
<matthewcroughan> like, imagine that the cmake file for gcc uses a curl script to set the version number, nix couldn't deal with that, it probably does something weird


<pennae> Frosku: services.logind.extraConfig = "HandleLidSwitch=ignore" # or something like that
<DigitalKiwi> ris: let me know how it goes i'm in the market for something like this too
<ris> so.. i'm a heavy nix user, only occasional nixos user - i'm trying to nixos-infect an ubuntu system with an LVM root on an nvme disk, lsblk output as in https://gist.github.com/risicle/175f1ed8293e9cae3f9aac7784e127b2 nixos-generate-config is generating _that_ hardware-configuration.nix. upon rebooting, the kernel doesn't seem to be able to mount the root device, even after attempting to do LVM discovery... is there something
<simpson> retroarch comes to mind. I think that there's something about Qt too, for some Qt apps?
<srhb> thblt: So if you're experiencing many rebuilds, maybe you have an overlay that interferes with something deep in the dep chain or something like that.
<srhb> dxb[m]: But for something like building an attrset, you'll want mapAttrs probably :)
<srhb> dxb[m]: You probably want something like symlinkJoin
<dxb[m]> like i want to have something like `enabledScripts = [ script1 script2 script3 ];` and put them in a folder
<dxb[m]> this feels kinda silly to even be asking, but is there no such thing as a loop in nix expression language? i'd like to have a function that takes a list of files and passes each one individually to some other function... do i just need to do this recursively or something?
<infinisil> eyJhb: If you have a list to coerce, you'll get something like `[ { foo = "foo" } ]` as input to the function
<eyJhb> Hmm... So the coercion function, is of syntax (x: something), pretty much. The x I get is ie. { name = "something"; ... }, right? Or do I get the entirety of the listOf?
<infinisil> We should really have something like lib.types.nixType "list"
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a string, at (string):494:1
<Frosku> And then get something that works
<Synthetica> You could nix-copy-closure the iwlwifi to an usb stick or something and install it from there (I think)
<eyJhb> If I want to test something with types.coercedTo, then is there a nice nix repl way of doing that? Ie. I can give it some sample data, and I can see what it actually outputs?
<pie_> also people tend to say something about needing to run as root, i think?
<Henson> zeta_0: check to see if you have dbus.service already running. If not, I think dbus might be enabled if something else needs it. You might be able to set the hidden services.dbus.enable option to enable it anyway. I'm not too sure of the answer, but those are some ideas you might investigate.
<elvishjerricco> matthewcroughan: I *think* you'd do something like `nixpkgs.crossSystem = lib.systems.examples.aarch64-multiplatform; nixpkgs.localSystem = lib.systems.examples.gnu64;`


<hrnz> something probably also pulls in perl
<conkker> builtins.fetchGit caches only for 1 hour by default, right? Can you change the 1 hour to something else?
<evalexpr[m]> colemickens: I'll write up something and cc you, you've probably gone deeper into it than I have tonight :-)
<colemickens> evalexpr: but I started hitting it in the middle of me testing gnupg-2.3 so I wasn't sure if I'd broken something.
<Kinnison> srhb: Is it considered poor form to need to add `rec` in something like pkgs/misc/vscode-extensions/default.nix ?
<aramend> Is there any documentation on garbage collection for the new nix commands? Ie something like `nix store --gc`. Currently the man pages suggest to do `nix-store --gc`.
<infandum> is something hardcoded in xmobar?
<srhb> I don't think it's likely that xmobar has lost its dependency on xmonad somehow, something else is going on. Let's see the full error message from the command above please.
<jumper149> Try something like: (haskellPackages.xmobar.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: { buildInputs = oldAttrs.buildInputs ++ [ haskellPackages.xmonad haskellPackages.other-missing-dependency ] }))
<jumper149> maybe something like ~/.xmonad/xmonad.error
<fresheyeball> something like that
<okc0mputer> SumnerEvans[m]: yeah it's still not working, I must have missed something but I feel like I've been through every single issue and wiki page about the subject. I'll look more into your config, maybe you do something I don't.
<conkker> is there a .nixrc file or something that gets loaded every time you run `nix repl`? I'm tired of typing pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}
<libnix> How well is Nix supported in terms of packages when compared to something like Debian?
<MysteriousSilver> should i change the pinentry binary to something else in gpg-agent.conf
<MysteriousSilver> GPG uses pinentry curses, how do i configure it to use something else?
<elvishjerricco> tomberek: I can't even reach something on the internet by ip
<jesystani> so this application creates an sqlite file in $out, which all invocations of the program access, would it be best to move that to /var or something?
<samueldr> which might happen because of something like a fetcher being used
<pennae> (when was it again) ago we saw something about "actually portable executables" (written from all alphabets with no pattern except not using the proper letters) that rewrite themselves on first start
<pie_> i dont actually know what node looks like, is that a rec on the set or something? <infinisil> matthewcroughan: There's a single large file because it allows reusing dependency declarations between multiple packages
<pie_> matthewcroughan: as a sidenote, the way inifinite recursion detection works if you stick a pin in every knot you pass,and if you end up at a knot that already has a pin in it, you know something is screwy - you've been here before (this a partial, but not a _sufficient_ explanation, i think)
<pie_> or something like that
<tomberek> something along the lines of allowedReferences, allowedRequisites, but more like ignoredReferences ?


