
<srhb> nix_noob: (Consider that you can write a script that copies something out of the store -- same deal :))
<zanc> does `nix-store --gc` defaults to <nixpkgs>? can't it use something else?
<nix_noob> cransom: Yes, indeed. But can I manage my configuration inside my nix configuration file? Otherwise making it old way while using nix... I just don't get the point then. Maybe I should create a module or something by myself?
<cab404[m]> <eyJhb "But hell is my code ugly"> haha just read something huge like emacs in nixpkgs)
<cab404[m]> <eyJhb "Can I have a option default to a"> make dst default to null, and then make `something = if dst == null then src else dst`
<asheshambasta> so if I were to do something like ln ./share $out/share etc. in the installPhase; the build will 'persist'?
<srk> so you could do something like my supercolliderWithPackages to build one
<srk> something like nixos/modules/programs/supercollider.nix that could conf environment.(systemPackages/variables)
<srk> right, my idea was to create a wrapper for scide - something like ${supercollider}/bin/scide -U ${lib.concatStringsSep ";" pkgs}
<clever> colemickens: yeah, ive just done `docker load < ${expr} && docker push something`
<tpw_rules> you said there was something in /tmp
<excelsiora> is there something under a unneeded package under /nix/store I could delete to recover space that wouldn't break the db?


<evanjs> something like tensor or OpenCV in terms of size, from a first glance?
<evanjs> yeah there are plenty of cases where I wonder about stuff in the docs, but in this case, you have to import something into scope if you want to use it, etc
<evanjs> I vaguely recall something about disabled modules something something
<evanjs> something like "error: cannot read '/nix/store/194rpabwl6afnq5fn1kadqxk0n565xgb-modules/hub', since path '/nix/store/194rpabwl6afnq5fn1kadqxk0n565xgb-modules' is not valid, at /home/demo/overlay/config/modules/default.nix:10:6"
<fgaz> or am I doing something wrong in #86913?
<dminuoso> srk: well I wish there was better ergonomics here. I frequently end up trying to figure out really badly why something is in my profile at all.
<nij> I succeeded installing nixOS! Found something to circumvent. Will post a tutorial on reddit later.


<nature> Another question, where would you advise me to start, I was thinking of booting nixos in a VM and then try to read the docs in order to arrive to something close as to what I would like. Will I survive by just using the official doc ? Should I start to learn nix and nixpkgs before or is it fine to dive in nixos directly ?
<cole-h> Maybe it's adding something fun after the fact? Compare my `systemctl cat --user emacs` to yours: https://gist.github.com/cole-h/5a6eb55c976831f847dba50b3a21add3
<bqv> something astonishingly annoying is happening
<bqv> cause i'll be ancient by the time someone does something about it, but i also don't want to have to build a kernel every time i rebuild
<simonpe^^> a session looks something like `nix-shell` then `bitbake my-image` then `cp build/tmp/deploy/my-image.tar.gz /deploy/location`
<LambdaDuck> Did you install it with nix-shell or nix run or something like that?
<LambdaDuck> Huh. So something else changed that value externally?
<Graypup_> heck! I literally grepped for doHaddock. I must have made a typo or something
<cole-h> Why not just `something = ./relative/path/to/folder;` or `something = /absolute/path/to/something;`?
<emmanuel`> Or at least like something similar?
<zeta_0> hello there, does anyone here understand the lorri tool well, i need help setting something up?


