
<clever> LnL: yeah, thats part of where iohk ran into trouble, hydra would GC something, and then for 30 days, anything using the cache would fail hard, because the cache says it exists, but it doesnt
<Arahael> clever: I'm thinking that the sweet spot for a pragmatist developer is to use something like Debian or Fedora - with nix packages.
<Arahael> clever: I'm surprised that the nixos package doesn't do something like that by default. :/
<clever> Arahael: probably, something like the steam-run chroot may help
<clever> kyren: looks like something worth filing a bug against nixpkgs, but you can use my example as a work-around
<ajs124> ryantm, right, yes. That seems like an option. I forgot that's something I could do. Will try now.


<ddellacosta> or would the suggested approach rather be something like (if I'm talking about just some scripts) using bash as the base and then overlaying custom scripts on top of that?
<ddellacosta> rather than a one-off package I add to the root profile or something uglier like hard-code paths into my configuration.nix file, I figured it would be cleanest to just keep my own private repo of custom scripts
<tilpner> So I probably did something wrong
<lunabo> Ah at least it doesn't rebuild every time I add a Python package, then it's something I can live with :)
<ottidmes> equivrel: just tested on my desktop, same command gives me no renames, so it much be something additionally being done in your config
<ottidmes> sakalli_: you, or some program, probably wrote some stuff to /etc/cups, while NixOS also wants to symlink to that path, probably something like that
<tilpner> Something terrible like that
<tilpner> immae: builtins.match "do-something-with (.*)\n$" foo.drvAttrs.buildCommand
<equivrel> srk: ok, so I guess the issue is that the hetzner backend is trying to do something like this, but doesn't do it quite right...
<equivrel> Hi, I think there's something wrong with how the nixos installer (or possibly nixops) handles systemd's "predictable interface names"
<softinio> so I am following this guide to add more vim plugins to nix: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Vim if you look at the add plugins section it mentions editing /vim-plugins/vim2nix/additional-nix-code this does not exist. Anyone know if this has changed to be something else or how I would use the last bullet point in that doc?
<Myrl-saki> Well crap. I just found something that works on qemu-system-x86_64 but not on qemu-kvm.
<symphorien> something like "sed -i s/linux/linuxefi/ /boot/grub/grub.cfg"
<Twey> deltasquared: On NixOS you can use environment.systemPackages, but without NixOS I don't think there's a good way to install something for all users
<dramforever> Try something like nix-shell -p zlib
<simpson> deltasquared: Is that what you tell me or what you tell you? It sounds like you have time for lots of custom scripts and services, something I don't really have time for.
<deltasquared> idk if that's something I'd have to recompile my kernel to include
<dramforever> I think this too: 'something tells me nix is trying to do something that requires root permissions to isolate builds'
<__monty__> cmacrae: I don't think so. I think maybe your expression needs to explicitly say it needs the path like with `mkdir $out; mv libmpv $out/lib/libmpv` or something. But as I said I have no experience with this so I don't actually know the proper way.
<deltasquared> something tells me nix is trying to do something that requires root permissions to isolate builds
<cmacrae> __monty__: Sure, thank you for your help anyway :) I appreciate it. Yeah checked the path, and the file isn't there. Wondering if there's something I need to pass to the mpv expression to say I want the library included in the output
<__monty__> Maybe it needs to be propagatedBuildInputs or something? Considering you said python.
<cmacrae> __monty__: Sure, that's fair enough. You make a good point, this is something I want for a Python project I'm working on, so it'd make more sense to express it in the shell.nix
<srhb> __monty__: Then you were probably doing something that would recursively alter the hashes of a lot of things (through very base-of-the-tree dependencies, or maybe by modifying callPackage)
<__monty__> srhb: I remember you recommending switching from overrides to an overlay for my ghcWithHoogle setup though. You said something along the lines of "You must be doing a ton of rebuilding because of overrides."
<__monty__> dminuoso: Without --pure nix-shell doesn't clear much from the environment afaik. Do you mean nested nix-shells or something?
<kyren> my plan is to create a systemd job just like that guide is saying to create a file in /dev/shm/ of something like root:mycustomgroup, then add my user to mycustomgroup so that I can read / write to it
<bpye> Which if I'm not being dumb is something only root can do
<clever> something might be in a weird state
<samueldr> (had misconfigured the added drive and didn't want to deal with booting a previous generation which would dirty up something I was getting rid of)
<acowley> An annoyance with this challenge is that the build tends to keep going past errors only to fail much later rather than quit at the first sign of something being wrong.


