
<evanjs> yeah I have a vague recollection that it was either something on the NixOS side or just something like Postman
<evanjs> yeah I probably should try using something like that
<bennofs[m]> ah I see. But I think you need to use haskell.lib.overrideSrc or something
<drag0nius> so when i build something locally i'd have it on all 3 at once
<alexarice[m]> I guess the real solution would be to put package specific settings under something like `package-settings.<name>`
<simpson> jazmit: Thinking on your situation more, I used to do something analogous to exactly what you want (but with Fossil instead of git), and the overall workflow was to switch between revisions of the entire repo with my nixops .nix configuration. Fossil quirks made it painful to maintain this for any length of time, so it usually only happened if something broke while adding a new machine to the fleet.
<alexarice[m]> infinisil: Is this sort of setup (having some specific settings in a submodule setup) something that these freeform modules can do?
<simpson> jazmit: Yeah, that's probably not what you want. If you really do want to refer to a local nearby directory, you can insert its path directly, as `./.` but there's probably something better. You want that local repo to take on many different versions? Why not fetch the many different versions from your upstream repo?
<srhb> siraben: Something needs to pass those arguments
<srhb> siraben: Something that looks like { ... }: is a function that takes ... arguments
<srhb> The more I look at it though, the more I think it's more related to something more than distro specific patches...
<srhb> That said, I don't really know what their motivation is and whether we should respect it. I guess it's something like trying to avoid supporting distro specific patches?
<kini> srhb: Well, who is "we"? The NixOS expression for building the kernel is probably not something well understood by the average NixOS user.
<kini> It doesn't say "Only if", but still, would it make sense to append something to the `uname -r` string for NixOS kernels like other distros do? Is there a reason we don't do that currently?
<clever> siraben: it should be something like this, { package = pkgs.rustPlatform.buildRustPackage { ... }; }
<woobilicious> should nix-channel --list something for a normal user?
<evanjs> I know there's something about _ over - IIRC
<evanjs> e.g. `nix eval -f channel:nixos-unstable ghc.version` or something
<vika_nezrimaya> either I'm doing something wrong or home-manager does something wrong unknowingly
<evanjs> Told you it was something I made without thinking lol
<tpw_rules> and if disk space is truly at a premium, you know you can delete something and get back an identical copy when you need it
<evanjs> Assuming I need to explicitly type bar or font or something
<vika_nezrimaya> last time I checked it got me something like "There's no binary cache here. Go to cache.nixos.org"
<cole-h> And I also don't know much about fontconfig, so I can't help there. You likely want to add something to the localConf, but I don't know what.
<vika_nezrimaya> cole-h, sorry, I summon you again. Maybe you know something?...


<jlv> I guess I could just do something like `pkgs' = pkgs // { ... }`?
<clever> jumper149: yeah, an overlay doing something = buildEnv { paths = [ pinentry-curses ]; }; might do it
<matthuszagh10> bqv: ok yeah i was thinking of something like that. guess i just need internet then nixos-generate-config
<vika_nezrimaya> just deploy from a flake or something
<Cadey> i'm trying to do something insane
<_habnabit> simpson, if i am going down this path, whether the derivations come from a newer nixpkgs or i define them by hand, i don't know how to turn the distributions into something that i can put into environment.systemPackages
<redmp> is it something like `nix-store -q --references <store-path>`?
<iwq> is there a way to accept input in nix (the language) at runtime? something like a scanf in C
<dminuoso> Hiya. I want to use-package something from github (not available on elpa/melpa). What's the protocol for this?
<vika_nezrimaya> Something's wrong with L75!
<joesventek> So how unstable is "unstable" actually? Is it akin to something like Arch Lunix and usable as a daily driver or are regular issues expected?
<bqv> I use virtualenvs unless its something I can control
<vika_nezrimaya> something something PEP 518 pyproject.toml something something
<vika_nezrimaya> I've heard it's a build tool or something
<nobrak> i'm trying to override the Attrs of this package https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/networking/cluster/k9s/default.nix. But running into the following error: https://pastebin.com/DNpeBDUH . Is this related to needing to update the "vendorSha256" value? If so how can I obtain what should be the new value? Or is it something else?
<niso> bqv: guess i'll play a little bit longer with it first, maybe i'm just missing something
<bqv> Or something
<infinisil> Something similar yeah
<maralorn> I give them a probability distribution of 50,10,20,5 missing probability accounts for the fact that it could be something else.


