nefix: a few months ago, somebody in here was making a usb stick, with every distro on it, and had trouble getting the nixos iso to work there
of note, if the main gui exits for any reason, X will shutdown, then slim restarts, auto-logs again, and it re-runs the sessionCommands
nefix: combined with the autoLogin flag for slim, it will then run sessionCommands on bootup of X
instead, only running plexmediaplayer
nefix: because i put an exec on line 22 of media-center.nix, that script dies mid way thru, and never launches one
nefix: the session commands are inserted into a bash script that is responsible for starting the chosen desktop env (kde, gnome, xfce)
nefix: i initially managed the router with normal nixos-rebuild, but later migrated it to nixops
my dhcp server is also nixops managed, so i have to do a nixops deploy to change the cfg
nefix: get the dhcp wrong, and the whole network dies
nefix: yeah, i can see how i would now, but it opens up the option of swapping it for a DB, and its safer to edit a php script then dhcp config
nefix: in my case, it was just a dumb switch-case on the mac, to give a different fixed boot option
nefix: ah, i was going a different route, with server-side scripting to change what the script was entirely
it has a password login (though the pw is in plaintext in the script) which locks shell access
nefix: what if the menu just leaves the extra kernel params in a certain variable, and then the different selection of premade netboot.ipxe's all append that to the kernel params?
nefix: though if you want anything more, you may want to just make a custom netboot.ipxe, copying the code from nixpkgs
nefix: each arch should have its own netboot.ipxe, at a different URL
nefix: you can tell ipxe to chainload the netboot.ipxe script
nefix: the netbootIpxeScript on line 18 deals with that for you
nefix: i think it is
Baughn: let me find that screenshot...
Baughn: the inodes get cross-wired, and a directory contains another directories files
Baughn: oh, the 9plan stuff in qemu for mounting the host fs to the guest, sometimes messed up with zfs
nefix: line 11 pulls in the netboot profile, line 12 is optional, line 13 refers to the module on 20, and 20-27 is just the contents of a configuration.nix file
Baughn: is the fs mounted with noexec?
nefix: then your interested in just lines 7-27
i originally designed this for use on a laptop, where wan is my wifi, and lan is the ethernet
it is acceptable for wan to be facing another router
nefix: wan is the side of the machine facing the internet, lan is the side facing the machines you want to netboot
nefix: if you have a machine with 2 network cards, you can just add /path/to/nixos-configs/netboot_server.nix to your imports field, and then set netboot_server.network = { wan = "eth0"; lan = "eth1"; };
and it hosts the netboot files on nginx
it sets up dhcpd for netbooting, it sets up bind for dns relaying, it sets up NAT so your netboot-slaves have internet, yet are still isolated from the LAN you dont control fully, and it creates the netboot image, with justdoit configured
nefix: this is a nixos module, that does everything you want and more
then its either something else, or a un-discovered firmware bug!
tilpner: in my case the firmware version matches the pdf
Firmware Version: 608ABBF0
Device Model: KINGSTON SV300S37A240G
[root@amd-nixos:~]$ smartctl -a /dev/sdb | less
tilpner: since ditching those 2 SSD's (the util to update firmware just fails), ive switched to just a single nvme disk, and its been stable
and it continued to randomly fail :P
and i just assumed it was random, and kept retrying till it fully synced
tilpner: when i was replacing the spinning rust with the sdd, the zfs sync failed a few times due to IO write errors
tilpner: there was also warning signs early on, that i ignored
tilpner: turns out linux and btrfs/zfs dont take a hung SSD very well, and the zfs mirror doesnt help at all to gracefully fall back to the other disk
tilpner: going back to #zfs on and off for several years, and eventually somebody asked the firmware rev and linked that pdf to me
a firmware bug in my SSD (it was last a zfs mirror, between identical drives, with identical bugs) that causes the SSD to just randomly hang
ToxicFrog: yeah, it may need a double-efi then
ToxicFrog: in the case of my laptop (which has a vfat /boot/) the path is in the efi var
Boot0004* UEFI OS HD(1,GPT,27c99b08-455d-4dfe-a44f-6150cbc09ef8,0x800,0x100000)/File(\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI)..BO
ToxicFrog: if you are setting the efivars, then the fallback shouldnt come into play
i think when you do it on nixos, its still /boot/EFI/ without another EFI inside it
only the /boot/EFI subdir has to exist on a fat32 fs
of note, /boot/ doesnt need to be fat32
zfs checksums every block...
because grub's FS write support is rather dumb, and it just writes to the data blocks of a file, without any support to allocate new blocks to the file
ToxicFrog: my grubenv file, is exactly 1024 bytes, nearly all #######'s
ToxicFrog: oh, but grubenv likely wont like being on zfs
there is probably a save_env as well, the grub manual will help there
and from my grub.cfg, it will search for a grubenv file, and then load it on startup
5 load_env
4 if [ -s $prefix/grubenv ]; then
then you just need a systemd unit, to un-change the default, every time you boot, to say "it worked"
and because grub changed the default before booting nixos, it now runs something else
so, now failure to mount anything, reboots the machine
panic=10, will then tell linux to reboot 10 seconds after a panic
ToxicFrog: it will ask the user what to do on the console
Mic92: systemd-analyze plot
mounting /home from the initrd seems simplest
that flag forces nixos to mount them from the initrd, before activate is ran
ToxicFrog: sounds like you just need to add the $HOME related FS's to fileSystems. and also set neededForBoot = true;
Mic92: problem is, i think update-users-groups, runs before systemd has started
Mic92: i dont remember setting up anything in nixos for /home/gits/
home-gits.mount loaded active mounted /home/gits
[root@nas:~]# systemctl | grep mount
naspool/gits /home/gits
[root@nas:~]# zfs list -t filesystem -o name,mountpoint
i think its runtime
Mic92: i think i saw some recent changes to zfs/nixos, that auto-generate mount units for zfs dataset
i use ext4 for /, luks for the rootfs, which is zfs
obadz: i think your simplest solution is to add a non-encrypted /boot/ partition, mount it to /mnt/boot/, add it to the configuration.nix, and then `nixos-rebuild boot` again
obadz: i think your simplest solution is to add a non-encrypted /boot/ partition, mount it to /mnt/boot/, add it to the configuration.nix, and then `nixos-rebuild boot` again
obadz: and is that enabled in nixos's build?