<clever> ottidmes: yeah, i'm thinking you want something like nix eval or just plain nix-build
<clever> ottidmes: and you cant just run something like `make` in nix-shell?
<vaibhavsagar> ideally I would like something like a chroot, but running nixos
<LnL> yeah, I think what you need is something that walks the ast
<LnL> I've used a weird hack for something like that, but I doubt the principle is usable
<softinio> on the subject of irc clients is weechat the most recommended these days? Currently using irccloud but I want to change to something more local
<charukiewicz> clever: so would pkgs.haskell.lib.justStaticExecutables be something to include in the nixpkgs import clause?
<symphorien> something like export PATH=$(extra-utils-for $(id -u)):$PATH
<{^_^}> If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<pie_> dhess, would be nice if this was documented or something
<das_j> something like that
<therealwaphire[m> how do you go on deploying something like this?
<infinisil> das_j: Oh nice, das_j++! There are a couple more secure defaults, but yeah something like that. Ping me if you open a PR :)
<therealwaphire[m> anyways, I think I've messed something up in my nix system
<ottidmes> zduch4c: yeah so the list you give acts like the whitelist, alright, you can do that, let me write something
<zduch4c> ottidmes: something akin to that, I want to exclude all packages from a list I give, but that list being modified to whitelist the stuff I want
<zduch4c> nevermind ottidmes, I based my knowledge of let on Emacs Lisp which works differently, so it didn't translate. What I want to do is something (in pseudocode) akin to (let ((packages pkgs.gnome3.optionalPacakges)) (remove x from packages) (remove y from packages) ... (set environment.gnome3.excludePackages to packages))
<adamt> therealwaphire[m: Your IRC client is doing something wonky
<noonien> symphorien: hmm, i can't tell what libredirect does, it appears to have something to do with LD, the app i'm trying to install doesn't need any .so, the deb actually comes with an openvpn binary which i want to replace with the openvpn derivation, and some text templates which it needs and has hardcoded the path for them as well
<noonien> i was wondering one other thing, is there a way for a package to create something in /var/lib during instalation?
<CMCDragonkai> simpson: That maybe true for somethings. But it does appear things like coreutils and findutils are just part of the stdenv, that we assume when writing `runCommand`.
<camsbury> if you fetch that in your config you can do something like
<Alling> hyperfekt: There is something weird going on. After renaming nixpkgs to nixpkgs-unstable, I get this error from nix-shell:
<Alling> hyperfekt: Aha, so if I want something unstable, I have to be explicit about it?
<therealwaphire[m> I get a `attempt to call something which is not a function but an integer, at /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix`
<hyperfekt> Yeah, I'll ask there. I thought it might be something NixOS specific since that doesn't seem like behavior that one would call 'normal'.
<johanot> srhb: will dive into it in a momemt. Must be something that exists != 0 in the --all invocation
<arq1> clever: thanks, i got an error at first (maybe i did something wrong) but then after a restart it worked
<clever> 2019-02-21 18:16:47 < LnL> I think we have something now
<jasom> I assume --daemon won't work without sudo, or is it something else that was throwing it?
<clever> and you select which library you want to install something into
<iqubic> clever: How hard would it be foe me to set up something like that for myself.
<camsbury> but if I put that bit of text in the default.nix... I can then install the file from my github repo using the fetchTarball and mkDerivation or something?
<camsbury> so it is downstream from the pkgs sets or something?
<camsbury> trying to compile something with `avr-gcc` on NixOS 18.09, and I'm getting `fatal error: avr/io.h: No such file or directory`


<clever> veverak: i'm guessing either your DL got corrupt, or upstream changed something
<clever> attempt to call something which is not a function but a set
<selfsymmetric-pa> I get `attempt to call something which is not a function but a set`.
<ikitat> /run/current-system/nixpkgs exists on the client side? I could do something similar with overlays?
<LnL> I think we have something now
<adamt> samrose_: Have you managed to do something clever with cargo deps? Like, getting them individually cached in the nix store, so that you don't have to rebuild it all everytime the pkg is updated?
<samrose_> adamt: if I can get something working I will post it to nixos.wiki
<selfsymmetric-pa> srhb: It is. Something look weird?
<lejonet> srhb: erhm... uhm... I just remembered something important I should do... xD
<srhb> Probably called ceph-volume-something...
