
<infinisil> Yeah so I can't reproduce it, there must be something in your setup that makes this fail
<jluttine> infinisil: i put some info in that issue report. is there something more you'd like to see and how can i get that info?
<ben> generally either the parser will yell at you or it's going to do something reasonable
<Daifa_> "Am I missing something? " was the question.
<Daifa_> Hi. I'm trying to show an image in octave but it yields an error that there was something missing while building octave. A quick search reveals that probably graphicsmagick is missing and that this should be reported during building. In fact in nix log it is reported. default.nix for octave has graphicsmagicks in its buildInputs but I do not find it when printing $buildInputs in a nix-shell. I feel like it should find magicks there. Am
<simpson> I wonder if it's something wrong with Cython.
<jonreeve> clever: So I'm definitely doing something wrong. Is it supposed to be something likie this?
<clever> since your using overrideDerivation, you can just shove it into something like postInstall = '' ls $out/bin; '';
<clever> dckc: after something is compiled, you can run patchelf to modify it, or use wrapProgram to prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH
<dckc> so... I goofed in a build step; how I do I tell nix something needs to be rebuilt?
<infinisil> Or have something odd in them


<{^_^}> If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<Judson1> I've started messing with a setup that'll let me drop files I'm not ready to turn into module templates yet into a directory. The next step, I think, is going to be a little shell function or something to replace the home-manager link with a copy of the file.
<samueldr> and apparently *something* is causing segfaults when mixing 18.09 2.36 gdk_pixbuf plugins with unstable 2.38 gdk_pixbuf
<fresheyeball> if you need something now, and want to use <nixpkgs> do nix-shell -p instead
<vaibhavsagar> eacameron: it might be something else, but you might be able to get more info by running one of these applications from the terminal and looking at the output when it crashes
<vaibhavsagar> eacameron: did you install something with `nix-env` that depends on Qt?
<emily> if Nix had just embedded Lua or something it'd probably be a fair bit less usable, even if it didn't require hacking up the interpreter too much
<thoughtpolice> gchristensen: Ah, just something like -- "A full 32-bit RISC-V simulator, built and delivered to the browser, with Nix!" maybe? :)
<kenshinC1> I'm trying to try our Rust, and I wanted to use Idea as an IDE. Looks like I need to give Idea a path where it can find rustc, cargo and the standard library. How can I do that without installing everything in my user environment, but ideally in a shell or something?
<LnL> it's basically a wrapper around something like this
<dhess> Right. Also I want something that absolutely does not go into any store.
<LnL> but for proper vault integration you need something that rotates those
<LnL> I have written something to generate config files with secrets in a dedicated store only accessible by one user
<dhess> LnL: yeah I would like something like that, ideally plug-in-able for NixOps' deployment.keys.
<LnL> I've thought about making something like consul-template for nix tho
<dhess> maybe I'll ask a different question: anyone around who's using something like Hashicorp Vault to deploy secrets to NixOS machines?
<joepie91> Serus: packaging proprietary software in nixpkgs is something that's a little frowned upon though not forbidden (and there's an 'unfree' flag and you do need to set a flag to make unfree software installations possible)
<Taneb> immae: setting up a multi-user nixops environment is something I'd like to know too
<simpson> Admittedly this is more because of NixOS' power than because of problems with other tools; were this Debian or Ubuntu, something like Puppet or Terraform might be worth the time investment. But Nix is more reliable than those.
<gchristensen> ah, I was sort of expecting something about it being a jokey take on broken crypto
<ottidmes> fengels: maybe try and reset all stored connections and try adding the one you are using now manually, maybe there is something in the configuration of the connections that conflicts with how NetworkManager is configured in NixOS or some such?
<ottidmes> fengels: was the switch from your previous distro recent? I ask, because maybe a kernel upgrade did something to your network drivers (they did to mine)
<Taneb> tilpner: thanks, but in this case it was something I was working on locally
<azazel> mmm... i've enabled a borgbackup job using the config.service.borgbackup and now systemd fails to run the job with something like "Failed at step NAMESPACE spawning" and "Failed to set up mount namespacing: No such file or directory"... any clue?
<immae> nix-on-something-else
<tilpner> With that PATH it has to be Nix-on-something-else
<tilpner> Wait, calling nix-channel fails? Are you on NixOS or Nix-on-something-else?
