
<joko> antifuchs: through specialArgs maybe? Haven't tried it, but seen it @ https://github.com/colemickens/nixcfg/blob/main/flake.nix#L81 and e.g., https://github.com/colemickens/nixcfg/blob/main/hosts/rpione/configuration.nix#L1 for "inputs"


<joko> clever: just tried it, maybe once you override, the derivation is not overridable anymore?
<joko> pushqrdx: maybe sth like this? https://pastebin.com/rtrQYLg8
<joko> Now, to combine it with overrideAttrs, it would make it a bit strange with parenthenses, let me check if I find an example on that
<joko> pushqrdx: wineBuild and wineRelease are arguments, you need sth like (wine.override { wineBuild = "..."; wineRelease = "..."; })
<joko> pushqrdx: oh, just noticed. You're overriding attributes, but that's an argument
<joko> pushqrdx: you probably need to override wineBuild to "wine64", check the original package


<joko> Hey, I have a question on flakes: I know how to set inputs of an input to follow another input, e.g., nixpkgs-wayland's nixpkgs to follow my current nixpkgs. Could I do the reverse one, i.e., make my flake's nixpkgs follow nixpkgs-wayland's nixpkgs?


<joko> Hey, does Hydra support PR evaluation of flake repositories?


<joko> ixxie: well, it's not unlikely that some things break in order to support newer hardware
<joko> another thing * sigh, I'm tired..
<joko> ixxie: another more thing you could try is to stick on an LTS kernel, i.e., "boot.kernelPackages = lib.mkForce pkgs.linuxPackages_5_4;"
<joko> ixxie: :+1:
<joko> ixxie: not a bad idea, I think you'll miss only video acceleration from there
<joko> I see glamor, tear free and dri configurations, I think they are now obsolete, default settings are working OK
<joko> But my gut feeling is that you have over-configured graphics
<joko> Have also a look at https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-hardware for similar models
<joko> ixxie: I would recommend you to post this in the Discourse site first :) Having said that, you need to mention also your NixOS version. I think you need first to identify your machine's kernel and then try to remove extra configuration. Since 2016 lots of things have been improved in Linux, e.g., using GLAMOR is no longer advised (or so I think)


<joko> Hey, does anyone know if Hydra supports GitHub PRs on flake-based repositories? E.g., I make a PR and Hydra evaluates it, too.


<joko> morgrimm: right, it's mostly zsh. And the NixOS option for ssh support basically sets the necessary SSH_AUTH_SOCK env variable.
<joko> morgrimm: no, that's in a nixos config, e.g., https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#gnupg
<joko> Thra11: There's at least some mentioning in the Issue Template about notifying the package manintainers
<joko> morgrimm: I use it directly from NixOS (through programs.gnupg.agent) and it works consistently here: https://git.joko.gr/joko/etc-nixos/src/master/modules/gui.nix#L30-L34
<joko> Has anyone tried to use home-assistant from unstable on a 20.03 host?
<joko> * a symlink to a read-only one
<joko> tobiasBora2: I would even remove it and create it from scratch, I think the file is a read-only one
<joko> and maybe you need to remove first the current default route
<joko> tobiasBora2: e.g., ip route add default via dev eth0
<joko> right
<joko> tobiasBora2: how about fixing it manually


<joko> But ultimately I find the decision not to autospawn correct, I'll adapt the user's .pulse/client.conf accordingly
<joko> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/361b5f7f6533c2b597057805b16bdf229d675d15#diff-dcb2fc296ed67f0f42bc163e105e7e44 was the problem for my case. It appears that shairport-sync is not using the pa socket
<joko> Hm, /etc/systemd/user/pulseaudio.service seems also to be more complex, I'll check that, too
<joko> adisbladis: I did, yes
<joko> adisbladis: but in 19.09 I have the impression it was working without system-wide pulseaudio, the local user was able to start a user unit of pulseaudio and get it done...
<joko> (it worked before)
<joko> And "sudo -u shairport pacmd list-sinks" reports "No PulseAudio daemon running, or not running as session daemon."
<joko> 0.002160682 "audio_pa.c:130" *fatal error: failed to connect to the pulseaudio context -- the error message is "Connection refused" is the message I get
<joko> So, I have also rebooted by now
<joko> LnL: after both
<joko> Hey, has anyone issues with Pulseaudio on 20.03? I've just updated my server and noticed that shairport-sync stopped working due to Pulseaudio. I've found also this: https://discourse.nixos.org/t/pulseaudio-not-started-after-upgrade-to-20-03/7126, but no other feedback


