
<clever> seville: ah, thats in lib, not builtins
<clever> seville: 404, not found
<clever> Taneb: its ugly but: builtins.fromJSON "336"
<clever> and justStaticExecutables just mutates the value, no need to re-import it
<clever> the hoogle derivation has already been imported
<clever> which doesnt exist
<clever> electrocat: and callPackage then tries to import the default.nix in its output
<clever> electrocat: yes
<clever> electrocat: you dont need the callPackage there
<clever> sphalerite: also, https://github.com/cleverca22.keys is every key i have trusted on my github


<clever> apostolis: "${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash" is the path to bash, but there is also "${stdenv.shell}" to just get a shell
<clever> and then import "${that_derivation}/foo.nix"
<clever> apostolis: just write a derivation that generates nix and stores it in $out (either as a file, or a directory containing files)
<clever> apostolis: import from derivation could be used for that, if the program is pure
<clever> oraclejdk also doesnt work on darwin, since it just patchelf's the linux binaries
<clever> mitchty: there are both openjdk and oraclejdk derivations
<clever> not sure about the specifics of darwin, maybe gchristensen or #nix-darwin know more?
<clever> mpickering: is this on darwin or linux?
<clever> jgt: the derivation for riskbook should also be in the stack2nix output
<clever> mpickering: was that executable built within nix, or packaged and pre-compiled?
<clever> mpickering: the gcc wrapper does that
<clever> jgt: and you need to add .env if you are using nix-shell
<clever> jgt: yeah, i believe thats the best use of it
<clever> jgt: stack2nix generates a default.nix that returns a set containing many packages
<clever> jgt: you need to use -A to select the package you want to open a shell for
<clever> jgt: the shell.nix file you generated contains an entire haskell packages set
<clever> it would default to the arch that the nix building it was built for
<clever> ben: you could
<clever> ben: the value of imports cant depend on the value of pkgs, which heavily limits what you can do
<clever> ij: and when those strings are passed to builtins.derivation, it uses the context to figure out what the build-time deps of the new derivation are
<clever> ij: all strings in nix have an array of context, that tracks what storepaths and derivations the string depends on
<clever> ij: have you seen what context is within nix?
<clever> ij: it also adds the path as context on the string
<clever> yeah
<clever> so line 1629 of eval.cc fails the ==
<clever> ij: toPath does not return a path
<clever> "string"
<clever> nix-repl> builtins.typeOf (builtins.toPath "/nix")
<clever> ij: the value filterSource creates has dependencies on the storepath, but a quoted string does not
<clever> it might also support just a bare package name+version and hackage lookups, never tried it though
<clever> you can give cabal2nix a git url and a git revision
<clever> so the entire package set is affected
<clever> you would add it to the haskellPackages overrides
<clever> and add them to the overrides
<clever> yeah, you will probably want to run cabal2nix on those too, to force the version
<clever> *doh*
<clever> oddly, i cant find nomad in that cabal file
<clever> what does its cabal file say?
<clever> it also helps to keep the cabal2nix output in its own file, and just give callPackage the path
<clever> i think you changed the cabal deps, and have to re-run cabal2nix
<clever> ah, nomad-logger isnt in the nix file you linked
<clever> yeah, it just disables all bounds
<clever> that turns off the version limits in cabal
<clever> haskell.lib.doJailbreak i think
<clever> wait no
<clever> you may need to run haskell.lib.dontCheck over that package
<clever> but the same issue still comes up, because haskellPackages.override will set the overrides attribute, overwriting it
<clever> similar to when you set config, you can also set import <nixpkgs> { overlays = [ ]; }, and give it a list of self: super: functions that act on the top-level pkgs set
<clever> so they cant compose haskell overrides
<clever> overlays only work at the nixpkgs level i believe
<clever> jgt: yeah, i havent looked into how to fix that properly yet
<clever> it uses the self: super: model, but doesnt allow composing
<clever> yeah, i have been wanting a way to compose haskell overrides
<clever> maybe, i havent played with extend much
<clever> and 85 then uses it
<clever> then line 75 will apply an override to that
<clever> line 71 of this diff will select the right package set for the compiler you picked
<clever> jgt: you can also remove it, but then you cant change compilers
<clever> oops, 2 = 1 for the previous
<clever> jgt: then haskellPackages2 = haskellPackages2.override ...
<clever> jgt: you want to apply the override down near that if statement, so haskellPackages1 = if ...
<clever> jgt: your doing an override against pkgs.haskellPackages, but then you ultimately use pkgs.haskell.packages.ghc822
<clever> jgt: found the issue
<clever> try disabling the 256 color changes you may have done to rxvt?
