
<sb0> okay. any information on how to do that? I went with the default settings, and hydra-init and hydra-create-user seemed to write something to some sqlite database
<gchristensen> something is probably doing `src = ./.`
<laas> I've noticed something odd, packages seem to build quite slowly from source, if I add an override to them
<wedens> I don't think there is something that infers fetchers.
<clever> fresheyeball: travis, or something custom?
<fresheyeball> clever: learned something
<nh2> clever: the stack trace that suggests that the library does a mistake, I suspect that they actually changed something so that because in their own example `uri=srt://:8888/` the host string is empty, they somehow pass NULL
<judson> Okay, actually, something is wrong.
<ekleog> so either something is seriously broken, or your rspec is properly pinned until you move the file created by nix-instantiate
<fresheyeball> also I am increasing convinced that there is something else causeing this


<clever> but it might be something weird youve done, that sometimes isnt recursive
<nh2> what I'm trying to package says `Dependency cuda-9.2 found: NO` despite `cudatoolkit` in `buildInputs`. May I have to depend on something else?
<clever> fyuuri: something like $out-chroot, based on what is currently being built
<clever> fyuuri: /build/ is mapped to something in /nix/store/ and deleted when the build fails
<srhb> You'll want something like: { pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }: pkgs.callPackage ./default.nix {}
<ivegotasthma> it was not a sha256 of the zip but of something else, but I forgot which
<inquisitiv3> Ke: I don't think so. But I also don't want to screw up something that's in the "foundation" of the system.
<ar1a> can someone link me something on nix-shell? i want to know how to do this sandboxing thing when i program. also love to see how i could play around with it for adding nixpkgs if thats possible too!
<__monty__> Maybe things in the store should actually be run against something like a chroot? Would that help the relocatability?
<hyper_ch> e.g. you could send it to to a file and then move that file to google drive or something
<joko> Is there something wrong with nixops? Any deploy I do seems not to change the target host
<ivegotasthma> hmm, maybe I have something wrong, because I checked on github and vim-dirvish is there
<clever> yl[m]: i only use export/import as a way to migration a deployment to another box, something that shouldnt be done often
<Zer000> I have no idea how nix-env -i works on a path like that, but you can try to listerally copy the default.nix file into your config directory and have your packages be something like this: environment.systemPackages = [ (import ./discord.nix) ];
<iqubic> And not something stored in my cache somewhere?
<iqubic> but I just want to remove this commit from my master branch, and not just replace it with something else.
<appleclusters> nix-env -e google-chrome and then reinstalling does nothing. Is there something I should do to do a "clean" uninstall? Are there side effects unaccounted for?
<simpson> It's a common misconception. "disabling vsync" is something that an application does, by drawing without waiting for the vsync signal.
<ottidmes> ar1a: after replacing your script with something simple (a shebang and echo) I just get the echo and every seem correct


<obadz> must be doing something wrong
<samueldr> something is already for that
<srhb> Or something like... nix eval nixpkgs.hello.outPath
<clever> iqubic: give it something to import, like nix repl '<nixpkgs>'
<srhb> etu: Yes, I'd recommend doing something similar for all sorts of applications that NEED fast updates, really.
<ar1a> .override or something
<etu> Maybe one should build an overlay for discord that via travis-cron automatically does builds every 24 hours to update to latest version so people can run that overlay from master or something...
<simpson> Something like `nix-shell -p cockatrice --run cockatrice`? I don't know; your mind is hard to read and I feel like you don't read the manual.
<etu> And you can do the same with lzma as a lib. You probably want something like: $ nix-shell -p lzma
<etu> rcshm: You're trying to compile something?
<muvlon_> something that is not necessarily reproducible?
<pbb> but something funky happens
<pbb> and I think I'll try to add something to the nix manual about this sysctl that's needed for installation on some systems that have user namespaces built-in but disabled
<clever> -u is very dumb, it just searches all packages for something with a matching name
<simpson> Yeah, that's a little interesting; how do they know that? Maybe there's something readable in /etc.
