#101655 (by zimbatm, 1 hour ago, open): ruby: make the build reproducible
zimbatm[discord]: It's a shame that Dir.glob doesn't sort the files.
ryantm[discord]: Yay!
NobbZ[discord]: To be honest, I wouldn't expect similar operations to return a presorted list in other languages as well.
ryantm[discord]: https://r13y.com/ Ruby was one of the short list of remaining non-reproducible things
ryantm[discord]: Darn, nix itself is not reproducible?
Looks like Docbook isn't
zimbatm[discord]: good news, this will be fixed once nix 3.0 is released since the doc is now markdown
NobbZ[discord]: 😦
ryantm[discord]: Overall this list is getting really short. Very exciting.
NobbZ[discord]: I'm not happy with that, RST or or ORG would have been much more to my liking. MD lacks features for writing technical documentation in my opinion and quite often requires escaping into inline HTML.
zimbatm[discord]: @NobbZ but is it an improvement over docbook? I feel like reaching the documentation format nirvana is never going to have 100% consensus
zimbatm[discord]: @ryantm agreed. And I would be surprised if reproducibility patches weren't already included in Debian or Guix to steal from.
It is best not to fight about which format the Nix docs are in. History has shown that it doesn't really matter that much, other than that changing the format changes the flavor of the arguments.
when I looked a few days ago I tihnk *most* of the remaining failures were because of docbook
zimbatm[discord]: counting half a day per package, I could 9 days of work left
NobbZ[discord]: @zimbatm I have never written docbook consciously, so I can't say much about it.
zimbatm[discord]: in short: it has a rich semantic, and breaks if the writer doesn't follow it 100%
zimbatm[discord]: and Markdown is a baby syntax that renders all of the time, even when there is an issue
NobbZ[discord]: Well, RST and ORG are easy to break as well 😄 Also I can see why ORG is not to be used, it basically locks you to a certain editor to use all of its features…
zimbatm[discord]: most people should know Markdown by now, and can check the rendering on the pull request
I see wrong markdown several times a week
Usually it comes down to list indentation, which is extremely confusing
zimbatm[discord]: yeah
And people must either not check the preview or just not care that their list is broken into two by a random flotaing paragraph in the middel
zimbatm[discord]: XML treats documentation like programming
zimbatm[discord]: if the list is broken, our brain can still somehow understand the doc, and send a PR to fix it afterwards
NobbZ[discord]: Which dialect is used for MD?
zimbatm[discord]: no idea
zimbatm[discord]: I would expect GFM
zimbatm[discord]: or at least CommonMark with table extensions
NobbZ[discord]: That would indeed something I could live with/write for.
zimbatm[discord]: anyways
zimbatm[discord]: r13y is more interesting to me
NobbZ[discord]: GFM modulo Issuelinking is basically what I expect everywhere.
NobbZ[discord]: Though I have already seen dialects that did links with `(label)[http://example.com]`…
NobbZ[discord]: Any I'm fine with switching the topic 😄
NobbZ[discord]: And I'm fine with switching the topic 😄
hmm, the bridge communicates edits by just reposting the message
without even a * indicator like Matrix to show it's an edit