<srhb> bennofs: It's my understanding that most people who target something like rpi use one of the many cross-compile options. That's a workaround sure, but it might be practical for you, to.
<srhb> ambroisie: But nixos modules in general are not something you can manipulate like this, unless written with that exact goal in mind.
<radvendii> but at some point you might see something and be like "but wait! that's not a string!", and this is probably what's going on
<jmercouris> is there something I must do?
<jackdk> Now I've populated a private S3 cache, I'm struggling to use it. I need to access the bucket through an assumed role (role_arn/source_profile in .aws/config). I have this set up and working for root (`sudo bash -c 'AWS_PROFILE=foo aws s3 cp s3://bucket/nix-cache-info foo` works), but adding `s3://bucket?profile=foo` to `binary-caches` gives me 403s. Am I doing something wrong, or is this not supported by the sdk?
<jackdk> because it broke something else in nix on macos
<colemickens> and/or hopeful that when someone achieves emoji nirvana on nixos that they doc it in the wiki or at least link to their config or something :P
<cjb> is there something special I need to do to get emoji fonts to work in GTK+ programs? this is what I've tried so far: https://bpa.st/QECQ
<winterqt> hey all - probably a stupid question, but something I'm packaging depends on having an ssl certificate bundle available in a number of locations (it goes through a bunch of standard locations to find it), how exactly can I make sure this is available via a dependency or something?


<Henson> pennae: yes, blocking outgoing mail. I suspect it has something to do with default_transport or one of those transport options. Currently looking it up.
<radvendii> what is with all these place in nixpkgs where something says "foo.bar or false" as a boolean? e.g. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/libraries/openssl/default.nix#L55
<hyper_ch> srhb: not sure what you mean. You can have different keys on different datasets..... or if you inherited the key before you can set it to something else on the child dataset
<hyper_ch> but there was something with read-only between old and new format....
<srhb> If that's necessary, something is already wrong.
<pie_> doesnt that need systemd or something? i think stage 1 doesnt have systemd? (yet?(
<NemesisD> srhb: is there something i can do when this happens that can maybe get me out of this bind? weekly i usually run nix-channel --update and then home-manager switch. if something breaks can i "undo" that nix-channel --update?
<NemesisD> i would say 80% of the time something blows up with my nix configuration its some transitive python dependency not passing its test suite
<NemesisD> why is it on https://nixos.org/channels i see nixpkgs-unstable but all the other versioned channels are for darwin? nixpkgs-stable has broken dropbox for me which is preventing me from making any home-manager changes so wanted to switch to something more stable
<srhb> turlando: OK, that's not very end-user-oriented. It literally means "check that all NixOS modules do something sane and don't brick the user's state by reading all the source code"
<srhb> Spritzgebaeck: OK, let's break it down. Are you trying to install freecad via nix-env, or is this something like home manager or nixos rebuild?
<turlando> Hello everybody. I'm trying to make boot.initrd.network.ssh.authorizedKeys source the pubkey from a file in the same path as the nix file. I'm doing something like 'authorizedKeys = [ (builtins.readFile ./boot.pub) ]' but I get error: opening file '/etc/nixos/boot.pub': No such file or directory. What should I do?
<__monty__> Henson: The expression usually uses a tarball which is in the binary cache. I'm trying to override that tarball specifically. Wondering whether I can't pass in a hash of the tarball or something so nix realizes it's already unpacked it before.
<dotlambda> Okay, I manually turned a grepped list of files into a list of attributes. Now how do I use `nix repl` or something similar in a bash script to get the maintainers of each package?
<clever> jackdk: if something is a validpath (in your /nix/store), it may have a copy of the sig locally
<pie_> and here i thought im doing something weird
<jackdk> I am seeing "substituter 'https://hydra.iohk.io' does not have a valid signature for path" warnings for things that ought to be coming from the iohk cache. Reposting here because I suspect I've done something wrong with the config I'll paste what nix considers the config to be, below:
<pie_> can I tar a directory or something into the nix store to preserve permissions?
<hazel[m]> i really appreciate it when I say something in this IRC and someone pings me on github multiple days later because they remember me talking about it
<gchristensen> I think that can happen when something is built for another job before its value in the queue comes up