<petersjt014> something like a 3x timeout period would prob do it
<elvishjerricco> Hm. Putting it in the firmware is a bit much, and petiboot seems specific to kexec. Would be nice to have something that just chainloads with EFI, as a normal EFI application
<andrewrk> yeah that did something
<Synthetica> Or am I missing something?


<tdeo> it's a personal derivation so i can work around it with something bash if there's no way to do so
<clever> joepie91: ive helped a friend on something close to opencv before, and he didnt have enough ram to do basic operations
<judson> I should switch to something better; I just don't know what that would be.
<judson> I regularly lose connection to freenode overnight (or something) and then I'm Guest here by accident. Regaining my id is fine, but a pain.
<judson> Weirdly, that would make the modules easier to share; they could even be part of the stable channel because e.g. judsonsBluetoothResetHack.enable or something.
<nDuff> dmj`, ...so, to give you an example, one of my builds has code that looks something like the following: wrapProgram "$out/bin/$f" --prefix PATH : "${stdenv.lib.makeBinPath [ "$out" jq ]}:${python27.withPackages(p: [p.pycurl])}"
<jabranham> Twey: great, thanks. For some reason "nix-shell -p julia" installed 0.6something and "nix-env -i julia" wanted to compile 1.0.3. "nix-env -iA unstable.julia" grabs the substitute like I want.
<clever> wedens: i typically just do something like `nix eval nixpkgs.lib.version` to get the current rev my channel is at, and then use that to pin whatever project i'm starting
<Twey> otini: If that happens your only real option is to remove it from your config — if a dependency of something in your config doesn't build then you can't build that config, there's not much you can do about that :þ
<kyren> I'd like to make a r/w nixos install on a USB to try something before I make a permanent install (I need virtualbox on the bootable USB), what's the best way of doing that?
<dtz> if something was broken or missing and I knew even trying to investigate would be a big trashfire of insanity, I'd just move on. But nope, you can easily inspect and find the bit responsible haha
<fresheyeball> is there something weird with the gitlab service and the conf folder?
<iqubic> kyren: Something weird is going on. Opening the steam settings page and polling for controller info tells me that no controller is connected.
<aanderse_> need to get something like this... ${llvmPackages.clang-unwrapped}/lib/clang/7.0.1/include


<noonien> something similar to https://popcon.ubuntu.com/by_inst
<Thra11> elvishjerricco: The default.nix you described for me yesterday doesn't seem to allow me to import the dependencies in ghci (when I run `nix-shell --run ghci` in the directory). Am I doing something wrong, or do I need a different default.nix to do that?
<Synthetica> Something like `postInstall = "wrapProgram "$out/bin/yourexec" --prefix PATH : "${stdenv.lib.makeBinPath [ dep1 dep2 ]}"`
<mdash> eyjhb: right, something like 'substitute $src/betterlockscreen $out/bin/betterlockscreen --replace xdpyinfo ${xdpyinfo}/bin/xdpyinfo'
<Soft> How stable nixos-unstable tends to be in practice? Are we talking like Arch level of stability or something that breaks every other day
<infinisil> I see, there is something in nixpkgs that disables building docs for out-of-tree modules, but I don't know what that is right now (and whether it can be disabled)
<Aerobit> hmm. I've got something funky going on then :(
<matthewbauer[m]> "clay" seems to be broken in haskellPackages? anyone know how we fix something like that?\
<jonreeve> Am I doing something wrong?
<tollb> gchristensen: Thanks! Is there something different I should have done to push the update to staging directly?
<tilpner> gchristensen: You did some secureboot recently. Is that something I want to try?
<qyliss^work> Yeah, fundamentally _something_ has to be unencrypted.
<pvinis> so what is the flow then? i think i am missing something. you want to put this in a new machine
<pvinis> what is the "preferred" way to keep the configuration.nix file in a git repo? do you keep it in the home dir somewhere, and link it in /etc/nixos or something?
<jabranham> qyliss^work: I can't seem to find any .drv files in there. /nix/var/nix/profiles/system-XX-link seems to just contain scripts for setting up the system and links to executables, no .drv files. Am I missing something obvious?
