
<notgne2> a silly way to tell if something is stil writing, is running `sync` and seeing how long it takes to finish
<clever> zeta_0: usually, something that refers to the keys you assigned using let
<zeta_0> hello guys i am trying to install etcher in home.nix, do i have a typo or something ? https://hastebin.com/jowarelafe.bash https://github.com/balena-io/etcher
<clever> nh2: so something like `nix-collect-garbage --max-freed 10m` will start with the invalid paths
<samueldr> (I'm very against 1:1 when it's definitely something that could be helpful for someone else, due to logging)
<samueldr> but in my experience it looks like a case of qualcomm not bothering with something that's not used by android
<samueldr> android-based devices will need something that can deal with touch input, or very least volume up/down + power


<jared-w> just spitballing here, but would it be possible to setup something like a cachix cache on your fast PC and then reference it from the laptop?
<pbb> it would become something like "nixos-rebuild switch --flake"
<run500> clever: that seems to work better. i think the problem was something to do with signatures - one of the paths was missing a sig, and the "copy to" step succeeds with no error message, the local variant fails
<steveeJ> tilpner: I'm trying to build something which links to another crate https://github.com/fortanix/rust-sgx/blob/master/dcap-provider/Cargo.toml#L37
<samueldr> am I missing something or is udev.extraHwdb not taking effect on rebuild?
<vaibhavsagar> I have something that was working a few months ago but doesn't currently seem to work
<steveeJ> I'm trying to use buildRustPackage to build a member crate of a repo which is configured as a workspace. if I set `sourceRoot` to the path of it I get an error that `Cargo.lock` doesn't exist. is this use-case really an exception or am I doing something wrong?
<steveeJ> emilsp: I was looking for something that allows me to build a member-crate of a git repo, and it looked like it could do that at first
<clever> raboof: i would just do something like use $out as a seed for the prng that generates the guid
<lemsip> hrm, within an FHS shell, pkg-config can't seem to find libraries that I definitely am providing, such as dbus. Is there something special I need to do to make this work?
<thoughtpolice> gchristensen: Also, IDK if Notion emails you about this, but I did add you to some tickets on the BUGS.txt page for the long run. No pressure to comment but something you might want to look over
<CptCaptain> or something else?
<clever> gchristensen: something you may need to confirm with packet.net admins, but i think you could link-local it (169 ip)
<thoughtpolice> gchristensen: That's a bit more work, I think. It's almost something you want CODEOWNERS for, but without the "ownership" part
<gchristensen> and importantly, they want to send contact information too -- because if they had known something was going to be deleted, they would have taken over maintainership
<gchristensen> I saw the value as mostly one-sided (on the maintainer side) but this was a case where the user was hurt badly by nobody knowing they were using something in nixpkgs
<thoughtpolice> gchristensen: I've thought about something like that, too
<gchristensen> I think we have the technology to do something a bit more smart
<betaboon> gchristensen: nixos/tests/installer.nix has something on zfs-root
<ddima> worldofpeace: btw, wrt usage metrics (this ofc only applies to existing packages), thoughtpolice was iirc considering to work a bit on that, so maybe there is already something for at least possibly cleaning out existing packages?
<worldofpeace> ddima: yeah, I would really just direct those PRs to NUR. but without https://discourse.nixos.org/t/we-need-more-defined-guidelines-for-package-inclusion/3592, I feel conflicted on even rejecting something.
<worldofpeace> Shoubit: I've tried this, and the thing is what something was compiled with might not match with what's in nixpkgs. so it'll error out.
<infinisil> Something like `git fetch upstream; git rebase --onto $(git merge-base upstream/master upstream/staging) HEAD~1`
<tilpner> Or if it's something else entirely
<clever> mananamenos: if it can find something with the given sha256 in /nix/store, it will blindly use that, even if its an older version
<gchristensen> how many do you have, and are they isolated or edployed to with nixops or something?
<adisbladis> If you installed something with nix-env you'll find it's .desktop file symlinked in /home/$USER/.nix-profile/share/applications/
<adisbladis> skrzyp: I expect something like /home/adisbladis/.nix-profile/share:/etc/profiles/per-user/adisbladis/share:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/share:/run/current-system/sw/share
<skrzyp> also, I found something interesting…
<adisbladis> Iirc it's `nix profile` or something similar
<adisbladis> ij: Indeed it shouldn't. And the `nix` 2.0 (I guess technically 2.4 or something like that) replacement for `nix-env` will not be channel aware and behave in less surprising ways.
<gchristensen> is there something like squashfs but faster to make?
<nh2> clever: locally I have overridden all 3 (top-level, `X11` and `xorg`) -- or do you mean something else?


