
<clever> yep
<clever> amd nixos-option
<clever> "man configuration.nix"
<clever> richierich_: in this case, it controls if NOPASSWD: gets inserted or not
<clever> click on the nix file under here, and then search for the option value
<clever> if you dont set that, it will do the sane thing
<clever> correct
<clever> % is the prefix for group names
<clever> A User_List is made up of one or more user names, user IDs (prefixed with ‘#’), system group names and IDs (prefixed with ‘%’ and ‘%#’ respectively)
<clever> richierich_: can you gist your configuration.nix?
<clever> richierich_: the livecd gives you a root shell, and root doesnt need to use sudo
<clever> richierich_: from a normal install? from the livecd?
<clever> richierich_: in what context did you notice that?
<clever> gentoo has an option the sudo group to be speical, but its commented out
<clever> on nixos, only wheel is special
<clever> yeah
<clever> the description says it all
<clever> This string contains the contents of the sudoers file.
<clever> and i think he mentioned something about running it
<clever> his name is on some of the recent commits and issues
<clever> hyper_ch: you may not get a reply from domen for a day or 2 though
<clever> open an issue against its github
<clever> hyper_ch: theres a github link at the bottom
<clever> disasm: this tells the grub scripts how many generations to allow in /boot/
<clever> disasm: https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#boot.loader.grub.configurationlimit
<clever> superherointj: either
<clever> superherointj: you would use configuration.nix to add windows and ubuntu to the generated config
<clever> superherointj: and it needs to overwrite the grub config every time you make a change
<clever> superherointj: by default, it will overwrite the grub
<clever> boxofrox: nix-env will edit a per-user profile
<clever> boxofrox: the same user
<clever> boxofrox: it will persist until removed with nix-env -e
<clever> iqubic: nix-build will just build a package, nix-shell gives you a shell suitable for building things, "nix-shell -p" creates a shell with given packages available


<clever> gandreani: so you need to cross-reference it with every eval of nixpkgs that has ever been done on hydra
<clever> gandreani: also, those hits are all hashes, and nothing more
<clever> what does ls -lh say is the uid, from both ends?
<clever> ah, not sure then
<clever> pstn: the host, or one of the containers?
<clever> pstn: where is the postgress daemon running?
<clever> pstn: but containers have a uid mapping list, so uid 1000 in the container may be 101000 on the host
<clever> pstn: i think postgress gets uid from the unix socket, and then looks it up in /etc/passwd, and uses the name
<clever> gchristensen: i think he is still on the livecd
<clever> gandreani: i think a full eval of nixpkgs is 80gig, and nix-env when given a set, will install everything in the set
<clever> nix-env -iA nixos.single-package-name
<clever> please wait while it downloads about 80gig of data,lol
<clever> that told it to install EVERYTHING
<clever> and only -i?
<clever> what args did you run it with?
<clever> it should give output saying what its doing
<clever> iqubic: the same way as on gentoo and nixos, with nix-env
<clever> iqubic: /etc/sudoers is read-only
<clever> ah, no cache right now
<clever> nvme-eui.0000000001000000e4d25cd9a9984d01-part2 ONLINE 0 0 0
<clever> logs
<clever> gchristensen: yeah, let me see what exactly i did
<clever> ive got an nvme in my main desktop, but i'm only using it for L2 and log
<clever> Mic92: which builds every machine in the deployment
<clever> Mic92: i now have a single .nix file, $ nix-build -I nixops=/nix/store/mb4rfbkliwjvcdcnqzgg4bgi45i8pb3s-nixops-1.6pre0_abcdef/share/nix/nixops nixops.nix -A machines
<clever> iqubic: foo.bar.baz = 5; is identical to foo = { bar = { baz = 5; }; };
<clever> iqubic: { and } are just another way of setting attributes
<clever> iqubic: a list is defined with [ and ]
<clever> Mic92: i'm making it possible for hydra to build the entire deployment
<clever> Mic92: i'm writing something very close to that right now
<clever> yeah
<clever> iqubic: examples are already in the file for both
<clever> iqubic: configuration.nix
<clever> i had to add an entry telling grub how to boot windows
<clever> iqubic: i would just omit the ntfs stuff for now, and manually mount them later on
<clever> hyper_ch: https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#boot.initrd.network.ssh
<clever> hyper_ch: yes
<clever> iqubic: ive had no trouble mounting ntfs and reading files
<clever> iqubic: yeah
<clever> iqubic: and you must mount all filesystems before running nixos-generate-config
<clever> hyper_ch: the contents can not be read
<clever> hyper_ch: yeah, zfs does have options to convert a single-disk into a mirror, and then undo
<clever> hyper_ch: with zfs, you have a pool of blocks, then you have multiple filesystems and block-devices, that share the pool
