
<sevanspowell> I'm trying to overlay a newer version of a project onto nixpkgs, but the project doesn't have a cabal file (it's generated by stack). Does nix have the ability to deal with this? Something like callCabal2Nix?
<lovesegfault> carter: I read something very different than "disk size" on first pass :P
<clever> carter: you may want to use something like buildEnv to create a single derivation, that contains the result fo the rest
<johanot> dockerTools.buildImage: how would you go about adding a user to the image? "runAsRoot = addUser" or something else?
<srhb> Clearly I must have changed something locally without comitting or something...
<infinisil> ddellacosta: Well something got updated, possible chell from a previous 0.4.* version to 0.5.*
<srhb> So something else is up..
<srhb> infinisil: Is some release note missing from unstable or am I doing something wrong? Re. services.znc.config does not exist
<jomik> vendor id is something like 04e8:6860 ?
<sphalerite> well there must be *something* that's granting access to the device to your user
<blackriversoftwa> Either tilpner's questions are up the right alley or something is disabling it with higher priority than the user config
<blackriversoftwa> To see if something else did
<sphalerite> exarkun: by default it should be [ "multi-user.target" ], if it's not something else is disabling it
<tilpner> Yes, but I'm okay with them always being in scope. Or did you mean something else?
<nefix> Is this related with a syntax error or something like that or it's because another problem?
<pie_> but i probably want to change the compile script or something
<Alling> Synthetica: Oh, maybe that's something I should have, so I don't have to start thinking about expanding the entire partition again.
<pie_> or something, because something breaks sandboxes on debian and i think it might be this
<tilpner_> Something like nix-env -if '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A config.system.build.nixos-install might work
<aswanson> linarcx: I looked at your reddit thread and I think you'll be better served attempting to build the application from source, not installing a debian package. As an aside, I don't know that you should really need a full blown electron app just to write images to an SD card, is there something specific keeping you from using `dd`
<elvishjerricco> AleXoundOS_: Let me try something out first
<elvishjerricco> Yea. Maybe I can get the source from the overlay and just overrideAttrs the nixpkgs expression or something
<AleXoundOS_> oh, that's something I didn't know
<cocreature> Hey, is there a way to get the install script for a specific version of nix so that I can replace " curl -sfL https://nixos.org/nix/install | bash" by something that installs a specific version?


<pie_> something something hnix?
<pie_> infinisil, you should get one of the library studies people to make an ontology for this for their thesis or something ÖP
<ashkitten> the main thing i like about nixos is that once i get something working i never have to touch it again. i never have to manually merge config files, and if i don't pay attention during an upgrade and it fails for some reason it doesn't put me in an unbootable state
<pie_> this is why i believe in nixos for the longer term <infinisil> The good thing about NixOS is that if something is well packaged, one person can upstream this effort to nixpkgs and therefore lessen the burden for maintenance for everybody else
<infinisil> The good thing about NixOS is that if something is well packaged, one person can upstream this effort to nixpkgs and therefore lessen the burden for maintenance for everybody else
<pie_> kingsley, fire up a vm or something and give it a shot
<pie_> ashkitten, there *should* be some things on the wiki or some blog posts or something. (maybe that helps a littlE)
<pie_> if something breaks, you can just roll back, but usually things dont break because nixpkgs has a crapload of CI
<pie_> does gpg have a gui or something?
<ajs124> wrt how you use packages: In my mind, I barely think of packages on NixOS the way I used to, when running something like Debian. I just think of store paths, because those are all that really matters.
<LnL> lsblk -something
<AleXoundOS_> gchristensen, well, it's not only a "devops/servers" target, but also development/work machines. So you often need something new as libraries. Or (as I've got to know now) any new configuration may arrive/requested.
<AleXoundOS_> Hm, that's something I did not think about.
<tilpner> Something like curl -L https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable/store-paths.xz | xz -d | xargs nix-store -r should work
<srhb> hyper_ch: Yeah, save here, I'm just scared I'll accidentally run something that I shouldn't have.
<srhb> hyper_ch: I do something like that, but without the passwords in the store.
<srhb> hyper_ch: But honestly my main motivation over autofs is just being able to set options in filesystems."/some/mount".options and not have to learn something else :-P
<nixosbeginner01> I was previously running ubuntu, and didn't notice this. So I figure I've configured something incorrectly
<exarkun> I tried adding staging to the argument list earlier but it doesn't seem like it gets passed. something about how modules work?
