
<tobiasBora> How could I do something like that?
<exarkun> ilyagotfryd: does the python packaging look at .git to figure out the version? like, using setuptools_scm or something?
<exarkun> clever: it imports. The expression I thought would be a derivation is instead `{ cabalFile = null; components = { ... }; identifier = { ... }; isHaskell = true; setup = «derivation /nix/store/4h8h63a9zc1a5nzxjn8iv0p5r8zswjlk-default-Setup.drv»; }`. So ... something about the `setup` attribute?
<exarkun> interestingly the key is still there, only the substituter address itself is gone. not sure if that's because of something else I did or not.
<Athas> What's the best way of keeping my configuration.nix under version control? Just symlink it to something in my home directory?
<foxmean> Hello, I have a little problem to ask for help. The problem is I cannot initialise pdf-tools with: (pdf-tools-install). I am using Steve Purcell’s setup. My machine is install Void GNU/Linux with co-using nix & xbps package manager. This is compilation https://paste.debian.net/1102372/. And this is Backtrace https://paste.debian.net/1102374/. I think I need to do something to add Nix search path. And I alredy know that I have to "add it
<clever> werner291: then youll need to get the network up first, using something like dhclient or dhcpcd, or ip
<werner291> Perhaps my hosting provider's recovery tool screwed something up, though it's not supposed to touch the hard drive.
<infinisil> werner291: Did something change since last time you rebooted successfully?
<werner291> So... I'm back, having once again broken something (sorry about that). For some reason, my NixOS VPS won't boot, an error occurred in stage 1 of the boot process. If I mount /dev/sda2 I can see my files. It says it timed out while waiting for some device to appear.
<danderson> so, my `nixos-rebuild switch` activation failed (due to something buggy in my own configs). How do I find the store path for the failed system derivation, so I can poke at it?
<ryantm> OfBorg has a file called outpaths.nix which is used to help figure out how many packages are affected by a code change. I also run it in nixpkgs-update, but it seems like it got broken by something: https://gist.github.com/ryantm/d3131693f31f4fdbfc678613690c5d0d
<ivan> they are apparently not used to then build something


<__red__> They were blown away - something that would usually be a multi-hour ordeal of incompatable tools etc...
<cransom> unless you are doing something different by not using nix-channels at all.
<tokudan> that works? i don't need to convert that to a path or something?
<rhitakorrr> exarkun: cabal2nix can be run automatically as part of your derivation (e.g. pkgs.callCabal2nix). Maybe there's something like that defined for stack as well? I don't know myself.
<ixxie> I tried something like https://pastebin.com/JErWSH81
<shyim> Lot of places i find something like "kernelPackages = pkgs.linux_5_2;"
<DariusTheMede> But I think something is still trying to get something from the network
<aleph-> Something breaking with iptables?
<eyJhb> Well, sometimes something is better than nothing
<clever> docker might also do something, cant remember
<clever> cat ${something} | iptables-restore, will do the entire update, many rules, in a single atomic operation
<eyJhb> That sounds like something that could be useful! But in general, it seems that firewall/nat could use a makeover, to make it "better"
<eyJhb> Might sound rude, but does it matter what it does? Having to remove the -j DROP, to insert whatever one might need, to readd it, seems like something that shouldn't be done
<eyJhb> Is it used for automation as well? I think I remember something along those lines
<eyJhb> Do we have something that checks if there are multiple PRs for the same packages, that e.g. upgrades/updates it?
* Miyu-chan mumbles something merkle tree. :P
<tazjin> yuken: thanks! if there's something in it that's unclear, please file a bug! :)
<rawtaz> to me it's more like using something, you never took the time to dig into and understand, because you really need to because something else sucks (hence in anger)
<srhb> Depends on your use case. But something that nginx is actually allowed to see. :)
<mojjo> and in the nginx logs, something like " nginx: [emerg] could not build server_names_hash, you should increase server_names_hash_bucket_size: 32"
<Guest66> If I have a `config = lib.mkIf something { ... };` how do I abstract common code that's inside the mkIf?
<Guest66> samueldr, can you help me with something easy?