<lejonet> Was just gonna ask, did you forget to mount something
<adamt> Last time I heard you talk about music you mentioned dwarf metal, so something that sounds like dead goblins isn't really a surprise :P
<lejonet> srhb: don't worry, I just thought you had a l33t hax or something that you can incorporate it into the system setup or so :P
<adamt> lejonet: He was mumbling something about missing symlinks, so I hope not. :P
<adamt> srhb: I think that'll just configure a default replication factor (unless the nixos module -- which I don't know -- does something weird, or things in kafka changed more than i hoped for)
<infinisil> evanm: I'd maybe try nixpkgs master, and the nix master (or something near master for those)
<therealwaphire[m> something I noticed is that GRUB doesn't support `dnodesize=auto` on ZFS
<aanderse> so how do i setup something on nixos to listen for incoming mail and eat it
<edef> qubus also does like, puppet or something for setting up machines
<georgyo> You can also use something like https://www.vaultproject.io/ which is pretty decent
<ldlework> people without fail bring up some breech they had or some problem with their browser extension or something everytime I mention them, so i'll save someone the trouble by doing that
<nyanloutre[m]> because this is something that work with fetchfrompypi for example (I can use the hash found on the pypi website)
<ar1a> are you sure its not something you did?
<ar1a> clever: glad to know its not something ive done
<DigitalKiwi> it needs something else that isn't in nixpkgs but is on pypi or i could build from source maybe... it's by the same author as the one i'm trying
<clever> thomasd: ah, then youll want something more like `env | grep --color julia`


<reallymemorable> how do i remove something from nix path
<asymmetric> how do i select an attribute from something i fetchFromGitHub?
<selfsymmetric-mu> I need to inject a warning in an alias or something.
<catern> But there's also no /etc/services in the container, so something like "getent services ssh" just fails
<clever> reallymemorable: thats just normal sudo rules, you must know your own pw, or set one with something like `passwd reallymemorable`, as root
<pie__> <florianjacob> tbenst: pie__ that xerox stuff you're linking looks like they're trying to ship their own print server instead of cups, or something like that. o.0 it will be very challenging to make that work with NixOS. <florianjacob> tbenst: pie__ that xerox stuff you're linking looks like they're trying to ship their own print server instead of cups, or something like that. o.0 it will be very challenging to make that work with NixOS.
<pie__> https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/tree/PKGBUILD?h=cups-xerox looks like there are ppd files available / „linux cups printer packages“ available for at least some xerox models, if something like that is availab
<srhb> clever: I want to handwave something something requires/requiredby, but...
<judson_> I'm tempted to PR an "after" section, but want to make sure I'm not missing something obvious.
<srhb> reallymemorable: But I don't think I have enough information to really help a lot. I can vaguely handwave that if you're using git directly from within your build, you're likely doing something wrong. You probably also want builtins.fetchgit for private repos.
<reallymemorable> i must be missing something obvious
<srhb> clever: In there branch it's something like inherit (callPackage ...) ceph ceph-client
<ottidmes> reallymemorable: if your cannot change the Nix sources, but want them to use a different fetcher than they use right now, you could do something somewhat hacky, by using an overlay to replace the fetcher they currently use with the one you want to use
<catern> is there a way to get a shell inside a Nix builder sandbox? or something like that?
<noonien> does anyone have remote build servers by any chance? i'm looking to fire up a GCE instance when i need to build something, and shut it down once it's finished
<srhb> Taneb: Things like that usually go in the haskell-updates branch and it's not something to worry about, if you think the change is worth it (and doesn't break compat too much)
<srhb> gchristensen: I think I'm experiencing something along the same line.
<ivegotasthma> I faintly remember something with nix-shell along those lines
<LnL> gchristensen: we should add something for that
<Taneb> srhb: there's not really a wrong way to memorize something
<srhb> Twey: It's a very big sledgehammer when you're *sure* those references won't be needed. If they were needed, something's broken.
<LnL> yeah, then something used nuke-references for those paths
<nikivi> something like this
<manveru> that's what i usually check when something hangs
<pbb> or actually it downloads nodejs for armv7 or something because that's what the robot runs
<dramforever> Maybe something like runInLinuxVM?
<pbb> but then again I also never used npm install -g back when I used Arch, is there something special about globally installed packages?
<ar1a> gonna set up a small homelab on my old laptop, normally i use proxmox or something like that. any reason i should think otherwise and try nixos or something?
<pbb> Hi, so I want to automate the build of a custom firmware for my robot vacuum cleaner with nix, but the build process requires setting up a loop-mount. How would I do something like that in a nix build environment since it usually requires root privileges.
