
<porphyrogenetos> Right, I figured it had something to do with that, its owned on my system by root:kvm. Is there a nixy way to rectify that? not sure if the best solution is adding the nixbld users to the kvm group or changing perms of /dev/kvm
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /var/lib/nixbot/nixpkgs/master/repo/lib/customisation.nix:69:16
<zimbatm> betaboon: I haven't touched it for a while but I don't remember adding something that would prevent it
<evanjs> oh so like priorities but with logic or something lol
<kloenk> is there something like nix syntax highlithing for xcode?
<cole-h> I touched it once manually (back on Arch) and never had to do anything again... until fontconfig 2.13.92 rolled around x) Something changed enough that I'd rather have b&w emoji than `123` show up as emoji.
<colemickens> https://github.com/grahamc/netboot.nix I think I understand that this avoids rebuilding initrd every time something in the stage-2+ changes.
<matthewcroughan> Seems to be doing something now that I've done that
<colemickens> if nix-build is just flat out missing it might be something easy?
<colemickens> but actually I don't really have a good story for what I do if I need to nix-env something from an overlay. I guess I just don't.


<Ke> sometimes it's just hooked up to something else and it's not really linked in the docs so you end up doing the research yourself or just asking
<Thra11> Is it a case of building a minimal version which is then used to bootstrap stuff to build a proper, optimised version, or is it something else?
<jakob_rs> Does nix-command have something like `--check`?
<christianbundy> right, I'm less asking about the exact specifics on the current bootstrap and more asking about whether bootstrapping from a smaller binary seed is something that nix developers are working on
<clever> ogkloo: does the hdmi at least show something?


<evanjs> bah. y shellHook no `ln -s` something for me
<balsoft> metasyntactic: So probably the best option is to send the coredump to the devs and wait until they have something to say.
<balsoft> But yeah, the fact that they shipped with -g tells me something about maintenance quality
<balsoft> You can probably do something hacky and symlink libcurl-gnutls.so.4 to libcurl.so.4
<balsoft> On "traditional" distros, that's usually somewhere in LD_LIBRARY_PATH, which is /lib:/usr/lib or something like that.
<exarkun> or maybe something else can run a vmdk,I can't remember how this stuff works
<aleph-> Because that is something I'd like.
<aleph-> expected" with a trace of: https://paste.rs/NMk So I'm wondering if I should be using a submodule type here given I expect the choices to be options, or maybe if there's something I should be using a attr set directly for? Module here: https://paste.rs/Vgh
<simpson> I think it does something like use {} for the second argument.
<ogkloo> Would I just edit the configuration.nix in the sd card or something?
<eyJhb> So.. If I have something that reads a json file in Nix, and I want to override a attribute from that file after it has been loaded
<nature> maybe with something like ungoogled-chromium.override = {...} ?
<symphorien> always prefer structured config because if another module has something to change in /etc/sudo it will merge config better
<davidv7> but there's some syntax issue or something with that and i can't find anywhere that helps me how to get a nerrd patched font overriden
<nature> c0c0: But I also imagined that once I get more comfortable with nix I'll be able to do something like "fetchGit" on my dotfile repo and actually have everything managed through nix, without home-manager
<c0c0> nature: I don't have lightdm in my configuration explicitly. Something sets it implicitly (maybe `xsession.enable = true;`?)
<nature> c0c0: you have something like services.xserver.displayManager.sddn.enable = true
<danderson> because in those systems the filesystem looks like it's working, but then something external to the program is sabotaging you between runs
<buckley310> you could try something like this (untested pseudocode)
<ToxicFrog> Hrm. /etc/hostname is going to end up as `ancilla` rather than `ancilla.ancilla.ca`, though. Not sure what that will break but it's probably going to be something.
<WRMilling> Got a more relevant error (at least something I can dig farther one, FDT_ERR_NOT_FOUND)
<WRMilling> Hello all, I am attempting to add a deviceTree.overlay to my nix configuration, but it keeps giving me a file not found (with a path that I can verify actually exists), just a bit confused why nixos-rebuild can't seem to find it. I am hoping I am doing something silly and maybe someone can put me on the right track.
<energizer> infinisil: oh i think dependencyEnv isnt what i want, but something's still wrong https://bpa.st/C5WQ


<mog> when i boot the graphics are garbled until wayland starts, is there something i can add to my grub for fixing ithe i915 during this time?
<vivasvat> like with bittoreent or something of the like