<apaul1729> when i was building a package for something that had autogen.sh and configure
<WilliamHamilton[> is there something wrong in writing `sed -i "s:@prefix@:$out:g" Makefile.in` in the patchPhase?
<pbb> you mean something inside nixpkgs might import nixpkgs itself?
<noonien> 10% of something, doesn't seem that much of an issue when comparing to 100% of nothing
<timor> WilliamHamilton[: $out is where the builder needs to put the resulting files. $prefix is something that the default configurePhase sets to $out to make sure that a configure/make-style package places its output exactly there when running make install in the default installPhase
<infinisil> Yeah that's something I thought of too
<WilliamHamilton[> infinisil: the weird thing is that there is something called runPhase https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21060
<infinisil> WilliamHamilton[: Ah, um, i thought there was something like that, maybe it's called differently
<infinisil> noonien: If you mean something that's in /nix/store, the correct term would be "a realized derivation"
<symphorien> noonien: but I suspect you want do to something impossible. Can you explain your final goal ?
<srhb> Frankly, it's probably easier to get something malicious into the cache by just committing it, rather than trying to tamper with the cache.
<MisterOutofTime> srhb: attempt to call something which is not a function but a string with context
<srhb> MisterOutofTime: sure, something like (import (builtins.fetchTarball { url = https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/revision.tar.gz; } {}).docker
<srhb> Overriding docker itself will be something like docker = pkgs.docker.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: { src = ... old source; })
<wedens> WilliamHamilton[: `nix-build --no-out-link -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {} ; callPackage ./default.nix {}';` something like this?
<kenogo> Hey! So I know I can use patchelf to patch the libraries a binary uses, but is there a tool to patch arbitrary paths to something I want them to be?
<typetetris> sphalerite: Now. So, maybe there is something in ~/.nix-defexpr which states the sha?
<noonien> something like the `map` functions, but over sets
<noonien> am i doing something wrong?


<ottidmes> Just to suggest something that ought to work, but might not be the prettiest, you could always first extract the information you want with a call to import <nixpkgs/config> ... and then call it again supplying the gathered information, since its lazy it should not be that costly, this way you can still leverage the module system to generate the data, but work around the potential circular stuff, maybe instead
<ramses_> devalot: so is there any way to add something to a section only if that section exists? Like, I don't want to create it if it didn't exist yet
<devalot> But an answer to your question would be something like: mkIf config.filesystems...
<ramses_> Hey guys, is there any way to do something like this in configuration.nix "if hardware-config.nix defines fileSystems.X.device, then set fileSystems.X.options to this value, otherwise don't set fileSystems.X"?
<judson> I think `shellInit` is the problem - it's a types.lines, and I'm providing something like ["string" "string"]; to it...
<gchristensen> phizzz: my impression is we've miscommunicated something, because it probably isn't as hard as you expect
<srhb> phizzz: Something like that (ignoring complexities with nativeBuildInputs which you can probably do safely for now) -- there's also wafHook, not sure how well that works, but you may want to grep nixpkgs for that to see examples of usingit.
<phizzz> srhb: i know it needs waf and ns-3, so would i make a derivation that has something like: buildInputs = [ pkgconfig ns-3 waf ]; ?
<das_j> Is it possible to extend an existing string? Something like systemd.services.x.execStart = "${pkgs.mkdir}...; ${config.systemd.services.x.execStart}" ?
<aszlig> immae: well, you could use something like a statically linked dash if you want to keep it minimal
<immae> But again aszlig it’s because I didn’t find a better option, so I’m open to use something else if you have a suggestion
<dmj`> Is there something like a postLibraryBuild phase in haskell nixpkgs infra
<tilpner> Useful for answering questions like "how did other people configure $SOMETHING"
<Taneb> It'd be quite impressive to package something by accident, I think
<jD91mZM2> Can you make some part of the config configurable at boot? Say, a grub menu for booting to either a TTY or X11, or something like that?
<EffSquared> clever: If a rainbow table is all you need, an FPGA based universal CAM does not seem impossible or am I overlooking something?
<clever> wedens: this is something i use in combination with my nixops machines
<wedens> I haven't used nixops, so I have a newbish question: if I deploy a system using nixops, can I use it as regular nixos (doing nixos-rebuild, etc) or do I have to always use nixops to change something?
