
<clever> the strace package
<clever> flyx: what about with the strace?
<clever> try running build prefixed with "strace -f -e execve"
<clever> how does jekyll try to yse pygments?
<clever> and how are you checkign to see if pygments works?
<clever> can you gist the default.nix?
<clever> you need to put it in the buildInputs of that single expression


<clever> as for the squashfs, what part are you changing a lot?
<clever> sphalerite: once you know the netboot stuff works, you can ignore it temporarily, and test locally
<clever> sphalerite: you can also just boot the kernel+initrd in qemu with -kernel and -initrd
<clever> after that, the only way you can harden it more is to fetch a fixed nixpkgs
<clever> which will force it to ignore the users config.nix and overlays
<clever> Lisanna: the only improvement i can see is to instead use something like import <nixpkgs> { config={}; overlays=[]; }
<clever> Lisanna: i think they already are by default
<clever> sphalerite: there is an option to also boot it without graphics in qemu-vm.nix, what happens then?
<clever> and ensure the channel names remain unique between users
<clever> you can also nix-env -iA channelname.foo
<clever> user channels are more for a multi-user system where you lack root
<clever> generaly, you just use channels on root and thats it
<clever> but nix-channel can only see the ones from the current user
<clever> correct, nix-env can see channels from the user&root
<clever> Turion1: no
<clever> LnL, gchristensen: ive also discovered, that fixed-output derivations dont seem to obey the mount or process namespaces
<clever> which could be either a file or a directory
<clever> the g+w is purely so the nixbld stuff can create its $out
<clever> ylwghst: then modify from that
<clever> ylwghst: the simplest way is to run "git checkout <rev>" with the stable revision your on (nixos-version says it)
<clever> ylwghst: and you want to override the one under the kernel your using
<clever> ylwghst: the nvidia stuff is being specialized for every kernel
<clever> ylwghst: it can also help to look at where nvidia will use things
<clever> ylwghst: that will make nixos-rebuild use a custom version of nixpkgs
<clever> ylwghst: nixos-rebuild -I nixpkgs=/home/clever/nixpkgs test
<clever> ylwghst: it can also be helpfull to purposely put an error in, to confirm that its even reading the file


<clever> ylwghst: the fact that it doesnt fail, means that pkgs.nvidia-x11 wasnt even referenced
<clever> ylwghst: also, .override doesnt take a function, so that override should just fail with an error
<clever> ylwghst: sometimes, its simpler to just git clone nixpkgs and modify that file directly
<clever> d6e: if you run "nixos-rebuild build" it will create a result symlink, then run "nix-store -qR result | grep nginx" and you should see the path to the generated config
<clever> dhess_: and because the path type calls toString on line 223, the check function wont accidentally copy your key to /nix
<clever> dhess_: yeah
<clever> dhess_: as long as you call toString on the path before using it in any script, it shouldnt wind up in the store
<clever> dhess_: the only thing the "path" type does is check that the first character is a /
<clever> dhess_: toString just converts the path to a raw string, without copying it anywhere
<clever> is this a client or host key?
<clever> and that file has to exist at that path at runtime, and nix wont do anything to help
<clever> dhess_: toString will basicaly insert the result of $(realpath ./mykey.private) into the string
<clever> dhess_: it doesnt, thats why it breaks nixops
<clever> nixops already does its own things to manage the ssh host keys
<clever> stphrolland: launch-xnest spawns an x server in a window, and the -A hsdm-config attribute of the default.nix will make a script that can run hsdm, just aim $DISPLAY at the xnest server
<clever> stphrolland: the only missing part, is a gui for the login window
<clever> stphrolland: it has working pam, and xorg launching, and i think launching an actual user session
<clever> stphrolland: https://github.com/taktoa/hsdm
<clever> stphrolland: ive also worked on a new display manager, written from scratch in haskell
<clever> stphrolland: yeah, depends on if you want to build a modified version, or just read the source
<clever> i tend to use `nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A slim` followed by `unpackPhase`, but my method also downloads the dependencies required to build it and could be slower
<clever> eraserhd: nix-repl '<nixpkgs>'
<clever> lol
<clever> taktoa: and what do you write in latex? lol
<clever> taktoa: i dont think your yard is big enough
<clever> ah
<clever> dtzWill's in urbana?