<Guest65220> Is there something in nixpkgs to make a LUA_PATH compatible string / folder for ngx_lua lua_package_path?
<evanjs> mmm I wonder if it has something to do with out of sync lockfiles, tho...
<immae> you would need something along the line of that:
<eyJhb> Also, is it possible to self/super something, that is read from a .json file?
<eyJhb> Something like vim-plugins, but just.. With dependencies I guess?
<nsnc> I'm fairly new to nix, I've been trying to package something (https://tmux.reconquest.io/pkg/tar/tmux-autocomplete_2.0.5.gc0658bf.tar), and was having a bit of trouble. It's looking for packages in /usr/share, and I'm not quite sure how to have nix patch it to look in the right directory instead. Can someone drop me a link to docs that explain it p
<evanjs> reallllly hoping this is released in time for 20.09 or something, thooo
<infinisil> evanjs: "get something"?
<evanjs> I know recursive nix isn't something I can do, but how about `nix build` (nix @ the commit I need) and then e.g. `result/bin/nix build <my-expression>`?
<evanjs> What might be the easiest way to get something that works with https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/3166/commits/f58604ac32d0ab0718a0e68b3c1b050e4ab121cb?
<jlv> I'm not desperate to get it working. I just wanted to know if it is something I need to fix on my end, or if I should wait for a fix upstream.
<infinisil> Yeah it looks like something must've gone wrong in the database generation
<dutchie> you can't just get something in unreviewed, and the maintainer is the person to do that
<dutchie> isn't there a patch category on discourse or something
<slabity> To load `wine` from this in a simple `nix shell` I need to create a completely new flake and expose it in a `devShell` or something? I can't just use it directly?
<slabity> I'm trying to understand this more, but that doesn't seem right... I find it hard to believe I can't grab it via something like `nix shell myflake:wine` or some other similar syntax
<slabity> I just want to do something like `nix-shell -p myflake:wine`
<Guest33658> I'm guessing I should add something to my path in .bash_profile? but I'm not sure what
<evanjs> e.g. before it was "vm_description/ovf/tests/test_item.py", what should I use if I'm also setting the checkPhase to something like `py.test`?
<ikwildrpepper> Mic92: using something like this: https://pastebin.com/tBhJCJ81
<alexarice[m]> appears my problem was actually something to do with pipewire
<lejonet> Even if I try and escape the t, like ''\then, then I get "error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a string, at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:51:23" where line 51 is the start of the multiline string
<graf_blutwurst> hmm seems to be something different. slack with your derivation still is complaining about no network connection. i guess it's something else. time to go bughunting
<graf_blutwurst> srhb: I wish i had the time to invest into learning how to properly put together a nixpkgs for official contribution rather than haphazardly slapping something together locally. sadly I'm drowning in work myself ^^'
<DigitalKiwi> i wonder if something got added/changed that verifies desktop files
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a string, at (string):318:1
<DigitalKiwi> if you find something missing add something :D
<DigitalKiwi> x0r-255: NixOS/nixpkgs is really good about accepting new packages too so if on the offchance there's something you want but doesn't exist yet...
<ryantm> keidax: Some things also don't directly translate like wantedBy does something different because it isn't declarative in base systemd.
<ryantm> keidax: You need to add something like https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/076860e0340a5e4a909b9a710e186508b14d1c90/nixos/modules/services/monitoring/monit.nix#L31-L43 to your NixOS config. You cannot install a systemd service from within a package.
<x0r-255> I am a manjaro user, and am wanting to switch to something more diy. I don't like gentoo, but am very interested in nixos and nix on artix. Is nix on an arch based system feasable?
<DigitalKiwi> one of the bots used to respond to queries of the kind 'can haskell do this' always with something like 'yes haskell can do that'
<DigitalKiwi> one of the bots used to respond to queries of the kind 'can haskell do this always with something like 'yes haskell can do that'
<DigitalKiwi> you could use that if you wanted to use nix for dependencies but for some reason you needed to build something with cabal (e.g. it's broken in nixpkgs but will compile with cabal)
<DigitalKiwi> https://ihp.digitallyinduced.com/ is new idk how it is yet but might be good for something
<DigitalKiwi> nix search hledger (there are multiple parts, hledger-web is yesod i think) but i avoid snoyberg software myself so i'd look at snap if i wanted to build something hakyll wasn't good for ;P
<DigitalKiwi> from #archlinux Pastebin.com is swamped with advertisements and random captchas. Malware found on pastebin.com has resulted in it being blocked for some users. It injects CRLF line-endings. Please, use something else. Use something sane like https://gist.github.com https://bpaste.net http://ix.io https://paste.rs
<nij> OH NO :O I did something wrong? leeme check what pastebin is.
<aaronjanse> nij: I recommend using pastebin or something to send code
<exarkun> disasm: I seem to remember some part of some installer doing something extra that disables the ssh server, yes
<disasm> is there something that prevents openssh.enable = true from working in an installer?