<florianjacob> tbenst: pie__ that xerox stuff you're linking looks like they're trying to ship their own print server instead of cups, or something like that. o.0 it will be very challenging to make that work with NixOS. https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/tree/PKGBUILD?h=cups-xerox looks like there are ppd files available / „linux cups printer packages“ available for at least some xerox models, if something like that is availabl
<clever> reallymemorable: something that ghci-backend is doing involves calling fetchgitPrivate somehow


<reallymemorable> is that something i add to configuration.nix?
<ottidmes> reallymemorable: going down that route you likely only increase your issues eventually. Its like just forcing something with root, while it ought to be done with the user, but because you are tired of trying to get it right, you just opt to sudo it, forcing it along. It sometimes works, but more often than not it will cause other problems in turn
<ferdek> symphorien: that explains it ;) so if I understand correctly, having the Nix itself (running anywhere, say debian for instance) I theoretically can build my own rootfs without systemd and with musl (something like NixWrt project I stumbled upon), but NixOs itself does not support this due to systemd?
<das_j> I could also think of something like systemd.servicesDefaults.serviceConfig where each service is //ed on
<asymmetric> clever: error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a string with context, at /nix/store/pcb948jb0126d103118vapl88ip7ijk2-nixos-18.09.2203.9bd45dddf81/nixos/lib/fixed-points.nix:44:67
<das_j> So I can do something like InaccessibleDirectories = /var/lib/acme?
<asymmetric> clever: what do i pass to a function that takes `self: super:` as arguments? how do i pass something that makes sense for self??
<ottidmes> infinisil: thats correct, and I thought I had fixed it, until my brother complained his backups were unreachable, ouch... and every attempt so far to try and fix it, has broken something else in the process, so since every works, despite some warnings in the logs, I keep my hands off for the moment, until I have the time (and courage :P) to properly take a look at it
<samueldr> though manveru, if futzint with QT_PLUGIN_PATH solves it, it's something to note in the "ultimate fix" test suite
<das_j> If you find something better, let me know
<infinisil> das_j: But it also needs something for it to run every time acme-whatever finishes
<samueldr> manveru: try setting something like QT_PLUGIN_PATH="${qt5.qtbase}/${qt5.qtbase.qtPluginPrefix}" in the environment to see whether it is due to purity or something else
<johanot> phizzz: I'm sort of guessing here, but.. you run a kubernetes node on a nixos virtualbox guest? Depending on how networking is setup in virtualbox _and_ in kubernetes, you might be able to do something like: "ip route add <pod-cidr> via <virtualbox-guest-ip>"
<das_j> But you can do something like me. The "hooks" option (type lines), which get concatenated to a script. The script is called *every time* after the acme unit ran. Wait, I'll gist you the utility function from the top
<srhb> lejonet: We should preserve ceph and do something else with the various outputs. Anyway, now I'm really out, ttyl :P
<bsima> is there a way to configure hydra to deploy a tagged release? maybe with a webhook or something?
<alex_giusi_tiri> that's something I sometimes forget to do myself
<srhb> ninjin: So maybe something like preCheck = "sed magic to insert --seed=someseed" there?
<sondr3> running the same command on my laptop though I can access my NixOS machine, so there's something I need to configure I think on it
<srhb> equivrel: Technically, that's a module. I can see it's not, because there's only the single systemd service, that is, buildbot-worker -- not something like "buildbot-worker-${someparam}"
<srhb> equivrel: If it's not a nicely parameterized service, maybe you can do something with nixos-containers?
<pie__> see stuff about patchelf or something maybe
<ninjin> I have a full desktop system running and that single package can’t be fetch as a binary? Surely I have done something odd.
<das_j> Is there a way to conditionally set variables? Not something like optionalString (because this results in "" if the condition is false), but something that won't run at all if the condition is false
<srhb> phizzz: Maybe something like services.kubernetes.kubelet.extraOpts = [ "--fail-swap-on=false" ];
<manveru> but the issue seems to be about something else
<catern> am I missing something? does Hydra actually have email notifications turned on by default?
<srhb> like, enableStatic or something like that..
<illegalprime> I have a derivation `d` and I want to read the top-level directories it generates, so I'm using `builtins.readDir "${d}"`, but I'm getting something like `cannot read d because d.drv is not valid`, specifically its this line: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/55973/files#diff-0e0af17bff7614ce6822d64c6863bb1fR36
<srhb> catern: If you look for something like $self->{config}->{foo}, foo is the section you care about in each of them, you can sort of decipher what options they take.