<clever> dtzWill, gchristensen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrksBdWcZgQ
<clever> dtzWill: as in, i could just fire up a travis job, and hang the entire container host
<clever> dtzWill: things that any userland app can run
<clever> gchristensen: oh right, there are also x86 opcodes that just hang the machine
<clever> gchristensen: how does that work?
<clever> thats why the iommu is on backwards
<clever> with the rpi, the gpu is the master, and the arm cores are more of an after-thought and act as slave devices
<clever> Dezgeg: yep
<clever> the reason for that, is to run untrusted code in the arm, while having HDMI and DRM keys in a special area that only the GPU can access
<clever> it restricts what phys memory the arm mmu can access
<clever> Dezgeg: oops, ^^^
<clever> dtzWill: also, i think the closest thing the rpi has to an IOMMU, is on backwards, lol
<clever> rather then working, and being a security hole
<clever> and if you forget to replace a handle with the phys, it just doesnt work
<clever> but if you never give them a phys addr, they only have handles to operate on
<clever> i was thinking more along the lines of giving them a phys addrs makes them think they can attack things, and also lets you miss an argument somewhere
<clever> and the kernel will sed in the phys address
<clever> and the userland puts that blobid into the operands of the command stream
<clever> dont even give the userland a physical access, just give it a blob id#
<clever> that was my general idea for that driver at the time
<clever> so you really need a kernel or xorg "server" that can multiplex many clients into a single GPU
<clever> one problem with the current design i was doing, is that you cant really have 2 GL clients at once
<clever> i think traditionally, more of this is implemented in the kernel/xorg, and the end-users (glxgears for ex) dont do as much
<clever> that gives the userland write access to the DMA buffers
<clever> and which blob you wind up mapping, depends on what handle you selected last
<clever> so you allocate a blob and get a handle, select that handle, then mmap the char device into ram
<clever> i think added a select ioctl, to pick an object, and implemented mmap on the character device
<clever> so its imposible to leak kernel memory
<clever> so if you close() the handle, all memory you had allocated is released
<clever> my ioctl providers an API to that, and also ties every allocation to the open file handle
<clever> it returns both the virtual address (in kernel space) and the physical address of the allocation
<clever> the kernel has an internal dma_alloc_coherent function to deal with this
<clever> dtzWill: so i cant just deal with normal char[]'s in userland, because the MMU fragments everything
<clever> dtzWill: so i cant just deal with normal char[]'
<clever> dtzWill: at the start, the GPU operates on physical memory directly, and the MMU isnt involved
<clever> eraserhd: that just tells nix to search $NIX_PATH for nixpkgs
<clever> and doing it without a kernel component
<clever> dtzWill: but i had started by just using mmap on /dev/mem
<clever> dtzWill: i basically wrote the kernel driver from scratch
<clever> dtzWill: and if the userland half crashes, all of the allocated blocks fail
<clever> dtzWill: i use a custom ioctl to implement a DMA friendly malloc/free, and there is a function to execute GPU code in one of those objects
<clever> eraserhd: <nixpkgs> will find the nixpkgs entry in $NIX_PATH, which will probably be 1 of your channels
<clever> dtzWill: but i was implementing the desktop variant, (VBO's optional)
<clever> dtzWill: in my case, the raspberry pi only implements the mobile variant, that forces VBO's (less copying)
<clever> dtzWill: https://github.com/cleverca22/hackdriver/wiki this lists which ones
<clever> its scattered over 3 or 4 repos
<clever> dtzWill: and this is an opengl implementation over that wrapper: https://github.com/cleverca22/gl/blob/master/core.c#L157-L179
<clever> dtzWill: this is a bare wrapper over that kernel module: https://github.com/cleverca22/hackdriver/blob/master/v3d2.cpp#L21-L29
<clever> dtzWill: the kernel side: https://github.com/cleverca22/v3d2
<clever> dtzWill: a custom kernel driver handles the other end of that
<clever> channels_root exists at that level and is root-only
<clever> so the 'test' element is to seperate linux ownership and who can manage which set
<clever> basically, it will recursively search until it finds a default.nix, and the directory containing that is the channel name
<clever> LnL: this adds a nix-env -iA foo.hello "channel"
<clever> import /home/clever/apps/nixpkgs
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ cat .nix-defexpr/test/foo/default.nix
<clever> dtzWill: the client side library directly opened a char node in /dev and used ioctl to implement the rendering
<clever> dtzWill: in the past, i have implemented my own opengl library, from scratch, that didnt even involve xorg
<clever> dtzWill: but then what that uses to talk to xorg, and the gpu, can be anything
<clever> dtzWill: the mesa libs the client loads implement the opengl api
<clever> dtzWill: or the mesa client might directly access the gpu over a node in /dev and have total access to all physical ram
<clever> dtzWill: the mesa client side for example may have special formats for the textures, before it ships them to xorg
<clever> dtzWill: and the reason why, is that you dont just have some specialized drivers in the xorg side, the client mesa libs in the end application also have to be specialized
<clever> dtzWill: and the correct mesa implementation for your GPU gets swapped in impurely
<clever> dtzWill: at build-time, you link against the dumb mesa, then at runtime, nixos will use LD_LIBRARY_PATH to redirect things to /run/opengl-driver/lib
<clever> __monty__: i just never wrote a cabal file, i distribute it with a default.nix
<clever> eraserhd: what does nix-channel --list and sudo nix-channel --list say?
