
<das_j2> clever: Something like that
<blumenkranz> Nah, it's fine, I will wait it out. Seems like the entire Internet infrastructure is going insane or something.
<das_j2> Hey, is there a way to compose a path from $NIX_PATH variables? I need something like (import <nixpkgs-${version}>)
<pie_> mwilsoncoding, my mind is in other places right now but if youre using mkDerivation or something like that you add an attribute called preBuild and put your commands in it
<mwilsoncoding> or something similar
<pie_> waiting for the day nix + the world is compiled with something like compcert bootstrapped from a tractable-for-a-single-human-to-verify theorem prover core with a capabilities system
<pie_> something something reflections on trusting trust
<samueldr> there is trouble if the first feeling you have is (some say arguably right) revulsion with the first thing you see about something :/
<jomik> emilsp: Yup IIRC it is something like pkgs.androidenv.platformTools
<pie_> miniBill, idk its just something i heard, dont worry about it i guess
<miniBill> pie_: been trying nixos since <1wk, a blast so far. nixops is really really really cool. had been using propellor lately, but it missed something. now I know: it missed an immutable declarative OS to work on
<nh2> genesis: ah, or do you mean something like a button "install with nix", like those TravisCI / CircleCI badges many github repos have?
<nh2> tilpner: yea, I currently have something like that that also uses `exec` and `$@`, but I'd like to get rid of the bash. I had hoped there might already be some simple wrapper around it, but if there's none, I'll implement it as you just showed with the second line, thank you!
<tilpner> Something like this if you just want a symlink: runCommand "myprog-nh2" {} ''mkdir -p $out/bin; ln -s ${hello}/bin/hello $out/bin/myprog-nh2''
<nh2> tilpner: yes, but for that I already need to have something like `mypackage/bin/myprog-nh2 -> /nix/store/actual-package/myprog`, right? I'm wondering what the cleanest way to just make a `bin/` symlink is, so I can put it into systemPackages
<srhb> ivan: Take a look at morphs data directory. It hasa something I think is called eval-machines.nix which is basically the same as nixops' eval-machines.nix
<srhb> iqubic: Do you mean something more specific than a systemd unit?


<tilpner> But if you do get an i7-3770, and it starts crashing after a few months, don't try to debug it and just get something else
<pie_> how can I pass an overridden pkgs set to something?
<pie_> theres a lot of code and its nontrivial to override something
<pie_> or something
<NickHu> home-manager switch would still complain about no such option foo or something like that right?
<infinisil> NickHu: Oh and imports goes in there too, so your example would be something like `{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: { imports = [ ... ]; options = { ... }; config = { home.file....; }; }`
<NickHu> infinisil: I'll try to sketch it out, because I haven't actually written it yet: something like this https://paste.xinu.at/lgc6Tb/
<pie_> aswanson, i think something is broken in here causing it to fail later? https://github.com/rstudio/reticulate/blob/7be2d8462801c271f12577dd65334ed029cf0053/src/python.cpp#L1501
<emilsp> I already added yubico package to udev and rebuilt. is this something that requires a reboot?
<kaliumxyz> basically I just need to write something to the home dir of one user.
<infinisil> But there isn't anything more lightweight, unless you write something yourself
<infinisil> kaliumxyz: But I see, if it's a server you might want something more lightweight
<pie_> or missing something in its environment
<pie_> my current hypothesis is that R probably doesnt have something from python set up properly
<kaliumxyz> or just need to make something on the disk at a fixed location?
<kaliumxyz> so what if I need to make something in a user directory?
<pie_> wait is & like the c reference operator or something
<sphalerite> clever: maybe you know something about my kernel module problem?