<clever> fresheyeball: it builds libraries twice, with and without profiling, which saves you from having to rebuild the world with profiling when you decide to profile something
<adisbladis> janders223: If you use something like emacsWithPackages from nixpkgs you should end up with a wrapper script setting up the load path for you
<adisbladis> iqubic: 5-7 something
<clever> pbb: the function you give to that system, will take something in the form of { name, config, ... }: i think


<petersjt014> I may be misunderstanding something about how partitions work though
<samueldr> petersjt014: I still don't know what you're looking for; is there a specific error? something going wrong?
<samueldr> one of these days, I'll take the time to do something weird like that... not that I haven't done weird things
<petersjt014> I dont know if nilfs needs to be resized specially or something
<samueldr> I think I had three main concerns (whre it's been ages since I wrote this!) [1] I'm not a C++ nor a Qt dev; I could make silly mistakes [2] first setup-hook written, might be doing something wrong, but I don't really think [3] use of /nix/store/*/nix-support which I'm unsure is right
<samueldr> adisbladis: I'm asking for reviews since this is pretty much a core change; this could royally break things as much as it could fix it if I get something wrong
<adisbladis> __monty__: I wonder if this is something that could be accomplished easily through merging multiple channels somehow
<Soo_Slow> did anybody there try to make a mixed installation, btw? E.g something like devuan with basic stuff from their repos (so - you wont need to update it often), while the rest (packages, you need to be updated asap) - from nix packages? (
<labancle> might have something to do with it
<disasm> gchristensen: what do you do when it falls of the bus? reboot or something else?
<danbst> ottidmes: it is correct. BUT. You can't know if something is attrset without evaluating things. There lots of functions in all-packages.nix, which you don't want to evaluate until it's time
<mdash> i'm trying to package a Python application. When doing stuff for my own use I've chiefly relied on pypi2nix; if I want to write something suitable for submitting to nixpkgs, what's the general plan for coping with version skew in dependencies? I see a couple things in nixpkgs patch requirements.txt
<petersjt014> the thing I'm looking for (in the gist above) is something to resize the root filesystem to fit the partition (which is a thing that's needed I guess)
<ottidmes> danbst: I was actually (talking about just the attribute names), but it seems way faster than expected, it must have been something different causing the slowdown
<danbst> nbp_: can we get something like NixOS imports = [] for overlays? E.g.: self: super: { imports = [ ./some/other/overlay]; }
<reilithion> I've thought of adding a `postBuild` script, but I don't know how to reliably `cd` into the plugin directories. (I think I should be doing something like `cd $sourcetree/plugins/one && make` then `$sourcetree/plugins/two && make`, but I don't think `$sourcetree` is right, and I don't know what would be)
<aminechikhaoui> I think I'm missing something other than the kernel params, any idea ?
<clever> fusion809: something depends on it in db.sqlite, sounds like your db is a little corrupt
<gchristensen> I'm pretty sure I did something stupid that makes it not possible
<samueldr> pretty sure borg backup allows changing passwords; I'm pretty sure I went from "something not so crazy I input" to "something I don't know my password manager inputs"
<gchristensen> I didn't use the module b/c I created my backup with a password which I shared with something else, and now I don't want to store it, and I don't think you can rotate passwords
<samueldr> IIRC light papers over backlight differences and has settings for "curves" so you can get something that looks more linear
<gchristensen> probably milivolts or something silly :)
<ar1a> is there something like configuration.nix but for a user profile?
<wedens> and you can rebuild if something goes wrong
<Taneb> I've got a messy line in my nixos config that's something like "package = (pkgs.package.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: { src = packageSrc; buildInputs = oldAttrs.buildInputs ++ [ pkgs.newDependency]; })).override { dep = pkgs.differentVersion; }"
<buckley310> is the "pkgs: with pkgs;" from line 73 something i should replace? or just the other references?
<pbogdan> can I use something besides nix-store --query --roots to see what's keeping a store path alive?
<samueldr> this could sound like what happens if systemd cannot mount something
<labancle> I think system.activationScripts might have something to do with it


<superherointj> Is there a way to speed up the boot to GDM, on Ubuntu it is quite fast 30s max. But for some reason it is taking a long time like 5min. Is there something I should have enabled?
<clever> bbarker: --set-flag only works on things currently installed, so it cant be used on the name of something that fails to install with -i
<phry> hm. is there something like propagatedBuildInputs that does not only work with nix-env, but also with environment.systemPackages?