<monty> Reason I wanted to upgrade was something seeming like a kernel bug.
<clever> something went wrong updating them, due to lack of free space
<clever> monty: something may have crashed with /etc/passwd and wiped all passwords, use single mode to run passwd and set new passwords
<monty> I ran `nixos-rebuild switch` after updating my 19.03 channel. That errored because it ran out of space. Next I --delete-generations everything but the current, both system and user profiles. Then tried running nix-collect-garbage, which errored with something about the sqlite database and running out of space. Rerunning it errored with a message
<inf> did the systemd go to rescue shell or something?
<charukiewicz> A few weeks I deployed a NixOS server that I upgraded to 19.09 by setting nix-channel, but its version is "19.09pre-git". Looks like the newest version available is now "19.09.981.205691b7cbe". Running nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade doesn't seem to do anything? How to I upgrade past the pre-git version? Is there something I can include in my configuration.nix?
<samueldr> I have a terrible upload speed to the internet, and need to build something on a remote system


<notgne2> it looks like it might just be a scaling issue though, is it set to windowed and decided to be a very big window or something just for fun?
<samueldr> I might have been experiencing something similar on 5.3
<Dandellion[m]> is there a way of doing something like nix-shell someurl -A someattribute but like -p does?
<OmnipotentEntity> theano is a mess. I'm getting an issue where it's not finding a header file now. It has something to do with the build environment, but I have no idea what. The include is a quote include, so I can't just set CPATH and make it good. Any ideas?
<clever> so you can just _module.args.something = ...; in any module, and then { something, config, pkgs, ... }: in others
<samueldr> and... something that needs to be validated, wouldn't running `nixos rebuild test` *not* update the system symlink?
<OmnipotentEntity> clever, I'm sorry for bothering you directly, I have a question about something specific. Currently the python Theano package is broken because it attempts to compile something when you import it, and it does so in /run/user/$uid. I can change that location to the current directory, which will fix the purity part, but it might have other implications (such as perhaps being vulnerable to a hypothetical attack, which is why
<leotaku> What's the current status of the nix flakes effort? It seems to me like it's something that's definitely going to land in Nix in the nearer future. Is that correct?
<das_j> ah, is there a simple way to flatten nested attrsets with a separator? something like { a = { b = 3 } } which would turn into { "a/b" = 3 }
<evils> oh, a grep tells me the manual has something about it xD
<clever> evils: its mainly a safety, to make the code harder to be exploited, so they are doing something "wrong" but it will work
<gwen> bahamas: I guess usually, you would do something like (pkgs.callPackage (pkgs.fetchFromGithub {...}) {}), but maybe this package is already in the NUR?
<dema> One more question :) Is it possible to run installPhase from inside nix-shell without getting Read-only filesystem errors? Or I just have to set $out to something like /tmp/myout?
<dema> aria, something like this works for me https://pastebin.com/pBGXgV2s
<aleph-> clever: Yeah I tried that, gonna go back to it. Assumed I was doing something wrong but alas it was my iptables conf...
<aleph-> Hmm, anyone see something wrong with this nginx service declaration? Not getting any errors on a rebuild but there's no nginx service file/nginx isn't starting up.