<gchristensen> srhb: have you tried grobi? gilligan tells me it works better, I didn't use it though -- I did something else (on a call, though, so can't explain yet)
<srhb> gchristensen: ooo, something better? I like better things.
<ottidmes> siers: could you maybe print your NIX_PATH? I want to test something, but to be able to reproduce it, I have the best chance with your paths
<siers> I'm on osx and I heard multi-user mode is broken or something, so I'll stick to single user mode
<thomasd> I read in my research that after nix-2.0 or something, you don't need the sha? idk
<thomasd> clever: nice, something is building now :)


<Nivpgir> tokudan[m]: LnL: OK thanks for the help, something weird happened to my ssd, files got corrupted ( it actually happened before, if you can get my messages from 24 hours ago it's the same thing), still smartctl reports no problems, so maybe it's just an issue of changing the fs from nixos itself and then from outside. anyways, I formatted everything again and reinstalling, I'll report again tomorrow, hopefully with better news
<fresheyeball> via something like haskells mapWithKey
<ottidmes> LnL: BTW I implemented the TLS verifcation for the prefetcher, only fetchmtn (monotone) is unclear to me whether I need to do something to make it secure with regards to TLS verification
<immae> like passing something like { A = { binaries = [git], profile = ./some/path }, B = { binaries = [neomutt], profile = null }
<Nivpgir> LnL: tokudan[m]: seriously though, why not use this? why is it not good as a patch? it looks like it's just something I should include somewhere and then do a nixos-install, no?
<immae> Hmm you mean you want something like ${if isNull $src then "" else "--profile $out/etc/your-name.con"} ?
<immae> Do you have something like `/run/wrappers/bin/firejail --is-conf-valid some-name.conf` ?
<disasm> reallymemorable: I frequently git grep nixpkgs clone if I want to see if something is already supported in nixos :) You can also man configuration.nix and get all the options it supports (it's long)
<disasm> reallymemorable: yeah, declarable configuration is what makes nix so powerful. If you need something that's not in nix, you don't want to try to install it the way their site says to, you want to build a derivation that does it the right way using nix.
<immae> then, I guess you want to run something like `/run/wrappers/bin/firejail --config some-name.conf` ?
<blumenkranz> immae: Well, I can't check whether they did something bad, but I would like to check whether they did something wrong, like listing a non-directory as input. However, I want to be able to match a series of user-inputted commands to their hypothetical profile files.
<immae> blumenkranz: if I understand correctly, you build a derivation, where some of the input is "user-given" and you don’t control it, and you want to check that the user didn’t try to do something bad?
<cbarrett> hi, it's me again. I'm having trouble getting stage 1 of NixOS to boot on my cloud provider. I tried both the generated hardware-configuration.nix which used UUIDs and my own by-label config. Is it worth it to give hardcoding /dev/sda1 + /dev/sda2 a try? Or is there something else I should be aware of.
<reallymemorable> is it yum or apt or brew or something like that so i can pull down firefox?
<samueldr> srhb: I'm thinking some attention should be given to run their "review notification" kernels through the nixos test suite, not saying "upstream nixos has to do it", but it's something to consider
<acowley> I can only find something saying it can be renerD12x, but x usually starts at 8.
<elvishjerricco> disasm: Basically just installed them in a VM and rolls the hard disk back to a clean state whenever something breaks.
<acowley> Actually I'm probably confused about the problem I have. Some of AMD's newer code wants to query the current system hardware at build time. In particular, there is /dev/kfd that is in the video group. When I nix-build something that uses a helper tool that interacts with the GPU, it fails when trying to open /dev/kfd according to strace.
<disasm> where # is the thing you created as ext4 or something
<disasm> if that doesn't work then something isn't mounted to /mnt :)
<colemickens> I've got some changes in flight for Chromium, but I need to build against Igalia's fork. It should be easy enough, but it looks like Chromium uses something other than git submodules for dependency management.
<reallymemorable> lscpi appears to be doing something but is taking a while
<reallymemorable> and it opened something that is called CGM Viewer
<Alling> clever: Hm, `which` should be enough to confirm that something is not an executable (in PATH), right?
<betawaffle> hey folks, is there something special i need to do with the nixos minimal iso to get it to use a serial console? i'm trying to install nixos on an apu2d4, and i've got the iso flashed to a usb stick. i see isolinux stuff on serial, but then it just stops at some point
<ij> because sometimes the gems didn't build or something, so I needed to remoev them
<elvishjerricco> gchristensen: Maybe some crazy `/dev/tty` hacks? `(read < /dev/tty && cat) | sudo do-something`
<gchristensen> is there a way to do "cat foo | ssh -t remote "sudo do-something-with-foo" and still get the sudo prompt, despite stdin being taken by `cat foo`?
