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<gchristensen> am I reading this right that SSH ssh-rsa keys are dangerous now?
<gchristensen> like all of them, not just certs? I had understood it to be just cert-based auth
<hexa-> gchristensen: hostkeys that are using sha1 only
<gchristensen> what's the scoop on user keys?
<hexa-> the changelog doesn't say
<gchristensen> sigh
<MichaelRaskin> Well, you should act as if everything sha1 is unsafe now…
<MichaelRaskin> To migrate while it is $50K a collision and not ¢50 a second preimage.
<MichaelRaskin> (although to be fair it looks like literal second preimage of MD5 is still not a «free action»)
<gchristensen> should I, say, revoke access to the aarch64 community builder for ssh-rsa users?
<gchristensen> I should probably delete the ssh-rsa host pubkey
<andi-> You should make sure there is something better than the rsa host key. If you just wipe the host key now users will loose a trust anchor.. In this case they don't have one since I guess it is just regenerated on reboot?
<gchristensen> for the aarch64 box it is retained
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: Hmmm, I wonder if putting a warning in /etc/profile triggered by the user not having a registered better key is a good idea
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