<DanC> I was hoping to basically build something that I can nix-copy-closure around.
<nefix> could you link me a good tutorial or something
<lassulus> joachifm: maybe you know something about nixos-rebuild and hardening (you are the maintainer in current unstable at least)
<ma9e> like how derivations <=> packages or something
<ma9e> what's the rfc process to change nixos modules to "nix options" or something?
<nefix> Oh, I see. And could that be fixed with a sed or something like that?
<Unode> ma9e: right, should have been ...something; [ name ] ...
<nefix> clever: Sorry for that :/ Did you say something?
<clever> you still need a name = "something"; on both buildenv and mkderivation
<Unode> hum probably doing something wrong. 'Invalid name ".drv"'
<infinisil> Unode: Nope, in the buildPerlPackage function or so, there's something that makes it evaluate src when it doesn't need to
<infinisil> Unode: There's something in there then that makes src strict, which is the real problem
<sphalerite> I think making it depend on your nixpkgs and your overlays and config or something would be more helpful
<Synthetica> (nix search should honestly give a warning if the cache is older than a week or something)
<teozkr> context, and how this relates to Nix: I'm trying to package something that *requires* `/var` to exist and be writable
<teozkr> probably a weird question.. but is it possible to bind-mount something to a mount point that doesn't exist?
<__monty__> srhb: Is cheat something like bropages?
<ar1a> nix-env -qa is pretty damn slow... is there a way to cache it or something
<ar1a> i have something like it for pacman, would you like to see what i have?
<ar1a> is there a nix wrapper that makes nix-env more streamlined, like yay or pacaur? or maybe something with skim/fzf
<ar1a> is there something like the AUR?
<superherointj> Hello. I'd considering trying NixOS, but before doing so I'd like to confirm what I am going to lose by switching to it. Today I use Ubuntu and I've got Steam working (with Dota 2) and Spotify, and VSCode, and with brazillian banks (requires a program called warsar from GAS Tecnologia). Is there something guaranteed to not to work in NixOS?
<siraben> iqubic_ might have something
<Widdershin> Ran into an issue trying to build something on Mac that worked just fine on Linux, hoping someone could point me in the right direction


<rain1> i want to do something like this
<symphorien> so maybe something like RUSTFLAGS=--crate-type=metadata $buildPhase would work
<djahandarie> Hah. It's a rust 'target' directory. This is definitely not something one should ever be doing normally, but...
<djahandarie> infinisil, right, so I think my question is if there's a faster way to import something into the nix store (especially a way that doesn't seemingly involve loading the entire thing into memory???)
<Church-> simpson: Here's a stupid question. In my event loop a key-combo press spawns say a xterm instance. Would I then want to walk the xcb equiv of XQueryTree to get access to the spawned sub window so I can then say change it's geometry and position? Or is there something else I should do?
<simpson> My condolences if this is something like zcash and you need GiB of data.
<etu> _d0t: If the project is making much progress without doing releases, then it's probably a good case to pick random git commits at a reasonable update frequency or something like that
<Ralith> or something did
<LnL> only used it for something very simple
<Ankhers> lassulus: Thanks. Something must had gotten updated because I am getting a 404 on the flash download.
<Synthetica> ingenieroariel: No, most packages don't have modules. When your package implements something like a server, it might be nice to add a module
<srhb> unacceptable: It's not clear from your description. Is it an argument to a top level name? eg. something you'd normally adjust with overrideAttrs? Or maybe a nixpkgs.config value?
<Mic92> it is only executed when you actually build something.
<__monty__> Came up earlier, something regressed there probably.
<srhb> dramforever: Hm. Didn't know our CDN situation was that bad there. Might be worth mentioning on discourse or something.
<duairc> You'd think readFile /dev/random or something would work, but it just returns an empty string
<Guanin> World readable is okay for my usecase (only I have access to anything that is not within a specific chroot), but I basically just wanted to know if there is something like a "getRandomString" builtin
<nefix> wirew0rm: well, since I configured the /etc/hosts file with the nixos configuration file and I know it can be scripted (in some ways) I thought I would be able to do something like that
<nefix> Hey there! I'm trying to use again NixOS (this is my second attempt in 6 months). I need to make a script or something that depending on the network I'm connected, the /etc/hosts file change. How could I archieve that?