<_deepfire> ah, so if something isn't needed by Cabal, it shouldn't need to be null'd?
<u_> looks like something to do with nix
<iqubic> And this is a new issue. Something that only started happening today.


<ToxicFrog> If you prefer to use ZFS mount management (which is especially appealing if you have lots of datasets), you need something like this: https://gist.github.com/ToxicFrog/0c11bc16b93745742ea8bb29a5ae95c9
<spacekookie> Though it would maybe be something obvious or someone else knows how to run zfs
<ddellaco_> I'm seeing a black screen with a cursor only when I start X, completely unresponsive. Logged in via ssh from my other machine I see no errors in the logs, lightdm (I've tried slim too) doesn't have any errors, neither does X11, display-manager...etc. I've tried setting plasma5 as well as lumina as my desktop manager, no changes. Any ideas? Seems like something simple...
<jomik> I was just confused as to why taffybar --version output 3.1.1, when it could not compile properly, but I guess it was because the taffybar bin got updated, but it lost its ghc environment or something..
<catern> hey #nixos, am I doing something obviously wrong in this nix-shell shebang line?
<wedens> I had something similar with workspace switching
<jomik> Attempts to call something that is not a function but a set.....
<gchristensen> also, could we please invent something better than gpg
<wedens> jomik: `appendPatch unstable.haskellPackages.taffybar (pkgs.fetchpatch { .... })` or something like that
<sphalerite> that's a remnant from… something else
<sphalerite> it might be in /boot/EFI/grub or something instead
<srhb> teto: I understand the desite, but allowing any kind of mutability opens a huge can of worms. If you want, you can write activation scripts for home manager or something that copy the generated file out of the store or something, but I'd really consider this a misfeature if it were included.
<siraben> I might need something more generic
<srhb> (Maybe just an ASG or something?)
<Guanin> Oh man, I just mixed something completely up and tried to escape the wrong string... escape worked flawless, sorry for stealing your time, srhb and manveru
<srhb> teto: It would have been correct if the default.nix were something like { pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }: ...
<teto> I have a default.nix with "haskellPackages.callCabal2nix "netlink-pm" ./. {}" and shell.nix that does `(import ./. {}).env ` which triggers `error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /home/teto/mptcpnetlink/hs/shell.nix:2:2`
<clever> https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Migrate_Windows is also something i had briefly experimented with
<petersjt014> it *stands* for something?
<Ankhers> simpson: Do you know if there is a way to do an override or something to set the C compiler?
<Ankhers> Anyone have experience with idris on nixos? Trying to do something super simple and getting an error saying gmp.h cannot be found.


<kyren> tilpner: yeah I see it now, now I know that github search actually just stops working if a file is large enough or something, this is probably part of the reason I've been so confused
<kyren> I don't understand how emacs packages *work* precisely, but it's not in nixpkgs itself afaict, it's derived from elpa or melpa or something, there isn't the string "lua-mode" in nixpkgs
<kyren> so the end result is that it's broken across the board, and I'm free to file a bug report on nixpkgs, and it's not something to do with home-manager or the jenga tower of software which is my infrastructure?
<tilpner> Good, so we can all agree that either the tarball changed, or something entered a broken hash
<ottidmes> if I want to get more insights on what time in spend in a script, say if it calls grep it would show greps time besides that of bash, is there something out there for this?
<kyren> clever: was distracted there for a second, but tried to find the package on the other machine and unfortunately the hash part is probably not the same (it's macos vs linux so this probably makes sense), I deleted all of the packages following that pattern and rebuilt the other machine and now it's succeeding probably because emacs-with-packages is still up to date or something, I'm trying my hardest to make the other machine fail as well haha
<clever> kyren: depends on if something is using it or not
<fresheyeball> it just seems like runCommand is not running buildPhase or something
<tilpner> joepie91: That would be the quickest solution. If you're willing to do that, I'll of course answer all question. :) (But it's just a few new lines that really do something, the rest is wrapping and refactoring)
<estrom> I added xorg.xinit to a project and thought that that package was the issue -- the build tool was doing something weird
<fyuuri> Hi :). I still can't make emoji fonts work :(. Is there something else after adding them in the config to font.fonts
<countingsort> other paths dont have the problem, i did nothing weird, not even update or something
<countingsort> trying to package something. got `src = fetchzip { ... };`, but it errors with `suspicious ownership or permission on '/nix/store/...-source'; rejecting`. checked it, and its owned by nixbld1, with 773. how come this happened, and how to fix it?
