
<noonien> i think this might have something to do with how python packages are build? though, i'm not seeing anything wrong
<noonien> am i perhaps missing something?
<clever> linarcx: you cant run something thats using opengl, on a non-nixos machine
<fresheyeball> clever: how about something like this
<clever> or reading something thats already wrapped in /nix/store/
<jared-w> buuuut, it's something, so there's that :p
<jared-w> Half the time I attempt something like that I end up going into nixpkgs, scrolling through the git history until I find out what the default.nix looked like when it was packaged for that version, and vendoring that into my project.
<jared-w> iqubic: I think I've linked it here before. It was like day 4 or something, but I haven't touched it in months
<clever> jared-w: maybeThunk will decide if something is trivial (just `1`) or expensive
<jared-w> ahh, right. Even though in hydra's particular case, it stops caring the second it eval'd something.
<clever> jared-w: also, snack only works within a single cabal file, and cardano is split over something like 20 cabal files
<jared-w> I played around with yarn2nix for something a few months ago. It got suuuuper slow at one point after I did some innocent change. I bet that was it. I read that yarnLock and packageJSON were optional and dropped those two lines.
<jared-w> although it's still annoying the hoops I have to jump through to build something with yarn2nix that isn't a binary
<clever> jared-w: something that ive been stuck on for months, is simply setting the window title in both screen and xterm, via terminfo stuff
<bqv[m]> jared-w: i mean i just want something that goddamn works
<jared-w> clever: yeah that's what I was thinking. Oh, okay. I was wondering if hydra did something special
<clever> jared-w: you could use something like brick to make a whole UI, sort of like travis/buildkite, which will also use the nix api, to initiate and monitor builds
<cole-h> I like `nix build` for when I /know/ something will succeed. But if I'm testing, I always go back to ole faithful `nix-build` for that same reason


<pie_[bnc]> clever: im dumb. this means its getting called fine just something else is choking:
<{^_^}> pie_[bnc]: If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<kraem> clever: `yarn_v1211 = pkgs.yarn.overrideAttrs { version="1.21.1"; src=....}; ... buildInputs = [ yarn_v1211 ];` leaves me with "error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set"
<xfix> i don't think you need mkDerivation for something as simple as bash script
<samueldr> sure, this "breaks" downgrades, but this is not something that nixos has been concerning itself with yet, downgrade of stateful data
<evils> i'm packaging tuptime, which keeps a database and sometimes changes its format, should i do something with stateVersion now, or only deal with that if they change their format again?
<jluttine> Is there any way to tag something like "help needed" to a PR? (I don't have permissions to tag my PRs though)
<jdelStrother> simpson / clever: sorry, I still don't understand '=( I thought you were suggesting something like this - https://gist.github.com/jdelStrother/8f344274f18762d8e463d3a122a356be - and then running `nix-shell test.nix`, but that also still tries to build the gem
<kraem> clever: https://bpaste.net/CFMA getting `error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set` - i thought buildNodejs on line 10 returned the function needed by buildInputs?
<jared-w> clever: any functional difference between `"${sources.nixpkgs}/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/nodejs.nix}"` and your syntax? Been wondering for a while. I seeeeem to recall something vaguely about it being lazier in downloading nixpkgs?
<kraem> i've tried something similiar to that; https://bpaste.net/RZAA but can't get it to work
<clever> jakobrs: sounds like the program relies on something in its debug info
<kenran> srk: Thanks, I'll have a look later. Probably won't get anywhere, first time using those tools :D but something to learn. I have to go outside for a bit *shudder* now.