<clever> hyper_ch: it can be turned on/off on a per-dataset level, and i think you can unlock/lock per-dataet
<clever> hyper_ch: and the blocks remain encrypted when you zfs send
<clever> hyper_ch: there is a new thing in zfs, where it can do encryption on its own
<clever> equalunique[m]: i also made a bash script, that just does it in one step: https://github.com/cleverca22/nix-tests/blob/master/kexec/justdoit.nix#L39
<clever> equalunique[m]: zfs is pretty easy to setup, and i use it on every new install
<clever> Dezgeg: thats one of the reasons i use zfs on everything now
<clever> and i just ran a GC today
<clever> amd/nix 69G 65G 4.8G 94% /nix/store
<clever> Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
<clever> * 1024
<clever> infinisil: it probably collided with a 3rd instance of itself
<clever> infinisil: and why did it connect twice at once/
<clever> kkini: i have one addon for archiving entire windows, and a second that saves snapshots of all open tabs constantly
<clever> and it builds up
<clever> and sometimes i dont get back to them
<clever> kkini: middle click * 5
<clever> kkini: i dont want to bookmark them, and the list of threads is ever-changing and finding the links again will be tricky
<clever> kkini: but what if i find 5 threads in a forum, that i want to read
<clever> i find chrome uses the cpu cores better (firefox is heavily single-threaded)
<clever> infinisil: 865 at current count
<clever> hyper_ch: with the way i use chrome .... i need 32gig of ram and swap ....
<clever> iqubic: free -m
<clever> the hooks are per-repo
<clever> github will only inform the bot about the repo's that are set to send it events
<clever> iqubic: github has hooks where it will push out an http request to a configured url, when certain events happen
<clever> or writing your own packages
<clever> installing any package in the nix package set
<clever> correct
<clever> it prints "hello world"
<clever> and it also acts as a simple test of everything in nix
<clever> nix-env -e hello
<clever> somebody packaged hello world, lol
<clever> run "hello"
<clever> iqubic: you can run the hello command
<clever> its plausible that zsh just never runs your .zprofile
<clever> once bash has set the right env vars, you can then run zsh inside that bash
<clever> try again with bash, i suspect the scripts dont work in zsh
<clever> iqubic: and you reloaded your shell to ensure its using the new .zprofile?
<clever> iqubic: including where you sourced that script and then tried to use nix-env
<clever> iqubic: can you copy everything in that terminal to a pastebin?
<clever> and source the script it said to source when done
<clever> did you install it with the curl command?
<clever> iqubic: try installing hello world, nix-env -iA nixpkgs.hello
<clever> joehh: run nix-repl '<nixpkgs>' and then try to just eval stdenv.system
<clever> joehh: in what context?
<clever> pretty much
<clever> iqubic: id recomend using the curl script in the last link i gave
<clever> iqubic: you can also install nix on any linux distro, or darwin
<clever> iqubic: https://nixos.org/nix/manual/ is one place you can start
<clever> irssi
<clever> iqubic: my irc client only highlights if you start a msg with my nick


<clever> yep
<clever> fpletz: but the user is allowed to pick less
<clever> fpletz: i think nix-daemon uses nix.conf as a whitelist of approved binary caches
<clever> adelbertc: network trouble?
<clever> adelbertc: nope
<clever> depends also on if the configurePhase needs a proper prefix
<clever> yegortimoshenko: that also works
<clever> yegortimoshenko: oh oops, and just $out now
<clever> yegortimoshenko: nixpkgs does other things that youll loose if you override buildPhase, like -j handling and something else
<clever> yegortimoshenko: you can also use preBuild
<clever> gist also allows me to fork it, make a change, and there be a clear diff of what i did to fix it
<clever> yegortimoshenko: can you gist your current expression?
<clever> yegortimoshenko: its an env variable at build time, so it has to be expanded by bash somewhere
<clever> adelbertc: and docker run -i <name>
<clever> adelbertc: running: docker load < ~/Downloads/file.tar.gz
<clever> havent tried that yet
<clever> adelbertc: docker load
<clever> adelbertc: i had configured a hydra to pre-build the entire docker image, downloading it in the browser and loading...
<clever> adelbertc: oh, and one of the builds i queued up has finished on a remote machine, that will be a similar test
<clever> adelbertc: not yet, but i believe the docker is isolating it from the host enough that it shouldnt matter
<clever> adelbertc: i can just do "docker load < result" and it will make a working docker image that can run a command
<clever> adelbertc: the tarball that nixpkgs generates contains the entire closure
<clever> detran: systemd-boot is what is failing to probe, but grub may probe differently
<clever> i forgot about which one is the default
<clever> detran: you where using systemd-boot then, not grub
<clever> adelbertc: why is it not suitable to upload there?
