
<catern> pbb: to be clear I don't want to package something new - I want something that is already packaged and working in Nixpkgs - because I'm going to port it to my new thing
<pbb> phabricator is also similar, there is something in nixpkgs but it's so old you can forget that
<dckc> in fact, my nix goal is to address a problem we're having with containers: we run into different issues in test and prod, and copying the image takes forever. (or something. I wasn't doing that part of the work)
<LnL> you're building something outside of nix?
<ottidmes> hmm, weird bug, nix eval does something with stderr, that nix-instantiate does not, which causes bugs when autocompleting, when I do 2> /dev/null it works like nix-instantiate, when I dump the stderr into two files and compare them with a hex few they are both empty
<dckc> I think the umask issue goes beyond my umask... root's umask or the build user's umask or something is also an issue:
<catern> That issue suggests that DICPATH is just a convention, not something libhunspell knows about, and it's up to each application to respect it (well, at least that's how it was, anyway - the issue suggests that Hunspell has gained some helpers for making that easy)
<__monty__> nekolyanich: Hmm, that's a bigger problem. You'll have to override its deps with callHackage or something.
<monotux> I'm using incorrect search terms, but I'd like to abstract some options used in most of my virtualhost definitions in nginx, something like this: https://pastebin.com/zMqqnTru
<dramforever> I am thinking of adjusting your haskell program to use something other than nix to build user code
<romanofski> dramforever: we were thinking of adjusting the library to use something else than mtime determining the rebuild
<romanofski> benkolera: explained to me that it's not something I want to change
<romanofski> is there a chance to set the mtime of a generated build artifact to something ... well not 1970? (I'm specifically looking at makeWrapper for GHC (https://github.com/purebred-mua/purebred/blob/master/default.nix#L53)
<q6AA4FD> simpson: when you say list of attrsets, you mean something like scrapeConfigs = [{ foo=bar;}; { foo=baz;}]; ? because i'm following this syntax, with no luck
<samueldr> * unless passAsFile is used, something relatively new
<dramforever> 'add something to it later' <- I'm afraid this isn't possible
<flokli> There's something about the tests not working currently due to nested virtualization. I didn't run them so far...


<rycee> slabity: Yeah. One of these days I'll write something about it in the manual :-)
<catern> or is the hooks setup smart enough to deduplicate hooks by name or something?
<catern> is there any safe way to inherit a setup hook or something? I'd like to make the pkgs.pythonPackages.pkgconfig package have the same setupHook as pkgs.pkg-config, but will they both get run if they're both in buildInputs?
<Ankhers> I have derivations A and B. In order for A to build, I need B to be in a specific directory inside A. What is best practice for something like this? I can obviously use cp to copy the files over during A's build. Is there a better option here?
<ottidmes> rcshm: the service fails due to the unwriteable errors, or something else?
<ottidmes> ivegotasthma: like maybe you installed with nix-env which uses a channel defined by your user, but you updated the channels of the root user, something like that
<clever> fearlessKim[m]: first, does any other proton game work? does steam print something on stdout when you run it?
<Ankhers> I'm trying to run a a bash command for each element in a list in my configure phase. What are my options for something like that? I tried to use ${list} and it complains about not being able to coerce a list to a string.
<Ankhers> If I want to nix-build something from my own git checkout of nixpkgs, what is the command again?
<simpson> Ah, got it; GHC wants Sphinx and Python 3 for some reason, and I've touched something on Sphinx's dependency path. Hilarious!
<srhb> I read the others, so I expect as much. :) Something to look forward to.
<elvishjerricco> thought "radix" might mean something special
<duairc> I know it's not important, I just had to implement it there myself for something and it's wrecking my head for some reason thinking about it!
<pie_> clever: i got my wiki stuff to build, i have no idea what was causing the segfault but i mmust have been doing something wrong
<steveeJ> is this the correct way of marking something broken on darwin? `broken = if stdenv.isDarwin then true else false;`
<srhb> spacekitteh[m]: Yeah, it's hard to say something about the general trend.
<dramforever> Taneb: something like nix-store --verify-path /nix/store/*.drv should find them
<Taneb> srhb: is there something I can run to find these corrupted .drv files and fix or remove them?