<Guest7229> sphalerite: one of the disks that was part of the previous rpool now has windows on it (maybe something still survived in the mbr or somewhere)
<infinisil> NickHu: `imports` is something built into the module system, and because home-manager uses the module system it supports that already
<NickHu> I don't get something that's like {a = 2;} like that implies
<clever> the above issue, is to fix it via --option builders or something else
<jasonk000[m]> i'm not sure it makes much sense if the rest of the team is working on a repo and using something different
<dtz> ivan: yeah, I set my HISTFILE to something zsh-specific and am careful to not export it (so subprocesses don't get it)
<pie_> something in my alacritty config broke on upgrading (?) to 19.03 and now its giving me an error
<bb010g> neeasade: something handy I found on Zsh related to that is `nix-store -qd =jq(:P)` (or whatever your command in PATH is), =cmd filename expansion gives the path of the command, :P history colon modifier chases symlinks to get to its initial store path, and -qd (--query --deriver) gives the derivation that produced it


<palo> andi-: what about the ssh -vvv ? I dont recall that I should do something
<clever> simply by not updating something you dont use anymore
<clever> you would do something like, nix-env -f '<home-manager>' -A config.system.toplevel --set ~/.nix-profile
<ajs124> there's `man configuration.nix`. and I guess nixos-option or something like that.
<ajs124> iddt, what do you mean by that? https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html or something entirely different?
<iddt> you know how when you search for something that you think everyone would want to know and knows how to do, it would just pop up instantly, and then nothing even remotely like it shows up, and then you feel like you must be a crazy person?
<judson_> I'm missing something basic I think: I'm trying to `nix-prefetch-git --rev rolling-release git@github.com:target/lorri.git`
<samueldr> trfl: depends on if the live system is installed "like a regular system" or uses something like squashfs
<softinio> clever: ty for that tip. Worked. Learnt something new :-)
<clever> gchristensen: that wont help if you decide to build something on X, but Y has a copy already built
<wucke13> avn: Does nixos support directly booting the kernel? In theory, on uefi entry may be made for each generation, and then the bootload menu from the bios can be used to directly boot the kernel. I did something like that (minus generations) a while back with another distro.
<avn> I put some hopes, that grub-efi be able to read config with boot path from EFI, but it isn't. So if something changes, you need to boot from media, and re-install loader anyway (because boot path hardwired to binary)
<wucke13> Why does installPhase = '' something something else ${script}''; yield an cannot coerce a function to a string? script itself is made by writeScript from trivial builders.
<lassulus> m0rphism: maybe you need to add something like: boot.initrd.luks.devices.crypted.device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/3f6b0024-3a44-4fde-a43a-767b872abe5d";
<nh2[m]> matthewbauer: but why does libc have to be in buildInputs here? I always understood buildInputs as something that will be there at run time; but if I statically link an exe, shouldn't it have 0 run-time dependencies?


<nh2> matthewbauer: would you mind having a super short look on whether this is the correct way to override something to link statically with glibc? https://github.com/nh2/chrubuntu/blob/89d57ee5776811aa4e6d27b57ec5d384207315a7/nixos-rootfs.nix#L38-L54
<nh2> bgamari: I'm not very familiar with Packet yet, how does their recovery console work? Is it something attached to serial or VGA?
<pie_> jd823592, something something activation scripts
<nh2> simpson: I think that unless typed-nix will have a very sophisticated type system, people will be OK with learning it. In fact, I think that already something super basic like being able to say whether something is an Int, a String or an Attrset or nullable would help nixpkgs hugely
<colemickens> Ralith: do you like Guix(SD) then? or is there something else as an evolution of Nix and NixOS that you imagine?
<pie_> does nix have a way to check if a string starts with another string or something like that
<pie_> maybe theres something to all those cryptocoin fad companies :p
<rycee> ambro718: Thanks! Yeah, I saw something similar in the hnix code. It's a bit unfortunate.
<pie_> or something
<srhb> I don't know why the bot does something wrong.
<pie_> iceypoi, something something repology?
<gchristensen> vitalii: you're maybe better off patching the installer for your own needs, since that isn't really something the upstream installer handles very nicely
<gchristensen> palo:that is okay :) hopefully andi will find something
<gchristensen> did we do a major SSH bump or something with implications?
<dtz> edef: I intend to credit you for (indirectly) reporting the issue, is that okay and if so would you prefer something other than "edef from #nixos on freenode"?
<dtz> and regardless sure sounds like something to see fixed :)
<gchristensen> justanotheruser:I think the release notes have something about this
<tdeo> if you get this to work, i could try to make it a nixos module and make a PR so you'd be able to do something like `hardware.digimend.enable = true;` in the future
<kaliumxyz> something needs updating on the pkgslist, do I fork it and make a PR?