<clever> Turion: and if you where to use opengl in the example i linked, you would just add mesa to the buildInputs on 5 i believe
<clever> eraserhd: without -f, it will search every channel, with -f, it will search the nixpkgs in $NIX_PATH
<clever> eraserhd: if you have multiple channels, then that can differ
<clever> Turion: personally, i havent used stack or cabal on any of my own projects, i just make a pkgs.runCommand containing ghcWithPackages, then i just run ghc -o foo
<clever> dtzWill: and my previous laptop doesnt support that
<clever> dtzWill: i have also discovered, that if you compile rocksdb with gcc -O4, it will wind up using some sse4 stuff (the compiler is to blame)
<clever> dtzWill: and mplayer has runtime cpu detection, where it can compile both, then swap the function pointer out based on /proc/cpuinfo at runtime
<clever> dtzWill: mplayer for example, has many inline asm chunks, and c chunks implementing the same thing, and some ./configure options let you switch between the sse or the c variant
<clever> the main limit i can see is things like the layout of `struct stat` and things like #ifdef's
<clever> dtzWill: what kinds of dis-agreements can happen if you try to use the same IR for many platforms?
<clever> dtzWill: what about switching between x86-64 and aarch64 (64bit arm)
<clever> dtzWill: but translating it to x86-32 or armv7 would be harder?
<clever> dtzWill: so it should be trivial to optimize the IR to your specific x86-64 cpu, to take advantage of what features you have
<clever> dtzWill: something ive been wondering, how feasible is it to compile something large/complex to llvm, then finish it off later, and how cross-platform would that llvm be?
<clever> :D
<clever> yeah
<clever> changing that will break the very things its meant to fix
<clever> thats why its called stateVersion
<clever> fresheyeball: that tells nixos what version your state is
<clever> fresheyeball: that is normal and should not be changed
<clever> adisbladis: they couldnt just call it a uuid? lol
<clever> fresheyeball: sdk1 is your ext4 rootfs, and grub cant install to that
<clever> in my case, sda is a random data drive, not involved in the boot
<clever> sda is simply the first sata drive to be initialized
<clever> adisbladis: what does the wwn come from?
<clever> etu: yeah, i do see 2 links for sda
<clever> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Nov 23 18:50 ata-HITACHI_HDS7216SBSUN160G_0802QA4P1M_PVE301ZFSA4P1M -> ../../sda
<clever> adisbladis: and if i shuffle the drives within the machine, it may still write to the wrong one
<clever> adisbladis: my only fear, is that this is based on which sata port the drive is plugged into?
<clever> adisbladis: looks like that maps to the 'LU WWN Device Id' in smartctl, whatever that field is
<clever> LU WWN Device Id: 5 000cca 33ad2b4c7
<clever> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Nov 23 18:50 wwn-0x5000cca33ad2b4c7 -> ../../sda
<clever> etu: and grub needs the root of the drive
<clever> etu: ive tried to solve this problem before, only partitions have symlinks there
<clever> sdg doesnt exist, and the bootloader is almost always on the same drive as /
<clever> that caused your boot drive to be pushed ahead 1 letter, and land at sdk
<clever> and that has since been unplugged
<clever> you had something else plugged in (maybe a usb drive?) that stole the sdg position
<clever> the grub device should probably be set to sdk right now
<clever> and lsblk says you dont even have an sdg
<clever> fresheyeball: your rootfs is on sdk, not sdg
<clever> fresheyeball: paste the output of both commands into https://gist.github.com/
<clever> fresheyeball: can you gist the output of "mount" and "lsblk" ?
