
<bqv[m]> ottidmes: i saw something like that called vm.nix
<cab404[m]> * b42 i thought of something more userspace (in terms of permission management), and app-like, like flatpak
<cab404[m]> @b42 i thought of something more userspace (in terms of permission management), and app-like, like flatpak
<adisbladis> ldlework: Something like this http://ix.io/2glk/nix
<ldlework> adisbladis: something like setting buildPhases to an empty list or something?
<gulplante> ldlework: you cna read a files contents with fileContents so fileContents "${foo}/scripts/bar.sh" should work. or foo.outPath/scripts/bar.sh or something
<ottidmes> ldlework: maybe HM has something for it, other than that, all I can think of is installing in systemPackages and symlinking /run/current-system/sw/share/icons to ~/.local/share/icons, or specific icons in it
<srxl> Is there a shorthand for something like `if foo ? bar then foo.bar else defaultValue`?
<pjt_014> anyway I'll be back in like 8~14 hrs or something
<pjt_014> Something is different after merging? dunno
<lovesegfault> You _may_ need to do something stupid like `buildInputs = with pkgs; [ openssl.out ]` because openssl IIRC has split outputs
<lovesegfault> est31: normally you'd want `cargo` instead of `rustup`, I'm using rustup here to do something cursed
<est31> need something that's compatible with pkgconfig
<kenran> Thanks a lot for the tips. With all these option I'm sure I'll get something to work. At some point I'll probably post the project nix code somewhere because I'm certain I did some terrible things... :D
<kenran> srhb: it is implemented that way. It should not be a real problem, I'm using the nix package manager inside docker a lot. This is the first time I'm actually using nix itself to get something deployable :)
<kenran> I built a nix derivation on my macOS machine and used `nix-copy-closure` to copy it over to a nixos host machine. Should I expect it to work that way (it doesn't, "Exec format error")? Or what is the correct way to get something working on that machine?
<bsima> guess it's something weird with my shell
<pjt_014> I think go does something like this with the := operator
<OmnipotentEntity> You'd have to ask someone that actually knows something about the Nix language. I only know barely enough to do packaging
<OmnipotentEntity> Nix has no way to know if you misspelled a special variable name or intended something else.
<OmnipotentEntity> Am I missing something?
<infinisil> parsnip: But yeah that's something I want eventually (I run the factoids and other interactive parts of the bot)
<kalbasit> I just want to test something and uninstall it. Anyway, it's refusing to install due to conflict suggesting to run `nix-env --set-flag priority` but for an already installed package.
<pjt_014> lib.pkgs.mkOverride # foo or something like that
<thoughtpolice> jlv: Nope! And of course there are some extra special cases on top of that, too. You'll always get `.out` for instance -- but if you include something in `buildDepends`, then it includes `.lib` and `.dev` as well, if they exist
<thoughtpolice> It's actually a little more special than that: the default antiquote reference is whatever occurs first in the list of `outputs` in the attrset you write. In theory, this should be freeform and could be any set of names, in any order you want. *However*, the current implementation requires the name of the first output to be `out`. (Otherwise you could name it `.bin` or something, which would probably be more accurate in the
<thoughtpolice> jlv: Multiple outputs are computed essentially as multiple .drv files, so you can definitely have a dependency on say, the script output "$foo" without having one on "$bin" or "out". Whether or not "installing" something brings multiple outputs into scope is another question
<jlv> edef: I see. So if I want to add one additional output, without breaking anything, I would just add something like `outputs = [ "out" "conplay" ]`. Although, looking through packages that define `outputs =`, I don't see any that use split outputs to package supplementary scripts.
<edef> jlv: whereas a split-output derivation just has something other than the default `outputs = [ "out" ];`


<tilpner> This is odd, for once I want something to not work
<qyliss> we should really do something about that
<cole-h> So you probably don't want that if you're searching for something that is already `installed`
<thomasho1eyman> or something along those lines
<gchristensen> well, then maybe something else is wrong :P
<pie_[bnc]> tbenst[m]: github told me you did something on the deeplabcut thread but I cant figure out what
<simpson> Hopefully stupid question: How might I pipe something to nix-instantiate? /dev/stdin doesn't work, and I'm guessing that I need to write a file to $TMPDIR?