<clever> psychic1: also try doing things under a different terminal emulator
<clever> psychic1: that sounds more like $TERM is set wrong, so all readline based apps are broken
<clever> yeah, you will need to add it to the librarySystemDepends i think
<clever> and can sometimes be fixed by adding bashInteractive to the shell inputs
<clever> it typically only happens when you run nix-shell inside nix-shell
<clever> nix run doesnt change bash
<clever> psychic1: nix-shell changes $SHELL to a simpler bash that lacks readline support, but it still runs the previous bash, so it only beocmes an issue when you nest shells
<clever> also, id run `wpa_passphrase MYSSID passphrase > /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf` and then `systemctl start wpa_passphrase` to fix the 1st issue
<clever> in configuration.nix
<clever> eldad: for that 2nd one, services.xserver.desktopManager.xterm.enable = false;


<clever> so its a tricky choice
<clever> but i also get anoyed by nix-env stuff not being updated automatically
<clever> colonel_john_by: ive had issues with environment.systemPackages stuff blocking a minor OS config change, because package xyz doesnt build today
<clever> colonel_john_by: mostly user preference
<clever> zybell_: nix gives you reproducibility and immutability, systemd can easily add the isolation


<clever> i cant see why not
<clever> it would save a few steps at install time
<clever> i have plans to make a wrapper around makeSystemTarball, that pre-loads the db
<clever> boomshroom: yeah, but that lacks a `db.sqlite`, so you have to manually run `nix-store --load-db < foo` on the remote machine, after you unpack
<clever> `rip it out and mount!!` would let you turn a blank SD card into a fully working raspberry pi install, for example
<clever> so you either need to mount it somehow (nfs?, sshfs?, rip it out and mount!!), or run nix on that remote machine
<clever> it needs write access to whatever directory its copying to
<clever> and if /mnt is a usb stick, you can now move whole closures between machines, with paths shared
<clever> and then i think you just switch to --from to pull paths back out of /mnt
<clever> and if any paths match up, it just reuses what was already in /mnt
<clever> but with 2.0, you can `nix copy /nix/store/source --to local?root=/mnt/` to setup a normal /mnt/nix/store
<clever> as an example, with the right flags, export can dump the entire closure, but there is no sharing between 2 exports, so it gets expensive to try and save 10 versions to a usb stick
<clever> and you can just reverse the source/dest flags at the remote end to pull from it
<clever> but with 2.0, you can also have an entire fully working store, that is just a chroot away from being a working system, if it has the right paths
<clever> boomshroom: export/import generates multiple nar's and metadata about what they depend on
<clever> boomshroom: dump/restore are raw nar files, and lack the name of the root element, so you can think of it like a feature-reduced tar
<clever> nix-push (which has been replaced by a flag in nix copy) will generate a binary-cache directory, which has .nar and .narinfo files
<clever> nix copy will share that metadata along with the nar
<clever> the .nar is more like a .tar then a .deb
<clever> boomshroom: though the .nar lacks information about what it depends on or what it is even called
<clever> but if the sandbox is on, the impure method will just not find the file, forcing you to do it the right way
<clever> if the sandbox is off, and you use a path the wrong way, it can allow impure access to that path, which causes fun bugs
<clever> it also helps a lot to have the sandbox enabled
<clever> bgamari: it also looks like you can combine flags, `nix path-info --sigs --size --closure-size` shows all 3 at once
<clever> bgamari: same
<clever> that trick can be used for any config file in /etc
<clever> nixos-rebuild will then overwrite that file with a symlink at the next switch
<clever> bgamari: the above will replace the symlink with a regular file, and edit it
<clever> bgamari: another trick, cd /etc/nix ; cat nix.conf > new ; rm nix.conf ; mv new nix.conf ; vi nix.conf
<clever> bgamari: ive also broken my machine by turning off a remote binary cache
<clever> bgamari: looks like path-info only has 3 sub-commands
<clever> bgamari: you can still rollback to undo those changes
<clever> bgamari: ah, i was wondering how to view that stuff
<clever> jgt: import <nixpkgs> { config = { packageOverrides = pkgs: { foo = foo.overrideDerivation (drv: { src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { .... }; }); }; }; }
<clever> nur0n0: you also have to remove the { stdenv , stuff }:
<clever> nur0n0: yeah, that also works
<clever> nur0n0: nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./. {}'
<clever> boomshroom: --depth 1 stops it from downloading the history
<clever> boomshroom: git clone --depth 1
<clever> boomshroom: git clone ; grep -r ?