<zangi> something like that
<numkem> is there a way to install a global KDE theme? It used to work just fine on Arch but it doesn't work on Nix, I assume it has something to do with paths, just wondering if someone found a way to make it work
<vika_nezrimaya> lunik1: ryantm might have something to say about auto updates
<Unode> nij: what you also find with nix is that most users eventually contribute something because once you learn it, it's not that hard to add some things. In other communities you are often "just a user" and never go past that.
<lunik1> nij: yes, look into something like backblaze b2 or amazon glacier
<vika_nezrimaya> on the upside, if you do figure out how to do something, it will work
<lunik1> you usually only have to compile something if you've done some overrides (or you're using one of the -small channels)
<vika_nezrimaya> If it fails, it will always fail unless you change something!
<bqv> or at least, it's doewnloading something
<vika_nezrimaya> clever: I use flakes tho so it'll be something like `nix build --impure "nixpkgs#wineStaging.overrideAttrs (old: { src = ./.; })"
<vika_nezrimaya> something between invisibile and imperceptible
<a-h> Any pointers on how to do that? I'm not sure how I'd go about disabling the documentation. I didn't realise it wasn't a change to a README or something until you said!
<a-h> I probably did something stupid, so I wiped out /nix and tried reinstalling everything from scratch.
<a-h> I wanted to upgrade to the latest version of Go, but something went _very_ wrong and I ended up with incorrect permissions on the nix store directory.
<iwq> but although it seems to work for top-most level, when i try to traverse the structure it evaluates something and fails at AAAAsomething
<daddy_james[m]> would I have to clear my nix store or something and rebuild it to fix it?


<bqv> am i having a stroke or something?
<maralorn> unclechu: Something like this: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/e087c629a4f8f7c2f4ece449a0e6e9a99577088b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-common.nix#L1398-L1403 There are tons of more of examples like this in that file.
<unclechu> infinisil: yeah, i though about something like patching the cabal file
<scoates> I keep running into a problem where something (not nix itself; in this case pipenv) is trying to build, within a nix-shell, clang doesn't work how it seems it should. In this case: `fatal error: 'CoreServices/CoreServices.h' file not found` ; is there somewhere specific I should read? Looks like lots of old/broken info in searches.
<scoates> I keep running into a problem where something (not clang; in this case pipenv) is trying to build, within a nix-shell, clang doesn't work how it seems it should. In this case: `fatal error: 'CoreServices/CoreServices.h' file not found` ; is there somewhere specific I should read? Looks like lots of old/broken info in searches.
<jared-w> veleiro: nix-shell can do a lot. It's not super great at "globally" dealing with resources that aren't symlinks, though (since that's more or less all it does). You can abuse shellHook to do things on entering a shell, but I don't know of any sane way to cleanly tear down resources when leaving a shell. Unless I'm missing something?
<blueberrypie> I think I might need to do something so the Nix build system is aware of the file but I'm not sure what.
<dsal> Thanks for the options. Hopefully I can get a little bit of cloud doing something useful.
<Church-> infinisil: So maybe I'm missing something... https://paste.rs/XZM when using it complains that "error: The option `services.teleport.settings.freeformType' defined in `/etc/nixos/teleport.nix' does not exist." am I still misusing Free Form modules somehow?
<stu_[m]> Do I have to enable something first to make it work or is there another way to make it work?
<stu_[m]> Do I have to enable something first to make it work or is there another way to fix it?
<FRidh> Raito_Bezarius: you need to actually hardcode the path to the library in the python code using something like substituteInPlace / sed / a patch
<dsal> What's the easiest way to make sure something is running (i.e., supervised by systemd)?
<jtojnar> zeta_0 something like `cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`
<simpson> Packaging a Haskell library with a Makefile and no .cabal file. I figure that I can turn http://mbays.freeshell.org/pappy/pappy/Makefile into something for the generic Haskell builder somehow?