* samueldr is looking while juggling something else
<samueldr> DigitalKiwi: something must have slipped in master
<kongobongo> (`(pkg.name == (import <nixpkgs> {config={allowUnfree=true;};}).linuxPackages_latest.nvidia_x11.name)’ does not even work cuz nvidia ` has no name ' or something so I needed to allow all unfree stuff.)
<retusto> but I also could write something like "ln -s /home/user/.config/ts3/plugins $out/lib/teamspeak/plugins" right? I would then later try to replace this hardcoded link with option somehow
<fresheyeball> retusto: something like that
<fresheyeball> just to get things working, I would use something like fetchgit to get the plugins source code
<retusto> on other distros its just in /opt/teamspeak/plugins or something like that
<jD91mZM2> evanjs: buildRustPackage inputs `cargo` and `rustc`, which you can override using something like https://gist.github.com/aefc7ab7322986d038c496e6b1768653
<jD91mZM2> tilpner: Thanks :) Maybe that should be saved as ,unstable-man or something
<Izorkin> Mic92: in PR #66953 need to change something?
<freeman42x> clever, ok, will ask you for if flag when I get to it, doing something else also at the moment
<quiet_laika[m]> my current workflow is `nix-shell --run "code ."` and kill + restart when i change something


<colemickens> ddima okay thanks. I'm just trying to figure out what is setting it now, as it seems like its set to something more power hungry than the usual kernel defaults.
<tilpner> alexarice[m]: Something with nix-channel --rollback might
<tilpner> alexarice[m]: You want to try something like steamPackages.steam-chrootenv.override { extraPkgs = p: with p; [ libuuid ]; }
<tilpner> You want to try something like steamPackages.steam-chrootenv.override { extraPkgs = p: with p; [ libuuid ]; }
<qyliss> Are you running docker build directly from a shell, or through something else?
<abbradar[m]> yorick: no idea now, let's do nixos/nixpkgs - maybe something in our configuration is broken


<__red__> So, when I add something to my local (unpriv) account but doing the nix-build -A ; nix-env -i ./result
<davidtwco> Oops, didn't see the other answers until that ping. I wasn't sure if there was just a simple function or if it would be a separate project that is its own templating language or something like that.
<werner291> I have something resembling that in /windows
<exarkun> Ilya_G: also if you paste your package expression somewhere someone might look at it and point out something crazy it's doing that causes the whole problem
<exarkun> What kind of package are you building? Are you packaging something to run on NixOS?
<srhb> You could probably do something slightly more generic with FHS stuff, but it's its own can of worms
<slabity> After updating my system I am getting errors with Vulkan extensions. Did something change again?
<jb55> is there something like jq but for nix?
<jboy> >I'm on NixOS and I'm trying to `stack build` something that requires GHC 7.10.3 (lts-4.2). How do I best go about getting an old version?
<cinimod`> I want to use CUDA for my solver - I thought something like nix-shell -I nixpkgs=https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/nixpkgs-unstable.tar.gz -E 'with import <nixpkgs> { config.allowUnfree = true; }; stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "foo"; buildInputs = [ (python37.withPackages (pkgs: [pkgs.tensorflowWithCuda])) ]; }' would be a way of not having to worry about manually installing everything
<cinimod`> I think it must be something to do with the way the space is partitioned
<ij> I'm trying to install the sq_mini_racer ruby gem, but it seems like it wants to download v8 or something. I'm installing on darwin with bundix. https://clbin.com/dXDCb
<pie_> i did just remove something that depended on qt from my nix env but that shouldnt matter right?
<pie_> maybe its something related to the usual qt mess...but i dont have anything installed in nix-env...so i must have forgotten about something?
<jlv> Something like `pwd` for nix