<red[evilred]> I didn’t know there were issues requesting new packages. Just learned something!
<adisbladis> And then something like: `home-manager.users.adisbladis = import home.nix;`
<red[evilred]> Or adding something directly to hosts
<red[evilred]> It’s basically saying that it can’t restore something that wasn’t automatically generated
<red[evilred]> I’m still struggling with the use case for home-manager too. I think I need an article / video / something to help me understand what I’m missing
<betawaffle> there seems to be something wrong with chapter 19 of the nix manual
<infinisil> I think home-manager has something nicer though lemme see
<sondr3> if you use something like home-manager you could create a shell alias for it maybe?
<rnhmjoj> clever: alternatively i could try to hack something with netcat. i wonder if `succeed("command &")` will work
<Shoubit> clever, is there something similar/is that usable for Neovim?
<FRidh> adisbladis: we do mostly. This was something added by those that wanted to show how to use pip impurely. I'm not bothering really with that piece because its asking for trouble and outside the scope of nixpkgs.
<mananamenos> clever it still says that that lib is broken, even if it builds fine. Did i have to do something special in nixpkgs project to unmark it from broken? I've deleted the line from configuration-hackage2nix.yaml.
<{^_^}> jollyjester: If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<clever> jollyjester: for simple 2-4 line scripts, something like https://github.com/cleverca22/nixos-configs/blob/master/util.nix would do
<clever> jollyjester: you would write a package overlay, that does something = self.substituteAll { src = ./something.sh; firefox = self.firefox; }; i believe
<clever> jollyjester: you would write a package overlay, that does something = self.substituteAll { src = ./something.sh; firefox = self.firefox; }; i believe
<evils> clever: atm i'm thinking there's probably a way to move the passthru to a file, do import where it used to be, and put something like 'with mkLib = ...' in that file
<clever> jollyjester: you usually want to build that bash script with nix, so you would use something like pkgs.substituteAll to replace @firefox@ with pkgs.firefox
<evils> clever: ok, that's clearing something up, but how do i move both the `let mklib =... in stdenv.mkDerivation` and the definition of `passthru` to a separate file?
<jollyjester> or something like that, involving curly braces
<jollyjester> i think it was something along the lines of
<clever> evils: you can either do `symbols = something;` right in the kicad derivation (but kicad will depend on, and force symbols to build first), or you can do `passthru.symbols = something;` then kicad wont depend on the symbols
<yorick> libraries = lib.symlinkJoin (with kicad; [ symbols footprints templates packages3d ]) or something
<clever> ij: something changes NIX_PATH, so its ignoring the channels on root
<viric> clever: the toFile does something with the 'context' and paths. What is that thing context in primops.cc?
<clever> and something like md5sum agrees they are identical?
<clever> kaliumxyz: most FS's will also keep a read cache, so recently used files stay in ram, but you could force that if you use something like the installer media, where it unionfs's a read-only store with a tmpfs
<jared-w> evils: honestly, I just showed it to my professor and asked him if he could do it better. He squinted at it for a bit and went "wow, that's pretty good; that's gotta be near optimal or something" and I never really questioned him on it
<jared-w> Yeah I kinda wanna do that but I also want to keep my dotfiles as close as possible to how they're "supposed" to be written. Idk why. Maybe I just haven't fully drank the koolaid but something bugs me about having a configuration for one tool that's completely inaccessible without some other unrelated tool
<ogle__> I suppose I will try scripting something
<tilpner> I'm not aware of something like that
<ogle__> tilpner: yeah I was hoping for something more automagical akin to patchShebangs.


<colemickens> And if I set it thusly with undervolt, something... is coming along and resetting it immediately.
<notgne2> though if something is ever broken beyond repair, it's very easy to just do it all again from scratch
<samueldr> something that I don't know how to try, would be to figure out which curl is used by nix, and use that curl's curl CLI
<boogiewoogie> I'm using it to build something locally, since the software's config files would be installed into the nix store alongside it and not be writable
<immae> boogiewoogie: I don’t know the details very well, but you could create a new "root" that points to the generation you want to keep. It would not be under the same name, but all the dependencies would be kept. As for how to do that, I’m not sure but man nix-store seems to say that --add-root does something like that?
<catern> Denommus: I think you can install nixops on a non-NixOS system, you just need to manually specify the config (or something)
<FRidh> catern: and this is already been discussed on the remote developmt tracker, and they're not interested in providing something that works for nixos users
<jjakob> this is the first thing I started with on nix so I might be missing something basic
<jjakob> maybe something is grossly broken
<catern> pikajude: if you figure out how to get vscode to run a specific vscode-server binary instead of doing its wacky "wget the binary" thing, please post about it or PM me or something, I'm very interested because I have a fair number of users who want to use this vscode stuff on Nix
<adisbladis> Righto, I think we can do something about that fairly easily
<jjakob> something from bind? how about whois?
<pikajude> and it's getting very tedious to go back in and patchelf them every time something updates
<das_j> something like (either str (attrsOf (either str (attrsOf (either str…
<clever> qyliss: once it is the hash of something, its time to abandon that hash algo :P
<clever> even if its source for something entirely different
<clever> dema: if the hash is valid for something else, then nix may continue to use that something else, and ignore the url
<dema> Hi. I'm trying to create a package and wanted to use nix-shell to drop into build environment, but I'm using zsh and all build* functions are gone. Is there any way to force nix-shell to use bash? I tried setting NIX_BUILD_SHELL=`which bash` nix-shell but it didn't work. Am I missing something?
<asheshambasta> it could also be a faulty memory module, I guess, or something with my hw in general
<asheshambasta> clever: its hard to detect, its something to do with ASRock Taichi X399 mobo.
<fresheyeball> I was hoping I could put something like a reference to the actual files in the nix-store.
<CMCDragonkai> clever: ok, i'll look for something like that, but is there any images or examples of where this would be?


