
<clever> ylwghst_: because it runs grub-install after generating the config
<clever> ylwghst_: nixos should automatically create that
<clever> ylwghst_: those arent valid
<clever> ylwghst_: where did the { and } come from on lines 18 and 23?
<clever> ylwghst_: gist lets you add multiple files
<clever> ylwghst_: what error, and what is the exact contents of your configuration.nix?
<clever> ylwghst_: which lets you indent the nix file nicely, without spamming the resulting grub config with weird indents that dont line up
<clever> ylwghst_: so the string in that gist winds up having zero indentation
<clever> ylwghst_: '' based strings will strip the common indentation from every line
<clever> ylwghst_: it will obey these options from configuration.nix: https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#boot.loader.grub
<clever> ylwghst_: it gets generated automatically when you run "nixos-rebuild switch" or "nixos-rebuild boot"
<clever> jellowj: there is a different version in libudev.lib
<clever> libudev.lib 0 s /nix/store/qqz3iq8w5cqakdqw2rjbylzabf1pdb5z-systemd-232-lib/lib/libudev.so
<clever> ylwghst_: it will be added it to the ~/.nix-profile of the user running nix-env
<clever> ylwghst_: yes
<clever> ylwghst_: nix-build creates a symlink called result in the current directory
<clever> brb
<clever> ylwghst_: this will just download it, and create a result symlink pointing to it
<clever> nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A grub2_efi
<clever> ylwghst_: that downloads them, and adds it to your profile, which you probably dont want
<clever> and it will keep working even if ipfs is turned off
<clever> and ipfs can then optionaly share the content of /nix/nars back to the world
<clever> a seperate daemon, would need to download the .nar file (http or ipfs), and store it in a path like /nix/nars
<clever> the only thing really missing, is an RPC that allows adding/removing nar files, and to replace nix's internal "unpack nar to /nix/store" with "copy nar to X and RPC narfuse to reload"
<clever> and it wont care if ipfs is sneaking a look and reading the same files to share
<clever> and it doesnt need to talk to ipfs at any point
<clever> and it will magically turn into a working /nix/store/ directory
<clever> with narfuse or fusenar, you can just take a raw directory of 2anxmi1jpn6im0mqwxha2krmdjib2579-grub-2.x-2015-11-16.nar files
<clever> and ipfs has said that in the future, they will allow sharing files you have promised to keep immutable, so they dont have to be chunked up and put into ~/.ipfs/blocks/
<clever> i wrote a custom fuse layer, that lets you mount a directory full of .nar files at /nix/store
<clever> and thats where narfuse and fusenar come into play
<clever> next, using logic from nix-index, you could iterate over every derivation in a given channel release, bulk-download the narinfo's with ipfshash + signature, and setup a mirror
<clever> and all binary-cache stuff continues to work as it does now
<clever> its just a different way to download the .nar.xz
<clever> so determinism never comes into the story
<clever> hydra and cache.nixos.org still manage the signature (its in the narinfo), and advertise what the proper ipfs hash is
<clever> then anybody can do "ipfs add foo.nar.xz" and share the file they downloaded with the world
<clever> with 1 more field, the ipfs hash, we would have instant ipfs support
<clever> and FileHash (a hash of the compressed file)
<clever> within there, is the NarHash (a hash of the uncompressed nar)
<clever> Infinisil: grab the hash from any valid storepath, and paste it into a url like this, and you get the narinfo
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ curl cache.nixos.org/2anxmi1jpn6im0mqwxha2krmdjib2579.narinfo
<clever> /nix/store/2anxmi1jpn6im0mqwxha2krmdjib2579-grub-2.x-2015-11-16
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A grub2_efi --no-out-link
<clever> Infinisil: do you know how the narinfo files work?
