
<clever> much more info!
<clever> ok, "bt full" again and we should see more
<clever> oops, and i didnt spell thtmes right, lol
<clever> but now that i think of it, there is a chance that maybe themes are involved in the crash?
<clever> Mateon1: i think this will restore the themes in the debug build
<clever> i didnt paste in the full theme stuff
<clever> that can be fixed
<clever> until somebody else can fix it
<clever> simplest thing i can think of is to just leave it on the debug build of sddm, since that doesnt crash
<clever> yeah, i'm not seeing much
<clever> can you pastebin the output of journalctl -u display-manager -f -n 200 ?
<clever> so invalid access is less likely to crash, but also easyer to seperate from valid access
<clever> valgrind also increases the gaps between every object on the heap
<clever> yeah
<clever> i referenced it with an absolute path
<clever> neither
<clever> Mateon1: valgrind is a tool to find memory leaks and invalid memory access
<clever> Mateon1: got a second option, one sec
<clever> so its not even sending signals yet
<clever> frame 2 implies that it got a new connection from something, then it tried to connect something and failed hard
<clever> shouldnt be that long
<clever> you will need to crash it again to get a new core against the new sddm
<clever> Mateon1: and if it cant, http://pastebin.com/hWP4Miyy will force debug symbols for sddm!
<clever> Mateon1: next would be "bt full" in the same gdb session, it might find local variables
<clever> file
<clever> Mateon1: if you run "file" on the core, it will tell you which binary the core came from
<clever> Mateon1: gdb /nix/store/foo/bin/X /tmp/core
<clever> Mateon1: or run gdb on it and X, and get a backtrace
<clever> Mateon1: just upload it to any service that allows sharing files
<clever> yumbox: and for that, a bootloader has to be enabled
<clever> yumbox: it doesnt copy the latest kernel to a special name, every kernel has a unique name based on a hash, and you need a bootloader config file to know whcih one is the right one
<clever> ben: then you have no way to boot nixos
<clever> yumbox: its much simpler to add the other distro to the nixos grub, most of the time
<clever> yumbox: i have done it before, but you need to source the nixos grub.conf from the other distro's grub
<clever> with this, nixos will set it on bootup
<clever> boot.kernel.sysctl."kernel.core_pattern" = "/tmp/core.%p.%e";
<clever> Mateon1: its lost on reboot
<clever> but with nix, i can safely download potentialy broken stuff, with zero risk
<clever> which makes it trivial for me to open your coredumps, with any other distro, id have to risk breaking my system by downgrading to your "known-broken" version so gdb can find crap
<clever> another great thing about nixos, i can get the exact same xorg as you by running: nix-store -r /nix/store/sr9yg251855xh3ic3jb4zr3jd959kapr-xorg-server-1.18.4
<clever> if you ran that, then line 135 of your hastebin would have created /tmp/core.2181.X
<clever> as a random example, echo "/tmp/core.%p.%e" > /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern
<clever> Mateon1: using this file, you can modify the default path for cores
<clever> /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern
<clever> Mateon1: something like this might enable it to coredump, then it will wind up in "core" within the current working directory of xorg
<clever> sddm i think
<clever> Mateon1: which display manager did you enable?
<clever> Mateon1: by default, coredumps are off, so you would need to change the ulimit flag when xorg is getting started
<clever> smw_: not much else you can do without the early kernel output, from when the initrd is loading
<clever> smw_: and is it referenced from the uboot config
<clever> Mateon1: first step would be to try and get a coredump out of it
<clever> smw_: could be many things, looking at the uboot config would be one place to start
<clever> kernel level issues, and no serial port on the motherboard
<clever> ive got similar problems with my ZFS issue on my main desktop
<clever> ive got printouts of the pinout, and i always double-check things when plugging it in
<clever> heh
<clever> then you can use one of then as a serial console
<clever> i was thinking you could tie the rx and tx ports of 2 pi's together
<clever> got a second pi?
<clever> double-check that u-boot is loading the initrd correctly
<clever> and root= isnt passed on the args anyways, so it cant find the right device
<clever> smw_: so the kernel tries to mount the rootfs on its own, but the ext4 driver isnt built-in
<clever> smw_: that typicaly happens when the initrd isnt loading
<clever> smw_: what did the panic say?
