
<nilsirl[m]> slabity: no
<slabity> Do you have any other firefox process open? Running firefox will just send a signal to open a new window if one is already open
<slabity> Anything get output?
<slabity> nilsirl: What happened if you run it in a terminal?
<pie__> slabity, erlang
<slabity> BEAM?
<Ankhers> slabity: Nothing specific. I just feel like I still don't fully grawk how everything works. I don't know how much of the manual I have properly gone thorough. I will start with that. But I am also trying to build up the BEAM ecosystem within nix and I can't really seem to find much of a "best practices" for that type of stuff.
<slabity> codedmart: Would narrow doesn which apps are using the correct value and which aren't. Such as all GTK apps vs QT apps, etc.
<codedmart> slabity: How does that narrow it down? I would expect nautilus to have the same cursor size as gnome-terminal, but they don't.
<codedmart> slabity: I have that set already to 192.
<slabity> codedmart: Can you try setting the `Xft.dpi` variable in your Xresources? That would narrow it down which apps are seeing the correct value
<slabity> Ankhers: The manuals goes pretty deep. Is there something specific you were looking for?
<jtojnar> slabity: yeah, I can download it just fine
<slabity> jtojnar: Are you able to access the file manually? If you do a `curl -O URL` what happens?
<slabity> That's true. But unless you have a cheap SSD that doesn't sort out data poorly, it should last longer than an HDD
<slabity> SSDs make great swap devices
<jD91mZM2> slabity: I'm using an SSD, so I'm a bit worried about adding swap.
<slabity> No problem. Make sure you got plenty of swap space.
<jD91mZM2> slabity: Aaaah that's it, tmpfs. Thanks a lot!
<slabity> What does `df -h` say? There might be a temp-directory that's filled
<nilsirl[m]> slabity: ok ty
<slabity> nilsirl: btw, there is an overlay for some wayland-support if you're interested: https://github.com/colemickens/nixpkgs-wayland
<slabity> I'm not sure if Firefox needs to be compiled specifically for wayland. I think it detects it at runtime?
<slabity> Yea, that's a bit of a pain point right now.
<nilsirl[m]> slabity: I am talking about package settings
<slabity> nilsirl: Package specific settings are not as easy to locate just yet.
<slabity> nilsirl: You can see all configuration.nix settings with `man configuration.nix`
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Slabity opened pull request #63339 → Fix restya-board's phpfpm.pools option → https://git.io/fjaKo
<slabity> Or run nix-env -qa
<slabity> DigitalKiwi: I believe you can use nix-index and nix-locate
<slabity> *local nixpkgs repo
<slabity> Is there a quick way I could rebuild my system configuration with a local git repo?


<slabity> kaliumxyz: It's another package manager that uses similar patterns to Nix


<slabity> Whoops. Meant to say it looks like it's failing
<srhb> slabity: I think you part of your message? ? :)
<slabity> It looks like `services.restya-board.enable` - Can anyone else confirm?
<slabity> Anyone got any idea why this was changed?
<slabity> It looks like it started on https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/cddb117b96da3fd0316dd21d3377c786c7a4f5d1#diff-7b065bd47b3db589ed8f11fd48ca19e2 when it was changed to an attribute set instead of a string.
<slabity> error: The option value `services.phpfpm.poolConfigs.restya-board' in `/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixos/modules/services/web-apps/restya-board.nix' is not of type `strings concatenated with "\n"'.
<slabity> Setting `services.restya-board.enable = true` results in:


<slabity> libreoffice-fresh?


<slabity> Typically you would use Nix to build another Nix


<slabity> Yea... That's a bit more difficult
<IslandUsurper> Sorry, it's for a package's options, slabity.
<slabity> IslandUsurper: For NixOS options? Use `man configuration.nix`
<lordcirth__> slabity, ashift=12 means 2^12
<slabity> kraem: 12 bytes for a sector does not sound standard
<slabity> I did not even know NixOS is dutch.
<slabity> tjay: Steam works fine. Proton too


<slabity> Does anyone know what `config._module.args.extraModules` is? It looks like a place to add additional config modules?