<{^_^}> If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<simpson> yuken: Don't worry, think incrementally. It's no problem for a buildPhase to run something from a Makefile.
<yuken> samueldr, well, just "qemu" is all of them, qemu_kvm or qemu_host or something is just host.
<samueldr> maybe there's also a way to do it system-wide, something through generating the right xml file in /etc/xdg
<yuken> can't do desktopManager.xfce.theme = "THEME_NAME" or something? :P


<worldofpeace> Anyone here use fprintd in nixos and be willing to test something?
<sphalerite> alienpirate5: hm, I really don't get why that would fail. Is it maybe failing as a dependency of something else, where it's used without being overridden?
<infinisil> emilsp: Since you have something that works and something that doesn't you can bisect between the two
<yuken> Guess I'll jsut need to copy my XFCE settings and store them on my site or something
<stepcut_> when I did not have that entry hydra-queue-runner complained that there were not machines available to build on or something
<ambro718> andi-: did not work though. Derivation has MY_VARIABLE = "something", setup-hook.sh uses @MY_VARIABLE@ which remains unsubstituted.
<pie___> not something i expected to hear :D its great to hear it though! guess ill have to start cutting back on the complaints ,P <djanatyn> the manuals for Nix, NixOS, Nixpkgs, and Nix Pills are fantastic <djanatyn> the package and option search is also really great!
<pie___> hm i must be doing something else wrong
<pie___> lassulus, send links or something
<lordcirth> pie___, something that's hard to run, or something simple?
<andi-> oh I remember.. that was something gnome3ish... Can you check the user journal? (journactl --user)
<pie_> i mean in the case that I want to get something from lib for example.
<gchristensen> no, you probably want something like:
<gchristensen> there is a nixpkgs hook called nukereferences or something (search for "nuke" and you'll find it) which does this, but destructively. you can take that idea and apply it constructively
<arianvp> i wonder if you just accidentaly never ran into the letsencrypt bug or if something changed recently
<ambro718> simpson: Maybe we could "wrap" by adding something to .ctors or .init_array elf section (I think it depends on the toolchain/cpu which is the relevant one).
<srhb> jschievink[m]: There's also an option to copy configuration.nix (or something like it) into each profile, but it won't be able to follow all imports etc.
<__monty__> ambro718: That could even fix a shortcoming. I think currently something that's used as an interpreter in a shebang, python for instance. Can't be wrapped because mac os doesn't allow shell scripts as shebang interpreters.
<AlexRice[m]> is there a better way to find out if string x contains string y other than builtins.length (builtins.split x y). I feel I'm missing something obvious
<AlexRice[m]> is there something like a .gitignore for nix-build so that changing some files doesn't cause a recompilation
<ambro718> then we could just do patching of specific getenv() calls to do something else, not sure what yet
<aanderse> gchristensen: ha ha ha don't worry about me... the timespan i have in which i can actually join something like that is very limited
<val_> How to rename boot option from generation N to something meaningful? I went to nix/var/nix/profiles but configuration-name file is readonly and empty. So I think there’s a way to rename using nixos-something —somehow
<dramforever> I think sl matched Slovakia or something
<clever> Shouou: -A gives a shell suitable for building something, rather then using it, so that could be the issue
<blackriversoftwa> I'm wondering if there's some extra something I have to do on NixOS to get python SSL working?
<simpson> infinisil: It depends on what's being propagated. I agree that, if it's something like Node.js, then that's not a viable plan; I wasn't thinking.


<AlexRice[m]> jneto: does something like `cp {./path/to/file.desktop} $out` in postInstall or something work?
<simpson> linarcx: Doing something like nixos-rebuild? AFAIK one must rebuild the entire system profile at once; there's not really a way to mix and match nixpkgs.
<iceypoi> and also squashing, in case that's something you want
<sphalerite> monsieurp: the problem that the state of nixpkgs's history causes for you is that merge commits mean something particular? \:|
<monsieurp> sphalerite: merge commits mean something particular
<etu> monsieurp: So do we, not all changes are based on the current HEAD, so a merge is needed to put it there. Unless the person merging also happen to rebase everything every time something is put in. But someone else rebasing other people's commits will break things like gpg signatures of commits etc.