<joko> bqv[m]: I've tried setting the target attr, still failing
<joko> Hey, any idea with overriding /etc files in already defined directories? https://discourse.nixos.org/t/overriding-etc-files-in-already-defined-directories/6268


<joko> Hey, is anyone using wine32 in NixOS? I have trouble with ntlm_auth even though samba seems to be in buildInputs (netapiSupport is set to true)


<joko> Hey, is it possible to escape dots in Nix variable names?
<joko> Hey, could someone have a quick look on a Mattemost Desktop upgrade for 19.09? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/74027


<joko> Hey, could someone help me with packaging a Node.js subproject using node2nix?


<joko> chris__: no worries and thanks again ;)
<joko> Now I was wondering how to declaratively enable such services in NixOS
<joko> In systemd we can have service files with the @ char in the end, that's a service template
<joko> The enable attr is typically part of a NixOS service, not a systemd one
<joko> chris__: that's not right, but anyway, thanks for the effort ^_^
<joko> chris__: right, there is a way to manually rewrite this, I was only wondering how one can enable declaratively blabla@.service in NixOS
<joko> wikiemol: would nix-env -iA nixpkgs.man work?
<joko> Hey, is there a way to persist (as in write in configuration.nix) an instantiated systemd service? So, there is a myservice@.service file and I can do "systemctl enable myservice@myarg.service", but I would like to persist also


<joko> prusnak: thanks!
<joko> Hey, my git-fu is failing me, could you find any branch containing this commit? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/83709b0e476702bc39e8c146a11547df56406632


<joko> :v:
<joko> and also no worries for v3 :D
<joko> manveru: alright, moved them, `rake build` works, but I get no binary... anyway, I think that's because of this particular app, no worries
<joko> manveru: nothing fancy in shell.nix: https://pastebin.com/Xk8rdXZz
<joko> Forgot to mention, I have used bundix 2.4.1, dunno if the new version fixes anything
<joko> manveru: btw in https://manveru.dev/blog/show/2019-05-13/en/Ruby-Nix, mkShell should have been pkgs.mkShell :)
<joko> manveru: same error... One more hint: "Asciidoctor.js 1.5.9 requires an unreleased Opal 0.11.99.dev"
<joko> What I've tried so far: bundix -l to generate gemsets.nix, generate a shell.nix file with bundlerEnv, but "bundle exec rake build" inside the shell fails, mentioning "There was an error parsing `Gemfile`: There are no gemspecs at /nix/store/j0jbj8nl07sdimwm9mcn97b6wjiikgqx-gemfile-and-lockfile. Bundler cannot continue."
<joko> Hey, I would like to modify a Ruby app (https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-reveal.js), is there a tutorial to follow? For what is worth, I have managed to use the upstream gem, but I want to make some changes to its source code before using it


<joko> m15k: no idea, but you can always check afterwards if this is needed, e.g., nix-channel --list
<joko> hey, I am trying to generate a package using node2nix, which has a dot in its name (asciidoctor-reveal.js), how one can override the dot character there?


<joko> ?
<joko> Is anyone using waybar from colemickens' nixpkgs-wayland
<joko> qubasa: builtins.stringLength e ?


<joko> manveru++
<joko> manveru: that worked as well, thanks :D I had tried first with tryEval, but was not working
<joko> exarkun: it's ok, it could have been something in my /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<joko> exarkun: I'm using readDir in home-manager to read the contents of a directory found in my home directory. I also have a Hydra job which tries to build the packages and readDir fails there due to restrict mode being on
<joko> Hey, I'd like to ask once again, is there a way to test programmatically if restrict mode / sandbox is on?