<mattlevan> I need to add another clause or something that override's atom's nss?
<mattlevan> It's the same reason why I'm using GNOME with pop-shell for tiling instead of something like i3, bspwm, etc.
<DigitalKiwi> i'm just waiting for the day that 52 zeros is a valid hash for something and everything breaks :D
<buffet> or any way to generate something similra to `man configuration.nix` for them?
<bqv> i'm imagining i could do something clever with nixos-enter
<eyJhb> Maaybe, I would just have hoped it would be a `--` something, or envvar
<jared-w> eyJhb: something about enabling substitutes would do it, I think? I recall having to help setup our hydra to do something like that at one point
<typetetris> Looks like `(haskellPackages.override {...}) .override {...}` doesn't work, it only gets one bunch of overrides? Thats correct, or am I doing something wrong?
<srk> fun thing you can do is something like NIXOS_CONFIG=laptop.nix nixos-rebuild switch --target-host ssh://laptop to "install" from another computer
<lassulus> nature: so you could do something like this: https://p.krebsco.de/0q4psfv
<lassulus> nature: I do something like this: cgit.lassul.us/stockholm/tree/lass/2configs/baseX.nix#n122
<srhb> colemickens: Did you change something, or is that the same paste?
<terribleArtist> howdy, ive got a shell.nix that is importing the yesod package for haskell. it compiles yesod applications fine, but i dont seem to have access to the yesod application in the shell, do i need to do something else for this to work?


<duairc> infinisil: That seems to be doing something at least!
<hexagoxel> is there a reliable way to find the "source" of a derivation? something like "this .drv is the product of a runCommand invocation in foo/bar.nix"
<colemickens> bqv: You mentioned something about a flake system containing the system config, I'm assuming it must stuff slurp up all the inputs to the flake repo including itself?
<mrosenbe> although something is still fishy with this install.
<mrosenbe> evanjs: I'm actually un-overriding something.
<duairc> infinisil: Cool, well thanks anyway, I feel like I'm getting pretty close, hopefully I'll find something that works
<evanjs> mrosenbe: IIRC it's something like `callPackage (<nixpkgs/path/to/thing/expression.nix>)`
<mrosenbe> I'm writing a nixexpr for a project that I'm working on, and I'd like to use callPackages passing in a path into the nix tree. Is this something I can do?
<duairc> infinisil: I could do something like that but that isn't really what I'm looking for right now
<lassulus> not yet sadly. there was a RFC or something for that if I remember correctly
<edef> infinisil: although, conversely, sometimes i pick something off one of my trees and decide it needs to be a touch cleaner to be acceptable for upstream
<Mic92> Yeah. I needed something for flakes
<clever> yorick: thats not right, that implies something isnt right with device-tree
<evanjs> infinisil: to clarify, do you mean fetchGit, or the recursion? I vaguely remember dolstra maybe bringing that up, and that it's defaulted to false or something, idk
<Taneb> joesventek: it's something you add to your NixOS configuration
<joesventek> Hi there. Is there any way to install NixOS from an environment that features Linux 5.5? Any experimental live cd or something like that?
<immae> nij: in any case you miss something (proabbly "enable" or "start") between systemctl and sshd, even in archlinux
<fergie> Running "R CMD SHLIB foo.c" with foo.c being as it is in that document works fine. So it must be something with the way the call happens inside `rcmd_safe` on line 30 https://github.com/r-lib/pkgbuild/blob/7b3f1420b97be9821e19a789574e8ecfc491825e/R/compiler.R#L30
<tobiasBora> Mic92: just, you meant something like python3Packages.libevdev (which does not exist either) instead of python3.pkgs.libevdev?
<sebass[m]> thanks immae, adding name = "something" worked. I didn't find that attribute in the docs...
<Church-> Now that's something I can use
<nij> DigitalKiwi: I see. So `nix-env -iA` is something in between..
<clever> even if you remove something with `nix-env -e foo`, the generations and rollbacks keep it around
<clever> nij: if you just want to test something, use nix-shell or `nix run`
<nij> If that's the case, then `nix-env -iA` seems to be a way to quickly testing out something.. and it seems that the downloaded stuff should be removed eventually for the system to be clean :D?
<pie_> adisbladis: if i have something already build by mkPythonApplication, can I add that to mkPoetryApplication in a way that I get access to the library that is the application?