<clever> smw_: yes
<clever> Mateon1: its in the journal now
<clever> now its fixed by default
<clever> joachifm_: yep, all i gave as the previous solution was an override that turned mug off
<clever> joachifm_: i dont really know what mu does, but i helped somebody with that issue a few days ago in here
<clever> an answer i gave somebody a few days ago
<clever> 2017-02-28 22:08:14< clever> platform = (import <nixpkgs> { config = {}; }).platforms.aarch64-multiplatform;
<clever> Dezgeg: ive seen people getting recursion problems when setting nixpkgs.config.platform = pkgs.platforms.raspberrypi2
<clever> yeah, only the foundation kernel can accel video decode
<clever> smw_: nixpkgs can build the foundation kernel
<clever> Dezgeg: he is using the image from this
<clever> 2017-03-02 16:45:36< smw_> # nix-build /root/nixpkgs/nixos/ -I nixos-config=/root/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/sd-image-armv7l-multiplatform.nix -A config.system.build.sdImage
<clever> Dezgeg: if i run qemu -> xen -> linux, 9p cant contact qemu, and its unable to mount the rootfs
<clever> Dezgeg: oh, i also ran into some problems with 9p, and xen in the mix
<clever> smw_: yeah, that will help a lot as well
<clever> smw_: hmmm, did you see anything about mmc0 starting up in the previous kernel output?
<clever> Dezgeg: and did you see the reddit link about the 9p exploit?
<clever> smw_: run blkid on all partitions in the sdcard, does the rootfs have a name of NIXOS_SD?
<clever> Dezgeg: and it was even reproducable after letting it sit overnight, but then rebooting made it vanish
<clever> Dezgeg: i did at one point catch it with files from an entirely different derivation in the wrong storepath
<clever> Dezgeg: ah, nice
<clever> gchristensen: i also suspect that virtfs heavily screws up when the host has zfs
<clever> i also sometimes read https://www.reddit.com/r/netsec/
<clever> and what you should expect on the sd later
<clever> that will confirm the img is even right
<clever> smw_: you can run "fdisk -l" on the .img file, before even flashing the card
<clever> smw_: how far did it go?, did you get a rainbow on the hdmi?
<clever> smw_: :D
<clever> smw_: and now the browser is free to properly do hw video decode accel
<clever> smw_: so you dont need a new flash player of the week from every vendor
<clever> smw_: its a new framework that allows html5 <video> tags to handle DRM'd content
<clever> smw_: netflix specific DRM code
<clever> smw_: but netflix support requires a blob
<clever> smw_: nixpkgs has the blob version of chromium, and an open-source chromium
<clever> :D
<clever> and thats something you would loose if you store them outside of the store
<clever> gchristensen: depends on where the passwords are configured
<clever> MoreTea: even if the build is being relayed via nix-daemon
<clever> MoreTea: allow a "git clone" inside a nix build to access an ssh-agent running near the nix-build command
<clever> MoreTea: another thing that i recently opened an issue for, is ssh agent forwarding
<clever> MoreTea: yeah, best option i can think of is an impureEnv, but then you need to set the variable every time you run nix-env or nixos-rebuild
<clever> MoreTea: your password is now in the nix store, in a .drv file
<clever> MoreTea: and if you have paid for the game, nix can sign in, and download a copy
<clever> MoreTea: this game manages the download of the binary, by you putting a name/pw into config.nix
<clever> one minor problem there, one sec
<clever> lwf: -u is update
<clever> which also solves a second issue, the pre-made cert i git expired a while back, causing all tests to fail
<clever> today, with the same problem, i just made it generate a fresh keypair on bootup, and refer to its cert from the test scripts
<clever> so now the key is world-readable!