<kenran> srk: I don't know how it does compile. Something seems fishy there. `ldd` says https://pastebin.com/Ax9D5eKg
<cole-h> e.g. something like `somepackage2 = callPackage ../somepackage2 { inherit somepackage1; };`
<hio> automatically offer to patch binaries when a user tries to run something
<hio> it doesnt matter, it's about the principle. Eventually I'll run into something that wont work and doesnt exist as a package already. I have no idea what version those packages are, I always use the latest EAP
<{^_^}> for whenever it happens next: If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<bqv[m]> it's something. it would be better to package from source, but if you manage to get this in then at least it works


<hpfr[m]> cole-h: unfortunately, I don't think there are any unecessary files there. this is the nerd fonts repo, so it has several GB of font images or something
<cole-h> You can either remove the artifacts, or filter them using something like `lib.cleanSource` and related functions on that dir
<mdash> (has anyone else built nixos images for openstack? feel like i'm missing something crucial)
<ottidmes> mojjo: Simplest solution is to go the old PR for it, copy the file over and use that, since someone already put in the effort to make 4.0 work under NixOS, AFAIK (might still be something why they haven't merged, not sure)
<T_S_> I have updated the nix expressions for *all* the R packages, adding new ones and removing dead ones. My expressions evaluate but I want to test building. Tested about a thousand by building a shell environment with lots of packages. I have to wait a long time between failures to get something to fix. Need to up my game and build an expression that will run in parallel and let me find a log when there's an error to f
<jakobrs> S you'd do something like nix-env -iA nixpkgs.vim --build and it'd create a symlink to a new profile
<jordandoyle> my overlays/default.nix pretty much just contains [(import ./firefox-overlays.nix)] (trying to return a list) so i might be missing something syntax-wise here
<jordandoyle> however nixos-rebuild is giving me "attempt to call something which is not a function but a list", any ideas?
<Avaq> I'm afraid to remove things there manually, because I might break something.
<das-g[m]> I'd really like something with the features of nix-shell but with a command line interface like the new nix subcommands.
<hio> something is weird, it pretends that the file isnt there but it is
<hio> isnt it annoying to constantly have to nix-rebuild switch and reboot everytime I want to install something
<avn> clever: looks like something mystic, now systemd.services.nix-daemon.environment.TMPDIR works again (although it not worked 3 weeks ago, giving me some fun by unpacking chromium to /tmp)
<misuzu> maybe they changed something for new machines
<linarcx> clever: Not actually. For first time i set $NIX_PATH in my .zshrc to something like this:
<{^_^}> linarcx: If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<clever> linarcx: you also need to add a name = "something"; to the mkDerivation
<clever> raboof: something like: runCommand "name" {} "mkdir -pv $out/bin ; makeWrapper ${input}/bin/foo $out/bin/foo"
<clever> colemickens: let me grab something...
<joepie91> I touch something, it breaks


<ottidmes> Although I could probably easily roll out my own, does there already exist something to layer directories on top of each other, but rather than completely recreating the tree structure and replacing files with symlinks like lndir, I like it to only create symlinks when necessary to layer the directories over each other
<das-g[m]> With partitioning, there's always the option to fuck it up due to misunderstanding something, whether you do it through an installer or directly.
<mehlon> because you know the installer won't accidentally fuck up your partitioning because you misunderstood something
<ottidmes> cole-h: I know the words "device" "mapper", but it does not ring a bell, sounds like something I ought to know though
<ottidmes> cole-h: not sure, I am just building my system as a whole after changing something unrelated
<cole-h> Sounds like something that was changed upstream.
<xfix> you aren't using the latest version of 19.09 channel, but honestly you probably don't want to use something that doesn't work
<zeta_0> clever: hello again, i was wondering if maybe you help me troubleshoot this nix-shell darcs error that i'm getting? it should only take 1 or 2 minutes, i probably messed up on something simple: https://gist.github.com/zeta-00/2d806c4d2720e4200a0add034994fd60 https://gist.github.com/zeta-00/5c445f688410e6de7336eeac6009d41b
<zeta_0> it's probably something that i missed
<ottidmes> ZoomZoomZoom: So you should probably fix that, or else something went wrong with copying over the config file
<jakobrs> I've been looking around in the Nixos/nix issue tracker and have seen comments about channels being "basically deprecated" or something like that. I
<morgrimm> ^ wondering that myself. I'm not too worried about challenging, I can figure whatever out - I'm just worried about needing something that isn't available as a nix package (without going to the trouble of writing derivations myself for all those things)
<morgrimm> clever Is NixOS worth considering as an option over something like arch, for example? Like, is there an alternative package repo for things that aren't in nix yet?
<LnL> or something else
<NobbZ[m]> And if cachix is untrusted, well, you won't get something from there anyway.
<morgrimm> But I installed nix like a week ago, and there's been no updates since then - so I feel like I'm definitely missing a channel or something I'm supposed to have
<ottidmes> There is no way to add a module to a config from a script than something like this, right?
