tree that will in turn add configuration to containers.* and services.nginx.* and I'm trying to separate each configuration "per type". However, appears to be impossible for a submodule to add something in another "branch", how to solve that? I'm trying to find out some existing configuration to study... I don't think it's possible to attach functions to config branches?
<lejonet> if I needed to choose something, I'd choose i3... :P
<kisik21> but if I needed to choose something really stable, I choose XFCE
<sphalerite> kisik21: right, but the point really is that that doesn't avoid downtime, it just makes it shorter when something does go wrong :)
<muvlon> Can I accomplish this by making a bridge consisting just of this one interface? Or do I need to do something else?
<sphalerite> tilpner: libGL is glvnd, which loads the right thing from /run/opengl-driver or something like that.
<jackdk> While chasing #51093, we found a failure in postgres's build system on macos and reported it upstream. A postgres dev suggests there might be something funky in the gmake or ranlib used: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/28417.1543458718%40sss.pgh.pa.us
<jackdk> pie__ I don't know, that's not something I've tried. Someone who knows how nixos-rebuild works may be able to help


<kingemp> tilpner, is that for nix-env or something else?
<enleth> drakonis: I don't expect you to drop stuff and come running to help, but I was a little put off when you adamantly stated things about what I see here that were simply inconsistent with reality, despite me trying to say that it really *is* something weird going on
<drakonis> enleth: sorry, i'm busy with something else right now
<enleth> drakonis: the "chrome://gpu/" page absolutely positively says that it does use hardware accelerated WebGL right now here. Listen, I'm not trying to argue with you for the sake if arguing, I'm trying to say that something *weird* has emerged here as a result of an incomplete config and understanding things like that often helps find bugs before they surface in a more typical situation, so I can try to *help*
<bbarker> what's the correct way to reload all the network configruation (in particular NAT) without rebooting the system in NixOS? I tried nixos-rebuild test and systemctl daemon-reload; rule appears to be added to iptables. So either something else is missing or my rule isn't doing what I think it is
<enleth> and I'd say I did not really change anything in the meantime, but something must have changed
<ottidmes> fendor: but clearly something
<Taneb> So I'm going to make an issue becuase it feels like something reasonable to have
<infinisil> If somebody feels like packaging something for macOS: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18550649
<infinisil> I broke something didn't I
<srhb> moredhel: Something like that, yeah. Basically it's often just upper bounds that need a little lifting.
<srhb> Thinking about it, you _might_ be able to hack something by changing the _name_ of the job, but encoding meaningful information there sounds really hacky :-P
<adisbladis> thedavidmeister: Something like https://ptpb.pw/Vlfy/nix
<ottidmes> teto: something like this maybe: haskell = super.haskell // { compiler.ghc802 = super.haskell.compiler.ghc843; };
<ottidmes> tdeo: you plan to install it in your systemPackages? if so, you can do this: environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ (polybar.override { mpdSupport = true; }) ]; (or something similar)
<qyliss^work> eg if we can't get it in postgresql11, that gives us something to bisect
<delroth> jackdk: on which filesystem did you reproduce the postgresql parallel build issue? hfs+ or apfs or something else?
<elvishjerricco> tim_nixos: there's a function somewhere in nixpkgs whose precise name escapes me at the moment (something like wrapCC maybe?) that takes a compiler derivation and returns a derivation that builds a wrapper script that pass system libraries to the original compiler, among other things
<tim_nixos> Hello people, I would like to run my own compiled version of LLVM to test IR optimization passes, I built LLVM succesfully but when I try to compile something it can not find any libs (e.g. stdio). How do I tell LLVM where my standard libs are?