<alex_giusi_tiri> so there has to be something in the .nix file to add/change/edit to add support for pcre2
<abbafei[m]> is there something wrong with these nixpkgs pulls of mine ([here](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/55367) and [here](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/55141))? There has been no response on them, which seems unusual compared to usual response times.
<john3[m]> yes exactly something like that. Thanks noonien
<{^_^}> NemesisD: If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<yokyolu> im clearly not getting something


<clever> that is a list with a function, and a something
<clever> so you will need to use some string manipulation logic to do something smarter then baseNameOf
<clever> nvm, nDuff found something better then what i was about to write
<LnL> let me check something
<clever> yokyolu: setting trusted-users allows you to bypass most of the safeties in nix, so there is likely something else you want to be setting instead, what --option flags are you using?
<ma9e> i get something about "linux arm bad magic"
<ottidmes> __monty__: I just have a shell function: nux build-call, then builds default.nix with callPackage, likewise a nux shell-call, with an option to change the nixpkgs repo (nux is just something I use to place all my nix helpers under)
<{^_^}> __monty__: If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<ottidmes> etu: I get that on a file level, I am just hoping I can set something in the actual manpage being generated from my asciidoc, or if its not easy/possible within asciidoc, by changing the manpage after generating it
<__monty__> Is there a builtins.extension or something?
<LnL> yl[m]: if I'd have to bet I would say something is using $CC instead of $CXX
<das_j> Is there a convenient way to force all files of a directory to be preloaded? Something like makeWrapper $out/bin/icinga2 --add-to-ldpath $out/lib/icinga2
<srhb> gchristensen: It also prevents subsequent boots if the scrub is.. queued? or something.
<srhb> gchristensen: Well, I have something similar that's a pain to debug...
<pie_> so I'm trying to figure out how to write an installPhase for something that doesnt need any build tools and I'm havign trouble figuring it out.
<ottidmes> nyanloutre[m]: https://gist.github.com/msteen/a40d5b16d0b283c903f230b98ec9df63 try the update (it fails for, need to fix something in an overlay)
<LnL> did you use sudo for something?
<ottidmes> nyanloutre[m]: let me make something for you real quick
<noonien> does nix-prefetch-url refetch something that's already in the store?
<ottidmes> therealwaphire[m: `man nix-shell` probably does the best job at that, but in short, you might get gcc8 to work if you install it in your env, but it will not be able to find any libraries, the only way to do that is to build something or to use nix-shell which can be used to mimick the environment in which builds are run
<ottidmes> therealwaphire[m: I did something similar to that FAQ I linked via the bot, about having unstable while on stable by binding it to an attribute name called unstable, so I checked like this (but that requires some Nix experience): nix eval '(with import <nixpkgs> { }; with lib; filter (hasPrefix "clang") (attrNames unstable))'
<ottidmes> or if you want something standard, in the simple case of fetchzip, nix-prefetch-url works too


<noonien> yes, combined with something that lowers the case, just wanted to know if there was a helper for doing this already
<_d0t> hi! Is there something like python3.withPackages but for python2?
<ottidmes> if you just have a src and want to do something with just the src
<noonien> is this a commmon convetion? are there packages that don't follow this conventions and do something similar to nerdfonts-afont?
<noonien> i'm unsure if i should create a derivation for each font, create a derivation on the fly, something like `nerdfonts.font "Something"`, or provide package options, with a default set of functions
<noonien> ottidmes: do you have that aliased by any chance? isn't that something you do often?
<samueldr> setting my home to something like "/Users/samuel/Application Data", but still owning /Users/samuel
<noonien> oh, i'll install something to monitor my bandwith to see if that's the issue
<ottidmes> clever: its a script that checks something and if it passes, it copies some files over, which it should only need to do once at start and rebuild
<simpson> In particular, I'd be allowed to turn up something like a DHT node?
<simpson> das_j: Ah, for testing. I appreciate your testing dedication. I think that even the `lo` is isolated with a namespace or something similar, so that you should be able to indeed use the same port number every time.
<ToxicFrog> Did something change about python27Packages.buildPythonPackage in the last year that would affect this?