<srhb> raduom: We don't really have something very similar, nor is that the way we usually develop packages.
<srhb> Something like that.
<nefix> symphorien: and how can I use nix inside the Docker container? Is there any base image or something like that?
<wedens> you should probably add `systemctl --user import-environment XDG_DATA_DIRS` to `services.xserver.displayManager.sessionCommands` or something
<wedens> yeah. it must be something missing in environment
<clever> ixxie: the above will download a given url, unpack it to $out, then delete something, the sha256 is over whatever remains after deletion
<ixxie> clever: something really weird is going on... the ls shows a completely different tarball
<clever> i just prefer using runCommand if its not actually building something
<ixxie> hmm clever - looks like the whole tarball doesn't even get opened or something
<clever> the tricky part, is replacing the pkgs something else wanted
<clever> wedens: in this case, the custom set of things, is a pair of derivations for testing something
<samueldr> wedens: as for me, I settled on running it through something else, with the development server, not sure how it fits in your idea https://github.com/samueldr/hydra-in-a-bag/
<q6AA4FD> wedens: do you want to clean a work directory or something?
<q6AA4FD> wedens: you could probably write a trap or something that gets run by shellHook
<wedens> is there something like `exitShellHook`?
<ivan> apajx: if it's tied to a Xorg that sounds like something for ~/.config/autostart however your DE manages that
<iqubic> But don't you need their IP or something so that you know which machine to download from?
<maximiliantagher> Ok makes sense; I tried a recent unstable and got build failures and thought I might be doing something wrong
<tom39291> gchristensen: Ah, okay. Is that a nixos module thing, or something in Nix language spec?
<clever> and when doing something like recursively traversing directories, zfs can compare the seq# to see if a change is older or newer then a given snapshot
<tom39291> Is something concatenating these?
<clever> drakonis: i think you ran something with su the wrong way, and it had the wrong $HOME
<Laalf> so when i define an overlay in home-manager via nixpkgs.overlays its not available in home.packages. does that mean that my overlay is wrong or is there something i am forgetting?


<steveeJ> is there something in the Nix ecosystem to declare application-containers with e.g. docker or rkt? my question is a dupe of https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/37553 which is unanswered
<clever> steveeJ: yeah, you ran something nix based using sudo, and the wrong $HOME was set, so now root owns your files
<clever> was thinking it might be something simple that can just extract itself
<infinisil> Ah yeah you said something like that
<infinisil> fresheyeball: Can the path it uses be set to something different or does it always use the current directory?
<gagbo> I'm trying to use overrideAttrs to change the url in src for a package, and I get a 'attribute fetchurl missing' error when I try to build this. Is there something I'm missing ?
<simpson> Or maybe GC or something else.
<lejonet> gchristensen: like I thought then, I haven't been following ZFS for a while and thought that they maybe had introduced something directly dangerous with dedup as a tool, not the "be careful when using it or it will wreck stuff HARD"
<lejonet> gchristensen: horrible behaviour as in om-nom-nom give me all the RAM or something more, data-disastrous?
<jophish> lejonet: this server is a backup server for personal files, I could certainly cope with something like ecryptfs
<fendor> pbb, it is a bunch of software, like thunderbird, rstudio, steam, libre office, clion, intellij... i think I screwed something up, not nix
<nefix> gchristensen: So you can open a VM running in a remote hypervisor through iPXE without any software requirements or something like that
<nefix> Hey *again*. I want to automatize Nix builds. Is there any kind of CI or something like that? I basically want to be able to run a nix-build once per day (or per week) and also have the ability to force the build with some parameters
<Myrl-saki> What's the best way to do this? Auto-generation with readDir or something?
<jomik> gchristensen: Huh. Maybe fish is doing something odd then. My .bashrc has `exec fish` in it.
<lejonet> gagbo: nah, if you don't want it to overwrite the nixpkg dmenu, just call the package something else, like dmenu-patched or so
<Myrl-saki> tA-: So, basically, my patch allows you to specify something as luks, under fileSystems.