<deni> have that I can create the certificates via terraform as well and then all that's needed is to modify the vault service file to fetch those after before starting the vault service. Hmm possibly I'll have to modify the nginx service as well. Anyway something along those lines. The downside of this is that there is no automatic refresh of certs and I would have to do it manually. Although I could
<igghibu> tilpner: thanks I'll look into that. there was something similar in my recent manual read (reading from top to bottom to get familiar)
<betaboon> adisbladis: as builtins.fetchGit can be pointed at ref (eg a tag) and tags can technically be changed, that would leave me in not trusting that i deploy the same code. am i missing something ? oO
<deni> edef: ah I see....I was kind of hoping you were using vault as a certificate provider. Damn! :D I have a private domain (zerotier) that I want to set up auto ssl certs for and I can't use acme becuase the domain verification is DNS based. I can whip something up with bash (puke) but I figured it would be better to use Vault for this. cc gchristensen
<qy[m]> or is there something specific about bit.ly
<ottidmes> infinisil: I thought of that first too, but I am unsure how to actually go about doing that nicely, since its needed at the lowest level of submodule, the one of for files, not sure how to reuse a submodule and add a default for root, without doing something almost similar, setting it through submoduleWith modules rather than specialArgs, winning you next to nothing in terms of niceness
<pingiun> I'm not sure if I did something wrong or if there is a broken package on nixos stable
<ottidmes> Probably something I am overseeing, but I now get: "The option `users.users.dehydrated.dirs' defined in `/cfg/shared/modules/files.nix' does not exist." yet I am not setting dirs anywhere, except indirectly through the default = {}; but how can it then not exist (would the option then not exist as well)
<ehmry> I'm supprised not to find something like this in the options
<leonardp> srhb: so something like this: `(vim_configurable.override { python = python3; }).customize{ imports=[./vim.nix]; }` ?
<pjt_014> like build time deps or something?
<Pwnna> well maybe i should pin it in a comment or something
<ldlework> I think I'm being stupid or something.
<Pwnna> yeah i read something on the internet like that
<Pwnna> also i noticed that withPackages can return something that has a .env?
<Pwnna> so something like numpy doesn't really have binaries (afaik)


<lovesegfault> Like, I was hoping there was a `users.users.<name>.file` or something, but no
<qy[m]> which is something you can do with any of those commands
<qy[m]> hrm. well, i suppose it seems clear, but whenever i head to a shell to do something i spend ages fiddling around in manpages and trying different commands and can never get the one i want
<srhb> eyJhb: nix-shell -p 'python37.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ requests ])' -- something like that I guess. I don't know a lot of python though.
<srhb> selfsymmetric-mu: The reason we want something like this is that the callPackage, callHackage, ... functions in the haskell package sets all operate with that package set as their "base packages" -- so once you're working with multiple overrides, we need the entire set to become consistent for those functions to work correctly, as overriding single packages would have you pass all the deps around by
<excelsiora> tilpner: Maybe I need do to something with resolvers?
<selfsymmetric-mu> srhb: Now I have something one step more complicated: `cabal install stack2cabal-1.0.5 -w ghc-8.6.5 --constraint="hpack==0.31.2"`.
<zeta_0> qyliss: is this something that i need to configure with nix(home.nix), or do i need to configure this in my xmonad.hs file?
<turion> ottidmes, to be honest I couldn't figure out how your first solution worked O:-) but it sounded like something that would be helpful to have in nixpkgs?
<cole-h> (e.g. it's not something a user should run directly)
<cole-h> Ppointing `wrapProgram` to a shell script, `$out/share/rofi-emoji/clipboard-adapter.sh`, says it's not an executable. Is there something else I need to do?
<tilpner> Something like that, note that localhost can resolve to ::1 or, so try the appropriate one
<mikky> but that apparently only wraps QT runtime dependencies, not "generic: ones. Or am I missing something?
<dramforever> If you must, just write something: thing // { name = "foo"; }
<dramforever> a set, and something that looks like a derivation but actually isn't
<evanjs> something like .enable_cxx_namespaces().clang_arg("-x").clang_arg("c++").clang_arg("-std=c++14").clang_arg("-stdlib=libc++")
<typetetris> I need to start a database as part of a builder (please, don't ask) will nix kill that process in case the builder fails? (via cgroups or something)
<srk> graphics are something different but there's vnc/spice
<srk> like something IPMI protocol compatible would be nice which openBMC is (not sure how well)
<adisbladis> srk: I mean it shouldn't be too difficult to make something that plugs in to a consumer motherboard
<eyJhb> But can I then run something that just test it? E.g. `nix repl "import ./test.nix"` ?