<Boomerang> Isn't it weird to just drop metadata? I've heard of nix-locate which seems to do something like drv->attrpath, maybe I can try with that
<Boomerang> That's what I feared ^^ I don't mind scripting something complicated as long as there's a way to get that data somewhere
<NobbZ[m]> Or, if you actually have an `installPhase`, then it needs to `runHook postInstall` or something like that
<wedens[m]> is it your own derivation or something from nixpkgs?
<s1341> can i echo something to stdout?
<s1341> wedens[m]: i tried something like that... how can i see a log of the execution of postInstall?
<Swante> i do something wrong?
<blibberblob> Hi all, what's the systemd unit I should restart to bounce my network? My wireless died (couldn't connect to anything, couldn't resolve DNS) and I got it to work by restarting, but presumably I could've just bounced something with systemd
<infinisil> Well or something related to it
<infinisil> mudri: You could use something like `Agda = super.Agda.overrideScope (self: super: { some-dep = callHackage "some-dep" "0.1" {}; ...; })` to fix dependencies


<mudri> infinisil: Maybe also the default GHC settings or something since last week?
<NobbZ[m]> Arch's pacman and also Gentoos emerge should be able to do something similar… Not as isolated, but the "install and remove on next GC" should be possible
<infinisil> Because it's probably impossible to implement if you don't have something like Nix :)
<evanjs> wait... "Successfully evaluated my system configs with the _module change". But emacs wont work now... unless I misconfigured something
<infinisil> Maybe something like that
<ottidmes> bqv[m]: I must have missed something, when was I asked about that?
<xfix> if there is something like that
<Yaniel> the workflow to get something packaged for sure is to do it yourself
<jdelStrother> cransom: hm. I've reported it at https://discourse.nixos.org/t/cant-install-mini-racer-with-bundlerenv/6329, maybe someone will be able to suggest something...
<yorick> ottidmes: I means, I have a package set with a bunch of `nixos { imports = [ ./asdf; ] }`, and I'd like to add something to it
<Orbstheorem> Hello, I've added gnome3.gucharmap to systemPackages and noto-fonts{,-emoji,-extra} to fonts.fonts, but I still can't see the font in gucharmap. (I've only rebuild-test). And I missing something? :/
<kenshinCH> waleee-cl: with the first one I get `'shell' missing` (although I'm doing a `callPackage`. Does that change something?). The second one would require re-listing all the dependencies, right?
<NinjaTrappeur> I guess trying to sshuttle or VPN to a ovh box or something passing by franceix is your best bet :/
<tilpner> Something like { config, pkgs, ... }: ...
<hyper_ch> error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a string with context, at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:854:17
<hyper_ch> zimbatm: it didn't like it: error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a string with context, at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:854:10
<NobbZ[m]> hyper_ch because it contains a bunch of shell files you want to source, no need to build something.
<dominikh> does anyone have experience with packaging printer drivers? the one I am looking at is https://github.com/philpem/printer-driver-ptouch – just going through make + make install gives me a filter and a bunch of foomatic XMLs, but how do I turn the XMLs into PPDs? foomatic-db-engine doesn't seem to be packaged; am I missing something, or has simply noone done the work yet?
<pjt_014> still, there's gotta be *something* else in --option that does this
<pjt_014> hi: I was here earlier with a problem cross-compiling. I tried something that was suggested, and got an error I don't know what to do with
<cole-h> lovesegfault: Oh something I just saw: description should be something like "An alternative for non-interactive ssh auth" or smth
<cole-h> bhipple++ Thanks for finding something where #82342 fails. I'll see if I can't dive into it later (unless someone beats me to it)


<gchristensen> is there something you like oabout howoldis which isn't on status ?
<LnL> the user link is pretty isolated, as long as you don't point it to something that's not a gcroot you can change it to whatever
<pikajude> i was worried it'd break something
<ottidmes> I am trying to install NixOS in Hyper-V, when I run my commands on the machine itself, my network connection is fast as usual, but when I SSH connect to it, and try to download something, I go to 100KB/s for git clones and 1.5MB/s for regular downloads, anyone experience with this?