<__monty__> Philonous: Seems so, did you add an override or somethinG?
<Philonous> I'm trying to see packages available in the current channel, so I'm running »nix-env -qa», however, it responds with "error: cannot auto-call a function that has an argument without a default value ('pkgs')". Have I misconfigured something or am I doing something wrong?
<etu> Those two are great for plugging in a beamer or something kinda on the fly
<ottidmes> and since you tend to have a lot of duplicated files if you are like trying to package or update something, the savings can be huge
<ottidmes> also, if say it was a list defined as a default attribute on mkOption or via mkDefault, you could have just defined your value on the same level, so for mkDefault, just used: something = mkDefault [ "my" "stuff" ]; and then they would be on the same priority level so would merge rather than the one with priority overwritting the other
<trevthedevlive> i just earlier screwed up, im on nixos 19.03 and thought the kernel updated or something, as it threw an error saying there was no space in my boot partition
<infinisil> Ah, yeah, that's something I thought of!
<yl[m]> gchristensen: I do something similar as well https://github.com/kalbasit/shabka/blob/master/modules/nixos/general/nix.nix#L24 but I was hoping for a simpler way as I'm building a demo to convince co-workers to jump on the Nix wagon ;)


<simpson> kini: I suppose that the notes could say "don't change this" or something less ambiguous, but then we'd be in the position of having a rule that people know better than to follow.
<monokrome> The other two were due to nVidia drivers not supporting RTX 2080 Ti or something, I think?
<infinisil> Judson: My guess is that something just got updated in the dependency tree of jira, and nobody bothered to check whether jira still works with it
<iqubic> is there something I can do about that?
<duairc> clever: I think I've just about put all these pieces together now... or at least I can see how to get something that will work, it might not be pretty at least it's a start
<clever> duairc: or you can just directly use the return value of something like pkgs.haskell.packages.ghc843.override { overrides = ....
<babic> is there a nicer way to do something like let shared = import ./shared.nix; in with shared.nixpkgs; stdenv.mkDerivation { # ...
<ottidmes> clever: I doubt you mean literally --something, I checked the nix-store manpage and tried the options listed, but unless I missed something you cannot query for all derivers for some output, like: sqlite3 /nix/var/nix/db/db.sqlite 'SELECT drv FROM DerivationOutputs WHERE path = "/nix/store/swzxzspyqad5qdbbpiwr20bg8p7nl0ph-test.txt";'
<clever> ottidmes: `nix-store --query --something`
<Taneb> OK, I seem to have screwed something up somewhere
<wedens> jabranham: you can try finding something useful on github https://github.com/search?l=Nix&q=services.borgbackup&type=Code
<ottidmes> tommyangelo: then we can rule out the Nix 1.x being a problem, because a common problem when updating from 17.09 also had these symptoms, but it is apparantly something else
<wedens> I think testing modules using nixpkgs master will involve build-vm or something.. I'm curious myself about the exact procedure :)
<duairc> I haven't really got the hang of using nix with Haskell development yet... I guess I'll have to take that plunge now, but I haven't gotten any work done in over a week because I've been getting everything on my laptop set up and I was hoping I could just continue with the cabal way I know without having to learn more stuff just to get something done.
<gchristensen> hooo: so it cannot accidentally depend on something you happened to have installed, because it can't look at your system
<hooo> I'm so pissed off again today, Centos networking doesnt work anymore for no apparent reason. There is always something wrong with linux
<Guanin> Nice to know :) I'll guess I have to try something later today
<lassulus> someone wanted to do something for home-manager afair?
<gchristensen> dropbear or something?
<ottidmes> teto: I do not know the exact reasoning behind it, but it will probably something like that, yes


<ivan> note something after Linux 4.14 regressed vers=1.0, it's kind of busted in 4.19, or it was for me when I tested a few weeks ago
<ivan> does nix-serve actually work? I tried a lot of things but I'm seeing behavior like the stapled Sig:s are incorrect or something
<Dagger> see if you can find a setting for "link-local v4", "auto config" or something similar
<Church-> Or wait... did I miss something stupid.