<nix-build> attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at (string):293:1
<leonardp> srk julm typetetris looking at https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/blob/master/nixops/ssh_util.py putting something like `ProxyCommand make_me_su.sh` into your ssh/config might actually just work
<s1341> is there something more i need to do to get it merged?
<DigitalKiwi> after all of that php i need to go write some haskell or something ;_;
<cole-h> If anybody has some free time and looking for something to do, mind reviewing my `rofi-emoji` rofi plugin? There are easy steps at the bottom of the PR: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/83753
<pie_[bnc]> so i guess i would try to figure out how to up the log verbosity or something
<pie_[bnc]> blibberblob: dunno anything about macs but --no-undefined certainly soudns like a linker flag. have you tried searching the nixpkgs issues for something similar?


<simpson> glittershark: Perhaps a flag of some sort is required in the builder; around l70, maybe, something like `++ optional (X11Support && xcbSupport) "--enable-x11"`. Don't forget that XCB support implies X11 support, I think?
<aranea> Is there a builtins.getAttr value that does something more useful than erroring out when the attribute isn't found? Or do I need to write that myself based on getAttr and hasAttr?
<tilpner> evanjs: And BINDGEN_EXTRA_CLANG_ARGS = "-I ${linux.dev}/lib/modules/${linux.modDirVersion}/build/include -I ${linux.dev}/lib/modules/${linux.modDirVersion}/build/arch/x86/include/generated"; for something else
<cole-h> Thanks. Didn't want to ping in case it was actually me fsking something
<mdash> nixos-generators looks like a great project, but i seem to be missing something important about how to use it to generate a 32bit image from a 64bit host
<benny> tilpner: I'm grasping at straws, because graalvm8 is a dependency for some interesting tools and having system crashes whenever I try to build something is not optimal (tm) ;-)
<bqv[m]> by the way, is there a `nixos-option search` or something
<adisbladis> And it's really no less work than something that parses Nix and emits new Nix
<mac66> tilpner: This is puzzling. Something else must be missing because I am using the same desktop environment on the same machine and the same NV environment variables and it worked as when it worked on Arch.
<adisbladis> oznt: Something like `{ lib, ... }: let userJSON = lib.importJSON ./jsonfile.json; in { users.users = userJSON; }`
<mac66> tilpner: works fine with iGPU, get the error below with nvidia. I suspect I borked the PCI id maybe, or something like that.
<oznt> hi guys, I am looking for a way to pro grammatically manipulate nixos configuration. Is there a Python library for that or something similar?
<tilpner> Something like X Error of failed request?
<jeromelanteri> pie_[bnc], no pb, i will do it. I see i just need real time to look closer first to preparate something not too long to show and also something clear and simple. It is not easy to do things clear and simple.
<jeromelanteri> yes pie_[bnc] no other choice to stop now and going back when i will have a full day time to investigate to learn something usuall before to go ahead. The doc is good i see, but i have to read a lot for find the first next step to first install NixOS.
<jeromelanteri> pie_[bnc], no, just see your link now. I'm surprise because there is something indicate on first tty opened, but if i strictely follow what they said, it failed. Or user have to know something who is not writed...
<kenran> tilpner: the wrapping sounds like something I could try first and maybe be content with
<pie_[bnc]> *something like what i said anyway
<arstneio> hey, I have `shell.nix` generated from `cabal2nix`. I'm trying to use a different GHC version. When I change `compiler ? "default"`to something else, it tries to build GHC locally. Shouldn't there be a way to get the binary directly from cache? If so, what do I need to change in my `shell.nix`?
<turion> If I change something in ./path/to/file.py, the hash of the derivation will change, and nix knows to rebuild this, right?
<ottidmes> turion: not that I am aware of, you have to do something yourself in runCommand. I needed something else recently, to basically overlay multiple paths together with symlinks, so say I want to only overwrite nixos/default.nix, but keep the rest of nixpkgs, it would create symlinks to build such a structure. If that is what you need, I can share it with you
<turion> Or even create a new function that uses runCommand or something to create a Python package, and then pass its result as src for buildPythonPackage?