<immae> sebass[m]: try to set name = "something" in the fetchurl argument
<dxb[m]> something, which i guess might be likely since i'm super new to nix in general
<infinisil> gchristensen: I previously suggested making all sources support something like `${source}/bin/create` which when run will unpack the source into the current directory. This would work well for that
<sphalerite> dxb[m]: you can either escape it as above, or use something like builtins.readFile to set the value from a file without any of the pesky quoting issues, as long as you don't actually rely on the antiquotation somewhere in the contents :)
<dxb[m]> i hope dumb questions are allowed here because this might be one… right now i'm setting up a vm with NixOS and working on moving my configs and stuff over to eventually replace arch on my laptop… but i have a couple questions. is it possible to manage my dotfiles directly without home-manager or something similar? or is home-manager pretty much the best option? i'm brand new to Nix so i'm sure i'm doing stuff wrong but i tr
<urkk> I was thinking in something like cc.ccName and cc.cxxName so I could set CC=${cc.ccName}
<urkk> my current approach is something like: {stdenv, cc}: stdenv.mkDerivation { ... makeFlags = [ "CC=${cc}/bin/${(if cc.isGNU then "gcc" else ... )}" ]; }
<makefu> normally you start off with a derivation which does something similar to that you want. there are a lot of quirks for different build technologies though
<immae> benschza: replace pkgs.darktable with (setPrio 100 pkgs.darktable) (or something similar) in your environment.systemPackages
<srhb> Graypup_: Is this with something like justStaticExecutables?
<pachumicchu[m]1> For a nixos service I'm creating a systemd service and setting serviceConfig.stateDirectory to a directory that does not exist yet(gets created in preStart on first run) and I get that error that the path doesn't exist. But I didn't know it needed to exist and in various services in nixpkgs the directory would have also not existed yet. Am I missing something on how the stateDirectory option works?


<infinisil> That doesn't look like something that's caused by anything NixOS specific tbh
<eyJhb> Logs from boot, if anyone might know something - https://termbin.com/w2xvv
<leira> srid: Are you suggeting something like this? https://pastebin.com/7pBC0B9A
<leira> Are you suggeting something like this? https://pastebin.com/7pBC0B9A
<Ke> or something similar
<eyJhb> Because it sounds like I need to change something here - https://github.com/DBCDK/morph/blob/master/examples/simple.nix#L14 to be like, pkgs.currentSystem, something to aarch64
<MichaelRaskin> Unless something is broken!
<numkem> does anyone uses nixos-unstable-small channel for something other than a server?
<srhb> xeijin: I can't guess what happened, unless /mnt/etc was a different mount or something
<omasanori[m]> Is it a lack of human resources, limitation of current CI capacity, or else? Is there something a newcomer like me can help with?
<lassulus> so there should be something like xmonad-x86_64-linux in your .xmonad folder
<zeta_0> clever: nope, the callPackage function needs to be placed somewhere else: `error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /home/zeta/ghc/ghc.nix/shell.nix:4:1