<clever> fresheyeball: oh, what does nix-channel --list say?
<clever> and then it can detect such an issue
<clever> but after an upgrade, the version can change, and then it has to re-run grub-install
<clever> fresheyeball: and at each nixos-rebuild, it knows there has been no change, and doesnt try to update the MBR
<clever> so it may not notice that the grub.device is set wrong
<clever> fresheyeball: nixos uses /boot/grub/state to keep track of what bootloader has last been installed, in my case, 2.02
<clever> fresheyeball: can you gist the output of "mount" ?
<clever> fresheyeball: what is your actual boot device?
<clever> fresheyeball: what is boot.loader.grub.device set to in configuration.nix?
<clever> fresheyeball: you want "sudo -i", not "sudo su"
<clever> justanotheruser: assuming your on the fixed livecd image, it will just chroot in
<clever> with the whole target mounted under /mnt, the same as if you where going to install
<clever> nixos-install --chroot
<clever> justanotheruser: yeah
<clever> if*
<clever> justanotheruser: i the entire /boot is lost, then nixos will recreate all of it, and re-install the MBR stubs
<clever> justanotheruser: nixos has some hidden files in /boot that keep track of the MBR state
<clever> ly
<clever> every arm chip does it different
<clever> sphalerite: x86 is far more standardized
<clever> sphalerite: ive had trouble getting anything arm to boot under qemu, the problem is the lack of a solid definition of how the cpu goes from reset -> firmware -> bootloader


<clever> and silently ignores the rebuilds
<clever> it obeys PYTHONPATH, and uses the old version
<clever> catern: if you then nix-build nixops, and run a new build via ./result/bin/nixops
<clever> catern: so if you enter a nix-shell with nixops in the buildInputs, nixops gets added to PYTHONPATH as well
<clever> catern: python's setup hook adds all inputs to PYTHONPATH
<clever> catern: one anoying thing ive noticed, nixops has itself and python in the propagatedBuildInputs
<clever> catern: you could try adding echo's to the setup hook and confirm it all
<clever> catern: yeah, i believe thats all right
<clever> and at runtime, docker puts all the layers back together
<clever> so when you rebuild, the derivations that havent changed can reuse the layers they made before
<clever> FenTiger: but i think ive heard that https://github.com/awakesecurity/hocker generates a docker image, with 1 layer per derivation
<clever> FenTiger: most things like the tarball generator just put the entire closure into a single output
<clever> FenTiger: do you want to generate a list of derivations, that each transform one dependency?
<clever> FenTiger: thats doing import from derivation, which causes nix to build some things at eval time, which generally ruins performance
<clever> FenTiger: but the eval cant access it
<clever> FenTiger: exportReferencesGraph creates a variable/file at build time, for the derivation its in, which i believe contains the runtime closure of the referenced thing
<clever> FenTiger: after the eval and build have finished, nix will basicaly grep the output, to see what build-time deps it still refers to, and those become the runtime deps
<clever> FenTiger: the runtime dependencies are not known at eval time
<clever> catern: hmmm, not sure on that one
<clever> catern: /etc/hosts it to 127?
<clever> catern: ah, you may want to use (import <nixpkgs> { config={}; overlays={}; }).fetchzip
<clever> catern: to fetch nixpkgs or a normal nix file?
<clever> catern: why do you want a function that unpacks?
<clever> samueldr: yeah, thats not right, its corrupting the nix store!
<clever> and does nix-store --verify --check-contents complain about it being corrupt?
<clever> that is strange
<clever> samueldr: was the file empty before the build started?
<clever> samueldr: does the empty file persist after the build has ran?