<symphorien> I think it can "automatically package" something from crates.io
<clever> sondr3: something neat you can do that most others cant, you have a working machine to compare against, or even swap hdd's between@
<clever> sondr3: and plugging something in, triggers a input event (like a keyboard or joystick(
<sondr3> is lsmod enough to list the drivers or should I do something more?
<Guanin> Hi, what is the nix/home-manager way of declaring to start something when launching the X session? Writing ~/.xprofile?
<tilpner> steveeJ: And yes, I have something like that, much shorter though
<steveeJ> tilpner: did you have to do something along the lines of https://gitlab.com/steveeJ/infra/blob/master/nix/os/profiles/podman/configuration.nix?
<tilpner> steveeJ: Yes, and I got it working for a while. But then something changed and now networking is broken during image builds (but not while running the base image)
<clever> dunk: nix disables all network access during the build, something must be wrong for it to want to download a file
<mdash> fiola: right, so, the cheap way is to rely on the command-not-found hook, where you try to run something and it then spits out an error about it not being installed and then tells you a bunch of things that could provide it


<ottidmes> thedavidmeister: its apparantly something linked to a profile, I checked my nix store, and I have one for my system profile and user profile
<ottidmes> not at all, learned something new and I fully agreed with the reason behind using it, but I will revert it back to reserving an uid/gid
<ottidmes> symphorien: question about the bitwarden_rs PR, how will DynamicUser work with the backup service, if I supply the same User/Group as the other service I get access to the data is what you said, right? if so, then I can read the data, but how do I get the data written with the right backup user/group? All I can think of at the moment is using root, did you had something else in mind?
<kumikumi> I was wondering if there is something NixOS-specific I should be thinking about
<gchristensen> simpson: mind a PM? I'd love to get your thoughts on something.
<cyris212> Is something obvious wrong here?
<tilpner> What do you want it to have? Try something like nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/default -iA nixpkgs.hello
<ottidmes> kyren: wouldn't something like this work? https://gist.github.com/msteen/368ccb89467f670a5f5439e38050d265
<ottidmes> slyfox: thank you! hopefully this helps getting it fixed, or at least we have something to point to if someone else runs into the issue :)
<goibhniu> ^something^some
<goibhniu> just in case Qt is caching something store path that no longer exists
<wedens> is there something like sshfs on windows?
<bpye> By not NixOS machine, I mean a machine without Nix, be it a Windows machine, or something running *BSD... MacOS and Linux support are great but sadly I can't be in those environments always
<leotaku> Good morning. I've just experienced an issue where, because of a "bad" overlay I had nix-build fill up all available memory and essentially lock my system. Is that something I should report as a bug, or is that "expected" with certain types of wrongly configured overlays.
<ottidmes> noonien: you mean to make your own live CD or something else?
<kyren> is there a way to get nixpkgs from builtins.fetchGit that will work, what I'm trying to do is snapshot nixpkgs via the json output of something like nix-prefetch-git
<ottidmes> maybe ask on #nix-darwin? I would have expected many more people complaining about it, if this never worked properly before, so it might be that you are doing something differently than most, but that is my guess
<{^_^}> If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<NemesisD> is there any concept of a strict mode or something that will error if i've provided an unused attr? like i'm trying to use haskellPackage.shellFor and i'm trying to override the ghc version, but i keep trying setting attributes that i think will override it but they get silently ignored


<symphorien> something like: if the mutable state does not exist yet, create it, and otherwise, let it be
<dckc> now I get `failed to produce output path`. I'm just trying to test the inputs, but I guess i have to produce something
<NemesisD> i wonder if nix needs something like a traceShowId which evaluates an expression but also pretty prints it on evaluation
<infinisil> rodarmor: I don't wanna suggest something like clever just did without knowing whether there's a better solution to your actual problem
<clever> rodarmor: you could use something like pkgs.runCommand, and just hexdump /dev/random
<infinisil> Ah, I just thought you'd need something that keeps changing
<infinisil> rodarmor: But are you really sure you need that? impurities aren't really something you usually want
<mobile_c> like would it be something like root=/nix-store.squashfs
<dmj`> clever: right, has something ever gotten through? Would it be worth it to be on an even older version of nixos is what I'm asking
<infinisil> NemesisD: Yeah, then something like `with import (fetchTarball { url = https://github.com/nixpkgs/NixOS/archive/<revision>.tar.gz; sha256 = "..."; }) {}; ...` can be used
<NemesisD> i could convince them if i come up with something workable or have it be a per-project thing
<Edes> clever: it failed when it tried to execute bash for something, am I supposed to import qemu.nix as a module or as a package
<symphorien> slabity: there is runInLinuxVm or something like that
<tilpner> What isolation are you looking for, I might have something
<slabity> However, it doesn't produce an FHS environment like I expect. It just produces a `bin/newenv` executable that puts me in a bash shell in my home directory. Is there something I'm missing?