<colemickens> I seem to have lost the ability to eval drvs for other systems recently. Or something else changed and is misleading me?
<catern> that's kind of bizarre, that's something that should be possible in a small shell script in a .nix file...
<stepcut> immae: no.. `set-default` would make it stickier -- but then when I have generation 23, it'll be a problem. But maybe there is someway to clear that default stuff and get it to look at the loader.conf value instead. But that is something I'll worry about next time I am physically near the machine
<matthewcroughan> I mean, if tweag complained about something, it'd be addressed.
<matthewcroughan> Src is something you shouldn't touch in the coq package, whereas with most other packages in nixpkgs you touch it all the time.
<pie_> you could use importscope to wrap import statements to trace their argument during eval, not sure if that helps (you can probably get something from multiple -v to nix as well?). I don't actually know offhand how youd tell how something is an ifd root
<pie_> or something about dumping import during eval
<pie_> clever: didnt you do something involving rooting ifds at osme point
<Kinnison> musicmatze: something like kdeFrameworks.plasma-framework perhaps?
<musicmatze> Hi. I want to package something that needs "kf5-plasma" right now, but I fail to find what is the appropriate package in nixpkgs...
<hrnz> (but of course no reasonable visitor would do something like this)
<radvendii> it's build 1.0.2, which is special-cased in for MinGW, presumably for this reason (or something like it)
<lukegb> scott: iirc something something Darwin something


<d3z> Henson2: there does seem to be something going on. I was banned from one channel (that I'm not even saying anything on).
<DigitalKiwi> why would anyone use something so primitive as a telephone
<Ke> redmp if nixops insists on evaluating all the systems in a single expression you can always just use something that evaluates them one at a time
<redmp_> i'll look into passing a -j argument or something to serialize them a bit .. i really like nix and nixos, but if this is how it looks when you're trying to scale up a cluster i'll have to try something else...
<SumnerEvans[m]> redmp: you could also do something like this:
<redmp> ok, i came up with something like this: let a = attrs.foo or null; b = attrs.bar or null; in if a != null then a else if b != null then b else <blah>;
<redmp> how do i say something like `attrs.foo or attrs.bar` but when `attrs.foo` is `null` don't use it?
<lukegb> supersandro2000: something something doJailbreak


<ronthecookie> Raito_Bezarius: you mean you're doing something like .override or .overrideAttrs on a pkg and using that as a build input?
<AmandaC> I think you'd have to do something to create an override fr `user@<your-uid>.slice` but I'm not sure how you'd go abou that
<AmandaC> KarlJoad: are you sure it's not just something that is handled by a blanket value? Like how units have a service/unit/etc Config
<KarlJoad> tpw_rules: I was cleaning up some lorri roots and might have done something. I'm not sure. Rebooting cleared it out.
<tpw_rules> KarlJoad: then there's probably something in there that looks like compilation output or whatever you can safely delete. there's no problem per se wandering in and deleting stuff, but you might confuse some application. rebooting ensures everybody is done with it
<KarlJoad> That's what I figured. Then, second part, is there a way to increase the size of this user's tmpfs? A ulimit or something?
<gchristensen> dhess: something like this: https://gist.github.com/grahamc/db853d1567ed1300f70d296b2d6a4104
<radvendii> there was a trick. i forgot i changed something
<puck> radvendii: something about impurity (there's /bin/sh, but it's a busybox static binary that has been provided at Nix build time)
<srhb> __anb: The best to tell what goes "into" a derivation is probably something like `nix show-derivation -f '<nixpkgs>' hello`
<radvendii> unless i'm misremembering something, which is also possible
<twoolie> anyone know if something like this is already builtin to nixpkgs somewhare?
<srid> Anybody here use `org-mode` to take daily notes in the form of `2021-04.22.org`, etc. and would like test something out (static site generated out of your .org files) quickly?
<hexa-> aleph-: is that something you would care to maintain?
<aleph-> Something else. A home automation service
<radvendii> or is home assistant something else