<bkv> rycee: if for the user daemon, i'm not sure. i feel like i have had instances where issues have been fixed by a manual reload, but there's a fair chance i was doing something else wrong or i'm just remembering nixos's setup
<CrunchyChewie> adisbladis: something else I'd be interested in clarification on, what is the correct way to enable the daemon for, say, emacsUnstable?
<moet> i did some hack to get cabal to run in preCheck to produce the ghc-environment file, but cabal complains about nix's use of GHC_PACKAGE_PATH .. i'm getting the sense that this seemingly intentional hamstringing of cabal is something i shouldn't fight
<patagonicus> Sajo: Hmm. From what I can tell the installer has a store directory in it which contains nix + its runtime dependency. Not exactly sure how you figure out which ones that are, but nix-copy-closure might be a good start. I don't know how to build the installer scripts - they might be built with something other than nix.
<nDuff> ...a real bootstrap-from-nothing effort would be interesting -- something like the Mes project that GUIX is doing. A lot of work, though -- actually, insofar as GUIX can build Nix derivations, I could see using Mes as a means to bootstrap Nix.
<sajo> Ok just tried nix-store --repair-path also with no success. Maybe the problem is something else...
<sajo> Just tried. Still got the same error when installing something :(
<infinisil> flokli: Something like this is already implemented btw: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/build-support/setup-hooks/multiple-outputs.sh
<flokli> as in, if you assing something to services.udev.packages that doesn't expose udev rules, don't build it
<afreak> modules is something you have to import, while package u can install
<afreak> ah, so module is something different than a package? like NUR repository does not have any modules, only packages infinisil ?
<nDuff> Fare, is this something for nixpkgs or for your local use? For local use, you've got more options that require builds to be impure.
<emmanuel`> Fortunately, it worked. But this makes it painfully obvious that there is something missing in what I'm doing in the nix-shell.
<ixxie> clever, infinisil - as expected, which means whatever goes wrong is something else.
<chrmb> sorry something
<edcragg> hi, i'm getting "libX11.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" when trying to run something, what might i need to include in a shell to get X11?
<midchildan> It built just fine when I did a "genericBuild" using the nix-shell, so I was assuming it had something to do with the sandbox.
<sleepydog> I upgraded my nixos recently and now gnome-session exits every time i log in with "oh no! something went wrong". anyone else getting this?


<ldlework> but when I do something like
<jakobrs> Or maybe something like "systemctl start multi-user.target --ignoring libvirtd.service"
<jakobrs> Something like a more general IgnoreOnIsolate might be useful
<jakobrs> I mean `mount --bind ./nix/tmp /tmp" or something like that
<Melkor333> But i did some other changes to my config so it might also be something else, let me investigate
<AlpineLlama> is https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48831392/how-to-add-nixos-unstable-channel-declaratively-in-configuration-nix#48838322 this best way to switch to unstable ? or is there something cleaner now?
<clever> ixxie: but i have seen that dropbox tries to put its update into something like ~/.dropbox/ and then the old ver runs the new ver automatically
<stigo> raghavsood: something that runs `gpg --import my-keys.gpg` ?
<raghavsood> I was kind of hoping for something like `services.gpg-agent.keys = [ "0x..." "0x..." ];`, but I can see how that would be difficult to work with
<clever> systemd is about the simplest modern way to run something on startup
<AlpineLlama> ok I'm seeing a little clearer. but I should probably just apply this through a map or something right?
<AlpineLlama> srhb: thanks. I briefly saw home-manager but it seemed more concerned with writing the dotfiles in the nix way. I really just wanted to copy them over for the moment. thought there might be something simpler
<superbaloo> I'm obviously missing something, just dont know what
<infinisil> Something like this could give you a listing of the type of each attribute
<infinisil> Hmm I'd also like something like that
<Graypup_> and I also want it to not have to reload the entire declarations every time I query something


<fresheyeball> so I am working on something that is using nix-gargoyle-postgresql
<mac10688> oh cool! it downloaded something. I'm not sure what it did but it seems promising lol
<evanjs> "For a long time I thought I had to use stdenv.lib because it had something to do with cross compilation or whatever."
<evanjs> idk, people are always telling me to import stdenv and use lib from there. Unless I'm misunderstanding something
<evanjs> isn't it like, different for crossPkgs or something tho?
<evanjs> The only way I can think of that it could fix it, is if some debug options I enabled were expecting symbols to already be generated or something 🤷‍♂️
<nabataeus> Oh I see, so if I made changes to `config.nix', will I have to `nixos-rebuild' or something?
<clever> maralorn: not really, you would need to return a set that has both your pkg and the pkgs tree, or return an overlay and let something else assemble things
<bdju> sorry, was distracted by something else. I'll get working on this in a sec
<zangi> I want something like:
<patagonicus> On the topic of PRs: I've made one the revert a commit and it's gotten approved pretty quickly. Is there something I need to do now or do I just wait for someone with write access to merge it?
<patagonicus> jackdk: That's a pretty neat article. Yeah, I was envisioning something like that. Throw in a cron job that deletes old stuff from the cache and your builders become really simple - just configure the cache, build the current commit, upload the result to the registry and build artifacts to the cache.
<jackdk> Channels seem like they must do something similar, but I haven't yet found the documentation that describes how that works.
<pbb> you could do something like "cat > /tmp/myscript <<EOF ..... EOF; nix-shell -p foo -i bash /tmp/myscript"
<moet> something about "anonymous function missing `dependency2`"
<moet> i'm doing something like `dependency1 = haskellPackages'.callCabal2nix "dependency1" (repo + "/dependency1") {};` .. but it's complaining that it's missing .. another dependency in the same repo
<raghavsood> Possibly, maybe recent updates did something incompatible - I'll try bisecting recent commits and seeing exactly where the problem shows up
<samueldr> sometimes you have to do something badly so someone will show you how it's done right :)
<chipb> I feel like I'm missing something obvious, but is there a way to get a summary diff between nixos-rebuild derivations?
<colemickens> some things are in inputs.nixpkgs.lib, but somethings are only available after doing an import on nixpkgs and then accessing lib.