<tA-> im trying to boot under uefi from a live disk and im getting an error waiting for /dev/root, anyone seen something like this before?


<pbb> is there something similar to map-reduce in javascript?
<clever> nefix: oh, something else, one min
<Alling> It's quite interesting that my main monitor, currently the only one showing anything at all, IS in portrait mode in NixOS, even though the entire screen is gray. So there is _something_ running that remembers my portrait mode setting.
<Alling> gchristensen: Do you know by any chance how (in general) to make NixOS work on a system with an Nvidia GPU and three monitors? Preferably with something similar to Gnome 3. It may not be very fancy, but i'm used to its keyboard shortcuts and such.
<simpson> Oh, I don't have a service or anything like that; it's just something that starts as part of a script.
<ottidmes> gchristensen: you had some experience with rnix, no? do you perhaps know how to produce nodes e.g. a string literal node based on a Rust string? so that I replace a bit of the source code with something new
<wedens> is there something like netctl available in nixos?
<__monty__> ingenieroariel: Are you an underwater welder or something? Wonder what a mermaid engineer is : )
<ddellacosta> so it seems like something more fundamental is going on
<srhb> sotrhraven: The NixOS manual has a step by step guide that should Just Work, unless you're doing something exotic.
<nefix> clever: yeah, I'm trying to do something like that
<zfnmxt> Baughn: Could I start it inside of tmux or something? Think that might work?
<arianvp> I have a btrf-luks setup with multiple subvolumes, and I had to write my hardware-config myself as the generator generated something that didn't work
<Taneb> But I guess most of the time that's a good sign something's been specified wrong
<Mic92> phdoerfler: I was also annoyed everytime someone updated something jdk based in a pr.
<elvishjerricco> einargs: look into overrideAttrs in the nixpkgs manual. You can use it to add logic to postInstall or something
<jasongrossman> phizzz: You want to have something like this in your configuration.nix ...
<einargs> Is it okay if I complain about trying to get a go package to build with nix? No reason, just need to vent (and maybe someone will point something out I missed).
<slack1256> You could use inotify to get the pid of the process that is doing something and if it long lived you could also get the name etc
<slack1256> ivan: A hackish way to know what is happening, do a script that uses inotify to tell you when something happens to that file.
<ivan> something keeps deleting all my zsh history
<Ralith> it's clearly something to do with state getting screwy across an update


<mikky> but it doesn't make much sense, it looks like Ansible runs its commands in some kind of temporary chroot or something
<mikky> I guess Ansible does something under the hood that's somehow incompatible with how NixOS does things
<gchristensen> anyone currently have an open PR editing a package, where I can test something and you won't mind?
<clever> then its either something else, or a un-discovered firmware bug!
<tilpner> No alarming reports turned up for "TOSHIBA HDWD130" (fw: MX6OACF0). Not sure if I'd prefer finding something over this
<clever> and because grub changed the default before booting nixos, it now runs something else
<clever> ToxicFrog: oh, something else you may like
<ToxicFrog> Anyways, if I wanted to do stupid init script tricks, I guess I really want something that runs immediately after pivot-root but before systemd startup or home creation.
<ToxicFrog> (that appears to be part of NixOS's bootup scripts and not something systemd handles)
<Mic92> or don't mix zfs mounts with something else
<matthewbauer[m]> nixpkgsnovice: also, I don't think there are plans to "phase" out splicing at least not until the immediate issues are addressed. I think we will always need something like splicing behind the scenes... buildPackages should only be used when nativeBuildInputs doesn't work
<jabranham> wedens: Can't say for sure without seeing your setup. Possibly something with how/when Emacs gets started (e.g. before/after X)?
<obadz> (Deep down it does something like /nix/store/310wms2626x9vyf09bfdw7fmm5sgv013-grub-2.02/sbin/grub-install --recheck --root-directory=/root /dev/sda --target=i386-pc)
<Baughn> I was thinking about all the package manager exploits we've seen lately, and I think I have a partial mitigation -- that is, randomly rebuild packages locally, cross-check with other NixOS instances. (Using a DHT or something. Design details later.)
<fyuuri> Hi. Which emojifont do you use in NixOS? Do the work in the terminal emulator as well? I added emojione to fonts.fonts in my config; but it seems not to work. Do I need to do something after nixos-rebuild switch to load new fonts?