<joko> ivan: I think that's the case
<joko> (warning: my Hydra deployment must be a bit old)
<joko> ivan: why not store-uri = file:///nix/store?secret-key=blabla?
<joko> Miyu-chan: you mean this programmatic restrict-mode check? :)
<joko> feel free to add a reverse proxy though
<joko> ivan: I don't think you need apache or nginx to serve the cache
<joko> Miyu-chan: I'm doing something similar, I haven't thought of a better approach. https://git.joko.gr/joko/dotfiles/src/linux-workstation/home/.config/nixpkgs/home-base.nix#L117
<joko> infinisil: right, I want to check inside a code, e.g., so that I avoid using readDir with external paths in restricted mode
<joko> Is there any way in nix to detect if restrict-eval is set to true?


<joko> manveru++
<joko> Is there any Nix / nixpkgs function to list the contents of a file directory?


<joko> ivan: I think you're right, that should have been my issue, thanks!
<joko> Hey, is anyone having problems with open/save GTK dialogs? I get msgs in Firefox like the following: "Can't open portal file chooser: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: No such interface “org.freedesktop.portal.FileChooser” on object at path /org/freedesktop/portal/deskt"


<joko> Seems cool, let's see if I can separate the downloading tasks and patch the binaries before running them
<joko> oh, that could come in handy, thanks in advance!
<joko> The link you posted has it
<joko> adisbladis: ah sorry, it's indeed buildFHSUserEnv, thanks :D
<joko> adisbladis: I was thinking more like buildFHSUserEnv, I'm running gradle tasks which download extra binaries in the build directory, which I don't have the luxury to patch them one by one
<joko> Hey, is anyone using an FHS environment in shell.nix so that downloaded binaries work directly? If so, could you share your setup?


<joko> gallexme[m]: I have recently switched to the same
<joko> karetsu: it seems to be working here, I set QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME for xmonad
<joko> gallexme[m]: did you try .xprofile?


<joko> (I've gotten the issue from the 0.7.13 release)
<joko> gchristensen: I haven't tried a 5.x Linux kernel, but the issue you're having could be during the architecture (aarch64-linux). Maybe zol devs aren't anticipating this? https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/issues/8259 mentions x86-64. Disclaimer: I've read only texts, not a single line of code :)


<joko> My initial search is pointing me to https://github.com/httprb/http
<joko> Yes
<joko> qyliss^work or anyone actively using Ruby on your projects: Any preference for making HTTP(S) requests returning most likely JSON objects?
<joko> qyliss^work: nice, it worked, thanks!
<joko> qyliss^work: kewl, thanks for your contribution :D No need to backport it, it's just for a hackathon event on our company, I think it's a nice opportunity to show some nix stuff :D
<joko> qyliss^work: I would like to start a project using nixpkgs from 18.09 and I think it fails because this is missing: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/54881
<joko> Hey, I was wondering, is it possible to override attributes in defaultGemConfig?


<joko> aminechikhaoui: I could try this as well
<joko> Right, this is only for releases
<joko> Or does it happen directly from hydra?
<joko> https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-channel-scripts/blob/master/mirror-nixos-branch.pl#L173 <- this is where the actual S3 upload is happening, right?
<joko> lewo: I have the same impression, this is why I asked it
<joko> My impression is that older stuff get deleted on the instance
<joko> elvishjerricco: Coming from a Hydra instance? I mean, one can keep a specific number of generations there
<joko> Hey, is it possible to garbage collect an S3-based binary cache?


