
<clever> iptables can help restrict that
<clever> ottidmes: if your dns server is listening on a public interface, it can be abused in a few ways
<clever> nh2: and if you try to review task manager for anything fishy, you just find a normal system exe running
<clever> nh2: no, more like, after a virus is already inside the computer, it launches a random system exe thats always running, scoops the brains out, and injects the virus into that exe, then terminals the original binary
<clever> vaibhavsagar: nix.package in configuration.nix
<clever> if you can run such a thing, you can also just use the syscalls for debugging directly
<clever> i think its more about falsifying the records of what executable it even is
<clever> the debugger thats doing the brain-scooping still has to be trusted first, and it could just as easily just make a normal exe and request it to be whitelisted
<clever> all process management utils claim its one thing, but its something entirely different
<clever> then immediately use the debugger to hollow out its skull, and implant different code
<clever> launch a legit binary that people trust, but with a debugger attached
<clever> nh2: ive also heard about virus level stuff happening on windows
<clever> with dlopen or custom per-platform code?
<clever> nh2: when you try to run TH code, ghc will compile to the target arch, serialize it, and ship it off to iserv, which then loads it (somehow), and then runs it
<clever> nh2: which interpreter is in the ELF headers of the iserv binary
<clever> which enables cross-compiling
<clever> iserv also allows the TH to run on a different arch from the ghc
<clever> then fix the bugs from the libs behaving differently
<clever> and that feature of QT was in beta at the time, so i had to cross-compile my own QT that can map the apple SSL libs to the QT ssl api
<clever> you must use the apple ssl libs
<clever> ottidmes: apple does not allow openssl to be staticly (or dynamicly) linked into your apps
<clever> ottidmes: but i did have to compile a custom QT, because of more apple reasons
<clever> ottidmes: i dont remember what the details of the licensing where
<clever> multiple windows (but the window manager is missing), scroll bars that work oposite of mobile
<clever> so the mobile versions looked and behaved like desktop apps
<clever> the main problem, is that QT has a desktop ui by default
<clever> ottidmes: i rewrote the entire client in QT, since it can compile to android, ios, linux, osx, windows, and a dozen others :P
<clever> angerman: and then when mac support started to come along, "surprise, i want mobile support to!"
<clever> angerman: in my case, the boss hired a windows dev to make the client, and when things neared completion, sprang "oh, i want mac support" on us :P
<clever> (or you modify the xml after packaging)
<clever> but, this can only happen if you use non-apple build tools (qmake) which dont validate the xml when packaging
<clever> if the info.plist file in your .app has xml errors, the app will silently hang on startup, and just do absolutely nothing
<clever> ive also found funny bugs in darwin, which ive reported, and never heard back from them on
<clever> :D
<clever> nh2: despite it being a field in the mach-o and you can change it freely, the kernel rejects any binary where it has been changed!
<clever> nh2: the path to dyld (the apple version of ld.so) has an if statement in the kernel
<clever> nh2: apple would like to a word with you :P
<clever> :D
<clever> angerman: apple would like to say otherwise, lol
<clever> jophish: it reduced my closure from 38mb to 2mb, and removed all dependencies
<clever> jophish: yes
<clever> magbo: patchelf, in the nixpkgs manual
<clever> jophish: nix why-depends automates that step for you
<clever> ottidmes: and nothing says the dhcp has to be ran on the router, just make sure to configure the nixos one to use the right gateway, dns, and ip range
<clever> ottidmes: in general, its simpler to just disable all other competing dhcp servers
<clever> anothertest: you may be better off using a more custom kernel+initrd pair like the netboot.nix code, and just not having a disk image at all
<clever> and if you drop .env, you can use nix-build on it
<clever> as long as the deps are compatible with whats in haskellPackages, you can use that against any cabal file you want
<clever> simpson: nix-shell -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; (haskellPackages.callCabal2nix "servant-py" ./. {}).env" then `runhaskell Setup.hs configure` and `runhaskell Setup.hs repl`
<clever> yeah
<clever> nullglob is enabled, so a pattern matching nothing just vanishes
<clever> bbarker_home: the directory might already exist
<clever> and then it builds it locally, and fails once more
<clever> if the build does fail on hydra, then it simply wont be in the cache
<clever> infinisil: regex bug detected!