<tilpner> But it might not, if something else is broken
<jakobrs> Oh, I found something
<jakobrs> Something to do with "nix-store.mount" is masked
<coderobe> That requires the 19.09 channel to be set up as 'nixos-19-09 https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-19.09' - assuming your regular nixos channel is not 19.09 but something more recent
<evanjs> gchristensen: so I know setting allowedRequisites to null is bad, but do you have any thoughts on how I can diagnose the issue I'm encountering? Trying to build something with and old glibc with a newer nixpkgs (~master), and simply overriding glibc, well, that doesn't seem to work :P
<Bunogi> Is there a way to get the install directory for a package? With some looking around with ls I can tell that it's /nix/whatever but can I do it from inside a nix script? Something like pkgs.whatever.install_dir?
<SneakyUser> well i am not one managing those drives, he might change them, remove or do something to them or i might be in different location and i just need to find that drive
<jco> I'd do something like: let mypackage = callPackage ./mypackage.nix { } in
<Oblomov2020> basically, if I don't move the mouse, the screen goes in standby (even if I'm still using a joystick). I don't think it's something done by the screen, but I don't know who is responsible (I'm using xmonad as wm and I don't have any config in that sense)
<tilpner> Add some signature and a reputation system, and you have create something nobody is willing to use
<manveru> alienpirate5: that's something i've not seen before... did you open an issue about it?
<jakobrs> Alternatively, something like `nix-build '<nixos/nixos>' -A iso_minimal --argstr system 'armv6l-linux'` might work
<xfix> for instance, you can create your own Nix module, and say it depends on nixpkgs, and then use nodejs from nixpkgs or something for your own packages
<xfix> it's something i will likely remove in month or so
<danderson> (I should have just named the module something else, but I am not smart)


<bqv[m]> (not working at runtime i mean, it does work and start, but something is failing and i don't know if it's to do with packaging)
<notgne2> `nixpkgs.overlays = [ (self: super: { grub = (import <oldpkgs> {}).grub; }) ];` something like this maybe
<cole-h> Right. You would still need an overlay like `grub_old = callPackage <oldnixpkgs/a/s/d/f/grub> {}` or something
<cole-h> But that still requires calling out to jq. I was hoping there'd be a lib function or something
<evanjs> note that I _am_ trying to cross compile something from the resulting package set
<lovesegfault> so when something touches it I see it :P
<bennofs[m]> Oh, well nix-index just calls nix-env with '<nixpkgs>' as path. So make sure that your NIX_PATH is set to something useful
<tilpner> Unless you do something weird, like defining <nixpkgs> in terms of your configuration.nix...
<radvendii> at that point i figured i might be doing something wrong
<s1341> etu: do i need to do something special with the node-packages-v8.json
<gchristensen> something I should probably do... :)
<etu> s1341: I usually pick things to track an older channel if I need something that is removed or so :)
<gchristensen> there is advice to not split a disk and have 2 active partitions on the one disk, and if you give ZFS the whole disk, the only special thing zfs does is set a certain scheduler to make its writes faster -- something you can do yourself
<evanjs> ahhh might've found something with mentorToolchains.armLinuxGnuEabi. I remember seeing sourcery when I was doing this manually
<evanjs> but it didn't work with my GNU stuffs... or maybe it was something else. hrm
<evanjs> on a related note... ever seen something like "crossConfig: unbound variable" before?
<NobbZ[m]> To the right of mine I have an old laptop which already had a working nixOS installation (done via ethernet), though due to doing something bad I lost my grub and try to reinstall now. Though sadly neither the built-in nor my external WiFi are recognized. `nixos-install` fails because it can't build something without internet, though I'd like to just rebuild GRUB such that it can find the installation on my partition
<evanjs> Essentially, I need to compile something with GLIBC 2.24/GCC 5.4.0 for armv7l, and figured using stuff from 16.09 (which uses GLIBC 2.24) might be the easiest
<tilpner> s1341: That you probably need something like: wrapNeovim (neovim-unwrapped.overrideAttrs ...)
<kreyren> etu, any example of something alike?
<kreyren> how do i install something now
* kreyren wants to try to install something
<Cadey> or is that something DHCP decides
<lovesegfault> s1341: you would use something like this instead nix-shell -p 'python3.withPackages (ps : with ps; [ numpy ])'
<s1341> also how do I remove something from my .nix-profile?
<evils> also, maybe something besides nix is using more than you think, what does `du -hs /nix/store` say?
<rooke> Ah, theres something in place with the `hashed-mirrors` but it seems to expect a very specific form of url
<evils> ah and ofc you can't nixos-rebuild unless you got a fairly ok boot condition, so something bootable should always be in grub?