<eraserhd> catern: Kakoune is intentionally designed so that, if that exists, the system autoload is not loaded. If you want both the defaults and your own autoload stuff, you are supposed to symlink the system's autoload directory to something like ~/.config/kak/autoload/system
<emily> you can add channels as a remote and then e.g. "git fetch channels && ...do something with channels/nixos-unstable", which I find useful
<slabity> That will evaluate to something like "/nix/store/...-systemd-242/bin/systemctl"
<slabity> Should be something like `services.udev.extraRules'
<pie_> elvishjerricco: luckily organizing free space is not a problem with zfs but it might still be interesting to do something like https://cs-syd.eu/posts/2019-09-14-nix-on-seperate-device
<manveru> eraserhd: using something like crate2nix
<manveru> hc: so you can set `nix.gc.options`, with something like `--delete-older-than 12d` or the like
<karetsu> has something changed in nix-overlays? In this file: https://gitlab.com/karetsu/nix-overlays/blob/master/overlays/aloysius.nix I'm getting an error: attribute 'userPackages' in selection path 'userPackages' not found and I haven't changed anytthing
<Zer0xp> clever: How do I add myself to the libvirtd group ? Apparently my username has to be in this user group to use kvm. Is this something that can be added to the configuration.nix file ?
<misha31> that is something i didnt try


<batzy> infinisil, it could be because I dont have something installed right?
<selfsymmetric-pa> Is that what my derivation is doing or did I mess something up?
<mightybyte> Is there a way to do something like callCabal2nix but with node2nix?
<rnhmjoj> drakonis: nice, i have been working on something that would really make sense as a flake. for now it's just a nixos module a load with fetchgit
<infinisil> Unless the commands output something when run you probably won't see anything right?
<eyJhb> Or something like that?
<eyJhb> infinisil: hmm, that is something! Just often hurts when I look at #docker, and it is the same questions over and over again
<infinisil> `{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }: let something = "something"; in { somestuff = pkgs.writeText "filename" something; }`
<eyJhb> Can I have a file like.. `{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: let something = "something"; in { somestuff = pkgs.writeblabla { text = "file"; }}; }`, and import it in another file, and rget somestuff path?
<evils> i seem to be getting further with it than i was on debian, i'm currently stuck at something that may be a keyboard issue
<infinisil> But yeah, until somebody goes through the pain of packaging something like that NixOS is at a disadvantage
<infinisil> I guess if it's something complex, it might take longer than a day, and you're not sure how long it will take, or if it's even possible without patching everything
<infinisil> __monty__: Is it often the case that you have to get something running *now* now, and can't affort to spend a day packaging it?
<__monty__> infinisil: I'm pretty sure it's a requirement for something to be called "declarative."
<immae> __monty__: you cannot mask something without getting an error (or at least a warning)
<immae> infinisil or something like that yes :)
<infinisil> immae: Oh, how about something like `filePicker { bin.bluetoothctl = pkgs.bluez; bin.bash = pkgs.bash; etc.foo = pkgs.foo; }`
<__monty__> What infinisil described is kinda what I'm after. Installing moreutils for vidir brings a ton of other binaries in scope. I don't want to accidentally mask something else just because I need a single binary from a package.
<cransom> it'd probably look something like `security.wrappers` from configuration.nix, but with none of the security settings involved. you'd have to state with binary you wanted from whichever derivation.
<immae> I was thinking of something reversed (i.e. when installing bluez you have a mechanism to "override" the derivation to say that you want only ${pkgs.bluez}/bin/bluetoothctl in it), which seems more generic (can be used in non-nixos or non /bin) than your `environment.binaries`
<manveru> something like that should work
<gchristensen> I wonder if the frequent snapshots remotely (with a low retention remotely) would be good so you're transfering small amounts of data regularly, instead of one big xfer once a day (and then you have closer to an "up-to-the-minute" snap if something fails bad)
<Ariakenom> can I see why something is not GCd? as in the store items that point to it
<clever> if you dont want something rooted jsut yet, dont give it to nix-env