<infinisil> exarkun: You can do something like this: nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' --arg configuration '{ imports = [ ./miniconf.nix ]; privatestorage.staging = ...; }' -A system
<infinisil> exarkun: You can do something like this: nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' --arg configuration '{ imports = [ ./miniconf.nix ]; privatestorage.staging = ...; }'
<__monty__> But a .desktop doesn't make much sense for something like ranger, while it *does* do useful things with files.
<exarkun> why is "attribute 'staging' missing" when I do something like `{ pkgs, staging ? true, ... }: { ... import ./foo.nix { inherit staging; } }`?
<pie_> something something make replacement
<basvandijk> @yorick yes, I think I can vendor prometheus2 with some effort but it would be way more convenient to have in in 19.03. The only potential issue is that services.prometheus.dataDir now requires /var/lib/ as a prefix. I think it's very unlikely if somebody has set that option to something outside /var/lib. If they have they will get an eval error with a good error message of course. So I think it's safe to merge into 19.03. I'll probably
<tilpner> But it does have an advantage in combination with auto-GC. auto-GC only runs when Nix fills up the filesystem, not when something else fills it up. So if Nix gets its own filesystem, auto-GC will always work
<nomeata> Hi. Odd issue: When building something via `nix-build` on Travis (single-user installation), it seems that no `/usr/bin/env` (or even `/usr/bin`) is available, so scripts with `#!/usr/bin/env bash` fail. Outside of `nix-build` stuff is there just fine. Any idea how that can be?
<phdoerfler> But… it's ignored? Or something?
<phdoerfler> I had to change /var/tmp/...whoami... to /tmp/...whoami... for 19.03 and apparently sacrifice an unborn child to gain internet access or something
<srhb> Netsu: Something like: nix-prefetch-git https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels --rev "refs/heads/nixos-unstable" --quiet
* colemickens does something similar but doesn't rely on NIX_PATH or use nixops. my nixpkgs is pinned into the config
* colemickens does something similar but doesn't rely on NIX_PATH or use nixops. my nixpkgs is pinned into the config
<Wulfsta> Something like `USE_ROCM=1 USE_LMDB=1 USE_OPENCV=1 python setup.py install` is handled in `preConfigure` right?


<pereira_alex> MichaelRaskin: thanks ! being a newbie on something sucks !
<infinisil> Melkor333: Or you could make a module that only modifies the config when the hostName equals something special
<pereira_alex> something is fishy : now its looking for "${out}/lib/roccat"
<infinisil> (You might have to change the null there to something more meaningful if you get a weird error)
<infinisil> Iyra: If you need it to be registered in xkb itself, then something like that is probably the best way. There's also #47764, but it's not ready to merge
<emilsp> something that I can shell into by calling nix-env
<esmerelda> I'm trying to make CD for kubenix, and it's something of a similar problem to solve. I need to grab current config, check to see which elements have changed, filter the json to just include the changed elements and do kubectl replace
<samueldr> {runtimeShell, other, deps}: ... # if it's something that's callpackage-able
<softinio> infinisil: I did your PR suggestion for platformSpecific ... I get this error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set , any thoughts?
<clefru> wucke13: I wouldn't bother, and move forward with something that works to get you to your goal. You can study other approaches later
<mabel> I'm assuming that something about this is wrecking the extremely fragile extraCommands builder
<lmarks> Makes sense. I guessed something like that was the case, but was slightly confused by many examples online of people having import <nixpkgs> in modules and .nix files for their NixOS configuration.
<lmarks> I wonder whether something like 'header guards' from c/c++ makes sense here...
<aanderse-work> most desktop environments have something like that
<IRC-Source_26> initially I was just looking for something like .xsession I suppose
<{^_^}> If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<day|flip> if your running nvidia driver with latest kernel. change that to 4_19 or something. there issue with latest kernel with nvidia drivers
<nh2> infinisil: should relative paths not work? They seem to for me in general, e.g. `NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=.` is something I use often. Or are `NIX_PATH` and `-I` different here?


<averell> ninjin: Meh, there's always a lot that can go wrong :). But I would suggest F12 as a first diagnostic tool if something acts weird in the browser.