<virus_dave> What’s the right way to pre-populate the local nix cache with a derivation, but NOT add it to the profile? This is meant as an optimization for later purposes. Basically, i want something like “nix-env -i -b -A pkgs.FOO” for some set of FOO, but not adding it to the user’s profile
<jared-w> infinisil: I mostly went down the rabbit hole because I keep running into a problem of having huge containers that, as a last step, run a nix-shell to populate a nix store with the environment needed to run certain things. It'd be nice if I didn't have a 2GB bloated blob at the end of a docker image that got 100% invalidated any time something in a shell.nix changed, though
<clever> its set by something in /etc/ i believe
<afreak> i might have overwritten if there was something, i copied in my normal dotfiles
<afreak> ive just installed nixos, for the first time, and it seems im missing something https://kopy.io/smS9L#knmWwW3H0aaG0l this error comes when i run `stack build` also
<slabity> jakobrs: Sounds like virsh (or something it calls) seems to doing a #badthing and looking for absolute paths
<KarlJoad> That's why I thought. I seem to be doing something very wrong then. Because I can't get the similar thing in the example link to work on my system.
<KarlJoad> Can someone help me with overriding the contents of a file? I found something similar to what I want here: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/16884#issuecomment-435027993
<qyliss> FWIW I'm using sway, and not even the sway module, so it's unlikely to be that something is just missing for you but not for me
<Unode> but I must be missing something else cause it fails with the same error from unstable
<clever> lejonet: i think it wants line 41 to be vs0.interfaces.enp5s0 = {something};
<lejonet> so is it mainly complaining that I essentially have networking = { vswitches = { vs0.interfaces = [ "enp5s0" ]; }; }; and it wants me to do networking.vswitches.vs0.interfaces = [ "enp5s0" ]; instead or something else?
<notgne2> something like that might work
<infinisil> Oh and it would be something like `buildNixShellImage { name = "env"; drv = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { ... }; }` or `drv = import ./shell.nix {}`
<infinisil> cap_sensitive: Oh I have something for you: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/78967
<cole-h> If xserver.conf is /etc/xserver.conf, you can probably do something like `environment.etc."xserver.conf".text = lib.mkForce "";`


<patagonicus> Ok, new question: how do I find all build dependencies for something build with nixos-rebuild? :)
<evanjs> yeah, it was probably unrelated to _both_ of those things... presumably me doing something like `inherit thing` rather than `inherit (cfg) thing`
<evanjs> maybe something needed to be eval'd and trace did the trick?
<KarlJoad> I just want something else to look at. Right now, I just have the xorg-generated and nvidia-generated configs to work with.
<KarlJoad> bqv: Do you still have a history for it in a Git repo, or something?
<buffet> ok apparently im too stupid. lets just assume i got an nginx server with root = "${website}"; where website is just fetchFromGitHub { ... };. what would be the easiest way to get this to update without me needing to 1. change the rev, 2. change the sha256, 3. nixos-rebuild'ing everytime i change something on the site?
<KarlJoad> I'm running a `sudo nixos-rebuild build` on my system, and I seem to be downloading, compiling, and testing a bunch of Rust crates. Did something change last night?
<OmnipotentEntity> wnklmnn, https://blog.rust-lang.org/2020/02/27/Rust-1.41.1.html maybe it has something to do with the fact that 1.41.0 is being used instead of 1.41.1?
<qyliss> Maybe send them a PR to add COPYING and mention it in the README or something?
<OmnipotentEntity> If the compiler is ICEing on readily available cargo packages, then there might just be something dumb like filesystem corruption?
<manveru> but unless you switch to something like crate2nix that does things more deterministically, it's gonna be hard to pin cargo down enough
<immae> Hello there, did something change in the way cargoSha256 is computed? When I build a package in 19.09 or 20.03 (latest) it works fine, but when I run it in unstable (latest) it complains that the sha is invalid
<manveru> i think this should go into the amazon-image module or something
<clever> reactormonk: run `nix-store -L /nix/store/foo` to see the log of how something was built, `nix log` may also work for things on a cache
<bqv> i did search, actually, because i felt it was something like logind breaking pulse, but dbus-launch was a sufficient fix for now
<bqv> so in the context of a super lightweight compositor like this, the only systemd-compatible way of launching is via gdm or something?
<dutchie> right, that's why I thought I could just pass -I /path/to/my/nixpkgs or -f or something
<dutchie> i'm trying to test a possible bug fix i have to a python package. how can i do something like `nix run -f . 'python3.withPackages (p: [p.thePackageIFixed])'`?
<makefu> i am sure in fish there is something similar
<symphorien> do I understand correctly that you try to build something which has this derivation as buildInput ?
<eyJhb> I can only see that Home-Manager has something - https://rycee.gitlab.io/home-manager/options.html#opt-programs.fish.plugins
<patagonicus> https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#ssec-setup-hooks mentions a cmake hook, but I haven't figured out how those are called. The default.nix for ccache seems simple (minus the wrapper part for using ccache after installation), but I'm clearly missing something.
* bqv mutters something about capitalism
<jneplokh> Henson: That fixed it! Next time I set something like this up, I'll check what the interface is. Thank you so much for the help and troubleshooting along the way :)
<Henson> jneplokh: ok, now do the same thing but on your internet device, and see if the ping packets are going out and coming back from Maybe something like "tcpdump -ni feh0 icmp" where feh0 is your internet device. That command will only show the ICMP ping traffic.