<pie_> wentasah_: any plans to do something about the issues with getting kernelshark to record when not running it as root?
<codygman__> I just tried `let overlay1 = ./foo.nix; in import <nixpkgs> { overlays = [overlay1 ]; }` but that gives `error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a path`
<cransom> forever doomed to haunt your closet/drawers like the scsi and parallel cables that just may one day be of use for something somehow.
<evils> redmp_: it's a plugin manager installing its own plugins (which are pip packages); i'd have to package every plugin to do something likethat, if i understood your suggestion right
<aleph-> Hmm, is there something wrong with this overlay snippet? Overriding python3Packages to include the rokuecp lib. https://paste.rs/ZeH However when I try to override the home-assistant package and include it as an extraPackage (https://paste.rs/R3w) my build errors out with: `error: undefined variable 'rokuecp'`
<redmp> https://termbin.com/k9xj -- could somebody take a look and let me know if there's something obviously wrong?
<SumnerEvans[m]> Basically, I have a config attribute (call it Y) that is of type `nullOr str`, and I want to do something like: `x = { attribute = mkIf (cfg.Y != null) cfg.Y; attribute2 = cfg.Z; };`
<simpson> #nixos-aarch64 would know more, but AIUI folks have been recently trying to figure that out. Something something Graviton.
<qyliss> I'm sure the reason they don't run will be something simple
<radvendii> fresheyeball: is there something you can pass the build system to tell it to only build some of the executables? if so, you can pass it through nix. if not, i'm not sure how nix would get it to happen
<radvendii> something like that?
<radvendii> it would just result in [ [ something something ] ]
<samueldr> looks almost like lib.optionals (...) [ something something ]
<samueldr> e.g. lib.optional (...) [ something something ]


<radvendii> why would you expect to be able to apt-get something and then move it onto a system without apt installed?
<radvendii> for instance i'm pretty sure if you just build something on nixos without using a nix expression, it won't run
<pushqrdx> radvendii but even if i use it purely as a package manager + nix-shell if i build something from a shell it will have the store path hardcoded into them right?
<_anb> maybe the server cert isn't correct, or something else, you can check the server config, or contact the admin of the server.
<ben71> has anyone had any experience with setting up openvpn ? ive followed the guide but am now stuck ... probably missing something simple
<radvendii> okay, well that tells us something at least
<radvendii> okay so i've never seen an import of something between <> in nixpkgs before
<hazel[m]> is anyone running Sage here? can't get `plot3d` to work and wondering if it's my problem or something consistent across nixpkgs
<gchristensen> yes, but I've got to step away :) hopefully someone here can link to something, or explain, fixed output derivations and the nix sandboxing model
<__monty__> I've been running into "dumping very large path warnings" a lot. Is this very large path added to the store every time (because I'm also running out of diskspace fast)? And if so, is there a way to troubleshoot and change something so the path is only added once and then reused?
<AmandaC> I'm guessing that's the case, and it has some special handling to know when the ssh host is "localhost" to do something different
<hazel[m]> ah nevermind something else was broken with HM
<Synthetica> I have some layers of abstraction around it, but something like enviornment.systempackages = [ (import (builtins.fetchurl "https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/archive/da527a0f1c9a91bc28c6dbfd7c06e505547632b7.tar.gz) { } ].sage should work
<myeisha> remaining bugs today though: libreoffice doesn't kill dbus, startx unsets dbus, i'm sure there was something else too we solved much earlier :/
<myeisha> presumably that means running starx into xephyr or something
<myeisha> fascinating. that new user gets dbus in the login shell too, but something between startx and i3 removes it
<myeisha> guess i'll just export that in xinitrc or something. eh
<immae> you can try setting it manually to something like "unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus" to eliminate libreoffice from the equation
<myeisha> i've found nix-tree to be very useful to find out why something exists in the store
<phalrax> something wrong with that expression?
<Kinnison> I am very new to nix, so could easily be doing something very wrong
<supersandro2000> compile something to windoof?
<evils> with something like snaps where you can publish an artefact without publishing how you built it, that may be an issue
<evils> delroth: does mongodb itself have to advertise te corresponding source for it to count as "prominent"? something like `nix get-source mongodb` would be good enough if that's documented?
<supersandro2000> but you could write something that easily adds the patches
<evils> this kinda ties in to something i've wanted for a while, and have no idea how to do it: have a way to get all the source code that went into your nixos generation
<supersandro2000> you are not required to mail us something or ask for the source, it is in the package repository
<supersandro2000> if you want a more AUR packaging experience then NUR or a fork or flakes are great options to quickly get something to work
<supersandro2000> if something is broken and someone fixes it, it usually gets merged without explicitly waiting for feedback
<supersandro2000> but if you are going by feeling for a lot of things its hard to get it right for everyone and changing something usualy takes a bit
<supersandro2000> evils: something wrong?
<pie_> infinisil: though you never did answer if for list emulation you were thinking something like using numbers for the keys?