<clever> yeah
<clever> the path in a.out has nothing to do with the actual value of the files inside a.out
<clever> Infinisil: a.out is just a path, computed from the contents of a.drv
<clever> Infinisil: if a.drv == b.drv, then a.out is always equal to b.out, but the contents within a.out may not match up
<clever> ylwghst_: it is present
<clever> -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 9560 Dec 31 1969 /nix/store/2anxmi1jpn6im0mqwxha2krmdjib2579-grub-2.x-2015-11-16/lib/grub/x86_64-efi/setpci.module
<clever> -r--r--r-- 1 root root 9016 Dec 31 1969 /nix/store/2anxmi1jpn6im0mqwxha2krmdjib2579-grub-2.x-2015-11-16/lib/grub/x86_64-efi/setpci.mod
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ ls $(nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A grub2_efi --no-out-link)/lib/grub/x86_64-efi/setpci* -l
<clever> avn: which points to a file or directory within ipfs
<clever> avn: the closest thing is IPNS, which is based on publickey = signed(ipfs hash)
<clever> that doesnt infer any relation between the hash of the output and the input values
<clever> Infinisil: nope, deterministic just ensures the same input always gives identical output
<clever> avn: and if you have to run gcc on a source file and hash it, you already have the value, and no longer need the cache
<clever> avn: the problem is that IPFS is purely a hash(value) = value lookup system, so you need to know the hash of the value
<clever> Infinisil: so you need a central index that maps hash(build-script) to hash(output)
<clever> Infinisil: the root problem with anything using nix + ipfs, is that /nix/store/<hash> is a hash over the directions on how to build it, not a hash of the output
<clever> it will usually download it from the binary cache
<clever> it will then print the path to stdout, and --no-out-link stops it from creating a result symlink
<clever> that tells nix-build to load the nix expressions in '<nixpkgs>' and then -A grub tells it to build grub
<clever> ylwghst_: [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ ls $(nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A grub --no-out-link)
<clever> there is a command-not-found thing mentioned in the issues on it
<clever> Infinisil: the new nix-index is written in rust, and scans every file in every derivation in the eval
<clever> the old command-not-found used c++ to scan the closure of an entire hydra eval for binaries, and make a programs.sqlite
<clever> its the new replacement for command-not-found
<clever> irssi.out 11,680 x /nix/store/h1zm9jy0ns014nry2vj8s1vqzg0m7p5k-irssi-1.0.2/etc/irssi.conf
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ nix-locate irssi.conf
<clever> and nix-locate also works on non-executable files
<clever> that requires it being already installed
<clever> irssi.out 1,176,672 x /nix/store/h1zm9jy0ns014nry2vj8s1vqzg0m7p5k-irssi-1.0.2/bin/irssi
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ nix-locate irssi
<clever> adelbertc: it gets evalled locally, then the result of that is pushed out
<clever> you must use "sudo -u burium -i" to get a shell as another user
<clever> su breaks a lot of things
<clever> thats why i asked how you got the shell, heh
<clever> ylwghst-desktop: and by "login", so you mean the actual tty, did you never use su at any point?
<clever> ylwghst-desktop: that looks very much like you opened a shell as root, not logging in properly as burim
<clever> ylwghst_: what variables?
<clever> write(2, "Can't locate lib.pm: /root/.ni"..., 162) = 162
<clever> stat("/root/.nix-profile/lib/perl5/site_perl/lib.pm", 0x7ffd42b30250) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)
<clever> ylwghst_: does "env | grep root --color" show any paths like /root/.nix-profile ?
<clever> ylwghst_: hmmm, when i run that exact binary, it just works, let me look into things more...
<clever> that worked
<clever> do you already have a github account?
<clever> hmmm, maybe not
<clever> ylwghst_: the gist link may also work with only 6 or 8 characters from the start
<clever> no gui on anything?
<clever> and if you gist --login, it will be visible on your http://gist.github.com
<clever> but you can pipe the gist command into a file
<clever> the console doesnt have a clipboard
<clever> you need screen for that, i usualy just go directly to ssh so i can use a mouse on another machine
<clever> nix-env -iA nixos.gist ; strace -o logfile -ff irssi ; gist -p logfile*
<clever> ok, plan b
<clever> ah
<clever> just cd?
<clever> why was it in /root then?
<clever> ylwghst_: how did you get this shell?
<clever> ylwghst_: what about in a directory you actually have write access to?
<clever> ylwghst_: how did you get this shell?
<clever> ylwghst_: and what happens if you run irssi when your cwd is not /root ?