<clever> one of my testcases needs an ssl cert+key, and in the past i have made this work by just embeding a cert+key into the git project
<clever> MoreTea: i believe ACME works purely by storing the secrets outside of the store, they get generated at runtime
<clever> lwf: nix-env -e hello
<clever> zimbatm: so -r to /nix/store wont help
<clever> zimbatm: but if i can read /run/current-system, i can still find the secret paths, the same way the service finds them
<clever> the /run/current-system/etc is a directory in the store, and all storepaths must currently be world-readable
<clever> and if a secret's path is in a config file anywhere, you will probably find it thru the above path
<clever> in here is the original etc that is used to build /etc, before config files become read restricted
<clever> ls /run/current-system/etc/
<clever> smw_: a bigger issue i can see, if i can read /run/current-system, i can traverse the entire closure, which will lead me to every secret in the currently running nixos
<clever> smw_: there are 2 issues about that open on the nix project in github
<clever> smw_: it was a custom distro, based on nixos
<clever> smw_: and because sandboxing was enabled, there was pretty much no way for the build jobs to know it wasnt nixos
<clever> smw_: i was using it as a nix build slave
<clever> Gravious: your telling it exactly which attribute you want, so it doesnt have to walk the entire nixpkgs tree, and it skips node packages entirely
<clever> Gravious: yeah
<clever> that one was entirely stateless
<clever> joepie91: i have recently ran the rpi3 100% rootless, the initrd contained a squashfs, with a bare-bones distro, just nix-daemon, sshd, and the closure of them
<clever> joepie91: i have ran 2 of my pi's from iscsi roots before, but each one had its own root, so it still had state and maintance
<clever> ben: nix-env entirely ignores $NIX_PATH, its weird
<clever> ben: the channel called nixpkgs
<clever> Gravious: 1.11 is pretty recent
<clever> but when you put 100 pi's on a switch, the NAS with the rootfs becomes a bottleneck
<clever> but thats only going to bottleneck each pi by itself
<clever> yeah, ethernet over usb
<clever> Gravious: you generaly always want to use -iA anyways, nix-env -iA nixpkgs.nix-repl
<clever> yep
<clever> joepie91: which means the only limiting factor for scaling is cost, electricity, and bandwidth of the LAN
<clever> joepie91: and depending on how you setup the network boot, you could boot all of them from the same disk image
<clever> joepie91: just auto-detect any machine that connects with the right auth codes
<clever> Gravious: what version of nix are you using?, which nix-env
<clever> joepie91: then you make a service that listens for machines coming online/offline, and have it manage that 2nd file
<clever> joepie91: the key part, is that hydra supports a : seperated list of /etc/nix/machines files, so you can give hydra a 2nd file, that is imperatively modified
<clever> joepie91: yeah, but similar software can also be deployed against any other arm board, and even x86 machines
<clever> Gravious: ok, so its not a corrupt file
<clever> Gravious: can you pastebin /nix/store/wi77m54m6w5mi246r7g8cws7qb7i56bm-nixpkgs-17.09pre102350.fa03b82/nixpkgs/pkgs/top-level/node-packages.nix
<clever> joepie91: that second point, means i can just throw more pi's at the problem to make it go faster, and i can unplug pi's when the load is low
<clever> joepie91: B, with a bit more config, i can just plug pi's in, and they join the hydra automagicaly, and if the pi goes offline, hydra stops trying to use it
<clever> joepie91: this means 2 things, a: no SD cards to fail
<clever> joepie91: one thing i have been working on with my rpi3, is full network booting
<clever> joepie91: my hydra is doing arm builds, but its not used by default, and only has a single pi backing it right now
<clever> smw_: you have a 16 hour head start on me, lets see who wins the race!
<clever> oh, and i'm also doing spidermonkey! lol
<clever> armv6l llvm, on an rpi1, took 1d 13h
<clever> ive had builds take 48 hours before
<clever> smw_: polkit is enabled by default
<clever> smw_: ive asked the exact same question, then i just read the source to find my own answer
<clever> smw_: policykit uses spidermonekey to parse its rule files
<clever> not sure why its not building more then
<clever> ah, that should be well past the stdenv
<clever> smw_: which derivations is it currently building?