<pie_> when this gets evaluated is it something the top level apply would work on, and i dont have to worry about the definition depth?
<phalrax> is that something I should investigate or just leave it be?
<afreakk> ive packaged a rust app and it works fine on my machine, but when i try build it on my raspberry-pi with nixos I get a hash mismatch on cargoSha256. how do i make a rust derivation that works on both ARM and x64? do i need `if arm use different cargoSha256` or something?
<cgbrewster[m]> If I run something like `nix-store -r /nix/store/y57b7ma6s336nyga0vk5hiy2ga0jramq-perl5.32.1-HTTP-Daemon-6.01` will that also pull in all of the derivations dependencies?
<sterni> thibm: for why-depends you would have to do something like
<sterni> since the worst thing is really when you have to invoke extra commands instead of just copy pasting something
<jordandoyle> and now i need a browser in the bubblewrap for yubikey and they changed how the certificate lookup changed or something in the latest update
<drozdziak1> With cargo2nix, how do I add nix dependencies to something I get with `makePackageSet'`?
<thibm> phalrax: would systemd's ConditionPathExists do the job or you would want something fancier?
<sterni> NixOS itself has no standard mutable directory in PATH, but you can of course configure something like $HOME/bin being added to PATH so you can drop extra shell scripts there
<reptarmigan> I've read they've had drivers in the kernel for 12 gen intel graphics since 5.8 or something.
<reptarmigan> I have a radeon card in my system (here I am on it now) but if I do something like blacklist amdgpu and set the bios to use the built in card as default I get to tty, but xorg barfs saying no screens found
<p01ar> i got tagged in something


<simpson> I have something roughly like that, but the repo also exists on several other machines. It is not ideal, but I'm not sure how to make it better.
<litrat> Something in the back of my mind tells me it had something to do with eval-config.nix, but I cannot for the life of me remember
<simpson> That doesn't seem like something Nix might cause directly; I'm guessing that your server configuration is for a slightly different version?
<sterni> seems like something else is wrong
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @philandstuff closed pull request #66487 → amazon image: fetch meta-data everytime in case if something changes → https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/66487
<sterni> typetetris: probably nix-shell -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; pkgsi686Linux.mkShell {}' or something similar
<thibm> Am I missing something?
<johannes_> (How) can I search via `nix search` for something that's in, say, pkgs.emacsPackages. I know `nix search` by default returns the pythonPackages as well, but for other frameworks and languages that doesn't seem to be the case.
<pie_> i could hack something in if the system let me access the entire datastructure <infinisil> pie_: Well, not entirely, but the reason you can't just override one part of the config is because definitions don't have a name. You can't refer to "that one definition you want to override"
<pie_> ornxka: something you can look for is the files where nix-env stores its state information, you may be able to find the attributes or something there? presumably it has some way to know which packages its updating
<pie_> infinisil: how will using attrsets help? you want to do something like { 1 = "a" ; 2 = "b" ; ... }
<pie_> Grace: i ran into the cairo error and i dont know the solution either, so do tell me if you figure something out
<infinisil> So you can never do something to a previous value, because there is no definition of a previous vaule
<pie_> infinisil: is it possible to override the type of an option? if it is, I can do the search replace stuff by replacing the merge algorithm with my own function (or something)


<hodapp> but I'm not clear on how to have something inherit the environment variables needed for this to work with a Guile package
<samueldr> bpye: IIRC flokli did something for a zynq board too
<bpye> So I guess I'll just cp it in postPatch or something
<samueldr> evils: generated files wouldn't be touched, so the latter is probably something to be fixed in what generated it [assuming it's generated]
<yorick> something is weird
<evils> MysteriousSilver: maybe something like `nix-env -e $(nix-env -q | grep "texlive")`?
<hodapp> are there any good examples in Nixpkgs someone can point to for something installing Guile libraries into a custom load-path?
<attila_lendvai> is something broken with xkbconf on nixos? i can't make it to emit anything else than zero length output files. shouldn't this work? xkbcomp -R"$(nix-build --no-out-link '<nixpkgs>' -A xorg.xkeyboardconfig)/etc/X11/xkb/" symbols/us /tmp/x
<thnkg> So is there some equivalent to gentoo's 9999 ebuilds to build directly from upstream's git source, or is this something I have to do myself without nix until a new release is tagged?
<asheshambasta> I've also seem to run into https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/55332, but I'm not sure if I can do GPT partitioning on this board, I cannot seem to find any relevant documentation about limitations, so I'm assuming not. I'm very likely doing something wrong here.
<xAr86> Can someone help me why "type = types.attrsOf (types.str (types.oneOf [ types.bool types.int types.str ]));" leads to "attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at"?