<joebobjoe> but it did something along the lines of these paths will be fetched (0.01 MiB download, 0.03 MiB unpacked)
<clever> pie_: its more an issue of if the build succeeds, but did rng, so each user gets something diff
<pie_> simpson, i didnt mean readability, i meant something else - im not clear on what either
<iceypoi> because if I could get using something moderately hacky get home-manager work on WSL, that might already have quite an impact on userbase
<simpson> iceypoi: No worries. "basically" is one of those words that people use to paper over understanding and communication by instead replacing a personal analogy which is more comforting. It's a risky word for indicating that you grok something.
<__monty__> Depends on how it's logged. In the current session something like /last or /lastlog may work. Otherwise something like `rg '<.slabity>' .irclogs` might work.
<iceypoi> something like 1500/mo are closed, 400 come in
<thePirateKing> ok so i could do src = ./. or something normal instead?
<thePirateKing> Hi everyone, I was just wondering, in nix-shell code, I see this line a lot `src = if pkgs.lib.inNixShell then null else nix;` or something similar
<pie_> i forgot how to enable 64bit graphics or something so wine stuff doesnt crash
<pie_> so, should something like "src = let baseNameOf = (f: "cs2d.zip"); in fetchzip rec {" cause baseNameOf to be overridden in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/ad4f7dd90e098f344114bc8f54ab5025233f1ffe/pkgs/build-support/fetchzip/default.nix#L30 or is that not how scoping works / with builtins
<musicmatze> or something from J Bieber.
<exarkun> I guess you might be able to argue udisks2 is fine and it's ... gvfs-udisks2-volume-monitor or something that's hosed
<musicmatze> I don't even know what the difference is ... I try until it builds when I package something, then I try to run it and go from there... :-)
<Netsu> srhb: maybe I do so. But should asked first in case I miss something obvious
<pie___> yorick, maybe add something to bashrc?
<drager> Synthetica: Should I do something like this? https://gist.github.com/drager/a9037b2941ad29440743422bd213c261 I only want to override this package to an old version in nixpkgs master. Nothing else at this moment
<Synthetica> hio: More features does not automatically make something better suited for all usecases
<gchristensen> nothing, think something should?
<yuken> Huh. I seem to be having trouble running Blender manually, 2.8 - I'm gonna assume it's something to do with missing libs
<ashkitten> something something self documenting something


<LnL> you should see something like building '/nix/store/ha3730j9xclkiy72phn78c3aw54b4a6m-hello-2.10.drv' on 'ssh://hostname'...
<gchristensen> xorAxAx: did you use journalctl to read the logs? or something else?
<coconnor> hm. probably something wrong with my Qt environment. Are you using plasma desktop?
<NemesisD> at least you'd be confronted with a diff if something about those expressions changed
<pie_> still gonna be poking at this stuff a while but i think im approaching something that works..
<xorAxAx> i imagine something that replicates the derivation closure and instructs the other machine to build, in order to use RAM and storage space
<gchristensen> how do people manage their wireguard keys w.r.t. nixops? do you use deployment.keys, or make it live on the device, or something else?
<gchristensen> lassulus: have you found something else to be true?
<pie__> but isnt something like callpackage special? i think it carries scopes within itself?
<__monty__> pie__: I'm using it from self, no reasoning though and tbh it sounds like something you'd use from super. So probably simply ignore this.
<cdepillabout> jomik, I'm trying to get all derivations that are dependencies of this project we have at work. So I have a `default.nix` file in the current directory that builds our project. I can get all dependencies by doing something like `nix-store --query --requisites $(nix-build ./default.nix)`. I'd like to get a list of all the licenses.
<srhb> dfordivam: (If you _really_ need to automate it, I'd recommend something simple like a oneshot system unit that ensures this, rather than messing with mount options, but I guess it depends on your use case) :-)
<cdepillabout> Is there a way to (easily?) get all the `meta.license` values for all the dependencies of a derivation? For instance, given a list of dependencies generated by something like `nix-store --query --requisites $(nix-build)`, I'd like a list containing the license for each dependency.