<tilpner> Unless you mean progress as in "indication that something is being done"
<simpson> attente[m]: You can do something nasty like putting the dependency in PATH via wrapper.
<slabity> simpson: I want to create something that can provide new configuration options and packages that is easily shared with others.
<symphorien> something is terribly wrong
<tilpner> mikky: Something like nixpkgs.overlays = [ (self: super: { xfce = self.xfce4_13; }) ];
<tilpner> If I have to use foo.bin instead of foo, is something wrong with the foo expression?
<ottidmes> psy3497: they should have introduced a Haskell2018 or something by now where all extensions are in it, except those you want to be explicit about anyway (TemplateHaskell, UndecidableInstances, etc.)
<pie_> laas: i was wanting to make something for configuring WINE stuff but i havent made much progress yet
<Guanin> pie_, you basically mean something like this? https://gist.github.com/Amarandus/04aba28f65c9b608618404c2b80dca65#file-vfio-nix
<tilpner> Something like meta.platforms = lib.platforms.darwin;
<Mic92> it should then load something like /nix/store/vlm27xdg3x6wz7bghnwjfpmb2f3vhm2q-adv_cmds-osx-10.5.8-locale/share/locale
<Taneb> I think it's lvm-encrypted ext-something
<ryantm> gchristensen: Am I doing something wrong to trigger this test? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/53442
<hodapp> oh, sorry, did I ruin something?
<infinisil> Which is weird, seems like something that should've been caught much earlier
<WilliamHamilton[> infinisil: right, I was grepping the nixpkgs and should have found something, so the question now is how I do this idiomatically: I want to do an override of a package setting --extra-lib-dirs because I think a dependency isn't picked up


<pie___> i guess something else is wrong with the application that uses it
<sicklorkin> simpson: i ended having to use something called unixODBCDrivers.msodbcsql17
<johnw_> find a package you want to override, find something in my stuff that's doing a similar thing, and then copy it out
<infinisil> kenshinCH: Something like `hies = (import /path/to/hie-nix {}).hies;`
<ottidmes> ekleog: something like this might be the easiest: overrideWithSelf = pkg: pkg.override (origArgs: builtins.intersectAttrs (attrNames origArgs) self);
<ottidmes> ekleog: how about something like this: https://gist.github.com/msteen/bee03b9038573798f64a1f42171b02e6 (answered that already, but you seem to have missed it, so here it is again)
<petrkr> something like "myscript.sh" and inside will be just export PATH=${pckg.pinentry}/bin/ originalExec?
<petrkr> something like at Arch linux I have "depends = (package1, package2)" in PKGBUILD
<infinisil> Which makes me think it's something stateful, could probably nuke my steam directory to fix it, but..
<ottidmes> ekleog: how about something like this: https://gist.github.com/msteen/bee03b9038573798f64a1f42171b02e6
<ottidmes> what if the options in a module depend on the package version it corresponds to. I thought to just base it on cfg.package.version, but that of course causes infinite recursion, I am thinking now to just wrap those options in a check, and throw an error if they are used when not supported by the version, any better way of doing so, any prior modules that do something like this (options dependent on package
<ekleog> Do we have any easy way of re-calling a derivation from an overlay? I'm thinking something of `callPackageAgain` that'd call `.override` to override all the dependencies
<jluttine> ottidmes: yes, in that file it is, that's what i tried to say. but it's not in that nix store file that the error message is referring to. but yeah,i think i now understand the problem: there's no dist directory which is expected to be present. so something wrong in build phase.
<ottidmes> das_j: had to be something like that, great to hear you found the problem
<lmat> ottidmes: Does nixos have "versions" where all the packages have a set version or something? Or is it more like a rolling release system?