<joko> oops :D
<joko> ÎÎ/j #vim


<joko> infinee: kühl!
<joko> domenkozar: Good to know!
<joko> infinee: I think you can remove that, too
<joko> And what's 'nix-channel --list' for your user?
<joko> infinee: I would remove nixpkgs first, e.g. 'sudo nix-channel --remove nixpkgs'
<joko> infinee: could you do nix-channel --list as root?
<joko> sgraf: yes, zsh 5.7.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
<joko> sgraf: 'echo "kühl' works here
<joko> infinee: Are you using NixOS? Which version?
<joko> domenkozar: Congrats for the new version! Any news on the garbage collection topic?


<joko> Could anyone help me and tokudan[m] with a segfault of a ported application (FileZilla)? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/56883
<joko> gchristensen: well, I'm using encryption which is still not available, but ok, maybe I should not push my luck :)
<joko> Has anyone used it?
<joko> ok, maybe I should set my backup server and then test this :D
<joko> ah
<joko> clever: you mention zfs and trim in the same sentence, did you mean trim support has landed in zfs?
<joko> tokudan[m]: I cheated by checking Gentoo and ArchLinux sources
<joko> tokudan[m]: you can do something similar with container tabs and the multi-account containers addon, I think
<joko> tokudan[m]: ok, thanks
<joko> tokudan[m]: are you online? Is it ok to edit your FileZilla PR to modernize it a bit?
<joko> clefru: kuhl! Is linux-5.0 considered to be an LTS version?
<joko> clever: agreed
<joko> And any idea how to maintain this? Disable the upstream module and maintain the file on my own?
<joko> clever: many thanks, I think I could echo this on "zfs load-key -a" or sth like that
<joko> clefru: I don't want to bother you, only if you have something ready :)
<joko> I mean during booting and mounting
<joko> Speaking of ZFS, I have started testing encryption and I was wondering if there is a way to share a password between a LUKS partition and a ZFS encrypted dataset
<joko> clefru: hope you're testing this on a vm


<joko> I just forgot to test undervolting :D
<joko> If you don't want to undervolt, then what azazel proposed is better, I guess
<joko> therealwaphire[m: but it's WIP, it still needs you to add /etc/lenovo_fix.conf
<joko> but not for undervolting
<joko> therealwaphire[m: I did


<joko> Hey, I am preparing a FileZilla update and is currently segfaulting, could anyone help me debug it?


<joko> ok, my problem seems to be solved with wrapGAppsHook, any clue how to detect it from the beginning?
<joko> benwaffle[m]: try adding (curl.override { openssl = openssl_1_1; })
<joko> I've tried ldd, but everything seems fine
<joko> Hey, is there any way to tell if a binary needs a library and segfaults for that?


<joko> Hey, if I use patchelf --shrink-rpath on a precompiled binary, the binary is not working anymore, is there a workaround?


<joko> Hey, does r-ryantm pick both pname and name in packages?


<joko> Ah, because of the DB persistence, I guess
<joko> clever and LnL: so if I purge my S3 and re-evaluate the Hydra jobs, don't the necessary derivations get re-built and copied there?
<joko> And does anyone know if it is possible to periodically clean this cache? I was thinking of setting up something like minio for mine
<joko> Cool!
<joko> Could someone point to me the way Hydra uploads to S3 the whole binary cache?
<joko> infinisil: ty for the merge


<joko> e.g. /home, /var/log and /var/cache
<joko> Of course, there are exceptions
<joko> and avoid setting mountpoint to legacy
<joko> I typically create multiple datasets, e.g. /var, /srv, /home
<joko> I meant to say declaratively
<joko> hyper_ch: And any comment with ZFS mounting? As far as I saw in your configs you do it manually
<joko> hyper_ch: obviously you were wise enough not to mess with boot.zfs.forceImport{Root,All}
<joko> hyper_ch: so now system cannot start
<joko> hyper_ch: I had force import disabled and kind of messed my system by not exporting the zpool
<joko> I would like to avoid booting from network / USB, but I think I cannot avoid it
<joko> hyper_ch: and how to fallback?
<joko> hyper_ch: good suggestion
<joko> hyper_ch: last question, is it possible to force import a zpool with kernel's cmdline?
<joko> hyper_ch: many thanks for the guidance
<joko> hyper_ch: perfect!
<joko> hyper_ch: and have you experimented with sending encrypted datasets with unlocking them to remote host just before sending them and re-locking them once you're done?
<joko> hyper_ch: cool!
<joko> hyper_ch: have you also tried sending / receiving encrypted datasets?
<joko> So, just before boot, you enter the password and all is taken for?
<joko> hyper_ch: yeah, I would like to know more about ZFS native encryption
<joko> Doh, nixops is very sensitive with absolute paths and this messed things up :S
<joko> Is there something wrong with nixops? Any deploy I do seems not to change the target host
<joko> sphalerite: cool, https://github.com/sjau/nixos is his repo, right?
<joko> Hey, is anyone using ZFS native encryption? So far I have been using ZFS over LUKS to do so and I was wondering if native encryption would be better