<infinisil> Or something along those lines
<turtlerabbit> infinisil: You're on to something. It's mentioned in all-packages.nix
<tyrion-mx> node2nix already tried and apparently does not work. Not sure if I am doing something wrong (I opened an issue)
<turtlerabbit> clever: I'm afraid it's not publishable since crossover insists on writing a license file relative to its root (normally something like /opt/crossover). I've pleaded with Codeweavers to add an environment variable or something to redirect the license file location but they basically replied by saying "Sucks to be you" :'(
<turtlerabbit> clever: It seems I have to pass something like "pkgs_i686 = pkgsi686Linux" to the derivation from my overlay/toplevel
<tyrion-mx> infinisil, I know, I tried but the tool just crashed immediately. I spent two days trying to make it work and in the end I managed with the chroot. I know it is not the best, but it would be already something to have ti packaged. Unfortunately I cannot afford to spend too much time on it at the moment, but maybe if we package it even not in the best way, it could benefit other people
<infinisil> Oh, another alternative is to just not use nixops, but something like nix-deploy instead
<turtlerabbit> Ok, I get it, in the sense that the overlay could be on something else besides nixpkgs
<arcnmx> turtlerabbit: you may want to try something like callPackage (self.path + "/pkgs/applications/window-managers/xmonad/wrapper.nix")
<andrewrk> do I need to do something in my nixos config to get xfce 4.14? if I look at xfce4-about, it says 4.12. but I'm on 19.09pre192418.e19054ab3cd which looks like it should have xfce 4.14 in it
<chpatrick> manveru: there's an issue with gdm where it takes control of bluetooth, or something like that
<zeta_0> can i install nixos on something like a rasberry pi?
<exarkun> okay here's something I don't understand
<minall> I think they are at gnome 3.34 or something
<mdash> Minall: When it's particularly valuable to keep multiple versions of something around, it's kept in nixpkgs under a different name
<infinisil> Minall: In conventional distros, this would be something like /usr/bin/lib/libc.so or so
<infinisil> And if you just start out with Nix/NixOS, it will take you more than just 20 minutes to package something for it
<minall> I've tried guix, so I have a brief understanding of the goods of having nixos, since I can roll back in the case something happends
<infinisil> Minall: You mean you want to use the latest git master version of something or the likes?
<symphorien> Ilya_G: I guess it needs a wantedBy multi-user.target or something like that
<minall> Is posible to install something from source?
<Ilya_G> symphorien: Your suggestion worked, thank you. The only problem is the service is not automatically running on startup. Is it something I need to add to NixOS config or is it a *.service file flag
<exarkun> and yet it clearly managed to check something out immediately prior to that
<emily> worst-case they reference eth0 for something like the ZFS decryption key like I do and it breaks their boot
<arianvp> I would prefer if we could just re-use dracut or something, and make dracut understand NixOS
<etu> emily: I do something very much like that, probably copied from the same place... https://github.com/etu/nixconfig/blob/master/hosts/fenchurch/configuration.nix#L58-L74
<{^_^}> iqubic: If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<clever> also, read Make.sh, and see what its doing, it may be something you want to bypass
<notgne2> is there a way to maybe run that in a chroot or something to avoid the costs of runAsRoot, which I can then maybe just pass to `contents`?
<notgne2> clever: I'm mostly aiming to get something as compatible as possible with NixOS, so I'd prefer something that runs .build.toplevel/init somehow, since I'll then have the luxury of things like passwd generation etc
<iqubic> I was looking for something like that.


<tv> tilpner: still ignoring the index.html rewrite, I think I have something that might work: replace your proxy_pass with $uri by rewrite ^(/.*)$ /paste$1 break; proxy_pass;
<tv> if we do something like "~ ^(/[0-9A-Za-z/]*)$", i.e. whitelist valid characters, then we can be sure there's no http splitting
<erba> Does anyone here have experience with working with projects that requires node/npm plus something like elm? There is elm2nix, node2nix but they both want to write to default.nix, ive been creating seperate .nix files for node and elm in the same directory but I donno if its the correct workflow?
<qyliss> Also, people will often make PRs from their master branches or something. I'm not comfortable pushing to those just because I want to modify commits for Nixpkgs
<Soo_Slow> tilpner, existance in community for a while, some background of bugfixes and other successfull contributions. Maybe known relations between account and real person who uses it (so if something will go wrong - there will be real person to blame, instead of just abandoned account)
<Soo_Slow> tilpner, eeeh, okay then. But is there, at least, commentaries, to see if some people has caught package-specific problems or something like that?
<Soo_Slow> tilpner, but does NUR feature score or something like that? Like, you know, AUR does (so packages, people upvote often, tend to be good. While newly added has score of zero and may worth double-checking before installation)
<Soo_Slow> tilpner, "very easy" - but do these get verified, in case person who added something had some shady intentions and modified software to perform unwanted actions?
<pikajude> if i was obfuscating it i'd put in a dollar sign or something to indicate a variable :D
<eyJhb> That was something completely different :p
<devalot> suzanne_: One way to control where nixpkgs lives is via the NIX_PATH environment variable. In this case, something like: NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=/path/to/nixpkgs
<suzanne_> Where can I find a minimal ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix and how do I "enable" it (nix-env [something] ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix I guess)?
<ng0> the timespan it was non-functional? For example, in another project we dropped win32 after 10 years of no developer stepping up to patch it back to functionality or report bugs. I'm hessitating to work on something where I don't know how upstream handles systems they don't target for themselves.
<FireFly> etu: idly reminds me of a friend's IRC bot, which had some kind of eval functionality. someone issued it something a bit mean... and then it sort of stopped responding. then, a month later when everyone had forgotten all about that incident, it started replying to month-old invocations...
<ShaRose> a while ago I was asking about passing arguments or something to an import so it could modify based on it. I'm not sure what the nix-like way to do it is, but here's what I mean.
<dansho> well, that did something, but my grub menu still only shows linux mint when i reboot (trying to get nixos back)
<notgne2> but even if I did something wrong, it seems very weird for this to happen as an image changing based off what I have installed seems unusual/impure
<notgne2> install, I assume there's something I'm not understanding in regards to overlays
<ShaRose> also, TIL if you define something more than once (as a list) it autocombines. That's very nice.