<averell> no. but maybe your hosting provider or something else along the way does. also depends on what doesn't work means exactly.
<judson> I'm trying to update my new-ish home-manager config, and updating vim plugins. I'm recreating the plugin list, which I think might have something to do with it? But where the output before was a legit package expression, now it emits a series of sets.
<carter> Me giggle and say something about Haskell
<carter> My Mac has a per user default process limit of like 784 or something. So anything much more than j200 seems to hang
<judson> I've seen something like that to pin development shells, as well.
<judson> Best way would be to add something like nixpkgs1803 as a channel and then use `nixpkgs1803.fish` as the expression?
<day|flip> nix-env -iA nixos.fuu <--- something like that
<samueldr> (that way I was forced to have local gem installs for each projects, but that's something npm does already AFAIUI)
<samueldr> I'm unsure whether I'm missing something since it didn't have any issues related to native compilation
<growpotkin> samueldr: I tried it globally and locally. They both crash building a dependency. At some point it tries to compile something with `g++` and can't find my `libsass` headers.
<infinisil> In one project at least I had to have something globally, because it needed some NixOS configuration
<growpotkin> adisbladis: So do you really pop a Nix Shell everytime you want to run something with `npm`? I have gotten away without it for quite a while, this has been my first real `npm` roadblock. I'm note really sure what "best practices" is; I definitely knew my habit of globally installing stuff in my user's home folder was probably going to crash and burn at some point like this haha.
<growpotkin> qyliss: I love Nix so much; but I can't help but feel ridiculous some times when I'm trying to knock out a work project and get roadblocked with something that's normally just automatic on most boxes. (I'm probably forgetting how much time it might have saved me in other situations I suppose)
<samueldr> something must have updated and caused a bunch of unresolvable constraints
<stites> but I... think I need to be doing something with the rpath? or patchelf?
<symphorien> something like git fetch origin; git rebase origin/master; (solve merge conflicts locally); git push --force-with-lease your_fork
<sphalerite> nix-shell doesn't search parent directories, but you could do something like `nix-shell ~/haskell-dev.nix` or something.
<srk> probably something with my env
<sphalerite> as in error messages or something
<MichaelRaskin> Do I understand correctly that reproducing sequence is «launch vim, type something, select something in visual mode, press I»?
<averell> would they erase the full HDDs when cancelling? probably not, right, just put a rescue image on top or something.
<b1000101> sphalerite: Has something changed in the new hydra? It was working before... Let me have a try!
<Ashy> some google suggests the gnome-terminal issue is something to do with my locale possibly
<day|flip> Ashy: im guessing. but it might be something to do with gtk. is it using gtk2 or gtk3?


<pi3r> Is this a bug or something related to a "security" feature (or a side effect of one)
<Melkor333> oh thanks for that info! Saw the entry and thought it's something different
<mog> is there something like nixos-rebuild dry-build but it actually downloads everything?
<jabranham> Am I doing something wrong to test changes to a nixos module locally? I checked out nixpkgs, created a branch, committed the change, then did nixos-rebuild switch -I /path/to/nixpkgs. But my changes don't seem to get applied.
<pie_> is there something that either puts a script in my env or makes a derivation with the script in it?
<emilsp> xzmt is seemingly something that is required to build an rpm package
<b1000101> where can I rename the package while it's being build so it doesn't end up unbder mychannel.nixpkgs-vim-x86_64-linux but rather something nice like mychannel.vim ?
<srhb> I'm dealing with a build where includes are failing because foo.h is not found, possibly because it lives in $dev/include/bar/foo.h instead of $dev/include/foo.h. What might I be missing? Right now I'm adding the paths manually to CFLAGS, but maybe I'm doing something obviously wrong that causes them to not be found in the first place.
<b1000101> Hi guys, is there a way to install a package from my own channel (slightly modified small 18.09 release built by my own hydra). I've added a channel nix-channel --add mychannel https://mydomain/project/name/channel/latest but I can't do something like nix-env -iA mychannel.vim
<Shouou> babic, I just added a new package to the configuration.nix, but I could've missed something. If this is unintended behaviour I'll keep an eye on it.
<babic> That's something I like about nixos, it makes contributing easy
<xantoz> it's also useful when you are preparing a PR for something etc.