<clever> ylwghst_: what is the result of "echo $HOME"
<clever> then run asciinema and under that irssi, then exit
<clever> ylwghst_: a terminal based screen recorder, nix-env -iA nixos.asciinema
<clever> ylwghst_: can you reproduce the error while running it under asciinema ?
<clever> ylwghst_: does it say what file?
<clever> ylwghst_: can you pastebin more context about what happened around that?
<clever> ylwghst_: no
<clever> updated the gist
<clever> jellowj: its also now using the nixpkgs nss, so you can remove the other nss
<clever> jellowj: here it is after i made some changes
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:/tmp]$ gist -p upwork.nix
<clever> so libcef must define an rpath that can find it
<clever> libcef needs nssutil
<clever> the upwork binary doesnt directly need nssutil
<clever> let me see what else there is...
<clever> jellowj: yeah
<clever> ylwghst: i always use irssi for irc
<clever> libcef needs an rpath that says how to find nssutil
<clever> each library must define the rpath for its own deps
<clever> jellowj: ah, it needs to be in the rpath of libcef.so
<clever> 29125: file=libnssutil3.so [0]; needed by /nix/store/5wdz296hbdjj3ax0pi07n7m9kj2mhrc6-upwork/usr/share/upwork/libcef.so [0]
<clever> jellowj: you have a #!/bin/bash in the usr/share/bin/upwork script, and that fails on nixos
<clever> jellowj: already ran dos2unix on it
<clever> joepie91_to_go_: its 100% kernel side now, no need for a daemon
<clever> joepie91_to_go_: ive found that cpufreq just works by default with no config on modern kernels
<clever> jellowj: your pastebin stuck \r's in every line
<clever> jellowj: /nix/store/5h0dx5q0dzkm6d8kbdr5flplb2rgmsd1-stdenv/setup: line 893: $'\r': command not found
<clever> disasm: there is also a 3rd half for darwin users: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/master/scripts/install-darwin-multi-user.sh
<clever> disasm: the one on the homepage downloads a tar containing the other script, and a pre-made closure of nix in /nix/store
<clever> ylwghst: thats how you load a nix package within nixpkgs
<clever> jellowj: what callPackage are you using to load the file?
<clever> jellowj: LD_DEBUG=all ./result/usr/share/upwork/upwork
<clever> Infinisil: it happens to be in the binary cache, so you can just download an exact copy
<clever> Infinisil: try running "nix-store -r" on the path you just gave ylwghst
<clever> jellowj: can you also gist the nix expression your using to build it?
<clever> jellowj: what does file say about upwork and /nix/store/fxq608q4432gljd6ffadlzycv2cv91k0-upwork/usr/share/upwork/libnssutil3.so ?
<clever> jellowj: its also available in the nss package, so you could just use that directly
<clever> jellowj: so ls -lh /nix/store/fxq608q4432gljd6ffadlzycv2cv91k0-upwork/usr/share/upwork/libnssutil3.so shows it?
<clever> jellowj: can you gist the output of patchelf, and ldd?
<clever> jellowj: use patchelf to print the rpath out after its built, is the dir still there?
<clever> jellowj: did you patchelf the rpath?
<clever> so you can just add /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf manually
<clever> Infinisil, deltasquared: nixos will leave /etc writable and ignore any file that hasnt been configured in nixos
<clever> dpino: do you have anything in your ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix ?