<infinisil> It could be made overridable, not sure if that's something good though, because then it would be very easy to change rev but not sha256
<rotaerk> it sounds like this isn't just something a few programs need, but a standard expectation by everything that uses opengl
<rotaerk> I'll try rebooting; just in case I did something to ruin that
<rotaerk> okay; and is there something in NixOS that's supposed to be setting and exporting it?
<clever> if it has +w to something in /nix, it wont contact the daemon, when in auto mode
<infinisil> emily: I think there is, you need to set the NIX_REMOTE value to something
<emily> I guess I can just cherry-pick this PR or something?
<tyrion-mx> or maybe trying to learn something by failing
<tilpner> And the nixpkgs fork, for when I have something that should go into nixpkgs, or that needs to be changed in nixpkgs
<tilpner> (something is a derivation)
<tilpner> eyJhb: Even though something is not a path, it will be coerced to one
<tilpner> eyJhb: "${something}" will eval to "/nix/store/*"
<tilpner> something will not be a path, but you can use it like one
<clever> eyJhb: the script in the ''string'' is responsible for creating $out, and whatever path is in $out will wind up in something
<eyJhb> Does $out, actually exists? And if I do "something = runCommand ...", does something = path ?
<tyrion-mx> (I did not mention that I have maybe some hundreds ff tabs, that might mean something, even if they are discared automatically)
<hyper_ch> I found the loaded kernel module and also added the usb xhcdi (something) to the initrd kernel modules - still no dhcp assignment
<pittma> What's the best way to determine what options a package has available? Sorry if this is an obvious question, I haven't yet been able to put the right string into Google to find something useful.
<Henson> is there a good way to search nix packages, such as what's in the "Search NixOS packages" website, but without being online and from the command line? Something like Debian's "apt-cache search"? I know "nix-env -q" can search for packages by names, but can it search descriptions and other things?