<clever> you can check top and "ps -eH x" to get some idea of what its actualy using
<clever> and it cripples itself
<clever> mine runs fine for days with -j4, then every now and then, all 4 gcc's decide they want 500mb of ram each
<clever> whenever it goes try to run 16 gcc's at once
<clever> smw_: then it will just go into swap hell and take 4x longer :P
<clever> SuprDewd: ah, i havent seen it do that before
<clever> smw_: so it will try to do up to 16 gcc processes at once, and probably eat all of your ram up and die
<clever> SuprDewd: interpreter paths are meant to be fixed via a gcc flag in the gcc wrapper, and for pre-compiled stuff, you need patchelf
<clever> smw_: the make level -j (probably --cores) only does something if enableParallelBuilding=true; has been set inside a derivation, and only helps after ./configure has finished
<clever> smw_: the nix level -j builds each derivation in parallel, but that only helps once you get past the stdenv bootstrap
<clever> smw_: -k can help with that some, it will keep building what it can even after a failure, so it doesnt waste hours waiting for you to notice
<clever> magnetophon: only documentation ive found is a small entry in the nix-store manpage for the --generate option
<clever> yep :)
<clever> rebuild wont do anything
<clever> then you only need to copy and restart the nix-serve unit in systemd
<clever> magnetophon: and that must be a quoted string, not an unquoted one
<clever> magnetophon: ah, so its simply using an old secret key, not the new one
<clever> magnetophon: what exactly did you set secretKeyFile to?
<clever> magnetophon: how did you enable nix-serve?
<clever> magnetophon: how is nix-serve being given the key?
<clever> magnetophon: check the nix-serve config, and possibly restart nix-serve
<clever> magnetophon: both the public and private keys are base64, so they can only contain the characters listed here, and optionaly end in =
<clever> magnetophon: the % at the end of that public key doesnt look right to me, can you double-check the contents of /tmp/tst/pk1?
<clever> magnetophon: https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/4807b6337ad51151684dd9ec7708e0d9 is how i setup my own cache clients
<clever> you also need to add the binary cache to nix.conf
<clever> and you need to make sure nix-serve is reading the matching secret key, it might be reading an older one you made days ago
<clever> and the publickey it generates has to go into the nix.conf of the devices that are going to download from it
<clever> and the docs say it has to be in the form of domain-number, like example.com-1
<clever> you must name it after your own domain
<clever> the command you gave a few days ago creates a key claiming to be cache.nixos.org-1, so it will use the real nixos pubkey, and fail
<clever> when you ran nix-store --generate
<clever> magnetophon: did you give the key a unique name?
<clever> Gravious: if you run nix-daemon as root, and set "export NIX_REMOTE=daemon" for non-root, it can relay the root-needing things to the daemon
<clever> obadz: writing a testcase framework for a custom network protocol
<clever> but the curl script, installs nix, and all of its dependencies into /nix/store, fully isolated from the host libs
<clever> and the nix it installs has to use and work with all libs debian provides
<clever> Gravious: it looks like the debian package installs nix to /usr/bin, and then uses that to manage /nix/store/
<clever> currently working my way thru the lua api docs
<clever> added to my watchlist
<clever> ah
<clever> what about its cross-compile support?
<clever> ah
<clever> obadz: id also need bindings for the ioctls to control routing tables/addresses, toxcore, and /dev/tun, and thats already half the code in toxvpn
<clever> Gravious: ah, nice
<clever> might be simpler to just install via curl
<clever> hmm, i cant see the above deb in the binary cache either
<clever> the debs are still being built, but it looks like youll need help to download them
<clever> this can install it on almost any linux or darwin device, but wont setup the services
<clever> everything is in the binary cache
<clever> hydra no longer stores those files on its hdd
<clever> that acct has the ssh keys for my hydra, and read-only access to a few private githubs
<clever> oh, and i was signed into the wrong github, lol
<clever> oPn7: https://gist.github.com/cleverca22-hydra/99e8244488363f8b5ea8d8bfa72d0bce is how i have one of my vpn clients setup
<clever> and its getting late here, i'm off to bed now
<clever> smw_: you could put asserts into your nix expression, but you would have to hard-code the input and exptect value, and it might still trigger building of derivations your string references
<clever> ah
<clever> smw_: also, i'm now starting some integration tests for a large project on my end, and rather then implement its network protocol in perl, ive written a c++/lua app to handle it
<clever> but the package has to provide its own tests
<clever> which can be done by just setting doCheck = true; in a derivation
<clever> the closest thing i can think of to a unit test in nix is to just run "make test" between "make" and "make install"
<clever> one of the sites i run
<clever> and that was 5h just on gcc, lol
<clever> and after that, it took 5h 44mins, then failed!