<Church-> samueldr: So I found something worse then packaging Ruby code.
<samueldr> oh, I might have missed something relatively obvious: if you're still in the installation image, you can nixos-install, nixos-rebuild (unless you used nixos-enter) will rebuild the installer config in-memory
<jomik> Ahh, yeah okay :P I have considered Awesome WM as well. It's a pretty difficult choice, I feel. Cuz you have to put in hours to configure something, then try it out D:
<jomik> wirew0rm: Thanks! I was looking for something like that :
<Mic92> I used something based on clever's one.
<tilpner> Mic92: I modified my kexec file to build a self-extracting tarball-script, so that you only scp, chmod +x, ./kexec. Is that something you'd want in nixos-generators?
<symphorien> there is a limit on the number of layers for an overlayfs (like 16 or something)
<__monty__> If it bind mounts then why does it symlink at all? Are symlinks more efficient or something?
<tilpner> ^ useful to look up how other people configured something
<jasongrossman> Hi hi. I have what I think is a very basic networking question. I've set up wireguard using the instructions on the NixOS wiki, and I can ping my local wireguard address successfully. But my internet traffic is not going over the wireguard tunnel - it's still using my wireless interface directly (wlp2s0) instead of my new wireguard interface (wg0). Should I be doing something to tell the OS to use the wireguard interface?
<Sophos[m]> hello, attempting to write a nixpkg expression and something is failing. How can I drop into the environment at the point of failure to poke around and figure out what might be going on?


<Unode> klntsky: This was on a CentOS 6 system. Things worked in the past. The machine was rebooted recently but I don't know if the admin did something. I'm investigating on that front first. It could be some SELinux policy preventing something that was allowed before. The error doesn't help though :)
<samueldr> even just having something that brings in Qt imperatively in the user profile can do things as bad as breaking the whole plasma session at boot :/
<pie_> actually let me try something, i set a dark theme at some point, lets see what happens if i disable it
<samueldr> I've seen something close to what you describe with kde apps outside plasma
<pie_> ah well ok, i guess normally icons are not something that needs to be built for a package
<pie_> jtojnar, thanks for working on https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/43150#issuecomment-450060363 , i havent used it yet but just that it *exists* is something
<jasongrossman> samueldr: It's useful to have something imperative for naming generations, because nixos-rebuild switch is imperative!
<ottidmes> is there some way to check whether a string is a valid sha256 inside Nix itself? (outside Nix I could e.g. use nix-hash) I guess I could write something myself, but I would love to know if something already exists, or if there is some other feature I could leverage to determine the validity
<samueldr> wondering if only having early kms does it or if there's something else
<vbernat> something like that:
<joepie91> was it .overrideDerivation or something?
<Laalf> rycee: but nixpkgs-unstable is not master.... i will see if i can find something about the buildins.fetchWhatever
<Laalf> rycee: firstly i love you. it works and all. what is kinda sad is that fetching the git repo takes a long time. how difficult would it be to replicate something like "nix-env -f https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/master.tar.gz -iA ...."? i skimmed the nixpkgs manual and i couldnt find something helpful there
<aleph-> I knew I forgot something
<{^_^}> aleph-: If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<aleph-> makefu: Actually any chance you could take a look at something? My default.nix keeps failing with "can't call auto function pkgs" https://paste.rs/cTx
<rycee> Laalf: Something like this: https://paste.debian.net/1060248/
<Laalf> i have something like this in my system configuration: http://paste.debian.net/1060245/ and nixos-rebuild does not like the let there. where would i place it?
<Laalf> still something that i dont have to change every 6 months would be interesting
<Laalf> rycee: thanks. is something like "nixpkgs-stable" in the works or does that even make sense??
<janat08> like in wiki or something
<d4g> Like an override or something like that?
