ixxie has joined #nixos-kubernetes
<ixxie> is there a difference between doing service.kubernetes.flannel.enable and setting up stuff like https://github.com/johanot/machines-mirror/blob/master/configurations/nixos/common.nix?
<srhb> ixxie: In the end it all ends up activating services.flannel or whatever it's called
<srhb> ixxie: Tracking down all the mkIfs can be a bit daunting :)
<ixxie> yeah I tried before asking
<ixxie> srhb: does flannel even require more configuration than that?
<ixxie> just works once you enable it?
<ixxie> because I have been trying to figure out what *else* I need to do
<ixxie> then again I haven't tried putting up multiple nodes and I don't even know how to test it works correctly xD
<srhb> ixxie: It needs to be able to talk to etcd iirc?
<srhb> That's how the cluster topology is sorted out I think
<ixxie> srhb: so I guess that is what service.kubernetes.flannel.enable sets up?
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