<etu> But I don't know how that software works, never used it. Maybe they had separate binaries before and merged it to use arguments or something.
<parsnip> there was a reddit solution for something similar where they went with sudo nix-channel --update, but that seemed to bork things, so i reinstalled
<srhb> yuken: You will be writing something like that, pointing the source to whatever local place you have the source/font files at
<aanderse> eh? you mean adding something to that "breaks" disabledModules?
<gchristensen> catern: you'd be better served by something more like jenkisn or buildkite
<aanderse> assuming i did something wrong
<gchristensen> so the next thing is a cron to run it, and it'll only rebuild if something changed.
<tomberek> catern: Hydra can do this, or if you want something more mainstream, TravisCI, sr.ht, and others can run Nix for builds.
<pie_> clever, is there something like why-depends that doesnt need the build to succeed
<fresheyeball> I am not using doctest, but something is


<infinisil> We don't have something like Haskell modules, where all top-level definitions are to be used
<pie_> (and by that i actually mean a bunch of hand written type signatures in the docs or something :p , probably better to just have it in the code instead though)
<pie_> so yeah what if we just made haskell or something prototypes for a bunch of stuff
<pie_> I mean I guess we could manually make something
<pie_> actually....i guess you could just have that derivation be an input to something else and just import its outputs
<pie_> i feel like its kind of hard to half-ass something with nix...depending on what youre half-assing
<Dharco> I would not have thought to overwrite/wrap the executable with something to inject the path... even with the hints that was not trivial to understand/do
<pie_> gonna have to start writing some faqs real soon (or something)
<scott> does nixpkgs have something akin to ubuntu's build-essential package? specifically something i could `nix use` that would automatically give me commonly expected build tools like gcc, make, etc, without needing to name multiple packages in most cases
<pie_> yeah but path literals at least you use if you need something pulled into the store right?
<pie_> I think there was something else too but I don't remember what
<infinisil> Unless you have concerns that something oddly breaks on stable
<pie_> if its something you get via a parameter to your package it will usually be defined in ther
<pie_> assuming the excutable is provided by the zfs package you can substitute its path with something like ${zfs}/bin/zfs probably
<ivan> does anyone have a rustc/cargo {beta, nightly} in their nixpkgs? I need something that would work in Hydra
<clever> gchristensen: that is a deployment wide option i think, something about fast connection
<gchristensen> I have machineA and machineB, and I'm nix-copy-closure'ing from machine A to machine B. machine B has a special cache which machine A does not have. I'm copying something whose closure is already in the special cache. will machineB substitute it all, or will machineA copy files over since machineA doesn't have the special cache?
<cransom> am i missing something vital with the 'eval' input type with hydra? to get evaluation time down and eliminate some duplicate builds, i switched one of my git inputs over to a previous hydra evaluation and now the noop evaluation take just as long as the ones where i would have had git changes upstream.
<infinisil> pie_: I think the reason might be something like, functions from lib could be used do define the overlays themselves
<samueldr> the thing with markdown (and equivalent systems) is how they're watered-down html with mostly 1:1 mapping (when they're defined well), meaning that yeah, you won't have a tagsoup to cite+ref a manpage, but have to do the hard work of making a link yourself and to _something_
<infinisil> Ohh also something else: We don't even have proper syntax highlighting in our docs
<infinisil> pie_: Sure, but if we want to have semantics in our docs, we need to use it for something, otherwise it's just unnecessary
<pie_> infinisil, this is something thats a lot harder to add after the fact than to have it to begin with i think? :/
<infinisil> Because if we don't use something, there's no point in keeping it.
* pie_ mumbles something about pandoc?
<lordcirth> clever, ah, so to do Trust on First Use, I need to change the hash to something random, so it doesn't cache?
<adisbladis> I believe there is a withPlugins or something similar for weechat?
<parsnip> hmm, but there's not really something like a designated/canonical /etc/nixos/configuration.nix for `FROM nixos/nix`?
<parsnip> so i probably just need to put stuff in .nix-profile or something
<parsnip> ah nice, nix-darwin makes something like a /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<oborot> In this NixCofig, where can I get a reference to lib? Is there something that requires importing in my configuration.nix?