<clever> and with the rescue boot option, you can auto-generate the whole ramdisk
<clever> you can now test xen unikernels without having xen installed, without using root
<clever> so that runs nixos, under xen, under qemu
<clever> the image contains the xen hypervisor
<clever> catern: this generates a nixos image, then boots that image under qemu
<clever> just wait :P
<clever> catern: when fetchgit/private.nix tries to find <ssh-config-file>, it will find the file created in test4
<clever> i have used those together, to make a nix file that messes with the search path, as seen by another file
<clever> and builtins.scopedImport lets you inject things into the "global" scope when you import a file
<clever> you can effect all <foo>'s in that scope
<clever> but this also means, if you mess with the value of __nixPath (even a let block works)
<clever> and you can eval that in nix-repl and get the same reply
<clever> catern: <nixpkgs> gets turned into __findFile __nixPath "nixpkgs"
<clever> catern: <nixpkgs> is translated into a function call at parse time
<clever> catern: another thing thats neat
<clever> which will return a nix attrset
<clever> catern: then just builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile <myconfig>)
<clever> catern: also, you can do something like myconfig=/path/to/foo.json in the path
<clever> catern: if you want to ensure purity, you want to set NIX_PATH, rather then use -I to prepend
<clever> catern: which has a nasty side-effect, if you -I nixpkgs=/does-not-exist, it will fail to find it, and silently check the original $NIX_PATH
<clever> catern: and -I will prepend things to the search path
<clever> and it will return the full path to the foo.nix it finds
<clever> so you could have several nixpkgs within NIX_PATH
<clever> so <nixpkgs/foo.nix> will only return the nixpkgs that contains a foo.nix
<clever> it also supports sub-directories
<clever> catern: but nixpkgs=/tmp/foo will map <nixpkgs> directly to /tmp/foo
<clever> catern: so an entry of /tmp/foo and <nixpkgs> will check for /tmp/foo/nixpkgs
<clever> catern: and anything in the form of nixpkgs=path, will strip the nixpkgs off the search, and directly use that path
<clever> catern: with NIX_PATH, if you search for <nixpkgs>, it will check each bare path to see if it contains a nixpkgs


<clever> neonfuz: just use nix-channel, and read its man page
<clever> yeah
<clever> neonfuz: you want to override the src
<clever> neonfuz: overriding version will almost never have an effect
<clever> :D
<clever> szicari: i think it will only have an impact realted to .drv roots youve made
<clever> szicari: i think you want these 2 options in /etc/nix/nix.conf
<clever> gc-keep-outputs = true
<clever> gc-keep-derivations = true
<clever> it only roots the other .drv files it references
<clever> the shell.drv doesnt act as a root for every input it has
<clever> toogley: the latest thing on 17.09 is a revert of the firefox upgrade
<clever> toogley: what about "nix-channel --list" as both root and your user?
<clever> toogley: let me look at it...
<clever> toogley: yeah, that is a channel
<clever> in the asciinema, it overwrote the first 1gig of that
<clever> infinisil: it was overwriting whatever sda2 previously pointed to
<clever> toogley: what branch are you on?
<clever> you need to close the programs using the partitions, or reboot
<clever> sda2 is still pointing to the rest of the disk
<clever> Failed to remove partition 2 from system: Device or resource busy
<clever> infinisil: also, what is sda2 supposed to be?
<clever> and also "mount" and "cat /proc/swaps"
<clever> infinisil: ls -l /proc/*/fd/* | grep sda
<clever> hyper_ch: write a udev rule to chmod it automatically
<clever> infinisil: that is strange
<clever> infinisil: ls -ltrh /dev/
<clever> hyper_ch: chown or chmod
<clever> infinisil: can you gist the full output of the dd command, just everything in the terminal
<clever> hyper_ch: you need permission to the usb device under /dev/bus/usb/
<clever> infinisil: ls -lh /dev/sda2
<clever> Dezgeg: good idea
<clever> infinisil: some character devices have no end, but the block devices usually have a size
<clever> ertes-w: https://web.skype.com/
<clever> thats why i moved to slack
<clever> they borked the "new" version
<clever> it doesnt work anymore
<clever> oh
<clever> same version though
<clever> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 83 Dec 31 1969 /home/clever/.nix-profile/bin/skypeforlinux -> /nix/store/pa7cswj4rm0x02nrfar9sqj570pd3fm9-skypeforlinux-
<clever> correction: skypeforlinux
<clever> ertes-w: you also have to run skype4linux, not skype
<clever> ertes-w: i'm using it on unstable