<niso> jackdk: oh yes, i recall something like that :/


<bennofs[m]> right now the type definition for "overlay" only has check = lib.isFunction, I wonder if there is something more appropriate that could catch nixpkgs.overlays = [ import whatever ] ?
<dirkx> admin:When you submit a pull request for something in tests -- anything you need to do in terms of updating docs or other places -or is https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/82657 complete enough ?
<evanjs> tell me there isn't something with fPIC here...
<raboof> I'm starting out with lxc, and notice https://github.com/nix-community/nixos-generators talks about an 'lxc' command-line tool, while 'nix-shell -p lxc' seems to introduce 'lxc-*' tools. Am I missing something? :)
<Avaq> I have the port forwarding on my router working, which I confirmed by disabling wireguard and having something else listen to 51820, and I could in fact reach it from outside the network.
<clever> cole-h: https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/45e46f3b6a1ede7836938d2122bae9c7 is something ive installed with nix-env, to get certain man pages
<clever> fresheyeball: i remember fixing something similar months ago, but cant see any answers in the irc logs
<s1341> clever: can i make a derivation (or something) of the androidndkPkgs_18b to work on r10e?
<jakobrs> simpson: Do you think I should submit the issue? It's something that occasionally annoys me, and it feels like it *ought* to be there.
<jakobrs> Draft for something I've been thinking about: https://imgur.com/a/XGA5GXo
<clever> exarkun: patches = lib.filter something drv.patches;
<evanjs> Anybody know of a good way to remove specific patches when I'm overriding something?
<exarkun> ... rip the original src out and use it in a new derivation with ... a patch phase, I guess? or maybe I should just inject something into the patch phase of the existing derivation
<morgrimm> MacOS Catalina - I followed the procedure for creating synthetic volumes/enabling permissions and did a multi-user install. It works fine, but I wanted a different profile, so I used nix-env --switch-profile prefix/profiles/per-user/$USER/profilename, and then installed something since it creates it lazily
<exarkun> is something replacing them?
<exarkun> If you want something that *doesn't* change ever, that thing is a nixpkgs revision
<iceypoi> is there any way to combine nix-env with overrides? E.g. have something like like `nix-env -i chromium.override { useVaapi = true }`
<ottidmes> Now I am not sure if that is just due to the nature of dnsupdate that conflicts with readonly files on NixOS, or that I am still misconfiguring something
<immae> it has little to do with channel (except if "something" refers to a channel)
<immae> bqv[m]: <nixpkgs> relates to the content of NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=something
<eyJhb> adisbladis: well it builds! That is something I guess
<eyJhb> Good adisbladis ! I will try it. But currently I am recompiling TexLive... Isn't there a better option regarding testing something like this? A minimal shell?
<RRedcroft> boogiewoogie[m]: but you can use something like this https://pastebin.com/raw/HcvTpP2m
<jakobrs> Would it be possible to support something like this?
<tomberek> did something recently change with overridePythonAttrs?


<dycan> okay, I may just have typed something wrong...
<organixpear> the mesa-loader is looking in /run/opengl-driver/lib/dri. my real question is: is the nixpkgs xorg configured only to use systemd or something?
<danderson> early ZFS would panic a bunch, go "uuuh something's wrong I'm not touching this", but afaik those were all recoverable with expert help
<danderson> Cool, I'll get on that. I need to figure out something by tomorrow, because I get back to work and I need this laptop to be ready. Yay hacking on a deadline :)
<abathur> I wish there was something a little more declarative, but I'm also not all-in on the nixify-all-config approach; some config needs to be cross-platform anyways
<danderson> which seems to add up to "something something nix plus other stuff"
<adisbladis> Because ideally I'd like something that could be live-synced over the internet
<immae> iceypoi: something like `wrapProgram $out/bin/vimb --set WEBKIT_DISABLE_COMPOSITING_MODE 1`?
<judson_> So something like `nix eval 'callPackage ...'` oh, huh.
<cole-h> Maybe you need something like hicons (or whatever the name is) in your environment, if you don't already?
<organixpear> i am using nix on a non nixos distro. i have installed "htmldoc" using nix-env i htmldoc and it works fine, but the nix version is compiled without gnutls support or *something* so i have need to compile my own version. i would like to do this using nix, but all the docs i have read seem to indicate you can only really build nixpkgs on nixos. can anyone give me info on building packages in a non nixos
<kenran> LnL: cool, thanks! I thought it might be something like that but must have missed with my googling.