<Taneb> Is there a way I can have a derivation which checks something can be instantiated (but not necessarily built)
<mabel> or maybe I writeScriptDir and use propagatedNativeBuildInputs and source them or something? Idk this is a sticky mess
<gchristensen> no magic, all those permissions are contained within a tarball or something
<infinisil> Something like that I remember
<infinisil> Nix probably replaces it with something that works correctly in the sandbox
<mabel> oh god does it make them read-only by default or something?
<mabel> hm... now I see that chmod isn't working as I expect, I wonder if it's because it's putting me in sh or something
<infinisil> wolfman154: And configuring xmonad for a different keyboard layout is something you should be asking in #xmonad, NixOS doesn't have anything to do with that (other than the fact that you're using xmonad on NixOS, but that's irrelevant)
<_Geeko_> do you have something of nvidia in your nix?
<infinisil> parsnip: I don't know the exact context, but maybe you want something like this:
<DigitalKiwi> (if yes, and it's not a solution to your original problem, but if you can't get it to work with using a different nix-channel (there's a guide somewhere i'll find a link) or something else; dante is a good alternative to intero (and doesn't require stack which is a huge win for dante!))


<mpickering> What's the deal with the tinfo library on nixos? is it replaced with something else?
<emilsp> ah, so what do I do if I'm in a desparate need to run something which wasn't built for nix and ldd can't find a suitable libstdc++ for it?
<pie_> tilpner, maybe look into krops, i think they did something for secret management
<infinisil> On that note I have something
<tilpner> manveru: That's weird. But if you alter the installPhase to write something else it should let you test it
<mm_> I get "attempt to call something which is not a function but a path"
<mm_> when loading nixpkgs in nix-repl or trying to install something with nix-env (I know, shame on me)
<infinisil> emilsp: Something like this would work: mkShell { buildInputs = [ tmux nvim ]; }
<djanatyn> i'm looking to replace ansible in my infrastructure with something that accomplishes simlar tasks with a better type system
<tilpner> mm_: I would try re-creating it with dd. A few years ago I tried unetbootin for something, and I never got it to work
<Yaniel> and then I feel like I wasted my time on something that nobody uses anyway
<tilpner> emilsp: I don't know the output format of pacman. Would something like tree $(nix-build --no-out-link '<nixpkgs>' -A gcc) work for you?
<pie_> or capabilities or something
<tilpner> Any other files you don't need? You can always copy something out, gc, and copy it back in
<siers> is there something faster than nix-prefetch-git for getting nixos-19.03 from nixpkgs-channels?
<eyJhb> Anyone have a Displaylink USB 3.0 DOck available, who can test something?
<infandum> something about these programs in nixos makes them "forget" things. Is there a way around this?
<mm_> like `nix-build some.func --arg foo pkgs.somepackage` or something like that?
<Netsu> Hello. Can package download by curl something during build phase?
<thblt> It does something with the override since it complains if the SHA is wrong
<mabel> probably something like passing fetchers in as build inputs
<Taneb> Something on my todo list is getting the configuration for the server which runs the CI at work into CI itself, and make it automatically deploy to itself
<mabel> JaakkoLuttinen[m: iirc, stdenv calls source on each build input, so that build inputs get added to the path. I think there's a variant called writeScriptDir or something that will put the script in a dir rather than the build input pointing to the script directly
<Akii> I must be missing something obvious, right?
<mabel> I guess I should use jq or something?
<mabel> I'm finding myself fighting with the module system a bit though, so I think I'm doing something wrong
<infinisil> Something like this: `let src = fetchTarball "https://github.com/target/lorri/tarball/rolling-release"; lorri = import src { inherit src; }; in ...`


<duairc> Also, relatedly (though this probably belongs in #haskell), does anyone know if it's possible in a cabal file to say that your Haskell library depends on a particular binary? Preferably something cabal2nix understands so that you could hook it up with the right binary with nix
<_Geeko_> attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:11:4
<NemesisD> this is probably a long shot but is there any way to tell how many packages in my dependencies are marked broken without having to build the whole thing? i'm willing to fork and fix a few but if its gonna be dozens i'll have to figure something else out
<__monty__> I guess I'll try it when I switch to NixOS. Not usually one to experiment with DM/WM/DE though so switching underlying graphics protocol isn't something I look forward to.