<KarlJoad> I am unsure what portions need to change. I managed to have this working with defaults on the Ubuntu live image, so something is being specified that is breaking something in NixOS.
<KarlJoad> I can't seem to figure out why when I give something for the `services.xserver.config` option the text that is printed by default does not get overridden.
<evanjs> until I figure something better out
<robodojo> personally i wanna use something like wayland because i don't need network gui redirect and i like the extra security
<bqv> Oh collectively? Display server (protocol) or something, I guess
<jlv> Could be something like `windowManager.*` and `desktopManager.*`.
<jlv> colemickens: maybe if not a central option, we could have something like `programs.sway.libinput`, and use a template of `libinput` options. Kind of like how Home Manager uses the same options for `i3` and `sway` configuration.
<colemickens> Is it just a matter of renaming the attributes behind .xserver. for DMs? It is a bit confusing that you have to enable something with xserver in it to get GDM enabled.
<jtojnar> yeah, the xserver should be renamed to session or something
<colemickens> is there something like genAttrs that lets you rename the namevaluepair name?
<numkem> ryantm: I just got pinged for one of my packages by your bot. It did what it was supposed to do, I've commented that it works just fine for me. Is there something else I need to do?
<jakobrs> gchristensen: I'm about to log off IRC, so if there's something else, just send an email.
<KarlJoad`> I mean... nvidia-settings generates something that look similar to the standard config that Nix generates, just with more dials turned.
<Henson> drakonis: you could also add something to your firewall to prevent packets to the target IP from leaving your internet-connected interface.
<fresheyeball> however I think it would be even nicer if we could having something like overlays for node stuff
<slabity> cole-h++ I've been trying to find something like this for a while
<slabity> I'm sure there's an option in a kernel module or something that would let you stop certain devices from appearing...
<robodojo> can i hide HDs from nixos? like by not loading the kernel module for their interface or something?
<slabity> I must have added a space or something?
<makefu> the bitbucket server url looks a bit different for me, i try something like this
<AlpineLlama> must have something to do with my hw config
<KarlJoad> I've already tried messing with `xrandr --setprovideroutput x y`, which did something. It made both monitors go completely gray and the X session being useless.
<raghavsood> It still works with python2, but it just felt wrong having something use it when its being removed everywhere else - the current clickhouse derivation doesn't use python at all, so no real issues with breaking someone's set up by using python3 straight away
<as3> What is the proper way (if any) of replacing usage of glibc with musl on my local machine? Something to the effect of nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = pkgs: pkgs.pkgsMusl;


<bqv> i mean i was mostly trying to hack something into my config temporarily
<grfn> I wonder if there's a similar escape hatch to do something similar with docker
<robodojo> the `nix repl '<nixpkgs/nixos>'` syntax is kinda ugly. can '< >' be omitted? nix repl nixpkgs/nixos or something
<gchristensen> I saw something like this on nixpkgs unstable with a VM inside a build
<gchristensen> is this during a VM build or something?
<immae> colemickens: I could start there indeed, do you have something to share?
<FRidh> this is during bootstrapping which are like overlays. So maybe flakes evaluates something a bit more eagerly
<colemickens> How is piping nix to a file and directly importing it more fiddling than that? Like, it's a trivial difference nad I'm half tempted to implement both and have it switch based on the day of week or something, lol
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at (string):318:1
<pjt_tmp> I just need to build it once so I can throw it up on cachix or something
<pjt_tmp> anyone here have access to the aarch server? I'm trying to build something for raspi that requires rustc and I can't tell if it's ever going to finish.
<matias_> something like this: https://pastebin.com/n5b94G0Z