<DigitalKiwi> can you delete /old-root/ after using nixos-infect on a digital ocean host or does it need it for something
<charukiewicz> I just meant that no other processes were running in the chroot, I figured something was necessary in order for DNS to get resolved. Looks like it was just missing a /etc/resolv.conf
<charukiewicz> can I do something like nixos-enter followed by nixos-rebuild to force it to rebuild grub, etc?
<pjt_014> charukiewicz: you might also try nix-env --delete-generations +2 or something to that effect
<srhb> (Well, --delete-older-than 30d or something might be the less nuclear option)
<srhb> pjt_014: I'm just spitballing, hopefully gives you something to go on.
<srhb> pjt_014: Or grep might help. But try simply calling tic --help in prePatch or something
<s1341> is there something more i need to do to get it merged?
<pjt_014> ah. I take it it's a ++ or something to that effect?
<srhb> pjt_014: I *think* what you want is to either unconditionally append something to postPatch, or conditionally append based on architecture. For now, you could just do the unconditional append to start debugging.
<pjt_014> I don't need to do something else to make nix see it, do I?
<srhb> pjt_014: To call an individual package with your system nixpkgs, you'd stand in the package expression dir and do something like `nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./. {}'`
<cole-h> Or at least, none of the files I just looked at declared it... maybe it's part of something else. Let me know if it doesn't actually work
<pjt_014> It's either that or something about the patch applied here: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/tools/misc/dvtm/default.nix
<pjt_014> It's getting a bit frustrating because I don't see many places for something to go wrong
<jlv> Are there any options other than `services.logind.lidSwitch`, and its variants, that control what happens when the lid of a laptop closes? Setting logind to `"ignore"` does not actually result in nothing happening when the lid closes. Something is still trying to (badly) disable the display.
<adisbladis> avn: Just use something sane, like Poetry.


<pittma> I'm trying to build something with `buildRustPackage` where `src = "./.";`. I must not understand something here because it's tell me, during unpacking sources, that ./. and ./. are the same files.
<parsnip> so then, if one wanted to do projecteuler with nix, you'd want like C or something to do IO?
<gchristensen> Nix isn't a general purpose programming language, so a hello world would be more like, building something which prints "hello world" to $out
<Nixola> with or without sudo? 'cause I think that's something I'll need to do blindly, since I still can't connect via ssh
<hpfr[m]> the Math::Combinatorics perl module is not in nixpkgs? is there something I can do short of having to learn how to package it?
<evils> Nixola: maybe something like this? https://hydra.nixos.org/build/115568140
<AmandaC> If it's a non-linux FS it might be that nix is doing something that the FS doesn't support
<cole-h> Something else to try might be remounting the /nix partition as rw (if it is a separate partition and isn't already mounted rw)
<cole-h> alexgood: Did you try running `nixos-rebuild switch` as root? 99% sure all (or most) nixos-rebuild operations require root (via sudo or something else).
<roosemberth> How can I have the nixos module system import an expression rather than a file? (e.g. I would like to do something like `let foo = { lib, ...}: { boot = ...; } in { imports [foo]; }`)
<DigitalKiwi> i tried two things now that might have been a problem i logged out of the other session i was logged in (because i didn't want to log out of this one for something earlier) and logged out of that one as well
<DigitalKiwi> anyone else notice/know of problems with clipboard not syncing? I'll copy paste something, go to paste, it pastes something else, and then if I paste again it pastes the thing that should have pasted the first time
<infinisil> duairc: Oh and also there's a PR with something like this too: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/68280
<duairc> infinisil: Ah cool, that's better than nothing. I was hoping for something that did IPv6 as well. I've already started writing it :)
<lewo> So, i think ou should use something else for the deploy part.
<dhess> Oh sorry, I saw your nixpkgs fork referenced in a comment thread, thought you had something to do with it.
<jluttine> can i somehow restart something that handles input devices (kernel??)? i'm trying to debug a touchpad issue and when making system changes, nixos-rebuild and restart display-manager isn't sufficient..
<lovesegfault> the problem is in xorg, I think that's doing something unexpected
<pie_[bnc]> growpotkin: thats something im curious about
<growpotkin> pie_[bnc]: Do you mean with `dd' or something?
<energizer> how does python3 get onto PATH there? is that something that buildPythonApplication does?