<lassulus> how does this work on other distributions? or does subprocess fallback to something like /bin ?
<lassulus> hmm, so maybe its something in the configure script which interferes?
<lassulus> brano543: maybe exporting PATH in the configurephase? something like `export PATH=${pkgconfig}/bin:$PATH`
<brano543> Hello, guys. I am having a problem creating expression in which Python would be able to found pkg-config path. The strange thing is it always works inside nix-shell, but never inside nix-build. Is this scenario unsupported or am I doing something wrong?
<AmandaC> pi4 isn't supported by mainline linux yet, is it? or mainline uboot or something mainline, IIRC it's not supported by anything but raspbian yet
<selfsymmetric-mu> I have something distinctly Python3.7.2-looking compiling right now.
<_pash> something like 'distribution not found and is required...'
<infinisil> No that's something different
<FRidh> adisbladis: ha, have a look at the setup.py. They want to import the value from another file...but the file does not exist so thye use the default ? which cannot be transformed into something valif
<FRidh> adisbladis: do you have a link to the sdist? I've seen it sometimes when people use something like setuptools_scm to inject a version number, and they've uploaded an sdist where the number was not injected
<adisbladis> FRidh: Btw, I meant to ask you something. I have a package where the dist-info ends up not recognising the version number: /nix/store/mc0xpkjzhmrnpl4qyljbmcyvxsygncf0-python3.7-django-scopes-1.1.0/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django_scopes-_.dist-info/METADATA -> http://dpaste.com/0K1ZBPP
<dredozubov> I'm looking for something that will be uniform for all nix tools, so tilpner's suggestion hits closer to home.
<darthdeus> btw this might be too early in my learning to ask, but say that I have a python/js project I want to work on ... would it make sense to do something like create foo.nix with all the pip/npm packages in it, and then develop using nix-shell?
<clever> Dandellion[m]: you need to do something like: NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = "-I${bullet.dev}/include/bullet";
<clever> its something like a decade out of date
<darthdeus> how do you even diagnose something like that?
<darthdeus> clever: btw what router do you have that it can fit something fat like nixos on it? :o
<clever> darthdeus: so if your thing wants to work with nix-shell (a fun excercise!), you must have a `stdenv = something`, and that something must contain a `$out/setup`, which adds all of $baseInputs to $PATH
<clever> darthdeus: line 428 will just `source $stdenv/setup`, which assumes the derivation has a `stdenv = something;` and that `$stdenv/setup` will put things into PATH
<CMCDragonkai> Is there something going on in NVIDIA on NixOS that is limiting it to 3 GPUs?
<jackdk> clever: apparently not, unless I'm doing something wrong: https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/0jdAoNST/nope.nix
<ornxka> do i just set $HOME to $out or something


<chpatrick> hey, is there a way to get something built on hydra without making it a top-level package? I'd like to build blender with CUDA since it seems like a common case but currently you need to build it from source
<betawaffle> i think i'll need to get my nixos router in good shape before i attempt something so heroic
<sondr3> betawaffle: do tell if you figure something out with the Synology, I have one laying around basically bit rotting away here
<nomeata> Hi! I have a strange thing happening here. If I run `nix-shell $(nix-instantiate shell.nix)` I get dropped into a shell (all dependencies are there), but if I run `nix-shell shell.nix`, it tries to build some dependencies. My understanding says that these two commands should do the same, but for reason something happens differently. Any idea what might be causing this?
<fresheyeball> there is something weird there in our project
<niso> is there a way to keep the $src path after a build (to debug something)
<clever> noonien: i think its something within dbus and gnome, that is crashing when a related service restarts
<Stuck_> Is something wrong with the package?
<clever> wedens[m]: in this case, you want to do: nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos/release.nix>' -A something-graphical-iso.x86_64-linux --arg configuration ./configuration.nix
<clever> das-g[m]: mkShell just calls mkDerivation for you, and sets the name to something like shell
<das-g[m]> Um, the only instructions for how to write tests I found was https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/#sec-writing-nixos-tests ... Did I miss something?
<Muttssuri> Hello, I am trying to get into NixOS but i can't seem to make the install work, I think it may be something that I'm doing wrong with my config file. My question is if is there any good resource for what paramaters can I use in said config file, I haven't found a good list of them
<clever> nilsirl[m]: did you enable something like guest additions?