<dxtr> So according to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/editors/jetbrains/default.nix idea-ultimate should be at version 2020.1.2 but I get idea-ultimate-2019.3.2 even though I have run `nix-channel --update`. Am I missing something?
<slabity> Your services' ExecStart would likely be something like `ExecStart = ''${pkgs.postgresql11Packages.repmgr}/bin/repmgrd --config-file=${somthing}'';`
<slabity> Maybe if you can figure out how to load a config at the command-line or an environment variable or something and then make a wrapper around it
<gustavderdrache> like using a clangStdenv or something
<gustavderdrache> Thra11: any chance you're overriding your compiler? i wonder if you've got something that affects stdenv.mkDerivation
<slabity> scoates: Could you try clearing out `~/.cache/nix` and try again? Maybe there's something cached that it doesn't like
<OmnipotentEntity> tokudan, do you want to install a specific version of a package from like... unstable or something?
<veleiro> 20.03, has something changed? my config worked before but now i cant seem to use
<simpson> evanjs: Yes. I have something like this on all of my machines: https://github.com/MostAwesomeDude/treehouse/blob/master/nixos/metrics.nix#L4-L12
<evanjs> sure yeah, was more lumping it in there as something I want to play with lol. But yeah I don't see myself needing it for this specific scenario right now
<evanjs> I don't really have any preferences right now, a coworker mentioned SNMP after I mentioned my desktop CPU was maxing out without my knowledge, so I'm just looking at something to monitor stuff like that across the network rn
<clever> yep, so its waiting for something from fd 10
<clever> wpcarro: you can also use `strace -p PID` to attach to something after the fact
<wpcarro> or would I need to `strace nix repl` or something?
<clever> __monty__: the pure ones cant access secrets, but dont rely on something being installed
<simon> I'm getting something like `hg: no such file or directory`
<srhb> moet: Sure, if it's possible to "do something" in one boot entry and then move on to the next.
<pjt_tmp> But I did see an error message about MVals or something
<growpotkin> I figured it was something like that, similar to the JavaScript pattern; but I couldn't recreate it in a repl. I wasn't using an attribute though, just a regular variable
<simpson> typetetris: Yeah. Usually, somebody will put something like `hydra-check = python36Packages.hydra-check;` in one of the top-level attrsets as an alias, just to avoid this problem.
<typetetris> How is one supposed to find something like `python3Packages.hydra-check` without prior knowing it is in `python3Packages` short from grepping in a nixpkgs checkout?
<clever> that is not something you can load with callPackage like that
<nownpl> can i do something like `nixos-install --root /` to get everything and install again from scratch or i should just remake my configuration file and do `nixos-rebuild`?
<Graypup_> simpson, oh, I apparently didn't notice that it had extracted something when I ran unpackPhase, so much trash in the directory I was in lmao
<Ashy> energizer: that's also something i'd like to be able to do, i think that's also a valid transaction


<colemickens> I guess now that I think about it, when I use --override-input, it says something about using git+file:// ...
<colemickens> Is there something I should be aware of regarding flakes and git-crypt?
<clever> Graypup_: it would be better for each module to return an overlay, then combine them all into a single `pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { overlays = something; }`
<simpson> gchristensen: I'm sorry. I very much embody the flip-side of "ignorance is bliss", which is something like "awareness is suffering". This is why I work to make the world more capability-tamed.
<jtojnar> rickhull: I would do something like this https://gist.github.com/jtojnar/de08b7d17057131b3eb709703ca115a4
<neonfuz2> I wonder if some other program "hears" the shift key and takes focus or something weird
<MmeQuignon> Me neither, but your problem is something I dealt with.
<MmeQuignon> I would have done something like that, I think.
<simpson> I don't see a "testing.redis" either, in my local repository; it must be brand-new, if it's not something you're working on.
<zangi> patagonicus: by ported I mean it has been converted to .deb or something
<simpson> zangi: Something like https://repology.org/graph/map_repo_size_fresh.svg might be more useful.
<chiiba> Is there a quick way to create a derivation with just contents of a directory? Something like writeText, but instead writeDirectory :D
<ixxie> a-h: I did something like this: https://github.com/ixxie/dotfiles/blob/master/home.nix
<lassulus> lejonet: it works for me, do have it inside a LUKS or something else?
<patagonicus> I thought basename only strips the suffix if you do something like `basename /foo/bar.nix .nix`.
<fps> hmm, i have a suspicion that i'm doing something silly :) in my preparation of my sdcard image i copy over some files on first boot: https://github.com/OGFX/ogfx-nixos-rpi4/blob/062f1f6380397635d4eaadb09776bb07dae1e013/ogfx-nixos-sd-card.nix#L7
<cole-h> zanc: Maybe if you explain what you'd expect to happen, we can give you a definitive answer. If it's something like running `./foo.nix` with `#!..../bin/nix-...`, that won't work.
<raghavsood> When cloning a git repo with leaveDotGit, does the sha256 change if something in the .git folder changes? for example, new set of refs. Or is the .git folder excluded for sha256 calculations?
<virus_dave> heyas - what’s the easiest way to check if something is present in the global hydra binary cache?