<ottidmes> If I want to test both nix and nixFlakes with their corresponding nix-daemons how would I best go about that? I would like to do this as part of a test suite for something that uses nix extensively, but as far as I know and have tested, it will always use the nix-daemon of my system
<Church-> However, it is vital for the node to start up. So it is something I need to set via default.
<Church-> Looking to generate a roughly 48 char alphaneumaric string. `'a4af8a8s7f7a6r3ub29234429fusf...'` for example. Could just write something up myself, but would be nice if there was already a util for this.
<Pwnna> maybe i'm doing something wrong
<kaliumxyz> I have a program which requires something to be set at /usr/share, I can build it and it works fine however it reports not having all its files.
<jtojnar> you can pass something like `python = python.overrideAttrs (attrs: { passthru = (attrs.passthru or {}) // { stdenv = myStdenv; }; });` to `buildPythonPackage`
<immae> otherwise you can add: "patchSheBangs $out/bin/myscript" in the command above it will convert the shebang part into something "self-contained" (but only based on the content of the shebang)
<immae> Shados: what is in the shebang line then? Usually there is only something like /usr/bin/env bash
<elvishjerricco> Also, when I'm NOT doing something like watching a youtube video, how do I get it to activate the screen locker when it puts the display to sleep?
<elvishjerricco> How do I get xfce to stop putting the display to sleep when I'm watching a youtube video or something?


<buffet> hey, i rebuild my server recently, using --target-host, and i couldnt boot it afterwards anymore (failed to mount /mnt-root). it might have something to do with me using -I, is there any info on this? i cant do much testing rn sadly
<jasom> just because it's been a while since I've done this; what's the best way if I want to build a package that already exists in nixos, but with added buildInputs and make flags? I can just copy the whole expression and make an overlay, but maybe there's something better? (in this specific case it's building squashfs-tools with LZO support).
<AndroUser> https://pastebin.com/x8xAXHnY this is the output of `journalctl -p 3` and something tells me that something with the coredump stuff ain't working with just those few options 😅 still not sure what the cause is, though the Hw error is kinda New in there (previously it complained about amd_kvm not being enabled)
<manveru> usually `cannot coerce a function to a string` means you aren't giving something you try to interpolate enough arguments to turn it from function to string
<feffe[m]> so anything that needs to change something in the derivation after the fact can be a pain to work with, unless someones already prepared a derivation with that in mind
<feffe[m]> no, vs code live share needs to patch the binary afaik, or something along those lines at least
<feffe[m]> * nij: stuff that needs to patch something after it's built, like vscode live share for example
<bbarker> ok, so may be something else
<niksnut> you can say something like: inputs.nixpkgs.url = github:NixOS/nixpkgs/<rev>;
<niso> niksnut: thus i was wondering if there is something like a reference repository which already solves gotchas like that
<immae> felschr[m]: it’s not set by default, but if it remained null the derivation wouldn’t build. So something must override the null value
<redmp> ahh... energizer something like `{ makeEnv ? false }:` in default.nix?
<spease> Looks like the derivation (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/libraries/mesa/default.nix) pulls from https://mesa.freedesktop.org/archive . This redirects to https://archive.mesa3d.org , I wonder if that could be a recent change and have something to do with it?
<clever> spease: nix-env will generate that automatically when you install something