<clever> maralorn: i think you want something like: cmakeFlags = [ "-DLUA=Off" "-DBUILD_MODULE=Off" ];
<omnipotententity> like a password hash or something
<eyJhb> It does! It is just a plain `{ something = "yay"; }`
<eyJhb> m15k: something like this - https://termbin.com/wdz5
<eyJhb> omnipotententity: I will look at it and see if I can figure something out, but prob not..
<eyJhb> something["key"] = "string"?
<omnipotententity> What's the best way to verify that a string is a member of a list? I'm using something that looks like "myCheckedString = findFirst (x: x == myString) (abort "Not in") myStringList"
<eyJhb> To quote makefu, `whenever i have to do something in docker instead of doing it natively it feels like giving up to me. In germany i am trying to establish the word "Wegdockern".` :D
<eyJhb> *going to try doing something myself real soon
<__monty__> omnipotententity: In the file you just import something other than `<nixpkgs>`.
<rotaerk> is there something that would tell it *not* to search LD_LIBRARY_PATH?
<rotaerk> is that something that was changed in the past 6 months or so?
<rotaerk> my upgrade is the first after 6 months, so something probably changed
<greizgh> Hello there, do you know if there is something equivalent to callPackages with libsForQt5 ?
<turtlerabbit> I just got on Nixos 19.03 but was disappointed by Telegram client only being version 1.5.15. Is there something I can do about that?
<eyJhb> How is it that I can include something like `imports = [ <nixos-unstable>[modules/services...] ];`, can't remember syntax
<maralorn> Something like that should do.
<tyrion-mx> maralorn: Ok, I added the channel as `nixos1909`. Now how do I import it in configuration.nix? Should I do something similar to that stackoverflow question you linked?
<tyrion-mx> nix-channel is something that nix-env uses or is it used also by configuration.nix ?
<gyroninja> Is anyone working on fixing or know mitigations about fixing the tor browser bundle? It doesn't startup it's own tor daemon like it should be doing. Other than rolling back to an older generation is there something I can do?
<li_matrix> like whoever is working on a new CI said , something like 'reverse-engineering hydra was mostly a waste of time'
<li_matrix> maybe ill write something one day,
<clever> li_matrix: this is something ive done in the past


<maurer> If it turns out that cryptokit is doing something custom (upon cursory inspection it doesn't look like it), you can do something manual like what I had to do with bap
<kleisli> and when i try to compile something that uses a shared library, it crashes with this error:
<alex``> I read mesa or something
<swerlk> Hello! I have a question about nix-shell and purity. When I run `nix-shell --pure -E "with import <nixpkgs> {}; derivation { name = ''Hi''; builder = ''something''; system = ''some system'';}"` I still get some environmental locations on the $PATH variable
<schneefux> Hi, I've had this issue for years now - My nixos server has a hard drive with 40GB and I use about 80% of it. When I run `nixos-rebuild --upgrade` after a month or so the drive fills up until nix crashes. Basically, I can't upgrade with less than 10G available. I'm always running `nix-collect-garbage -d` beforehand. Is there something that I can
<eyJhb> The make process fails, basically a invalid patch (something changed)
<neva89> so... i checked it... i hope it works, and something i wanted to get running for a while now was the wifi, but it never worked
<Yaniel> boot into something that works and run fsck like it tells you
<tejok[m]> jackdk: yes that was from `cabal2nix --shell`, okay so it works for you. it must be something with my dev env then I guess...
<tilpner> alex``: My music always begins to stutter when I compile something large, and I'm on (SATA) SSD
<sb0> are apparmor-utils supposed to work? am I doing something obviously wrong? they seem to really not want to work on nixos. https://hastebin.com/buzivokibu.shell
<batzy> I'm testing something now, sec
<batzy> Or something
<clever> samueldr: i suspect something in /nix/store/ was modified outside of nix's control, so the hash is now wrong
<provessor[m]> error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set
<clever> provessor[m]: src = self.fetchurl { something }
<Netsu> like import channel { nixPath = .. } or something like that, is it exist?


<hyperfekt> Something like your kexec error? No, I'm working on general principles here.
<selfsymmetric-pa> hyperfekt: Have you seen something like that before?
<kraem> werner291: yes that looks like a /etc/nixos/configuration.nix - it depends, you can manage packages declaratively like that in the system wide configuration or you can install them with nix-env per user (you can use something like home-manager to install packages declaratively per usr)
<kraem> tilpner: i'm able to have /etc/set-environment include my env vars but it isn't propagated to my login or the systemd service which starts nm-applet - there must be something i'm missing
<Ilya_G> My understanding is that I could use something like nix-copy-closure to manage that part of the process
<pie_> tilpner: ok ill keep this in mind for when and if i try to do something about this again
<ptotter[m]> something apparently calls promtool, but on what?
<exarkun> ptotter[m]: is there something specific you're interested in?
<stites> something like sort of like https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#nginx.virtualhosts.%3Cname%3E
<stites> Right now I have something where I have a module type (ie: a `module.nix` made of `mkOption` and `mkOptionType`s) and want to use this as a "subtype" where I can create an attrset with multiple instantiations of in some top-level attrset.