<slabity> That's strange. Trying to install dotnet through winetricks results in "Mono does not appear to be installed"
<slabity> Anyone know how to install mono with Wine on NixOS? Installing it in my environment doesn't seem to work


<markasoftware> slabity: where is the system channel defined, and how do I change it?
<slabity> Only absolute path you need
<slabity> Thank god `/usr/bin/env` is POSIX specified
<slabity> Everything is duct taped in C and shell scripts
<slabity> Actually that would be a pretty neat concept
<slabity> Just make every source file its own derivation. Problem solved
<slabity> I'd like my user accounts to always use the system channel
<slabity> Maybe? Honestly, some of my systems my user just uses the system's channel, and other times I need to explicitly add a user channel. Not sure how to control that behavior
<slabity> markasoftware: Can you do a `nix-channel --update`?


<slabity> I still get that issue when updating FF


<rycee> slabity: The Home Manager xsession setup overrides the NixOS configuration by default.
<rycee> slabity: Not sure if you got any help but you don't need to set anything special for `desktopManager.default`.
<jeaye> slabity: config.vim.python defaults to true, if python is installed.
<slabity> jeaye: config.vim.python
<slabity> Not sure what the session name would be if home-manager is running it
<slabity> If anyone here uses home-manager with `xsession.enable`, do you know what to set in my system configuration for `desktopManager.default`? `none` does not work
<slabity> Anyone here use home-manager to manage their xsession?
<slabity> I'm just gonna reinstall. Shouldn't take too long...
<slabity> And it seems to take libvirt with it :O
<slabity> No, just the nixos-install command
<slabity> Huh. My VM freezes when trying to reinstall as well...
<slabity> Well I ran it. No errors. But now I'm getting this: `builder for '/nix/store/7mnljjx9mzvfp1hx65r35kskqrwkirby-hwdb.bin.drv' failed with exit code 127`
<slabity> Well it is a VM. I could just snapshot it and use the tool
<Lisanna1> slabity: or take a blind leap of faith and use this very dangerous tool I wrote awhile ago: https://gist.github.com/ledettwy/b06f767f9aa30f5d68861799fa169ce9
<Lisanna1> slabity: your best bet may actually be to boot to the nix installer, purge your /nix directory, re-install, then reboot back to your system and do a normal rebuild
<slabity> Any way to change that variable for only one command? I can't modify `/nix/nix.conf` and I can't rebuild my system until I fix this path
<slabity> Yep. And using `ext4` just like in that issue
<ocharles> slabity: do you have store hard link optimisation on?
<slabity> I'm not sure `--repair-path` is actually trying to redownload it
<slabity> Is there any way to have Nix force-redownload it?
<slabity> How do I recover?
<slabity> ivan: Yea, had to force-reboot a VM
<slabity> `sudo nix-store --repair-path /nix/store/...` does not seem to fix it
<ivan> slabity: that can happen if your kernel crashes or you lose power
<slabity> This is strange. My `/nix/store/...-perl-5.28.2/bin/perl` is just a bunch of `0x00` bytes.
<slabity> `nix-store --repair-path` doesn't seem to do anything.
<goibhniu1> slabity: you could try nix-store --repair-path
<srhb> slabity: Got any system logs left or did they not get flushed?
<srhb> slabity: Sounds like an fs went poof during the build, possibly?
<slabity> I have no idea if it's related to the force-reboot. Likely not
<slabity> On unstable channel. Anyone else having this issue?
<slabity> So I just had to force-reboot a VM after it became unresponsive when doing a `nixos-rebuild`, and now trying to do it again results in `/nix/store/ryinn9xa3g8bn55nj1h54ypnlp9naq6i-stdenv-linux/setup: line 1283: /nix/store/qd4j58ykdkg9yvy8kvgh0i00gacy0ldm-perl-5.28.2/bin/perl: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error`
<slabity> `man configuration.nix`


<slabity> Isn't it just LD_LIBRARY_PATH?