<ottidmes> yeah, probably something like that, I will put it on the safe list then too
<ottidmes> yep, just checked, I use something like that here: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/55413/files#diff-d2190a6c210783d223f707ad96ccfb70R81
<ottidmes> Alling: probably something like that, yes
<Alling> ottidmes: Let's say you download some repo or w/e with 20 bash scripts in different subdirectories and they call each other and whatnot. Would you do something like patchShebangs **/*?
<ottidmes> Alling: you are saying, you cannot touch the script at all, right? so patching the shebang or something similar is not an option? then rather than executing the script, you can execute bash, by passing it the script as the first argument
<ottidmes> if I want to keep one package as it was before applying my overlay (otherwise I would get infinite recursion), what are my options? The most obvious solution is to just import pkg.path again without the overlay, but I was thinking, would it not be better to use something like callPackageWith (tried that just now, but still get infinite recursion).
<Alling> By the way, since Manticore has a few scripts with #!/bin/bash, can I, like, symlink /bin/bash to /usr/bin/env bash or something in shell.nix?
<srhb> Taneb: Something specific you're wondering?
<ottidmes> gregoire: if you just need to reference some other package's output path, you can just do something like this: rbash = super.runCommand "rbash" { } '' mkdir -p $out/bin ln -s ${super.bash}/bin/bash $out/bin/rbash '';
<gregoire> Similar question even though I don't think it's possible: Anyway to use nix-expression in a bash script? Something like echo ${pkgs.foo}
<sevanspowell> Hey, I have a derivation something like this: https://gist.github.com/sevanspowell/df93a8aa1b5061719f1f909e7dc6c796
<MichaelRaskin> ottidmes: mtn and svnssh definitely use different protocols where checking SSL certificate doesn't apply. fetchs3 should be something via https.
<rydnr> clever: I'm reading in nixos-rebuild source code the following: "# Make sure that we use the Nix package we depend on, not something # else from the PATH for nix-{env,instantiate,build}. This is # important, because NixOS defaults the architecture of the rebuilt # system to the architecture of the nix-* binaries used. So if on an # amd64 system the user has an i686 Nix package in her PATH, then we # would silently downgrade the whole s
<jackdk> I don't know salt, but can't you make it call nix-copy-closure or something ;-)
<gchristensen> readline or something
<mdash> it'd be nice if something like dragon could be purchased as a speech engine for general purpose use like sphinx or deepspeech
<Myrl-saki> gchristensen: I was thinking of doing something similar for non-code stuff(IRC, maybe?) -- Espeak + speech recognition. How is speech recognition working for you?
<schneid3306> I am interested in trying nixos and have been doing some research. I may be missing something obvious, but how do I go about executing existing scripts that i use on other operating systems? for example, I have a python script i use to take notes. If my understanding is correct, the shebang will not be able to be interpreted on nixos. Can anyone elaborate or point me in the right direction here?
<colemickens> Is libva/vaapi working for y'all on nixos-unstable? Something broke recently for me, can't tell if it's my error or upstream nixpkgs


<cbarrett> Is this function something I could use to build my own image? Or is it not really intended for public use
<Nivpgir> OK well, I did that, and something went wrong with the file system, files started getting corrupted, so I formatted everything and now I'm installing again, I'll report back tomorrow, thanks!
<Guest75765> OK well, I did that, and something went wrong with the file system, files started getting corrupted, so I formatted everything and now I'm installing again, I'll report back tomorrow, thanks!
<growpotkin> dellacosta: because the haskell packs are in a separate list it's easy to pass them to haddock or something.
<growpotkin> I just use that little shell for most things haha. I only really use cabal2nix when I'm packing something
<Nivpgir> BTW if I just run nixos install from arch again, will it work? Or will it ruin something?
<ottidmes> since neither have something akin to curlOpts for extra argumetns
<sb0> srhb: okay, yes it's in this logfile indeed! doesn't explain why netcat failed though, could be something silly...
<sb0> I can't get hydra RunCommand to work - the commmand is simply not executed (no output in any log AFAICT, and also I tried having a command that sends something to a netcat server - nothing was received)
<dramforever> I'm probably missing something here, but if it's a software change, have you tried booting in to a previous generation?
<sb0> when a hydra runcommand command prints something, where is it displayed?
<dramforever> Something like this: put {= A2 + A3} in A1, {= A3 + 2} in A2, {2} in A3
<dhess> dramforever: I suspect that has something to do with the `self` in this case not being evaluated eagerly.