<clever> it will insert the current host platform (32bit or 64bit) into that, and do something like sha256.x86_64-linux
<installingNIX> so you said oraclejdk8.overrideAttrs (old: { src = requireFile { hash = "..."; something = "something"; })
<clever> installingNIX: it would be more like oraclejdk8.overrideAttrs (old: { src = requireFile { hash = "..."; something = "something"; })
<clever> installingNIX: you want something like oraclejdk.overrideAttrs (old: { src = ./path/to/file.tar.gz; })
<duairc> Or maybe there's something in pkgs that has that
<boothead> {^_^} - should that gstreamer thing effect 20.03? I'm thinking I've got something screwy in my config if I'm getting bitten by it...
<boothead> TheSirC[m] how do you run the gphoto | ffmpeg bit? Do you have a service or something?
<boothead> thanks! What's unstable there? Something in lib?
<lassulus> boothead: ah let me try something
<dhess> simpson: so an interesting experiment would be for me to make a PR against your cachix.yml which includes a script that echos the secret using a rot13 or something like that. But I'm not going to do that :)
<dhess> simpson: that seems like a major problem though! Someone as experienced as you can easily make that mistake! Which makes me think there must be something else to this that we're missing.
<Reventlov> aside from networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts, do I need something else to allow http connections to reach a nixos VM on port 8000?
<srhb> energizer: Ultimately something like this did the trick, but I'm sure bqv knows better regarding whether this is the path of least resistance: https://gist.github.com/66eeeaf2b15885b455cfea7e245a5a4f
<srhb> energizer: I patched naersk to throw ${e.url} in that error message in build.nix, because I figured since it was in a toml conversion it'd be something like that. :)
<clever> something to do with the state in xorg for me, causes obs to leak a gig of swap every 5 seconds
<samueldr> if so something's weird here since it's not detecting hardware, it's simply going off from the options
<samueldr> if links under there are not the same, for the same nixos release, it must be because *something* isn't setting hardware.opengl.package the same way in the two configs
<infinisil> This is fast and won't build anything in any case, but it returns a hash you can use to determine if something changed
<selfsymmetric-mu> It takes around half an hour on my machine. I suspect that something in my configuration is causing it to be rebuilt.


<gchristensen> cab404[m]: even if I override `systemd` to be something else it doesn't have an effect
<cab404[m]> <clever "cab404: need more context, what "> a random git pull, it's not something I want to solve, it's a strange random error I for which don't know a cause)
<context> @LnL yeah, i ran something as root cause i kept getting warnings about a root profile not existing, i just wanted the warnings to disappear
<context> I installed nix and nix-darwin, and now im already in a state that I cannot do anything. no matter what i try doing i get permission errors related to .lock files, i cannot uninstall nix-darwin cause permission errors, and if i use sudo i get something about nixpkgs not found
<clever> Fare: that sounds like something you can do without recursive nix
<clever> maybe something like PGO, where you give it a blob from past analasis?
<gchristensen> of course everything goes badly if you have something with a very large graph of small paths
<clever> you dont really want to use /. you want to always start with something relative like ./.
<pie_> that it uses internally, or something
<clever> infinisil: grub does something similar, via /boot/grub/state
<LnL> last time I tried to make something like that nix wouldn't track the drv as a dependency
<andi-> I am running into that mkShell issue so often we might want to add an `allowBuilding` flag or something
<chrismatheson> you sail "it fails with clang I expect" was that asking if I has tried installing the package where clang is used as the compiler over (id guess) a default gcc or something ?
<noonien> i currently have something of the sort for project derivations: `{ nixpkgs, deps, ... }: {local, deps, ...}: mkDerivation`
<freezeboy> noonien you mean something with modules ?
<infinisil> Something must've changed
<alexissa> Does anyone have an idea of why I can't install something on my Darwin custom store path built nix? https://pastebin.com/vnkvAVqD


<arianvp> hmm is that flag enabled by default on nixos or something?
<immae> like trying to configure some services, and at some point you’ll have to override something deeper and that’s where you’ll start (hopefully) understanding the plumbing.
<timokau[m]> nature: python3 and perl are the two main scripting languages, you're almost guaranteed to have something installed that depends on them
<lassulus> you can also run something like nix-collect-garbage --delete-older-than 30d
<energizer> you can do `nix-collect-garbage -d` but be aware it will delete old versions so if you break something you wont be able to roll back
<ToxicFrog> I don't know if there's something similar for bash
<antilooper> domenkozar[m] hello, what is the proper way to run nix-env in github action workflows to install something? nix-env -i git is not working for me
<eyJhb> If I want to apply a patch to a import or something like that, e.g. a channel, then how does something like this work? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/67930/files, I am confused about the syntax. Is it given a attrSet as input to the function?
<tobiasBora> Hello, on debian-like distro, I was able to find a dictionnary for some languages in something like /usr/share/dict/fr.txt but on nixos I can't find this file. Where could I get a list of words of a language?
<jakobrs> Alternatively you can have separate configurations for "developer" and "general" that you can switch between, using something like `nesting.clone` or (in unstable) `specialisation`
<eyJhb> Is it possible to apply patches to nixpkgs as a channel, using the NixOS config? I remember someone linking me something like that, but unable to find it anymore
<acidpointer[m]> Hello, guys! Im looking for something like aur in nixos. There are any user channels, or something else?
<raghavsood> Maybe just a missed webhook or something?
<kini> my-venv`. Am I doing something wrong?