<clever> i think they are also compatible with the mini-pcie notebooks use for wifi cards
<clever> oh, thats harder
<clever> they are just pcie with a smaller connector
<clever> hyper_ch: you can also get a pci-e adapter board
<clever> hyper_ch: my bios doesnt support booting from it, so /boot has to remain on a super-slow SSD, lol
<clever> yeah
<clever> nvme device 0, namespace 1, partition 1
<clever> detran: out of ideas then, only thing i can think of is to try switching from systemd-boot to grub
<clever> detran: how did you originally format /mnt/boot/ ?
<clever> detran: its not in dev
<clever> detran: try doing umount and then mount again
<clever> detran: and if you run "blkid /dev/nvme0n1p1" what does it say?
<clever> detran: what does "mount" output for boot?
<clever> yeah
<clever> Infinisil: grub is off, i just assumed he was using grub
<clever> detran: /home/clever/apps/systemd/src/boot/bootctl.c: return log_error_errno(errno ?: EIO, "Failed to probe file system type \"%s\": %m", p);
<clever> detran: ah, your using systemd-boot, not grub
<clever> detran: go ahead and gist it so we can confirm some things
<clever> detran: can you gist your configuration.nix file?
<clever> detran: i usualy go directly to the source, in this case, the grub source
<clever> detran: grub adds files there, after probing it
<clever> kungfukenny: what is $SHELL set to?
<clever> kungfukenny: it tried to run zsh, and zsh doesnt exist anymore
<clever> kungfukenny: the first log is for the terminal emulator
<clever> detran: not sure then
<clever> detran: is the partition type code set to efi system partition?
<clever> kungfukenny: then throw the logs into a gist
<clever> kungfukenny: strace -ff -o logfiles urxvt
<clever> what about running the exact path in passwd?
<clever> detran: what filesystem dod you mount to /boot?
<clever> kungfukenny: what is in /etc/passwd for your user?
<clever> and then try to ls what your shell is
<clever> look at the resulting entry in /etc/passwd
<clever> nearly everything under pkgs is a path to the directory containing the package
<clever> users.extraUsers.myusername.shell = "${pkgs.fish}/bin/fish";
<clever> myusername.shell expects a path to the binary, but pkgs.fish is a path to a directory
<clever> copumpkin: i think the difference, is if the cache says it doesnt exist at all, vs if the cache says it exists, but then 404's on download
<clever> maybe make it an option in nixos, so you can pick in configuration.nix
<clever> yegortimoshenko: qt56.qtbase.dev 1,140,816 x /nix/store/b0xq8rfq6fqwaqrrmasj68sc0f5h2zql-qtbase-5.6.2-dev/bin/moc
<clever> yegortimoshenko: i would use an unversioned name
<clever> just manualy pass it to cabal configure
<clever> yeah
<clever> kuznero: if your manually running cabal, it wont use the flags specified in the nix file
<clever> i think its just gunzip vs gzip -d
<clever> the help requireFile prints says which one to use
<clever> makefu: but if postgresql is enabled, db_connect verbosely fails
<clever> makefu: heh, if postgresql isnt even enabled, db_connect silently does nothing
<clever> makefu: basic things like hosts complain that it cant find the db
<clever> makefu: one of the online guides mentions running `msfdb init` but that command doesnt exist within this package
<clever> i vaguely remember it having an html ui
<clever> yikes
<clever> makefu: and i believe its less of a password leak, and more that you can just dump the entire config file
<clever> makefu: cisco actually
<clever> makefu: but back then, i was on windows, and a single anti-virus run deleted half of metasploit, and i was never able to reinstall the mess, lol
<clever> makefu: many years ago, it found a flaw in my managed switch, that just let anybody read the admin pw
<clever> makefu: ah, i'll have to give my lan another sweep
<clever> makefu: oh, does metasploit run on nixos?
<clever> and the garbage-collection has to happen as root to be able to delete system profiles
<clever> bulldog: yeah, thats the one i was thinking of
<clever> bulldog: oh, and double check pkgs/all-packages/python something
<clever> bulldog: did you define custompkgs within that file?