<ronthecookie> seems to be just badly optimized or something though as it feels shorter on my beefier desktop
<jesystani> hello, if i was wanting to get a list of files in a directory, so that i could do something like map builtins.readFile over them, is there a command for that?
<samueldr> I can't find previous discussions about this quickly, but the gist of it is that something external to the nix store has to be used to "work around" this design decision
<delroth> (honeycomb lx2k, so not super uncommon -- actually thefloweringash did something similar for u-boot on that board, I'm just going the EFI route)
<samueldr> way back when I tried to do something here #53064
<jdally987[m]> But something’s different on nixos
<jdally987[m]> like idk, xrandr, X-something-or-other... maybe
<delroth> I'm packaging something right now that needs multiple git repos to be cloned next to each other to be built properly. Any example in nixpkgs of a derivation with multiple sources via fetchgit that I could look at? (or documentation would be even better)


<ldlework> What is the proper way to add something like ~/.npm/lib/node_modules/nx/bin/ to your user path?
<gustavderdrache> eacameron: so the problem is that yes, you _could_ package something, you're not going to find a repository that'll be compatible with the nixos loader
<Yaniel> but you might be running into something not having correct propagatedInputs or something?
<Yaniel> you can check out pipewire for something slightly bigger that tweaks meson stuff
<hpfr> Yaniel: makes sense, thanks. how might I figure something like this out on my own? I feel like I start to struggle with nix packages once I get to the interface between nix and a language specific build tool like meson. I try to search nixpkgs for similar examples but that's kind of difficult when you don't exactly know what you're looking for 😅
<hpfr> I'm trying to package something with `cc.find_library('cap')` in `meson.build` and when building I get `meson.build:44:0: ERROR: C shared or static library 'cap' not found`, what does my nix expression need for this?
<pie_> the usual things to try off the top of my head is to check with --pure that something isnt polluting your environment
<jumper149> hrnz: Im getting stage 1 errors, something like failed to mount /dev/root or something like that
<Orbstheorem> Hi, I'm looking for a way to install user files (like home-manager), but something that takes less time to generate/activate. Upon activation, it should just write the new file without caring if there was a previous version of them.
<supersandro2000> I think you need to use something like https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/misc/logseq/update.sh
<aaronjanse> pie_ I think it's TTY 11 or something on the NixOS ISO
<pie_> is there a way to get the nixpkgs manual from the terminal or something?
<jesystani> howdy, im trying to run picom and im getting the error "FATAL: cant open display", im defining the service via home-manager, is there something else i should be doing?
<samueldr> main issue you could face is `ls /nix/store` taking a while... but that's not really something you want to do
<cgbrewster[m]> Ideally we have a base nix store that already has all the derivations built for things like rustc, node, python, etc etc and then people can create active just what they need via something with nix-env
<cgbrewster[m]> aaronjanse: Yeah I think we might do something like that, we also can bake in a cache in the container and provide an writable overlay. I tried doing this with just /nix/store but found out there is a sqlite db in /nix/var/... somewhere that needs to stay in sync with the store.
<aaronjanse> cgbrewster: I think you can also host your own secondary cache for replit, which would Nix transparently do something like "cache all downloads for 1 day," so frequently requested things (across all users) would persist in your binary cache
<lukegb> I mention this because sometimes packages have man pages in separate outputs: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/294d1925af6462e55c76b49624b983036f0093b9/pkgs/applications/misc/wikicurses/default.nix#L19 - so that'd be something like pkgs.wikicurses.man if you needed that output specifically