<clever> xorAxAx: the GC will never delete something that is currently in use
<LnL> something like nixos-rebuild dry-build -I nixpkgs=channel:nixos-19.03-small would compare to the latest channel instead of your current
<Orbstheorem> I coudn't manage to make something “less hacky” for the expression `wireguardPeers`
<aanderse> i was hoping for something a bit more than that
<infinisil> There was a presentation at the last NixCon about something like this
<lionello> I think there's still something wrong. If I use dockerTools to create an image from the `${getBin pkg}/bin/exe` it pulls in gcc and evrything
<__monty__> Alling: Good question, something everyone seems to struggle with : ) I don't have a good answer.
<clever> Alling: if you want nix to respect the version bounds, then you need something like stack2nix, and then youll have to recompile nearly all haskell packages
<Izorkin> I do not use apache, so I can not test something
<basvandijk> Alling: the problem is you are including .ghc.environment.x86_64-linux-8.4.4 in your source code. Apparently GHC takes this file into account. nix-build will then fail because builds are executed in a sandbox where /home/alling/.cabal/store/ghc-8.4.4/package.db doesn't exists. To fix this filter this file from your source code with a function like sourceByRegex or something similar.
<siers> wouldn't it be cool if nix or something knew how to fix sha hashes in source?
<gyroninja> I assume it would just leave it alone as long as it wasn't named something like bin or another conflicting name
<gyroninja> I just wanted some sort of confirmation that the installer wouldn't do something crazy
<thePirateKing> you could try something like this https://github.com/jeaye/nixos-in-place
<siraben> something like that
<Ralith> few people are going to be inclined to go clone some random git repo just to see if your problem is maybe something they know anything about


<mwilsoncoding> pie_: just got something working with nginx
<pie_> mwilsoncoding, id probably try with something normal first then try to compare with why it doesnt work on a nix store path
<infinisil> xorAxAx: aszlig has been working on something like this, see #21403
<infinisil> gchristensen: No really, where's the hard part? I don't intend to spend an hour implementing this and then come across something stupid to realize it wouldn't work in any case
<clever> infinisil: my thought, is that if you know the sha256 is over something signed, the signature itself doesnt matter
<sheeldotme> MichaelRaskin I'm not sure what "fixed-output" refers to, is that something that'll be in the manual?
<MichaelRaskin> I would try to use something like inotifywait for the infinite-loop part… Otherwise checking source changes can become expensive. (Alternatively, you can ask the VCS for the latest commit, of course)
<sheeldotme> oh, and something I love but you might not have come across: https://github.com/target/lorri
<ddellacosta> why would fetchurl in a derivation be calculating a different sha256 hash than nix-prefetch-url? I must be confused about something because I've now tried two different github tarballs and nix-build is complaining about mismatching hashes for both
<romildo> worldofpeace_, there should be something wrong with my internet connection. I am getting constantly disconnected.