<jluttine> yep, touchpad works with the previous version. have to check this in more detail later. but if anyone else is having similar issues, i'd be interested to hear. if it's something in nixpkgs, i'd expect not to be the only one..
<jakobrs> it should be (i think) something like "20.03.500.<hash>"
<tnks> man... I'd love a switch to prefix every line of a Nix build with the name of the package being built... it's so hard to read these logs to answer that one question. Does anyone have a good workaround? Or is that something worth contributing as a PR?
<tnks> I just built something that I expected would be cached, and I don't want to lose the build (took a while). Is there a good command to test if path exists in a Cachix cache without risking what I've built locally?
<iceypoi> am I missing something? I created a systemd user service, nixos seems to create the file to /etc/systemd/user
<infinisil> Something like that
<danderson> and then I go "ugh so much work" and go back to something else :)
<evils> looking into doing the writeup, apparently it fails on nixos-unstable too, and has hydraPlatforms = [], not as meta.hydraPlatforms, is this something that changed at some point?
<adisbladis> lordcirth_: That's not something a package creates, that's typically something dealt with by systemd.


<blibberblob> Or at least something with that name does, which I put in my `boot.extraModulePackages`
<danderson> I forget the exact messages, but it'll be something about USB detecting a new device and configuring it
<tomberek> colemickens: but i still must be doing something wrong, after generating a local Cargo.lock and using "src = ./.;" i get an updated cargoSha256, after that the build keeps saying "cargoSha256 is out of date". Even though it's right there.
<notgne2> if you have something like `pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};` you can do `pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { overlays = [(self: super: rec { ghc821 = <code from earlier to fetch it>; })]; };`
<notgne2> NemesisD: you could add the older nixpkgs release as a channel and do something like `(import <oldpkgs> {}).ghc821`
<notgne2> I think my brother in law had something similar to that, and I had to package some random driver off github to make it work, lemme figure out if it's the same deal
<adisbladis> I can't exactly remember the details, but something something DMA something something zero copy *giant handwave*
<adisbladis> MichaelRaskin: This was something far, far cooler than 9p
<misuzu> kaliumxyz: not really, i had to write a script that outputs something like this `-I nixpkgs=/nix/store/8x90sd5m33zhz96z72zgydgy11nc6wb2-source -I home-manager=/nix/store/pk81mh4djhpzbf5jqbgnfspn1517zckk-source`
<danderson> it's slower than I would like, but nixpkgs is also huge with a lot of activity. Given that, the turnaround is quite good. I just have to keep notes to remind me to ping if something falls through the cracks.
<genesis> (since noone look at contributer review stat, but only their friend doing-something-stat, i wonder how many good contributer nixpkgs missed to upgrade)
<adisbladis> I think I'm gonna admit defeat and do something more meaningful
<evanjs> does python3Packages (vs callPackage) interfere with meson/ninja or something like that?
<Jonathan87> I have a nix-shell with what are supposed to be the dependencies, am I just going about it wrong, or am I missing something?
<adisbladis> _something_ happened
<colemickens> if anyone has experience with laser cutting the nix logo into something, I want to do the same when I get my new laptop (maybe soon? rumor is they're announced on monday)
<adisbladis> judson_: I've seen something like that for emacs specifically
<judson_> Or something.
<zeta_0> adisbladis: ok, with ghc it was pretty easy to install it from nixpkgs as a user, but to contribute to ghc i had to clone and build it in a nix-shell using ghc.nix, which was very difficult to setup, so i wasn't sure if i have to something similar with darcs and xmonad
<ottidmes> tilpner: ah, learned something new, thanks!
<__monty__> manveru: Yeah, I'm thinking something like that too.
<__monty__> Could it be something that comes with nix's default fish config?
<adisbladis> Do you have some shell hooks or something?
<ottidmes> I would have thought something else would be as easy, considering this will be the first question on everybody's mind seeing such an error
<zeta_0> i just want to wirelessly print something from my laptop
<zeta_0> what is the command to open cups gui to print something?
<NobbZ[m]> I'm pretty sure there is a way to do it with home-manager yes. Though I'm not yet deep enough into all the nix stuff to come up with something :D
<NobbZ[m]> NemesisD: Something like that, yes, though that will enable dropbox autostart for all of your users, `~/.config/autostart` is the location for only a single user.