<robodojo> or -d or something
<evanjs> hrm, okay, onto dealing with CARGO_HOME needing to be something else for a test...
<betaboon> nimu: or a keybind that does something like `touch /tmp/foo` and see who ownes that ?
<nbathum> something like this should get you going: `(bluez.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: rec { postFixup = ''rm $out/bin/hex2hcd''; }))`
<hexo> or, maybe, it there something like a sbin?
<quinn> jneplokh: make sure you have it chmodded to 700 or something and make sure nextcloud's user owns it
<Twey> quinn: Ummm this is for amdgpu_pro right? Is there something wrong with the one in `linuxPackages.amdgpu_pro`?


<quinn> wrl: i've done all of the packaging but the kernel module afaict. only issue is there is a #include in the module pointing to something missing from include/
<jneplokh> Could it be something with the database user and permissions?
<aleph-> Hmm, does something seem off with this golang deriv? https://paste.rs/1nh Invoking via `nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./default.nix {}'` and I'm consistently getting `builder for '/nix/store/r65wcckv8gaa155xg91ijj80wink74d7-chihaya-1.0.0.drv' failed with exit code 1` type errors. Also been getting that in general when building golang derivations.
<hexo> something is still messing with $LANGUAGE var
<Twey> tpw_rules: You can in general, but passing the path to a derivation means something specific to nixpkgs (‘start a shell in the build environment of this derivation’) — so you can't combine it with things like -p
<colemickens> I *think* I was imagining something like that. I was hoping that, if a dependent derivation doesn't actually need the contents of the output, that it could be "faked" out, either at the FUSE layer or nix, yeah.
<mananamenos> is there a something wrong if my swap partition (8G) is sda1 while the main partition is sd2. I mean swap is in the beginning of sectors, while main partition follows
<raghavsood> Are we supposed to do something special for cron? I'm trying to use it to clean up old docker images, but the commands seem to have no side effects. Even a simple command like `date >> /tmp/log.cron` doesn't add anything to the log file, although I can see both this and the docker commands being run according to `journalctl -fu cron`
<mtn> When you say all ancestors, how far back do you mean? I have something like `.../labeler/labeler/uploads/` where uploads is owned by nginx, and `..` is the root of my project directory
<mtn> Yea, seems like it has something to do with nix's uwsgi, not the user
<mtn> I've verified the user it's running under can normally write to it without a problem, so I think it has something to do with nix
<simonthesourcere> if I do `ls` I'd get `(hd0) (hd1) (hd1, gpt1) (hd1,gpt2)` or something very similar
<aleph-> Okay, so I'm obviously missing something with overlays. Here is where I'm adding my overlays file to my nix path, my overlays.nix file and the service/pkg I'm attempting to overload. https://paste.rs/2XV