<symphorien> the only other solution to do something more subtle is to fork nixpkgs and rebuild with this fork: nixos-rebuild -I nixpkgs=/path/to/fork
<sphalerite> but wait, I have something that's probably worth doing
<samueldr> (sorry, normally I would dig a bit more, but I'm in the middle of something)
<samueldr> hmm, something might be broken on master :/
<aanderse> having an issue with my test... probably something silly, hoping someone can point out the obvious
<samueldr> infinii: only UEFI systems need to mount something at /boot in the installation guide https://stuff.samueldr.com/screenshots/2019/01/20190123214416.png


<nh2> bgamari: hmm, that doesn't sound good. Should I be using something other than `packages."${name}".override`?
<kitl_> bgamari, nh2, ar1a: Thank ye, thank ye! That looks promising, nh2. And I may as well just build something simple and move it between machines to see if it just works.
<bgamari> either that or I have missed something
<clever> some shells even alias which to something like 'alias | which --some-flag' to get type-like support, but at that point, just use type!
<Sophos[m]> TIL of the package which. Something kinda usefull when using a pure nix shell (nix-shell --pure). it was weird not having which. thought i broke something... :/
<Dedalo> or something like that
<rain1> i want ocaml (ocamlrun) 4.07, i don't mind i have to use nix-shell or something
<averell> hm, could be. it's showing correct time, but maybe someone did something on the host
<bryan1_> LnL: thanks for checking.. seems to be doing something w/o failure
<gchristensen> and if you think it is doing something else, can you provide a copy of your shell session?
<yayforj> mb because directory is changing or something
<jasongrossman> nixos-rebuild switch, or something similar, yes.
<Guest78> is there something that nix-build is doing to prevent it from using the IdentityFile I've configured in that file?
<ivegotasthma> In nixos, is it possible to rename a user defined in my configuration.nix? https://dpaste.de/dFxO/raw I want to rename "asthma" to something else.
<rycee> ivegotasthma: Something like https://is.gd/Bttv2F but with the copy command you want to run.
<Ankhers> gchristensen: Is it something you and other are still wanting to move ahead with?
<nefix> I see, I'm going to see if I can do something about it!
<xok> symphorien: how do I get just the part which would look something like this? /run/current-system/sw/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.24.3
<tdeo> what's the best way to make a (personal) derivation that does something as non-root? i want to generate a wineprefix with a custom setup in one
<Myrl-saki> tokudan[m]: If you want something non-destructive, you might want to try `test --rollback --profile ...`
<srhb> bryan1_: Not really when it's read from Prelude. You'd have to replace it with something else. Although I think we ship most packages with profiling built, so you should just need to rebuild your own with profiling to get a nice trace.
<ar1a> ghc: can't find a package database at /home/aria/.cabal/store/ghc-8.6.3/package.db fuck ive broken something
<clever> c-sources is wrappers included with the haskell source, that do things like implement something haskell cant do, and haskell then ffi's into it
<clever> CMCDragonkai: oh, i had something related open just a few days ago...
<CMCDragonkai> clever: Or using something like screen to run the script.
<mankyKitty> that's interesting, okay awesome, I can't be explicit about which target I want to build because that doesn't work if both tests and benchmarks are enabled. I'm super not interested in disabling tests, so I might just wear this for now. I'm not sure the time invested is worth the time saved... something something there's an xkcd about this.
<clever> until something else changes like your nixpkgs rev


<clever> seqizz: https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/34932459b4254d5e1b8d9a5025d77fc1 and use `nixops modify -d something network.nix network_aws.nix`
<ingenieroariel> I am compiling nix on my cell phone (while I wait for nix compilation on riscv to finish) and just noticed something odd - bootstrap produces a configure file that has throws a syntax error on line 7005
<clever> seqizz: wait, somethings not right, line 8 (deployment) is a nixos option, but line 2 is a nixops option
<ivegotasthma> the nix pkg manager repo seems pretty slow, am I missing something?
