
<clever> and having it at true installs the alsa cli utils, and configures systemd to save/restore volume levels
<clever> sound.enable defaults to true
<clever> ah
<clever> alsa just works by default i believe
<clever> ah, just woke up
<clever> joepie91: --option binary-caches ""
<clever> ekleog: the nix-store man-page is a bit weird, its like 5 different manpages where concated
<clever> nix-store {--realise | -r} paths... [--dry-run]
<clever> ekleog: realize
<clever> xj9[m]: did you try running that patchelf command under "nix-shell -p gcc" ?
<clever> if that can confirm the working and broken system, then you can do "git help bisect", and bisect all of nixpkgs without rebooting or restarting things on the live machine
<clever> johnramsden: the next step i can think of, does nixos-rebuild -I nixpkgs=... build-vm reproduce the problem?
<clever> yeah
<clever> --interpreter "$(cat $NIX_CC/nix-support/dynamic-linker)" will always pick the one for the arch nixpkgs is compiling against
<clever> it wont work right for 32bit ones
<clever> "--set-interpreter ${stdenv.glibc}/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2" will only fix 64bit programs
<clever> looks like archive.org is having trouble, links that previously worked are now dead
<clever> archive.org did have the wiki
<clever> https://nixos.org/nixos/wiki.html explains everything, including a link to an archive of the wiki
<clever> if you write a nix package for the AppImage, it will have $NIX_CC already set for you
<clever> a variable that the stdenv sets up when a nix build is active
<clever> i linked a patchelf example 10 minutes ago
<clever> xj9[m]: you need to run patchelf to fix the interpreter


<clever> this will install a specialy modified ghc, that includes tidal
<clever> erictapen: environment.systemPackages = [ (pkgs.haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (p: [ p.tidal ])) ];
<clever> erictapen: you need to use ghcWithPackages to get it into ghc-pkg
<clever> for example, this came from nixpkgs revision 7f3b857d0d
<clever> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 92 May 14 09:18 /nix/var/nix/profiles/system-308-link -> /nix/store/5fhd1c6zpcvg0x2sxpl376l1ssv532kp-nixos-system-amd-nixos-17.09pre106299.7f3b857d0d
<clever> to find out which revision breaks it, and which revision fixes it
<clever> johnramsden: and then nixos-rebuild -I nixpkgs=/home/clever/nixpkgs/ test/switch
<clever> johnramsden: if you look at the last ~6 digits of a nixos build, you can see nix channel versions, try checking those out in a clone of nixpkgs
<clever> so it could be an upstream problem, and nothing to do with your config
<clever> ah
<clever> johnramsden: did you nix-channel --update between them?
<clever> ah, that will probably be faster if your dealing with a bigger set of files
<clever> johnramsden: you can just ls and diff against any snapshot in here
<clever> zfs-auto-snap_daily-2017-05-19-14h58 zfs-auto-snap_frequent-2017-05-25-19h30 zfs-auto-snap_hourly-2017-05-25-05h00 zfs-auto-snap_hourly-2017-05-25-15h00 zfs-auto-snap_monthly-2017-04-01-00h00
<clever> [root@amd-nixos:~]# ls /.zfs/snapshot/
<clever> johnramsden: did you know about .zfs?
<clever> ah right, that also helps
<clever> johnramsden: but without that, your only option is to compare the nix-store -qR of each nixos build
<clever> johnramsden: if you where using this, there would be a snapshot of the config in the store
<clever> system.extraSystemBuilderCmds = "ln -sv ${./.} $out/nixcfg";
<clever> johnramsden: if nix-store --verify --check-contents doesnt find anything, then rebuildings things wont make any difference
<clever> dash: so it cant just /nick its way between projects
<clever> dash: also, the project name is in the ident field, which can only be changed by reconnecting
<clever> dash: have the bot connect to a bouncer, which itself stays connected 24/7
<clever> then you can spawn normal (non-nix based) kubernetes containers on it
<clever> heath: ah, i think its just a way to enable the kubernetes daemon within nixos systems
<clever> heath: have you seen this? https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#kuber
<clever> LnL: and go-bootstrap starts!