<ottidmes> infinisil: improving upon the current situation would at least be something from which the community as a whole would benefit
<infinisil> *Maybe* I could make my bachelors thesis about something relating to nixpkgs maintenance ;D
<infinisil> Maybe something to auto-merge package update PRs
<manveru> dmj`: what about something like minio?
<ottidmes> phdoerfler: you would best read the manual for more in depth info, but its not really a package, its a derivation, a derivation is a plan on how something in the Nix store can be realized (i.e. build)
<Taneb> gchristensen: not yet, I'm anxious about it being GC'd between copying and starting (or finishing) the "do something" part
<Taneb> Is there a way to say "copy these closures to this remote, and then do something, without risk of them being garbage collected before we start doing, so as to avoid a race condition"?
<Taneb> I've had other things going wrong with it for me, something to do with libgl or libgtk (I'm not at home right now, can't check)
<ottidmes> Taneb: I have had whole conversations ruined, because someone kept focusing on how something was "strictly incorrect" and that if you wanted to be really correct you would have to add a lot of extra disclaimer and formal boilerplate, that basically ruined the conversation, because the actual content of the conversation got lost in all the formalities, hence my dislike. For me chat = informal context, so I
<Taneb> It's something that's strictly incorrect about something I'm passionate about, where a misunderstanding is definitely possible
<infinee> symphorien: I tried that without success last night. maybe I was missing something
<infinee> srhb: Yeah I understand and can agree when it comes to configurable stuff such as color/themes. But something a standard as scrollback should get into main branch at some point IMO. Regarding colors, not being able to change on fly presets kinda sucks
<infinee> srhb: haha something as standard as scrollback needs to be patched?? I don't know man
<ptotter[m]> so looks like I'm not forgetting something simple
<srhb> Might be something obvious.
<srhb> infinee: No, that is something you hand-craft once you need it.
<srhb> ottidmes: So the default behaviour is something like joining share, bin, ... toether
<sicklorkin> is this something in my homedir?
<Aleksejs> btw I did another --upgrade right before sleep so maybe something was fixed
<clever> safer/simpler to just keep backups with something like tarsnap
<sicklorkin> Every time I run nix-shell memory swells to 10GB before it start doing any building.. should I be worried something might be wrong here?
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at (string):218:1


<clever> you would need to add every binary that fails, and map them to something
<Widdershin> I'm using LnL's overlay approach, and currently have something like this: https://gist.github.com/Widdershin/0faccc0b2a6a720802a0d900dea4a463
<attente[m]> it was just something i hard-coded into my `.zshrc` but now i don't even remember why...
<attente[m]> for some reason i recall having to explicitly adding it to `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` in order for something i was building to find `libstdc++.so`, but tbh i really don't remember what it was any more...
<attente[m]> like with a `nix-env` query or something?
<clever> kisik21: you can also use nix-copy-closure to just copy something you already have to another machine
<dhess> What I'm trying to accomplish is to remove all of my non-Nix-store paths from NIX_PATH. So for macOS, the <darwin-config> portion of the NIX_PATH should be something like darwin-config=/nix/store/...-config.nix
<dhess> srhb: I've got something like that already but as soon as I do "import ./foo.nix" it doesn't put foo.nix into the store either
<srhb> dckc: Actually overrideAttrs is something people get to know pretty early in their packaging experience :)
<dckc> so... do folks put `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'` in shell.nix or something?
<{^_^}> dckc: If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<srhb> dckc: I don't know of it either, just wanted to check if you were talking about something I didn't know of
<joko> And does anyone know if it is possible to periodically clean this cache? I was thinking of setting up something like minio for mine
<sicklorkin> clever: we tried something ealier using overlay bt failed w/some infinite recursion or I can't remember what the error was
<clever> sicklorkin: youll want to make an overlay using something like callCabal2nix
<sicklorkin> haskell projects (using stack) i'm using lts 12.18 and (ghc 8.4.4) and have 3 packages which i've copied and modified to fix various things, and finally I have 20 or so packages that aren't in the resolver.. What i want to accomplish is. use nix to fetch lts binaries, and build the remaining packages (which I can then share w/bincache or something)
<pie_> I'm trying to build something that uses wxpython4 like this and im runing into some errors https://bpaste.net/show/9112d9454512
<srhb> infinee: It might seem a small argument, but keeping a toolchain version intact across various developers' machines is... In my experience really crucial, and something no people really do well outside of Nix land. :)
<hodapp> hmm, for what purpose do you need make? are you building something?