<averell> so if i can put something in my env to fix it or similar, that would be cool.
<tobiasBora> pie_: that's something nix can't solve
<pie_> tobiasBora: ok i found something using ctrl-f :D
<tobiasBora> I'd like to know, if in nix home-manager I setup i3 as my desktop, what happened if my system desktop is KDE? It will just kill KDE and launch i3? Do I need to do something special to launch i3 that require root access?
<colemickens> it's not really layed FSes but you can sort of achieve something similar...
<drakonis> i think i might be interrupting something
<pie_> which is to say thats something you can only have in a set or a let expression (which i think is actually syntactic sugar on a specific kind of set?)
<sierraDelta> Could someone help me look over a simple overlay I'm trying to make? I'm totally new to Nix, and I'm trying to make an overlay with misc purescript tools/toys. Seems that I'm missing something here. I get an error complaining about `unexpected '=', expecting $end` on line 13. Can someone help me? https://gist.github.com/dstcruz/278b36a9754848bfa9083dbfa11091ce
<colemickens> It's uh, it's something, 🙃.
<dom``> colemickens: I was just about to try something like that
<colemickens> dom``: yeah, ideally I'd wrap this up with nix-shell, but for now `nix-env -iA nixos.jq` or something similar
<makefu> eyJhb: netbox would also not be worth it to put it onto another OS, they are essentially asking for docker when you are not scaling up to 50k users or something
<makefu> eyJhb: whenever i have to do something in docker instead of doing it natively it feels like giving up to me. In germany i am trying to establish the word "Wegdockern".
<tilpner> spider.jnlp or something
<FRidh> i guess its only considered actual lines when it is followed by something that is not whitespace
<pie_> mostly happens in the repl but i just got it during a build or instantiate or something idk
<craige> Re: ZHF - a lot of evaluations failed due to kexec-tools problem that was resolved prior to the last evaluation (1541808) yet the kexec-tools related failure still occurred. Is there something else that still needs to be done to clear the kexec-tools related issues that I'm missing?
<eyJhb> But if I could make something pretty, then why not seperate networks as well. But I doubt my Nix :p
<eyJhb> Thanks ! I will look at that. Would be nice if I could get something working... :)
<Twey> Miyu-chan: So… I want to do something kind of like this: https://gist.github.com/Twey/84fff5dff8e86c34a716b57fe883f289 where I build up a callPackage function by layering a few different callPackage functions


<clever> nhill: try adding a systemd.services.mpd.Group = "something"; to configuration.nix
<clever> something=https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/archive/gitrev.tar.gz
<srhb> zacts: Sure, unless we broke something that breaks something for you permanently.
<aiowej> clever: Thank you for replying again. It still is failing, after running the two first commands you sent I ran the third, `nixos-rebuild boot --fast`. Then I got a hellofalong error about failing to evaluate fold something. For debugging I published the full error at https://pastebin.com/DNXEuP4s.
<srhb> hpfr[m]: Which looks good to me. Might you have an overlay interfering with a dependency or something like that? You can check if your output hash matches the one on Hydra
<judson_> But it seems like mkOption (or the options parameter to moduleEval) does something with the options set...
<judson_> Is this just not something anyone has done?
<alexarice[m]> `vnstat` definitely thinks I'm downloading something, thanks for the help
<dhess> That's about the only successful way I've done it in the past, and it's fine for projects with not much velocity, but for actively developed projects, I'm looking for something automated.
<manveru> teto: that's why i'm asking for your config, there's clearly something non-standard going on :)
<clever> builtins.path { name = "source"; path = ./.; filter = something; }
<samueldr> so even on 19.09 it will be 4.19 if you don't set it to something else
<fresheyeball> it sounds like your idle is too high or something
<fresheyeball> why not turn that computer off until we know to do something
<samueldr> something outside of the OS