<clever> simpson: another datapoint about that pppoe problem, i was running linux from scratch on my router, i think it was a 2.6 kernel
<clever> nothing i have tried can route multicast traffic between 2 interfaces
<clever> vlan 34, dhcp gives you a 10.x.y.z ip, and the tv service comes in over multicast udp
<clever> vlan 35, bare dhcp gets you a public ip, boom, internet is done!
<clever> fiber with 802.1q
<clever> simpson: i'm now on fiber-optic
<clever> simpson: the pppoe was given up years ago
<clever> linux, it didnt care about the lost packets, and it was hard to even notice
<clever> because download worked fine, but upload was dropping 100%
<clever> another more anoying symptom of that though, is that windows would promptly hang up EVERY SINGLE tcp connection, every time it happened
<clever> i was unable to fix the problem at the time, but setting the ping rate to 1 second made the problem "go away"
<clever> and it pinged every 20 seconds
<clever> but the ping packets from the pppoe client bypassed that, and un-stuck the driver
<clever> the root cause, was a bug in the pppoe driver in my router, causing it to just ban all upload
<clever> it would be down for a random time, between 0 and 20sec
<clever> you need to average over less then a second to easily see that problem
<clever> i have also previously had problems, where my upload would drop to exactly 0, for upwards of 20 seconds
<clever> MichaelRaskin: maybe, but things like iperf cant easily total, so id have to just max things out hard and check vnstat or cacti
<clever> i typicaly get maybe 10% of that from a single server
<clever> i'm not sure how speedtest.net is even getting that speed, lol
<clever> i get 370mbit down, i have yet to find a single website that can keep up with me
<clever> LnL: oh right, that must be to handle the weird include paths, where go just fetches everything for you impurely
<clever> LnL: wut?, go wants svn, hg, and bazaar!!
<clever> LnL: still building bits of python, no go in sight yet
<clever> the gist has a full example of the network boot setup
<clever> so the kexec trick could be turned back into a netboot
<clever> ekleog: and with netboot.nix plus this imports line, you can add that to any configuration.nix: https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/75e3db4dabeff05b743e9be77a2341b9#file-configuration-nix-L21
<clever> ekleog: this does something similiar for that: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/release.nix#L106
<clever> ekleog: oh, and are you interested in netboot and ipxe?
<clever> the tar is only there to get the full closure of kexec into a machine that lacks nix
<clever> ekleog: and if you want to skip unpacking the tar, you can nix-build -A config.system.build.image instead, that will give you the files as a directory, rather then a tar
<clever> ekleog: the testing i recently added does just that with qemu
<clever> ekleog: you can just unpack the tar and run the kernel+initrd however you like, as long as the kernel cmdline is intact
<clever> ekleog: yeah, that tarball will contain a kernel, initrd, and the full closure of bash + kexec
<clever> ekleog: i think it will vary, depending on if your trying to push more data then the network can allow
<clever> ekleog: which .xz?
<clever> so the inner tcp just goes ham, and fills up buffers everywhere
<clever> and the outer most tcp refuses to drop any packets
<clever> the inner most tcp uses packet loss to adjust its throttling
<clever> viric: ive also been told that tcp over tcp will result in massive latency
<clever> ekleog: manualy copy the kernel+initrd to /boot and make them the default in grub.cfg
<clever> ekleog: that would also be required for cases where the existing os doesnt have kexec enabled
<clever> ekleog: then you can just pick the installer from grub, and do recovery of any scale
<clever> ekleog: i have also been considering putting this kernel+initrd into /boot, and giving it its own grub entry, via a nixos option
<clever> ekleog: you can either do the install manualy over ssh (thats how the kexec was previously used), or edit the justdoit script to do btrfs instead
<clever> with 1 command, it will nuke /dev/vda and do the entire nixos install
<clever> ekleog: so if a zfs system with ext4 /boot and zfs / /nix /home is suitable, you could tell nixos to justdoit, and it does it, lol
<clever> ekleog: then i reworked one of my old examples into https://github.com/cleverca22/nix-tests/blob/master/kexec/justdoit.nix
<clever> ekleog: i also recently helped Infinisil and he made https://github.com/Infinisil/system/blob/master/process.org
<clever> ekleog: and the grub-reboot program is designed to modify the grubenv for you