<samueldr> it feels like someone knows something that I should know, but doesn't want to tell
<nh2[m]> Is there a way to first-class override a `config` (the NixOS system config) value? I have at hand a `config` value and want to have a copy of it that has `boot.loader.grub.device` set to something else. Like .override or .extend, but for system configs.
<maier> slabity: yes :) energizer: I found something, it's probably this: https://discourse.nixos.org/t/how-to-remove-old-system-generations/6648/2
<slabity> I think it's a bit difficult to paste something to a website from your bootloader :P
<energizer> maier: share whatever you're seeing that makes you think something is weird
<clever> Dadou: then you want something like "${pkgs.path}/foo/bar
<KarlJoad> I still get a gray screen, so something is coming out, but the desktop display and open windows are gone.
<KarlJoad> I have 2 GPUs in my desktop, with 1 monitor plugged into each. I can only get output on the main monitor/GPU. Both are nVidia. Is there something I need to do to make this work?
<turion> sheeldotme: do you have  boot.loader.grub.devices = [ "/dev/sda" "/dev/sdb" ]; or something similar?
<jakobrs> Something prints approximately 15 lines worth of "BIOS error:" messages at boot, and then half a second later the second half is removed
<turion> But 3. always says "Ran 0 tests in 0.000s", so something is wrong here.
<FRidh> gchristensen: well, I am fine with having it in nixpkgs. But indeed, it then just ends up in the normal PR queue, if that's fine for them, good. This is really something that would be good to have in a flake eventually.
<gchristensen> it is something they want to do and upstream, as long as you/we want them to. and if you/we want them to, they want to do it the most normal and proper way possible
<FRidh> yes, overriding python is tricky, because you need to have something like python = let self = python.override { ... , inherit self }; in self;
<srhb> hyperfekt: eg. something like: nix-build -E 'let pkgs = import (builtins.fetchTarball "https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/archive/nixos-unstable.tar.gz") { config.allowUnfree = true; overlays = []; }; in pkgs.minecraft
<ocharles> So the machine is certainly set up to use it, but Hydra seems to be doing something special
<srhb> simonthesourcere: (The key part is the chainloading of the .efi file, and ($root) will be something like (hd1,gpt1)
<srhb> simonthesourcere: For inspiration, something like this: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/GRUB2/Chainloading#Dual-booting_Windows_on_UEFI_with_GPT
<infinisil> But yeah maybe something like that
<gustavderdrache> so something like this? $ nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A pkgsCross.mingwW64.windows.w32api
<gustavderdrache> https://gist.github.com/gustavderdrache/c75b867a1d5620f7c6d398ad0a705d57 am i using system/crossSystem wrong here, or is there something amiss with the w32api derivation?
<simpson> As a general rule, the binary cache doesn't have anything removed from it. Instead, likely something about your configuration non-obviously changes the system somehow.


<AmandaC> Something about setting priorities
<AmandaC> I stole something from someone's .nix where it'll auto-login with mintty, then my shell has "if tty == /dev/tty1; startsway; end"
<turion> I vaguely remember there is something something stdenv, but I can't remember and I can't find it on the internet
<tpw_rules> i was curious because i wanted to make an overlay that resulted in a separate set of packages. like i can override something like glibc (though that's not my goal) and instead of recompiling every single package, i can install the packages which need the override from a separate set. and i don't have to be like myBlah1 = super.Blah1.override {glibc = super.myGlibc }; over and over, it will get used automatically like usual
<infinisil> turion: Something like `nix-shell -p 'python3.withPackages (p: [ p.cassandra-driver ])' -I nixpkgs=$PWD`
<turion> My suspicion is that because of the path, it doesn't get picked up correctly. I had something similar today. My solution was to push to some git repo and then use builtins.fetchGit with a fixed rev
<confus> thx, thought it might have some special syntactical meaning or something for special tooling, but that makes sense
<confus> I see so basically like var_ oder _var or something in other languages
<chiiba> I was creating my own service. It's literally just a `script` which runs a shell-script. I'll just keep debugging, probably I goof'ed something up.
<patagonicus> fps: I had something similar happen when I ran something memory intensive (I think nix-env -i without -A) and it was just spending all it's time on the OOM killet because there was no swap configured.
<tobiasBora> energizer: symphorien : any idea how I could modify the module? I'd love to be able to say something like "modules.system.boot.luksroot/boot.initrd.postDeviceCommands = mkBefore modules.system.boot.luksroot/boot.initrd.postDeviceCommands", but no idea which syntax I would need to use...
<srhb> chagra: Yes. Due to the way Nix works, if something deep in the dependency tree (say, glibc) changes, everything does.
<notgne2> fresheyeball: I'm not sure about node2nix (I use pnpm2nix) but afaik you should be able to set `doUnpack = false;` or something, or maybe `unpackPhase = ":";`
<jybs> Is it just not evaluating the overideAttrs or something?
<fps> something like a "build closure" if that's a thing
<evils> moosnat: yes, you can just do something like `additional-stuff = fetchurl {};` and then use `${additional-stuff}` in your build phase
<elvishjerricco> gchristensen: Well I'm talking about `nixpkgs/nixos/make-test.nix` i.e. something automated
<gchristensen> trying to come up with something specific now
<jlv[m]1> gchristensen: I should clarify that I'm trying to prompt for the key. The documentation mentions something about promp only being supported for root pools.
<jlv[m]1> Is support for mounting encrypted ZFS datasets on boot something I can probably expect eventually? Or is there some technical limitation making it infeasible? I feel like it should be possible.
<gchristensen> apparmor and selinux are written from the approach that you have no idea what you have and you're just trying to add rules until it works, and I think Nix brings enough structure to the build process and run-time closure to do something much smarter
<nwm_> just wondering is there something inherit about nix store that couldn't be replicated with a global 'namespace' say /abi/$triplet/{bin,lib} appended or prepended with the result hash?