<dhess> slabity: yes they are
<slabity> Aren't nvme devices under /dev/nvme*


<slabity> Yea, if you could pastebin it, that would be helpful. But if it's a Java exception it's likely an issue with the software
<slabity> Any specific issues?
<slabity> astal: `services.confluence.enable`


<slabity> Ah, nevermind. Looks like it's disabled in bios
<slabity> It appears the `kvm-intel` module never loaded? I have `boot.kernelModules = [ "kvm-intel" ];` though
<slabity> Huh... /dev/kvm does not exist
<slabity> Hey guys, I have `virtualisation.libvirtd.enable = true;`, but trying to create a guest with `virt-manager` leads to it saying KVM is not enabled. `lsmod` says that `kvm` is enabled as well, so I'm a bit confused
<slabity> I dunno. I was pretty sheltered as a kid.


<iceypoi> slabity: well... yes, it does...
<slabity> Does that mean Nix will soon be supporting Windows? :P
<slabity> Nice
<iceypoi> slabity: even home-manager is working
<iceypoi> slabity: not nixos, but nix is
<slabity> iceypoi: Really? It's working? I'm quite surprised about that
<slabity> It's basically a super chroot
<slabity> Just point it to a valid `configuration.nix` file and it should build a derivation of it
<slabity> The expression is `nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A config.system.build.toplevel -I nixos-config=configuration.nix`
<slabity> tilpner++
<__monty__> Depends on how it's logged. In the current session something like /last or /lastlog may work. Otherwise something like `rg '<.slabity>' .irclogs` might work.
<slabity> Yea, does anyone know how to search through the chat for my name? I can probably find it archived somewhere.
<monsieurp> slabity: could you please tell me what's the expression to bootstrap a nix systemd in a directory you mentioned earlier?
<slabity> Ah, I'm thinking of PAGER
<slabity> Seems to prefer EDITOR over VISUAL for me
<slabity> clever: Likely because 99.999% of yum packages are already packaged with dpkg/apt, which is in Nixpkgs
<clever> slabity: yeah, im surprised its missing
<slabity> Yea, sounds like nobody really had a need to package yum
<slabity> ambro718: That would defeat the point of NixOS
<slabity> monsieurp: You'd install nix on debian then run the expression
<monsieurp> slabity: right but what if I want to bootstrap NixOS from, say, Debian?
<clever> slabity: the result wont work right until you somehow map /mnt/ to /, via either chroot, containers, or booting it as /
<slabity> ambro718: Depends on a lot of different variables - cgroups, user/group permissions, etc.
<clever> slabity: nix-copy-closure --to local?root=/mnt/ /nix/store/foo, lets you copy things to /mnt/nix/store/, including the entire closure
<slabity> monsieurp: There's a nix expression that just builds a Nixos directory tree. I know another to build an ISO image
<slabity> LXD can be used with libvirtd too, so you can just use virt-manager
<slabity> That's more of a container service provider
<slabity> Just pick one and go with it
<slabity> There's lots of ways to do containers. Nixos-container, docker, lxc, etc.
<slabity> ambro718: You mean LXC?
<slabity> It's containers all the way down
<slabity> Yea, docker would likely be your best bet if there's already an image available
<slabity> gchristensen++