<DrLambda> is there a way to make curl use http/1.1 or something like that?
<wedens> clever: `nixos-rebuild test` builds a configuration, doesn't it? or do you mean something else?
<sb0> clever: I changed the git URL to something wrong, and hydra just doesn't care. it looks like it's not even accessing the url.
<clever> sb0: try changing the url to something "wrong" then change it back
<ottidmes> hmm, which is not something I can assume, since it supposed to be a general tool


<sour> yeah but should I install something in particular for those x11 lib headers?
<mek42> timokau[m], ah, ok, ty - i must have misread something somewhere, but it looks like they are close
<jomik> sondr3: I'd be happy just getting SOMETHING in nix-shell. But I can't even get bash, because my .bashrc contains that `exec fish`
<sondr3> and hope that something there might give a hint
<bhipple> iqubic: Running something like this will show you everything that the Nix steam has access to: /nix/store/ahdc9szapygwlx29ayl03960wmcp3yc8-steam
<sondr3> I'm really enjoying it but when something doesn't work as expected it's stupid hard to fix lol
<bhipple> mek42: yes; it's very robust once you get it setup, but the platform-specific binaries is a little hard to figure out at first, unless you're doing something common like mac/linux/arm
<mek42> hmmm... with nix could I do something like if intel cpu use intel math library, elif amd cpu use amd math library to keep the same config across my amd desktop and intel laptop?
<mek42> I'm playing with nix in a Debian WSL. I'd like to start a Jupyter notebook server from this WSL. Should I install (specify?) Jupyter from nix, anaconda, pip, something else? (I really hope a bunch of newb questions are ok)
<bhipple> I've found the physlock systemd service, but I don't see where to configure it to do something like "lock after 10 idle minutes"
<monotux> sondr3, I've done something like this before: https://pastebin.com/JhDxb2mR
<MichaelRaskin> Well, if something assumes writeable installation directory, it already can in any case
<MichaelRaskin> Maybe via something akin to firmware load
<jomik> Have I just misunderstood something? I don't recall having this issue when I didn't have my .bashrc start fish up..
<jomik> Hey, I have a bit of an issue with nix-shell. I can't seem to get it to actually install/load any packages. I run `nix-shell -p zsh`, and a new fish (my shell) starts, with an error about something with fzf keybindings, and zsh is not installed in the environment.
<delroth> seems like something is ignoring the shebang and running the perl script in bash instead
<ottidmes> oldandwise: or something like: nix eval --json '(let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { }; in with pkgs.lib; filter (hasPrefix "gcc") (attrNames pkgs))'
<romildo> Something like:
<rembo10> Did something happen with building python applications? For some reason sickgear can no longer find cheetah. It's passed like this: pythonEnv = python2.withPackages(ps: with ps; [ cheetah ]);
<Myrl-saki> Did I do something?
<Myrl-saki> Is there a Nix way to generate a NixOS image without resorting to buildCommand = "nixos-install" or something similar?
<sphalerite> jomik: or something more specialised like concatMapStringsSep, since I imagine you'll be generating some sort of code to render the menu?
<jomik> Can I do something other than `elemAt list 0`, when the index is constant, i.e. like "normal" list indexing `list[0]` ?
<aanderse> the only reason i haven't entirely given up is that your comments are really useful and i feel like i'm learning something :)
<samueldr> (I got a build building, but I'm thinking something's not right if you don't get a failure with your pastebin'd code)
<simpson> Church-: p72 https://nixos.org/~eelco/pubs/phd-thesis.pdf at least; looking for something more executable.


<dsx> docker network create -d ipvlan […] fails to do so with «Error response from daemon: plugin "ipvlan" not found». Am I missing something? Because docker 18.09 documentation states that ipvlan is/should be available.
<colemickens> Do I need to do something beyond adding `sqlite` in a nix-shell ?
<jpo-joyent[m]> i just want something to bootstrap trust with
<jpo-joyent[m]> i don't mind starting with an old version or something if there was a signed release of it at some point
<noonien> if i interrupt nix while it's compiling something, will it resume from where it left off?
<camsbury> johnw: was originally doing something like https://pastebin.com/XprQmBju
<iqubic> Something like nixos-build-iso or something.