<pie_> i think i saw an issue about something that *didnt* include a context causing breakage on garbage collection
<Batzy> are you a dev or something
<pie_> to actually install something youre going to want nix-build or nix-env i think
<blackriversoftwa> infinisil: for the digital ocean image, I added something that would write the user data to /etc/nixos/configuration.nix, like the Amazon image does. The only issue is (there and with the amazon image), if the user wants the digital ocean configuration options, they'd have to know to explicitly include (modulePath + "/virtualisation/digital-ocean-config.nix) in their configuration. So there's a small comment thread in the PR on
<pie_> ok i must be doing something really dumb because it still evaluates it 0_0
<pie_> oh maybe im thinking of setting the builder or something
<pie_> clever, yeah ok i did something like that, i guess im causing the build to trigger accidentally some other way


<tomberek> aminechikhaoui: thanks for taking a look at the nixops output resource PR. I'm concerned that it's a bit of a hack. My intention is to prove out that the concept is viable, eventually implement it in a better way, including the remote resource concept. This may need a much larger change, so I started with something smaller. Is this approach viable? Or any other recomendation? NixOps is a great tools, but
<infinisil> (I was stumped by something else though, not callCabal2nix related I think)
<pie_> d-did i break something
<johnw> for the second I get: error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /Users/johnw/src/hnix/good.nix:2:6
<pie_> im probably just missing something but i think i got it, sort of
<pie_> its a big complicated file but ill try to whip something up, give me a minute :3
<pie_> my current understanding is that an out of scope error will get fired instead of a missing attribute error, when you try to look something up in a badly coded with statement
<pie_> * except i wasnt getting an error about a missing attribute, i was getting an error about something i used from myLib not being in scope
<nh2> aminechikhaoui: I had a lot of trouble making the user-data stuff do what I want in all situations, but perhaps I missed something
<clr_> m guessing that something compiled badly and crashed
<infinisil> wolfman154: Don't ping people just because they helped you with something previously, unless it's in some way relevant to them specifically
<elux> or i guess better is to make a patchelf.nix and in there have the right derivation and just run nix-shell -p patchelf.nix or something
<samueldr> elux: I'm pretty confident it'll require IFD, something like `(import "${fetchFromGitHub{...}}/release.nix").build.x86_64-linux` or It's possible there are better ways
<samueldr> elux: the `-A` is short for `--attr`, from the given expression (in release.nix) use the attribute path `build.x86_64-linux` and do well... something; nix-build will simply build, nix-env will ensure it is built and then install it imperatively
<AluisioASG> Trying to run a game using steam-run and hitting an error about PangoFc not finding any modules. All characters are squares. Has anyone gone through something similar?
<chrisaw> Just ran garbage collection so hopefully it was just a cached build dir or something.
<infinisil> gchristensen: Change Nix to allow setuid binaries in the store, or something along those lines
<Unode> and plan B it is, can't tell if the missing lib is a local issue or something else
<Unode> infinisil: so seems like something still failed, the final binaries aren't static. More digging required. Now trying a clean build just in case
<Unode> infinisil: yeah, just saying that I don't have it here. I often miss something like nix-index in a https://nixos.org/nixos/packages.html like form
<pie_> siraben, well maybe they're compiled with different dependencies or something
<pie_> unless i inadvertently messed up something else
<pie_> sphalerite, man now i have to pay attention to whether im trying to override something in a let with a with :/
<rnhmjoj> it doesn't look it. is it something new?
<rnhmjoj> is there something like perl.withPackages to use in a nix-shell?
<shatsky> Hi! I'm trying to debug an issue in nixpkgs.OVMF pkg. How can I use path from nixpkgs tree in a local nix expression, something like "OVMF = callPackage ../applications/virtualization/OVMF { seabios = null; openssl = null; };" which can be seen in all-packages.nix ? I want to see how what store path will it produce with altered args
<ajs124> Did you search github? Maybe there's something on there, about your specific apps. I used to have some problems with qt programs installed in userenv, but since you're not doing that, no idea.
<rprije> I see. So you're saying something is failing to pass the config correctly during a nixpkgs import. Maybe you're right, I'll see if I can find that.
<sphalerite> jomik: hm, can't seem to find my use of newScope, but I think your toplevel nur expression could look something like `{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }: let callPackage = pkgs.newScope self; self = { foo = callPackage ./foo.nix {}; bar = callPackage ./bar.nix {}; }; in self`
<jomik> Is there a pretty way to expose my packages in my nur-repo to the other packages in it? Can I do something like `callPackage p { pkgs = pkgs // pkgs';}` where pkgs' is an attrs of my nur packages?
<parsnip> should i add something to `users.users.alice = {` block or a users.group.alice variable?
<wolfman154> I have no nvidia just something intel graphics card that came with my laptop
<slabity> Again... `desktopManager.session` will work... Is there something I'm missing?
<wolfman154> I’m trying to change the settings so my laptop screen doesn’t turn off when I’m watching a video or something like that?
<nh2> slabity: I usually use `NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=/path/to/nixpkgs nix-something ...` instead of `-I` but I think it _should_ do the same
<infinisil> samueldr: While you could use `options.foo.definitions` and `options.foo.declarations` to get where the option is defined and to what value, any attempt to set the option itself to something depending on that will lead to infinite recursion (most likely)


<alienpirate5> Is there any way to compile packages on a different machine? I'm building a NixOS system for a Raspberry Pi 2, with armv7, and it's been rebuilding for days now. Can I shift the build load onto another machine with cross compilation or distcc or something?