<sterni> orion: maybe check the Cargo.lock if it contains anything suspicious like fetching HEAD from a git repo or something
<edrex> Is anyone aware of incompatibility issues between Arch Linux OpenSSH client and NixOS OpenSSH server? I am observing something weird: over double NAT with port forward, Arch can't connect (but other clients on the same network [OSX, edgeos] can). Sorry to ask here, just wondering if anyone else has seen this
<neonfuz2> oh hmm, is this home manager or something? I've never used that
<simpson> eacameron: Is your actual situation an on-premises or an in-the-cloud situation? Or are you exploring possibilities for something still being designed? I feel that we could answer your actual question directly.
<pie_> ok maybe i did something weird with scopedimport but im still pretty sure that should be in there, hasnt broken anywhere else yet
<sterni> what you can do is have something like let drv = buildPythonApplication { … }; in runCommandLocal "my-app" {} "ln -s ${drv}/bin/appname $out"
<ploupiboulba[m]> does anyone know where to ask systemd questions ? haskell-language-server crashes but the coredump gets truncated. I suspect it's due to the MaxSize config, would like to see the default config for systemd-coredump (I have none specified) but can't find where. something like `systemctl cat systemd-coredump@.service` doesn't show a [CoreDump] section.
<aaaaaaaaaaaareis> I'm trying to add a git plugin to the plugin list. But the `update.py` script crashes after a couple of minutes of spamming `HTTP Error 429: too many requests, Retrying in 3 seconds...` Is this a known issue, or am I doing something wrong?
<AmandaC> I've been running something functionally equivalent on my homelab since, no unexpected side effects
<rmcgibbo[m]> thanks for the tip, eacameron. (https://github.com/rmcgibbo/pyfst/pull/1). someone should make a blog post documenting this or something. i use this configuration + cachix to get binaries to run on aws's aarch64 servers, which is quite effective.


<Cadey> i figure it's something really simple lol
<throwaway740928[> something is keying off network.firewall.enable. What is that something?
<throwaway740928[> I want to remove it completely and replace it with something else
<lukegb> You can _probably_ do something with propagatedBuildInputs and setup hooks to get it to work, but, urgh
<Mav53> ty lukegb, I'll do next time. Anyway, to the hook: there is something weird in auto-patchelf.sh. It seems to only apply $runtimeDependencies if isExecutable returns true. My best guess is it returns false for a library. But (1) Why, if the whole point is to add unconditionally and (2) how to work around it?
<pie_> __monty__: well that also tells you something about where the infrec is happening, i think? xD
<pie_> we really should get a debugging tips thread going or something
<sterni> qyliss: oh there is already something? I just checked opam and thought okay not really
<hexa-> is it trying to build something from source while that happens?
<gianarb> Hello!! :) I am missing something obvious here https://discourse.nixos.org/t/running-pipewire-on-20-09/12195 I am trying to follow this post but I get the message nixos-unstable undefined variable
<pie_> dotdotok: is there an issue or pr for it yet or something


<fresheyeball> but I can debug my problem easily if I can just add a print statment to something in the nix store
<nixperson> sandboxing can also be a mental health thing though; having stuff that restricts applications and binaries lets me know that there is at least something there that might aid in stopping a possible attack
<nixperson> honestly it would be nice to have something set up in 5 minutes which is why i use flatpak right now
<MichaelRaskin> Like, how many hours are you willing to invest into trying to separate what you want into something usable on NixOS? If the answer is at least double-digit, we could work together on cutting things up…
<nixperson> MichaelRaskin: how much time or effort does it take to setup something similar to your implementation of sandboxing on nix and is there a guide for it?
<MichaelRaskin> With absolute threat models, of course, you should always wonder what is more depressing: that speculative-execution-fuzzing of Intel CPU instruction decoder _works_, or that it _finds_ something interesting…
<nixperson> simpson: i heard that linux namespaces have a relatively large attack surface compared to something like freebsd jails. is that true?
<nixperson> i have no idea how to add something to the nixos boot process; this is my first time using nix
<nixperson> basically what im asking is how do i add something to nixos initrf
<nixperson> before zfs that contains the raw encryption key used to decrypt the zfs. i would like this to be headless so no prompt or something
<srhb> It does get a little memory heavy in why-depends mode if you analyze something everything depends on however :P
<EmoSpice> Oh. That's good to know! That's something I might be able to resolve eventually!
<LinuxHackerman> rg3376: you can use `nix copy --to file:///tmp/my-binary-cache` to create a flat-file binary cache in /tmp/my-binary-cache, then zip that and transfer it (or use something like syncthing to transfer it more smartly) and use `nix-build --extra-substituters file:///tmp/rg3376s-binary-cache …` at the other end
<lordcirth> Or there might be something in the nixpkgs lib
<numkem> Wonder if it's related, like a bad fix or something
<exfalso> eyJhb: i meant `nix-build -K bla.nix` -> will print a build folder path something like /run/something-build, and then check the .attr-0 script in there
<pie_> are modules sensitive to load order or something?
<jackdk> does anyone have experience using dockerTools.buildImage to make a container that doesn't run as uid 0? I've seen examples that do a `useradd` in a `runAsRoot` block, but given that I don't really need to build from a whole OS base image, I'm looking for something leaner