<clever> jlv: unpackPhase = "cp -vi $src something";
<W1lkins> probably something super simple I'm missing as I'm new to nixos, but what exactly is going wrong here?
<simpson> _user: Isn't that apples to oranges? NPM is a package manager; it fetches packages, or bundles of modules. autotools configures and builds packages. I suppose also that "from scratch" is something of a strange term, since *both* all computing is from scratch and *also* nobody here is cooking their own rocks to make their own CPUs.
<bqv> i know about that option, i was hoping something could be done with --option or --arg
<_user> is there a string-to-attrs type nix builtin? something that could convert `[ "pkg1" "pkg2" ]` to `with pkgs; [ pkg1 pkg2 ]`
<jakob_rs> I'd recommend doing something like `boot.kernelPackages = nixos-unstable.linuxPackages_latest; boot.extraModulePackages = with config.boot.kernelPackages; [ v4l2loopback ];`
<jakob_rs> More specifically, is there something special about the way the `builtin:builenv` builder registers dependencies? (note that the store derivation for ~/.nix-profile has an empty inputDrvs)
<jakob_rs> Are all dependencies normally always a build output of something in the `inputDrvs` part of the derivation?
<jakob_rs> For example the original paper claims that if you write something like "${bash}/bin/bash", Nix won't count bash as a dependency iirc
<bqv> Something as substantial as h-m should be a flake
<nature> Can I "import" multiple attribute in the namespace with the "with" keywords ? let's say something like: `with pkgs.vimPlugins, pkgs.vimUtils;` ?
<seanparsons> infinisil: It appears to be because I had a `config.packageOverrides` adding something to `pkgs.haskell.packages.ghc864` if I try to add a different package I've built and that override isn't referenced anymore, somehow it's rematerialising.
<seanparsons> Does `nixos-rebuild` also build the old configuration as well as the new one? I've just removed something which used to depend on ghc864 from my config and now `nixos-rebuild switch` complains about `ghc864` not existing.
<cosarara> hi there! I'm trying to install otb bitmap fonts on my new nixos system but I'm having trouble. I'm looking at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/75160 which I see is too new an effort for 20.03, so I tried to get terminus and dina from the unstable channel, but I'm doing something wrong. This is my config https://p.teknik.io/zFd6C
<Mic92> in case something was changed in the nix store.
<immae> do you have something in DISPLAY environment variable? (not sure it’s the same on macos, I hope it’s not too far from linux)
<kini> siraben: not sure, but what's the full command you're running to start `nix-shell`? also have you tried opening a new terminal and trying to reproduce it there? also by delete do you mean actual delete or backspace? Does $TERM show something different inside and outside the nix-shell? What happens if you run the `reset` command inside the nix-shell and try again? Does the output of `stty -a` look different inside and outside the nix-shell?
<clever> i think dummy is something i did a while back while playing with it, and nixos isnt a program, but a full copy of nixpkgs
<clever> when you `nix-channel --update nixos`, it will do something like `nix-env -i -E .... --profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels` to "install" a thing called "nixos" to the profile
<_habnabit> and is there a way to easily mount the rootfs readonly? whether that means rebooting or something i can do online
<clever> _habnabit: something has changed since boot (but not nixpkgs), so you still have 2 profiles rooted, but they likely share a lot


<_habnabit> did i break something again,
<praduca> Cant figure out if this is a bug or if I'm doing something wrong
<_habnabit> so, just to clarify.. nixpkgs will only have one version of python, and if i need an older version like 3.7, i should be using something like pyenv to build it?
<energizer> something like that i would guess. you can check the home-manager vim modules to see some examples
<nature> ok so if I understand with asyncomplete (https://github.com/prabirshrestha/asyncomplete.vim) I could have something like plugins = [ { name = "asyncomplete"; src = pkgs.fetchFromGithub {...}; file = "autoload/asyncomplete.vim" } ]
<energizer> something like that
<higherorder> immae: https://nixos.org/nix/manual/; the manual mentions something called "pure evaluation mode" in which things like fetchGit without rev are disabled. I wanted to check if `fetchUrl` was also disabled
<immae> maybe NIX_PATH=.=something is valid?
<angelos> do you see something wrong here?
<angelos> energizer I am sending you the commands I run, to tell me if I miss something then
<Ke> chmod 755 helped, so someone does mounts as nonroot or something
<Ke> am I really the only one who does nixos-instal on not mnt or is there something silly on mktemp or installer
<daddy_james[m]> How does /tmp work in nixos? It doesn’t get cleared at boot, does it get automatically cleared when you run out of hdd space or something?
<Soft> actually I am not sure if the issue is because python is missing or if fontforge is just using cmake macros wrong, or something
<higherorder> Also, another question: what's the best resource to learn Nix? Nix Pills? Or is there something else I'm missing out on?
<Mic92> jurlerci: if you use something like krops, they also provide you means of managing a NIX_PATH declarativly
<jakob_rs> So if it is the right commit, it's possibly caused by a combination of a Linux update, this PR *and* something else
<jurlerci> the same 5, not that its limited to the latest 5 or something*
* DigitalKiwi wonders if kicad does something like what you're asking