<symphorien> you may need to use qt5.qtbase of something like that
<NemesisD> i guess i don't know how to get the path of that python binary inside of a shell or container if the one that's referenced by `which python` isn't correct. i'm not a python expert but it seems like setuptools or something is shelling out to `python` which is python 2, the stack trace starts out in python2.7/site-package/site.py and moves into python-3.6.8-env
<yokyolu> im missing something
<hodapp> has anyone else run into this cryptic issue I'm seeing, in which having IPv6 enabled (I guess) causes something that leads to an endless storm of ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED in Chromium?
<ryantrinkle> i just bumped to the latest nixos-18.09, and it looks like something has changed about how shebang lines are processed by the kernel? it's very strange
<timor> Twey: Hmm, so you mean like if the program does not use something like `cp -p` internally, and I can modify the umask of the process somehow, the copied file will have the "w" bit set?
<camsbury> looking into using overlays, but struggling currently to find something that works
<ottidmes> romildo: no clue, but maybe check the logs: https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos/ I have seen something mentioned about it recently
<ottidmes> the module system is just based on normal Nix data, its just interpreted in a certain way, so as long as you produce something thats confirming the expected data formats, it works as expected
<srhb> kisik21: If your laptop is big enough to rebuild just that, you could merge it locally on top of unstable or something :)
<jomik> Yah, but I think that nm-applet somehow handles auto connect? Or I guess GNOME/KDE adds something else as well..
<Yaniel> try using that font in notepad or something
<Yaniel> you could try something like running notepad in wine with the same font


<ikitat> If I've defined overlays in a default.nix, is there a way for me to also utilize the overlay from a shell.nix? I was hoping to do something like (import ./default.nix).env but that doesn't work
<ddellacosta> also I have no idea if it would be considered good or not but I find this C++ pretty readable, which is something considering I haven't touched C++ for more than a decade
<clever> tilpner: it lets you get the path of something, without it counting as an input
<laas> oh does it read the entire source tree or something?
<ikitat> What's a good strategy for developing private packages against nixpkgs? Something like Nixpkgs Quick Start to Adding a Package, but for something you don't intend to push upstream.
<srhb> pbb: A better option is probably to leave xkeyboard-config alone and do something like: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Keyboard_Layout_Customization#Advanced
<Baughn> Well, this sounds like something I can fix.
<wedens> srhb: I'm not a big fan of NM. I've used netctl in Arch, but I can't find something similar in nixpkgs.
<tilpner> Something appears to be missing. Take your time :)
<sicklorkin> something seems borked.. anyway.. thanks for helping
<ottidmes> callahad: ah, I just checked, I would go with https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/audio/audacious/default.nix the buildEnv is not really appropriate for libs, its OK for applications, because it would not require massive rebuilds (i.e. nothing would depend on the app itself, unlike with a lib). An example of an application doing something plugin based is:
<dramforever> callahad: Maybe you want something like buildEnv { name = "my-imlib2-0.2.whatever"; paths = [ imlib2-webp imlib2 ]; } ?
<ottidmes> callahad: An union is possible with buildEnv, but I think in this case you just want to merge imlib2-webp into imlib2, maybe by default, or if there is any reason to make it optional, behind an enableWebp or something
<callahad> I was thinking I could maybe do something in a postInstall hook for imlib2, but that doesn't seem right. I think what I want is a union of the output of imlib2 and imlib2-webp
<MasseR> Hey guys. We just spent something like 3 hours to have a coworkers darwin-machine ready for developing our haskell-based executable, until we realized that our local test environment is on a linux machine on virtualbox
<ottidmes> callahad: not that I ever packaged such a thing myself, but I'd imagine you make it install to $out/lib/imlib2/loaders/ rather than ${imlib2}/lib/imlib2/loaders/. Do you do that installation yourself, or is it doing that itself with the gist you showed? If you do it yourself, try just changing to $out (they should merge folders when installed), otherwise you will have to patch something to configure it to
<Taneb> sphalerite: ooh, I didn't know it was, like, something I can run
<Guest11311> I would expect this config to block incoming requests on ports 80 and 443 since they are not explicitly listed, but I can access them without issue... Am I missing something?


<instantepiphany> clever: https://pastebin.com/1mVadv2y - so my understanding is the build succeeded, but in switching to the new derivation something, somewhere, failed. What now?
<lejonet> Hmm, if I want a interface link to be set up, but no IP assigned to it, would I just create a networking.interfaces.<name> with an empty ipv4.addresses or something to achieve that?
<bbigras> Is there a filter command or something that I can use with `src =` to include only some files from the current folder?
<samueldr> my two best assumptions are that either the package assumes it can write system files somehow, or there is *something* missing from the packaging that makes it work, but not entirely