<energizer> ldlework: the general question is i'm wondering if the reason it's on my path is because qtile put it there, or if it's just coincidence and qtile happens to use the same one as the one that something else put on my path
<pie_[bnc]> if yes i personally would not be too worried - until i run into something broken by it :P
<pie_[bnc]> might not be a problem because it already exists or something
<lordcirth_> I'm trying to help with ZHF 20.03, but I am having trouble figuring out how to run the same tests that Hydra does. I can't find the docs on nixpkgs tests. I'm probably missing something obvious?
<pie_[bnc]> i think what we want (?) is to restore the original env vars or something for when a new process is spawned
<pie_[bnc]> or maybe thats just something qtile does?
<pie_[bnc]> if something has access to something, its usually because its *given* access, by means of knowing the path to access


<pie_[bnc]> its supposed to put the dependencies of something into your environment so you can run build stuff
<pie_[bnc]> or maybe the parent process of that process does something *shrug*
<pie_[bnc]> home manager will do something similar
<pie_[bnc]> energizer: the tree is something else,
<energizer> am i supposed to be setting NIX_PYTHONPATH or something?
<pie_[bnc]> energizer: yeah google gave something like that
<pie_[bnc]> tbenst[m]: i think there might be some python screwery involved or something, notice how using the overlay worked and the override inside the nix expression buildinputs didnt
<gchristensen> miscellaneousbus: can you paste your config file in to like, ix.io or something+
<pie_[bnc]> tbenst[m]: not sure id call that major, but seems like something I could do for once ;P
<srk> aleph-: yeah, I'll take a look at the project again and let you know if I work something out
<srk> Avaq: I'm interested in something like that as well, is the project public?
<Avaq> Right. I figured I was probably doing something weird. Thanks. :)
<infinisil> In my system config I also have something like this, but I just use a small wrapper script that calls the `git` commands, whose results then get passed to Nix
<jluttine> i mean, i'd like something like this pseudocode: `version = lib.gitDescribe ./;` in my configuration.nix
<pie_[bnc]> anyone have any idea how I can inspect the value of an argument to something called via callPackage?
<jakobrs> I don't intend to modify it It's just that I need to do something where a chroot/similar won't do.
<tilpner> ottidmes: And it prints something else when I don't return true?
<bqv[m]> does someone wanna test out something cool?
<pie_[bnc]> clever: i asked about this before and forgot (and i still dont have a way to search my quassel logs), wasnt there somethign for fetching PRs or something like that?
<bennofs> ok, I may look into that. Just wanted to know if maybe I missed something
<tilpner> 3. You can add something to ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix (haven't used this in years, so path and attribute may be wrong)
<Avaq> To me, this looks like I can either set this by doing: `firefox.override ({ cfg = {...} })`, or I can do something that makes the root `config.${browserName}` available.
<Avaq> I see. So that would really allow me to alter any named function arguments / set attributes. So if something is overridable, I can use that to modify it to my hearts content.
<Avaq> The reason I've never had to use derivation overrides directly, I think, is because whenever I have wanted to customize something, the options were available under nixos.programs: https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#programs.
<colemickens> if I can remember 10 more than 42... I can probably do something in vim that'll suffice
<pjt_014> I could easily be missing something obvious, but it's escaping me
<hpfr[m]> nh2: guess I'll watch that issue, ping me if something changes, I guess. but I just checked out your github and I can guarantee you'll figure it out before me... :D
<hpfr[m]> nh2: did you search the logs for this? I don’t remember and I don’t even know if there was something I did that did fix it. Remote builders are poorly documented and give poor feedback in NixOS. The way they fail seems nondeterministic. You can look at my dotfiles on GitHub if you think that will help
<Jonathan> Am I missing something? With `nix-shell -p SDL2`, when I build my application it still fails to find the SDL2 lib files?
<lordcirth_> I'm trying to help with ZHF 20.03, but I am having trouble figuring out how to run the same tests that Hydra does. I can't find the docs on nixpkgs tests. I'm probably missing something obvious?
<deni> seems I'm doing something wrong. Was it wrong to install nix plugins with nix-env -iA nixpkgs.nix-plugins ?


