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<gchristensen> andi- disasm: either of you here and have an apu2c?
<gchristensen> I'm trying to boot from USB but it is booting from disk instead and can't see bios output via serial for some reason
<andi-> gchristensen: I have a few here
<andi-> I'll check which one I can take home and then debug tonight
<gchristensen> okay, I want to just do a boot test of it on the new install images from samueldr
<gchristensen> I don't actually care if I can't boot in to it
<gchristensen> just want to be certain that a serial-only installation works okay :)
<andi-> Ok
<samueldr> for the record, MBR hasn't been touched, EFI is the one needing tests on real-life hardware
<samueldr> MBR/legacy boot, I meant
<samueldr> it's still the same isolinux, with colours tweaked
<samueldr> the EFI boot was verified to have serial *with qemu*
<andi-> According to the inventory there is one spare non-cold-stanby apu here.. But I only see net6501's
<andi-> Found it :)
<gchristensen> andi-: here are some build instructions for his branch :)
<andi-> Alright, will try to "install" it on this lovely piece called Bertha ;)
<gchristensen> yay birtha!
<gchristensen> bertha!
<andi-> alright, building the image
<gchristensen> yay!
<samueldr> andi-: to consider: only the bootloader code is changed; any issues after the hand-off to stage-1 is irrelevant :)
<samueldr> (that means that you probably need to check the console parameters given, or select the right options)
<andi-> I got that :0
<andi-> I just kneeled on my broken knee.. Chilling on the sofa for a moment until the pain fades -.-
<samueldr> (and that there shouldn't be any regressions compared to the previous one)
<andi-> ok, guess I need to change the baud rate:
<gchristensen> ouuuch
<samueldr> oh, andi-, that's legacy boot!
<samueldr> (I didn't know whether it would be UEFI or MBR on that hardware)
<samueldr> where you can replace MBR with legacy when more appropriate
<andi-> the setup also seems very basic.. so far no sign of EFI boot.. guess I'll have to refresh my corebook knowledge
<andi-> last time I ended up compiling tianocore without much luch
<andi-> *luck
<andi-> I am about to port cu(1) from OpenBSD to have a reasonable serial tooling again m(
<gchristensen> `screen` is so bad
<gchristensen> maybe it is PEBCAK but I have a terrible experience with it
<andi-> I wanted to change the baud rate on-the-fly
<gchristensen> maybe, also, it is shit serial devices
<andi-> xcopy etc..
<andi-> and minicom breaks my fingers
<andi-> the cheap `cu` forke we have (thats also in other distributions) has a nice line in the `BUGS` section of the manpage:
<gchristensen> lmao
<andi-> It starts by trying to create /usr/spool/uucp/..
<cransom> strong opinions on socat?
<andi-> well it is too mighty for my taste
<andi-> I usually want one tool for a job not a swiss army knife :)
<gchristensen> how do you feel about swiss army chainsaws?
* andi- is working on a port of the openbsd cu
<cransom> i cut teeth on freebsd cu, i miss it frequently.
<samueldr> I used putty in the past
<samueldr> yes, on Linux
<andi-> success \o/
<gchristensen> !!
<andi-> time to see how this NUR thingy worked..
<gchristensen> samueldr, anything else we should test now?
<gchristensen> or should we merge-merge-merge?
<samueldr> gchristensen: iso artwork I presume, merging is the only way forward
<gchristensen> so ...
<gchristensen> I should push the button?
<samueldr> I would :)
<andi-> so, I changed the baud rate mid-boot to 9600 but that didn't fix things :/ How do I install nix now? Even the minimal doesn't produce a readable UI
<andi-> I gave up on TianoCore... not worth the effort
<samueldr> andi-: verified with the stock without my patch iso?
<samueldr> (assuming it's the isolinux build)
<samueldr> (isolinux boot*)
<andi-> well I just build the non-graphical.. let me build from the local msater branch
<samueldr> graphical/non-graphical share the same bootloader code
<andi-> will put the device back into storage tomorrow. Just trying to test what I can
<samueldr> (unchanged)
<andi-> samueldr: yes same :/
<andi-> Let me try a few more baud rates
<samueldr> glad I haven't broke anything!
<samueldr> (I just changed colours + background for isolinux)
<andi-> I didn't think it was you :)
<samueldr> never implied you did; though touching the bootloader parts is scary
<samueldr> the amount of configurations in the world is... not limitless, but close
<andi-> isolinux.cfg
<andi-> 1:SERIAL 0 38400
<samueldr> (finite number of atoms in the universe, etc)
<samueldr> it's been there "forever", 2014-10-26
<andi-> rebuilding it with another baud rate.. not sure why 38400 sounds appealing. Isn't it either 9600 (semi-default) or 115200 these days?
<cransom> i thought the usual baud rates were constant until i found an esp8266 and saw that during debugging some things, it chose a 74,800 baud rate.
<samueldr> 🎲 rolled a 38400
<andi-> all those unicode symbols :) Don't paste the unicode t-rex please ;)
<andi-> (googles emojifont causes Xlib crahes...)
<andi-> "stock" patched to 115200
<andi-> editing the boot line is no fun :/ keeps echoing random characters when I use cursor keys
<gchristensen> ack
<andi-> on "standard" hardware that usually comes from the BIOS and grub echoing things to serial (serial redirection)
<andi-> I am tempted to update the coreboot version and then see if there is some newer setting
<andi-> the Debian bootloader from the currently installed system gets it done right..
<andi-> while I would default to 9600 it seems that most things on nixos tend towards 115200 so that seems like a good default for x86 as well
<gchristensen> is this with cu??
<andi-> yes
<gchristensen> !!
<andi-> the point is more that the Apu2c4 now boots properly with 115200 and it wasn't that hard..
<andi-> I think we should default to that..
<andi-> just have to verify those changes do not impact normal VGA installations
<gchristensen> what is the normal rate?
<andi-> it was everything mixed up
<andi-> the booloader was at 34800
<andi-> after boot (as soon as a getty is spawned) it reverted to 115200
<andi-> and before the boot loader it is whatever you configured in BIOS
<andi-> thats all..
<gchristensen> wat
<gchristensen> ok yeah but why 38400
<samueldr> they could know
<andi-> I'll open a PR and ping them
<gchristensen> really, though, that should probably be configurable
<andi-> Yes that would be even better..
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<andi-> this change also surfaces an systemd bug :/
<gchristensen> nooo