<aleph-> Was looking for something I could use a cloudflare dns plugini with
<eacameron> But that begs the question: Why even import a path like this? Isn't there a pkgs.buildNixos or something to do what you'd expect?
<tilpner> gchristensen: prometheus-mq-notifier or something more public?
<selfsymmetric-pa> Something like `-I "<nixpkgs>"`?
<sondr3> mdash: I found https://discourse.nixos.org/t/variables-for-a-system/2342/7, I think I'll be able to work something out from it
<sondr3> mdash: so I'd do something like `imports = [ ../../blah { hostname } ]`?
<Thra11> I something like `installPhase = ''install File1 $out/path/'';`, but it complains that it cannot stat File1
<aminechikhaoui> steveeJ it probably converts those to something the kernel config understands
<infinisil> wedens[m]: It works by doing something like `(import <nixpkgs/nixos> { configuration = { ... }; }).config.build.system.toplevel` and then you can link that result in config.system.extraSystemBuilderCmds to $out/extra
<infinisil> wedens[m]: But you can use something very much like it still
<clever> with the sandbox on, it will at least fail if i miss something
<evanjs> adisbladis: right I meant like anything like a hm module or something I can do as a module vs a nix-shell
<__monty__> higherorder: Here's what I actually use: https://gist.github.com/toonn/80378b4f174527270af9180706e4f65d I'll try adding something like what you want.
<higherorder> Also... just so I learn something from this, how did you know that https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/compilers/ghc/8.8.1.nix would be under `haskell.compiler`? I can't find a reference to that "namespace" in the nix file
<raboof> is there something like https://nixos.org/nixos/packages.html but for the commandline? "nix-env -qa '.*foo.*' is a mouthful and still only searches/shows the package names afaics
<wedens[m]> and if you have something like version substitution in url, you're fooked
<clever> lovesegfault: tells you if something is an element in a list
<infinisil> Before I knew about it being a shortcut i kind of thought stdenv.lib was something different than lib
<infinisil> lovesegfault: Something like `enableAbsubmit ? lib.elem stdenv.hostPlatform.system essentia-extractor.meta.platforms`


<lovesegfault> How can I conditionally fetch something depending on the arch?
<mikky> clever: good point, but the error still looks unrelated to this. Something about XML compilation in manual: https://gist.github.com/cptMikky/2ef2818d1013b92b2c11f74646d81787
<darthdeus> is there a good way to check which packages will install without any building? like browsing cache.nixos.org or something?
<sondr3> either it complains about something like `home.packages` or the other around
<segfault[m]> Is someone here having the same issue with unison? My nixos pc has a version built on ocaml 4.05.0 while my arch has a version build with ocaml 4.09.9 This leeds to an sync error because ocaml has changed something in the binary exchange format and now they dont get along anymore :( Somehow I lost the archlinux package, so I cant downgrade...
<__monty__> Maybe with a `$( tr : ' ' )` or something?
<__monty__> Having nixos-rebuild read NIX_PATH would make it stateful though. And that's generally not something you want.
<{^_^}> lovesegfault: If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<wedens[m]> how do I do that manually? I think I've seen something similar with build-hook, but it was for copying to cache
<wedens[m]> am I doing something wrong or nixos-rebuild ignores NIX_PATH?
<darthdeus> btw did I do something wrong that every search result, such as `nix search polybar`, returns both `nixos.polybar` and `nixpkgs.polybar`? `nix-channel --list` returns only nixos
<darthdeus> hey guys, I have a very basic question, but not really sure how to set my `default-shell` option in tmux ... if I just add in `zsh` it will crash, and I can't figure out how to do something like `/usr/bin/env zsh` since it seems to want a path to a binary