<clever> yeah
<clever> you just need to experiment
<clever> it might be setup to try network when hdd fails
<clever> that will depend on the defaults in the firmware as well
<clever> depends on the hardware/firmware
<clever> but boot order may matter when your done, to make the new install boot
<clever> it just directly runs a kernel
<clever> kexec doesnt care about boot order at all
<clever> no special setup at all
<clever> no need for a /boot, or even a harddrive at all, for proper netboot
<clever> on the kexec'd ones, or the netboot ones?
<clever> kexec then, simpler
<clever> depends on if you want to keep booting from the network, or just kexec an installer and then install normally
<clever> kexec was just a shortcut to skip having to do that
<clever> ottidmes: as long as you can write to the current /boot partition, you can do it without a reboot
<clever> no real os needs to exist
<clever> ottidmes: you just need to install grub to /boot with an ipxe.lkrn
<clever> in this example,the script will require signed binaries, dhcp, fetch another script, verify the signature, and execute it
<clever> then it just never does the normal dhcp auto-boot
<clever> ottidmes: if you override ipxe, and set the EMBED var, you can bake an ipxe script into the binary
<clever> but then it will rely on the "filename" from the dhcp server, except...
<clever> ipxe also has a linux-kernel type image, which you can shove into /boot and wire grub into
<clever> which the hoster may (or may not) give control over
<clever> ottidmes: ah, in the case of a VPS, you would need to mess with the boot order in the vm config
<clever> ottidmes: this is a more complete netboot example, https://github.com/cleverca22/nixos-configs/blob/master/netboot_server.nix#L42-L49
<clever> so ipxe is given an http url
<clever> that contains an ipxe binary, which will re-query the dhcp server, and the new query matches the if statement now
<clever> in my case, the if statement on 143 doesnt match, so "undionly.kpxe" from
<clever> ottidmes: it will query the dhcp server, and then download the file specified by "filename" from "next-server"
<clever> ottidmes: most of the time, the bios is able to netboot without any special software being installed
<clever> any entry not listed in the static ones will use the range specified by the range option
<clever> ottidmes: nope, thats the tftp server for network booting


<clever> ottidmes: plain old bind and dhcpd
<clever> i have to do the same with chromedriver and electron
<clever> yep
<clever> if you already have a chrome binary in PATH
<clever> try just deleting that file, and see what happens
<clever> and now you have the standard patchelf problems
<clever> it packaged a pre-compiled copy of chrome
<clever> 2018-11-30 19:40:50 < clever> selfsymmetric-mu: is it native or raw js?
<clever> ls -lh node_modules/.bin/
<clever> npm would also drop it in that dir
<clever> selfsymmetric-mu: what happens if you just run `npm install .` in that dir?
<clever> selfsymmetric-mu: is it native or raw js?
<clever> ottidmes: yeah, you usually arent cross-compiling with raw nix-shell -p
<clever> ottidmes: but your above cmd just gives it a raw path to a finished product
<clever> ottidmes: the crosscompile stuff expects the buildInputs to be attrsets, so it can get the native or cross version
<clever> selfsymmetric-mu: that sounds like a simple case of nodejs 4 having been removed
<clever> ottidmes: that will probably mostly work, but confuse cross-compiling
<clever> runCommand is now an alias to runCommandNoCC (it lacks a gcc), but people expect nix-shell to have one, and runCommandCC may not exist (new nix, old nixpkgs)
<clever> (pkgs.runCommandCC or pkgs.runCommand)
<clever> also, its no longer pkgs.runCommand
<clever> and the parens keep the list sane
<clever> it allows things like, nix-shell -p 'foo.override { key = "value"; }' bar
<clever> ottidmes: the parens
<clever> then every input matching the name "baz" will just not be built/downloaded
<clever> if you nix-shell foo.nix -A bar --exclude baz
<clever> there is also a less known --exclude
<clever> close, it turns into nix-shell -E 'with import <nixpkgs> { }; runCommand "dummy" { buildInputs = [ (sqlite) (xorg.libX11) ]; } ""'
<clever> indirectly, via runCommand
<clever> ottidmes: -p isnt a buildEnv, but a stdenv.mkDerivation
<clever> eyjhb: if you impoad load-secrets.nix, and secrets.nix is missing, it returns an empty set of dummy secrets, which allow others to use the config (with the secrets missing) (and hydra too)
<clever> so some things must not need libGL?