<clever> its more kind then you realize :P
<clever> boomshroom: more that pid1 will adopt the orphaned children, and then reap when they die naturally
<clever> but you should be able to override it with NIX_CONF_DIR
<clever> i think the trust options changed some in nix 2
<clever> vaibhavsagar: then you can just write a nix.conf that configures things properly and does trusted-users = $USER
<clever> vaibhavsagar: if its single-user nix, you can use NIX_CONF_DIR to change where it looks for nix.conf
<clever> and if thats not an option, we can continue
<clever> root is trusted by default, so just sudo and it should work
<clever> and then just wait for the admin to run it
<clever> otherwise, you could download a malicious copy of sudo
<clever> vaibhavsagar: a normal user cant add their own caches
<clever> vaibhavsagar: you need to be a trusted nix user, or the cache has to be in the trusted-binary-caches list in nix.conf


<clever> qvvqj: so you need to look at the file that cabal2nix generates when ran on that source
<clever> qvvqj: it passes arguments into the generated default.nix, the same ones you can set with normal .override
<clever> qvvqj: the {} at the end is the same as the {} in callPackage
<clever> qvvqj: i think it was callCabal2Nix "packagename" ./source {}
<clever> day|flip: then you want cp OTF/*.otf
<clever> day|flip: insert an ls -l on line 16-ish
<clever> so it parsed as "cp $out/share/fonts/opentype"
<clever> day|flip: *.otf on line 17 matched zero files
<clever> and put that into the sourceRoot
<clever> you need to figure out what dir in the tar contains the README.md file
<clever> and that only works if the tar file contains a src directory
<clever> yep
<clever> so you need to use preUnpack instead
<clever> it fails before running the hook
<clever> line 872 calls postUnpack
<clever> ah, i see the issue
<clever> yeah
<clever> can you gist the current expression?
<clever> the timestamps of such files are generally scattered all over the place, to make sure you cant just find those files in one area of `ls -ltrh` :P
<clever> this problem only happens with nasty tar files that lack a common directory, and barf files all over your downloads folder
<clever> or just sourceRoot = "src/";
<clever> postUnpack = "sourceRoot=src/";
<clever> both should work
<clever> if you set sourceRoot, that error wont happen
<clever> man pages dont exist for the new `nix` command
<clever> the .name of your derivation cant contain .drv
<clever> the same as if you used pkgs
<clever> super.stdenv.mkDerivation
<clever> src = ./. ;
<clever> ThatPako: super and self are copies of nixpkgs
<clever> ThatPako: drop line 1 entirely
<clever> yeah
<clever> its 2 functions, that each accept 1 argument
<clever> //
<clever> so i could just make an overlay that says "4" = 5;
<clever> ThatPako: the overlays can just insert anything they want into the pkgs set
<clever> yeah
<clever> both wait for critical tests
<clever> unacceptable: -small doesnt wait for hydra to finish building every single package
<clever> you need to uninstall 58 before you can instal 59
<clever> nschoe: so nix-env is trying to add a 2nd firefox
<clever> nschoe: the name changed from firefox-bin to firefox, so nix-env doesnt consider it an upgrade
<clever> nschoe: try just `nix-env -q` with nothing else
<clever> otherwise, it wont know which one should be in $PATH
<clever> nschoe: you need to remove one of them
<clever> nschoe: you have 2 copies of firefox installed in `nix-env -q`


<clever> day|flip: pkgs.fetchzip i'm guessing
<clever> krey: its simpler to put that into its own .nix file, then load it into systemPackages with callPackage
<clever> you can also use nixos-install to repair it, that will just automate the whole nixos-rebuild-in-chroot
<clever> not sure then
<clever> and nixos-enter was ran as root?
<clever> fearlessKim[m]: was nixos-enter ran from a nixos livecd?
<clever> Myrl-saki: correct, and lets take things to a PM to not spam the room up
<clever> i dont remember how i configured this, but its designed to be a build slave, lol
<clever> all it has is a fat /boot and a swap partition
<clever> squashfs for /nix/.ro-store, overlay'd with a tmpfs
<clever> how is this even booting?
<clever> this is not-os!
<clever> this isnt rasbian
<clever> ooooo
<clever> after 10 failed passwords on pi@, root@ lets me in instantly
<clever> (facepalm)
<clever> now to brute force my password!
<clever> ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
<clever> Myrl-saki: that looks good
<clever> Apr 10 04:39:37 router dhcpd4[8370]: DHCPOFFER on to b8:27:eb:80:d9:b6 via enp4s2f1
<clever> string manip then, assert that it begins with ./ and then drop the . ?
<clever> ah
<clever> copumpkin: builtins.toPath maybe?
<clever> copumpkin: cah you just not quote the string?
<clever> open up the dhcp journal and plug it in!
<clever> no clue what is on the sd card!
<clever> phase 1: grab a random pi from the PIle!