<Raito_Bezarius> looking for a way to see if that's something due to the network or something else
<Raito_Bezarius> I mean, can I just do "nix-build -A something" and get the nixos-generate-config standalone so I can copy it on remote systems to perform the stuff
<bqv> or something
<bqv> evanjs: for future reference, you might benefit from mount namespaces. if you "umount -ar" you can then unmount /tmp, or mount something more palatable on it, without affecting the rest of your system
<etu> Mic92: Uhm, I don't know the ins and outs of it... But if you have a shell in a direnv with lorri it will recheck next time you evaluate that prompt (pretty much), I guess something like that happens with direnv in emacs as well that next time you open a file or something it does a recheck.
<mudri> Ah, that's something else I've been meaning to learn. Yeah, I'll have a look, thanks!
<jurlerci> i think im still doing something wrong :( is there some thing where it doesnt allow newlines or something?
<jurlerci> sphalerite: sorry im still confused, with my understanding, that code is creating something in the nixstore that contains the psf font, but how does it get turned into a string with the path to that file?
<sphalerite> siraben: something's definitely wrong there, it's trying to import a javascript file as nix!
<siraben> Maybe it's something to do with the packages.json file
<sphalerite> something like `pkgs.runCommandNoCC "tewi-consolefont" ''unpackFile ${pkgs.tewi-font.src}; cd * ; ${pkgs.bdf2psf}/bin/bdf2psf …''`


<sphalerite> dottedmag: I'm not sure I have a working snippet handy, but the gist of it should look something like… buildLinux { src = _your_tarball_here_; version = "5.7.7"; configfile = ./kernel-config; kernelPatches = []; autoModules = false; }
<typetetris> o1lo01ol1o: Sorry, but I think your out of luck, if you didn't had it in git or something.
<clever> energizer: something is wrong with your $PATH
<clever> energizer: re-creating the deps would be difficult, and recreating the hash can cause problems if something is corrupted
<drakonis> something something permission denied
<fooker> and something in that module, which evaluates to config.foo + "bar"
<fooker> is there something like a "contant" for modules?
<kini> It looks like the ofborg x86_64-darwin builder has been down for a couple of days? But I don't see any instance metrics for it at https://monitoring.nix.ci/d/000000002 . I guess the x86_64-darwin builder is a non-cloud machine, or something?
<infinisil> The only place I use with is when I need to quickly test something so I put `with import <nixpkgs> {}` at the start of the file
<infinisil> Something like that would be nice indeed
<maralorn> Crawling hydra with beautiful soup feels like something for which we should have a better solution …
<maralorn> karantan: Not sure. Maybe it has something to do with systemd.services ... restartIfChanged or restartTriggers option?
<Ke> maybe try to systemd show default.target or something
<Ke> not sure, if there is something specific for this
<wucke13> Is there a nix option to automatically write something in to a file in /sys on every boot?
<lunik1> hmm my nixos system is doing something weird. says it can't find default.target and kicks me to the recovery shell
<srhb> chiiba: Something like: `nix-build <nixpkgs/nixos> --argstr configuration /path/to/your/vm/config.nix -A config.systemd.build.vmwareImage
<chiiba> srhb: If the result will be an additional attribute, then am I supposed to extract it as a file using `nix-instantiate --eval` or something similiar? Or at least would it be possible?
<srhb> _habnabit: Usually you'll use something like pkgs.writeText to write it out from some more specific config options
<_habnabit> srhb, is that something different from mkDistribution
<_habnabit> DigitalKiwi, consul has options, but i kinda don't like how it's set up? if i want to run it myself without upstreaming my work, i'm not sure if i should do that the same way or make a consul-alt package which sets up the service or something else
<benley> I'm trying to package a commercial app that ships with a bunch of its own libraries, including QT and libxcb, and I'm not sure if it's causing problems to mix them with nixos versions or if something else is going on