<clever> and some steam games work perfectly fine
<clever> yeah, havent looked into those much yet
<clever> Ralith: strace makes steam segfault, and the games are unpatched, and DRM makes it just fail with 'this must be ran in steam'
<clever> i dont know how it still works
<clever> Ralith: the nvidia package no longer supplies one
<clever> colemickens: libGL.so has recently vanished, and it breaks a lot of steam things
<clever> that can be used to quickly check if thats needed
<clever> colemickens: hardware.opengl.extraPackages can be used to add extra things to /run/opengl-driver/lib
<clever> yeah, thats right
<clever> colemickens: also, are you changing LD_LIBRARY_PATH at all? it needs a certain value for gl to work on nixos
<clever> colemickens: libGLU_combined is just a buildenv over 2 other packages


<clever> ctrl+tab in my case, browser tabs
<clever> i can see a slight difference if i switch between the 2 images
<clever> and with the cgroup utils, you can then mutate them
<clever> i think systemd dynamically creates cgroups for each unit
<clever> cgroups
<clever> 2.0 might have also made the buffering better
<clever> yeah, but that will take a while
<clever> avn: then ^Z will never pause the build, nix-daemon is doing the real work in the background
<clever> avn: that depends more on if its single or multiuser
<clever> it cant even remember which word it is, lol
<clever> i saw it without even noticing, and type it the normal way :P
<clever> infinisil: it might be another word, just a local dialect thing
<clever> maybe it was something else, cant remember exactly
<clever> infinisil: just wait till i start typing acrosst :P
<clever> dmj`: if you ever get merge conflicts on that state file, your in for some "fun"
<clever> so you could just `ssh remote nixops export -d | nixops import`
<clever> dmj`: export prints to stdout, import reads from stdin
<clever> dmj`: did you try `nixops import < deployment.json` ?
<clever> your telling it to open the json with sqlite :P
<clever> dmj`: the -s flag tells it where to find the sqlite db
<clever> dmj`: what error did it give?
<clever> dmj`: it should import just fine
<clever> ottidmes: i try to keep the numbers low, nixos-rebuild test :P
<clever> and i wanted to go over it line to line to make sure no secrets wound up in the public repo, but also it had no real changes
<clever> ottidmes: in the above case, i was moving a machine from one git repo to another, and re-arranging the nix files as i went, and turning it into nixops
<clever> ottidmes: another from match
<clever> 21:56 <clever> nix-diff $(readlink original) $(nix-instantiate -I nixpkgs=https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/archive/8bce347f02f6bd606ec1822f0ba9b94d7f139071.tar.gz '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -I nixos-config=./router.nix -A system)
<clever> ottidmes: that was on https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos, when i searched for "clever nix-diff", its back from 2018-04-28!
<clever> 01:58 <clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ nix-diff $(nix-store -q --deriver /nix/var/nix/profiles/system-400-link) $(nix-store -q --deriver /nix/var/nix/profiles/system-401-link)
<clever> gchristensen: nice
<clever> ottidmes: nix-instantiate '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A system
<clever> ottidmes: nix-instantiate can also be used there
<clever> nix-store --query --deriver /run/current-system
<clever> /nix/store/jlrw67wfr4z2s7ikvfc87k16pjvxhgvn-nixos-system-system76-19.03pre158246.6141939d6e0.drv
<clever> aminechikhaoui: there is also just nix-store --query --deriver
<clever> patchShebangs automates fixing the #!'s as well, to make them absolute
<clever> everything else should be using absolute paths when on nix
<clever> which runs /bin/sh -c "your cmd"
<clever> aminechikhaoui: the only thing that should ever be using /bin/sh, is the system() function in glibc
<clever> aminechikhaoui: but you can also set sandbox-paths in nix.conf, or with --option
<clever> aminechikhaoui: its likely a default baked into the nix binary at compile time
<clever> aminechikhaoui: nix show-config | grep bin/sh
<clever> it segfaulted somewhere in pulseaudio, and gdb was confused by the mix of arches
<clever> gchristensen: i flipped it around one day, to run x86-64 on a raspberry pi!