<rycee> wedens: In any case, even if it worked I would suggest using some other means of solving it. Giving source a string is best avoided. At some point I might make HM error out on such use of the source option. Might instead add another option like `home.impureUnsafeFile` or something 🙂
<wedens> it's considered a conflict or something
<rycee> timclassic: Of course, I guess it would be possible to do something like a sql join on them :-)
<kumikumi> alright thanks I'll try to do something
<kumikumi> clever: what service are we talking about? I was trying to customize/override something about an existing package
<kumikumi> basically my question is about how I could change/override something about the way a particular package (in my example, cowsay) gets installed on my system
<__monty__> immae: Definitely don't refrain *if* you believe your contribution will be valuable to many people. If you just want it in nixpkgs for *your* convenience that's something else.
<q6AA4FD> ivan: probably some weird (legacy?) register or something
<ivan> q6AA4FD: it feels like it's using up too many of something and then Xorg blows up on the next stroke
<esmerelda> just to test something, mostly
<Mic92> or to test something?
<pie_> would something that uses that be accepted upstream?
<infinisil> ottidmes: I mean, the 800MB checkout is something you do once, and I think everybody has that much space. And if you intend to e.g. fix a package in nixpkgs, it's no use writing an overlay when you need to PR it anyways. Okay I guess the overlay would be easier if you intend to use that fix without having to change your nixpkgs path for your system..
<pie_> nevermind, it works. starting it from my tmux session gave it the wrong dbus environment or something
<q6AA4FD> what's the recommended strategy for making multiple changes to nixpkgs at once? do you make a fork of nixpkgs for each change, and a separate remote for each or something?
<pie_> oh hm , or not, i needed to override something else
<infinisil> Ashton: Should be something like `pkgs.wrapFirefox (pkgs.firefox-unwrapped.override { drmSupport = true; }) {}`
<pie_> yeah i sort of figured that out for something else at some point...it was pretty undocumented >.<
<pie_> but it ooks like cmake hooks arent even getting added or something?
<pie_> symphorien, oh my god. i vaguely remember something about this
<pie_> and trying to check stuff with nix-shell when something doesnt work


<pie_> does that provide something that makes it easier for building gnome-y stuff or what?
<jasongrossman> And there was something or other that made me think that openbox's design is very stable. Can't remember exactly what made me think that - sorry.
<jasongrossman> There are one or two desktop managers that come with window managers that are designed to be entirely configured by text files. One of them is on the tip of my tongue. One of the open-somethings?
<lassulus> kumikumi: afair, most of of the desktop setting (the ones which are set through menus) don't have a good declarative way to specify them. So they reside statefully on your system. Sometimes you can do something with dconf.
<q6AA4FD> steveeJ: you could write an override of firefox that appends the xdg-mime command to postInstall or something hacky like that
<mightybyte> Just something to be awarae of
<rain1> it's strange! maybe something to do with xfce4
<rain1> does anyone have a .desktop file or something for mpv which lets you double click to open videos? I can set video type associations one by one, i was wondering if anyone had a better solution
<ekleog> tilpner: ok it looks like enableACME works, once I understood why I didn't use it in the first place :) (my server has 2 IP addresses, so just using enableACME tries to make nginx listen on, which it can't do because something else is already on the other IP address's :443)
<rnhmjoj> if a variable (colon separated paths) is already defined in the option environment.variables, how do I append something to it? using mkForce will reset it.
<arianvp> So something else is going on here...
<gchristensen> this is something we definitely do inside nixos, so not sure what you're doing which is different
<wedens> must be something nix specific, but I dont see anything unusual either
<duairc> There just seems to be something about how i3 is calling the scripts that makes it really slow
<estrom> How do I solve something generating Screen/Monitor configuration over my configuration? E.g. `Section Monitor\n Identifier "Monitor[0]"\n Identifier "Monitor0"\n EndSection`. Where Monitor0 is my monitorSection configuration -- and the other is generated.
<timokau[m]> MichaelRaskin: I have no idea but I'd have guessed that firefox does some static validation or something
<Phillemann> Am I missing something?