<b1000101> hi guys, I'm trying to build this package https://github.com/1000101/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/altcoins/monero-gui/default.nix but it's failing when linking libusb1 - anyone ever encountered something like this? That package has dependency on monero package, where libusb1 is propagated through propagatedBuildInputs. The error is:
<Yaniel> oh yeah and if I stop mpd to let firefox play something, firefox doesn't gtfo once it's done so I can't start mpd again until I kill firefox
<goibhniu1> FWIW the plasma audio volume control applet works fine here. Maybe there's something up with your mpd config?
<infinisil> manveru: I wish there was, I've been trying to come up with something that would solve it, but nothing promising yet. See https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/57477 as well
<andi-> MiloIgnis[m]: I'll probably setup a Fedora box to see how Firefox behaves there. This morning I found an issue with EGL on e.g. maps.google.com; must still verify if that is of something missing in the sandbox or another wayland thing
<jluttine> i was hoping i could do something like `nix-channel --add https://url.to.specific.nixpkgs.commit nixos`
<pie_> yeah so i had a weird problem because i accidentally overrode TMPDIR in the environment i was running nix-build in and thought something was breaking in my sanbox which didnt make sense, it was just that the directory didnt exist and nix was trying to create its temporary build directory there
<pie_> what does it mean if nix-store -q --roots [something] says {memory:641}
<jluttine> teto: even weirder.. i have exactly the same files (only setup.py and shell.nix) on two different locations. the other adds executables to PATH but the other doesn't.. somehow this nix-shell for src=./. isn't pure i suppose? something weird going on..
<kisik21> nix run nixpkgs.android-studio - Android Studio glitches out because Gradle can start because seemingly something changes the PATH to /run/wrappers/bin:/usr/bin:/bin and it can't find Java and a lot of other things!
<jluttine> i have shell.nix for my python package so that it resembles "pip install -e". however, the executables of the propagatedBuildInputs aren't in PATH.. why not? am i doing something wrong? how to fix?
<_Geeko_> for sure i am doing something wrong


<azazel> you have to come up with something like that that points to the other linux grub.cfg
<gchristensen> if you screw something up real bad, reboot and pick the second newest one and you'll be sorted :)
<kyren> azazel: do you happen to use a login manager? If so I bet that has something to do with it
<colemickens> yeah, I'd expect there to be a Wiki page for something like that, especially given that features usage in containers/k8s/sandboxing/etc. :(
<aminechikhaoui> colemickens yeah I guess I'll try some of those suggestions and see if something works
<colemickens> aminechikhaoui: actually, the comment you linked (runc) to even says something similar, though it has a different grubby option name
<noob_> srhb: ok, it might help to explain the reason for wanting to do this. it might not be that the internet is not available, but it might just be that the user takes their cache down... so that something which builds today might not build next year, and its just that instead of storing the whole virtual machine with the build on, it would be good to be able to store something much smaller, like, just the binary cach and source code
<srhb> If it's something like: "How do I transfer the specific build time deps of this one (or these 10) package(s)" we have great tools to do just that.
<noob_> srhb: so is there no way to store something which can be transferred onto a clean virtual machine running linux?
<srhb> noob_: First, am I assuming you're referring to reflex-platform or something like that?
<thePirateKing> not sure about french but it is something like that
<TronDD-w> How do I get a python module installed with pip and have something like Ansible see it? I tried the nix-shell venv method and the venv python interpreter can see the module but ansible still doesn't.
<srhb> If you start adding, say, a rescue system or something, it grows quickly.
<srhb> NemesisD: It makes no difference really. The issue is something else.
<srhb> NemesisD: It will be the build directory, whatever that is, unless you've done something to change it.
<NemesisD> srhb: i think i'm doing something wrong then. that path is extracted as part of the install of my derivation
<enteee> srhb: i am pretty new to nix, or am I missing something. Is there an other approach to easily bootstrap a actual usable (with more than 512 mib ram etc..) vm from my nixos config easily?
<NemesisD> __monty__: the only thing is that it is just leaving me in the cwd, do i like create a dir in /tmp and work from there or something?
<OmnipotentEntity> I'm not certain, it might be? But even if I do workaround the problem manually, I'm worried that this error is telling me something I ought to know about my installation.