<clever> ekleog: if you add boot.kernelParams = [ "panic=30" "boot.panic_on_fail" ]; then that should make 2 of the fatal situations reboot
<clever> ekleog: the grubenv and next_entry stuff is in grub by default
<clever> there is also a stage-1 option you need for nixos
<clever> i'll also find the panic reboot option
<clever> you can go ahead
<clever> but i havent tried using it
<clever> ekleog: that grubenv is just a default feature of grub2
<clever> which allows you to change the default once
<clever> ekleog: it will load some variables from /boot/grub/grubenv, then clear one and save it back to disk
<clever> ekleog: https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/1ae8ace847581735d35e94c291b63c7a this is a fragment of my grub.cfg file
<clever> grub can do that
<clever> you can configure the kernel to reboot upon panic
<clever> and if you loose control, it will reboot itself, and come back with the old config
<clever> if you can still access, cancel with shutdown -c
<clever> nixos-rebuild test, in combination with "shutdown -r +15" will activate it, and then reboot in 15 minutes
<clever> and without a control panel from the datacenter, you cant remotely reboot
<clever> but if the network setup is weird, its easy to get wrong, and then you loose all control
<clever> if your server has dhcp, it should come back up after the kexec and let you in
<clever> so you have ~4 minutes left, but you can always "shutdown -c" to cancel the ticking clock, and "systemctl stop autoreboot.timer" to prevent it entirely
<clever> ekleog: also beware, the kexec is configured to reboot every hour on the hour, as a safety
<clever> ekleog: but the existing partition layout will persist
<clever> ekleog: thats nixos-in-place i believe
<clever> ekleog: there is also nixos-in-place
<clever> ekleog: i just made another update to https://github.com/cleverca22/nix-tests/tree/master/kexec
<clever> ah
<clever> LnL: where did you see that?
<clever> must have been the server then
<clever> hmmm, v6 working just fine
<clever> oh, and i should see whats ip with ipv6
<clever> though toxvpn ignores the normal subnet rules, so it may not detect it
<clever> i can see it actualy helping, if you friend me in toxvpn, it can bypass all nat trouble
<clever> LnL: rasbian with nix set to multi-user mode
<clever> the host connectivity was also able to inspect my ipv4 private's, and found my toxvpn
<clever> [ WARN ] Could not connect using reflexive candidates, likely due to the network environment/configuration.
<clever> viric: my router is a nixos machine with nat+dhcp+bind
<clever> viric: triangle
<clever> its following nixos-unstable-small, and set to do an armv7 build
<clever> LnL: added it to my release file for my hydra
<clever> LnL: i havent tried, but let me see
<clever> then /kexec_nixos, ssh back in, run "justdoit", give nixos-install a root pw, and reboot
<clever> dash: as for how its used now, edit both target-config.nix and configuration.nix to include your ssh auth keys, build the tarball, unpack the tar to / on the server (any linux distro works)
<clever> lol
<clever> potentialy in any datacentr
<clever> so i can now create a zfs based nixos install on a remote machine after running ~5 commands, assuming the remote server has dhcp available
<clever> gchristensen: took one of my older examples from 2016 and merged it with my kexec trick
<clever> nixpkgs-unstable
<clever> not sure, i havent tried changing the layout on nixos
<clever> GiGa|Laptop: hasnt happened in a long while
<clever> personaly, i run nixos-unstable (so i never have to change the channel) and i just delete stateVersion from the config (so such breaking changes happen sooner)
<clever> GiGa|Laptop: probably https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#xserver.lay
<clever> GiGa|Laptop: sounds like a network error, try the command again
<clever> GiGa|Laptop: above that should be another error
<clever> GiGa|Laptop: only way is to comment them out in systemPackages
<clever> and if you do care about ipfs, you can manualy move the data to the new path
<clever> so bumping the state version would effectively result in the loss of all data in the ipfs node
<clever> ah, for ipfs, it controls where the daemon stores all of the ipfs data
<clever> fixing that ssh config would change the ssh host pubkey, and set off warnings for all ssh clients
<clever> ekleog: and i believe only 2 things even use stateVersion, postgres, and sshd (it enables some older less secure ssh host key stuff)
<clever> for postgres, you would need to dump the entire db as sql, delete the db files, update the stateVersion, and re-import it again
<clever> the nix database auto-updates itself and has no undo
<clever> nope
<clever> it needs to know what the on-disk format of the db is, to pick the right postgres version