<kai_w> `targetPkgs` is put into /bin on the chroot, but that doesn't help unless I make `runScript = "bash";` or something, which makes things more verbose. because then I have to do `nix run ... -c quartus quartus_asm` instead of just `-c quartus_asm`, which is how it would work for a normal package
<kolaente_> clever: that seems to do something, thanks for the tip
<Ashy> do i have to do something different when doing the first install onto a new drive?
<petersjt014[m]> There's something in the nix config file
<samueldr> something else that is often dismissed, but has been the solution, try another usb drive, unless you know for a fact it's still good and boots other distros
<Ashy> do i have to do something fancy to a nixos installer usb to get it to boot on a uefi device?
<adisbladis> My typical nixos installation process goes something like: a bootstrap installation, import hardware-configuration.nix into my repo and then `nixops deploy`
<Ashy> can i dump my whole config with something like nixos-option?
<Ashy> i'm sorta surprised because they're both x86-64, does nixos cut down the kernel to only expected hardware support or something?
<{^_^}> Cadey: If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`


<evils> clone the repo, cd to the repo, nix-build -A something
<Cadey> how do i nix-build something in the nixpkgs repo?
<ottidmes> evanjs: something like this: https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos/2020-03-12#3166139
<cole-h> Is there a way to chain `with`s? e.g. `with pkgs; with gitAndTools;` -> `with (pkgs) gitAndTools` or something similar?
<AWizzArd> It’s just that all tutorials want to show something working very quickly. So instead of lenghty scripts they start out with nix-env.
<NobbZ[m]> AWizzArd: Usually no need to uninstall, you are probably on a very old default nixpkgs, which is good enough to build something, but not binary cached. Try `nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-19.09 nixpkgs` or whatever channel you like.
<evanjs> Trying to cross-compile something for armv7l-hf with gcc49, is this a valid example to follow, or is there a better/more correct example? https://groups.google.com/d/msg/nix-devel/T8YlEcJj1G0/l9ND4FiaEgAJ
<ash__> I am not familiar with cherry-pick or something like that. Should I host a local channel with the snapshot of the latest hydra product? Or is there an easier way?
<simpson> (Also I'd be wary of signing up Somebody Else's Department to run something like Hydra!)
<yourfate> that's something the infrastructure IT dept will handle
<adisbladis> It doesn't have to be much more fancy than something like s3 (minio for self-hosted)
<avn> I try to make something like `src = nix-gitignore.gitignoreSource ["/this_subdir\n"] ../.;` And it complains on invalid regexp
<LnL> tnks: I think something like this would work https://gist.github.com/LnL7/b304656fa06d7fee75ce2c922ecf1b6b
<colemickens> lovesegfault: AFAICT something about GL doesn't work on the -bin builds (aka, beta/nightly). And it hasn't hit stable yet...
<lovesegfault> Real winners like me do all the packaging work and then give up and go do something else
<adisbladis> HM is pure nix, so this is something in your profile failing to build.


<Raito_Bezarius> and this SOMETHING seems to be a \n
<Raito_Bezarius> unit-script-wg-blablabla-(pub key)=SOMETHING-start
<NobbZ[m]> mcwitt: As I have the same error on nixOS, something else seems to be missing in that command…
<Raito_Bezarius> or something like this, it does not raise any error
<Raito_Bezarius> it's generating something like ip addr add
<ottidmes> Guess I learned something new, so if you put a script in buildInputs, it will run it, guess that is how things like makeWrapper work
<immae> I would do something like runCommand { ... } "echo ${package}" I guess :p
<ottidmes> immae: something like that, if I can't find the remark in the logs soon, I guess I will experiment with that, but I believe buildInputs get filtered for those that are actually used, but you could probably force that somehow
<immae> ottidmes: I suppose something like `nix-env -p /some/path/to/a/dummy/location -i package` could work?
<NobbZ[m]> Still, Can the BIOS understand "CD boot/USB boot" on something that it considers a harddrive?
<pie_[bnc]> clever: is there no way to do something like nix-store -l on a failed build?
<ottidmes> I really ought to know this, but seem to be missing something, how do I copy a directory contents, not the directory itself, to another directory, cp -r dir1 dir2 results in dir2/dir1, and cp -r dir1/ dir2 results in dir2/dir1, and cp -r dir1/* dir2, wouldn't that fail if there are no contents in dir1?