<eeva> slabity: yeah :( looks like the current solution for building the chroot env is broken too now (because of a change upstream)
<thePirateKing> slabity, I had no idea you could man configuration.nix
<slabity> Don't want to use the modesetting driver if you've got an Nvidia card :P
<slabity> Just make sure to check what each of those settings do with `man configuration.nix`
<slabity> Yep
<slabity> Just the services.xserver part. The wrapper around it is just so I can make it a config option
<slabity> configuration.nix
<wolfman154> slabity: do I paste it in configuration.nix or home.nix?
<slabity> Awesome, good to hear. Not sure if you need the displayManager settings in there.
<{^_^}> slabity's karma got increased to 5
<thePirateKing> slabity++
<slabity> Just make sure to run it in the background if it doesn't return, otherwise your session won't start
<{^_^}> slabity's karma got increased to 4
<wolfman154> slabity++
<wolfman154> slabity: cool, thanks
<slabity> Sure. Anything in nixpkgs you can put in there. `${pkgs.xssproxy}/bin/xssproxy [options]` would call that command
<wolfman154> slabity: the xssproxy?
<slabity> Hell, you could probably copy most of that config and replace i3 with xmonad
<slabity> 2/3 down the page is my session script
<slabity> thePirateKing: So am I
<thePirateKing> we are using window managers slabity
<wolfman154> slabity: ok I’ll try your solution out, could you paste bin the link one more time
<slabity> Again... `desktopManager.session` will work... Is there something I'm missing?
<slabity> I'm confused. What's wrong with using desktopManager.session?
<slabity> About 2/3 down you'll see the desktopManager.xsession variable
<wolfman154> slabity: well I completely removed my desktop environment and am only using xmonad, I may have to do this manually?
<slabity> wolfman154: Anyways, here is how I put things in my xsession: https://gitlab.com/slabity/nixos-config/blob/master/modules/i3/default.nix
<slabity> Your video player should be telling dbus to disable the screensaver. What program is this?
<wolfman154> slabity: that’s fine, I’ll just suspend laptop when I leave the room
<slabity> wolfman154: I believe that script would disable it fully, even outside of watching movies.
<wolfman154> slabity: I’m trying to do this: https://superuser.com/questions/590225/disable-screen-turn-off#590226
<slabity> For example, I have some scripts called in `services.xserver.desktopManager.session`
<slabity> wolfman154: I'm not sure how xinit works, but you could probably call the script in your xsession
<slabity> DigitalKiwi: That seems to have worked. Thanks!
<DigitalKiwi> slabity: I think you can use `nix-env -f . -iA nixos.package` from that directory
<slabity> So I have a local copy of a nixpkgs repo that contains a fix for a package. Going into the directory and running `nix-build -A package` seems to work. But for some reason `nix-env -iA nixos.package -I nixpkgs=/path/to/nixpkgs` does not. Anyone have an idea on the reason for this? Does nix-env not support the `-I` flag?
<slabity> nh2: Strangely that doesn't seem to work either
<nh2> slabity: I usually use `NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=/path/to/nixpkgs nix-something ...` instead of `-I` but I think it _should_ do the same
<slabity> If I go into the directory and run `nix-build -A package` it builds fine.
<slabity> nh2: Does not seem to work.
<nh2> slabity: try `-I nixpkgs=/my/nixpkgs` instead
<slabity> I'm trying to install a package using nix-env and a branch that I have locally. However, `nix-env -I /my/nixpkgs -iA nixos.package` still uses what's in my nix-channel. What's wrong here?
<slabity> Software might just be a bit more bloated?
<slabity> The only thing I can think of is that Arch typically builds software with many options enabled by default.
<slabity> I think Arch has a giant raminitfs/initcpio


<nh2> slabity: good, `nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A config.system.build.toplevel -I nixos-config=iso.nix` seems to evaluate to the root FS contents, thanks!
<slabity> I'm on unstable though
<slabity> works for me
<nh2> slabity: OK thanks, I'll start with that. I wonder what comes out if I just build `-A config.system`
<slabity> Then I just ran `nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A config.system.build.isoImage -I nixos-config=iso.nix`
<slabity> Obviously you won't want the nixpkgs.overlays option, but try changing the imports to what you want
<slabity> nh2: I'm not 100% certain, but I used this to build an iso, maybe it could help you? https://gist.github.com/Slabity/b7cc4114959e76ddce911b62f6eba3e5
<slabity> I'm getting a bit tired of it constantly being broken everytime it needs an update
<slabity> Is steam broken for anyone else as well? Nixpkgs-unstable


<tilpner> slabity wanted to know
<slabity> So I should not expect nix-env to work if I don't have a user channel? I could have sworn it worked on my other systems...
<tilpner> slabity: No, that's a typo
<slabity> tilpner: Used? As in it doesn't anymore?
<slabity> So I removed my user's nixpkgs channel so that it would use root's channel. But now `nix-env` can't find anything.