<mdash> tathougies: you may be better served by something more security oriented
<emily> your best bet is probably SELinux or something
<gchristensen> try `HOME=~root sudo nix-channel --list` or ...something...
<bennofs[m]> Not by me. It appears that .. and . directory entries are missing for the -dtbs directory. Maybe something to do with using dots in file names (kernel version has dots, fsck.vfat -d didn't like that)
<timclassic> Treat my experience as a mere data point, not proof, since I was doing a lot of things and I may have fat-fingered something.
<timclassic> samueldr: nix-built, using sd-image.nix or something like that (I'll have to check my notes at home)
<joehh> is this an oversight? or something else?
<makefu> oh oh, i think i remember, there was something about the curl version of nix and the one installed ...
<gchristensen> you can use nix-store -qR /nix/store/the-thing | xargs tar ... or something?
<srhb> waleee: So something like nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A julia ?
<Streetwalrus> hi, I want to set onFailure for all systemd services to send me notifications when something breaks, I've tried this but it's infinitely recursive:
<das_j> bennofs[m]: Sounds good, but what I was looking to write was a module so I can do something like programs.androidsdk = [ { apilevel = 15; packages = [ "system-image" "whatever" ]; }; ]
<lovek323> just read through the readme - maybe I'm just missing something obvious, but for stuff to work, I'll need a `node_modules` directory, things can be symlinked to the correct derivations, etc., but I need that - am I making sense?


<bennofs[m]> yeah looks like a bug to me. my first guess would be something fontconfig releated
<Thra11> If I have a local default.nix which imports nixpkgs and defines a new package, 'foo', can I run something to cross-compile that package, similar to how I could run 'nix build pkgsCross.armv7l-hf-multiplatform.foo' if the package was in nixpkgs?
<dmj`> I have a custom nix expression for building a python package, it fails to build because it's trying to download something from pypi and cannot
<clever> yl[m]: you could do something as simple as adding a /data fs, that is iscsi mounted, on a normal nixos install
<clever> yl[m]: yeah, that is something that should be in nixpkgs itself
<yl[m]> clever: I had to do something similar (forgot the modprobe though, thx for that.
<the-kenny> Is anyone else getting this annoying issue where Mouseover-Windows (like these when you hover over something for a second and it shows an explanation) cause rendering artifacts? From time to time one of these windows gets "stuck" on my display and stays as a non-updating rectangle until I find the same parent window and create another mouseover hover window there.
<Taneb> sphalerite: there's something ugly about using the web API in an automated manner from the machine serving the API
<etu> I packaged it whenever I wanted to use it, and it seemed to work well at that time. But then I've stopped using it and now it doesn't seem to build. Don't think anyone have changed anything in that package so it must be some dep breaking something.
<fendor> i can not see the store page in steam, is that just the state or am i doing something wrong?
<joehh> is there something obvious I'm missing?


<haslersn> Hi, I've got a python script that throws `AttributeError: module 'enum' has no attribute 'IntFlag'`. People on the internet suggest to uninstall the `enum34` package with is not stdlib compatible from python3.6 on. However, I didn't even install that package. I used `(python3.withPackages(ps: with ps; [ pyyaml jmespath ]))`. Is there any solution for NixOS? Is this something I should write a nixpkgs-Issue for?
<dsx> Apparently I'm not smart enough or something. Could anyone show example of an overlay applied system-wide?
<infinisil> clever: Something is wrong then, it should definitely improve by a lot, confirmed on my 3 machine set up and a minimal nixos configuration
<clever> infinisil: oh, that might be something i should look into with nixops deployments
<foldingcookie> hmmm, maybe something changed since I set this up
<tilpner> Just set the login message to something that doesn't include what you don't want
<maurer> Is there something analogous to "src = ./." which will ignore the .git subdirectory of a local git repo? Do I need to try to convince fetchgit to ignore a hash?
<leotaku> infinisil: I was just about to say that there was something weird when I tried it with "actual" store paths from nixpkgs.
<infinisil> leotaku: Hehe, just yesterday I actually switched from `builtins.toFile` to `pkgs.writeText` for something because I was annoyed at the former not returning a derivation and not being able to nix-build it because of that :P
<leotaku> I know I can just "tr -d '"'" or something, but I wanted a cleaner solution.
<virus_dave> am i doing something obviously wrong?
<Ankhers> I've basically been thinking, should we go the route of Haskell and have nixpkgs "own" the list of BEAM packages (which is sortof how it is implemented at the moment), or should we supply a binary that can convert a rebar3/mix project into a nix project and output a deps.nix file or something.
<cyounkins> looks like I borked something up here :-)


<LnL> pareidolia: something try like this https://gist.github.com/LnL7/c71dc9a1ab11a72facd68c66c6d8f818
<infinisil> LnL: (Did you intend to link something? Because you didn't)
<clever> ottidmes: run that on the main derivation thats being put into the tar or something
<MichaelRaskin> When I was using Nix to let a coworker install something quickly, I just gave him a wrapper script that did both operations via attribute name