<bqv> i'd want something that just takes a built system, maybe some extra config and some secrets, and does magic stuff with it
<qyliss> Once something's in a list in a NixOS module, it's basically impossible to get it out
<arinov> can you give a link or something explained how?
<eyJhb> Yeah, I assume! That should be possible to do something like that in my main configuration, right?
<eyJhb> But we do like those! I am guessing you can do something pkgs import ./ something ?
<eyJhb> So if you set the nixpkgs in your conf file, to something with a package not in the current nixpkgs, you have to rebuild with the new nixpkgs path added ti nix.nixPath, then you can add the package to your config
<eyJhb> So.. There is a fun thing with NixOS, you can set your paths with nix. something. but, they will only take effect on the next build...
<Pwnna> how do I append something into shellhook?
<Pwnna> I tried to do something like (callPackage ./default.nix {}).overrideAttrs (_: { nativeBuildInputs = [nodejs]; })
<Pwnna> oh maybe i'm doing something else wrong.. I'm trying to have buildPythonPackage in default.nix and trying to callPackage ./default.nix and overrideAttrs the nativeBuildInputs so I can have some executables available during development mode
<dxb[m]> <cdknight[m] "Meh, I got a working configurati"> i was able to get a pi zero w image running that lets me ssh in over usb… but it's running 19.09 or something and isn't getting a network connection from the laptop so i gotta figure that stuff out
<sphalerite> ok, this seems to be a bug in make-modules-closure or something… and it only happens on aarch64
<symphorien[m]> I think there is one (nix-query-tree or something like that)
<cdknight[m]> it was the same, but in windows, back when I used to use it it used to say something about the USB needing repairing, then it would hang
<cdknight[m]> yeah it'd probably be best to hook to a display, get a working nixos, and dump the image to a file or something
<cdknight[m]> something like pi uart is what it is
<cdknight[m]> yeah you can probably just clone the sd card or something afterwards
<cdknight[m]> hmm okay is there another image I can use or something
<dxb[m]> cdknight: are you using the official image? or that one? or something else?
<cdknight[m]> I was going to post something about struggling to install nixos on a 3b+ and then I saw what you posted dxb
<energizer> i have a bluetooth adapter embedded in my mobo, and another one embedded in my 802.11AX wifi pcie card. `bluetoothctl list` only shows one, and i think it's the mobo one. do i need to do something special to enable bluetooth on the new wifi card?


<emily> it does get annoying when you want to tweak something in a package that has some convoluted connection to stdenv bootstrap
<emily> can anyone comment on the current state of Nix on macOS these days? is Big Sur going to make things better, worse, or the same? can you properly have an encrypted-with-your-FileVault-password `/nix` on an encrypted `/` yet (I remember there being some options but them only mounting after login or something)?
<cole-h> The best you can do is use `unstable.some_package` after binding unstable to something
<qyliss> (If it's just fixing something that was broken before, it's probably appropriate)
<GuillaumeChrel[m> I hacked package (mblaze) to fix something. I made a pull request to master only. Should I also do a PR to nixos-20.03 and unstable?
<qyliss> I suspect you have to put something in your sway config to exec it
<Graypup_> i just did something incredibly cool https://i.imgur.com/7URhaQ8.png
<siraben> I think the message gets quoted or something
<qyliss> Oh, actually, programs.swayidle.enable is something custom. Ignore that.
<siraben> Right. There was something like nix-env -iE '*' or something
<DigitalKiwi> or yellow and something else