<clever> and i think only 1 is aarch64
<clever> 2 can run v7
<clever> one or 2 are v6 only
<clever> i should plug a few in, ive got 4 pi's just piled up, lol
<clever> and the arm slaves are currently offline
<clever> ah, i havent been updated it much lately
<clever> but i think you can use nix2 inside a non-root nix-shell to do the same thing
<clever> bit more tricky then
<clever> as long as nix has network support, it should work
<clever> then `nix copy --to local?root=/mnt /nix/store/lwbjjkkbpdjwxzmjmxbwgrsjjb8vm30k-gcc-5.4.0` to copy it there
<clever> and you can run that on an x86 machine
<clever> this wont recompile, it will just download it from the cache
<clever> nix-store -r /nix/store/lwbjjkkbpdjwxzmjmxbwgrsjjb8vm30k-gcc-5.4.0
<clever> then you can use something like nix 2.0's copy command to put it into an sdcard
<clever> it will just end with you having an arm copy of gcc in your x86 store
<clever> you can run that on the x86 nix
<clever> it will look like that
<clever> trusted-public-keys = c2d.localnet-1:YTVKcy9ZO3tqPNxRqeYEYxSpUH5C8ykZ9ImUKuugf4c= hydra.nixos.org-1:CNHJZBh9K4tP3EKF6FkkgeVYsS3ohTl+oS0Qa8bezVs= amd-1:8E8Dz+Vc/6+8SePHMrJxe92IUYHBdv5pbI7YLnJH6Ek= hydra.iohk.io:f/Ea+s+dFdN+3Y/G+FDgSq+a5NEWhJGzdjvKNGv0/EQ= cache.nixos.org-1:6NCHdD59X431o0gWypbMrAURkbJ16ZPMQFGspcDShjY=
<clever> nix.conf
<clever> line 109 wont work for you, that one can be deleted
<clever> my public key and URL are in here
<clever> after configuring the binary cache correctly
<clever> just run nix-store -r on that storepath
<clever> and gcc took 6 hours on a real rpi
<clever> it had to go thru 28 steps to build acpi
<clever> you linked the logs for step 2
<clever> and then build steps
<clever> http://hydra.earthtools.ca/build/45405 so if you go up to the job
<clever> so it has to build gcc first
<clever> acpi depends on gcc
<clever> .2.126 is a raspberry pi
<clever> Myrl-saki: it has to build gcc, twice, before it can build anything else
<clever> heh
<clever> the same as when you where installing nixos
<clever> fearlessKim[m]: yeah, and it has to be mounted to /mnt/boot/
<clever> then nixos-rebuild boot should work
<clever> and if your store is in its own fs, that has to also be mounted
<clever> nixos-enter requires that you mount your root to /mnt and your boot to /mnt/boot
<clever> fearlessKim[m]: also, you only want to use `nixos-rebuild boot` when doing that, and /boot has to be mounted
<clever> fearlessKim[m]: nixos-install --chroot got turned into nixos-enter
<clever> winsome: yep
<clever> or do nixpkgs.packageOverrides = pkgs: { polybar = pkgs.polybar.override { githubSupport = true; }; };, which will change what pkgs.polybar refers to elsewhere
<clever> you can either put (polybar.override { githubSupport = true; }) into systemPackages
<clever> winsome: pkgs.polybar.override { githubSupport = true; }
<clever> fearlessKim[m]: where do you see it using /dev/root?
<clever> fearlessKim[m]: id say thats a bug and it should just be using the right device
<clever> fearlessKim[m]: try adding debug as well
<clever> fearlessKim[m]: do you even need a /dev/root ?
<clever> zybell_: that is just the latest version of the script
<clever> fearlessKim[m]: why do you need a /dev/root symlink?
<clever> symlinks cant be chmod'd, so nixos will copy the file for you and chmod
<clever> ah, there are some mode things in environment.etc you can use
<clever> fearlessKim[m]: also, environment.etc can be used to make a symlink to do all of that


<clever> wilornel: yeah, check the nix-channel man page, and run it as root
<clever> wilornel: try using the nixos-18.03 channel
<clever> kreisys: there are non-free libraries that cant be put into the store
<clever> kreisys: id recomend doing the initial work on linux, darwin is just weird
<clever> it was probably started by something that has since quit
<clever> kreisys: pid 1 or other?
<clever> LnL: and that would be my desktop locking up once more, lol
<clever> norfumpit: running the gnome settings daemon
<clever> norfumpit: the xfce session settings include an option for ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
<clever> kreisys: check pstree, what is the parent?
<clever> the slave see's the lock there, assumes another thread is building it already, and waits
<clever> then ssh's into the slave (itself) and says "build this!"
<clever> nix gets a local lock on the storepath, because its being built
<clever> zybell_: happens even with 1 thread
<clever> zybell_: fourth, deal with nix deadlocking because its building something on localhost but has to wait for itself to finish before it can start
<clever> yeah
<clever> whatever the slave happens to be
<clever> if you run the nix-build on the master with a, it will push a out to foo
<clever> not sure how you can do that, other then turning remote building off entirely
<clever> also, its 4pm here!