<Taneb> On my "get haskell.packages.ghcjs.reflex" building sidequest, I've hit something I can't solve with dontCheck
<ghostyy> if i could somehow put the necessary parts of the store onto a usb or something
<pie_> jtojnar: do you know if this is documented in a comment somewhere or something?
<jtojnar> something like /bin/ion
<thatuser> hey guys i'm trying to use flutter for app development, when building using nix-build i need to accept the SDK license by setting nixpkgs config option 'android_sdk.accept_license = true;'. However even after setting this in my /etc/nixos/configuration.nix it doesnt work. Is there something that I'm overlooking?
<Ankhers> Is there a preferred way a foo2nix tool should work? For example, should it just everything to a default.nix file, or maybe keep deps separate in a deps.nix that the default.nix can pull in, or something else entirely?
<pbb> what is the cleanest way to build something that uses absolute paths in its Makefile?
<srhb> infinee_: I'm on something similar.
<clever> in your case, you would want something like /usr/bin/env=${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/env
<dramforever> I think something says that 'nix' recognizes nix expressions when passed like '(this)', but I have absolutely no idea
<nodyn> Hi everyone! I need to use `nix path-info` with the result of calling `srcOnly` on a package. What's the proper syntax for that? Do I need to define an overlay or something like that?
<clever> infinee: nixos_boot would be something like /dev/sda1, but it should be the ESP you created with parted
<srhb> colemickens: Someone in this channel actually has something extremely environment-agnostic, but I forget their name...
<colemickens> I think I have something close. What I have now unsets NIX_PATH and can rebuild my system configuration closure exactly, whether with a local checkout, or a tarball url+shortGitHash. I should be able to use the `result/.../switch-to-configuration` to activate a new generation, and thus be able to upgrade my nixos install without having NIX_PATH set or relying on `nixos-*` tooling.
<srhb> colemickens: It's extremely useful to get something that you know works somewhere else.
<colemickens> Did I do something wrong?
<jackdk> iqubic: something like https://pastebin.com/dXa5tbRi , maybe?
<simpson> Something like that. Think before doing; don't run any command I give you verbatim.
<jonreeve> simpson: What's frustrating is that everything works except word2vec, though. I was hoping there's just be something I could add to that project file
<jonreeve> simpson: Yeah I might as well install an Ubuntu virtualbox or something. Switching to NixOS on my laptop has not been great for deadlines
<jonreeve> simpson: What's the easiest? I'm just trying to get a Python environment up quickly with these packages, since I have to do something tonight with it
<jonreeve> simpson: And/or how to get around this issue by doing something with that file?


<pie__> laas, i made this patch https://bpaste.net/show/ba569726c14c (which you should apply with the patches attribute, or something), https://bpaste.net/show/6ebc1ae118f1
<Avaq> I expect it to give me 18.09something when I set my nixos channel to nixos-18.09; but it's still giving me the previous version I had; 19.03pre..., from when I was using unstable channel.
<lucus16> clever: How do pkgsCross and e.g. https://github.com/riscv/riscv-gnu-toolchain relate? It doesn't seem like nixpkgs knows about that repo, but it does seem like something it would need
<phizzz> i'm struggling with getting a basic nix-shell going with a test package, w3m for example. is there a way to do something like this in default.nix: import <nixpkgs> { w3m }; and then do `nix-shell` and have the w3m package installed there?
<zupo> it tries to download something from tarballs.nixos.org
<infinisil> __monty__: I mean, I don't mind getting rid of old stuff, but there at least could be something like an error "This is not supported anymore" instead of just removing it without a trace
<pie_> clever: I've run into something quite strange.
<LnL> try something like that
<pie_> laas: if youre not in a rush i think i have something with some patches at home, ill be home in an hour or twi
<clever> jonreeve: something you put into systemPackages
<pie_> laas: i was working on something
<lucus16> clever: Can you tell me something about how the cross compilation stdenvs work and how I can create a new one?