<hlolli> Am I doing something wrong with `leaveDotGit = true;` when I stat the .git directory, it doesn't exists?
<werner291> Hmm... I'm probably missing something obvious, but I'm trying to set up nginx on my NixOS box. I can download the index.html page with wget when I'm logged into the server, but I can't seem to reach it from the outside world. It might be a firewall issue, but somehow openss doesn't seem to have any trouble running on an alternative port.
<tinga> Hi. How can I select an older version of a package? something like: nix-env -i elm-0.18
<immae> cmacrae: would something like workSpecificAttr = if config.networking.hostName == "work-laptop" then ({ some = "work"; ...}) else null; be enough for you?
<Taneb> This is more appropriate for something like /share
<tA> i think i need to add SDL to the build inputs, but when I do that it says theres no thing, so im deffo doing something wrong, double checked with nix search
<lionello> I think there's something I can do avoid that using propagatedBuildInputs but can't find a good example of it
<aanderse> anyone else notice something really fishy about ogl apps in 19.03+?


<esmerelda> So I'm guessing I could have Cmd="${systemd}/bin/systemd start something.service" for some value of something
<ryantm> NemesisD: It's like that it will already do something like /var or $XDG_DATA_DIR and you might not need to do anything.
<NemesisD> oh that makes sense. is there a way i can get the correct encoding on the CLI? i'm writing something that has to work on mac and i don't have one
<jomik> Well, sadly it seems to be missing something else to actually run and log in O.o That'll have to wait till tomorrow tho.
<wolfman154> Or are these settings for something else?
<NickHu> I was hoping for something a little terser but I guess it's fine
<jomik> tilpner: I thought it'd be something like `services.xserver.displayManager.job.execCmd`?
<andi-> I have seen something similar..
<dhess> gchristensen: I don't strictly need S3, I just need something that's private. Right now I do that by putting my Hydra behind a VPN.
<pie_> do you have any links to any diffs or something because i want to show this to someone and i dont have anything
<pie_> unrelated, what was that one diff tool that did like...deep semantic diffs of binaries or something?
<pie_> is there something for stripping preceding and trailing characters (spaces) from a string?
<Yaniel> so how do I use a local path where I need to substitute something
<srhb> jluttine: In order to allow blank password login, the installers users this: users.users.tooy.initialHashedPassword = ""; -- so null is something else indeed.
<srhb> jluttine: I think the usual approach is to set the password hash to something impossible.
<linarcx> Gyus when i hit this command: `sudo nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade ` it start and download something from binary cache. but i don't see the process clear(i want to see download speed, percentage of each package have been downloaed so far). Is there any option to enable this feature?
<risson> But i'm getting something telling me the first element in this list isn't a string
<Izorkin> Mic92: decided something by PR #56255 ?
<Ralith> or doing something very nonobvious
<mabel> I mean, just the web frontend for now, but that's something at least!
<glenndavy> i’m assuming its something i’ve failed to do replacing fetchgit with fetchGit
<mabel> or I could do something like home-manager, where it uses modules and starts (user) systemd units


<pingu_> Has anyone done something similar?
<pingu_> I would like to build a minimal docker container that defers the build of a derivation to within a docker container that builds the thing and then runs something. I suspect buildImageWithNixDb helps but am not quite sure how to populate the store intelligently. I want the closure that can run the nix-build -a arg1=$ENV_VAR1 with runtime args mixed in there
<pingu_> I would like to build a minimal docker container that defers the build of a derivation to within a docker container that builds the thing and then runs something. I suspect buildImageWithNixDb helps but am not quite sure how to populate the store intelligently. I want the transitive closure of nix-instantiate with a nix-build -a arg1=$ENV_VAR1 mixed in there
<DigitalKiwi> i'm not sure if i changed something or if something changed but recently 'every'thing tries to open with the wrong program, gimp tries to open pdfs, easytag opens when i do "open containing folder" instead of pcmanfm...i'm sure there are others but those are what i remember right now; how do i fix it?
<tilpner> You can adjust .nix-defexpr to refer to something else than your users channels
<ajs124> pingiun, how do you configure your network? networking, networkd, something else?
<MichaelRaskin> I tried to write something more efficient, but hey duplication of functionality is bad
<srhb> On other systems, it's a handy way of having something _like_ the system profile for multiple users.