<clever> the last time it passed, it took 6 hours!
<clever> smw_: oh god, llvm started to compile!
<clever> enless you dont mind another 2 hours of compiling
<clever> and if your 2 hours into a 3 hour derivation, id wait
<clever> smw_: reasonably, it will need to restart the current derivation
<clever> spacekitteh: lol
<clever> smw_: -Q
<clever> ive made a 3d rendering engine, from scratch, before i knew that matrix multiplication was a thing
<clever> smw_: sounds like it should work
<clever> smw_: it will stop mid-way thru the install (while inside the chroot), and drop to a shell, with /run/current-system setup
<clever> smw_: as long as you use "nixos-rebuild boot", yes, and there is "nixos-install --root /mnt --chroot" to chroot for you
<clever> smw_: my pi2 took ~2h 50mins to build a kernel recently
<clever> hmmmm.... how big of a QR code do i need for 96kb?.....
<clever> taktoa: with modern connection speeds, yeah
<clever> smw_: :D, it may take several days
<clever> no need to re-generate it all
<clever> it will load faster the next time, because the data was cached to disk
<clever> taktoa: more trading disk for loading time
<clever> it could generate all that to the nix store, and optionaly GC it at any time
<clever> and nix would also help with the loss of time at startup!
<clever> you have now removed 99% of the data in a typical game
<clever> and apply the same logic to the music, the 3d models, and the maps
<clever> yep
<clever> the trick, is that they dont try to compress the textures, its basicaly SVG's
<clever> with full textures, 3d models, music, and mobs with ai
<clever> spacekitteh: this is a first person shooter, in a 96kb executable
<clever> spacekitteh: and yet some people have found crazy workarounds, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.kkrieger
<clever> heh
<clever> main downside, is that it took 3-4 times as long, and a crap-ton of disk
<clever> and then it kept the smallest version, and deleted the other files
<clever> i remember making my own "compression algo" back when i was like 15, it was a php script that just ran gzip, bzip2, and something else, then compared them to see which gave the best result (it didnt bzip the gzip)
<clever> line 12, lol
<clever> ah, nice
<clever> so a pair of 512kb files then, which easily gits inside a block
<clever> ah
<clever> enless thats 1mb to hold both files
<clever> ah, so a 1023kb file would still be within that limit, but too big for gzip to handle in 1 block
<clever> ah, didnt know it skipped that
<clever> gzip and bzip2 have 900kb as the upper limit of block size
<clever> spacekitteh: what if the file is over 1 block in size?
<clever> greymalkin: all users made by modules within nixpkgs are pre-assigned an id within nixpkgs
<clever> spacekitteh: i would expect that to still be limited to working within a single block
<clever> if the uid isnt set, then it dynamicaly assignes one at runtime, if the user doesnt exist
<clever> greymalkin: i just set users.extraUsers.clever = { isNormalUser = true; uid=1000; }; so they are pinned, and also map nicely over nfs
<clever> they might not even wind up in the same compression block, and then you gain nothing
<clever> while the compression algo cant, once you concat them into a giant blob
<clever> i think part of it, is that git knows the history, and can diff different versions of the same file
<clever> while still allowing the original object to be extracted
<clever> the pack files clean that up more, and produce some inteligent binary diffs between objects
<clever> and then it zlib's that whole string, to make the raw object in .git/objects/
<clever> internaly, git will store all files with a header of "blob %d\0", the %d is the file size
<clever> spacekitteh: it would need to map the branch names about to avoid collisions, and to keep the GC from eating other projecs, and with the recent sha1 news, id be more warry about merging projects controlled by different groups
<clever> spacekitteh: reguarding your 2nd point, i have thought about what would happen if i just jam every git project into a single .git directory
<clever> or possibly download pre-build nix files from the binary cache
<clever> so it has to unpack the entire source while doing import-from-derivation, for every project doing this