<NemesisD> hi folks. i'm hoping you can prevent me from doing something possibly very stupid: i'm trying to write a derivation for conda, a python package manager. the installer has a prefix option that installs the bins in the given dir at build time. the problem is that its also the runtime storage for installed packages. this means that the output dir may be modified after build time, which seems impure/a bad idea?
<gchristensen> yeah, you might need to nuke references or something
<dsx> Is it me or dockerTools.buildLayeredImage is a bit weird? I have this https://pastebin.com/GZnn6tk1 as default.nix and this https://pastebin.com/FqZckJdF as hyperkube.nix, and when image is bein built I see that it gets go_1_12, gcc and perl as its layers, which is definitely not something I expect.
<simpson> gamble: Something like that, yeah.
<alj[m]> Im guessing it somehow doesnt find the nixpkgs or something like that
<jomik> What's the best way to use a package in my nur repo? `yarn2nix = (callPackage ../default.nix {}).pkgs.yarn2nix;` must be something better than...
<eacameron> Is there an easy way to do something like nix-shell -A drv -p more-things and-more
<jomik> What about something like `from autocomplete import Autocomplete`, autocomplete is a local thing.
<jomik> Tbh, I don't really understand how this works - I get the output in something like `lib/python3.7/site-packages/screeps_console`
<sphalerite> jomik: if it's just for yourself, you can just always run it in nix-shell -p python or something
<b1000101> gchristensen: does boot.kernelModules = [ "kvm-amd" "kvm-intel" ]; virtualisation.libvirtd.enable = true; suffice or do I need to add something else?
<Shouou> manveru, using `sudo` does sound like something I've done -- how do I resolve it?
<Taneb> boogiewoogie: unless you've got something very complicated going on, I don't think so, you can just install Steam pointing to that Git tree
<mabel> something like config = { connectionString = ...; }
<mabel> I have something like a database hostname, and I'm building a connection string out of it
<sphalerite> something like nix-env -f channel:nixos-19.03 (or channel:nixos-unstable, depedning on what you're using) -iA steam
<nh2> yeah no idea why it isn't working, maybe they have disabled something critical in the kernel config to get faster boot
<gchristensen> ofborg has a long way to go before it could do something like replace hydra, but yeah there is no totally central, unshardable component
<simpson> Yeah, we need a whole-Internet transformation, and if we're going that path, then something holistic like NDN is going to be even more practical than IPFS.


<adisbladis> Vskilet: If IFD is acceptable (it's not in nixpkgs) you could use runCommand with something like remarshal and importJSON
<JonReed> gchristensen: I was just curious. Mostly for cases when you first install something via `nix-env` and then want to put it `configuration.nix`, but you forget last package you've installed for forgot to add in configuration.
<delroth> I'm rebuilding something bigger right now (bash)
<JonReed> wolfman154: Not sure what specifically you're looking for, but perhaps something here? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/services/x11/hardware/libinput.nix
<AlexRice[m]> related question, if {a.b = x} is syntactic sugar for {a = {b = x}} then is {a.b=x; a.c=y;} syntactic sugar for {a = {b=x; c=y;}} or is there something else going on
<gchristensen> or something like that
<sphalerite> `python.override {foo = bar;}` just returns something that you can use instead of `python`
<selfsymmetric-mu> I know YAML doesn't have it but I was hoping we'd learned something by now.
<cransom> that's also something you should also address :(
<siraben> Something Tor Browser related then?
<siraben> Something looks awry with pycurl
<ggpeti> pie_: could you be more specific? Surely there is "something"
<pie_> is there anything for compiling nix to ansible or something
<Synthetica> nefix: Something like `sudo nixos-rebuild -I nixpkgs=/home/synthetica/devel/nixpkgs/ test`
<gyroninja> or even something entirely different
<ivan> wolfman154: it's either in the DE settings somewhere (cursor theme) or something like this in ~/.Xresources


<pie_> sevanspowell, if it doesnt exist you could probably write something yourself