<clever> oops, qemu-user.aarch64 = true;
<clever> WhittlesJr: qemu.aarch64 = true; imports = [ ./qemu.nix ]; in configuration.nix, and it can just magically run aarch64 binaries (at reduced speed)
<clever> so you cant use it with any service that has to own its configs
<clever> but also, no user to assign the state files it generates
<clever> nisstyre: non-root, and no need to make a dedicated user
<clever> nisstyre: DynamicUser makes systemd auto-generate a new unused uid for the service, and then destroy it at stop
<clever> gchristensen: that enough restrictions? :D
<clever> maybe even SystemCallFilter!!
<clever> `man systemd.exec`, MountAPIVFS=true, DynamicUser=true, NoNewPrivileges=true, ProtectSystem=full, ProtectHome=tmpfs, maybe some TemporaryFileSystem, PrivateTmp=true, PrivateNetwork=true, PrivateUsers=true, PrivateDevices=true, ....
<clever> neonfuz: DynamicUser=true
<clever> yeah
<clever> neonfuz: yarn2nix is also an option
<clever> Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
<clever> /dev/sdb1 3.7T 3.1T 580G 85% /media/videos/4tb


<clever> porrifolius: it might obey --prefix, which would result in $out/etc/ on nix
<clever> porrifolius: strace and/or strings
<clever> bbarker: yeah
<clever> bbarker: if you change the state of firewall.enable, the nat has to move to another serivce and nixos-rebuild gets very confused
<clever> ixxie: nix-env -iA nixos.pavucontrol
<clever> bbarker: the nat is handled by firewall.service, so thats the service you likely want to restart
<clever> ixxie: pulse audio volume control
<clever> ixxie: check the configuration tab of pavucontrol
<clever> ixxie: also of note, chrome entirely looses capture support if pulse is restarted, then you must restart chrome to get it back
<clever> ixxie: pactl exit would also do
<clever> enleth: some people have reported the cpu fan ramping up just opening the site
<clever> enleth: this should stress test your hw accel! https://iohk.io/
<clever> ixxie: and you ensured that the daemon was restarted?
<clever> ixxie: how did you use pulseaudioFull ?
<clever> dmj`: by however many cores you have
<clever> dmj`: then it will build more slowly
<clever> dmj`: nix still uses -j on cabal build
<clever> dmj`: that might be -j, it will fail later on
<clever> lulia: and you only can run `nixos-rebuild build` and `nixos-rebuild boot` inside there
<clever> lulia: nixos-enter
<clever> fendor: its likely a different perl, from command-not-found
<clever> and there was one hit in the gist, about 50% down, all by itself
<clever> i just ctrl+f'd for enoent
<clever> but i find i sometimes jump to stracce too quickly, lol
<clever> infinisil: strace was likely goinggg to be faster
<clever> infinisil: and approved!
<clever> oh right, patch it to bake a path in, that also works
<clever> makeWrapper with yep
<clever> infinisil: i think its failing to run nix-env due to no PATH
<clever> [pid 25444] execve("nix-env", ["nix-env", "-qaP", "--out-path", "--xml", "--arg", "config", "{}", "--file", "nixos-18.09/repo"], 0x7ffc3d2c5078 /* 64 vars */) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
<clever> the interleaving of `-f` makes things a lot harder to read
<clever> i prefer `-ff -o logfiles` since it makes `logfiles.<pid>`
<clever> infinisil: was that with -f ?
<clever> `env` to print them all, `unset` to delete em one by one
<clever> infinisil: other option is to set systemd.services.foo.script = "strace -ff -o /tmp/logfiles thing";
<clever> infinisil: does it fail under systemd-run ?
<clever> infinisil: do you have coredumpd enabled?
<clever> sgillespie: yeah, but nix-collect-garbage deletes things that arent corrupt as well (but only un-needed ones)
<clever> gchristensen: or grep :P
<clever> sgillespie: youll want to either delete the corrupt paths (nix-store --delete /nix/store/foo) or repair them (nix-store --repair-path /nix/store/foo), dont use force with delete
<clever> delroth: related, stack based builds on windows can fail in parallel, because the package-info.d locking is stupid
<clever> delroth: have you heard of disorderfs?