<nixpulvis> I don't want to have to run anything other than a single nix-build (or some nix command) which reads a script or file or something I can commit to git.
<nixpulvis> Something about function purity I assume..
<nixpulvis> I assume I need to pass this partial app to something else?
<nixpulvis> I want a configuration for something I can quickly build an ISO from that contains everything I need to quickly format a machine from a USB stick.
<nixpulvis> I assume the advice is to just build something on top of the dvd-cd modules, rather than trying to use multiple installers together?
<DavHau[m]> * I confused something. My earlier build failed on gcc, not glibc.
<DavHau[m]> I confused something. My earlier build failed on gcc, no glibc.
<simpson> Yeah. The good news is that you can use your disk partitioning tool to set the bootable flag. I am used to `cfdisk`, which literally calls it "Bootable", but your preferred tool may call it something else.
<asymmetric> there was something like `nix flake inputs --update-input foo` before
<attila_lendvai> i have a script with a #!/bin/sh but i get a permission denied on it. /bin/sh ./foo.sh works as expected, it's something shebang related, it's chmod +x. any hints? i can't seem to find the right search keywords how to debug this.
<davidak[m]> when something is broken in staging, but not in master, should i create a bug report?


<elvishjerricco> I'm trying to do something like `buildEnv { name="foo"; paths=[bash coreutils]; pathsToLink=["/bin"]; }` and I'm getting an output with no symlinks in $out/bin
<rmcgibbo[m]> so something like this (although i should fix the sha256) is the best option: https://github.com/vpsfreecz/nixos-modules#usage, right?
<simpson> home-assistant plugins were broken for me in a systematic way; I think that something needs to be fixed in the way that plugins are managed.
<Kyndig> something in my shell must've been working around it
<Kinnison> okay that did something but didn't change that symlink
<hodapp> part of the reason I became quite adept at un-mangling disks and partitions is because of how many times as a kid I'd have to fix something before my parents found out
<Kinnison> I borked something
<Kinnison> overlays is something I've not yet learned
* Kinnison learns something new
<Kinnison> So it couldn't dry-run and gave the odd error about not being able to import something directly from the store, but without dry-run it built
<Kinnison> evanjs: Interestingly if I take --dry-run away I think it's able to build it, so I wonder if there's something trying to import from the store rather than being pure?
<Kinnison> evanjs: When I try to do the build on my desktop, it doesn't seem to fail in the same way, which suggests I've messed something up on my test VM perhaps?
<Kinnison> evanjs: It looks like nmd consumes curl as a nativeBuildInputs - I wonder if this is something going iffy with a security update vs. how flakes work?
<virkony> workerdrone: I think you need to use something like pkgs.callPackage, where pkgs is something like (import <nixpkgs> {}) for example
<evanjs> Also, I have been noticing a lot more sri hashes lately. Is this something we're moving towards in regards to the preferred hash format?
<sterni> pie_: I think 3.0 will bring flakes and 2.4 the nix-command interface or something along those lines
* pie_ squints, I'm missing something obvious here
<pie_> am I doing something weird
<pie_> it seems to work but something isnt right because things break if i try to run it from another directory
<virkony> qyliss: aren't there is already something like stdEnv?
<oleks> Indeed, it is something to do with nix and stack not playing well together
<oleks> Hi, often when working with stack on NixOS, I run into stack telling me something like error: attribute 'ghc844' missing, at (string):1:61 Things start working again once I upgrade to some more recent LTS, but why does this happen in the first place?
<pie_> or something
<matthewcroughan> samueldr: I knew you'd know something about this.


<pie_> bleh i thought it used to be easy to get container networking working, i think im missing something
<sterni> sss2: can you clone nixpkgs and apply this patch: https://termbin.com/fzc0b and then do something like nix-instantiate -A nix /path/to/nixpkgs ?
<tejing> the most likely reason nix-collect-garbage would break something is if you manually put a nix store path into something and that derivation got updated.
<shapr> So it's possible something else happened, but if it wasn't nix-collect-garbage I don't know what it could have been