<clever> dgarzon: the only way to impurely mutate something, in a semi-pure way, is to run a derivation like this via nix-shell, https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-sl/blob/develop/shell.nix#L57-L74
<fresheyeball> if I install something with nix-env, wont it NOT be deleted by gc, since it's "in use"
<gchristensen> it is probably enumerating inodes or something
<gchristensen> Nix's GC has no concept of when something was used
<ingenieroariel> so lzma-devel installed correctly (from dnf), and there is something in my system that nix can link to but it cannot find it
<__monty__> How do I get a nix-shell with a derivations buildInputs? nix-shell -A expects a default.nix so that's not what I want. I want the buildInputs for something in nixpkgs.
<jonge> gchristensen: argh sry should have looked into the nix manual first. i was just so irritated that suddenly something that i have done like that for months doesn't work any longer. thank you!
<infinisil> Oh, # is comments, but something like this
<sphalerite> mpickering: If you're wrapping a shell script from an existing package, what tilpner said. If you want something like writeScriptBin, use writeScriptBin and `export PATH=${lib.escapeShellArg (lib.mkBinPath [hello gnutar])}`
<mpickering> I want something like writeScriptBin which also modifies PATH
<lfish> hello, how do I correctly set the locales? I'm on nixos 18.09 and need something with utf-8, preferably Latin America Spanish, or US English as an alternative. By te way, where can I get a list of the abbreviations?
<jomik> So, just run something like `magic_remove "export TERM=*;" dump
<samueldr> so maybe there's something to keep in mind with regards to that, but I wouln't think so
<gchristensen> Taneb: aye, nah, ideally the other person would care about efitools specifically :) I only packaged it because I needed it for something. if I found a comaintainer, it'd be because they cared about it more long-term than my "one-off" need
<gchristensen> it does something with the EFI interface, but I dunno other than that, really http://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/jejb/efitools.git
<octe> should i be able to do something like that?
<immae> symphorien: you advised me to add this configuration yesterday, maybe you forgot to mention something? ^
<fendor> symphorien, how does that work? 0.o i thought, the boot partition is necessary. Or is it only necessary, if you trash your system that you can still boot something?
<fendor> symphorien, can i clean every generation but the last two or something like that?
<nikola_i> Mic92: do you mean something like this "$({pkgs.xorg.xkbcomp})/bin/xkbcomp $({compiledLayout}) $DISPLAY";
<sicklorkin> symphorien: something like `sudo chmod a+rX /nix/store/`?
<ivegotasthma> but I'm new, so I'm probably missing something
<srhb> So something is up on your system.
<srhb> seqizz: Not sure if I gave you enough to go on. I'd start by getting the unmodified drv via something like.. nix eval '(with import <nixpkgs> { config = {}; overlays = []; }; libreoffice.drvPath)' and comparing that to yours. Does that help?
<Ralith> er, something sensitive to architecture
<Ralith> it doesn't seem like the specific cause is known; presumably it's something architecture is sensitive to
<Ralith> muvlon: gdb points to something inside llvm::cl::OptionCategory::registerCategory, called during static initialization of libLLVM-8svn.so
<q6AA4FD> i can't really see a reason to use overrideDerivation or overrideAttrs over override, am i missing something?
<gchristensen> infinisil: what would you think about replacing ,... with ,elaborate or something? "..." might feel off-putting
<ottidmes> colemickens: I have to fix something in the tool (pointing directly to a src rather than package), but it should then work just fine for cargoSha256, since cargoDeps is defined on every cargo package and is just a fetcher, which my tool can work with
<colemickens> Someone in Discourse has something similar, with all packages in a single JSON file. This also butts up against flakes.nix a bit, as I understand it.
<colemickens> I have something similar, just doesn't handle cargoSha256 (yet?).
<infinisil> colemickens: I recently did this which might be more like something you're looking for: https://github.com/Infinisil/system/blob/master/config/sources/update


<ar1a> also you may be interested in something i got merged into nixpkgs https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/54349
<ivan> I don't know why something isn't getting renamed but systemd has options to increase verbosity if you want to go down that rabbithole
<ivan> bencahill: check journalctl -b for early boot messages on how network interfaces are being renamed by systemd. probably something really odd is going on with your hardware.
<kklawikowski> just asking, still no support for Adobe Creative Cloud on wine or something like this?
<ottidmes> _d0t: I assumed you did not have a src for your package, since setting src = something; seemed obivous to me :P if you ever have such a package, you can use e.g. buildCommand rather than using the normal phases