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<sbrizzu> If someone could help me with this problem I'd be very grateful:
<sbrizzu> The details are on yesterday's log of the channel
<tilpner> sbrizzu: Your paste does not contain the entire expression
<tilpner> It was cut off (by nano?)
<tilpner> python3.withPackages (p: [ nur.repos.awl-fcarza.dask-ml_1_0_0 nur.repos.awl-fcarza.dask-ml_1_0_0 p.scikitlearn p.numpy p.pandas ])
<tilpner> ^ builds fine
<sbrizzu> Oops sorry yeah it was ending with pandas ])
<sbrizzu> Why do you have dask-ml twice?
<tilpner> Oh, paste error
<sbrizzu> So does it work for you if you put nur.repos.awl-fcarza.dask_2_5_2 instead of one of the nur.repos.awl-fcarza.dask-ml_1_0_0?
<tilpner> No, there's a collision
<tilpner> Keep in mind that I am unexperienced with Python ecosystem magic
<tilpner> But to me it seems that dask-ml brings an older version of dask
<tilpner> Those two different versions of dask collide
<tilpner> And indeed, if you only put dask-ml into withPackages, you can import dask and dask_ml just fine
<sbrizzu> I don't think it's a problem with Python really
<sbrizzu> Even if you only put dask without dask-ml you will have the same collision
<tilpner> No, that seems to work here
<tilpner> No collision for python37.withPackages (p: [ nur.repos.awl-fcarza.dask_2_5_2 p.scikitlearn p.numpy p.pandas ])
<sbrizzu> Oh, that didn't work for me, maybe because I have an already messed up environment
<sbrizzu> I'll have to check, thanks!
<sbrizzu> Could it be because in the propagatedBuildInputs = [ distributed dask numpy toolz numba pandas scikitlearn scipy dask-glm six multipledispatch packaging ];
<sbrizzu> I reference dask instead of nur.repos.awl-fcarza.dask_2_5_2?
<tilpner> sbrizzu: Again, this is not an NUR question. I'm the last person you want to ask for help with Python. #nixos would be much more appropriate
<tilpner> But yes, that sounds like a reasonable diagnosis... to me, who has no idea of Python
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<sbrizzu> Then I think the question formulated in a way that is relevant to NUR would be: how do I make sure that in the build of an expression a dependency is built from NUR and not from nixpkgs
<sbrizzu> Or at least a preference is given to it
<sbrizzu> Without manually specifying nur.repos. in the build itself
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