<KarlJoad> Is it possible to link something from /nix/store to a standard location like /var/www?
<numkem> xeijin: I've managed to build it through hydra without issues but the deploying (to a docker registry) is something I haven't found how
<__monty__> Don't tell anyone but what I want is something as close as possible to a simple "accept" button, minimum friction. I don't really care whether that has implications on enforceability of the license >.> <.<
<jlv> __monty__: you could use something like `nixpkgs.config.acceptTheseTerms`, similar to `nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree`.
<jlv> Something that could abstract the cabal stuff.
<jlv> srhb: I guess I was expecting something simpler. Something like `buildHaskellPackage { ...; propagatedBuildInputs = with haskellPackages; [ ... ]; }`.
<numkem> hence why I'm thinking of writing something that would use `programs.sqlite`
<infinisil> numkem: I'm not using any command-not-found myself. Just manually nix-locate when I need something
<infinisil> > let key = "something"; ${key} = { val = key; }; in something
<infinisil> __monty__: I'm not sure if there's even something that checks license attributes
<__monty__> I'm packaging something that has two licenses (a license and an appendix), I can easily define an attrset with all the license attributes spdxId, url, etc., and meta.license can be a list but it looks like it's usually used for multi-licensed projects where you can choose which license you want to use it under. How do I specify two licenses in an AND relation?
<djahandarie> Should I somehow add the checkout as a channel, or is there some nix-env command to just directly install something from the directory?
<simonpe^^> would I be able to do something like `buildPhase = "source ${fn builtins.getEnv "NIX_BUILD_TOP} && build"`?
<immae> (I do have a nix-1615929-0/ in /tmp, maybe proot is doing something there too?)
<immae> so yes maybe proot is doing something
<Graypup_> my neovim from outside my nix env is trying to run a command but failing since it is somehow deleting the PATH entries or something?? wat
<realisation> yeah, I was just experimenting with shell scripts and for whatever reason I thought that if you do something like cat='mouse' then you'd be able to do $cat afterwards - but that's not right even with a vanilla shell script
<srhb> something something launchctl? :-)
<realisation> this time around I had to do something special to get it to install on catalina
<realisation> woah do you have multiple clipboards or something?
<energizer> moet: there's probably a `first` function in lib.lists or something
<infinisil> moet: But derivations themselves are attribute sets too, which is why something like `buildEnv { ... } // { inherit a b; }` would allow you to either do `nix-build` to build the buildEnv or `nix-build -A a` to build those a/b
<moet> i guess i could use default arguments for b/default.nix to point at ../a/default.nix or something ..
<colemickens> I'm going to assume jonringers karma overflowed or something.
<infinisil> Ah I guess this would be a good opportunity to teach you something


<colemickens> I think I want/need something more like this: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/3028
<joesventek> Is there an easy way to make lightdm just start my ~/.xsession (or ~/.xinitrc)? Something like setting services.xserver.displayManager.defaultSession to some magic value?
<srhb> pikajude: I've noticed something similar on Linux, and I think the problem is in nix-index rather than the cache being empty.
<infinisil> I haven't done anything with this though, I just remember seeing something like that
<clever> bqv: if nix cant write to something under /nix/, it will try to use the unix socket
<bqv> I realise this is something I need to solve generally, because I just have lots of shitty partial solutions everywhere
<bqv> { a = { b = 1; }; c = 2; } to something like { "a/b" = 1; c = 2; }
<infinisil> eyJhb: I wish we had something like home-managers news
<Graypup_> does super.haskell.packages.${ghcVer}.override *replace* the entire haskell package set? or something?
<energizer> hmm i ought to check i'm not accidentally building chromium or something
<srhb> energizer: Why your nix is pointing at something wrong I'm frankly not sure. Could be a damaged store path? Might want to verify at least.
<henri> srhb: Thanks. Then something must be wrong with my channel setup because I still have postfix 3.4.14 and the update to 3.4.16 was committed 5 days ago.
<pjt_014[m]> siraben: It might be in the settings for that VM. If not then either you need to edit some stuff manually or virtualbox doesn't have that level control in which case you'd need to switch to qemu or something.
<drakonis> its truly something
<matthewcroughan> but now I cannot nix-rebuild switch from stable, since something has happened.
<dxb[m]> <matthewcroughan "dxb that doesn't reveal *anythin"> then you can probably find the source for that command. but that's not something you _need_ to know, especially not this early in your journey. did you look through the source of fdisk before you ever partitioned your drives?
<daddy_james[m]> I'm following this guide for full disk encryption https://cryptsetup-team.pages.debian.net/cryptsetup/encrypted-boot.html and there's something that is probably different on nixos, how get the equivalent effect of editing /etc/crypttab so I don't have to enter my passphrase twice at boot?