<srhb> linarcx: If you nix-env install something as root, I expect you will have something there :)
<kalbasit> hyper_ch: I think portMap should be something like `portMap = { "80" = 8080; };`
<monokrome> Oh, sorry, I got GHC mixed up w/ something else :D
<boomshroom> I probably wouldn't mind something like an incremental gc that only deletes so much and only the oldest derivations.


<samueldr> not sure, that might be an expectation that "profiles" are "generations" in the same sense that nix-env and nixos-rebuild assumes them to work, while it might be something else?
<jasongrossman> samueldr: So something is broken, and it's probably grub-specific, and it might just be documentation that's broken. I'm happier now that I understand that.
<jasongrossman> samueldr: OK. I expect it's got something to do with those named profiles then. I'll get rid of them somehow.
<jasongrossman> Specifically, I installed something that depends on GHC (using configuration.nix), then removed it from configuration.nix, then garbage collected, but GHC is still in my store.
<samueldr> e.g. here I see {memory:72} -> /nix/store/73bda0a26bda42v22y9fj051r44wsyma-libpng-apng-1.6.35 <- this means that something in memory refers to something in that specific store path
<iceypoi> samueldr: Is there some kind of best practice like e.g. run a cron job to GC > 90 days old or something?
<das_j> Is it possible to use variables in <>? Something like <nixos-${release}>?
<stammon> But maybe others have a different view on this. Also there is something going on with nixops. I just don't put anything sensitive (like passwords) in my config files. Also I don't publish it and use a private gitlab, which works for me
<stammon> If you want to manage your packages imperatively withing home-configuration, I recommend you writing a small utility. It would modify only one specific file of your home-configuration (let's call it imperative.nix). You include it in your home-configuration. And to add a package you'd write something like myutil install package and it would put that package into that file and apply the full new home-configuration (probably
<stammon> I.e. I want to do something like: nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> { }; libsForQt5.callPackage ./default.nix { }'
<ninjin> Okay, today I learned something, you can not boot a partitioned raid device, but you can boot raided partitions. Thank you for putting up with my ramblings, back to getting this to work.
<boomshroom> Sounds like something may have crashed. Do you have a log?
<nh2[m]> apeyroux: that's correct, that pins the version of nixpkgs. Newer versions might also work, but I haven't tested them, and they may need slightly different/more overrides. Porting it to newer nixpkgs versions is something I'd appreciate help with. Also, that will naturally go away once it gets absorbed into nixpkgs.
<fendor> how can i tell the nix daemon to stop building something that takes too much time?
<Myrl-saki> Think it has something to do with my /nix/store having too much files?
<samueldr> something about minimizing the "already copied" hits
<Myrl-saki> Or something similar.
<Myrl-saki> It should be considerably simple, since Bash's parameter expansion is something.
<Myrl-saki> I mean, I could make a Bash script, but I'd rather use something that's actually tested.
<samueldr> I had something, don't know where I stashed that script
<Myrl-saki> Yeah, I checked the qemu-vm.nix comments, and it's written to either /tmp or something.
<Myrl-saki> Lmao. I just realized something dirty you can do with Nix.
<chaker> Will check more the documentation. Probably I'm doing something wrong
<kandinski> dmesg always found, now it does something that "connects" and "disconnects" a Painter
<manveru> kandinski: you can try something like `sudo modprobe $(nix-build '<nixos>' -A linuxPackages_4_9.evdi)/lib/modules/4.9.166/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/evdi/evdi.ko`
<manveru> something like this
<yurb> MichaelRaskin: is the locale file something that is made available under ~/.nix-profile when I install packages?
<MichaelRaskin> Just to avoid their getting into the way if you use nix as another UID or something
<juhe> MichaelRaskin: Yes, that sounds like something I want :-). Could you give me some pointer where I can read more about that?


<ashkitten> clever: sorry uh i meant like, i need to use a shell command to generate something for the cmakeFlags array
<NemesisD> oh wait nevermind there's others i missed. i think i want `release-19.03` or something
<infinisil> ajs124: spacefrogg did something regarding that in #50891
<immae> clever: unless I miss something in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/4c5b6d6e53556bb98e243e3c8bbda419a9863a96/nixos/modules/system/boot/stage-2-init.sh#L131 the init script is not run with -e and activationScript is not sourced, so it should still continue even in case of error? Maybe it changed since your friend's issue?