<lucus16> shlevy: Do you know something about that?
<mpickering> clever: Something is happening as the xmonad config file is being compiled now
<alex_giusi_tiri> how is patchShebangs used? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35724883/hard-coded-bin-path-and-nixos mentions to run something like `patchShebangs ./scripts/build-js1/build-js1-linux.sh`, but should I run that in a hook, like 'patchPhase', for each needed file?
<cransom> gchristensen: i like the taint notion. at least in my current environment, the people that can log in and have the ability to update something, know better.
<dhess> I'm also thinking about moving to something like AWS Parameter Store for secrets, so that is something I will probably eventually stop using in NixOps anyway.
<aanderse> the idea is in the rsyslog module i'd add something to services.logrotate.config, but then the user could explicitly disable what the rsyslog module adds, and put their own in
<aanderse> i'm looking to add some default values to services.logrotate.config (so rsyslog files would be rotated), but i'd like the user to be able to override in case they want to do something different. i thought there might be some sort of way to allow this and make it easy for the end user, but i'm not sure what
<tilpner> matthewbauer[m]: Oh, uhh, sorry. nix-instantiate is of course an old tool, I thought you meant something else
<mpickering> that seems to have done something thanks
<Avaq> Can I in-line a file in my nix configs? Something wants a file, which it will cat to an interpreter, I don't want to create extra files.
<Twey> kai_w: You can pass in LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH to any libGL-using program explicitly, and point it to mesa_drivers or something
<clever> Avaq: the URL would be something like https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs-channels/archive/nixos-18.09.tar.gz
<__monty__> Maybe it depends on stdenv or something? That might cause a rebuild, yeah.
<clever> fresheyeball: then it will give a clear error, when something didnt stop doing it
<ottidmes> mdash: mind you its a complete mess, but as long as I could get something working first, then I could probably throwaway most of it anyways
<ottidmes> fresheyeball: anyway, I guess the problem lies into your runtime system using something different than your pinned nixpkgs
<ottidmes> or something else, but the more data, the better
<gchristensen> yeah, but it doesn't help if you accidentally forget to encrypt something
<ingenieroariel> can anyone teach me how to turn this https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/55240#issuecomment-460464077 into something I can put on my /etc/nixos/configuration.nix ?
<infinisil> blumenkranz: Something like this? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/51476
<Unode> something that patchelf can help with.


<iqubic> Either that or I need the 64 bit version. Something about Mono.
<buckley310> I do online CTFs fairly frequently, so I always keep something like this around for when I need to run an unmodified binary. just `nix-shell [filename].nix` and then raw binaries just work. http://ix.io/1A3V
<EffSquared> tiplner: Sure, no problem. Always learn something too. ;-)
<EffSquared> tilpner: That, or might be the mimetype mapping, There are some useful resources online, can not find the one I used, but something like this: https://stuffivelearned.org/doku.php?id=apps:firefox:jnlpfix
<tilpner> I'll try something like that, thanks
<buckley310> yeah if the script is just a list of commands, just name it something distinct, put it in $PATH, and call it like any other command
<kumikumi> I'm trying to run a game server for the game Starbound, but something strange is going on. Bash can't apparently find the game executable even though it clearly exists, is readable and bash autocompletes to it, and also steam-run is not helping. Here's my bash output: https://gist.github.com/kumikumi/01c83d280b3801577a404f08c13134d9 Any ideas?
<immae> tobiasBora: you have a buildDependency on wrapGAppsHook but as far as I see it has no consequence on the output, did you maybe forget something in the mkWrapper?
<ottidmes> tobiasBora: when I launch it I see something appear and dissappear real quick, so guess that is the window
<tobiasBora> did I forget something? https://paste.debian.net/1065184/
<tobiasBora> clever: samueldr: but this jar package is just something I run "manually" after downloading the jar online
<samueldr> e.g. google-chrome from unstable on 18.09, you need to open something like an open/save dialog or the print dialog, which in turn would use a png
<tobiasBora> clever: samueldr: hum I neved used wrapGAppsHook, it is something I should install?