obadz: enough to understand that its e4crypt, and to know what is and isnt encrypted
obadz: also, grub may need partial e4crypt support, to even know what is and isnt encrypted, otherwise, it may just refuse to open the entire fs
obadz: is boot.loader.grub.enableCryptodisk enabled?
obadz: is there only 1 partition on sda?
obadz: what does `fdisk -l /dev/sdX` say, when ran on the right device?
phizzz: i'm guessing the lxc config you started from, has xserver enabled still
phizzz: `nix copy --to local?root=/var/lib/containers/foo/ /nix/store/foo` will coyp /nix/store/foo from /nix/store to /var/lib/containers/foo/nix/store/
phizzz: nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A system -I nixos-config=./configuration.nix, will generate the entire closure in the current /nix/store/
phizzz: you also dont need to copy any special images
that gets rid of most of the need for qemu
samueldr: is it using its own private postgres instance?
samueldr: i was also planning to run on the local machine, but just via a qemu guest that is ran from a bash script
samueldr: i havent looked at yours yet, but i was wanting to spin up the iohk hydra in qemu, to confirm the module configures things right, and allow testing changes to hydra itself
samueldr: hey, i was going to do that! lol
samueldr: and weird fs's like zfs or luks or lvm
that should work just fine without a /boot/ fs
grub supports ext4
what rootfs did you pick for / ?
so its just personal choice at that point
infinii: if grub supports the / fs, you can just make /boot/ a dir on /
the `t` command in fdisk can set the types
infinii: i would just use fdisk to create a gpt table, with the bios boot partition, optional /boot/, optional /swap/, and the / partition
basically no reason to ever use MBR
infinii: if you want bios on gpt, you just need to add a 1mb bios boot partition, no fs, not mounted, not formatted, then continue the same way you would have with MBR
infinii: you can still do bios on gpt as well
hl: i can reproduce the issue on this end, looking....
nix-shell? nix-build? nix-env?
hl: how are you using it?
hl: then use clangStdenv.mkDerivation
why do you want clang?
hl: that should make clang work
hl: are you using clangStdenv?
bgamari: stack2nix was doing .override and passing it a initialPackages function
so you can start from pkgs.haskellPackages, and do things in the right order
in that case, your likely not wanting to use somebody elses package set?
using extend removes override, so override complexities are gone
but extend, removes override, forcing them to do it the right way
elvishjerricco: also, anybody that doesnt know of it, will use .override the wrong way and nuke all your changes
elvishjerricco: that override and compose thing just feels messy, when extend does the same thing more simply
bgamari: only ever use override for changing the stuff extend cant change, and do override first
just stick to extend, it will remove the problematic override
you just need to use them in the right order
elvishjerricco: its the same as overrideCabal vs overrideAtrs vs overrideDerivation
elvishjerricco: to quote nh2, "It's getting ever more confusing/
yep, very first paragraph mirrors what i said
but extend is within that default.nix, and it isnt aware of the .override attr
and callPackage will just re-import and re-run the default.nix with new args
the reason, is that override is added by callPackage
extend might even delete .override, so you cant go the wrong way
bgamari: i believe .override will undo all extends, but extend will stack ontop of override
bgamari: but .extend will insert another overlay into the list, and mutate it further
bgamari: .override with the same keys, will overwrite previous .override calls, so you can only set the overrides (haskell specific) key once
ar1a: until you send `rm -rf /` as a txt, and the phone bricks itself
ar1a: which reminds me, one of the really old "smart" phones before modern ones, there was a root shell on tty1 that got all keyboard input, but the gui was controlling the display, so you never noticed
Sophos[m]: another fun one, when sharing a screen via 'screen', "can you see this?" -> "yes" -> yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.....
Sophos[m]: the problem, is when you tell somebody to "type foo" and the literally type in "foo"
Sophos[m]: yeah, i just use type for everything now
some shells even alias which to something like 'alias | which --some-flag' to get type-like support, but at that point, just use type!
Sophos[m]: there is also which
timor: you can see if it is, by comparing the versions they are claiming to install, but thats not 100%
timor: also, libreoffice is broken on unstable, there is a chance you have a 2nd channel, and its just grabbing an older (still working) version
timor: use nix-diff on the 2 .drv files to see how they differ
samrose: the point where release.nix somehow imports ../.. i think
they just never turned on the sandbox, so they dont even notice the build being naughty
leotaku: some people file PR's that do network during the build
leotaku: mostly that it builds in the sandbox and still works when ran