<joko> yorick: in filesystems, as attribute sets
<joko> Hey, speaking of nixops, I am setting up some new entries on fstab, but the fstab is not getting updated to the target host. Any ideas what's wrong?


<joko> Mic92++
<joko> Mic92: kuhl! I'm gonna try this, awesome idea!
<joko> Missed the title xD
<joko> Ah, by setting the NixOps target as a remote builder?
<joko> Mic92: could you (or anyone else, in fact) explain to me how to properly use https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/53934 to build configurations to NixOps targets?
<joko> fresheyeball: remove the : :D


<joko> lol


<joko> jomik: keepassxc
<joko> fusion809: in any way you could have tried simply "nixos-rebuild -I nixpkgs=/path/to/master boot" and reboot
<joko> 100% sure
<joko> fusion809: I am not 100%, but it won't erase /home, for sure
<joko> fusion809: why don't you run nixos-install --root /nixos from the start?
<joko> samueldr: so and so, I was expecting to cross-compile stuff
<joko> aarch64, 2-4 GB RAM, SATA interface and Gigabit are the minimum requirements, I guess
<joko> samueldr: do you have anything else to recommend for building a ceph cluster?
<joko> But I am reluctant on stuff like bitrot
<joko> gchristensen: I'm thinking of ordering 3-4 Odroid HC2's


<joko> jomik: Provided that this is a string in Nix, this is how manual suggests escaping: https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#idm140737317995216
<joko> jomik: how about '' ?


<joko> Hey, is there any place to apply as a NixOS member? I have asked in the past, but it seems that my application did not make it :D


<joko> sphalerite: :P I just want to know if it is working, I would like to share my Linux home.nix on a macOS
<joko> Hey, is anyone using home-manager with macOS?


<joko> srhb: I see, thanks. I was wondering if we could somehow move the valgrind and curl fix to pass the failing nixos tests for unstable
<joko> Hey, is there a Hydra jobset testing staging-next?


<joko> lovek323: yup, find someone who could review it and ping her
<joko> Unfortunately it's a manual process
<joko> lovek323: this one is a bit more complicated, you have to give access to nix builders
<joko> Hmm, maybe you could patch the files then directly in node_modules
<joko> If you choose to use npm
<joko> Well, I believe that would be the optimal way to do it
<joko> lovek323: no, node2nix replaces npm with nix, it reads package.json etc. and generates a nix file
<joko> Yes, I have good results with node2nix
<joko> Can't you patch it to point to /run/current-system/sw/bin/file or even better to the proper derivation?
<joko> lovek323: why do you need this? You could have /run/current-system/sw/bin/file
<joko> so it would be (super.idea.idea-community.overrideAttrs (...);}
<joko> No need to override jbsdk
<joko> lovek323: you would need to use an overlay to update it manually, e.g. https://gist.github.com/matklad/3b7b5e30b4302ac2a4cc68a71252ab48
<joko> It also appears that packet-t2-4 is not connectable, e.g. https://hydra.nixos.org/build/83331959
<joko> Hello, has anyone Hydra access to clean up some failed builds? https://hydra.nixos.org/job/nixos/unstable-small/tested#tabs-constituents