<clever> you must clearly return something that doesnt contain .foo or .bar
<colemickens> Hm. I have likely cross wired something from working on my pi config and infected my desktop config.
<fresheyeball> clever: so I learned something interesting
<fresheyeball> thanks this gives me something to work with
<sreybastien[m]> Hi, perhaps someone specialized on crypto / Luks could help me to understand something, i finally find the way to configure correctly LVM + LUKS. I'm not sure my config is ok because the passphrase is only asked one time at stage 1, and not two time like many doc says. Anyone as similar config ?
<eyJhb> Should it be { something = false; } // { if (cfg.bookmarks != null) then bookmarks = false; else } , or how should I go about it?
<buffet> hey, when i package something and use niv to manage the source, are there any best pracices on what to do with the version field? (or is it optional maybe even?)
<cole-h> garbas++ Thanks for pointing that issue out to someone who could do something about it :)
<srhb> nilsirl[m]: Most people tend to use a git repo or something for it, and push it off elsewhere.
<duairc> I guess coercedTo does something like that
<dminuoso> So.. `nix-env --uninstall busybox` does not get rid of `less` from my profile. Am I missing something?
<af1cs> I am trying to use kdeconnect; shouldn't kdeconnectd be under /run/current-system/sw? and kdeconnect-app seems to be missing. Am I doing something wrong?
<adisbladis> af1cs: It seems to have helped. Maybe you didn't also bump the googlemaps bindings or something similar?
<davidtwco> I updated my pinned nixpkgs yesterday, updating Nix and now whenever I run any nix-build (e.g. nix-build <nixpkgs> -A patchelf) then it fails with "Nix daemon out of memory" (nix (Nix) 2.4pre20200719_a79b6dd) - known bug or something I can fix?
<stoile> sreybastien[m]: So you can enter the passphrase, boot the system, adjust the config, do nixos-rebuild and retry? Do you have /mnt/boot on your system? My guess is that this path exists only during install. Can you move the key somewhere else (/root or /var/lib/keys or something like that), use that path in your config, nixos-rebuild and reboot?
<infinisil> It's a bit more complicated than just importing /nixos, but yeah something like this might work
<clever> jgart[m]: also, `unset $NIX_PATH` wont work, the $ causes it to unset something else


<clever> you can override that with { configuration = something; }
<numkem> clever: but something that does works is nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A config.system.build.virtualBoxOVA -I nixos-config=configuration.nix -I nixpkgs=/home/numkem/src/nixpkgs/nixos
<numkem> I might as well be the only one who uses the ova stuff for something other than nixos-demo
<freezeboy> Guest60204 you should read something like name = "nixos-20.03.2611.bb8f0cc2279", then you can compare the last part with the commit id in status.nixos.org
<srhb> sneknek[m]: Yeah, that would probably make it clearer. Though if it really is a runtime dep of something else and not just your top level system, referrers might show you easier. :)
<sneknek[m]> Is there a way to see reverse dependencies of any installed package? I am using plasma-desktop only, but something in my config is pulling gnome-desktop.
<lassulus> is it a dependency of something?
<DerSaidin> I'm not sure which of those approaches would be best (or something else?), and I don't know how to do either of those.


<M0-[m]> does irc handle multiline code blocks well? I want to share something that's around 10 lines but I'm not sure how it looks on the irc end
<samueldr> I'm thinking the solution would be to add a flag, --error-log-on-fail or something along the line, which would use $PAGER for the error that aborted the build
<Graypup_> so I think you'd want something like `old: { extraPkgs = args: old.extraPkgs args ++ [abcde]; }`
<energizer> infinisil: nm it works, i mustve messed something up
<archH> For fractional scaling (Nvidia Gnome3) this didn't do the trick, however this didnt work either, am I missing something? $ gsettings set org.gnome.mutter experimental-features "['scale-monitor-framebuffer']"
<energizer> how do i fetch a derivation from github that's called something other than default.nix?
<neonfuz2> I'm guessing something like a hash is different for some reason than the hydra package?
<srhb> neonfuz2: Not without more information. Presumably, something changed (eg. you updated nixpkgs)
<simpson> Check kernel logs (dmesg) and see if your driver has something preventing it from going. Common culprits are RF kill switches (including software-driven ones, check rfkill) and missing firmware.
<simonpe^^> I guess I was thinking about some global socks proxy setting or something like that, or just general 'aah, been there done that' advice
<infinisil> You can of course use it to package scripts that do something
<infinisil> And Nix doesn't mind something being internal or not, as long as you can package it with Nix there won't be any problems
<aminechikhaoui> "But I'd rather not use CDNs" woah, is there something better nowadays ? :)
<chiiba> is no such route. It's probably going to the default gateway (i.e. totally useless). Am I missing something obvious?
<fps> how can i control arguments passed to meson though? something like --verbose?
<NobbZ[m]> Nix-env doesn't allow for rolling back individual packages. You might be able to simulate something similar by using multiple channels pointing to different versions of nixpkgs where you install your software from.
<NobbZ[m]> If you use something else to manage your software, use what ever is appropriate for that way of managing the software.
<clever> unclechu: using something like niv, you can easily specify sha256's and then be protected from that