<samueldr> and a really short test on a few of the attributes show that it's generally right, either a direct crash or something further along the line
<samueldr> or maybe your system has a gdk_pixbuf 2.36 installed while you're running something newer
<tobiasBora> something like that gdb $(which java) /tmp/j/core
<dhess> something about no permission to clone, I think.
<gchristensen> chross-q: are you saying something is wrong with this? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/os-specific/linux/microcode/intel.nix#L19-L21
<chross-q> Maybe its something with the intel .tgz
<chross> Aha, ok then there is something else wrong causing it not to execute and update the microcode
<dramforever> chross, are you expecting something like this? https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Microcode#systemd-boot
<clever> sphalerite: i cant remember the exact flag, but you can set something to make the remote machine use its own binary cache config
<sphalerite> so I'm using the aarch64 community box as a remote builder, and started building something, and it's copying some paths there… extremely slowly
<colemickens> yeah git embeds something into the tar metadata
<colemickens> I'd like to use fetchTarball but also be able to run `git get-tar-commit-id` with the raw tarball (it can be gunzip'd), is this possible? I guess I could use fetchUrl and then extract it myself or something


<iqubic> Is that just `steam-run zsh' or something?
<srhb> iqubic: If it's something that's missing from steam-run, you may want to try running the thing with strace. It might not be easy to deduce what's missing though (and I'm no expert) -- but it'll certainly be the path to the answer, unlike running it without steam-run.
<andi-> You might have to add something to steamrun if things are still missing then
<srhb> Yes it will. It's a chrootenv that sets up something akin to the FHS system expected.
<pie__> i have a lot of trouble finding the original defitionins for things to figure out how/why something doesnt work
<ddellacosta> yeah I mean, as far as the exact details of .bash_profile/.bashrc/.profile etc. I more or less know what I want and was hoping this was something nixos was doing that is non-standard, but sounds like it's just my terminals not behaving correctly :-/
<ddellacosta> I'm sure this is something basic, but I'm having a hard time understanding how to get my .profile picked up when I open a new terminal. I've tried --loginShell with urxvt and also "vanilla" termite. Is there something specific to nixos here, and if so, is it documented anywhere?
<noonien> but if i'm afk (and i guess the monitor turns off or something), i come back to a crashed laptop
<pie__> i figure if i didnt have it in scope it would complain about ..haskell being undefined or something
<pie__> srhb, says that attribute is missing..must be something other than haskell.lib
<srhb> pie__: I believe nixos-generate-config will set it to the number of available cores or something like that. I don't really recall.
<pie__> times like 4 build cycles or something
<infinisil> Daifa: Hmm, well in any case, something must be different for these two scenarios, possibly your nixpkgs version
<infinisil> Daifa: A null in buildInputs isn't something bad, it happens often for dependencies that aren't needed, nulls are ignored there
<kumikumi> okay, well this is a pretty fresh installation, I wonder if I have messed up something
<pie__> could the hash be for the wrong repo or something?
<noonien> am i doing something wrong?
<noonien> thanks! i thought it might have something to do with zram
<Unode> unless there's something in the import machinery that breaks this somehow
<wedens> you don't need to use let if you don't want something to be local
<pie__> unless it was something else that brike it, inwhich case yay...
<pie__> I want to be able to run a nix file some way by default so you can just run it in your shell and get something
<pmahoney> clever: is there a way to see that from within the build? something in /proc? (also, i've turned off the sandbox and still get ENOTSUP)


<ottidmes> simpson: know that you can always make it work outside Nix, you just have to configure the global directory to something different than the /nix/store path, that is what I use for the few nodejs packages I need on NixOS, tried to package them all properly, but there was always a problem or another, just so you know that that alternative works
<infinisil> The nix-shell -p thing is really just if you need something simple quickly
<tiksnut> Is there something I need to know? ^^
<neonfuz> I remember not being able to find the window I ran nix-store --optimise in lol... I wonder if I accidentally closed it and corrupted something?
<s2mitrov> so the current iterm2 available in nixpkgs (unstable channel) is pretty outdated - is that something I can update? or is it not really recommended to install iterm2 through nixpkgs
<tilpner> You could try something like #freenode_nixos-fosdem:matrix.org
<laas> it's defines in include/uapi/linux/binfmts.h or something