<joko> thekolb_: how about totally overriding the fixup phase? This is where ELFs get modified by default
<joko> alright :D
<joko> hyperfekt: how about environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ ... ] ++ [ unstablePkgs.brave ];
<joko> or wait, unstablePkgs = import <nixos-unstable> {}; and environment.systemPackages = [ unstablePkgs.brave ];
<joko> It might be unstable.pkgs.brave
<joko> hyperfekt: oh, and are you sure pkgs.unstable.brave is valid?
<joko> hyperfekt: have you initialized the channel, as in sudo nix-channel --update nixos-unstable?
<joko> If you don't override fixup phase, it mainly applies patchelf and rewrites interpreter paths


<joko> Neo--: could you check file permissions? ls -al ~/.config/dunst/dunstrc


<joko> Let me check again
<joko> But I had also the ssh backdoor commit reverted there
<joko> srhb: I think that's the case with Gitlab runners, I mean the test on my workstation takes less than 3 minutes to finish, in the runner more like 40
<joko> Damn
<joko> srhb: nope, let me find it
<joko> srhb: I was trying to debug why some Gitlab pipelines are failing (https://gitlab.com/simple-nixos-mailserver/nixos-mailserver/-/jobs/119052609) and I think I made them work with your initial commit
<joko> srhb: do you have any feedback for reverting "NixOS tests: Wait for shell for 10x longer (50m)"?
<joko> jhillyerd: you could find it then at /run/current-system/sw/bin, you could create a symlink pointing there
<joko> jhillyerd: current version as the one in environment.systemPackages?


<joko> LOL, I had no clue
<joko> drakonis: which game?
<joko> drakonis: yup, jokogr is my Github handle
<joko> Where I could apply to become a nixpkgs committer? Just saw https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/50105 and was hoping to skip the interrogation part :P
<joko> Is it possible for Hydra to delete old generations in S3?
<joko> I am trying to have one on a 18.09 system of mine and it tends to get down a lot... Using systemd-networkd, too
<joko> Hello, is anyone using macvlan to have multiple virtual network interfaces?


<joko> 1
<joko> Guanin: Or try to make FHS env for the application you want to run, i.e. https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#sec-fhs-environments
<joko> Guanin: I can't think of any other way besides building the stuff you want on a Nix machine with bigger free space
<joko> globin: fpletz: have you looked at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/49491 ??
<joko> Well, that's true, e.g. my Hydra has access to private Git repos that the workers do not
<joko> __monty__: no worries, one might use expressions which are not relying to NIX_PATH
<joko> (it also needs the remote)
<joko> Would that work?
<joko> Maybe this should be provided by nix directly, it's quite helpful
<joko> Lisanna: thanks
<joko> Lisanna: oh, please, do share, a quick search in IRC history showed me nothing
<joko> Lisanna: btw, did you have any progress with avoiding downloading inputs for remote building?
<joko> LOL
<joko> Hmmm
<joko> Lisanna: how about CURL_NIX_FLAGS?


<joko> Or, actually no, that would imply that we need to download all the sources
<joko> I think it needs them to compute the hash
<joko> exactly
<joko> Lisanna: if your nix expressions are less than 10G, then maybe it is faster :D
<joko> Lisanna: can't you connect to the remote machine via SSH and build your stuff there directly?
<joko> If I run the stat() application on a nix shell, then it seems to work as intended
<joko> It's actually an application running another application which has actually the stat() call
<joko> Is there something special with the /nix/store mount? The stat system call inside an application returns that a directory there is not a directory
<joko> It is actually based on edef's work
<joko> hyper_ch2: well, the implementation is a bit hacky and incomplete, but it does the job
<joko> hyper_ch2: I have personally set up secure boot to ensure this, I don't know if there is another way


<joko> sphalerite: have you updated any firmware, the Linux kernel?
<joko> So how you enter the shell?? I didn't get it
<joko> Guanin: cool!
<joko> azazel: :D