<deni> elvishjerricco: hm I read it a couple of times.... but I suspect this might have something to do with the fact that I'm running nix and nixops from Debian to deploy to a nixos machine
<evils> i'm not seeing a way to get something built by hydra without the entry in all-packages.nix being built
<evils> ottidmes: something seems to be not failing if i use passthru and use it `with passthru;`
<ottidmes> mgdm: whoops, forgot something
<ottidmes> tokudan: other than if something does not fit nixpkgs somehow (e.g. using import-from-derivation, patching prebuilt binaries when it could be source build) it don't see why not, go for it (no pun intended :P)
<turion> Is there something like niv, but for custom built fetchers? (Like the fetcher I'm building for my append-only database)
<Yaniel> mananamenos: yes, I vaguely remember seeing something about fastboot bypassing the part where you can choose the boot device
<Yaniel> mm so probably something on the systemd side rather than nix-specific
<evanjs> turbo_MaCk: and yeah never any issues on my laptop, but I don't typically use it on my desktop. Both have the same generic bt config so presumably it's something with the specific NIC on my desktop or etc
<turbo_MaCk> evanjs: I have an answer. It does indeed work in BASH but I'm using ZSH. I guess it escapes the regex or something
<peelz_> hyper_ch: I'm guessing it's a new nix flag or something? related to the flake RFC I've been hearing about?
<bqv[m]> erc, circ, rcirc, and something else i think
<bqv[m]> probably something not cleaning a source
<nextloop> seems to be something that is fixed with new firmware
<infinisil> turion: You could do something like `let cmd = "..."; in runCommand "foo-${builtins.hashString "sha256" cmd}" {} cmd`
<turion> But all these scripts are standalone python things, and I can't ask the package authors to get them organised in a package. At least not before I have something valuable to show.
<srk> builder is something different, better use pkgs.runCommand
<hlavaty> zimbatm: understand, thanks. i dont have anything to send now as i have opened an issue instead. i will try to send something to discourse when i have something to say/ask and will tell you if it doesnt work. thanks a lot
<qyliss> So possibly something is broken? I'm not really sure.
<bqv[m]> when something says there's an error in <unknown-file>
<danderson> so, _something_ I did in my config makes it work
<pjt_014> aria: presumably something else you're importing from is adding it in. One thing you could try (I think?) is adding pkgs.lib.mkForce in front of the fallback.
<infinisil> Something else must be the problem


<ivegotasthma> Can I do something like this in nix? I'm not sure how to pass a parameter to an import https://dpaste.org/35rb/raw
<shor> haha, I thought I missed something
<energizer> zeta_0: it shouldn't return anything. it sends a notification to dbus or something, and if you have a notification daemon running, that will receive the notification from dbus and display a notification. are you running a graphical server (like x11)? are you running a desktop manager (like lightdm, sddm, ...)? are you running a notification daemon (like dunst)? if the answer to any of those is no, it won't work
<clever> shor: and then do something with ${anotherSystem} somewhere
<pie_[bnc]> clever: ideally something that doesnt require me to do too much screwing around
<judson_> Ugh. Okay, so I've got a python 2.7 tool here that I need to use. Is there something better than manually building up a list of python packages in my shell.nix?
<Ericson2314> so edit nixpkgs to hard-code that path or something until we can get someone to upload one of those builds with the other bootstrap tools
<drakonis> i'll step back as this isnt something i can do
<foolob> I think, this is not possible with the nginx nixos service? But I am still a noob, so I might miss something.
<jakobrs> There's something about "Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version ...) with this library (version ...)"
<judson_> I keep thinking Nix could use something like TUF, or the Go modules proxy.
<ottidmes> if you run fetchTarball on something you already fetchzip'ed, would it still fetch if its not in the fetchTarball's cache?