<jlv> Right now, I have a vim plugin packaged based on the generated.nix for vimPlugins. I am getting that it cannot find 'deoplete.base' (it's a deoplete plugin). I'm not sure if the problem is my .nix expression, or something else. The plugin looks simple enough and similar enough to existing plugins that I suspect my .nix expression is wrong.
<alexarice[m]> I don't see why something similar to `callPackage` wouldn't work though
<jlv> I was actually trying something like that (`pkgs.callPackage`) but vimPlugins has some weird requirements
<jlv> it without waiting for it to be merged or adding a new nix-channel. I think there is something I can do with overlays maybe? But it's not very clear to me.
<clever> fendor_: if not, you need to manually delete something non-nix first, then follow up with a small --max-freed
<syd> maybe oh my zsh is doing something
<averell> you could try a new cache, https://discourse.nixos.org/t/improvements-to-cache-nixos-org-help-test-the-new-config/3620 but yes there is also nix-prefetch-url or something like that i think
<averell> most people would use home-manager or something similar
<syd> I am feeling really stupid about something little that I want to configure
<ivan> iqubic: if you have no desktop environment support for them, I think you can put something like this in ~/.Xresources:
<clever> eylusion: it has to be added to the rpath of something with patchelf, check the nixpkgs manual
<user___> Is there a way for me to use something like users.users.user.home inside of a services.mpd?
<aveltras> forget what i said, i'll hack something with aliases
<evanjs> Ermmm did rust nightly change lately or something?
<manveru> worldofpeace: last i heard it ran out of space and graham is on holidays or something
<sphalerite> Ariakenom: the or operator gets an alternative if a set doesn't contain something
<tobiasBora> I tried something like: nix-env --set-flag priority 4 texlive-combined-context-2018
<acowley> iqubic: You're doing something like this? emacs = emacsPackagesNg.emacsWithPackages (epkgs: with epkgs; [spacemacs-theme]);


<emily> is the only option to maintain a custom overlay or something?
<Yaniel> and hook that up to something to automate things I guess
<Stuck_> hi, I'm trying to install chicken (scheme to C compiler) so I've included in my config chickenPackages_5.chicken, but when I try to compile a helloworld program it says "Error: default type-database `types.db' not found", am I missing something
<infinisil> What package are you overriding and how are you using this? With nix-env or something else?
<PyroLagus> well, i have a bunch of compile output right now so the error is gone, but it was something along the lines of fontconfig being called incorrectly in customization.nix or something
<PyroLagus> true, but something like package specific overrides would be nice
<infinisil> rnhmjoj: I mean I can see what it does, but haven't come accross something that needed it
<srhb> kim0: Yes, I understood that. You'll need to do something like what I suggested.
<srhb> kim0: Or something to that extent.
<srhb> kim0: This does not sound like something that you can/should do at build time.
<kim0> The info I need can be retrieved from a URL .. so I guess what I really need is something like:
<iqubic> well, I've screwed up something here, and I'm not sure what.
<clever> and if you are below something like 5% free, writing anything is cpu intensive


<waleee-cl> wasn't the exfat driver included only a week ago or something like that?
<romildo> clever, would it e something like the following? buildInputs = [ (lxqt-build-tools.override{setupHook = true;}) ]
<willghatch> What's the best way to figure out which package contains a certain file? I'm looking for `uuid/uuid.h` to build something, but it doesn't seem to be in the `libuuid` package.
<tokudan> sphalerite, i2c? that would mean something like max 5 MBit/s i think... i2c isn't meant for real data transfer, as far as i know
<evanjs> sphalerite: I know, just wondering if I installed things improperly or if something's mismatched with my partition map and my BIOS, etc
<evanjs> sphalerite: yes, exit_boot() failed and efi_main() failed has stuck with me from ~5.0-5.2.11 or something like that. Not limited to kernel versions afaik
<willghatch> I'm trying to make some package definitions, but I can't seem to make libraries visible on the search path. Eg. this example I'm trying to build has xorg.xinput in its buildInputs, but the build fails because it can't find XInput.h. I'm having similar problems with various things I try to build, so I'm clearly missing something.
<numkem> Acou_Bass: not that I know what ZNC is but what about using something like traefik that has ACME support out of the box through docker and just proxy the traffic
<sphalerite> omnipotententity: there's a copyConfiguration option, but you can't enable it retroactively. The best way is to version your config using git or something. I also use zfs with 5-minutely snapshots on top of that because I'm awful at committing my changes.
<omnipotententity> eyJhb, actually, I think I do have something in nix store
<omnipotententity> boo, not even somewhere in the nix store? I thought the configuration was something that was hashed to get the directory name, if it's not stored anywhere how is the hash verified?