<hexa-> if I have an optional attribute in an attrset, how would I write a check that does something based on it being est?
<superbaloo> just experimenting something else :)
<superbaloo> I thought I was missing something
<clever> superbaloo: i think something is detecting that your doing static builds, and it moves all of the buildInputs to propagatedBuildInputs
<clever> gueorgui: it sounds like the SD card is formatted with something weird
<mudri> Maybe changing the GHC version it uses would force it to do something different?
<Graypup_> I am missing something trivial I am sure, but how can I get the derivation path for a given nix store path?
<symphorien> to have something long term, you need to package your program properly with nix and build it manually with nix-build or with something more "integrated" like NixOS or home-manager
<symphorien> prsteele: about putting something in ~/.nix-profile/bin: it's read only, so you can't
<prsteele> Broader question: is it generally acceptable to shove something in ~/.nix-profile/bin ? (In this case, I need to specify where `cabal install hpack` generates an executable. Ordinarily I'd just say something like ~/.local/bin, but I'm trying to adopt Nix idioms)
<clever> mudri: those linker errors look weird, like something is out of date
<symphorien> cabal may have something specific in this regard, though, I don't know about haskell
<evanjs> so if it showed something like "http://localhost:8471/file/ghc-8.8.3-doc/ghc/html/libraries/containers-" instead of "http://localhost:8471/file/<nix-store-ghc-8.8.3-doc>/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/containers-", that would be better?
<Graypup_> ok I have something confusing happening to me in the nix repl: deps = {exportReferencesGraph = [ "foo" d.server ]; } then builtins.toJSON deps returns error: getting status of '[...]/myproject/nix/default.nix': no such file or directory, which is very curious to me because I don't have any imports that point at that
<clever> duairc: nixos has a special "option" called assertions, it takes a list of { assertion = bool; message = "something"; }
<duairc> if !isNull A && B != "foo" then throw "You need to set B to "foo" if you want to use A" ... something like that
<MarcWeber> I haves something for ruby like this: Try to create an env for packages A,B,C and use latest versions and add dependencies.
<eyJhb> But I would imagine, that then it would require a shell.nix, where one can fire off update, or something like that
<eyJhb> What about if I wanted to do something Go like?
<buffet> the alternative wouldve been to symlink that to machines/current or something, but im not really a fan of that
<eyJhb> I really really miss something like this - https://sm.alliedmods.net/api/
<eyJhb> I really wish, we had something like the options page just for functions, like the lib
<srhb> eyJhb: Sure. But take a look at.. I don't know, nixos/tests/i3wm.nix or something one day, to see how simple it is :)
<srhb> Sometimes I go crazy and build a vm or something.
<srhb> Unless you meant including your output package in the shell or something.
<Yaniel> just wondering if I can track it somehow to see if it's waiting for something
<srhb> eyJhb: Yeah, definitely wrapping with symlink or something for that.
<eyJhb> srhb: yeah, maybe. But recompiling firefox, to add 10 bytes of text to something that is needed at runtime is no fun either
<colemickens> when I nix-tree my system's closure, I see "systemd-boot-builder.py". Shouldn't that only be used at build time? It is shown as a top-level thing, but I suspect it's pulled in by something like nixos-rebuild? Can I configure the system to exclude those scripts?
<srhb> syd: Maybe take a look at how NixOS/home-manager generates their manuals and see if there's something reasonably detached to plug into.
<xeijin> then in `hosts/cloud-vps/default.nix` I want to be able to enable a 'role' (or even a part of it) by doing something like `roles.remote.enable = true;` or `roles.remote.ssh.enable = true;`