<clever> like postgresql
<clever> so it can deal with things that break horribly in an upgrade
<clever> stateVersion tells nixos what version the state was originaly created in
<clever> no
<clever> stateVersion shouldnt be changed
<clever> cement: Virt<tab><tab> in a shell
<clever> bennofs: oh, never noticed that variant of override
<clever> srhb: you would probably need to use a foldl' to merge a list of haskell overrides (each in their own file) and then make a single overrides to pass to haskellPackages
<clever> bennofs: fun
<clever> bennofs: i'm always fuzzy on which one to get callPackage from
<clever> srhb: whichever overlay applied last will have set the final value of overrides
<clever> srhb: yeah
<clever> there is only a single overrides attribute
<clever> so only one set of haskell overrides will ever apply
<clever> each call to haskellPackages.override, will overwrite the previous
<clever> another problem though
<clever> and self.haskell might even be better, if you wanted to allow other overlays to change it
<clever> correct
<clever> yeah
<clever> the haskellPackages part
<clever> and i believe haskell did it first, and nixpkgs copied it
<clever> yeah
<clever> so you dont need a .pkgs on them
<clever> both super and self are variants of the pkgs set
<clever> probably super.haskell.lib.dontCheck
<clever> http-proxy = pkgs.haskell.lib.dontCheck superHS.http-proxy;
<clever> there is also pkgs.haskell.lib.dontCheck
<clever> srhb: superHS.http-proxy
<clever> srhb: you want to use the superHS directly
<clever> ben: doCheck = true; will make nixpkgs automaticaly run "make check"
<clever> ben: if you can get them to work, sure, that will also help detect future breakage
<clever> your directly editing bytes in the framebuffer, and then re-interpreting them
<clever> and the arrow keys + enter let you re-run any text currently on the screen
<clever> the list command just barfs text onto the screen
<clever> i wouldnt even call that thing an editor
<clever> and any "garbage" between the elements will be preserved when saving/loading
<clever> it stores the source as a linked-list of lines of text
<clever> and if you just "happen" to put some assembly between line 10 and line 20, it would blindly copy it from floppy->ram when loading the "text"
<clever> another weird thing, is that the c64 just treated the entire program as a linked-list, and would just leave it as a linked-list on the floppy
<clever> so you had to leave large gaps in the numbers, for future planning
<clever> Infinisil: the c64 used those numbers just to tell the editor where to insert a line within the program, and it was completely incapable of shifting lines up/down at a later point
<clever> Infinisil: i first learned that method of priority numbering when i was programming basic on the c64
<clever> danbst: http-proxy depends on http-proxy', and http-proxy' depends on http-proxy, you need to use the super more somewhere, but this expression looks a bit off, so i'm not sure where
<clever> then you can insert things at 15, to squeeze between 2 things that would have been too close previously
<clever> and using 0 10 20 ... 90 as a standard
<clever> i do think a larger range, like 1 to 99 would be a bit more flexible
<clever> heh
<clever> so you can just set it to whatever you want, and it does a sort based on that
<clever> ah
<clever> ?
<clever> but also so simple, just sort the names logicaly, rather then inspecting the deps of each and computing a toposort
<clever> it was basicaly just a for loop over * in bash
<clever> the old rc.d system did the same thing for services
<clever> so a rule file with a higher priority can still override it
<clever> and it only uses the other names if the name attribute is "" at that point
<clever> and the priority of all the names
<clever> Infinisil: i can even see the code in there that checks for net.ifnames=0
<clever> Infinisil: which will land at /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules
<clever> Infinisil: it controls the inclusion/omission of a udev rule file that manages the names
<clever> Infinisil: ah, that sounds much better
<clever> danbst: but the instant a binary cache comes into play, it just downloads the pre-built copy and ignores that rule
<clever> MichaelRaskin: i have also managed to crash pid1 once, by trying to systemd-nspawn against a fuse rootfs, and the fuse daemon crashed
<clever> nixos-rebuild --upgrade only updates within the channel
<clever> you need to manualy change the channel to update to the next stable release cycle
<clever> samvher: ah, then your getting stuff from sept of 2016, and llvm_4 was added in march of 2017
<clever> samvher: what does "nix-channel --list" say?