<evanjs> Then I’ll just need a Mac Mini or something so I can do iOS dev and test all my PRs on Darwin and start to make more packages compatible in nixpkgs and etc. (it’s hard waiting on stuff on my 2011 MBP)
<evanjs> I have been wanting to get something like email notifications working for when auto upgrades fail, though. 
<Thra11> I was hoping maybe there was something simple, like a log of nixos switching history
<magneticduck> when I want to include a resource (fetchUrl, fetchPyPi, etc.) into something I'm building, how should I get the hash? up to now, my solution has been to use a fake hash, run the builder to fail, and then enter in the hash that the builder expected.
<otwieracz> Setting `777` to /dev/fuse does not help, so that's probably something related to systemd capabilities
<gjabell> tilpner: not sure if I need to add something to it though
<clever> srhb: if you dont set the type of something, then set the value to both true and false, it will silently true
<clever> srhb: i was also horified to discover, that if you dont set a type on something, the default merge rule inspects the types of the 2 args, and for bools, will just logical or them
<xd1le> how do I find out where to access the "shutdown" command? Would it just be something like "${pkgs.systemd}/bin/shutdown"
<lovesegfault> *something
<lovesegfault> I need a cron job or something :P
<ebzzry> clever: when I need something, I just plug in it LD_LIBRARY_PATH in default.nix
<clever> ebzzry: sounds like something went wrong with the RPATH of the binary, it should have gcc in there already
<slack1256> clever: If you want to play with cgroups some day, run something like "systemd-run --user --scope -p IOAccounting=true -p IOReadBandwidthMax="/dev/sda 2M" -p IOWriteBandwidthMax="/dev/sda 2M" -p MemoryHigh=1800M -p MemoryMax=2G -p MemorySwapMax=40M -p CPUWeight=30 zsh"


<JonReed> an_user: ^ In addition to that I also have `lock.sh`, which unmounts everything. So, while I'm trying to setup the device I'm just running `unlock.sh` and `lock.sh` scripts until I end up with whatever I need. This way you can just very quickly prototype the configuration you need. Additionally, if something breaks, you can just run `unlock.sh`
<selfsymmetric-pa> Crazy workflow optimization, I know, but is there a way I can expand the definition of something in a nix-file to hack on it? EXAMPLE: if I have, say, `pkgs.unstable.haskellPackages.hlint`, can I expand it into the full `mkDeriviation` or whatever that I'd find on GitHub, so that I can copy it into my nix file and hack on the specific attributes?
<epage> lordcirth yes, I've added things from a stable channel to the list. Are other channels in the avaialble in `pkgs` or is there something else I do to access one?
<snicket> has something changed since these pills were written?
<noonien> i see more cores are being used now(the compilation still has not finished), but i'm unsure if the tests are running or something
<noonien> but the compilation seems to only use one core, can i do something for it to use all cores?
<dminuoso> clever: Mmm. I somehow remember the manual giving an option like `deployment.keys.foo.persist = true;` or something..
<magneticduck> disabling the CSM is something I can do from the setup utility?
<kenran> That would mean I only have to use cabal2nix on packages where I want to manually change something in the resulting nix expression afterwards.
<clever> kenran: haskellPackages = super.haskellPackages.override { ghc = something; };
<bdju> what can I do about really bad video playback with intel graphics? had better performance on an older machine that also had intel graphics so something is very wrong
<CMCDragonkai> clever: something is broken in the ipxe's TLS
<CMCDragonkai> something like "could not parse..."
<CMCDragonkai> i was trying to get something out of s3
<aranea> Too bad. But if you can have (dynamically linked?) arm and x86 binaries on the same host, I'm sure that's something I could figure out eventually.


<inkbottle> infinisil: I did programs.ssh.startAgent = true; and nixos-rebuild switch; but I still have the same error. Should I have to reboot or something?
<clever> jumper149: if you add something to buildInputs and use the stdenv, it will handle -L and -I for you
<kim0> I just want to feel more comfortable with nix .. I'm not looking to package something specific
<tilpner> In case you expected something else to be there
<exarkun> How do I use curl or rsync to put something into /nix/store, then
<tbenst> clever, ah I see. As shown by nix-diff, something changed in master, previously xorgproto had `x86_64-linux`, now has `i686-linux`, but in any case the error I'm seeing is the same as https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/73319#issuecomment-553211664
<fifeefo> clever: Will that build something? I don't need it built, it's already installed in the store with nix-env --install.
<exarkun> would be really nice to have something that knows how to resume from where it was interrupted
<exarkun> does nix-copy-closure support resuming interrupted transfers? doesn't seem to. does `nix copy` or something else?
<WilliamHamilton> DigitalKiwi not over 100$, but as I'll use it occasionally I hope something in the ~50$ vicinity
<exfalso> unrelated question: is there a reason for fixed output derivations to be cached on the output hash? wouldn't it be better if they were cached on the output hash+input src? This way we wouldn't need to do the fiddlydo with the hash when we change something
<adisbladis> chloekek: esentially you could do something like: `lib.importJSON (pkgs.runCommand "blah.json" {} "${pkgs.remarshal}/bin/remarshal -i ${somefile.yaml} -o $out")`
<dminuoso> alexarice[m]: Mmm, am I missing something or cant you have a function type as an option?
<colemickens> how do I do something like `buildInputs = [] ++ with pkgs; [x y] ++ with other pkgs; [z a];` ?
<tilpner> Something like gdbus monitor --system --dest org.freedesktop.login1 --object-path /org/freedesktop/login1 perhaps
<worldofpeace> "They might regard our age of open source ubiquity, volunteer communities, and Moore’s Law as historically significant. " Moore's Law is just sacred knowledge or something
<infinisil> Something user-scoped
<infinisil> Something like home-manager would be better suited
<elvishjerricco> Ok cool. Given that, is there a convenient way to turn a deb file into a NixOS package? Something that would preserve the `.desktop` file that comes with it?