<ottidmes> clever: I should probably do something simliar, some things have to be rebuild every time I GC, but they are not like builtins.fetch*, so it is not that bad
<h91wka__> Well, I would be interested in implementing something like this, because I think there's a lot of potential in NixOS, but the current state of the Erlang packaging, though... Let me go back to the package management a little bit. So there is a git `fetchurl' function, curl `fetchurl' and so on. rebar3 has a `get-deps' command that simply downloads the deps from the lock file. From any point of view it's the same as downloading a
<samueldr> it's possible the user in the line before in the chat also did something, I seem to remember, but not sure
<h91wka__> Oh, Erlang question. I just noticed that nix-packaged erlang libraries are scattered across /nix/store in a common for nix os way. However, Erlang has a unique live upgrade feature which allows to patch bytecode without stopping the VM. Without going deep into the VM primitives, this feature is handled by something that is called the OTP release [1]. OTP releases mandate a certain directory structure for all beam files. How does NixOS
<steve-chavez> Also I keep getting "warning: unknown setting 'signed-binary-caches'" if that helps in something..
<sphalerit> Any special things that might be worth doing for ext4 filesystems that will have nix stores on them? Something to get more inodes or something maybe?
<disasm> clever: something weird happened with my terminal and my screen went black when I ssh'd into my tmux session. Was trying to make it work
<gchristensen> but if you just want to use rebar3, its fine. but if you want to nix-build something, it won't work
<h91wka_> (Honest question, maybe I miss something)
<simpson> h91wka_: Adding to the problem is that you likely don't *actually* have the exact gripe that you've chosen, but something on a parallel path. Perhaps you were hoping to use rebar3 yourself, you have configuration for it or an existing project, and it doesn't Just Work on Nix.


<hyperfekt> tilpner: Yeah, I was just wanting to be sure nix-build --check or something like that doesn't fail just because the directory already exists.
<nh2> clever: I hope that at some point we will manage to somehow do a full performance review of nixpkgs to weed out all issues of that kind. It's so common: At the original creation of the function, somebody thought "this quick-n-dirt approach will do for a while", and then it was never replaced by something reasonable until lots of people have spent many hours waiting on stuff
<MichaelRaskin> sphalerite: it is specified as user environment, too, so it's a good question if you are expected to default to something shell-like
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: I think you can say in .git/config something like a section remotes.group_name
<tilpner> gchristensen: git remote set-url origin --push --add something ?
<ilya-fedin> I need something like this.linux_late_patched
<MichaelRaskin> I think there is something like linux.kernelPatches
<simpson> catern: I think that, if something is sufficiently shiny, say ZFS, then people will ignore innocent-seeming legal issues in favor of whether the source tarballs are available. At the same time, there's at least one project that comes to mind, grsecurity, whose availability and legality are completely at odds in the other direction.
<clever> my general idea when modifying something ive found online, i just put my changes onto a public github repo, and say 'thats enough'
<slyfox> TIL new nix-2.2.1 release hard-depends on something called libeditline (0 public releases)
<wedens> is there some existing implementation of pinning emacs packages and updating via script or something? I guess it'll involve reading/modifying json as a "lockfile"
<samueldr> Mic92: last time I did something like that I had qemu use the vnc output on and used an ssh tunnel
<srhb> Dedalo: I think it's only the red knob. I think you want to fiddle with the libinput settings or something like that.
<AK_> yeah I'm gonna writing this for you there is an option in nixos.org extended config or something
<wedens> there is environment.etc if you need to put something to /etc
<AK_> set to run on first connection recieved. (in other distros its something like systemd as user)
<clever> you can check netstat to confirm what protocols something is listening on
<tobiasBora> I tried to do something like:
<samueldr> ah neat, hadn't thought to check inside nixpkgs, did some searching online to see if anyone had done something similar
<danbst> AFAICT - something new :thinking_face:


<AK_> clever: s/remove/replace with/g please ;-) (something like that bigger fonts)
<AK_> clever: but this font (ter-v32n) was already there. and had no side affects. maybe with new variables something is changed.
<adisbladis> AK_: betaboon: Something like https://ptpb.pw/YQTT/nix is preferable
<clever> AK_: something in your extra-utils derivation is broken, check `nix show-derivation /nix/store/q0jn27nlk11y85qmwzxkjdh7567gljrl-extra-utils.drv`
<qushu> The documentation suggests something like `nix-shell -p 'python35.withPackages(ps: with ps; [ numpy toolz ])'`. Is there a way to adjust this so that tests don't get run for numpy and toolz?