<clever> samvher: which channel are you on?
<clever> samvher: llvm_4 may not be in your version of nixpkgs
<clever> samvher: the with statement makes every attribute of nixpkgs available in the scope
<clever> samvher: usualy on line 1, can you post the file in a gist?
<clever> Infinisil: i think that can be done with a systemd target
<clever> so only your bash script can make use of it
<clever> without directly installing it in anything
<clever> savage_engineer: nix will automaticaly download w3m
<clever> savage_engineer: it should use absolute paths, like ${curl.out}/bin/curl
<clever> savage_engineer: you should apply the same path replacement even outside of nixos
<clever> a similiar profile script would be needed if you want automatic nix support on all users
<clever> since per-user is 777, you can make your own directory
<clever> but i think its handled by the shell, not pam
<clever> so newly made users get a profile
<clever> bennofs: i thought i saw something in pam, to auto-create any missing directories when you start a session
<clever> drwxr-xr-x 2 clever users 16 May 2 23:07 /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/clever/
<clever> ah yeah, that one
<clever> drwxrwxrwt 8 root root 8 Jun 18 2016 /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/
<clever> not on this nixos system, and that would allow anybody to mess with default (roots nix-env) and system (the nixos build)
<clever> drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 52 May 23 09:01 /nix/var/nix/profiles/
<clever> i think nixos has things in pam that manage that
<clever> and the user original installing it needs +w to the default profile
<clever> each user should own the directory named after them, in /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/
<clever> make a nixbld group, add nixbld{1..5} to the group, chown most of /nix to root, run nix-daemon as root, set NIX_REMOTE=daemon for all users
<clever> whenever that comes up, i just convert it into a multi-user setup
<clever> sudo git can do similiar things
<clever> and using sudo in a single-user setup can break things, leading to root owning parts of the store, and now your single-user cant manage it right
<clever> on a single-user install, you have direct write access to the store, so sudo isnt needed
<clever> any user on the system is free to delete any path thats not in use
<clever> bennofs: without sudo
<clever> the path is in the arguments of sudo, so its "in use"
<clever> which also means, "sudo nix-store --delete /nix/store/foo" will never work
<clever> nix will scan maps, fd, exe, and environ
<clever> it is
<clever> yeah
<clever> yeah
<clever> so you can ctrl+c your programs, but your doing so blindly, and you cant disconnect
<clever> with screen, it will partialy connect, but in a write-only fasion
<clever> sphalerite: ah yeah, ive had to use that for screen on nixos
<clever> sphalerite: and /proc/<pid>/fdinfo/ shows the seek position within every file, so you could monitor how far along something is in reading a file, without the overhead of strace or pv
<clever> need a pid namespace to prevent that from being abused
<clever> sphalerite: and /proc/<pid>/root can even cross chroot borders, in both directions
<clever> sphalerite: those symlinks also bend the rules, the symlink can point to a deleted file, but still be opened for reading
<clever> sphalerite: that will show all files its opening
<clever> sphalerite: simplest thing i can think of is to peek in the /proc/<nix-build/store pid>/fd/ while its dumping it
<clever> UrsidaeJohn: a similiar line targeting PATH would probably fix your issue
<clever> UrsidaeJohn: i see this in nixos's sudoers file
<clever> Defaults env_keep+=SSH_AUTH_SOCK
<clever> but on nixos, it doesnt
<clever> for example, on gentoo, sudo resets $PATH to "sane defaults"
<clever> sudo on some distros will reset $PATH for security reasons
<clever> so the editor itself never gains root
<clever> UrsidaeJohn: then when the editor quits, sudo will copy it back to the original place
<clever> UrsidaeJohn: there is also "sudoedit" which will copy the file to /tmp owned as the current user, and run $EDITOR on it
<clever> same
<clever> thats what the man page says
<clever> LnL: i think thats an optional feature
<clever> -D create all leading components of DEST except the last, then copy SOURCE to DEST
<clever> xificurC: did you mkdir -pv $out/bin/ first?
<clever> then it shouldnt need root to do it
<clever> where does it store that data after gaining root?
<clever> where is it storing the ACL's?