<immae> Thanks clever, I learned something tonight, I’ll be more careful with my scripts now :)
<clever> gchristensen: ah, let me grab something that can help
<clever> immae: you could use this, but then it will never be the same build twice, and every nixos-rebuild/nixops deploy, will have something changed, and will have to restart bind after copying things
<immae> Hello there! I would like to install a dns server on my nix machine, but I would like to configure the zones in a declarative way. I know it’s theoretically (?) impossible since there is a strictly monotoneous sequence that is part of the zone definition, but I wonder what the options are to do something about it. Do you have any hint about this?
<manveru> simpson: so can i feed that to pypi2nix or something?
<carter> need to deal with something that uses maven
<gchristensen> like for your example, (something on externalInterface):22 would be forwarding to (one of the IPs accessible through internalInterfaces):8022
<Guest9731> I almost solved my iio to xrandr problem but something weird goes on within the service
<capisce> something is still failing when using the graphical login even with an older generation, although the machine doesn't hang, I can switch to another virtual terminal
<infinisil> Something with overriding haskell's `mkDerivation`, but I'm usure how that could be done
<samueldr> I think it's "error 200" one, where weirdly it's sent something and it seems to be incomplete
<infinisil> tilpner: Alright I figured out something *much* quicker than nix-prefetch-git
<Guest9731> Hello everyone - I am trying to configure a lenovo yoga laptop for a teenage girl with nixos 19.03 and need help figuring something out.
<srhb> nakkle: Probably you accidentally did something as root and now you're stuck with a lock file your user can't remove?
<mehran> i'm looking for something that does the work same as /etc/fonts/local.conf file
<OmnipotentEntity> I just use HexChat, because I don't care enough to set up something like that.
<ryantrinkle> gchristensen: is there a good way to get notified when these releases are happening? a mailing list or something
<nschoe> symphorien, thanks, good to know. But yeah, 'pick' on nix is something else ^^
<nschoe> Hi all:) Does anyone know if this 'Pick' software (https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/05/color-picker-tool-linux) is packages into nix, and if yes what's the name of it? I tried 'pick', but it seems to be something else.
<kenshinCH> Python question. I have a project that has two packages, one which needs `docker` and one which needs `docker-py`. The two packages are incompatible. My colleagues solve this simply by didinstalling one of the two via pip. How can I obtain something similar with a default.nix? What I have now is the (standard?) https://gist.github.com/mredaelli/84aefc0c69e4bceb6e73de76f2137d0c
<mekeor> (but there is something like /nix/store/...-R-3.5.1-wrapper/bin/R though)
<clever> mekeor: oh, R is just a bash script, we want to read that, and run strings on something else


<clever> mekeor: the buildInputs are only available at build-time, and something during the build has to put their paths into the build product
<iceypoi> i see, didn't know. You learn something new every day xD
<warbo> slack1256: e.g. 'f 1', 'f 1 null', 'f 1 null true', etc. until it complains about something being the wrong type (then I know which one to change)
<warbo> slack1256: I tend to give it one argument at a time until something happens
<slack1256> On `nix repl` the builtin.typeOf tells me if something is a lambda. Any ways to see how many arguments it takes?
<gchristensen> I guess /var is on a different data-set or something?
<apeyroux> nh2: I have seen your project but I don't see how to integrate it with my project. I tried with cachix... but it doesn't work. I have to miss something.
<infinisil> halvard: It should have put some initialization code in ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login or ~/.profile, is something nix related in any of these files?
<eyJhb> Well, you need something to do as well, don't you? ;)
<immae> Hello there! I build a lot of stuff in my nix-profile, but I would like to "store" my configuration there too, is there some tools that attempt to do that at a user level? (like nixos does in /etc). Even work in progress or buggy is fine for me, I’m just wondering if something is done in that domain
<srhb> I think I'll try opensmtpd instead or something..
<Peter_Storm_> I found something called pastbinit, and it worked :D
<srhb> Or just use some pastebin you can curl the file at or something :-P
<Peter_Storm_> Huh, how do I actually copy something from vim to the clipboard of the virtualbox and then out :D sorry again, such a noob