<gchristensen> you can only ++ things if the target has said something on IRC recently
<duairc> betaboon: I don't think it even needs one. Can you do a sanity check for me? Can you add a line to /etc/nixos/configuration.nix, like nixpkgs.overlays = [import /tmp/blah.nix];, and make /tmp/blah.nix just something like (self: super: {}), and tell me if you get infinite recusion?
<Synthetica> betaboon: Should be something like https://gist.github.com/Synthetica9/22bab6c901ff968f0518387f43c7e478
<wedens> If I install something to `$out/etc/fonts/conf.d` in a derivation, how do I make it appear in actual fontconfig directory?
<samrose_> ah, made for steam-like binaries or something like that ok
<Dandellion[m]> Am I missing some packages or something, it's not very googlable :/
<wedens> check your dns or something
<srhb> __monty__: Either that or use substituteInPlace with --replace or something similar
<Yaniel> if you want to hack on something privately you'd just use a shell.nix
<Synthetica> danbst: Or a lib.emptyHash or something
<duairc> wedens: Haha, it actually adds every user on the system... I guess I want to filter isNormalUser or something
<wedens> duairc: how about something like `users.groups.networkmanager.members = config.users.users`. I'm not sure what value it'll have in the end though
<duairc> But how does mkIf do it, and can I do something similar here?
<manveru> you want something like `nix-prefetch-git https://github.com/siers/haskell-telegram-api --rev "$(git ls-remote https://github.com/siers/haskell-telegram-api --rev master | cut -f1)"`
<siers> hm, not even nixpkgs-channels.git works, so something's broken
<labancle> can I do something with system.activationScripts ?
<AK> services.mpd.musicDirectory = "${HOME}/mus"; is there something wrong?
<fpletz> esmerelda: hm, how is python-env defined? using python.withPackages or something else?
<fpletz> esmerelda: you mean something like this? nix-shell -p 'hello.override { stdenv = stdenvNoCC; }'
<benkolera> Making that error not disappear will be the first step. It's normally something pretty easy once you know the error.
<detran> is there a tool that can tell you the sha256 of something you get with fetchurl? I've tried `wget <url> | sha256sum`, but it's complaining that the hashes don't match
<lopsided98> yl[m]: It sounds like you are trying to use Nix as a build system instead of something like CMake, autotools, or in you case Bazel. Is that right? While Nix could be used that way, it is generally used at a higher level in conjunction with a build system that manages the dependencies between individual source files (such as Bazel).
<{^_^}> If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<samueldr> but at the same time: if you lose something, it's probably not going to have been in your home for a long time
<samueldr> gchristensen: at one point I was thinking of doing $HOME bankruptcy and have my actual files outside of $HOME in like $REAL_HOME and $HOME be set to something like $REAL_HOME/Settings (and XDG_CONFIG too to something similar) because of all that annoying cruft :/
<duairc> But I think I'm missing something, because that can't really be right either, because what if the user installs applets in their own profile?
<duairc> It seems that path is hardcoded somewhere whereas it should probably be something liks /run/current-system/sw/share/gnome-panel/applets, because that's where the applets from gnome-applets end up


<rain1> I put something in my nixos config to set up /etc/fuse.conf
<samueldr> adisbladis: are you using something to do that external-drive backup?
<ottidmes> gchristensen: I would consider that "good enough" in practice, I do something similarly. At some point I really need to take the time and go through my whole system making sure that all things are backed up automatically in some fashion or the other
<duairc> I've never lost this much data and unfinished work in my life. It's been really stressful, haven't been able to get any work done either in this time. But I figured if I was going to be setting everything up from scratch anyway I might as well take the opportunity to do it on NixOS, and yeah it's been ages since I've tried out something so new with a learning curve like this, but everyone here has been so
<LnL> you can also add an overlay that recurses, but that might make it hard to find non haskell stuff if you're searching for something else
<clever> duairc: if you look into dconf more, you may be able to generate something that mutates the "default", and then install that file into systemPackages
<duairc> clever: Aha! I do remmeber reading something about this alright
<duairc> clever: I will try your blunt hammer now :) Though I think I actually grepped all of /nix/store earlier, but that might have been for something else
<ToxicFrog> duairc: typically you'll see something like user.slice -> user-$UID.scope -> session-$PID.scope