<clever> sgillespie: nix-store --verify --check-contents


<clever> catern: nix-env -E 'foo' -i
<clever> mconstant: then it automagically knows every wifi i have visited before
<clever> mconstant: i just copy the wpa_supplicant.conf between laptops when doing a new install
<clever> but then your password is world-readable in /nix/store/
<clever> mconstant: check networking.wireless.networks in the nixos docs (man configuration.nix, or https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html or some 3rd option)
<clever> wpa_passphrase netname password >> /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf && systemctl restart wpa_supplicant.service
<clever> and restart the systemd service when the file is updated
<clever> mconstant: then you want to move on to creating a /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf using wpa_passphrase
<clever> mconstant: this file will exist if its enabled
<clever> [root@system76:~]# ls -l /etc/systemd/system/wpa_supplicant.service
<clever> [root@system76:~]# nixos-option networking.wireless.enable
<clever> mconstant: there is the nixos-option command as well
<clever> mconstant: have you set wireless.enable in configuration.nix?
<clever> gchristensen: like {^_^} ?
<clever> filled the entire screen
<clever> gchristensen: ~40 matrix.org users disconnecting en-mass
<clever> we got matrix'd again!
<clever> the default.nix in the root has examples of its usage
<clever> and i tried to keep the nix-installer.nix part modular and generic, so you can just grab it, and call it with different args
<clever> Lisanna: this manages a ~/.daedalus/nix/store/, along with nix-user-chroot, and similiar nix copy's, to apply updates to it when installers are ran
<clever> Lisanna: ive done all of the above, in exactly that situation
<clever> Lisanna: `nix copy --to local?root=/tmp/totar /nix/store/foo`, tar up /tmp/tofar, move it, untar, `nix copy --from local?root=/tmp/totar /nix/store/foo` to get it back out
<clever> Lisanna: nix copy would allow you to have GC when doing thins kind of thing
<clever> Lisanna: if you want to merge it into an existing store, you need to use nix copy
<clever> { allowUnfree = true; }
<clever> ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix
<clever> configuration.nix doesnt effect nix-env, see the comment at the very bottom
<clever> is it in config.nix?
<clever> it used to, but a recent change broke the error handling
<clever> possibly 5
<clever> Ashy: i believe you are at step 3, https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/17126


<clever> etu: i just have a plaintext /boot and an encrypted lvm, and then everything else lives in lvm
<clever> systemd.services.network-local-commands.path = [ pkgs.inetutils ];
<clever> srl295: you need to add ifconfig to systemd.services.network-local-commands.path
<clever> so systemd may not think it needs to restart
<clever> srl295: its set to oneshot and remain after exit
<clever> srl295: oh
<clever> nix is perfect for that
<clever> and nixos-rebuild should run it at every switch
<clever> srl295: journalctl -u network-local-commands.serice
<clever> you have to restart contains@name.service
<clever> also, nixos-rebuild siwtch has a nasty habbit of not updating nixos containers
<clever> correct
<clever> and even then, it only takes effect when first creating the user
<clever> if mutable users is true, then you want initialHashedPassword
<clever> bbarker: hashedPassword i think is only when mutable users is false
<clever> bbarker: there is a nixos-container root-login command
<clever> yep
<clever> Configures the time to sleep before restarting a service (as configured with Restart=). Takes a unit-less value in seconds, or a time span value such as "5min 20s". Defaults to 100ms.
<clever> yl[m]: does the journal show signs of it restarting? and your not waiting RestartSec?
<clever> yl[m]: oh, you can also mess with the restart rules, to make systemd keep trying
<clever> yl[m]: and is the case right in the ssh.service ?
<clever> yl[m]: fpletz should know more on this area
<clever> yl[m]: systemd is also weird with its wants vs after vs needs stuff
<clever> yl[m]: network-addresses-vboxnet0.service for ex
<clever> yl[m]: i think you want to make sshd depend on the right -address service
<clever> yl[m]: and later used it to netboot a laptop with basically zero changes to it