<clever> it will probably just make an empty /boot
<clever> Infinisil: i was usually booting it with a special method that didnt rely on /boot
<clever> and it fills in all of the blanks on its own
<clever> deltasquared: i have booted nixos many times with ONLY /nix/store present, and every other directory just being absent
<clever> deltasquared: or a read-only union'd with a tmpfs
<clever> deltasquared: but nixos can boot with a tmpfs on /
<clever> deltasquared: and nixos needs a writable / to boot, for a number of things it creates
<clever> deltasquared: only /nix/store/ is read-only
<clever> nixos automatically mounts it read-only to prevent that
<clever> that can seriously break the entire system
<clever> dpino: you must never manualy modify anything in /nix/store
<clever> i'm on this channel
<clever> [root@amd-nixos:~]# nix-channel --list
<clever> yeah, getting a different error here
<clever> dpino: i generally use nix-repl to do all of my searching, but the command you previous gave fails with a different error here, error: selector ‘nix-env’ matches no derivations
<clever> deltasquared: and in the case of /etc, line 122 refers to the sum of all activation scripts, which are defined in another module
<clever> and 105 builds the top-level derivation using the builder defined on 30
<clever> line 132 defines system to be the result of applying some security related mutations over baseSystem from line 105
<clever> deltasquared: and because of the module framework, this file is merged with every other module, and configuration.nix
<clever> deltasquared: when you run nixos-rebuild, all it does is build the derivation refered to on line 252
<clever> and in the end, you have a single derivation, that directly (or indirectly) depends on all of the config and everything it gnerates
<clever> at its core, nixos is a module framework to combine option and config definitions from many modules, and allow the modules to set eachothers config
<clever> not from the packages
<clever> that must be done from nixos modules
<clever> yep
<clever> yeah
<clever> then it can atomicly swap most of /etc by updating just /etc/static
<clever> deltasquared: setup-etc.pl manages it by symlinking everything via /etc/static, and keeping track of which files it has created, so it can remove them later on
<clever> yeah
<clever> deltasquared: etc.nix defines the nixos options for it, make-etc.sh converts those options into a derivation, and then setup-etc.pl runs on bootup to re-sync /etc with the derivation
<clever> ylwghst: yeah
<clever> dpino: the main thing is that nixos-rebuild expects a chanenl called nixos on root
<clever> srhb: "rebuild switch" will definitely fail in a chroot, because it tries to mess with the active systemd, you want "rebuild boot"
<clever> dpino: and 15.09 is really old
<clever> dpino: then you have 3 channels
<clever> ylwghst: if you have a /boot you must also mount it to /mnt/boot/
<clever> dpino: what about sudo nix-channel --list?
<clever> just set the right settings in configuration.nix and nixos-rebuild switch
<clever> and it needs system wide config via configuration.nix, so it wont work right with nix-env
<clever> networkmanager isnt under linuxPackages, and the pkgs. is redundant
<clever> and that will upgrade the install
<clever> ylwghst: simplest option, enable it in configuration.nix, then boot from the installer, re-mount the filesystems to /mnt, and re-run nixos-install
<clever> Naughtmare[m]: but i dont see a QT option, so that would have to be added in pkgs/applications/networking/p2p/transmission/default.nix
<clever> Naughtmare[m]: the normal and gtk versions are the same package, one of them just has enableGTK3 set to true
<clever> ah, i see the second one, bash will probably treat it as part of the filename
<clever> Returns a status of 0 or 1 depending on the evaluation of the conditional
<clever> [root@amd-nixos:~]# help [[
<clever> [[ ... ]]: [[ expression ]] Execute conditional command.
<clever> 's in the way
<clever> but you need to apply it to the mkDerivation return value, and there are at least 2 buildEnv
<clever> so that should let you squeeze things in
<clever> emmanuelr: overrideAttrs applies things between the bundler stuff and mkDerivation
<clever> emmanuelr: yeah, i'm not sure where the patches would get applied
<clever> linarcx: so you can create an override on sddm that adds themes to it
<clever> linarcx: it gets the sddm path from services.xserver.displayManager.sddm.package
<clever> FRidh: nix-store --add-fixed sha256 ./foo.tar.gz
<clever> id just hardcode it
<clever> i would keep .'s in the version, and use a second string for rev
<clever> its in all-packages.nix
<clever> grantwu: that is not a valid branch or tag name
<clever> + export
<clever> from a shell, it would be hardeningDisable=bindnow
<clever> maurer: its an env variable
<clever> maurer: oh, i was looking at this file earlier, and didnt think -z had anything to do with plt
<clever> yeah
<clever> but also run it twice, to confirm it has the same hash each time
<clever> nix-prefetch-url should give it
<clever> grantwu: is it a fetchurl or fetchgit?
<clever> nix-build tells you what the right hash is when it fails
<clever> hmmm, depends on if its per input or just the stdenv...
<clever> that would make many things simpler!!
<clever> uhhh, wow!
<clever> and also check the scripts in here
<clever> maurer: try setting the NIX_DEBUG variable to anything
<clever> then it hasnt hit the strip yet
<clever> ah, and its already missing even there
<clever> dontStrip = true; can prevent that on a per-derivation basis
<clever> it might be the automatic pass of "strip" over all binaries
<clever> ah
<clever> that definitely sounds important, when exactly is it breaking?