<evanjs> I think the question I actually want to ask is "shouldn't this be something we do on the nix expression side?"
<patagonicus> Hmm. I'm trying to nixos-install a system on /dev/loop0, but grub is telling me that it can't find a grub device for /dev/loop0p1 (mounted at /mnt/boot) and that I should check device.map. This used to work a few months ago - does anyone know if something changed or if I'm just holding it wrong?
<__monty__> Gdb sounds like something I might've run with sudo because of annoying permission issues on macOS.
<confus> I'm a bit shaky with overlays and pretty newI have a set of packages in `./pkgs/`then I have a `./default.nix` that I already works with nix-build `./default.nix` and does what I wantthe default nix looks something like:```{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:rec { package1 = pkgs.callPackage ./pkgs/Package1 {}; # ... package9 = pkgs.callPackage
<patagonicus> xejin: Probably worth filing a bug for that. And you don't have to use what nixos-generate-config is generating, it's more of a convenience thing. So just add it yourself (`"/boot" = { device = "/dev/sda2"; type = "vfat"; };` or something like that).
<armin> localectl gives me "Failed to set keymap: Changing system settings via systemd is not supported on NixOS." and i can't find something like keymap in the nixos options. what am i doing wrong?
<asheshambasta> srk: yeah I guessed it could be something like that;
<armin> jtojnar: yeah but 5 sentences before that you "kindly ask" the reader to do something and then comes this "DO **NOT** DO SOMETHING" thing, i was a bit confused. :)
<TheSirC[m]> Jan Tojnar: I wonder why not enforce those rules with Github Actions of the sorts because it seems that we would end up having some licenses that would still be accepted because maintainers would not have read the memo or something along this line
<asheshambasta> I just resort to a github search for something like `supercollider =` which always has misleading reseults
<redmp> hi, i've encountered a sort of non-deterministic behavior when building a haskell package with `nix-build` .. i'm not sure if it's a problem with a GHC plugin under development, or something to do with nix.. and i'm new enough to both, that i'm not sure i'm capable of debugging it
<abathur> if as an application, the dbus-python mismatch probably needs to be fixed? Unless maybe you're doing something else custom leading to that?
<codygman___> Maybe. Maybe it's something to do with "propagated build inputs" that I know nothing about. Or it's the composeExtensions thing. I'm not sure really, lol. So many things.
<qyliss> Although it depends what timestamp you want. The timestamp of the channel release, or of the commit being applied, or something else?


<nickeraqua> Is there something hardcoded for /nix/var for `nix-build release.nix` maybe?
<nickeraqua> I built Nix with custom store and state directory, but installing something fails with `error: creating directory '/nix/var/log/nix/drvs/i9': Permission denied`. How can I get it to not use /nix?
<AWizzArd> clever: When I try it like this I get the error message: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set
<cransom> veleiro: whatever `services.mysql.dataDir` is set to. typically something in /var/lib
<evanjs> tshaffe1: does something like `command || true` work?
<LnL> with something like that stdenv.cc.libcxx would point to the platform specific thing which the wrapper could use as the default
<LnL> it freaks out with libstdc++ or something
<typetetris> srhb: Yeah, was just a one shot try something out. Normally I go with overlays and yes, you have to combine overrides for haskell there yourself, I know.
<bianca> I compiled nix from source with custom state and store dirs and also set their environmental variables, but when I tried to build something, it tried to create a directory in /nix/var/log/nix/drvs/i9. How can I get it to go to my custom state dir?
<raghavsood> Mostly because doing something with GH actions is on my todo list, and I haven't played around with them yet
<bianca> Long term I plan to do it the right way, but right now I just need to get something done with the current system as root.
<bqv> something to bear in mind, i guess


<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but an integer, at (string):318:1
<itshaydendev> Just found something on the HM github, looks like its a corruption thing
<nickeraqua> Looks like something about perl?
<TheSirC[m]> I thought I broke something again, now I am reliefed
<notgne2> is there any portable SSH or other shell service you can easily run on NixOS? it'll only be accessed through an SSH tunnel so security isn't a concern, I just want something more friendly (with an actual prompt) than `nc | bash`
<manveru> you could probably build something simiilar if you have enough motivation :)