<tilpner> (E.g. it's necessary-ish if you want to do imports = [ (something you just fetched) ];)
<tilpner> ottidmes: fetchzip creates a derivation, fetchTarball just does it immediately. It can be necessary to fetch something at eval time, but not if you're just going to pass it as src to mkDerivation
<bqv[m]> am i misunderstanding something? i wasn't commenting on the tarball fetches
<ottidmes> aranea: BTW it is almost always cheaper to use fetchTarball if you can, so if you are fetching something from github, you probably want to use e.g.: fetchTarball "https://github.com/msteen/nixos-vsliveshare/tarball/master" (this is especially the case for nixpkgs, which is ~1.8GB with fetchGit, and ~100MB with fetchTarball)
<bqv[m]> have i done something wrong
<yorick> bqv[m]: it'll crash on something else that you need
<srk> mokasin: not quiet, yesterday just before I went to sleep I was thinking that something like nixpkgs internals/hacking would be nice
<bqv[m]> lol, no something wrong with nix
<adisbladis> Oh, I thought it was something wrong with emacs :)
<srk> kreetx: fiy you can also do something like NIXOS_CONFIG=deploy.nix nixos-rebuild switch --target-host ssh://
<tilpner> mokasin: Imagine you deployed something, then updated your channels without deploying immediately afterwards. nix-shell could now give you a newer package than what is currently running
<srk> kreetx: depends how do you set it up - you can have one machine use the other two as remote builders or setup something like that for every machine (so each machine uses the other two as builders)
<kreetx> (doubleposting this question from #nixops, but:) how do you guys deploy from multiple machines using nixops? I have three work computers all running nixos and would like to use any of these to deploy something
<bqv[m]> nevermind, worked something out
<pjt_014> ...did something just happen to the network?
<pjt_014> so If I was asleep in like an hour or something I could set it to wake back up
<srhb> (something related to libglvnd being used as a pure wrapper between the application and the (impure) driver in /run/opengl-driver)
<pjt_014> and three: yeah it looks like something called libGL is missing
<srhb> pjt_014: https://gist.github.com/ef6fed70baae1f8750edeaca30f187b1 -- something like this, add stuff to extraLibraries as needed.
<pjt_014> what is nativeOnly? Is it something that would be set in configuration,nix?
<pjt_014> would that be something in configuration.nix?
<hexo_> i saw something like that in docs today
<simpson> ldd it? Is that interpreter present and executable? ldd the interpreter? "bad interpreter: permission denied" usually meens something doesn't have +x. It *could* also mean that you're trying to run a binary which isn't loadable on your architecture, I guess, which is a danger in your current situation.
<pjt_014> If there's a fetchGit function or something that'd work. I've only ever seen them in pkg defs but I think you can use them in config.nix


<infinisil> Something like this ^
<evils> but then you have the system depending on something that depends on the system?
<evils> as far as i can tell i'd want a derivation that depends on something like /nix/store/*-system-path/sw/share and outputs its db?
<evils> infinisil: did you have something specific in mind when you suggested moving it to build-time?
<clever> nilsirl[m]: nix-env -f default.nix -iA something
<jared-w> energizer: You could use a fancy manpage thing written in node if you want. 10x the bugs, 500x the disk space, and 102.5% coolness factor or something
<aswanson> is that something wrong with my setup, or do I just need to temporarily disable git's ssl verification temporarily?
<evils> how do i use something like /nix/store/*-system-path/ as the input to a derivation?
<colemickens> clever: cool, I can probably run with that and get something that fits my need. thanks again.
<scoates> "synthetic.conf changes are only applied on [re]boot, but to trigger an immediate, temporary (until synthetic is applied, on reboot) change, you can `/System/Library/Filesystems/apfs.fs/Contents/Resources/apfs.util -B`" something like that. I don't have my writer hat fully on at the moment. (-:
<MichaelRaskin> Nixpkgs is not too keen on having a ton of versions of something at once
<ottidmes> lunik1: not sure, I had to use it for something myself, to write to /sys/, but whether the issue also affects this place, that is for you to try
<jakobrs> Completely irrelevant but I noticed something:
<tilpner> Miyu-saki: And then something was up with the DPI, everything scaled weirdly, but that was good enough
<ocharles> mpickering: sure, but you want to know things like "evaluating import performance", or more abstract measurements, or something like that
<Jank[m]> How would I go about using those flags? It should be just add it to build inputs, right? Is there something weird because I'm doing an override?
<srk> something like NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = "-L${libmysqlclient}/lib/mysql -I${libmysqlclient}/include/mysql";
<OmnipotentEntity> And it's great that something isn't mysteriously broken on my box :D
<OmnipotentEntity> So that implies that I have something wrong with my logins?
<OmnipotentEntity> I must have something wrong then. Maybe I just am missing a package that I should have installed.
<bqv[m]> maybe there's something better
<clever> Jonathan44: let me try something here...
<Jonathan44> Hey, I figured something out clever.


<evils> odd, my systemd timer which is partOf a unit, gets stopped if that unit gets stopped, but not started if that gets started; am i missing something or is this discrepency due to it being a timer?
<Tomas69> do you know something simmilar more lightweigth?