<FireFly> I guess something like that would work, I wonder if there's a handy tool for synthesizing key events already.. but otherwise doing something akin to what xcape does (but without listening for modifier keydown/keyup events) would presumably work
<eyJhb> ANyone with PR magic, please do remove the reviewers or something :p Doesn't make any sense
<exarkun> I am reading generate crate2nix code and it does `buildRustCrate.override { ...}` which led me to believe `override` is something you can use on functions
<srhb> gentauro: I think I'm currently saving like.. 100G or something. I'll check :P
<gentauro> NobbZ[m]: I would rather disable the feature (I can read something about create hard links instead of symbolic amirite?)
<mdash> Jonathan5: If you want to build something with dependencies on nixos, you typically need to write a nix expr for building it
<jonathan5> I am trying to build a C++ library with `cmake` and `make` and I am told I am missing lstdc++. Is that something to do with NixOS?
<qyliss> I mean that if something isn't immediately ready for merging I just look for something else that is
<immae> bqv[m]: you mentionned flakes above, is it something that is already (partially) implemented, or is it only draft at the moment?


<zeta_0> if i install home-manager separately from my system configuration will i have to reboot every time i install something with home-manager? right now i have home-manager integrated with configuration.nix, so every time i install a package in home.nix i need to run nixos-rebuild switch, then reboot(which is a hassle)
<colemickens> subdirs, working groups with authority delegated to them, something. Or some tooling so that users can nominate PRs as ready to review and we can crowd-source manual verification to build up more of a signal for those blessed with merge power to evaluate.
<bqv[m]> something randomly downloaded won't be patchelf'd, so it'll expect to be run in that chroot
<Ankhers> adisbladis: In my case, I am trying to download the android NDK. Unfortunately all of the binaries need to be patchelf'd because of an incorrect interpreter. Is this something that is expected, or should it Just Work™?
<bqv[m]> that seems like something that could be solved
<bqv[m]> sjuberman: well surely you could just build a fhs environment with pacman in it or something lol
<infinisil> It's pretty much always possible to use Nix to package something or to use it for development. It's just a matter of how much effort is required to do it :)
<Ankhers> adisbladis: So if, in my case, Android Studio downloads something, it _should_ work?
<Ankhers> Would anyone be able to explain to me what an FHS environment is? I see something about it for android studio, but I have not idea what it means.
<lovesegfault> taika: Alright, let's go backwards a little bit then. Why do you normally install things system-wide and what does that _mean_? i.e. when is something "installed"
<exarkun> taika: Local effects are better than remote effects. It's easier to reason about things that are nearby. System-wide configuration is more like remote than local. Something in your system-wide configuration controls whether something you're doing in an entirely different context will work or not.
<lovesegfault> you'll need to escape it or something
<andi-> Usually you use something like carnix or crate2nix to do that
<ottidmes> turion: ah, then ignore what I just said, mine reports something differently, probably because my checkouts are made with fetchGit so they don't have a .git folder
<exarkun> unfortunately $lib used to mean something different so .. ugh, hard to make something compatible across different nixpkgs revisions
<exarkun> Okay, that seems to be what's going on. buildRustCrate, or something near that, decides that the crate should have "out" and "lib" and then something, I don't know what, moves everything from $out to $lib and deletes $out :(
<ottidmes> I am guessing it has to with one server running 19.09 and the other 20.03 and something changed in between
<ottidmes> philipp[m]: I imagined something like that happening, wonder what cause it to fail then
<exarkun> something is moving everything from $out to $out-lib after postInstall
<__monty__> Ok, thought you were saying something about an "and" operator but nix doesn't have one, does it? It probably has & or &&.
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a string, at (string):288:1
<fooker> Is there a builder which allows me to write multiple files to a single derivation? Something like writeFile, but accepting a attrset or something?
<jluttine> should package derivation meta homepage value be with or without double quotes? the manual and nixpkgs itself has plenty of examples without double quotes. has something changed? i couldn't find any information on this
<danderson> so, I installed nixos on my laptop. I'm still getting it properly set up, but `nix-env -qa` is horribly slow to do anything, and it's getting in the way. Is there some kind of caching I'm missing that's off by default or something?