<WhatisRT> clever: I read something like that on the manual, but it isn't clear to me how to configure it properly
<slabity> clever: That did not seem to work... You mean login as root, start ssh-agent, and then add my user's id_rsa? Or something else?
<deni> clever: another question.... if something is built already locally but isn't on the build machine, and I have -j0 will it rebuild everything on the remote machine or will it transfer the already built things?
<WhatisRT> Hi! Having a wierd issue with ethernet on my RPi: in 19.03 everything works just fine, but after updating to 19.09 it won't connect to ethernet with my router, but it will connect to ethernet shared from my laptop. Does anyone know something about this?
<danshick> Does anyone have any advice for generating images for bare metal deployment? I am in an environment where I cannot control the PXE boot image on the network. Is it possible to generate an image for bare metal install, or should I install manually and then switch to something like https://github.com/andrewchambers/terraform-provider-nix for updates/changes after it is up and running?
<ArdaXi> slabity: I had the same issue, could it be you're building a 32-bit version of something?
<dhess> or at least, not the transitive dependencies of its Perl libs. I can add, e.g., DBIxClass to perlDeps, but then it breaks on something else, which I add... ad infinitum
<leo_> Trying to do something like this.
<betaboon> samueldr: I'll look into it. maybe i figure something out. if not I'll come here to cry about it :)
<dminuoso> exarkun: Systemd named that option so badly.. "description" should rather be "alias" or something akin to it.
<Twey> aranea: I think it's on the darkweb or something, they live on the edge
<exarkun> dminuoso: I think the mechanism for restarting the service consuming the certificate might be indirect rather than something the timer service does explicitly. maybe.
<exarkun> So you imagine someone attacking your first download of nixpkgs and tampering with the expressions to point at something malicious?
<dminuoso> Am I missing something?
<exarkun> Can I get rid of the nix dependency on aws-cpp-sdk? If I set `nix.package` to something like `nix.overrideAttrs { withAWS = false; }` or some such? Will this actually work?
<boogiewoogie> if it's just installing packages you want to specify for your enviroment, not more general options, I think specifying them in ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix should do the trick, or am I missing something?
<FRidh> buildPythonPackage and such would move to pythonX.lib, but the hooks would be derivations thus part of .pkgs. Unless we would want to have something like .buildSupport as well?
<FRidh> in nixpkgs we actually do something similar to suse. python will point to 2 and 3, with 2 taking precedence if both are present
<adisbladis> lordcirth__: I believe FRidh is working on something, but I haven't checked the progress
<Izorkin> etu: checked pr php 7.4 RC? need to fix something else?
<adisbladis> If anything we're likely to change the upstream to redhat/ubuntu or something similar
<dminuoso> In general, is it safe/sane to do something like `{ config, ... }: let f = config.some.stuff; g = import ./foo.nix f; in { ... }`?
<lux2> symphorien my problem is I cant install something
<infinisil> Because if you do, you need something like lvm or zfs to handle that
<infinisil> o1lo01ol1o: Something like `cp -r /nix /ssd/nix`?
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but an integer, at (string):271:1
<clever> to see if something has been built before
<scoates> I've lost it now heh. something close to `(python37.withPackages (ps: [ps.pip ps.virtualenv]))` though
<scoates> thank you. I had something close to that, but not actually that.