<clever> nextloop: that looks unrelated to vlc, is it something youve installed seperately?
<nextloop> will do! i might learn something by doing it
<nextloop> i discovered that something is just "built" by downloading the binary *.jar from github releases...
<MichaelRaskin> Fare: I am not sure there us the one true way. I have recently heard something about nixery
<jluttine> how to access the build directory in installPhase? i mean, the directory that i get if i run nix-build with --keep-failed and then go to that directory. i can see something that i'd like to use in the install phase i'm writing..
<clever> glittershark: and add `--store gsc://something` to reference that bucket
<bqv[m]> so, stuff that isn't rooted, will get cleaned up by a gc anyway, the only thing i can think of that might otherwise be useful is something to point out gcroots that aren't your system and that haven't been touched for a long time, but even deleting those randomly and automatically sounds like such a bad plan
<clever> glittershark: it is also invalid for a thing to depend on something that doesnt exist
<Mic92> Well I am not using it. I suppose if something is not working, somebody will shout out.
<bqv[m]> it means you should probably be using qt5.callPackage, or python3Packages.callPackage, or something similar that provides the expression with the mkDerivation arg
<bqv[m]> klys: there is nothing in /nix/store that cannot be perfectly recreated by something that is outside of /nix/store
<glittershark> or something like it
<rail> cole-h: something like this maybe: with builtins; head (filter (x: ! isNull x) l)
<cole-h> You might be able to do something with the `filter` builtin, or `lib.forEach`, or both
<glittershark> something equivalent to "false || 1 = 1"
<glittershark> is there something built in to nixpkgs to get the first non-null element of a list?
<dtz1> sometimes `buildInputs = old.buildInputs or [] ++ [ something ];` which is noteworthy because operators work out the way you'd want but might defensively add parens for, so maybe is a useful pattern
<clever> zeta_0: darcs.env.overrideAttrs (old: { buildInputs = old.buildInputs ++ [ something ]; })
<clever> zeta_0: you need to point nix-shell directly to darcs.env, not add it to the buildInputs of something else
<`_> Nope, I've identified that I'm doing something wrong
<ottidmes> On one of my Nix projects I have been told to improve it by making a Makefile, but if it is something like I have now: https://gist.github.com/msteen/5ebe0cdda8ac7520b0d4934b6b3ce277 how would you even go about making it into a Makefile, other than the mkdir/chmod, the rest is stdenv/makeWrapper specific
<srid> or maybe I should be using something *other than* `callPackage` here? After all, `nix-env -fi` works, and I want to install this thing using home-manager.
<ottidmes> thinking of atomic, I always think of atomic commits, but what you mean is more like immutability, where your data you received does not change due to something else
<clever> ottidmes: for that, i would do something close to what hydra does, have a json file that details all machines
<energizer> ldlework: sure, but i just used conda to get something and i wish i didn't have to
<zeta_0> clever: let me know if i'm missing anything or doing something incorrect in my default.nix file, your the nix expert, i'm the layman
<GodZalo> hi all, I'm trying to cross compile a raspberry pi 3 image, but I'm getting an error during build (something with texinfo-6.5), can someone help me? everything is here https://gist.github.com/SrGodZalo/ac9c7a0d32fbfdea98a69fe9f982b50c


<rail> hmm, still the same... probably it's something wrong with my patch. Let me poke around --show-trace
<johrmungand> Does any of you guys use "CWM" on nixos? I think something is wrong w/ the stable branch package because no matter what I do, the configuration would never work. I've already tried using `exec cwm -c configfile` incase .cwmrc is not being recognized for whatever reason.
<deltaryz> something like that
<deltaryz> something wrong with winbind?
<atemu12[m]> tokudan: Ohh, so you want to make it do something based on the status of the service (basically an if clause)?
<ottidmes> I am missing something, it seems to evaluate too much of nixpkgs, but why is this not working: nix eval '(with import <nixpkgs> { }; let mapToAttrs = f: builtins.foldl'\'' (attrs: value: attrs // { ${f value} = value; }) {}; in mapToAttrs (pkg: pkg.pname) [ hello ])'
<pinkieval> I saw there's an "allowUnfree" variable, so I wonder if there could be a "allowBlobs" or something of the sort
<linarcx> gusy, i want to do something after i drop into shell by invoking: `nix-shell`. for install `ls`. How do that?