<pikajude> Or do I have to do something really convoluted for it
<afreakk> thanks, should be enabled then, must be.. something with my shell then
<srhb> I think vpsfree has something like that for zpool provisioning
<slabity> I want something that would absolutely destroy my partitioning table if done wrong
<sphalerite> typetetris: I think that's the wrong approach, you need to open a hypervisor connection to the lxc driver or something
<clever> jasom: there is something special on it, giving me rw, despite the owner/group saying i shouldnt
<jasom> right, probably systemd doing something fancy
<jasom> clever: neither stat nor getfacl show anything surprising; I'm guessing systemd is doing something
<qyliss> So once something has been assigned a value it can't ever be unassigned
<Snektron> If i understand correctly, i should be able to use something like network.interfaces.<name>.<protocol>.routes, by specifying 'via'
<infinisil> I'd first go for something that works, then figure out if it can be made cleaner
<clever> its in the nix source, but gets ran by something in nixpkgs/nixos]
<clever> simonpe^^: use something in the global bashrc to mess with ~/.nix-defexpr/
<clever> somethings not right then
<clever> matthewcroughan: if you want hw accelerated video decode, add something extra
<matthewcroughan> I still have those bookmarked, but I want to actually use this laptop for something later today, so I want to get a simple video conferencing setup going :D
<clever> so you would do something like
<clever> matthewcroughan: nix-env can search, but only if its loading the overlay, which requires doing something in ~/.local/nixpkgs/overlays i think
<matthewcroughan> This is like sysctl or something in freebsd right? It's just convenience?
<matthewcroughan> Ya, I shouldn't be doing this either, I'm wasting time when I should be doing something else haha


<argc> I think something has gone fairly horribly wrong with my NixOS rig today, and was hoping for some potential insight. I had a few processes randomly freeze and so rebooted; after the reboot, things came up but when I went to connect to my work VPN (via some scripts managed by NixOS) I got some errors about missing data. Forced fsck on / didn't reveal anything, but there are clearly missing files and an attempt to rebuild my configuration yields an error that
<noonien> i see, perhaps github did something strange to it? can you identify the old version and compare them?
<ramses_> Basically, I want to evaluate 80-something nixos configurations in a github action, to make sure that they all build without error. So it will be running on a github-provided ubuntu on which nix is installed
<WRMilling> I figured it would be something like that chipb, just a little bit of learning to be done on my part :)
<Extends> Hi, I'm trying to package something, and so I have to create a symlink in postInstall, but no matter what I put as destination folder, nix tells me that it doesn't exist (I'm doing ln -sf $out/share/ /home/<user>/folder)
<jakob_rs> Sound doesn't work, but only on nixos-unstable, and only with linuxPackages_latest. How would I try to debug something like this?
<clever> you need to modify something to make it NOT modify PATH, because it nukes everything by default
<dminuoso> Using emacsWithPackages, is there a way to use-package something from github, rather than from elpa/melpa/core?
<frodo> Do you think that has something to do with my error?
<matthewcroughan> sway-session is something else
<kini> cole-h: thanks for the link. I wonder if maybe the grafana dashboard excludes /tmp from the fs usage calculation, or something.
<clever> matthewcroughan: there must only be a single imports = [ something ]; in the set
<clever> something else (a nixos module) then reads that from the config tree, and acts on it
<clever> while imperative has <body> being multiple statements, that can have side-effects and not return something
<clever> a function always looks something like `args: <body>`
<matthewcroughan> it's like reverse polish or something
<daddy_james[m]> cus I changed something else in my config
<daddy_james[m]> I want to test something
<matthewcroughan> I cannot assume .enable is not going to start something at boot, right? It's subjective, it's author's decision?
<ornxka> its something thats a pain to make work ffor encrypted root
<matthewcroughan> something about mnt-zpool
<matthewcroughan> Using something like this script, applied to my setup, zpool is valid.
<eyJhb> Can I make a if something != "", where something might only be set sometimes, but give something, a default value?
* Fare is still debugging buildImage. Something fishy happens at the step "Get the files ... *not* present in the old layer"


<noonien> it appears to be, but it's not something i'm fond of :D
<noonien> and, unless you're planning a buggy system, i suggest you don't waste much time to do it either. it's just a one time thing. just make sure you take a note of what you did in case something breaks
<DigitalKiwi> the first time i used it for this laptop i just used it to get something started
<DigitalKiwi> i'm talking about i delete a file or modify it in a way i don't like or inkscape corrupts something i'm working on for hours when it coredumps...
<matthewcroughan> Or is it something I can later apply?
<matthewcroughan> The installation guide for NixOS does not describe FDE. Is it something I have to do before I install?
<DigitalKiwi> zerocostabstrac4: sphalerite wrote something for me maybe it'll be helpful start i'll find it. the real answer you probably want is home manager though
<crazazy[m]> oh matrix formatted something for me