<_phry> lordcirth_ will do once I find something out!
<bgamari_> admittedly I don't consider myself an expert here; I just happened to muddle through it enough to get something working
<_phry> and also yup, hetzner doing weird stuff with isolation. that config has been running fine for 15 months or so though - so my initial idea was that something with the iptables module changed
<gentauro> I must be doing something wrong :(
<betaboon> evanjs: yeah. I'm using refind only, no systemd-boot. but on your issue: you could use `dont_scan_dirs` or something similar
<catern> betaboon: are you running on non-NixOS? if so, check /etc/nsswitch.conf - I expect that under passwd: you have something like "sss" rather than just "files". the fix is to use nscd on this non-NixOS system
<arcnmx> the plugin basically does the equivalent of :ruby "require X" expecting it to be available to the ruby runtime in some way. I'm not sure if I could something along the lines of vim.override { ruby = ruby.withBundle X }, or if the vim wrappers already have something for it...
<evanjs> e.g. `let g:something = "${myRubyThing}/bin/the_bin"` or whatever
<evanjs> If you just need to reference a bin or something, once you get the expression generated with bundix, import it as e.g. rubyThing, you can just set whatever variables you need in vim via nix
<arcnmx> maybe vim has some setting for adding additional gem paths or something...
<infinisil> For selector = ... use something as seen in the readme
<__monty__> I haven't come across these udev-rules substituteStream() WARNINGs before, is this something I need to deal with or normal? http://ix.io/21xx
<romildo> exfalso, it seems related to my bash prompt. If I unset PROMPT_COMMAND and set PS1 to something trivial, it works.
<bahamas> for deployment, I'm using the flow of building the system locally, copying it over remotely and switching to it. the problem is that the systems keep piling up. does nix offer something to delete previous systems (like it does with generations), or do I need to write a script for this?
<colemickens> So when I try to use WebRender in Firefox, it complains fiercly about EGL. I feel like I've had issues with EGL previously. Should I expect EGL to work with something like Firefox in NixOS on an XPS 13 2018?
<clever> if using a set, then you -A something, to select a key in the set
<clever> kenran: possibly inside a set, as { something = pkgs.writeTextFile ...; }
<clever> kenran: you probably want to use pkgs.writeTextFile then, and then `nix-build something.nix -A something -o /usr/local/etc/something.ono`
<Raito_Bezarius> I suppose there's something else which adding the root channel in my env


<romildo> I used to update the deepin packages in nixpkgs with the command 'nix-shell maintainers/scripts/update.nix --argstr path deepin' but it is not working anymore. Has something changed on how updating works? Any clues?
<evanjs> Woo! thanks, that helped me remember I had something in place for that.
<gchristensen> oh you were saying something else.
<adisbladis> That's always something I found terrible with nixops... Should fix that.
<adisbladis> lordcirth_: Mostly in /etc/nixos (which is also a symlink, just in case I need to nixos-rebuild if ssh breaks or something)
<infinisil> Hm, some rebuild wrapper that encrypts all secrets, deploys the encrypted secrets with nix, then has something to unlock them on the running machine perhaps?
<elvishjerricco> Which, granted, it'd be sweet if nixos-rebuild had something for this
<elvishjerricco> But yea, pass at eval time is something to avoid without a NixOps-like key management feature
<exarkun> but instead something that I want that's vaguely similar to someone squinting :)
<hodapp> removed clang_7 from systemPackages but I think something else is including it
<catern> what's the best way to change CFLAGS for all packages at once? specifically I want to do -march=something for every package
<srhb> Bryophyllum: The {} indicates that it's an attributeset, so you'd want something like
<Bryophyllum> srhb: Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, I must be doing something terribly wrong because I get syntax errors. `programs.firejail.wrappedBinaries = { "${lib.getBin.pkgs.firefox-wayland}/firefox" };`
<evils> kuznero: does this clear something up? https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#system.useract
<elvishjerricco> Anyway you could change the wrapper script to su back to your user or something. Or build the system config as your user and install it as root, though that's a tad more involved than nixos-rebuild
<selfsymmetric-pa> Now my DB is empty and out of sync with my config. Let's try running something...
<mikky> you can always write a wrapper or something
<exarkun> maybe instead of literally a single working tree, there's a local hardlinked clone per revision or something
<exarkun> is there a way to avoid having to download the whole archive for every revision? I thought I saw something somewhere about nix using a git repo it could update for incremental changes
<mikky> I'm missing something like 'inherit buildPythonPackage'