<clever> ah
<clever> maurer: plt?
<clever> with the buildenv, id have to uninstall it because it would have conflicted in the future
<clever> just add it, and nix-env -iA nixos.foo
<clever> but its now far easier to add things without a mass-rebuild
<clever> adelbertc: only downside i can see with this new trick, there is no easy way to see what is missing from newstuff, since its no longer showing as a single unit
<clever> you can also install 2 things at once as an atomic operation
<clever> installing ‘alsa-tools-1.1.3’
<clever> replacing old ‘mystuff’
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ nix-env -iA nixos.newstuff -A nixos.mystuff
<clever> thats why i havent been maintaining mystuff properly, and my nix-env -q has group out of control, lol
<clever> before i can switch away from the system that forces mass-updating
<clever> so i have to modify mystuff, and reinstall it (which upgrades ALL of mystuff)
<clever> the alsa-tools in newstuff conflicts with the alsa-tools in mystuff
<clever> collision between ‘/nix/store/g1f383mjbgv7wnqxgmgdymmc26abk5ry-mystuff/bin/as10k1’ and ‘/nix/store/fca9kqx6czwgcbp2k39c1bwzpc4ag03a-alsa-tools-1.1.3/bin/as10k1’; use ‘nix-env --set-flag priority NUMBER PKGNAME’ to change the priority of one of the conflicting packages
<clever> another related issue
<clever> you have to update all of them as one unit
<clever> which makes it difficult to update just one item
<clever> yeah
<clever> line 11 is the new trick, 14 is the old trick
<clever> yeah
<clever> including the one nix-env loads
<clever> and that set is automatically available in every nixpkgs you import as that user
<clever> adelbertc: nixpkgs will load config.nix on startup, and that lets you set package overrides
<clever> but i have since heard a new trick, just make a new set in packageOverrides like { packageOverrides = pkgs: with pkgs; { group1 = { inherit gitFull; }; }; }
<clever> previously i made a single derivation in packageOverrides that used buildEnv to merge things
<clever> i do that in ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix
<clever> ah
<clever> and then make a default.nix that does { pkgs ? import <nixpkgs>{} }: { foo = pkgs.callPackage ./foo.nix {}; }
<clever> another option, create a foo.nix that properly does { stdenv, foo, bar }:
<clever> yeah
<clever> which runs with directly on the entire set
<clever> or with import <nixpkgs> {};
<clever> prefixing an attr path with pkgs. has no impact at all, once your in the set
<clever> «derivation /nix/store/3swf63anivadciy81l3crkrraldchigx-hello-2.10.drv»
<clever> nix-repl> pkgs.pkgs.pkgs.pkgs.hello
<clever> { pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }: with pkgs; { inherit git; }
<clever> oops
<clever> { pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }: { inherit git; }
<clever> yep
<clever> adelbertc: recurseIntoAttrs specialy flags it so nix-env can search the set
<clever> 14398 gitAndTools = recurseIntoAttrs (callPackage ../applications/version-management/git-and-tools {});
<clever> 14400 inherit (gitAndTools) git gitFull gitSVN git-cola svn2git git-radar transcrypt git-crypt;
<clever> nix-repl> builtins.unsafeGetAttrPos "git" pkgs
<clever> { column = 24; file = "/nix/store/b819z5xh97ajqjaiqykrf418v2xw6gnn-nixos-17.09pre111447.a7c8f5e419/nixos/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix"; line = 14400; }
<clever> also in the root of nixpkgs
<clever> adelbertc: i dont think inherit works with foo.bar type paths
<clever> adelbertc: gitMinimal and gitAndTools.gitFull are attributes from the root of nixpkgs
<clever> adelbertc: yeah, and the pkgs attribute just contains the entire package set, including itself
<clever> ahhh
<clever> rpath alone should get them
<clever> that should be as simple as a patchelf, those things are loaded pretty early on in the startup of a program
<clever> #3, wrap the binary to prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH when it gets ran
<clever> MP2E: this just disables shrinking of the rpath