<slabity> Thanks. Those are exactly what I'm looking for.
<slabity> Like a config file?
<slabity> Is there a quick and easy way to create a single-file derivation from a string?
<nschoe> slabity, hi again, I have started everything from scratch, and I did stumble on the same error: https://gist.github.com/nschoe/0ab98a5e015edf841e735b17a86fba9f
<eyJhb> slabity: thanks ;) Now... What is the best way to say package X requires Y to be present?
<slabity> eyjhb: I believe you can use the commit sha as the revision. Might be wrong though
<eyJhb> slabity: I can use `nix-shell -I nixpkgs=nixpkgs/ -p go`, but that's it.. :|
<slabity> eyjhb: Still having issues even with a specific `-I` path?
<slabity> Peter_Storm_: Clipboard sharing with a VM typically requires special guest drivers
<nschoe> slabity, I'm re-trying it from scratch, just to make sure I haven't done anythign wrong. I'he just updated my channel. I've just confirmed `nix-shell -p qt5.full` works, and `qmake -query` gives me: "QT_VERSION:5.11.3". So I'm on 5.11. I'm going to try an build my project again and describe the error. I'll get back to you :)
<slabity> nschoe: So it specifically says it's missing some sort of *.cmake file?
<nschoe> slabity, okay I understand. But I'm getting the same error as describe there: some plugins wrongly refered to :/
<slabity> nschoe: Sorry. Not sure how catkin_make works.
<nschoe> slabity, no qt5.full builds, it's when I compile my project with `catkin_make` that I get the error.
<slabity> nschoe: Is qt5.full itself failing to build? If you run `nix-shell -p qt5.full` does it succeed?
<nschoe> slabity, hum, I don't think thi swill actually solve my issue actually. In my shell.nix, I have `qt5.full`, I don't specify which minor version it is, and I was on latest channel a couple of days ago.
<nschoe> slabity, ah! This is good to know, I will try and switch to qt511 then.
<infinisil> slabity: I think we only keep older versions around for packages that don't build with the newest one
<slabity> Both qt59.full and qt511.full builds on nixos-unstable.
<slabity> I don't even see qt510 in my nixpkgs. It just jumps from qt59 to qt511