<chmod222[m]> So it has to be something here on Nixos
<cole-h> Seems like something that should be simple to PR, then. gchristensen, is there any reason this isn't already a thing?
<cole-h> I don't think so -- 99% sure they all go to /run/keys or something.
<gchristensen> at any rate, that isn't really something Nix would switch its hashing mechanism to
<gchristensen> it isn't clear to me why Nix would use something other than a hash, though
<simpson> Oh, yeah. Literally nothing that can be definitively done about that, so I'm imagining instead that you could run your vulnerability scanner on downloaded tarballs before they're built, or something like that.
<gustavderdrache> i don't have an answer for what should happen for a project like nixpkgs since it increases the maintenance burden to keep both "legacy" and "current" tracks in nixpkgs, but it's probably something folks look at when evaluating a linux distro
<gustavderdrache> not to mention that there isn't really One True Channel™ for packages - if you need a specific version of something, you can pin nixpkgs to the revision you need to always have that available - even if the rest of the system tracks a different channel
<turion> How to handle dependencies of nextcloud apps? Should I do something like services.nextcloud.package = nextcloud19.overrideAttrs (old: { buildInputs = old.buildInputs ++ [ mydependency ]});?
<jakobrs> Just something I was thinking about: I suggest that the minimal live ISO have X11 forwarding by default.
<eyJhb> srhb: but is it just me, or is there something missing in that text?
<srhb> bahamas: That seems to indicate that they are indeed being delivered via dhcp and something is wrong on the NixOS ide
<kenran_> Do you know of examples in nixpkgs where and how a macOS "app wrapper" (don't know what it's called; something one could copy into /Applications and start it from there) is created?
<bahamas> my nixos instance can't download packages. do I need to open a port or enable something?
<aleph-> Probably something obvious I'm missing, heh
<aleph-> Here's another stupid question, attempting to patch a tcl script in a derivation. Need to change the interpreter line, would I use patchelf here? Or could I just do like a preBuild hook and just do something like `sed -i s/../${pkgs.tcl}/g script`


<etrigan63[m]> * Not trying to be snarky or anything but`complete = fully functioning system without months of tweaking (other than ricing)`. Something I can save and use to rebuild my system if anything ever goes south. The process Nix/NixOS uses is exactly like using`ansible` only more so.
<etrigan63[m]> Not trying to be snarky or anything but`complete = fully functioning system without months of tweaking (other than ricing)'. Something I can save and use to rebuild my system if anything ever goes south. The process Nix/NixOS uses is exactly like using `ansible` only more so.
<cole-h> etrigan63[m]: Why don't you just try them out until you're satisfied? It sounds like you're asking us to do the legwork for something that is totally subjective (does "working" and "complete" just mean "doesn't segfault"?).
<pbogdan> lovesegfault: only guessing but can you name the arguments pyself/pysuper or something not to clobber the names from the outer scope?
<gueorgui> betaboon: oh! Could I have done something stupid that'd cause it to be rebuilt? This is what I put together: https://gist.github.com/gueorgui/9f4369e13ffa1a7dd4e077facb867b82
<gchristensen> typetetris: https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#chap-post-build-hook I've done something like this a few times, and also cachix is good
<Taneb> Ah, I must have screwed something up, then
<Taneb> gchristensen: can you help me here? I'm trying to set up something similar for my work's Hydra server
<chrismatheson> i just see it download something and stop without doing anything else ....
<bqv> Nix flake update --recreate-lock-file or something
<clever> but if its a closure, its not a nar, its a collection of several nar's with something else
<Fuuzetsu> broken machine, it does not. It used to work however: could it have been GC'd? Why would something nix itself depends on get GC'd? How do I go about fixing it seeing I can't do any nix commands...
<nekroze> I am trying to run a rust something with `cargo run` but it needs to build deps which use cmake


<mog> right im arguing for something that doesnt exist