<clever> when the derivation object for it is evaluated
<clever> nix should re-generate all drv files automatically
<clever> tilpner: that wasnt present in either file in the last gist
<clever> tilpner: try evaluating parts of the expression in nix-repl
<clever> tilpner: files within the store got truncated, and where at an older state then the db
<clever> tilpner: but i have seen the sqlite db wind up "newer" then the data in /nix/store/
<clever> tilpner: the sqlite db is heavily protected by sqlite code
<clever> bulldog: import /home/clever/nixpkgs {};
<clever> bulldog: you can just put a path directly in the nix expression
<clever> tilpner: not really
<clever> bulldog: this appears as nix-env -iA foo.hello
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ cat .nix-defexpr/test/foo/default.nix
<clever> import /home/clever/apps/nixpkgs
<clever> yeah
<clever> tilpner: not related, but it should probably be fixed
<clever> tilpner: what about if you run nix-store --verify --check-contents
<clever> firefox is up now
<clever> bulldog: and the set you put after the path, is overrides
<clever> bulldog: callPackage will dynamicaly figure out what a file wants, and pass it only what it needs
<clever> tilpner: what happens when you run "nix-store --query --hash" on each of them?, do they all return nothing?
<clever> tilpner: what about that .drv file, how big is it?
<clever> bulldog: ps.callPackage ./my_pkg.nix { inherit stdenv; }; maybe
<clever> tilpner: how big is /nix/store/ylcq7flzzmnshrbf9gd8crfmxsgxh678-riot-electron-nix-ec1f0e61ee6822791e57b91b679e93d2c38ec56c-src.drv ?
<clever> tilpner: some filesystems will randomly truncate files
<clever> tilpner: have you had any improper shutdowns recently?
<clever> cant open links at the moment
<clever> tilpner: what are the contents of it?


<clever> ertes-w: "nixos-rebuild build-vm" will automatically make a given configuration.nix file work under qemu, and generate a script to launch qemu
<clever> oh, mis-interpreted the question, lol
<clever> and /proc/<pid>/exe is a symlink to the executable for thatpid
<clever> orivej: $$ is the pid of the shell that expanded it
<clever> who else has tried to customize the nix-shell PS1?
<clever> bgamari: the bash inside nix-shell is a dumber version and doesnt support a lot of flags
<clever> lol
<clever> nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./default.nix {}'


<clever> jaeckel: there are some people that maintain certain areas, but a lot of it is just community sending in PR's for packages they care about
<clever> jaeckel: open a PR to nixpkgs on github?
<clever> jaeckel: nix-channel --update, and which channel your on
<clever> Phillemann: tab-complete in nix-repl '<nixpkgs>'
<clever> pie_: nixos will then merge all of those drivers together, and point cups to the result
<clever> pie_: a derivation with drivers in $out/share must be added to https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#printing.drivers
<clever> pie_: /nix/store/*/share/
<clever> moredhel1: the simplest option is to just run `nix-store --delete` against it (and dont force it)
<clever> moredhel1: drv files are auto-created when an expression is evaulated
<clever> moredhel1: to match whatever is currently mounted under /mnt
<clever> moredhel1: re-run nixos-generate-config --root /mnt, and it will regenerate hardware-config
<clever> moredhel1: i prefer nixos-install against a usb, because files persist, and i can use it for recovery, extracting data in repairs, and other useful stuff
<clever> moredhel1: yep
<clever> moredhel1: plan b, just run nixos-install against the usb stick, and now you have a fully self-contained nixos with whatever config you want
<clever> moredhel1: plan a, make a custom iso (but you still need to do the zfs and rebuild-switch dance)
<clever> moredhel1: 2 solutions
<clever> moredhel1: it needs a reboot, but its live-media, the reboot reverts everything
<clever> moredhel1: yeah
<clever> moredhel1: then you can nix-channel --update and nixos-install (which will install 4.9.51)
<clever> moredhel1: you need to nix-channel --rollback, then nixos-rebuild switch, to get a 4.9.46 version of zfs
<clever> it made a 4.9.51 version of zfs, but you have 4.9.46
<clever> yep, thats the problem
<clever> moredhel1: what is in ls /run/current-system/kernel-modules/lib/modules/
<clever> you must nixos-rebuild for zfs, before you change the channel (or nix-channel --rollback)
<clever> but the kernel is that is running is old
<clever> the nixpkgs now refers to a new kernel, and builds zfs for that new kernel
<clever> did you run a nix-channel --update? (that can break it)
<clever> did you touch nix-channel before that?
<clever> moredhel1: due to licensing reasons, zfs cant be shipped on the iso image
<clever> moredhel1: add boot.supportedFilesystems = [ "zfs" ]; to /etc/nixos/configuration.nix and nixos-rebuild test
<clever> Infinisil: brb
<clever> ij: and callPackage is a function within pkgs (part of nixpkgs)
<clever> jellowj: imports is a special attribute in the nixos module system
<clever> ij: import is a builtin, that just blindly loads a file and returns the top-level
<clever> yep
<clever> Infinisil: and then whatever you enabled in configuration.nix can use that virtual gpu
<clever> Infinisil: by default, it opens an x11 window linked to the virtual gpu