<slabity> Well you set `go` in your `systemPackages`... Maybe there's a conflict?
<slabity> Or `with (import <unstable> {}); betterlockscreen` for your overlay for example
<slabity> eyjhb: Then use `https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-19.03` for the stable channel
<eyJhb> slabity: I cannot use unstable currently as my main channel
<slabity> I dunno, but `sudo nix-channel --list` -> `nixos https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable` for me
<eyJhb> slabity: that isn't valid, since it needs to be tar.gz? 2 sec
<slabity> How about setting your nixos channel to `https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable` instead of github?
<slabity> Okay that looks normal...
<eyJhb> slabity: NIX_PATH=/home/eyjhb/.nix-defexpr/channels:nixpkgs=/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos:nixos-config=/etc/nixos/configuration.nix:/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels
<slabity> eyjhb: What does `env | grep NIX_PATH` return?
<eyJhb> slabity: 1.11.5**
<slabity> eyjhb: Maybe try the same except with just `go` instead of `go_1_12`
<slabity> eyjhb: The only thing you'd need to look at is `default.nix`, `overlays.nix`, and the custom folder
<eyJhb> slabity: I need a couple of minutes to cry on the floor currently, but I am bookmarking it!
<slabity> eyjhb: If you're interested in overlays, you can check out how I set it up here: https://gitlab.com/slabity/nixos-config/tree/master/nixpkgs
<eyJhb> slabity: verifying my store now... But yeah, really weird. AND I NEED THIS ONE FUNCTION!
<slabity> over7head: ALL system changes go into configuration.nix
<slabity> eyjhb: That is weird. I'm not sure since that should work identically on all Nix systems
<eyJhb> slabity: just seems weird, that it doesn't work.. And that is isn't defined in the one from nix-shell
<slabity> Only `/bin/sh` and `/usr/bin/env` are kept for POSIX-compatibility
<slabity> over7head: Doesn't exist in NixOS
<slabity> Ah. Okay
<eyJhb> slabity: ` go = unstablePkgs.go;`
<eyJhb> slabity: haven't pushed the newest changes, but I have added go at the bottom, and there I get the homeless shelter
<slabity> Looks like your `unstablePkgs` variable is only being used for betterlockscreen and weechat.
<slabity> It's... Not in a channel? Are you using an overlay or something?
<slabity> `sudo nix-channel --update && nix-channel --update` and see if that changes anything
<eyJhb> slabity: error: undefined variable 'go_1_12' at (string):1:94
<slabity> Does it happen if you run `nix-shell -p go_1_12 -I https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable`
<slabity> I'm not getting that at all... `nix-shell -p go_1_12` works fine on unstable
<slabity> eyjhb: Which package is causing this?
<slabity> over7head: What is this project for?
<slabity> over7head: Then don't use Nix
<slabity> You can't avoid configuration.nix on nixos
<slabity> Yea... It's a big change from other distro's methods of customization
<slabity> Not that. I mean you shouldn't be building your kernel and modules manually. It should be in your configuration
<slabity> Yea. Trying to do it manually is like a dirty hack in nix-land
<slabity> Oh, yea you can't do that with nixos
<slabity> You should have the modules included in your configuration
<gchristensen> slabity: there is a "tradition" of releasing slightly in to the next month
<slabity> Wouldn't it be 19.04 at this point?


<clever> slabity: i'm currently debugging a event loop bug in the core of electron
<clever> slabity: i already do that on a daily basis
<slabity> If you think that takes forever you should try opening an electron app :P


<slabity> > let __sub = __add; in let __add = __sub; in 10 - 3
<slabity> > let __sub = a: b: "Eh... Maybe later..."; in 2 - 3
<slabity> betawaffle: You'll create two new profiles. They shouldn't collide


<samueldr> slabity: what difficulties are there with your ia32 tablet?
<slabity> dashkal: I got plasma-mobile shell working on Nixos. I'm trying to get it running on an ia32 tablet first.
<slabity> I'll just stick with getting Nixos working on mobile
<slabity> Oh. Nevermind then.
<slabity> Ya know. Maybe I actually will try making a minimal distribution of Nix. Just the kernel, busybox, stdenv, and package manager
<slabity> yea, actually that kinda sounds like how older init systems work. Just a bunch of shell scripts as services
<MichaelRaskin> slabity: that is actually not that rare
<slabity> ghostyy: How about using sh as PID 1?
<ghostyy> slabity, good luck but i think that is listed in revelations as one of the signs of the impending apocalypse, just to warn you
<slabity> For my next project I will make a Nix based OS that uses emacs as PID 1
<slabity> AND you can run X in it
<slabity> What do you mean? Emacs has its own scheduler...
<slabity> Actually that sounds similar to using emacs as PID 1
<slabity> What if your display manager was a console?
<slabity> nix-index and nix-locate


<{^_^}> slabity's karma got increased to 3
<wolfman154> slabity++
<wolfman154> slabity+
<slabity> The installer is in memory until you shut down
<slabity> So you can remove it/format it/whatever
<slabity> wolfram154: You will still need to use the USB to boot, but once it boots it's unmounted


<attente[m]> @slabity:matrix.org: thanks. I guess I'll make an issue on the repo
<slabity> Looks like the overlay broke. Unless target.tar.bz2 is an actual hostname
<slabity> attente: Yea, looks the same for me.
<slabity> Run nix-index on your machine. It'll take a few minutes to index all the packages, but then you can run nix-locate <some_file> to find out which package contains it
<slabity> iqubic: You can find better results by using nix-locate
<slabity> Oh, nevermind then.
<slabity> Oh god